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Fandom Modern Disney University

SachiGrl said:
They're the same person >.<
Does it matter?
Sometimes it does xD

I've had faceclaims where the person looks nothing like the picture in my head, but I find that one photo in the sea of all photos and it's perfect.

Idk maybe the lighting/pose but it works.
Okay! Cause student or teacher look, so I'll steal the teacher pic <3

I love how much excitement Johnny Depp brings to us. ( :D )(@V@)

@Seanzah Angel

You have wonderful taste in fandoms. Join us; I think we'd all love you as an addition to the team. So far, all that's happened is the glee club's performance, the announcement of dorms, and Chez's prank, so it's not as if you have much to catch up on.

Summoning you, my lovely dandelion. You're missing out.


I can't understand how people manage 7 characters at once. I can barely juggle two (TAT)
Rida said:
I can't understand how people manage 7 characters at once. I can barely juggle two (TAT)
It's called falling in a cycle where you cry yourself to sleep every night wondering what the hell was going through your mind when you made so many characters, and then waking up to find that you have thousands of notifications of people talking to your characters only to spend an entire afternoon writing and crying yourself to sleep again realizing that the following morning the cycle will repeat.
@Rida THANK YOU SO MUCH. IM SO GLAD I WAS ABLE TO DEVELOP HER OUT REALLY WELL <3. Whewww! I will definitely shoot you a message!
NessieAlways said:
It's called falling in a cycle where you cry yourself to sleep every night wondering what the hell was going through your mind when you made so many characters, and then waking up to find that you have thousands of notifications of people talking to your characters only to spend an entire afternoon writing and crying yourself to sleep again realizing that the following morning the cycle will repeat.
You...you poor thing. Come to Mother Gothel, sweet child. *awkwardly pats her head* It'll, erh, it'll be alright.


crucialstar said:
@Rida THANK YOU SO MUCH. IM SO GLAD I WAS ABLE TO DEVELOP HER OUT REALLY WELL <3. Whewww! I will definitely shoot you a message!
No problem, love. And yeah, it's often hard to write from the perspective of different ethnicities (Middle-Eastern/Asian being a big one), especially since Jasmine is Muslim. I pretty much live her life story--trying to dodge an arranged marriage, wanting to travel, harboring an infatuation for cats.
@Rida I agree with you, it's definitely hard to develop those and get the facts correct. So, I'm so happy I was able to get it right. It would be simple for me to take on Mulan, since I understand Asian roles well, since I'm part of that culture too.

I just hope I can do justice for all of my characters <3.
I'M IN LOVE WITH IT SO MUCH *---------------------* YAS GURL YASSSSSSS. <3
crucialstar said:
crying because i need a history for bby jack <3
Eek, what you have so far is so cute. This may help: Jack Sparrow

I guess you would just modernize it, and lace in a love for music.
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YES! Thank you so much ! I had used that to help me with Esme, Jasmine, and Captain Jack Sparrow <3
Good evening my loves, I'm almost done with Rachel, and I'm very excited for you guys to meet her, I got a little lazy with the history tab, but I'll make it pretty clear when shes thinking and feeling, I might actually do it tomorrow, but I'm 100% sure that I'll be posting my CS tonight!

On another note, how are you all?
You lovelies are in for a whole lot of *drama* when Rachel comes into the picture.

Side note: I've changed Belinda's age by two years.

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