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Fantasy Mirror: We're All Two-Faced

Deadly Darkness

All things lost in the shadows
Thought of this randomly and thought it'd be a chill idea. Obviously I'll explain the story in a second, but I'm going to explain it in a first person sort of style, so it can be considered the opening post as well.
I need to write it down. I'm not really sure what it is I'm writing, but I need to write it down. This way I'll know if I'm dreaming when I wake up tomorrow.
Anyways, I... fell into my mirror. Not like, "I tripped and stumbled into my mirror and broke it," but "I fell into my mirror like it was water." I went into my mirror, but it wasn't like what was supposed to be reflected. I found myself sitting in the middle of a field rather than my room. I've never drank or taken any sort of drugs, but I imagined this is what tripping on something strong was like. I had to have been drugged. It was so real: the feeling of the grass underneath my fingers, the wind in my hair. But again, it wasn't my hands, nor my hair. I wasn't me. I was this thing. Maybe I'm getting so sick that I'm hallucinating.

I walked around the area and there were other things too, some looked like me, but others didn't. They all smiled at me as I walked past. After a while of wandering in bewilderment I finally asked where I was. The woman who I asked looked human enough until her face split in half. I stumbled and cried out in surprise, but she only laughed softly. "It's your first time here?" I couldn't find any words so I simply nodded. She then told me to follow her. She led me into a small cottage-styled home towards a mirror. She stepped back and smiled. "Go on," I looked at her in confusion, but still somehow knew what she meant. I climbed onto the desk in front of the mirror and slipped through as if it was a small window. I then found myself (the actual me) on the ground, and now I'm here. I hope this has been some sort of crazy dream.
So people are randomly able to go through mirrors into this other world into new bodies. There doesn't seem to be a connection between the people who can and can't do this, but maybe something will arise. I have an idea for later story, but we'll see how things pan out if this picks up.

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