• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Modern Fairytales CS


V a l k y r i e

...Just another confusing mess...
⇣ Hidden scroll ⇣


* Realistic FC's only.
* No overpowered characters.
* Once your CS is done let me and/or my co-GM know so we can decide if you are accepted. Don't post in the IC before your character is approved.
*You can change some things about the original stories or the end but please don't stray too far from the original.
* The powers have to fit the character, try to make it something they would have or would fit them best.
* Pick a character/characters you will have fun playing.


Realistic FC only

AGE: (the age they look and if you want you can add the actual age)

FAIRYTALE CHARACTER: (their fairytale name.)
Fairytale: (which fairytale are they from?)

HISTORY: (a bit about their story, what their lives were like after the end of the story we know and if you changed something about their fairytale add what you changed)

OTHER: (optional, this is for anything else you think would be useful to add as well as aditional photos or a themes song, etc...)

SHORT WRITING SAMPLE: (in a spoiler, tab or accordion)

⇣ Hidden scroll ⇣

List of accepted characters here

Character name and player.

Character name and player.

Character name and player.

Character name and player.

Character name and player.

coding by: diaphanous
* Placeholder *
Red Riding Hood
The Pied Piper

  • ⇣ Hidden scroll ⇣
    coded by cychotic


    NAME: Nicoletta Nikki Lowell
    AGE: 24
    GENDER: Female
    S. ORIENTATION: Bisexual
    HEIGHT: 5'9
    WEIGHT: 123 lbs

    FAIRYTALE: Little Red Riding Hood
    POWER/SKILLS/ABILITIES: Turns into a black wolf, agility and heightened senses while in wolf form.


    TBA. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed nisl lectus. Proin ultrices justo purus, ut luctus lacus convallis et. Sed velit arcu, maximus sit amet venenatis quis, scelerisque ut quam. In pulvinar scelerisque tellus a accumsan. Donec justo purus, porttitor et venenatis in, vestibulum eu lacus. Integer quis dui laoreet, elementum nulla eget, rutrum leo. Phasellus ultrices, nunc a molestie euismod, quam ligula pulvinar risus, at ornare sapien ex et ex. Nam id tristique nisi. Nullam maximus lorem augue, sit amet dictum nunc lobortis et. Sed a viverra sem, ut sollicitudin augue. Cras a pharetra mauris, a tempus purus. Aliquam erat volutpat.

    Aliquam a porttitor lectus. Aliquam accumsan nulla fermentum ipsum maximus suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In elementum urna vel sollicitudin placerat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris mollis nisi magna, in mollis dui varius nec. Morbi luctus augue sodales, accumsan nunc id, faucibus magna. Sed dui lorem, imperdiet aliquet lacinia dapibus, tincidunt feugiat ex. Curabitur ultricies tincidunt quam, vitae posuere enim rutrum a. Vestibulum fringilla rutrum mi, malesuada tincidunt nisi maximus vel. Duis ornare fermentum leo, id viverra leo. Aliquam eleifend justo nec vulputate porta. Aenean eu elit faucibus, placerat ipsum sed, pharetra risus. Phasellus sit amet euismod dui, ut posuere purus. Integer non ornare orci.



    When Red was a child a dangerous wolf had its hunting grounds near her village as well as the nearby woods. In her village, everyone feared the wolf and hid in their houses at night to avoid becoming the next victim. What people didn’t know was that the wolf wasn’t just an average wild animal. He was a werewolf, walking as a human by day and having the ability to turn into a wolf during the night.

    When Red’s grandmother got sick and everyone in her family was too scared to go take care of her, she snuck out of her house and made her way through the dangerous forest to help the sick women she was very close to. The road led her to the other side of the forest and the rest that happened you most likely know. But what wasn’t known was that in the fight for her life she had been bitten by the wolf and infected. Red only started noticing the changes as the next full moon rose into the sky, she had now become a beast, just like her attacker had been.

    The first night the change happened she had no control and was wild and dangerous, in her feral state things didn't end well for one of her neighbors and once she regained herself as the sun rose Red feared she would be a danger to her family and ran away from home to find a place of her own, a small house in the woods far away from her village, somewhere where she learned how to control her new instincts and power and where she didn’t need to hide.



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twenty / female

: margot noelle prescott
age : twenty
gender : female
sexuality : bisexual
face claim : bridget satterlee

eye color
: brown
hair color : brown
height : 5 ft. 8 in.
weight : 125 lb.
body type : tall and slender, with a slight build and delicate features
markings : light freckles, small scar on collarbone; geometric tattoo
special items : a magical mirror that displays the location of her choosing

: literature / rainy days / fruit teas
dislikes : deadlines / large crowds / arrogance
personality : in many ways, margot is the classic 'free spirit.' often found lost in her own thoughts or with her nose buried in a book, she seems to exist in a world of her own, oblivious to the stares and whispers of those around her. to margot's closest friends, her absentmindedness is endearing, yet it is easy for strangers to pass her off as distant and aloof, even unfriendly. still, margot is a wonderful friend to those who know her best: warm and effusive, with a quick and infectious laugh, she has the unique ability to see the best in people and to make the most out of every situation. nevertheless, this naïveté can come at a cost. her trusting nature leaves her prone to being taken advantage of, and her unfailing optimism blinds her to others' faults and the realities of the situations she finds herself in. margot lives by the philosophy of 'do what makes you happy' and is currently studying english in the hopes of one day becoming an author.


© SociallyAwkward™

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- forsaken by love -

by night one way

by day another

this shall be the norm

Adrian "Denny" Laveau
biromatic demisexual
179 lbs.

Beauty and the Beast
Being a half-enchanter, he has most--if not all--the abilities attached to being one. What he lacks is the knowledge and experience to use said powers.
STRENGTHS: Magic, Practical Knowledge and Common Sense, A knack for figuring out mysteries and puzzles
WEAKNESSES: He can only use his Magic in his True Form, meaning he is fully exposed during the day. Though he is very strong as "The Beast", his guarded nature takes over and he can get a little reckless.

PERSONALITY: Unlike his father, Denny is kind. He can come off a bit pragmatic, only because most of his heart has given up on breaking the spell. But, he has just a little bit of faith in the unknown to keep going. He is an amazing businessman as well. All of this stems from a balance of humility and hubris that he has gained in the last 9 years. Although he is a little more charming in his True Form, his genuine generosity for all things shines through the most about his personality.

HISTORY: Most would have you believe that Adrian fully deserved to be punished for having no compassion. The case could not be so different. The curse was actually placed on Adrian's after, Remulus G. Laveau. Now, this man was the most ruthless person of them all, being the Prince of Nightlife. He ruled over the club that his own father owned, a three story building with the top floor reserved for the creamiest of the cream. The patriarchal patron of this establishment had taken ill. And, like any other spoiled brat, he took advantage of the situation. The man made plenty of enemies and doubted there was any higher power than his own.

On a rather dreary night, Remy found himself in the company of a woman who had to be the most attractive woman he'd ever known. Every time he looked at her he found a knew thing about her visage to lust over. The night ended in a haze and Remy awoke the next morning tangled in the embrace of another. He put the ordeal out of his head and for the next eight months all was as well as ever. On a night even drearier than the one before, he met the darling maiden again... But she had something in tow. He belly was nearly big enough to burst, and she could barely walk. Their encounter produced an heir to his throne... The one he wanted all to himself. Besides, this girl was still beautiful but she was a mother now and that just wouldn't do. Remy had his bouncers toss the girl back out into the rain with no help at all.

The rain stopped and a high pitched wailing could be heard coming from the alleyway. Fed up with the theatrics, Remy barged his way outside to put an end to things. No one expected to see a baby laying in a bed of grass that had pushed it's way through the concrete. Remy picked up the child and instantly knew that it was his... And the nature of the baby boy's curse. There was no denial that the boy was his either. He had his father's eyes.

Remy and his father, Macon, did their best to hide the boy's existence from the public. Where his son was ashamed, Macon pitied his grandson's affliction. He shouldn't have had to have been the one to pay for his father's lack of human compassion. An unforseen advantage of the curse was that the workstaff and Macon were kept in the same state that they were in when the child was born. Eventually, Remy ran off in order to rid himself of this burden. Macon took the young boy under his wing and named him Adrian, in honor of his late wife.

Years went by and with the seasons did the young boy grow. And with him grew two things: a heart that grew to love anything other than himself and a magic power that became more and more apparent with each year. His grandfather, not knowing the first thing about the craft, hired a local witch to teach the boy how to manage and control his powers. It seemed that his mother was an extremely powerful enchantress and he'd inherited more than his curse from her. It pained the young man to know that his own mother would curse him, but he found solace in other things. His teacher, Ms. Morgan, was a fine purveyor of tutelage in the mystic arts. She, herself, was cursed: a burn maimed one side of her face, whereas the other side was entirely lovely. This was her punishment for harming another with her power, someone dear to her heart. She taught Adrian not only how to use magic, but that there was magic in everything around him. Even still, Denny--as everyone started to call him--wished that he could be like everyone else, even if only for a moment. He'd never even seen the outside of his grandfather's manor and while he loved everyone within it he longed to see the world and be a part of it all.

Unbeknownst to him, Ms. Morgan was more than she appeared to be. She called upon great powers to alter the state of the spell, which was supposed to be everlasting. No power was supposed to change that, but the strength of a mother's love did. She willed it that when Adrian's true love truly and unconditionally loved him, only then could the spell be broken. However, this required great sacrifice. Casting the revisal cost her life. Even still, her body sank into the soil and from it sprang a bush of blood red roses.

The night of his 19th birthday, the young women of the staff were awry with excitement at the fact that there was an enthrallingly handsome man on the grounds. But, none could find the young master. It was when Macon approached the man to ask who he was that it was revealed to be their Denny. The spell had broken just enough to revel his true form, and only at night. But, there was a catch to all of it:
If he did not break the curse by his 29th birthday, he'd be doomed to his beastly appearance for good.

Only being able to explore at night did have its disadvantages but he made due. After a few months, the Cresent Rose reopened under the mysterious management of Sir Laveau's "estranged grandson". During the day, his grandfather arranged for him to meet his true love. It started with only young women but has spread out to all genders, with the age cap haven risen to 55 in the last year. Nobody else can unsterstand it, but Denny does:
For, who could ever come to love a beast if it cannot love itself?


Sitting outside on a Harley Sportster wasn't exactly how Blake intended to get anything done. The cigarette in his hand burned slowly, for he hadn't lit up due to any craving. He just wanted something to do other than walk into the fray before him. He'd thought he was ready to just go in and be as breezy and charming as he could be in any other situation. Any kind that wasn't him interacting with people he hadn't seen in eight years. He watched as Marlui entered Liv's house, just as he had watched everyone else do the same. He wondered if they would recognize him now. He did look a hell of a lot different without the hair that reached the middle of his back and the wiry limbs of being a teenager. He wouldn't mind the comments. He promised himself that he wouldn't hold anything against anyone here--including the past. So, why was he wussing out and sitting on his bike as if he was anywhere near deathy afraid of these people? It wasn't like they did anything to him directly. Except the car thing--Liv and Luke were the only two people in the school who weren't a part of the uproar of laughter.

"Wait, no," Blake steadied his resolve before he even had a chance to remember that incident. "Not again. I'm better than that now," he added, flicking his cigarette to the ground and stomping it out on the heel of his Adidas. Instead of feeling like a loser he kicked the engine of his bike to life and pulled around the block, into Liv's driveway. Cutting the engine, he got off the vehicle and jogged across the lawn and up the front porch. Before knocking on the front door, he noted the fact that this porch almost exactly looked like that one that was across from his house. He'd know something like that almost immediately--it was his only refuge sometimes. And then, as if a light bulb was being turned on, he realized what was the staple for him to feel like this place was home. He leaned back and saw the red mountain bike leaning on the right side of the porch. Luke's bike. They had sold so much lemonade that summer to get their bikes. The bikes were all full size, and even though Liv and Blake stopped riding theirs after a few years, Luke kept going. Blake exhaled solemnly at the thought, but the memory gave him just a bit more courage than he previously had. He left his helmet on the stoop, not wanting anything else to be in his way.

Twisting the door-handle, Blake entered the house. "Um...Hi guys." he said shyly, a red surge of color spreading on his face. He spotted Olivia and walked over to her, arms spread in a wide bear hug.

"Hey, you!" he said a little more excitedly, wrapping his arms around her gently with the most genuine smile smacked on his face.[​
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The Little Mermaid

Silje Merisen | 22 | f | bisexual | 5'9" | 136 Ibs

FAIRYTALE CHARACTER: Their Name is Unknown
Fairytale: Den lille havfrue (The Little Mermaid)
POWER/SKILLS/ABILITIES: Thanks to the help of her sisters, she can return to the water as she pleases--tail and all. She can breathe and speak and swim comfortably and freely beneath the water's surface.
STRENGTHS: She has great conviction, incredible pain tolerance, and a stubborn streak that goes as deep as the Marianas Trench. Nothing shakes her anymore.
WEAKNESSES: Outside of the water she struggles to walk, as it causes great pain throughout her legs. So she is often seen in a wheelchair, with crutches, or a cane. Outside of the water she also has a weak voice that comes out as a raspy whisper or croak, so she is prone to using sign language to ease her throat.

PERSONALITY: A serious young woman, she has a hardened personality and a salty wit. But make no mistake, her sense of humor is far from dry.
HISTORY: She was only a child when it all happened, no older than sixteen when she saw the surface for the first time. She fell in love with a fantasy, and a drowning prince. She gave up her voice and her home to a sea witch so she could walk the surface and be with the prince that never knew her. It was agony, she was in great pain, and in the end the prince chose to marry someone else, not the one who truly saved him. Silje was to lose her soul and her life, she was so afraid and so alone but despite having left them behind, her sisters met her at the shore. They had gone to the witch to try and save her, the only thing she had to do was kill the prince and her life and sea would be her own again. The stories would like you to believe it was happily ever after, but there was blood, and as she cut down her fantasy, Silje was met with the brutal reality that was love and loss; simple fantasies.
Unable to return to the home she abandoned, Silje's sisters made a deal with the sea witch so their baby sister could stay with her, and with her Silje remained her servant.

OTHER: What The Water Gave Me...

Bubbling, gurgling red pool from his mouth as her dagger plunged deeper into his throat. His eyes spake with pain and hers with sorrowful tears, but it was his life or hers. He didn't deserve his; he was blind, ungrateful--foolish even. He didn't care about her, not as he should and she wouldn't lose all she had left for the sake of his happiness. So here he dies, gripping at her dress, snot and tears forced out of him as he drowned in his own red. This red will return her to the blue and she will never take it for granted again. Drown him, yes, and drown her own naivety too.

code by pasta pasta
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The Evil Queen

  • 1526924434059.png
    Mina Hilda Grinnell






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darrin wolfe

NAME: Darrin Wolfe
AGE: 24
GENDER: Cis Male
S. ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

Fairytale: Snow White & The Little Red Riding Hood

HISTORY: (a bit about their story, what their lives were like after the end of the story we know and if you changed something about their fairytale add what you changed)

OTHER: (optional, this is for anything else you think would be useful to add as well as aditional photos or a themes song, etc...)

SHORT WRITING SAMPLE: (in a spoiler, tab or accordion)[/center]​
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name: Reuben
Fairytale name: Hansel
age: 20
gender: male
sexual orientation: homosexual

height: 5'11
weight: 140lbs

Powers: If he's ever lost he can see a trail of breadcrumbs leading him back to safety.

likes: Horror movies, snow,
strengths: smart, supportive, decisive, imaginative
weaknesses: procrastinates, not take criticism well, short sighted
fears: creepy old people, dolls
spoken languages:

Reuben is pretty chill. He's an extrovert so he thrives on being around people and he likes to joke around a lot. He's always wanted a bunny as a pet but he isn't responsible enough to have one. He's had many fish that haven't made it even a year in his care. He' s working on being more responsible. He can't read directions to save his life; without his GPS he would never know where he's going. Because of this he often gets lost but he always manages to find his way back home.

He can be a bit mischievous at times. He's the kind of person who's better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission. He often finds himself in situations that started because of the words "I bet". He's a nice person and he's always there for his friends. More often than not because he actually cares and not just to rubber neck.
After Hansel and Gretle returned home with the food, gold, and news that their father no longer had to chop wood they went inside and had a hearty dinner. With some of the gold that they had they used it to add onto their house but mostly it was used for food.


coded by: _nechesyn
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Arabella Michaelson​

NAME: Arabella Michaelson
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
S. ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
WEIGHT: 120lbs

Fairytale: Peter Pan
STRENGTHS: honest; brave; loyal
WEAKNESSES: jealous; possessive; impulsive

Arabella is similar to Tinkerbell in the fact that she's a feisty, sassy girl with an attitude from hell. If she's in a good mood, you might only get the brunt of the leftover attitude she had directed at someone else. Maybe not. If she likes you, she is a caring individual who will always have your back. She's honest, not afraid to tell anyone what's on her mind, and sometimes can be a little more on the blunt side of things. She enjoys being close to her friends, but doesn't like the thought of being replaced or someone else coming before her. She's jealous and possessive of those she cares about, but is always willing to listen.

Tinkerbell was born in Pixie Hollow. Always a little self absorbed, she didn't have many fairy friends, but she was content to being by herself. She met Peter Pan as a young fairy, and was immediately drawn to him and his childlike innocence. They became fast friends, as he was able to look past her selfishness and see her for the caring fairy that she was. He taught her how to be a friend, though she took that a little further and was only his friend. She taught him how to fly, and they bonded. But Peter was nice to everyone, and Tink just couldn't bring herself to stop thinking that he was trying to replace her. That led her to sabotage relationships and his other friendships, and that included the one with Wendy Darling. Peter somehow always looked past her negative ways, though, and Tinkerbell remained his faithful companion.


Code by apolla apolla

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[div class=tab1][div class=tabtitlec1][div class=tabtitle1]BASICS[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab2][div class=tabtitlec2][div class=tabtitle2]PERSONA[/div][/div][/div][div class=tab3][div class=tabtitlec3][div class=tabtitle3]HISTORY[/div][/div][/div]

[div class=contentcontainer][div class=tabcontent1]
NAME: theodore allison
AGE: twenty-one
GENDER: male
S. ORIENTATION: bisexual
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
FAIRYTALE CHARACTER: the big bad wolf
FAIRYTALE: little red riding hood
POWER/SKILLS/ABILITIES: episodes of anger can trigger a transformation into a giant dark brown wolf; when in wolf form, theo's rage is difficult to control
STRENGTHS: physical strength and speed
WEAKNESSES: impulsive tendencies, irritability


SHORT WRITING SAMPLE: (in a spoiler, tab or accordion)

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HISTORY: (a bit about their story, what their lives were like after the end of the story we know and if you changed something about their fairytale add what you changed)

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NAME: Cain Watson
AGE: 25 years
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 175 lbs

Fairytale: Robin Hood
Can shoot with dead-on accuracy

- Amazing hand-eye coordination
- Looks great in green
- Good with animals
- Expert pickpocket
- Good with kids

- Kleptomania
- Overzealous
- Brash
- Boastful
- Bad with commitment

PERSONALITY: Cain is the kind, generous sort, if asked for help, it's more likely he'll help than say hes busy, even if he is. His generosity has a lot to do with the fact that he is a kleptomaniac, and will take anything of interest he feels someone else could use/needs more than the person in posession of it. This can range from pocket change, a lighter, pill bottles and in some cases it can result in shoplifting. He has been in and out of prison multiple times, and has a hard time understanding what's so wrong about taking these things.
Regardless of his nature, however, Cain can come off as cocky or even crude, he is often heard telling stories of his triumphs in his free time, usually embellishing a little. His favorite time to tell these stories is when he finds himself in a room of children, his energetic attitude tends to attract their attention, and his stories keep them on the edge of their seats. He likes that he can fabricate whole portions of a story and keep a whole room of kids entertained.
He is quick-witted and more than willing to rebuff any snide remarks, and quick to take a challenge, even if the challenge is clearly more than he can handle. This has resulted in quite a few lost fights, he certainly has no shortage of scars. Despite his confident nature, he isn't afraid to talk about these lapses in judgement.

HISTORY: (a bit about their story, what their lives were like after the end of the story we know and if you changed something about their fairytale add what you changed)
Robin Hood.
Stealing from the rich to give to the needy.
His story is much the same as the one you've heard, the one thing that didn't come across well was his aversion to commitment, young lady Marian couldn't hold him for too long for his heart belonged to the world and his only love was adventure. He was pushed to marry the young lass but when the day came he vanished on horseback and that was the last memory he had from his life in the past.
He doesnt remember much of the first month of his life in the modern world, but since his arrival he's been arrested for burgulary a few times and has found himself out on parole.
Somehow, despite his crime, he's already had his share of attractions, still finding it hard to commit, he doesn't stay for long.

OTHER: (optional, this is for anything else you think would be useful to add as well as aditional photos or a themes song, etc...)

SHORT WRITING SAMPLE: The red-hair of Robin Hood peeked around the tree trunk with his head, his cap drawn low to cast shade over his eyes. He followed in near silence through the thick forested landscape, bow on his back, eyes locked on the carriage, pregnant with riches. A portly man drove the carriage with a look of boredom on his face, shaking the reigns every so often to keep the horse's eyes up for a few minutes longer as they approached their destination.
An arrow whizzed past the driver's nose close enough to blow air through the hair on his upper lip. He yanked back hard on the reigns in his panic, riling up the mare that pulled the carriage, who then reared up with a roar, fear in her now wide eyes as more arrows began to fly past. The man dove from the driver's seat and began running up the road with arrows landing audible behind his heels.

Clearly he thought he could get help, the fool.

Robin hood smirked, pleased that his plan was going so well. He stepped cautiously from the grass and approached the frightened mare, "Shh, shh, it's alright, I got you." He grabbed the reigns and tried his best to hold them in one place long enough for the horse to calm down, continuing to speak to her and pet her nose until she settled. He grinned, waving a hand with a whistle to call several men from the trees. Ropes unraveled down from the branches, followed by the emerald-clad bowmen, all beginning to chat amongst themselves as they approached.

The Smiths would be overjoyed when Robin Hood returned on a horse-drawn carriage.

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