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Fantasy MIDGARD: Of Gods and Men Chat Club

Solveig never specified her parentage in character, did she?
I was just gonna start complaining here that EVERYONE knows who she was even though I never implied it and my bio specifically said she was hiding it, but I didn't know how to approach the subject without pissing off many people, thanks! :D
I think the main point is that we should have some ground rules for this: like, can demi gods sense other demi gods? Yes. But can they tell their parentage?
Who else can tell and on what grounds.
But note that I've yet to actually say that aloud. And it was suspicion, not outright knowledge.

Yeah, actually he was the only one who didn't say it, everyone else was like we grew up together. I guess I'll just play along, but it is a pity!
It would have been nicer to have some order in the game rather than this chaos and reveal things as we go.
Yeah, actually he was the only one who didn't say it, everyone else was like we grew up together. I guess I'll just play along, but it is a pity!
It would have been nicer to have some order in the game rather than this chaos and reveal things as we go.

I have no intentions of playing along. Þorgrímr doesn't know any of these people, save Azlyn.
I have no intentions of playing along. Þorgrímr doesn't know any of these people, save Azlyn.

What I meant, my options are either force two or three people to rewrite their posts regarding my character...
Or just accept the bitter fact that they decide to be all knowing and respond accordingly....
I have yet to actully mention anyone as a child of anyone that hasn't spoken thier parent or is family I think
My apologies. I can rewrite my posts if need be? I just kind of assumed demi’s knew the lineage of each other already.
I didn’t take into consideration that all of our characters didn’t grow up together like Thorne and Astrid. So again, sincerest apologies and I’ll change it up in the morning.

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