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Fandom Modern Disney University




Location: Staff Room

Class: Not right now

With: Professor Fairchild @Faction Before Blood & mentions Miss De Vil @NessieAlways

Time: 12:00 PM

Actions: Slouches on the sofa Notices Prof. Fairchild Strikes up a conversation with Prof. Fairchild


Hunter was wondering how long to the next event President Mickey had in store for them. He honestly was tired of getting dragged around. Luckily, he wasn't a match. He would of been engulfed in flames by now. He was recalling an earlier incident when a student, who seemed to purposefully run into him, spoke sarcastically about the pink that was drizzled on his attire. She was asking to get burned, but he wasn't on duty, so he didn't satisfy her with a reaction. He simply, straight-up ignored her, but in his head he said, '

I'll see YOU in class


Hunter quickly straightened up when Professor Fairchild entered the staff room. He lowered the volume of his blasting music in case she wanted to strike up a conversation with him. He looked at her strange attire and thought.

.. I guess I should expect this kind of attire from a drama professor.

He noticed she bathed, but did not reapply the horrid make-up she'd usually wear. He wondered what made her think that look was remotely nice? If anything it made her look crazy. At least she had a hot body and fiery hair to make up for her wacky choice in make-up.



" he said breaking the silence while lowering the volume on his Iphone a bit more, "

I like your outfit.

" He said half-jokingly. Well, yeah it was a nice outfit, but really not fit for the occasion. The occasion that outfit was fit for was Halloween or on stage. Hell, she still looked hot in it. She'd actually look hot in anything. What would be even better if her clothes melted off, but was a thought for another time and place.

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Location: Courtyard | Time: 8:30 AM | Class: N/A | With: Bella Fayre @incrusade


Esme watched as Aurora tried to console Ava, however, Esme couldn't help but let out a slight gasp when the words "slut" went out of Aurora's mouth.
Someone actually called them that? But, why so? I mean, surely there must be a reason, but from what Aurora was saying, it seemed as though it was used out of context, even though the red-haired girl mentioned that her friend had trust issues. Esme frowned, letting her head spin, grasping the slight drama that a misunderstanding had caused due to sharp tongues and trust issues. Maybe, at this school, the students can learn how to trust others and learn what to say and what not say? But, either way, Esme knew that wouldn't be the case since, even grown-ups don't know when to keep their mouth closed or even trust others. Before Esme could even blink, Ava had disappeared into the crowd. Esme hoped Ava wasn't overthinking the situation and hoped that she and the other girl could reconcile or at least come into terms with each other.

Esme turned back towards Bella when she mentioned looking for their dorm room. She completely forgotten that she still had all of her luggage with her and dragging it around school would definitely be such a hassle. Esme nodded, sending Bella a grateful smiling for politely asking her if she would like to go with her,
"I would love to go with you to the dorms, Bella. Plus, it'll help since I really don't know my way around this campus, and if we get lost, let's get lost together?" She tilted her head slightly as she giggled, seeing Aurora's enthusiasm. "Yes, Aurora! We're dormmates! How about you and Ava? Are you guys as well? Bonfire?" Esme didn't know about a bonfire, that was happening tonight. She nodded her head eagerly, wanting to see what happens at a Universities' bonfire. To say the least, the bonfire Esme remembers with her family were ones where they of course, sat around the fire, telling stories of their people, ancient legends, and danced. If it was anything like Esme knew, she was surely excited to be able to experience her first one surrounded by the new group of people she met. Esme spoke energetically and excitedly, "Of course! I will definitely be there! Hopefully I will be able to see you, Ava, and Bella, of course!" She giggled sightly and in the back of her mind, maybe him too. Reaching over to get her luggagesm Djali baa'ed softly next to her, letting the earings on his left ear dangle besides him, "Are you ready to see our room, Djali?" Esme asked softly to her companion and then looked towards Bella. "Shall we go?" At that, Esme started rolling her luggage along with her as her other luggage was placed on her shoulders. As she walked with Bella, Esme turned around a little, giving Aurora a slight wave, "See you later!" Soon, she turned back around and shot Bella another smile, "I wonder who our other two dorm mates would be."
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Locale: Residence

Time: 8:30 AM



Actions: Cleaning up. Making a call to Sara.

Shenzi the hyena is curled up in her spot on Dr. McCrae's gigantic bed, gnawing on a bone and breaking it into flakes. She savors the bland taste of death. After a quick shower, Kane gets in a casual black-tie. He's thinking. Contemplating. Ruminating. For he knows, there is a way out. He must not rest. He leans on the bed and slips on his black socks, checking his phone for new notifications. More texts from Sara. Asa's wife. Leo's mother. The woman he loved who didn't love him in return. Course, Sara was awake enough to see the jealous streak in him. He couldn't hide that when they were alone. He couldn't help but share that with her.

I know you killed them. Asa. Leo. They're gone. I know you threw them away.
You're angry. Easier that way. To hold someone like me responsible.
You're not getting away with this, Kane.
The truth will out.
Asa fell. He grabbed Leo and took him. There's nothing in the world that makes you forget their screams. Nothing.
The McCrae property will be a big help, won't it?

Frustrated, he dials her. She immediately picks up.

"Sara," Kane growls.


Sara McCrae

"No use in denying it," Sara insists, eyes shimmering wet and hidden behind sunglasses. Mascara runs down her wrinkled tan skin, and she pours herself tequila in a tall and drafty living room, kept dark by heavy curtains. "Murderer."

While Kane pauses on the call, she seats at the long, empty white couch.

Her ears perk at the silence.

"Soon there'll be an investigation," Sara says sharply, unsure what he'll say next. "On you."

Kane points out, "If what you're saying is true, then when your money is to be my money, have I left you bankrupt? When your house is to be my house, have I evicted you? Left you homeless? No. I care about you. I haven't changed a thing so your conspiracy theory doesn't really add up. The investigation will find nothing. I did nothing villainous. It is beyond me that you think I would do such a heartless, monstrous thing to my only brother and my only nephew. My own blood. Sara. Please, I am family. Think about what you're saying. Do you hate me so blindly?"

In the background, the hyena Shenzi interrupts the call with shrill laughter.

"Sara? Do you need me to come by?" he asks. "Never mind. Principal Mouse's called a staff meeting. I'll call you."

Kane hangs up after hearing no response but shaky breaths.




Locale: Staff Room

Time: 8:45 AM

With: Principal Mouse and Staff @SachiGrl @HesitationOblivion

Actions: Discusses with staff about Chez.

Kane takes Shenzi out on a leash, and together they stroll across campus to the staff room. They seat at a free table near Prof. Emberston, waiting Principal Mouse and the other staff.

He snorts and says to Hunter, "Does anybody really want to do a revenge prank on Chez? Hunter? For years, we sat by and let that naughty kitty make baboons of us." At this, his hyena Shenzi cracks up and shrieks gasping laughter. He teases her with a nasty look, "What are you laughing at? You're not that pretty, princess."

Shenzi stares with a gaping smile, like she knows.

He becomes a bit unsettled before returning his attention to Hunter. "You in for a little payback? It'd be fun... yes? No? Yes? I can't be the only one who thinks so."


Vayne Von Lope

Location: Dorms<Courtyard

Time: 8:26 am

With: N/A

Class: N/A


Vayne lays down on the bed and dozes off for about 20 minutes. Vayne looks at her phone to check the time. "F***, I fell asleep I was supposed to wait only ten minutes I hope I didn't miss anything important" Vayne says to herself as she puts her phone back in her purse. Vayne gets off the bed and then exits the dorm room and heads back to the courtyard a little surprised no one else entered the room during that time.

Vayne arrives back in the courtyard somehow missing all the people walking to the dorms on the way back. Vayne fells a little bored so she decides to randomly say something to get someone's attention. "Hello, anyone here?" Vayne asks to check if anyone can hear her while flipping her hair with her right hand. "That should get someone's attention, at least I hope it will otherwise time for plan B. (Plan B is getting topless to get attention)" Vayne thought to herself.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-5_0-13-33.png.573bc3f40bce0b0be67fc6eb0bbc89d1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-5_0-13-33.png.573bc3f40bce0b0be67fc6eb0bbc89d1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Location: Courtyard// Scenario: Was that a chat up line?// Time: 8:25ish// With: Ethan @NessieAlways

Jane had been about to keep rambling on about how clumsy she could be, when the man she had bumped into spoke about heaven missing angels or some other tired pickup line along those lines and gently took her hand from behind her ear, placing a soft kiss on the back of it. She blinked rapidly in alarm and backed away slightly after he had done so, raising an eyebrow as he began to introduce himself with the air of a strutting peacock seducing a peahen. He certainly didn't understand the concept of personal boundaries that was apparent, and she was quick to see through his chivalrous facade. She wasn't about to be rude to him, however, it simply wasn't something she did unless one deserved it.

"Oh, well my name is Jane actually. I didn't mean to bump into you, I was simply looking to ask where the dorms are...can't carry luggage around everywhere after all, and I'm dying for a cup of tea!"

'Over sharing Jane, he doesn't care about tea. Get to the point and stick with it!' the little voice in her head said to her.



Location: Courtyard// Scenario: Getting fashion advice// Time: 8:25ish// With: Madden @NessieAlways

Autumn couldn't help noticing the sarcasm dripping in the response 'Monochrome' gave to her compliment. Rather than take offence to the snide remark, she decided to roll with it and grinned. "Just doing my job, keeping minds at ease and all that jazz," she said with an easy smile. Madden seemed cool...as long as she approved of your fashion sense anyway, but it's not like Autumn particularly cared what anyone thought of the way she dressed.

"I like to think of my jeans as 'fatigue chic' I'll have you know, but I guess getting a few tips from someone bold enough to rock black and white hair wouldn't go a miss. I'll think about it I guess." She gave her a slight nod and then added, "I'm Autumn by the way, and I'm gonna hazard a guess and say you major in art or something?"

Jim Crick

Location:Courtyard||Class:None||With: Dustin @NessieAlways ||Time: 8:28 A.M.

Jim took the handkerchief gratefully and dabbed his eyes. "No, I suppose there is nothing wrong with crying at this moment in time. I'm Jim Crick, and thank you Dustin." he said and held onto the handkercheif. "I'll wash it and return it to you in class, it's all messy now. I wish I had a mirror so I could see how bad I look." he said sheepishly.

A chill came over Jim. "Well the least I can do if offer you a cup of coffee or tea. I make a pretty good cup of both thanks to lots of practice. The dorms are this way right?" He said pointing. People here seemed nice. Pan seemed a bit of a player, and Jim didn't know how to handle that, but the others just seemed like good folk"

Sula Octavia

Location:Courtyard||Class:None||With: ||Time: 8:28 A.M..

The boys seemed to sort things out for themselves. Sula smiled. She got a ring on her cellphone. "He's actually here? Well that's pleasantly unexpected. Yes inform him that I will be his employer and he can get an education at the same time. Tell him to him to go to the Drama class dance studio. We should be alone there."

Sula hummed merrily to herself and headed to her class. This would be fun. She could help Jim get over this Pino and thus better ger students, In her own way of course.

Wynter White

Location: Courtyard - Class: N/A - With: kinda with Destiny
@HesitationOblivion - Time: 8:25

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wynter1.gif.8b54df083b28dc620f2b60be67b6b023.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wynter1.gif.8b54df083b28dc620f2b60be67b6b023.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wynter frowned a little when the girl said that she wasn’t Lilith or Leah. She wasn’t anyone actually. Well, anyone that was in dorm number three. Of course she was
someone and Wynter thought she looked like a good person to be friends with. She had a lovely smile.

Wynter smiled a bit sheepishly when the girl, Destiny, said that she liked her shirt. “Oh, thank you, darlin’.” she said, looking down at her floral sweater.

“You look adorable, too.”

She ducked her head a little. “T-those performers were really good.” Wynter said, referring to the acapella group.

Anything that had to do with singing or music or performing always dazzled her like a little kid at a carnival.

“Did she say you could join? The group I mean.”

Wynter’s cheeks stained a light shade of scarlet. She sounded quite stupid, didn’t she? She wasn’t really use to… all of this.

“It’s my first year here.” She whispered, shying away as two other people began talking to Destiny.

Wynter was full on blushing now. She thought it was an understatement to say that she was a fish out of water. But, you know, shouldn’t Destiny be making her feel
comforted? Or at least welcome. How rude of her, she thought.

Dexter’s wriggling alerted Wynter to how tightly she had been clutching him to her chest. “Sorry.” She murmured while kissing his head. Wynter looked him in the eyes before tucking him back under her bowler hat. He didn’t need to see this ugly world, bless his heart.



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Location: Staff Room

Class: Not right now

With: Professor Fairchild @Faction Before Blood & Dr. McCrae @Lux___Wolf

Time: 12:00 PM

Actions: sits attentively on the sofa Chats with Dr. McCrae returns to a relaxed pose on the sofa


Hunter shifted his attention to Dr. McCrae and his peculiar hyena. He blinked in the wild animal's direction as he wore a baffled expression. Only Mickey would allow pets within the university. It would be fantastic if he allowed smoking as well. He wasn't sure if it was a curse or a blessing that he would only smoke at home. Only when he was truly stressed, he'd sneakily smoke a cigarette in the university. He watched as the man sat near him with his hyena. Judging by Kane's posture, he had something in his mind. Hunter leaned forward with his elbow on his knee and his chin on his fist. He was ready to hear whatever thoughts he was willing to share.


Don't get so


," he responded with a chuckle. "

I already had my share of revenge with Chez

," he said as he leaned back against the sofa and placed his hands behind his head, "

She didn't even know what hit her

." He smiled wickedly as he recalled the many things he's done to her for revenge. One particular fond memory was when he wore gloves and extracted capsaicin, an active component in chili peppers. He was conducting an experiment alone in his home and the idea hit him. He could use this dangerously hot component to burn one of his students inconspicuously.

He remembered he was determining the difference of a pure capsaicin's scoville in comparison to the other hot peppers. A Jalapeño pepper has eight thousand scoville, also known as heat units. The capsaicin has almost sixteen million scoville. That is one fire he'd love to see in action though this fire was colorless and odorless unlike real fire. He brought a droplet filled with capsaicin to class during one of their group experiments. He discreetly squeezed a few drops onto her phone. Now, all she needed to do was touch the phone with her hand, inevitable, and touch her mouth, eyes, or any

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucous_membranemucous membranes

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mucous_membrane on her body, including open wounds.

The reaction on Chez's face was priceless. She was biting her nail which must have had some of the waxy capsaicinoid residue. Her tongue must have went on fire just as he anticipated. She ran to one of the faucets and drank and drank. Bad move. Hunter decided to call the hospital. The bullets sweating down her face gave him the utmost pleasure. He did his best to mask his burning pleasure with his most concerning face and dismissed the class quickly after the whole commotion. He decided, thereafter, not to tease the poor girl anymore. Her measly pranks never phased him again.


I don't mind hearing your thoughts,

" Hunter added to Kane as he looked in Professor Fairchild's direction, wondering what were her thoughts on Dr. McCrae's delinquent plans. If she showed any interested, he may reconsider their compatibility.

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I'll be posting both Olivia and Rachel in a few.




Location: Courtyard

With: Leah @Rida

Time: 8:34am

Class: N/A

Ava finally decided to head back to her dorm room, and check if Harriet was there. She knew that without Aurora's help, she was bound to get lost in those what seemed to be endless hallways, but it was worth a shot to apologize. Nearly to the giant building, a girl strolling an average size suitcase, pounced in front of her. Ava startled, almost tripping behind on her own clumsly toes. Her cheeks flushed with embarrasment as she maintained to catch her balance, praying to god that the girl didn't notice. She grinned at the female, attempting to cover up her humiliating slip. "Oh hi! Um.. no I don't know where that is. I'm new here too and I'm in dorm 7, so its probably on the way? I'll be happy to help you find it if you'd like." Eyeing the girl from up to down, Ava started checking out her black and white skirt, crop top, and dark burgundy boots. This girl had a nice, dark style, which went well with her skintone and stern but magentically beautiful face. Yeah she was desperate to find Harriet, and she was kind of stalling, but this girl was as clueless as she was about an hour ago, and Ava was willing to help even if it mean't that she would have to apologize later.

She realized the second bag in the stranger's arm, and immediatly snatched it away from her. Ava didn't mean to seem rude, she was just trying to help. The girl looked a little crowded with all of the items that she was dragging behind her. Ava held only but her beige purse because she had all of her luggage including Blue (her dog) sent over here and was meant to arrive at around 5pm. It saved her a lot work and pain, from having to have to
bring fiesty little Blue AND her luggage up seven flights of stairs. Ava clutched both bags to her shoulders, and swifted past the girl, leading her into the building. "I'm Ava Kosa. You can call me Ava though. Whats your name?"

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(Jim is busy so I'll post for Sula)

Sula Octavia

Location: Staff Room

Class: None

With: Prof. Fairchild @Faction Before Blood, Dr. McCrae @Lux___Wolf, Prof. Emberston @SachiGrl

Time: 12:00

Sula waltzed into the staff room with a smile, as her plans were going smoothly, and noticed others already inside. She noticed McCrae's pet, but paid it no mind. She knew of a boy with a Lion for a pet she sneaked a peek at the dorm list. Clearly this Mouse had lost his mind so voicing her opinion would do nothing. "Afternoon everyone. Plotting the downfall of civilization? Oh wait I mistook you for some of our students." She said with a silvery laugh. She took a cup of coffee and sat down. "I just had my first run in with the students. Certainly naivete has its charms, but they take it to an extreme. I would have been eaten alive if I were them in school. Now isn't that a pleasant thought?" She said with a wink at the others.

She calculated the others as she spoke. She knew next to nothing of them, save that she would have classes with Fairchild. Arts was combined in this school so that was not surprising, but Mouse said he saw something in Sula when he hired her. What did he see in them?




Location: Staff Room

Class: Not right now

With: Professor Fairchild @Inritz

Time: 12:00 PM

Actions: Relaxed on the sofa Greets Sula Fires at will to Sula


Hunter heard a faint tapping of heels from outside the door in the hallway. He always had a good female radar. Within seconds, Professor Octavia entered the room. She greeted casually. Typical behavior from a fellow professor, but she added a bit of her oomph. He waved two fingers above his head, saluting her. Then arched his brow as she referred to them as children. That hit a nerve, but he kept cool. All he needed was a few more nerves to be pinched and he just might explode. He would combust and burn everyone in the room then later apologize. As with Mickey's tradition, be forgiven. Sula been teaching at Disney University longer than he has. Knowing of her existence since he started here, and she's still a mystery. She throws a few hints about herself here and there, but she's still an incomplete puzzle to him. She had abnormally pale skin, dark hair cut into a bob, and a killer body which is expected from a dance teacher. If only he could take out his anger in a less violent way. If only. He watched Sula as she spoke on and on about her students. In his head he's saying, '

Who gives a shit?

' Well, he certainly doesn't. He simply likes chemistry and if a kid doesn't get it, too bad. FAIL. That's his motto. From what he's seen, Professor Octavia is quite the opposite. She couldn't possibly understand what revenge was and how it can truly provide an empowering feeling.

Oh. Well, maybe she does know how to be vengeful. According to her younger years, she seemed very distrustful and leery. With that kind of mind, she is more than likely tainted at the heart and could easily want revenge. Her last few words truly caught him off guard. He always thought of her as loving and cuddly with the way she was with her students. Now, she just gotten a bit more interesting. He shifted his attention back to Kane, "

Is Sula Imagining the downfall of herself if she were like our current students back in her time? Oh wait I mistook her for some of our senior folk down by the park.

" He snickered as he openly mocked her. He truly hated being described as a child or student. Same thing. Similar to how women hated to be called old or wrinkly. He was just giving her back a taste of her own medicine. He cracked his knuckles from behind his head.

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Sula Octavia

Location: Staff Room

Class: None

With: Prof. Fairchild @Faction Before Blood, Dr. McCrae @Lux___Wolf, Prof. Emberston @SachiGrl

Time: 12:00

"My dear if we're checking age I know a fun way though I think I'd break your hip first I'm very...tenacious." Sula said with a laugh, though her eyes narrowed "Come now, surely our mutual distaste for these simpering students is enough to call us comrades if not friends. I can always convince you later if need be. Some Illicit meeting? Mouse seems okay with most things why not that?" She said with a slow wink. "I'm here with the rest of the chaff that Mouse saw fit to paw through. Yes, I am past my prime in the dance world. I can always train the next star though. For example, that redhead that sang at the opening ceremony. Alaska I found out her name was. We have classes with her dear." She said to Prof. Fairchild. "Her voice plus a good dance coach and she could storm Broadway. Especially if she takes my lessons to heart and does not act like an egomaniac. How about a bet my dear Prof.? That I can get her a Broadway role, a genuine New York Broadway role in time for the summer holidays. Now," she said with a smile. "Let's make a deal."

Well Emberton had a chip on his shoulder. Nor surprising as he always seemed a match away from a pyromaniac. He was a kitten really. All men had secrets. That was her boon. She kept no secrets. If anyone found out about Pino she would admit it freely. With slight modifications of course.




Belinda returned to her modest apartment after the paint incident, her smile long gone. Chez Ire had publicly humiliated and insulted the venerated staff of Walt Disney University, and Principal Mickey hadn't done a thing about it. The easy-going man might have overlooked Chez's recent antics as fun and games, but he simply couldn't see the bigger picture: Mr. Ire was a nuisance that had overstepped his boundaries one too many times. He was practically begging for disciplinary action by now, and yet, no staff member had the sense to give it to him.

It's not your place to step in, Belinda.

That very thought had invalidated her anger several times now, but each time, she only got angrier--the students of WDU had never been introduced to chastisement, and it was about time they learned what consequences pranks like Mr. Ire's brought about. If college was indeed meant to prepare people for the real world, WDU's students were nowhere near ready.


Location: Apartment, WDU Staff Room

Time: 8:50

With: Professor Fairchild @Inritz

Half an hour later, Professor Gothel had managed to remove the last traces of pink from her curly hair. Now clad in a black, spagetti-strap pantsuit and a matching blazer, she drove back to Walt Disney University in no rush--classes wouldn't begin until tomorrow, so the students would have time to acquaint themselves with the teachers, students, and school grounds.

When she arrived in the staff room, she found four of WDU's teachers huddled around a table, and her suspicions about their conversation were confirmed as she neared. The name Chez Ire appeared several times, and it was safe to assume that they weren't planning a thank-you basket for the wanton student.

Belinda turned to the coffee machine, still tuned in to Dr. McCrae, Ms. Octavia, and Professor Emberston as she made herself a cup of black coffee. The four teachers, save Ms. Fairchild, seemed to be plotting a revenge prank on Chezica, and Belinda couldn't help but smile at the notion of Mr. Ire getting his due punishment.

The last of her coffee poured into the ceramic mug she'd fished from the cabinet. Her brew's calming aroma surrounded her, and she felt her anger towards Mr. Ire slowly begin to ebb away. She still had conflicted emotions when it came to the students; Emotions she'd have to try and sort out before they interfered with her teaching.

Chezica Ire is simply misunderstood. He's lonely. No one's given him hope. He deserves a chance.

Chezica Ire is simply a nuisance--nothing more, and nothing less. He's been given chances, and he's chosen his petty little pranks over reality.

With a sigh, Belinda strolled to the exit of the staff room, but stalled near the door. Her next words surprised her: "Give the kid a break, loves. I hate being humiliated in front of the whole school as much as the next person," Professor Gothel said, unable to hold back a grimace as she recalled the recent incident, "but at least Ire adds some spice to our lives."

With that, Belinda continued out of the teacher's lounge and down the hall, her heels clicking behind her as she struggled to comprehend what just came out of her mouth.


Leah Chase

Location: Courtyard/Dorms | Time: 8:35 | With: Ava Kosa @incrusade


Leah's sudden question must have startled Ava, as the girl seemed to flail in place for a moment before regaining her composure. Pretending not to have noticed for the girl's sake, Leah flashed her a smile and carefully set down the boxes in her hands, then removing her suitcase's handle from the crook of her elbow before setting Evangeline's carrier down by her feet.

"Oh, I'm not new--I've just never been in this building before." Leah clarified, thankful when the girl immediately picked up her rolling suitcase at the sight of Leah's load. It was nice to know that a complete stranger would be more than willing to help her out. "But I'll take you up on your offer--if we get lost in the new castle, they're bound to notice two girls missing over one." Leah chuckled, mentally scolding herself for the weak attempt at humor. If Leah hadn't aspired to be a chef her whole life, and was still deciding over careers, stand-up comedy would have been scratched off her list the moment she was born.

The brunette introduced herself as Ava Kosa, and began to lead the way towards the dorms. Leah marveled over Ava's sudden leadership, and could very easily see her as president of a some club or another. As the two teenagers neared the entrance to the dorm building, Leah realized she hadn't yet introduced herself. "I'm Leah. Leah Chase. You can, well, call me Leah." she said, laughing lightly at her awkwardness. The 19-year-old had always prided herself in her confidence, yet the first day of school always seemed to drive her nerves on edge.

Leah followed Ava into the building, and barely managed to stifle a gasp with one look at the elegant decor. The old WDU building was indeed advanced, but here, to say Principal Mickey went all out would be an understatement. She couldn't even begin to imagine what the dorms looked like.

Leah spotted her dorm at the far end of the hall, and motioned for Ava to follow. "Alright, I should be able to carry the load from here. Thanks so much for helping, Ava." Leah said, hesitating for a moment before setting her things down and giving Ava a small hug. Ava Kosa was definitely someone she could be comfortable around, and Leah had a feeling the brunette would do surprisingly well in her first year here.

"I guess I'll see you at the club fair then. Join Book Club if you can't seem to get enough of me. " Leah noted with a humorous smile. She took out her dorm key, unlocked the door, sent Ava a small wave, and stepped inside the empty room, her luggage and her feline companion in tow. An annoyed meow sounded from Evangeline's carrier, and Leah realized that the beast has awoken--thankfully, just in time.

Leah closed the door behind her, set down her suitcase, backpack, and boxes, and unhooked the latch on Evie's cat carrier. Slowly, the ginger Scottish Fold emerged from her confinement, analyzing her surroundings before scaling the ladder to the top right bunk and making herself comfortable. "Well, I guess that settles which bed I'll be taking..." Leah mumbled, taking a moment to analyze the dorm herself. It radiated with a cozy ambiance, and Leah could easily imagine herself curled up in the corner of her bunk, reading, listening to music, surfing the web.

In hopes that Lilith, someone she actually knew, would claim the bunk below her before anyone else did--though she was reminded of Ava, someone she barely knew who turned out to be a wonderful person, and realized she was making false assumptions--Leah pushed her boxes and suitcase up against the wall and noticed a duffel bag already sat near the window. She neared the bag, curious as to whose it was. The exterior gave no hints, and although the notion crossed her mind, Leah would never snoop inside someone else's property. Discouraged, she retreated to the other end of the room.

Her anxiety began to give way to boredom as the second ticked by, and Leah decided she would begin unpacking her belongings before the club fair at 9. She zipped open her suitcase, pulled at the first drawer underneath her bunk, and began the painstaking process of moving in.


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Location: Staff Room

Class: Not right now

With: Professor Fairchild @Inritz, & Belinda Gothel @Rida

Mentions: Chez Ire @HesitationOblivion

Time: 12:00 PM

Actions: Relaxed on the sofa Shocked by Sula's response Distracted by Prof. Gothel Returns his attention to Kane


Hunter's jaw went slightly agape when Professor Octavia responded with not even a sexual innuendo, but an open conversation, that every professor in the room could hear, about sex. Was he the only person who caught on to it or was everyone else simply ignoring it? Maybe, his mind was simply in the gutter and he's completely misinterpreted what she said. Well, he wasn't going to push the envelop. For now, at least. Sula continued on saying how they shared a distaste for their students. That was rather hard to believe. Was she trying to impress him. Not even two seconds later, she talking about training one of her students to be a star. Hunter looked at Kane with wild eyes. He was trying to say through his facial expression, '

Can you believe this woman?

' Nonetheless, he wouldn't turn down a one night stand. Heck, she seemed like a person capable of handling anything really.

He heard another set of heels clacking outside the hall. He turned to confirm his women radar accuracy. Ah, and he was right as fire. Professor Gothel stepped in with class. She went straight for the coffee in her sleek one-suit with her usual blazer. She didn't acknowledge anyone. Which was peculiar, most professors greeted other professors out of courtesy or professionalism. Just as he was about to return his attention to Kane, she spoke her opinion on the matter of pranking Chez Ire. Her opinion was a complete shock to him. He thought she would be more deathly. Perhaps, he was wrong about her. She quickly left after speaking. I suppose she had something to do, but she had to come back anyways. Simply because President Mickey said so. Hunter returned his attention to Kane then said, "

Where were we?

" He paused to recall then a light bulb flashed above his head, "

Ah, yes. I don't mind hearing your ideas like I said earlier. If its fire, count me in.


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Location: Courtyard||Class:None||With:Jane @Inritz ||Time:8:29 A.M.

Dustin could help but smirk at Jim's comment, "Oh pish posh, you don't look bad. You're pretty cute." He sucked in a sharp breath realizing his comment might not have been the best given the situation. The poor boy was crying over his ex and Dustin was already hitting on him. Really Dustin? "I mean you're eyes are a bit puffy, and there's a slight blush on your cheeks from crying, but no smeared make up or snotty nose." he added hoping to not make things as awkward as they felt. "Tea sounds pleasant actually! I'd love some." Dustin was glad Jim had switched the conversation to something else, but he has glad he didn't know the answer to his question. "Actually, I have no clue. See I'm new and my brother...he's the one that memorized the map of this place. Maybe we can follow someone with luggage and hope they're going to the dorms?" Dustin shrugged. He had been planning on doing just that when Dean had left him for the stage girl, so why not have some company while he looked for the dorms and figured out which room he would be in. "Wanna give it a try?"




Location:Courtyard||Class:None||With: Vayne @Ilikepie ||Time:8:28 A.M.

Aurora strolled around the courtyard wasting time. She was in no mood of returning to her dorm especially after the small scene Harriet, Ava and her had gone through. All she wanted was a smoke or something that would clear her mind. She thought about finding Ava once again and distracting herself, but she spotted another girl with her. There was a slight spark of jealousy at seeing her roommate with another person, but she quickly dismissed it as nonsense and walked away from those two until they were no longer in view. As she walked away, Aurora kept looking back to make sure Ava and the other girl weren't in view, but her brief seconds of distraction was enough for Ava to run into someone. As Aurora turned back to face the direction she was walking a wall of black hair hit her in the face. She stopped abruptly spitting out strands of her from her mouth and brushing away the rest. Aurora turned to see who the hair belonged to and found a young girl flipping her hair. "Woah there. Going to gash someone's eye out." Aurora joked with a small laugh. Taking a good look at the girl, Aurora noticed how hot she actually was. She felt a stirring sensation before smiling flirtatiously,"You're pretty. What's your name?" Aurora brought her hand up to the girl's hair twirling it around her finger fixing the curls that has brushed her face just seconds ago.





Location - Dorms Time - 8:36 With - Leah Chase @incrusade

Alright so Adeline hadn't exactly planned on getting to school at this time she had planned on getting here at 7:00AM however, plane delays had been her undoing. Travelling here on her first day at an actual school was probably a bad idea, because she would likely have to deal with jet lag most of the day. But she hadn't really had much other choice. The small blonde simply hoped that everyone at the University would be kind and patient with her.

Best to stop fretting too much and simply find her dorm room so she could unpack her things. The fact that she had a plan now settled her nerves slightly. She'd been told that she would share a room with three other girls, something that she had never even come close to experiencing, so really she was quite excited. It was stressful being in such a new and different environment from the one that she was used to and she hoped that she could make friends. It wasn't as though she had never had anyone she called a friend. She had of course. Just not very many, and they never stuck around very long.

Glancing down at her map, she tilted her head, brushing her bangs back behind her ear again before grabbing her rolling suitcase and setting back down the hall looking around in awe, as this building was absolutely amazing. Coming back to herself for a moment she noticed two girls walk into a room. "Finally..." She breathed out, "People." Hurrying up to the door, she hesitated slightly as she saw it close and she bit at the inside of her lip before taking a small breath and knocking gently.

Jim Crick

Location:Courtyard||Class:None||With:Dustin @NessieAlways ||Time:8:29 A.M.

Jim smiled at the young man. "I'm a mess, but I cry cutely. You're pretty cute too, just saying." He said with a blush and a cough. He did feel better, he didn't need Pino, he could attract people all on his own, even if this guy was probably just being kind. He took out his map and wandered around the campus with Dustin until they found his dorm. "Here we are!" He said with a smile. He walked in, inviting Dustin.

"Sorry about the mess, I've had no time to get anything ready and the movers just stuffed things where ever." The boxes were labeled though so it was easy to find what he was looking for. He pulled out an old battered tin of tea and selected a small spoon and measured enough for four cups. He heated the water in an electric tea kettle and set aside the sugar. "I would recommend 2 spoons if you like it sweet or none if you just want to taste the tea." He said setting up the cups like a pro and warming them in an electric heating pad. seven and a half minutes later there was tea, a rich oolong mixed with barley. It was Jim's favorite tea, just enough caffeine to make it through those long study sessions and a more pleasing taste than coffee. Jim stirred in two spoons of sugar and gave Dustin his sugar and a mug of tea that said I Heart New York. Jim's mug was from New York's Aquarium, and had a penguin on it.

"So, Dustin, where you from? You can probably tell by my accent that I was born in New York. Never left until just now. Even went to a small community college in Queens so I am a pure city boy."
Vayne Von Lope

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-13_16-48-57.png.369fa3a6465835c646e7fd6e86c55463.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-13_16-48-57.png.369fa3a6465835c646e7fd6e86c55463.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location: Courtyard

Class: N/A

With: Aurora @NessieAlways

Time: 8:28 am

Vayne feels someone crash into her from behind but manages to stay on her feet after the collision with only a little pain to the back of her head. Vayne turns around to look at what hit her and notices an attractive blonde haired girl in an interesting outfit. "She is cute but this is kind of a movie cliché first encounter" Vayne thinks to herself. The girl starts playing with Vayne's hair and calls her cute while also asking for her name. "Omg she into girls, I wonder how she knows I'm bi" Vayne thinks to herself while starting to blush. "My name is ..... Vayne Von Lope but some people call me Vanellope. That's a nice tattoo you have there" Vayne says while blushing and staring at the girl's tattoo of roses. "What is your name?" Vayne asks as pulls out a cherry lollipop from her purse. "I kind of took a nap in my dorm during after the principle announced the dorms, did I miss anything important?" Vayne asks. "Sorry this is my last lollipop so I can't give you one" Vayne says as she removes the lollipop from the wrapper and puts it in her mouth.



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Wynter White

Location: Courtyard - Class: N/A - With: Vayne
@Ilikepie & Aurora @NessieAlways - Time: 8:30

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wynter1.gif.e9ec14f50678b00c4a6db7e8abc014df.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wynter1.gif.e9ec14f50678b00c4a6db7e8abc014df.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wynter shrunk back into the crowd. Her cheeks were still flaming from anger or embarrassment or both. She couldn’t quite sort out her emotions… They all seemed to be jumbled together and Wynter thought it was one of the oddest feelings she’d ever felt. It was like a live thing twisting inside of her. Ick, she thought, shuddering slightly.

Wynter began walking. She was heading anywhere as long as it was away from her emotions and Destiny. She just needed a distraction from this madness. She needed someone to stroke her hair and tell her everything would be ok like Sarah did.

Wynter stood on tip-toes, attempting to survey her surroundings but it didn’t do much… On tip-toes she was almost as tall as everyone else.
Boots. I need to wear boots here, she told herself. But then she saw her and all thoughts of boots and being short drifted away. She had blond, waving hair and soft, glowing skin but what really drew Wynter in was how she was toying with another girl’s hair.

That should be me, she thought, scrunching up her brow.

It almost felt like she was floating as she walked towards the girl. She could feel her eyes grow wide as she reached her. Up close she was even more beautiful.

She’s like a princess,

“H-hello.” Wynter said, her voice a bit breathy from awe.

Wynter was very aware that she was standing much too close but she wanted-needed-this girl to notice her

(Whoa, that was unexpected. Wynter was not suppose to be that dazzled by Aurora.
xD @Ilikepie, I’m so sorry. I feel like I completely disregarded you and I truly did not mean to. I’m sorry.)



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