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Realistic or Modern Mob Mentality


Wendy and Blaire were simply just walking around the neighborhood now, trying to get away from the scene as quickly as she could. Once they heard two unfamiliar voices they turned around, looking at the two strangers who had greeted them. Wendy, who placed her hand on her hips and glared, but Blaire had her arms crossed her chest and seemed only vaguely distant. "Hey," Blaire greeted, with an emotionless voice.

Wendy scoffed. "Oh, that shitshow, huh? Whoever started that fire must be really hot," Wendy states sarcastically, with a wide and lopsided smirk plastered on her face. She hummed to herself, looking at her pink painted nails. "Sure... maybe we can catch whoever set that on fire."

As they began walking closer to the scene where the blaze has started, Blaire was gaining increasingly nervous, but hid it behind a rather smartly-played calm expression. Wendy, however, was off the walls - not because she was going insane or scared of getting caught - but because she was excited to go back to the blaze. She wanted to see that again. Something about how she knew that the bodies were in the fire made her grin widely.

When they made it to the fire, Blaire sniffs, making it an audible noise. "Wendigo, you smell burnt meat?" Blaire asked, looking into the flames.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Wendy responds as she plays with her hair absentmindedly, looking at how tall the blaze has become since they were last here.
"That's ballistic." Lucy said, though she was very much in awe. "Wonder how it started."

Damien snorted. "I heard the family here was a bunch of assholes anyways. Someone probably actually set it ablaze."

"Wild. Imagine the rush you get from that. Like in some action movie, walking away from the flames as they burn behind you." She said, lost in her mind.

"Hey," Damien joked. "Don't go setting any homes on fire, Luce."

"Can't make any promises." Lucy grinned, staring back at the wreckage.

Their attention returned to the girls.

"Whodya think did it?" Lucy asked excitedly? "What was their motive? Their plan?"

Damien laughed lightly. "Okay, okay. Cmon. You're not writing a news article on it. Calm down."

Lucy couldn't help but feel excited. She had no excitement in her small life, and a possible crime went down in her small neighborhood. The killer could still be around, even. Could still be walking in said neighborhood. They could be in the crowd watching, to stay unsuspected. Hell, it could be the pink haired girl, maybe.

Damien was less intruiged. Murder was an icky subject. He hated blood, hated death, all of that. He did his best to try and erase any thoughts of what the bodies looked like from his head.
Listening to the two speak, Wendy hummed and Blaire began mumbling something under her breath.

"What'cha singing there, Blaire?" Wendy inquired, looking towards Blaire with an ominous grin.

Blaire leaned close to Wendy, whispering in her ear, "We can't stay here. You're going to snap, and they're going to figure out, and we're going to have to kill them or force them to kill with us."

They then turned towards the two other strangers that were talking to them and Wendy began humming again. "I mean, anybody here could be the ones that set this fire ablaze," Wendy stated, stepping a bit closer to the fire. She dusted off her skirt and took off her hood, freeing her hair.

Blaire began freaking the fuck out in her mind, beginning to push her nails into her skin. She watched as Wendy seemed fascinated with the fire. Wendy turned around to face the others, walking back towards them. The fire was getting larger and Wendy knew it was going to begin spreading throughout the neighborhood; something that Wendy was excited about. As more people gathered around the flame, emergency services came along.

"Eh, firemen's here. It's gonna get boring from here on out," Wendy stated. "I need to smoke."
Lucy hopped up behind her. "I'll join you. Damien?" She asked, looking back at her roomate.

"I'll pass." He said. "Actually, I'm just gonna walk back to the place, if that's alright?" He asked, one hand gesturing back in the direction of home.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Go crazy." Lucy said, brushing him off. "I'll see you later."

Lucy was thankful that the rain had stopped as she cupped one hand over the end of her Marlbro and lit it with a 99 cent lighter.

She got angry looks from people, disapproving of her irony and indifference to the burning home in front of them.

"Do y'all live around here? I've never seen you before." Lucy asked, looking to the blonde girl. "Oh my god, you know what? I don't even know your names. You probably heard it from Damien, but I'm Lucy." She held her hand out to the blonde one, puffing smoke.
"I'm surprised you don't know our names," Wendy responded in a sarcastic tone as she puffed out smoke. "We're from the next town over, but we go to high school here. We're the loud druggies in the middle of the night, if you even are around that part." She handed the lighter to Blaire, who happily took a puff.

Blaire really needed that cigarette to calm down her nerves, after all. Blaire decided to introduce themselves as well, saying, "I'm Blaire, and she's Wendy. Between the two of us, she's the crazy bitch."

The three both received angry looks, and sometimes yelled at them. "Maybe you druggie teens started the fire," one angry woman stated.

Blaire looked at Wendy, who laughed aloud. "Oh, I wish. This blaze is so, so beautiful. But - newsflash - you can't fucking get this big of a burn from just a lit cig butt," Wendy stated, getting closer to the woman as she spoke, her tone indicating violence and slight anger. Blaire saw this as a sign she was about to snap and decided to hold her back.
Lucy watched, leaning forward in case she needed to step up and intervene, but didn't think that Wendy would do anything serious.

Another puff from her cigarette, and her attention shifted from the girls. Fireman were bringing bodies out on stretchers. Most of them were just...basically nothing. Black shadows with bleeding muscle and agape mouths. One person came out somewhat recognizable, or at least, not black as tar.

Lucy plugged her nose, the smell was intoxicating even from here, but still squinted to see the body. Thick burns stretched skin, giving it a melting appearance around the edges. Blood still pooled around the body, staining the stretcher's sheets.

"Sick." Lucy muttered. She was a little scared and shocked at her interest in the body, but brushed it off, continuing to stare.

Fireman came around, ushering people further back, telling them to go home.

"Hey," Lucy gathered Blaires attention. "Mind if we hang at your place? Damien won't miss me." She said, eyes flittering back towards her street.
Wendy had to cover her grin with her sleeve, smiling wickedly at the body of what was once her dealer. She didn't fucking get her weed, and now look at where he was. He was beyond unrecognizable and just looked like dust and soot. Got what was coming to him. As the flames slowly died down, Blaire looked towards Lucy. "Yeah, sure. Whatever."

Wendy and Blaire led Lucy to Blaire's house. Blaire kicked her parents out of their own house, and so now she basically owned it. As they walked, Wendy whispered, "She clearly thinks we're cool... we can use her."

Blaire huffed at this proposal, perhaps thinking her partner in crime could be stupid. "She's a fucking adult, at tops a few years older than us or the same age - she can't be that stupid. You're in over your head."

Wendy and Blaire were pretty quiet on the rest of the way there. By the time that Blaire was unlocking the door, Wendy shot a warning; "It smells like weed and fifteen dozen corpses in there, so last chance to back out."
Lucy smirked. "Bet it'll smell just like home." She said, stepping inside.

"Y'all can't be more than 18. Who's your dealer?" She asked, settling down on a couch. (Lucy was never a good guest, she always managed to make herself feel at home, even when not asked.)

She realized she sounded a little bit like a cop. She flipped her shirt collar up. "No wire, by the way. I'm not a cop." She laughed. "That's a shit job anyways, to be honest. My dad was a cop. He fucking hated it, I'm sure."

It did smell a little funny in here. More than weed. Lucy had trouble placing it, but it reminded her of when her highschool drove her class out to the nearby prison, in an effort to scare them. She brushed it off and figured it was just teenagers.

She felt rather old around them, at 21, but figured they wouldn't care much. Legal drinking age. She was able to bring them free booze without risk of someone figuring out her fake ID, and that's pretty badass in her opinion.
Wendy laid on the hardwood floor, resting against the carpet as she smoked a cigarette. "Our dealer? It was like... Justin or Jason, whatever his name was," she said. "Whoever's home got burnt down, that was him."

Blaire opened Wendy's backpack on the floor, revealing dozens of marijuana packages. Wendy and Blaire were both eighteen, but ever since sixteen they were hit up with this. "Honestly, fucking shame for your dad," Wendy said with a rather sultry tone. "I would literally kill myself if I was a cop, to be honest."

"So what's up with Damien?" Blaire asked, sitting upside down in a recliner clearly fit for an elder man rather than a young adult. "He yours or?"

Wendy began giggling. "Kinda a cutie, huh?" she asked. Without getting up from her spot on the floor, she reached for one of the weed packets. "I've gotta hit this shit."
"Eh." Lucy laid back, head hanging over the couches arms. She held her hands above her head, fiddling with her fingers. "He's cute as fuck, yeah, but he's a dummy. Plus, he's squeamish, and honeslty just a pussy. I'm only living with him cause he makes good money."

She picked at lint on her tights. "Plus," she breathed a laugh. "He's gay, so. Good luck there."

"You said the guy in the house was your dealer? That's gotta be shit. Unless he was an ass, in that case good riddance." Lucy tugged her ponytail at the base tightening it. "Age 15-20, my dealer was a gross 40 year old man who lived all the way across my town. I drove out there often, with a switchblade in my pocket and 911 on speed dial. Never trusted him, but he sold it cheap, and I couldn't tell the difference between quality stuff, having nothing to compare it too."

Lucy cut herself off from talking, realizing she was rambling.
Wendy scoffed. "More than ass. We literally robbed a dude for some good jewelry, and he wouldn't even give us weed," she complained as she began to take hits of the weed she took. "Also, fuck that gay shit, he just doesn't know what good pussy's like." (author's note: i'm not homophobic. i love the gays, it's just wendy is eh.)

"Like... Fuck dude, he was a dick, but we were always on cool terms as long as he gave us what we wanted and we didn't complain much," Blaire admitted. "I used to just fuck him while I was with another dude, but even he was dickish to me. Honestly, he got what was coming to him."

Wendy rolled onto her stomach, sitting on the coffee table now. "Honestly? Sometimes I think I'd rather fuck with girls." She laid back on the table, groaning as her eyes rolled back. "That might be hotter, actually," she murmured under her breath.

Blaire giggled. "You get munchies, Luce?" she asked. "Wendy does, and I tend to give her sorry ass a huge as fuck buffet. She can't talk by the morning."
(My response is apparently 'waiting for moderator approval' oopsss so I'm gonna write out a quick summarization, since I've already had to rewrite out twice.)
Lucy smiled and ignored the question. "Hey, Blaire? A hit?" She asked, holding her hand out.

"You know, I hope the jewelry burned in the fire, if he stole it. Otherwise police would link it back to the guy you stole it from. I doubt they'd check it for prints, considering it was at your dealers house, but considering the fact that it was burned down, they might think it was..." She sat up, as if she had discovered sliced bread for the first time, speaking louder and faster. "They might think someone gave him the jewelry, or he stole it from them while they were there, so the person who stole the jewelry would have set the place on fire," She rambled on, making big motions with her hands, basically drawing out a map that linked evidence back to the girls. "...and holy shittttt."

Lucy laughed a little, a crazed laugh. She stared at the girls incredulously. "Don't tell me you set the fire."
Blaire widened her eyes at Lucy's realization, and stayed quiet as she then began to hit her blunt yet again.

"Chill," Wendy said. "I took the jewelry back." She reached into the backpack and pulled out a chain - Gucci, it looked. "I'm impressed they got Justin out of the fire, we tied him to a chair and his parents were sleeping."

"Wendy!" Blaire yelled, getting up from her chair.

"Eh, fuck it, they're not going to catch me," Wendy responded to Blaire with a tired look on her face. "Plus, just because the house was lit on fire, and I happened to have some stolen jewelry, there is no way for the police to be able to link it back to me." She sat up, hitting another one, with a bored expression. She began saying in a somewhat annoyed voice, "Our scent got washed away by rain, we wore gloves, and we didn't use nail polish to set the god damn bodies on fire. Rookie mistake, by the way. And he never details in a journal whenever and whoever he deals with - which was making him a huge target anyways."

Blaire didn't know what to say, so she just gazed at Wendy with a hint of resentment in her eyes. Wendy continued, "Nobody is ever gonna think it's Blaire because she's way too reasonable and always puts up with my shit. Nobody is ever gonna think it's me because - guess what - here's my alibi. I was smoking pot with Blaire and Luce. Blaire's obviously gonna vouch for me because she knows she can't live without me, and you're not wearing any wires and you have a resentment for cops, which means you probably wouldn't cooperate with them anyways."

Blaire scratched her eyebrow, looking down at her thighs, before back up to Wendy.
"Hah." Lucy breathed. "Fuck." She ran a hand through her hair. "Y'all are, y'all are pretty smart about this shit. You do it often?" She joked, scared to know the truth.

She stood up, her legs shaking, working hard to not give in under her.
"Fuck." She repeated. Then again. And again. And again. She quickly paced over and grabbed Blaires blunt, taking a quick hit, calming her nerves. She sat down, crosslegged on the ground, mumbling to herself.

"This is fine. I'm fine."

She sat in silence for a while, staring at her lap. After a while, she looked up, color slowly pooling back into her face.

"Would you help me kill someone?" She asked, voice quiet and shaking.
While Lucy was having her little freakout, Wendy laid back down on the table and continued smoking her joint. She handed it to Blaire, so she could calm down along with Lucy. Blaire was really good at keeping secrets, unlike Wendy, but, unlike the pink-haired girl, Blaire wasn't very good at maintaining calmness when the secret's out.

Wendy stayed on the table, beginning to chuckle at the ceiling. "Wendigo, that's really fucking inappropriate," Blaire told her.

"The ceiling looks fucking funny, dude," Wendy giggled.

When Lucy voiced her question, Wendy rolled over. "Sure, depends who. It's not the cutie, is it?" she asked, beginning to giggle again, before turning on her back again and looking up at the ceiling.
"Uhm. No. Its, actually the dealer I was telling you about? The old man? He uhm... well he did some shit to me, and I- I just wanna get back, you know?" She said, anger flushing at her cheeks.

She took another hit, though she honeslty didn't need it. No windows were open and the smoke from their weed filled the room in a thin mist. She blew it out slow, trying to get a hold of herself.

Bad memories piled in her brain, and she tried to flush them away with more weed. "Just don't say anything to Damien. He wouldn't respond well to this shit. Probably freak out and let it leak, so we'd have to be careful around him."

Lucy felt herself getting high, a well familiar feeling. She just hoped she didn't do something dumb.
Wendy looked over at Lucy. "Heyyy, don't worry dude, we'll take care of it," Wendy told Lucy before staring back up at the ceiling.

Blaire looked at Lucy. "I'll tell you our conditions - (a) it has to be raining. (B), it has to be night. (C), we need a ride, whether that be me or you. And (D), you help with covering whatever shithole he lives in with gasoline," Blaire said. That last requirement wasn't actually initially a part of their conditions - that was something Wendy would pull out of her ass to get desperate people to do dangerous things - but they were already murderers anyways.

Wendy looked at Blaire, with a dopey smile on her face. "That's really fucking hot," she groaned.

Blaire, who had no clue what the hell Wendy was talking about, just nodded in agreement. "Yeah, uh, sure," Blaire responded.
Lucy was well on her way to becoming higher than fuck, and she agreed blindly to the conditions.

Lucy layed back, still on the floor, and noticed what Wendy had found so funny about the ceiling. She giggled a bit, before her phone went off, with a call from Damien. She answered.

Damien responded, eager and scared. "Where are you? Are you alive?"
"Are you with those girls?"
"I am."
A sigh. "Are you high?"
"I am."
"Okay. Come home. I can't have you falling asleep with strangers."
And she hung up.

"I need to get home." She wrote her number on a letter envelope sitting atop the coffee table, walking out the door. "Thanks for this. Text me later." She left, closing the door behind her, and made her way home.

It was already dark out, probably causing Damiens freak out. He must have been sure she was face down in a pit somewhere, soaked in rain and mud. Lucy just hoped she would be able to find her way home in her state.

(I'm gonna fall asleep, mate. This was great, and I'll respond tommorow. Feel free to write out your part now.)
Wendy crashed on the couch, one arm dangling off the couch and her as high as a kite. She grabbed her phone, beginning to play some weird-ass game on it, while Blaire took the letter envelope and whipped out her phone - she had to hurry while she was still able to form cohesive and understandable thoughts in her mind. She quickly saved Lucy's number on her phone and then carried Wendy to bed.

By the next morning, Blaire texted Lucy about when they were going to meet again so they can talk. Of course, it was going to be about the murder. Wendy was keeping a close eye on the news weather forecast as Blaire waited for Lucy's response (as well as the food she was making).

"You think we can get Damien in on the plan?" Wendy asked.

Blaire shook her head. "I trust Lucy's judgement of him... He doesn't seem to be on board with the things we do, so I doubt he's likeminded. I mean, we can always try something new," she responded.
Damien wasn't at the house when Lucy woke up. She figured he must be out getting groceries. She was supposed to be the one to get groceries, but she had a tendency to come home with 8 times the amount of food they needed. So Damien took charge of that.

Lucy checked her phone, and had a message from an unknown number. Reading it through, she was, to say the least, very fucking confused. But after a while, last night came flowing back to her, and the text made sense. Lucy added the number to her contacts as "Blaire and Wendy" she wasn't sure who's number she actually had, so.

Lucy figured that the girls would know better about these kind of things than her, not to mention she was still shocked and lost because of... recent information and events. Lucy skimmed over the weather for the week, and wrote out a quick text to the girls.

Me, Wednesday 12:52 pm - Friday night and next Sunday are both raining past 8. I can be the ride.

She needed a cigarette. Fumbling around her living room for a pack of cigarettes, she found an unopened box of Camels buried under a pile of clothes.

Score. She thought, quickly lighting it and taking a few quick puffs. Lucy laid back against her worn couch, contemplating what the actual fuck she got herself into.
Me, 1:00 PM - It'll be done on Friday. No payment needed.

Damn, that kinda made Blaire sound like a hitman. She kinda digged the lawful way of killing (if killing was ever lawful), rather than killing like a primal animal, similar to Wendy's approach. Blaire looked up from her phone and noticed the food was beginning to burn so she quickly turned off the stove.

Over breakfast, the conversation went from last night to what was going to happen on Friday. They often waited a month before killing again, but this person was across town; police wouldn't be searching Blaire and Wendy unless Lucy ratted them out or something. But Lucy seemed much too interested in letting this old man go, and so was Blaire after she listened to Lucy's motive.

"I say we use the stolen jewelry to make bank, so we can use it on being a bit more efficient with our murders," Blaire suggested. "We can cut up his body and put it in little containers, put cement over it so the decomp won't smell as bad or as often. People will think it's just a missing person, and then we find a way to get rid of all the remains with acid or something."

Wendy, the less practical killer, just said, "We can use the money for experimenting with other ways of torture. I mean... I want the puppy in on this." She stabbed the yolk of the egg on her plate, causing it to burst and split in all directions, making Blaire jump a bit in her seat at the surprise.

"Nah, there's no way puppy would want in unless Lucy was in," Blaire told her. "And even then, Lucy did say he was easy to leak..."

"We can just kill him at anytime," Wendy responded, raising her voice.
Lucy jolted up from her relaxed sit on the couch when she heard keys jangling in the doorlock. Damien came stumbling inside, balancing bags upon bags of groceries up and down his arms.

He dropped them off at the table, then turned and gave Lucy a disapproving look.

"What?" She asked, putting out her third cigarette.

"Go get dressed, Lucy. You look like shit." Damien answered, starting to out away food.

"I'm fine." Lucy responded, but she got up anyways to take a shower.

Damien stayed back, finishing the groceries, then picking things up around the living room. Lucy's phone went off.
Damien picked it up, checking the message to see if he should let her know. They were always like this, no secrets, so they didn't care if the other went through their phone. (With reason, of course.)

Reading through the texts, Damien shook his head trying to get what he was reading. It sounded like a drug deal, but the conditions were weird, and Damien got a terrible feeling that something more was going on.

He set the phone down, continuing to clean.
Me, 9:23 PM - We're in front of burnt house.

When Friday rolled around, both Blaire and Wendy hung out around Justin's burnt down house. There were police there, still blocking off people from entering the premises. As if they could find anything, Wendy thought to herself.

Wendy and Blaire sat across the street from the crime scene, smoking cigarettes as they watched the police do their thing. It was raining, so Wendy was wearing a rain jacket, while Blaire carrier an umbrella.

"Having her help us set everything on fire will make this so much easier," Wendy murmured.

Blaire sighed. "I feel a little guilty dragging her into this," she admitted.
Lucy pulled a thin windbreaker on over her t-shirt and tights when she left, deciding she shouldn't layer up for the cold. It nipped at her face, rain pelting her as she sat down in her front seat, fighting the urge to light a blunt. She didn't expect the rain to be this feirce.

Pulling up to the burned house, she was suprised to see his many policemen were still stomping through the wreckage.

She rode up, her crappy subaru pulling over as she rolled down the window and called out.

"Hey, bitchahos! Let's go!" She called out, just loud enough for them to hear. She popped the locks so they could get in. Nerves pricked at her skin, poking and biting. She did her best to shake them off, still fighting to not light anything up and smoke it.

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