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Fantasy MIDGARD: Of Gods and Men Chat Club

He's the son of Loki, would except anything less?
Not really.
I trust, though, that Thorne's illusion of Mjolnir is based on an image he's seen of it somewhere, and not based on him seeing the actual thing.
Yep. Like I said " ...Thorne created a realistic illusion of Mjölnir, or at least as best he could based on what the legends said it looked like..."
Yep. Like I said " ...Thorne created a realistic illusion of Mjölnir, or at least as best he could based on what the legends said it looked like..."
Missed that the first time. All is good.
(insert evil laughter)
As side note I began laughing evilly after reading the post. I love when I plan goes well.
Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 While I like your profile, I must remind you that this game is inspired by Norse mythology, not Egyptian. As such, a daughter of Bastet would not fit in here.
Everyone else, new rule: At the start of each post, clarify whereabouts specifically your character is, to avoid headaches caused by trying to figure out who's where. I'd advise you to edit the posts you've already put up to include location.
Please forgive me if I'm seeming like a control freak; I just really want this game to be efficient, understandable, and enjoyable for everyone. If you'd like me to ease up a bit, I will.

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