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Mizuchi Crush

xxxx"See you. Bye." Kohaku smiled when Kazuo kissed him again and waved goodbye. He had to grade some papers before he could head home. He set up shop at Nagamine's desk and pulled the nearest stack of ungraded quizzes in front of him, replacing the sharpie he'd thrown and taking out a red pen from her cup. He caught himself making a lot of mistakes as he went, which wasn't like himself. He shook his head. He had to stop thinking about Kazuo for just a little bit so that he could focus, but his mind kept on wandering back to the feel of the boy's lips and his gentle smile. Kohaku checked his phone at least once every ten minutes as he went. He scolded himself for being so distracted. Of course, when he and Estuki had first gotten together, he'd been on cloud nine for days on end. No, he wasn't supposed to think about her anymore. It took him longer than it usually did, but he finished eventually and left the building in high spirits. The drive home was short, and he crashed on the couch once he was inside. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled lazily through his Twitter.
Kazuo grabbed his phone from his bag when he got on the train, looking at the phone number he smiled softly then texted Kohaku blushing deeply. 'Still on the train, I'll be home soon.' He sent and then sighed happily. Being in a daze, Kazuo got off the wrong part of the train. Blinking slightly he looked around the place and furrowed his eyebrows. "Where am I?" He mumbled holding tightly onto his bag and then began walking. It seemed like a part of the city but the part where there's more business here. A lot of tall buildings, now Kazuo knew where he was. He was in the heart of Tokyo itself. The opposite side of where he actually lived. "Oh no.." He whispered softly widening his eyes and looked around at all the hustling and bustling going around.

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xxxxHis phone buzzed, and Kohaku immediately opened up the text from the unfamiliar number. He saved it in his phone and then texted back. 'Text me when you're home. I don't want to worry.' It felt nice to be texting Kazuo. It felt normal, like there was nothing wrong with what they were doing.

{{ sorry it's really short! xc
Kazuo looked at Kohaku's text and then bit his lip slightly. He was wondering if he should call Kohaku or just get a hotel. Sighing softly he dialed Kohaku's number, "Ah, Kohaku! I kind of got off the wrong train. And I don't know where I'm at." He mumbled rubbing the back of his neck slightly.

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xxxxKohaku blinked in surprise when the call screen appeared. Why was Kazuo calling him? "Hello, Kazuo?" he said as he answered it. He sat up and clutched the phone in his hand. He could hear lots of background noise, the sounds of cars and overlapping conversation. "Are you in the city?" Kohaku stood up and pulled on his coat, fishing his car keys out of its pocket. "Just tell me what station you're at, I'll come get you." He hurried down the hall and descended flight after flight of stairs until he was on the ground floor. His apartment building was on the small side with only four floors so an elevator wasn't a necessity, but he lived on the top floor. Kohaku got in his car and pulled out of the parking lot. "Stay put, Kazuo," he ordered, "I'm on my way."
Kazuo held his phone tightly, "Ah, I'm sorry for making you worry, I didn't mean to." He murmured looking down at his hands and sighed softly then soon told him the station he was at. "Kohaku, really it's okay I'll be fine my parents can come get me. I don't want you driving here so far!" He exclaimed flinching slightly when someone pushed him slightly making him lose his balance. Kazuo hated the heart of the city, everyone was cruel and didn't care if anyone got hurt. Rubbing his arm he got up and brushed his pants off.

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xxxx"Mmmm," he hummed as he put in the station name in the map feature on his phone. "Well, I'm already on my way." He eased his car a little faster. The roads this far out were empty anyways. He was already fifteen above the speed limit. "You should call your parents too, let them know where you are. I still want to try to reach you, in case they get stuck in traffic or something." He slowed down when he saw the transit come into sight. The night lines were well into operation now. He parked the car and ran inside. The Tokyo line was already boarding. Kohaku sprinted onto the car right before the door closed, trying to catch his breath. He ignored the stares from the others and put the phone back up to his ear. "Okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes. The night lines run way faster than the day lines. Just keep talking to me; if you're on the phone, then dangerous people will leave you alone."
Nodding his head slightly Kuro looked at his phone, "Okay, let me call my parents really quickly, I'll call you back Kohaku I need to tell my parents I'll be staying at a hotel tonight." He mumbled and then hung up before he could object. He soon called his mother and explained the situation, "Kazuo! Just be careful, tell me if something happens. Come home right after school tomorrow or okay?" She said shaking her head. Kazuo rubbed the back of his neck, "Okay, mom I'll get home right away." He said softly and the hung up after saying good bye. Yawning softly he sook called Kohaku back, "I'm tired." He mumbled rubbing at his eyes another a small yawn coming out of his mouth.

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xxxxKohaku blinked when Kazuo hung up a little suddenly. He leaned his head against the window, shifting restlessly. Kazuo didn't sound all that nervous, but Kohaku was freaking out just a little bit. He used to live in Tokyo, and he knew firsthand just how dangerous it could be if you didn't know how to handle yourself at night. His phone lit up and he tapped the answer button. "Why must you always settle for a hotel," he scolded playfully. "Do you even have any money on you?"
Kazuo laughed softly and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. And yeah I do." He said softly biting his lip. "I'm sorry that I made you worry so much, I was somewhat in a daze and got off the wrong train station." Kazuo mumbled softly and then looked down at his shoes shaking his head once more. "Anyways, I don't want to go home because I don't want to bother my parents. They work early in the morning of my dad does. And my mom she does whatever she wants. So I might as well just stay in a hotel or something. Maybe a friends?" He said thinking out loud walking back and forth along the sidewalk.

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(I edited my post to make it longer sorry! I wasn't done with it owo)

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{{ it's okay cx

xxxx"Do you have any friends that live in Tokyo?" Kohaku asked. "I mean, most of the kids who go to Mizuchi live in the suburbs by the school. There aren't a lot of city kids that I can think of." He'd been thinking of something for a few minutes now, but he wasn't sure if putting it on the table would be crossing a line. "You could, uhm, you could stay at my place? I'm totally fine with sleeping on the couch for one night. And I'm already coming, so..." he trailed off, unsure what else to say that would support his offer.
Kazuo rubbed the back of his neck, "No, but then again I don't have many friends to begin with." He whispered softly and then kicked the ground slightly. He then blushed deeply nodding his head a little, "Y-yeah. I would like that." Kazuo whispered softly closing his eyes tightly and then shook his head slightly. "If that's okay? I don't want it to be awkward." Kazuo murmured looking at his phone and sighed softly. "Ah, Kohaku, my phones going to die. I'll see you when you get here! Bye!" Kazuo exclaimed and then hung up quickly his blush not dying down.

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xxxx"Oh, then I'll see you--" Kohaku said before Kazuo ended the call. He sighed and hung his head. Was Kazuo actually okay with the idea of spending the night at his place? He'd been so quick to hang up. He sat in silence for the remainder of the trip, almost dozing off and nearly missing the station himself. He stumbled out of the car and onto the platform. Kohaku craned his head over the people in his way and looked for the telltale head of white hair that would lead him to Kazuo.
Kazuo sighed softly and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked at the train that came by and smiled softly, getting on his tip toes he looked got Kohaku. Flinching slightly when he started to get pushed he looked around for Kohaku some more and finally saw him. "K-Kohaku!" He yelled out waving his hand out and gasped softly when he got pushed. "Rude." He mumbled softly rubbing his arm slightly.

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xxxxKohaku heard his name get called and spun around. A smile broke out on his face when he saw Kazuo waving, though it faltered when he saw the boy get pushed. He fought his way through the crowd, waving through the people with experienced ease before he took Kazuo's hand and led him out of the fray. "You don't stand in the middle of a group of people with places to be and expect not to get pushed around," he reprimanded gently. He hugged Kazuo before the other could protest and pecked his forehead. "I'm really glad you're alright." He grinned and ruffled Kazuo's hair affectionately. "Okay, have everything with you?"
Kazuo blushed deeply and held onto Kohaku tightly, soon closing his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He mumbled softly and then sighed a little looking up at Kohaku. "I'm not a little kid anymore, I know the city I've been to it many times." Kazuo mumbled shaking his head slightly. "Yeah, I do. Can I have a pair of clothes to change into when I get to your house? I don't want to sleep in my uniform." He murmured a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

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xxxx"Well, they might be a little big on you, but I'll see what I can do," Kohaku replied thoughtfully. "Let's go." He took Kazuo's hand in his again and checked the lit-up signs proclaiming which lines were boarding and which ones were about to be boarding. The one going back to the station by the school wouldn't be leaving for ten minutes, so Kohaku led Kazuo over to a bench in front of the line and sat down. "What had you so distracted that you got off on the wrong station?" he asked, recalling that Kazuo had said he'd been 'in a daze' or something.
Kazuo looked at Kohaku and smiled softly, "It's fine!" He exclaimed and then closed his eyes slightly a small sigh escaping his lips. Sitting down next to Kohaku, Kazuo laid his head on his shoulder closing his eyes. "I kind of was thinking of you." Kazuo said embarrassed, his face flushing deeply. It made him feel like such a creep but he really didn't care. "What are we exactly Kohaku?" Kazuo asked biting his lip slightly and looked down at their hands together.

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xxxxKohaku's face went red, and he looked at the ground and pursed his lips. Kazuo was just too damn cute. "If it make you feel any better, I was having trouble focusing after you left too." He leaned his head against the top of Kazuo's. The boy's next question made him laugh. "I thought we established this earlier. We're in a relationship. Dating. What do you kids call it these days?" he said teasingly and then shook his head. "So tell Seiji-kun that you already have a boyfriend." He was half-joking, half-serious. Estuki had always berated him for being the jealous type, but old habits die hard.
Kazuo looked at him and blushed deeply, "Oh." He murmured softly and then smiled softly nodding his head. "Dating okay, I'm fine with that." He murmured to himself a small smile appearing on his lips. Laughing a little at Kohaku's next comment he shook his head slightly, "You're the only one I want so it's okay." He said touching his cheek and giving him a gentle smile before kissing his cheek. "Our trains here." He murmured softly and then got up smiling softly.

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xxxxKohaku didn't think he'd ever be able to stop a smile from emerging when Kazuo kissed him so innocently. He grasped Kazuo's hand and they joined a small gaggle of people also boarding. Kohaku made eye contact with some old guy wearing a moth-eaten scarf who was glaring at them from across the platform. Oh, he has a problem with us? he thought. He would have been more reserved about kissing and being kissed by Kazuo if they were staying in Tokyo, but since they were leaving, he felt free to flaunt their gayness. He stuck his tongue out at the man right before the stepped into the car and the doors slid shut behind them. There weren't that many people in their car, so Kohaku easily found a spot in the corner where they could sit together. He sighed as he sank down on the cold seat, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes.
Kazuo looked up at Kohaku and smiled softly, he soon looked away and out the window sighing softly. Glancing back at him Kazuo laughed softly when he stuck his tongue out at the man that was staring at them. "I'm glad you didn't reject me. Being public about this kind of thing people usually don't accept it as often as you would think." Kazuo whispered softly and looked at Kohaku smiling a little. It was true of course, his father actually left when he confessed to his parents. His mother opened him with loving arms. But, his father was another story. Shaking the negative thoughts out of his head, he laid his head on Kohaku's shoulder.

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xxxxA moment of silence passed between them before Kohaku answered. "There are going to be times where we have to be discreet. What with our... circumstances. But I wanted to show you off for at least tonight." He pecked the top of Kazuo's head. The boy had sounded sad and a little forlorn when he spoke of not being accepted, leading Kohaku to wonder if he'd been rejected for his sexuality before. Kohaku had never seen any signs of bullying around Kazuo, signs that he definitely would have noticed, so perhaps it was his parents. It was a sad reality that coming out led many kids to being distanced from their parents. Not being straight was a lot less stigmatic in Tokyo, but even Kohaku had never told his parents that he liked both girls and boys. He'd decided instead to only date girls. It was a rule he'd broken today, but Kazuo was worth it. "Speaking of being discreet, we should hang out soon," he said warmly, changing the subject to something a bit happier.

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