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Mizuchi Crush

Kazuo nodded his head slightly, "Yeah, I understand. It's hard to be out and about. About this thing." He whispered softly closing his eyes tightly and then got closer to Kohaku without really noticing it. "Yeah! Maybe this weekend? Are you free?" He asked his eyes lighting up at the sound of them actually hanging out together outside of school. He seemed really excited to learn more about him and it would make him really happy.

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xxxxKohaku chuckled at Kazuo's excitement. He was really too cute, and Kohaku couldn't believe he hadn't seen how much he liked Kazuo until yesterday. He nodded. "Yeah, I'm free on Saturday. What do you want to do?" Kohaku imagined that a movie would be the most reasonable thing; not too serious since it would be their first date, but also romantic. And it would be dark inside the theater, so hopefully no one would recognize them easily. But there were plenty of other places for a first date, many of them less cliche than the movies, so Kohaku wanted to hear what Kazuo had to put on the table first.
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and smiled softly soon, "Hmm maybe I'm not free Saturday." He said winking at him and sticking his tongue out. He soon laughed softly and shook his head slightly, "Just kidding, hmm maybe dinner or a movie?" He asked softly looking over at him. "I think a movie is more secretive because they'll probably be a lot of students out on Saturday." He said thinking out loud and then sighed softly.

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xxxx"Ah shit, you're right," Kohaku said. There would be a lot of students out on Saturday. Hell, the last time he'd gone to the movies on the weekend, he'd seen a whole group of five or six of his students. But would dinner be any better? There might be less of a chance of getting recognized, but a teacher and a student having dinner together without the parent would raise lots of questions. Unless they went to Kohaku's place after the movie, but that might be moving too fast. "What will you tell your parents?" He asked Kazuo. Kazuo's parents seemed remarkably unconcerned with where their son was and what he did there to Kohaku. From what he could tell, they hadn't even tried coming out here to get Kazuo.
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and smiled softly, "I-I mean after the movies we can go to your house." He whispered softly, "And eat there?" He said more like a question a small blush appearing on his cheeks. And then shrugged, "It's just my mom, and she knows I'm gay and fully accepts it. Seeing she works from home, she won't mind I'm out with friends." Kazuo said happily a small smile appearing on his lips. It was unusual to have only one parent especially in Japan but he didn't mind at all.

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xxxxKohaku thought about it. He honestly hadn't expected Kazuo to be the one to suggest going to his place. Kazuo was just so innocent. Then again, Kohaku reminded himself, the boy had claimed to be in love with him, just like Ikehara and Maita and Arima. "Yeah, we could do that," he said, bringing him arm up around Kazuo's shoulders. "If you're okay with takeout, then I'm game. I can't cook to save my life." He laughed quietly. "That's cool of your mom." So Kazuo had come out to his parents, or at least one of them. He didn't try to push the topic by asking about Kazuo's father. Kazuo's mother was okay with her son being gay, but he doubted she would be okay with her son dating his teacher. "We can look online and see what movies are in theatres right now once we get to my apartment?"
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and smiled softly, "Okay great!" He said happily and then got up smiling softly when the train stopped. "I can cook though, if you really want me to?" He murmured a small blush appearing on his cheeks. Getting of the train he waited for Kohaku to come off the train. "Yeah, my father left when I came out to them." He admitted fiddling with his fingers slightly. "I don't care anymore though" Kazuo said shaking his head slightly and then nodded his head. "Yeah, that's fine with me!" He said happily.

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xxxx"Uaagh, you can cook! That's amazing, Kazuo!" Kohaku exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. He stood up and followed the other off the train and onto the familiar platform. His sister had tried to teach him a cookie recipe once, and she'd told him that watching him try to make the cookies was like watching that TV show where they featured a series of unfortunate events. He'd tried making scrambled eggs and ended up burning the underside of the microwave. What Kazuo said next made the glimmer in his eyes fade away. "Your father left?" he said incredulously. Kohaku tried to wrap his head around the idea that a man with a family he had to support could just up and leave because his son happened to like the same gender. "God, what an asshole. I'm sorry." He rested a hand on the boy's shoulder, steering him down the corridor and out into the parking lot. He sighed when they were finally out on the road. "I live in the apartments by the school," he said conversationally, "so I guess we live pretty far from each other."
Kazuo laughed softly and nodded his head slightly a small smile appearing on his lips. "My mom taught me when I was younger! I can cook anything seeing she and my father before he left were always gone." He said softly biting his lip slightly, "I kind of just made food myself." Kazuo said softly shrugging his shoulders. Nodding his head at Kohaku he laughed softly, "At least my mother supports me right?" He asked softly leaning against him once more. It was true and of course he didn't care. He didn't talk to his father as much as he did to his mother so it wasn't a great loss. "Yeah, but that's okay."'he said softly and then got into his car smiling softly.

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xxxxKohaku nodded and yawned as he did. He waited for the yawn to subside before speaking again. "I can live with it, but I don't like the distance. I'd rather feel like I can reach you easily." Now that he wasn't driving in a reckless rush, the trip back to his apartment block felt like it passed quickly. He parked the car and got out, fishing his keys out of his pocket. He was starting to remember everything that was wrong with his apartment: the dirty dishes in the sink, the jackets and socks littering random places, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke from when his brother had visited a few days ago. An anxious feeling bloomed in his stomach as he waited for Kazuo to get out before locking his car and leading the way into the building. Would Kazuo mind? He realized that neither of them had eaten dinner, though Kohaku honestly felt like he could crash and do without tonight. Kazuo might be hungry. "Are you hungry?" he asked over his shoulder as they started walking up the stairs (damn, there was also no elevator). "I could order pizza. There's a place nearby that delivers."
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and then smiled softly shaking his head at Kohaku, "Yeah." He whispered blushing deeply and then looked at him shaking his head slightly. "Not really, if you are though you can order I'm just really tired." Kazuo whispered softly and then began walking up the steps with Kohaku and smiled softly looking around the building slightly. It just seemed like an apartment where a teacher would actually stay, of course Kohaku seemed like one of those people who had a lot of money because of his looks. But, he didn't care about money. Kazuo had plenty and his partner didn't need to shower him in gifts, and that's really not what he wanted anyways. He wanted to feel loved by someone and hopefully Kohaku and him can be in love together. Blushing deeply at his own thoughts, Kazuo shifted his feet looking around the hallway.
xxxxKohaku stopped at the door to his apartment, number 45, and twisted the key in the lock. He swung the door open and stepped inside the room, feeling a little awkward. "I'll go get some clothes for you to change into," he said, and he hung the keys on their hook before turning down the hall to his room. He shrugged off his coat and threw it over the footboard of his bed. He had a habit of tossing his clothes just wherever when he was too lazy to put them in their proper place, which was most of the time. He looked over the shelves in his closet and settled on an old T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants pilled up in the very back that was too small on him but looked like they would fit Kazuo just fine. Kohaku picked out another T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants for himself, and he dropped the clothes meant for Kazuo onto the bed. "I'm going to the bathroom to change!" he called down the hall as he walked out of the room to where Kazuo was. "You can go ahead and change in my room. Your clothes are on the bed. Just leave your uniform on the floor or something." He grinned at Kazuo.
Kazuo looked around the apartment when they walked inside. Taking his shoes off he smiled softly, "Okay, I'll go get changed too." He said softly and then walked to Kohaku's room blushing slightly. He soon grabbed the clothes from the bed and soon put them on breathing in the scent of his teacher. Shaking his head slightly, he walked back out and sat down on the couch. Looking around Kazuo soon felt his eyelids drooping, "Nn." He whined softly rubbing them but then soon curled into a ball falling asleep on the couch.
xxxxAs soon as he'd stripped, Kohaku decided to go ahead and shower. It was probably rude of him not to ask Kazuo if he wanted to shower, but Kohaku needed the feeling of hot water on his back to relax himself. Besides, he felt dirty. He changed into his sleepwear when he was done, running a towel through his hair several times before he kicked his old clothes into the laundry basket. Kohaku slung the towel around his neck as he walked out of the bathroom and into the main room. "Kazuo?" he called. His eyes landed on the sleeping ball in the corner of the couch, and he repressed the urge to squeal. Kazuo just looked so darn cute and innocent and lovely. Kohaku walked over, and as he knelt down, he caught sight of the picture of himself and Etsuki on the side table, the picture he'd been unable to look away from just last night. He hoped Kazuo hadn't seen it and laid the frame down so that it wasn't visible anymore.

xxxxKohaku slid one arm under Kazuo's armpit and the other under his knees, lifting him from the couch bridal style. He nuzzled his face into Kazuo's fine white hair and tried to inhale as inconspicuously as possible even though there wasn't anyone there to judge him for it. Holy shit, his hair smelled like fucking strawberries. Was that a hint of cinnamon, or was he just hallucinating? As if he needed any more proof that Kazuo was an actual angel. Kohaku walked to his room with Kazuo in his arms, laying him on one side of his bed as gently as he could. He turned off the lights and then crawled onto the bed on the side opposite Kazuo.
Kazuo curled into more of a ball when he felt himself being set down. He opened his eyes sleepily and then moved over slightly soon getting closer to Kohaku in his sleepy state. He laid his head on his chest and his legs tangled with Kohaku's. He soon fell back asleep a small happy content sigh escaped his lips when he did.


Kazuo clenched his hands against the soft fabric of a shirt. Opening his eyes he looked around the unknown apartment and soon looked down to see Kohaku's sleeping body. Blushing deeply at the thought, he soon got closer to him and closed his eyes once more wishing this morning wouldn't end. But, of course there was a thing called school which he pretty much despised and didn't want to go to at all. But, because Kohaku was there he could endure the pain a little more.
xxxxBEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP-- Kohaku smacked the watch on his wrist to stop the alarm. He groaned at the prospect of getting up and going to work and snuggled the warm body more tightly. His first thought was Etsuki. She must have spent the night again. But no, this body smelled different and felt different in general. He opened his eyes and rubbed at them blearily. Kazuo. The details of last night came trickling back, and he propped himself up on one elbow. He ran his free hand through Kazuo's hair, which felt as delicate as dandelion fluff. His fingers cupped the back of Kazuo's head, and Kohaku kissed his forehead before sitting up completely. "Rise and shine," he murmured. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rose a little unsteadily, the haze of sleepiness still in effect. Kohaku staggered into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and when he emerged, he was looking more awake. He brooded over the contents of his closet for a few seconds before he settled on his clothes for the day. Dropping these at the end of the bed, Kohaku bent over the bed and gently shook Kazuo's shoulder. "Come on, time to get ready for school," he said teasingly.
Kazuo whined softly and then looked up at Kohaku slumping back into the bed, "I don't want to go to school today." He pouted slightly covering himself more into a ball and curling into a ball so his head was just sticking out at Kohaku. "You can go without me." His voice mushed between the blankets making it barely audible but right now he didn't really care. Kazuo didn't really want to go to school today, it was worse than other days seeing he didn't mind usually going. But, because he was with Kohaku all he wanted to do was cuddle with him in bed. "Kohaku, I want to cuddle with you." He mumbled bringing the blanket even closer to him, his hair sticking up everywhere.
xxxxKohaku felt his will start to dissolve in spite of himself. He groaned quietly and carded a hand through his bangs. Kazuo was looking up at him, his eyes pleading, bearing a striking resemblance to a marshmallow. A marshmallow Kohaku wanted to make out with for some reason. "We can't just skip school. I mean, I guess you can, but I can't," he said, but his voice sounded half-hearted even to himself. He sighed and looked at his watch. He supposed he'd gotten up a little earlier than he really needed to... Kohaku gave in and crawled onto the bed, shuffling under the blanket and wrapping an arm around Kazuo's warm body. "Only for a few minutes," he griped. "And then we get up and change at the speed of light and run to school." He rested his chin on top of Kazuo's head and scrunched his face up because Kazuo's hair kept on tickling his cheeks and his nose.
Kazuo laughed softly and then got closer to Kohaku when he got back into the bed smiling happily. "Mm you're so comfy." He mumbled softly his head laying on his chest sighing softly and then closed his eyes once more. "I want to stay here." He mumbled against his chest. But, if his mom found out that he skipped school and if she knew that he was with his teacher she would slice him up in little pieces and feed him to their nonexistent cat. Shuddering at the thought, Kazuo got closer to Kohaku hiding his face into his chest.
xxxxOne of Kohaku's hands played with Kazuo's hair and the other rubbed slow, comforting circles into his back. "I want to stay here with you too," he murmured. "But we can't be selfish like that. There are students who probably need my help at school. And your mom must be worried." He glanced at his watch again. Two minutes and thirty seconds until he absolutely had to go. Only two minutes and thirty seconds more of staying like this. The thought motivated Kohaku to bring the hand that had been playing with Kazuo's hair under the boy's chin. He tiled Kazuo's face up and bent his head so that their lips met. Kohaku was tempted to move away from Kazuo's lips and kiss up his jaw, down the side of his neck, and along the hollows of his collarbone where the oversized T-shirt exposed pale skin. He would probably get away with it too, if it weren't for the fact that indulging himself might make him late for work.
Kazuo smiled softly and closed his eyes getting even closer to Kohaku when he said he wanted to stay here also. "All the students pretend they need your help but all they want is for you to talk to them." He mumbled jealously. Kazuo instantly closed his eyes when he kissed him softly. Wrapping his arms around his neck Kazuo soon kissed Kohaku's neck softly a small smile appearing on his lips.
xxxxKohaku gasped when he felt Kazuo's lips on his neck. Nooooope nope nope he had to stop this before it went too far. He wasn't worried about Kazuo getting carried away. He was worried about himself and what he might do if Kazuo kept on being so damn... cute and attractive and ughhh. He tilted his head back to give Kazuo more access to his neck. Wait, what? his brain said. You're supposed to be stopping this. With a groan of frsutration, Kohaku pulled away from Kazuo. "Okay, time to go," he said unenthusiastically. "You're coming. Right?"
Laughing softly at Kohaku and then nodded his head slightly, "Yeah, of course we can't go together it would seem weird. I'll get changed and fix my hair the best I can and then I'll meet you at school Kurokawa-sensei." He teased kissing his cheek softly before getting up and then grabbed his uniform and walked to the bathroom. Stripping from the clothes Kohaku gave him and then put his uniform on slowly a small sigh escaped his lips.
xxxxKohaku smiled and rolled off the bed, shimmying out of his sleepwear. He quickly started changing into his work clothes. He buttoned his shirt, rolled the sleeves up, and stuffed his feet into his shoes. Something that Kazuo said was bothering him. Kohaku walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it to get the boy's attention. "Are you going to walk to school or something?" he asked through the door. His apartment was in walking distance from the school. He'd had to run to school once (it was a long story involving an ex-convict and a raccoon), and it'd taken him five minutes. "I don't have a problem with you walking to school, just text me when you get there, okay?" he continued.
Hearing the knock on the door Kazuo looked away from the mirror of the bathroom and then smiled softly, "Okay, Kohaku. I will don't worry. Or you'll just see me second or first period today." He murmured shaking his head slightly. "Now go along! I'll leave soon, don't be late to work it would seem weird if you are." Kazuo murmured softly shaking his head slightly. He, of course knew the teacher was usually one of the first people to get there seeing one day he had come in for help his first year. But, his teacher didn't show up and Kohaku helped him instead. It was a fond memory Kazuo remembered, but Kohaku probably didn't even remember it so he doesn't really share it.

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