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Mizuchi Crush


angel eyes ♡


-- 1x1 between growl and deception --

xxxxKohaku was helping the History teacher when the bell rang. "Oops. Sorry Harada-san," Kohaku said as he organized the papers he'd been working on into two neat stacks. "We'll continue grading these essays tomorrow morning. I promised Nagamine-san that I'd help her with her new lesson plan today." He patted the gray-haired man on the back before he left, a slight skip in his step. As much as he just absolutely adored grading three-page essays, actually being a part of the lesson was much more enjoyable for him, even if he was usually only there to answer questions. Besides, Fujimoto-kun had science for his first period, so Kohaku knew he wouldn't be bored.

xxxxKohaku talked to Nagamine for a few minutes, going over what she would be teaching her class today. As soon as she left to get out some diagrams, a group of three girls approached Kohaku. He sighed inwardly and carded a hand through his black hair, but he still smiled brightly at them. "Good morning, Kurokawa-sensei!" the girls chorused.

xxxx"Good morning, Maita-chan, Ikehara-chan, Arima-chan," he answered automatically. His gaze wandered over to the door, where students were still entering the classroom.

xxxx"Hey, I baked some cookies and my family didn't eat them all, so would you like them, Kurokawa-sensei?" Ikehara said, holding up a bundle of cookies wrapped in pink foil.

xxxxHe was shaking his head before she had finished her question, forcing a bemused but also nervous laugh. "Sorry, Ikehara. You know I can't accept gifts from my students." After all, you and your friends try to feed me at least once a week, he thought to himself. You'd think they'd get the message by now. A familiar head of white hair walking through the door caught his eye, and he politely excused himself before strolling over to Fujimoto's desk. Once the student had sat down, Kohaku leaned down to speak in his ear. "Ready for the new lesson today?" he asked, his expression teasing.
Kazuo looked around the sidewalk of the school a small sigh escaping his lips, it was just another day for Kazuo. One he was looking forward to of course, not because Kurokawa-sensei was his first period. No. That was just part of what he was looking forward to today. Sighing softly he shook the thoughts out of his head a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.

It wasn't like he was any different then the other students anyways. Kurosawa-sensei was like this to all his students nice and teasing. He had conversations with all of them, that's what Kazuo told himself every day anyways. He couldn't fall any deeper into the hole he had dug for himself. Sighing softly at his own thought Kazuo walked inside the classroom and set his things down on the desk and sat himself down in his seat.

Jumping slightly at the hot breath against his ear which made Kazuo blush even deeper, he looked at Kurokawa. Smirking slightly he leaned in slightly and went by his ear.

"No way in hell, your lessons are the most boring ones I had all year Kurokawa-sensei." He murmured and then gave him a gentle smile before sticking his tongue out. "Just kidding, what are we going to learn today?" He asked leaning his face forward. His chin resting on the palm of his hands.

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xxxxKohaku put a hand over his heart, hanging his head as if he couldn't believe anyone could be so cruel. "I am the teacher's aid, you know," he said, "Just because I fill in when one of your actual teachers catches a cold doesn't mean my lessons are any worse than theirs." He knew Fujimoto was just kidding, and grinned at the boy when he said as much. Kohaku liked Fujimoto because he didn't try to bring attention to himself. He was quiet and cute and eager, and he didn't shout like most of the other boys when he joked around.

xxxx"We are going to learn about the fascinating atomic structure," Kohaku answered, waving his hands in the air to add grandeur to the subject. His voice suddenly took on the serious yet kind tone he used when he was being a mature adult, the tone that made some of his female students blush. "It'll probably be hard, but I'm here if you need any help." He straightened up when the late bell rang, and took his seat at the teacher's desk while Nagamine went to the front to begin her lesson. She pulled down the screen, and Kohaku turned on the presentation she had made as she had instructed him to, his eyes wandering over the class to check if the expressions on their faces showed understanding or confusion. Once they had made it through the presentation, he stood up to hand out a couple of worksheets to each student and then stood to the side, waiting for people to start raising their hands to ask a question.
Kazuo laughed softly at Kurokawa-sensei's childish acts, "Mm, that's true. You just don't explain as much as they do." He said shrugging his shoulders slightly. "Kurowkawa-Sensei's voice is very monotonous." He said sticking his tongue out at the teacher and then laughed softly leaning against his chair. Kurokawa was his favorite teacher out of the ones he had, he was really young so he did know what most of the students were going through and tried to teach everything thoroughly, even though sometimes he went fast. Also, he joked around with Kazuo a lot like he was a friend of his. It was really nice of him and that's what he really liked about Kurokawa, also he stuck up for the loners usually.

His chin resting on the palm of his hand once more, Kazuo sighed softly watching the slide show but not really at the same time. Biting his lip slightly, he looked at the worksheet they got passed out and tapped his pencil against his desk sighing softly. Maybe paying attention to the slide show would have helped a little more, instead of day dreaming about other things. Maybe coming after school to ask Kurokawa for help wouldn't hurt, all he had to do was tell him so he wouldn't be surprised that much. Humming softly, he put his name on the paper and then wrote the answers he knew that were pretty common sense.
xxxxKohaku smiled at the girl who had raised her hand, looking over her shoulder at the question she had pointed out. "Oh, yeah, I know these types of questions can be weird, but all you have to do is look at what type of bond is shown and work it out from there..." He reasoned it out for her and then rephrased what he'd said until her doubtful stare turned into nods of certainty that yes, she knew what to do now. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and ignored it. The buzzing ended after a while, and then started up again. The fourth time around, Kohaku asked Nagamine if he could excuse himself, and then pulled out his phone as he walked into the boy's bathroom to answer it. He raised his eyebrows at the Caller ID and tapped the answer button. "What is it, Etsu-chan? You know I'm at work right now."

xxxx"Kohaku... I need you to hear me out..." He gripped the phone a little tighter in his hand at the weird note in his girlfriend's voice.

xxxx"Etsuki? What is it, what's wrong?"

xxxxThere was a pause and then a sigh. "Kohaku... I was thinking today. No, I've been thinking this for some time now... And I wanted to tell you as soon as I could, but..." Another pause, this one longer than the last. "This isn't working out. We're not working out."

xxxxHe ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his bangs, yanking on them almost to the point of pain. "This isn't funny. I'm at work, don't call me just to say stuff like this."

xxxx"Kohaku, I'm not joking." He could hear her crying now, and how was it possible that things could be fine and dandy one moment, and then utter hell the next? "Kohaku--"

xxxx"Stop saying my name!" His voice echoed in the bathroom, and he tried to calm himself down, remind himself where he was. "Fucking hell, Etsu, why are you doing this now? When I'm at work? Over a phone call?"

xxxx"We hardly ever talk outside of phone calls, so what difference does this make?" Etsuki snapped, and Kohaku flinched away from his phone. He drew a ragged breath.

xxxx"I-I know we have our problems, I'm not saying we don't. But can't we work this out? You're moving too fast, we can still fix this--"

xxxx"There's nothing to fix, Kohaku. Most days I don't even feel like we have anything between us. You never listen to me, you're always talking over me, and people always tell me that I should appreciate you because you have so much fucking charisma, but I'm tired of feeling like a painting on the wall in your world! I'm tired of wondering if you're paying attention when I tell you about my day. I'm tired of remembering all these things about you when you can't even remember what color my eyes are!"

xxxx"Oh my god, is that what this is about? That was months ago! I know what color they are now, and why haven't you told me any of this before today?!" He found himself gesticulating wildly as he talked, as if she could see him.

xxxx"I've been trying to tell you, I've been throwing hints left and right, but what good are they if you don't even listen!" Kohaku wanted to punch the wall. He wanted to the kick the doors to the stalls open. He somehow managed to resist doing either of these. Etsu seemed to take his silence as concession. "I'm sorry, but I'm done. I hope we can still talk to each other once this becomes old news. Bye." She hung up.

xxxxKohaku looked down at the Call Ended screen and then threw his phone across the bathroom. He slammed a fist into one of the sinks and swore loudly, feeling tears finally spill over. He pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, letting loose a few ugly sobs before he turned on the tap. He washed the tears from his face, trying to wipe away the emotion as well. When Kohaku had dried himself off and smoothed down his hair, he dared to look in the mirror. Well, he didn't look like a complete mess. Kohaku picked up his phone from the floor, frowning at the long crack that now zigzagged down the screen, and stuffed it back into his pocket.

xxxxThe bell had rang sometime during the call, and there were students milling around in the hall. Many of them gave him strange looks as he walked by. He sat down in Hayashi-san's classroom and stared off dejectedly for most of the period. When the bell rang again and he went to Harada-san's class, he did the same thing. A few students approached him to ask him what was wrong, and he said "I'm fine," but he couldn't bring himself to smile reassuringly. It would probably come out all wrong. Even Akika Fujimori regarded him for a long moment with her brows knitted before she went back to her test. At the end of the day he was in Imamura-san's classroom, having promised the English teacher that he'd lock up for him.
Biting his lip slightly Kazuo followed Kurokawa's body out the door. Sighing softly Kazuo looked down at his sheet and then stuffed it into book bag. Shaking his head he walked out of the classroom and then furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Kurokawa coming out the bathroom clearly something wrong with him. Trying to go up to him, he sighed softly when he dismissed Kazuo casually. "I'll see you after school." He whispered softly and then shook his head slightly.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast for Kazuo. Glancing at the clock for the last bell to ring, Kazuo shot up from his desk and then quickly walked out of the room. He soon walked down the hallway and to the room where Kurokawa was in. Knocking on the door slightly he bit his lip slightly, "Kurokawa-sensei, I was wondering if you could help me with the worksheet we got today in science." He whispered softly pulling the sheet out and putting it on the desk blushing slightly.

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xxxxKohaku had been staring out the window for a minute or two when the quiet knock at the door startled him. It was like the phone call had sucked away his ability to focus along with his happiness. He walked across the room and opened the door, a little surprised when he saw Fujimoto. The boy took out a worksheet and put it on one of the desks, looking sheepish. Kohaku kind of wanted to be alone, but he couldn't very well say he wasn't in the mood and turn Fujimoto out the door. After all, it was Fujimoto. He wasn't supposed to pick favorites, but he did, and any teacher who claimed they didn't were probably lying.

xxxx"Okay, let's take a look at this," he said with a short sigh. He turned the worksheet towards him and noted that at least the boy had answered most of it. "What questions do you need help with?"
Kazuo looked at the teacher and bit his lip slightly, "If this is a bad time I can leave and come back another day." He murmured softly rubbing his arm seeing the sullen look in Kurokawa-sensei's look. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have came." He whispered grabbing the worksheet and shook his head.

It was stupid for coming when he knew that the teacher was already upset. Putting the piece of paper back into his bag he glanced over at him. "If something is wrong Kurokawa-sensei you can tell me okay?" He said softly touching his arm softly a small smile appearing on his lips.

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xxxxKohaku didn't object when Fujimoto took back his worksheet. The boy had picked up on his gloominess and was regretting coming to him for help in all likelihood. He prepared to say goodbye when the student touched his arm and smiled, telling him that if anything was wrong then he could tell him. Good god, this boy was an angel. Kohaku returned the smile with a barely there one of his own, but it was the first real smile he'd shown since the phone call. No, he had to stop calling it "the phone call" and accept the fact that it had been more than a phone call, it had been a break-up. For some reason he took Fujimoto's words to heart.

xxxx"My girlfriend broke up with me," he blurted out. Telling Fujimoto was a bad idea, but it felt so good to say it. "She broke up with me today and I've been kind of depressed because of it." He chuckled bitterly, the words rushing out of him before he could dam them back up. "We dated for almost three years, and she calls me in the middle of work to tell me that she's been thinking about it for a long time and she doesn't think we have anything between us. Three years, and she does it over a phone call. Can you believe that?" He paced back and forth. "She holds grudges for things that happened ages ago, and she always gets jealous whenever it looks like I'm getting too friendly with someone, and she basically told me she didn't like me anymore because I was too friendly. Does that make any sense? And she said that I never listen to her, but I do, and sometimes she ignores me for a day or two when she's mad at me but she never tells me what's wrong! How am I supposed to fix the problem when she doesn't tell me straight-out? Why is she blaming it all on me?" Kohaku paused, trying to think of other things to be indignant about, and suddenly remembered who he was talking to. He stopped pacing and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

xxxx"Sorry, Fujimoto-kun." He stepped closer to the boy. "I shouldn't be ranting to my student about something so personal. Can you, uh, not tell anyone about this? I don't want my own students gossiping about me." He laughed apologetically, placing a hand on Fujimoto's shoulder.
Kazuo furrowed his eyebrows slightly when Kurokawa blurted out what was bothering him, "I'm sorry Sensei." He whispered softly rubbing the back his own neck and then biting his lip a little. Kazuo has never been in a relationship because he was well, gay. And no guy in the school has ever shown any interest in Kazuo and he hasn't to any of the student body. He has of course to his teacher that was right now consoling to him about his break up with his girlfriend. Hell, Kazuo didn't even know the guy was in a relationship, maybe he just liked keep his private life a secret and it wasn't like he was going to share with anyone from school especially to a student. But, here they were Kurokawa was telling him all his problem.

"It's okay Sensei I won't tell anyone. Maybe she was just jealous that you were spending more time at school then with her?" Kazuo mumbled shrugging his shoulders a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. "I-I'm not really good at these things. I never had a partner." He murmured softly shaking his head slightly, "Or been on a date." Kazuo mumbled softly looking up at Kurokawa giving him another small smile nodding his head. "Y-Yeah, your secret is safe with me Sensei." He whispered his blush getting deeper when he saw how close the teacher was to him.
xxxxKohaku frowned. "More time here then with-- this is my job!" The frown relaxed as Fujimoto went on, illustrating how he'd never been in a relationship or even gone on a date. "I don't see how that's possible," he replied, shaking his head, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "You're too cute to have never dated anyone. Way too cute. Especially when you're blushing like that." He reached up without thinking and brushed his thumb against Fujimoto's pink cheek. His breath caught when he realized what he was doing, but he didn't want to pull away. There were all sorts of voices in his head telling him to back off before he got arrested, but his hand wound into Fujimoto's white hair and cupped the back of his head. Kohaku leaned down, the words, "You're really cute" escaping his lips before he brushed them against the boy's, his free arm pressed against the small of the other's back to bring their bodies together.

xxxxHe kissed Fujimoto until he broke away to gasp for air, relaxing his arms until his hold on Fujimoto was loose enough that if he wanted, his student could easily pull away. "God," he whispered breathily. What had he just done?
Kazuo blushed deeply at his words and shook his head slightly, "Ah, it's true. I mean I'm just an ordinary-" his words got cut off when Kurokawa's thumb brushed against Kazuo's ever so slightly. Even though it was just a small gesture it made the boys heart flutter and his eyes widen a little more. "A-Ah sensei what a-are you doing?" He asked looking up at him and then his eyes widened even more when he kissed his lips. Kazuo stood their frozen for a moment before kissing him back eagerly closing his eyes slightly and wrapping his arms around his neck.

He was slightly disappointed when Kurokawa pulled away but then realized what actually just happened. He kissed his teacher, or his teacher kissed him. The teacher that every girl likes but could never get with because it was unethical. "I-I'm sorry!" He exclaimed tears brimming his eyes, "D-don't hate me sensei. I-I don't know what just happened b-but please don't hate me." He cried softly wiping at his eyes his whole body trembling slightly at the though his favorite teacher actually hating him. But, why was Kazuo saying sorry? It wasn't he who kissed Kurokawa it was Kurokawa who kissed Kazuo. But, at the same time Kazuo thought it was his fault.

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xxxx"Wait, what?" He stared at Fujimoto, who had just apologized to him. There were tears running down his face, and Kohaku swept them away with his thumbs, hands holding either side of the boy's face. "I could never hate you, Fujimoto. What just happened is my fault, I don't know why you're apologizing." God, he felt so terrible right now. He'd just forced himself on some innocent boy, and the boy was blaming himself for something that Kohaku had initiated. Thinking of which, the man pulled away from Fujimoto, taking several steps away from him. The fact that Fujimoto was crying was rejection enough for Kohaku. "I'm so sorry," he said. "I know you didn't want to do that, and I got caught up in the moment I guess, but I'm really, really sorry that happened."
Kazuo furrowed his eyebrows slightly and then shook his head slightly, "N-no don't say sorry Kurokawa-sensei!" He exclaimed loudly shaking his head. "I liked the kiss. A lot. I don't regret it, I-I just I don't know why I began crying and apologized." He whispered softly closing his eyes tightly. "I-I'm not rejecting you sensei, I wouldn't dream of it." He whispered a small blush appearing on his cheek when Kazuo realized what he just admitted to his teacher. Of course it would be crazy of them to start a relationship when Kurokawa just ended one, and well because he was his Senpai also.

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xxxxKohaku's eyes grew wide as Fujimoto said that he'd liked the kiss. He would've never expected Fujimoto to have harbored a crush on him, mainly because he'd had no idea Fujimoto even liked boys. His heart felt like it'd been squeezed too many times in one day. He approached Fujimoto again, feeling a mix of sympathy and desire as he slung his arms around the boy's waist. "Does that mean you want to do it again?" he whispered against Fujimoto's ear, a part of him wondering if this was going too far. The other part of him retorted that a second kiss wouldn't dig his hole that much deeper. Which was a really bad way to think, but he couldn't help wondering if all those playful interactions between himself and the boy in the past had been him subtly flirting in a way. After all, he couldn't have just pulled the attraction he felt towards Fujimoto out of his ass.
Blushing deeply Kazuo looked up at Kurokawa and then nodded his head slightly. "Yeah, I do." He whispered softly and then gave him a small smile. Honestly, Kazuo didn't know what to really say about all these gestures. It was wrong of course, seeing Kazuo was still a student and Kurokawa was his sensei. If anyone found out about this relationship if there even was one to begin with Kurokawa could get in trouble. "S-sensei." He whispered softly looking up at him and then kissed his lips softly closing his eyes tightly and wrapping his arms around his neck. But, right now he didn't care if he got in trouble all he saw was his sensei and him finally kissing. Pulling slightly away from the kiss he looked at Kurokawa blushing deeply, "I-I wouldn't mind doing this." He said softly looking down at his feet and shifting them slightly from side to side.

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xxxxKohaku kissed Fujimoto back hungrily, brushing the tip of his tongue along the boy's lower lip. Something about the way he'd whispered "Sensei" bothered him though. Maybe it the fact that every time Fujimoto called him that, it reminded him of how wrong what they were doing was. The kiss broke, and his eyes softened as he looked at Fujimoto, who looked like he was unsure and pure and was everything Kohaku liked. Kissing Fujimoto, spending time with him, holding him in his arms, everything he wanted to do would only bring both of them trouble. What Kohaku needed right now was some space to think before he could bring himself lower, dragging Fujimoto with him. He sighed and his arms dropped to his sides. "Fujimoto-kun, this is really wrong," he said quietly. "You know we shouldn't do this, don't you? Don't you think it would be better if we stopped?" He was probably yanking this kid's emotions back and forth with his constant cycle of coming onto him, running away, but he was determined not to get any closer to Fujimoto until he was sure that was what he wanted. And Fujimoto needed time to properly sort out how he felt as well. Doing the things that Kohaku wanted to do would only feel good for the time being before it came back to spite them, and he needed to exercise some self-control.
Kazuo looked at Kurokawa and furrowed his eyebrows, slightly shaking his head. "I know we shouldn't do this, b-but I want to." He said tears brimming his eyes wiping at them slightly. "Kurokawa-sensei do you not want to be with me? Why are you so cruel?" He cried softly. Even though Kazuo knew all of this was wrong and he knew all of this was wrong he felt even worse when Kurokawa second guessed his feelings. Kazuo knew what he wanted though, and that was to be with Kurokawa even if he was seven to eight years older than he was. "I'm sorry." He murmured softly, "If you think this is a mistake, I-I'll leave now." Kazuo whispered.

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xxxxAh, shit. Shit shit shit shit. Kohaku fisted his hand in his bangs, something he did when he was agitated, and resisted hugging Fujimoto again. "It is a mistake, and I like you, Fujimoto-kun, but I need to think about what I really want and if it's worth the consequences." He was using his teacher voice, he noted. He looked out the window. The sun was pretty low in the sky. Kohaku sighed heavily, and turned back to Fujimoto. "It's getting late. I'll walk you out; I'm basically done here anyways." He glanced around to make sure everything was in order and grabbed his bag from where it hung on the back of a chair. He picked up the key on the desk and opened the door, glancing over his shoulder to see if Fujimoto was following.
Kazuo wiped at his eyes once more and then grabbed his bag. "It's fine. I'll walk home." He murmured shaking his head slightly and then pushed past Kurokawa. "I'll see you tomorrow sensei." Kazuo called out and then gave his teacher a small smile. Sighing softly he glanced out the window and rubbed his face slightly. The last transit probably went home already, and Kazuo lived in the city which took him at least forty minutes to get to school. So, it would take him at least an hour to walk home. And his parents would start to worry. Shaking his head from the thoughts he walked quicker down the hallway tears brimming his eyes once again. Why did this have to happen to Kazuo? Was this maybe a cruel joke they Kurokawa wanted to pull on him? Now, the teacher was going to hate him for good seeing he knew his feelings. Letting a small sob out, he pushed opened the door his whole body trembling.

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xxxxKohaku watched Fujimoto go, wishing he could talk to him some more. He could tell Fujimoto was still miserable. First he'd pushed his problems on the kid, and then he'd pushed himself onto the kid, and then he'd made him cry. He didn't want to push his boundaries more than he already had, so he let Fujimoto go. He locked the classroom door and just remembered to drop the key into the flowerpot by the door as Imamura has told him to. Don't go after him, don't go after him, he chanted in his head, walking down the hall at a purposefully slow pace...

xxxxKohaku wondered if he should offer Fujimoto a ride. He'd said he'd walk home, but maybe that was because he had no other choice. After all, the last transit for the afternoon would've left by now. He found himself speed-walking, almost jogging, down the stairs and through the halls. "Fujimoto!" he shouted when he saw the boy's silhouette leaving the building. "Wait!" Kohaku threw his dignity to the wind and broke into a run, jerking to a halt next to Fujimoto. "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but are you sure you don't need a ride home?" He knew he was just clutching at straws to talk to Fujimoto now; there was also a big chance that Fujimoto lived within reasonable walking distance from the school.
Kazuo ran his fingers through his hair then looked up at the sky. He sighed softly thinking of what happened tonight tears blurred his vision once again. Shaking his head he looked up back and saw Kurokawa running towards him at full speed. Wiping at his eyes, he looked at him shaking his head. "I live too far and it's not right to give your students a ride home. I can walk or I'll find a hotel. Thanks for offering Sensei but you better get home . You don't want a student or another teacher seeing us together or getting in the car together." He whispered and then began walking again gripping his bag. It took a lot of will power to say no to Kurokawa because all he really wanted to do was be in his arms and tell him how cruel he actually was for making him like this. Sniffling softly he wiped at his eyes again and began walking even quicker at this point.

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xxxx"You live too far? A hotel? I can't let that happen, Fujimoto, I am the adult here, so I'm responsible for your safety. I'll drive you home and tell your parents that you stayed behind after school because you needed help, and we lost track of time." He reached out and managed to catch Fujimoto's sleeve, forcing him to stop. Kohaku looked straight into his eyes. "I'll take responsibility," he enunciated, and hoped Fujimoto understood that he meant he would take responsibility for more than just getting his student home. He would take responsibility for the kiss, for making him cry, for everything. If that meant this time tomorrow he would be down one job along with being down one girlfriend, then so be it. His lip quirked up in the ghost of a smirk. "Besides, it's a little too late to be concerned with what's right and what isn't between a student and his teacher. Just let me take you home. You won't have to talk to me ever again after I drop you off."
Kazuo looked at him and shook his head slightly a small sigh escaping his lips, "Okay." He whispered softly and then turned around getting into his car. Closing his eyes tightly he gripped his seatbelt tightly tears brimming his eyes once again. "I-I don't want you to stop talking to me Kurowkawa-sensei." He cried softly wiping at his eyes. "I-I still want to be your favorite student. I don't want to be ignored!" He sobbed loudly his whole body trembling from the thought of Kurokawa actually ignoring Kazuo. He couldn't bare the thought of his favorite teacher hating him because of what happened today. "P-please don't hate me." Kazuo whimpered softly like a little baby. God, was he acting like a little baby right now. Someone who didn't want a guy who was way older than him to hate him. It wasn't like they were ever going to see each other after high school. And maybe that was Kazuo's fear.

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xxxxHe sighed with relief when it looked like Fujimoto wasn't going to fight him on it anymore. He swung himself into the driver's seat and started up his car, checking that the boy had put on his seatbelt before he pulled out of his space in the parking lot. Fujimoto had been teary-eyed for a while now, but he was still startled when the crying started up again. Kohaku reached over and took Fujimoto's hand without thinking, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I won't avoid you if you don't want me to," he said. "And I could never hate you. I just thought you would be angry with me for kissing you so suddenly and causing your tears." He smiled sadly at Fujimoto as they paused at a red light. "You live in the city right? I'll need you to give me directions."

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