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Right, so Foolish hasn't seen this update, 'cause they've been gone since November 15th. Their status says that they're looking for a job, and I do say that IRL concerns always take precedence over the RP.

However, ceasing the RP entirely isn't fair on everyone else, so I'll give Foolish until the end of the week, and then I'll move the thread along on Saturday. Their character will be "around" in that Shroedinger sense of the word, as in quiet, but there. That cool with you folks?
Sorry everyone, I'm back.

There was a major storm a while back, it blew out like 50 or so routers in my area according to my ISP, I only just got my replacement router.

So, yeah, I'll be posting in a bit.
I'm so glad I live in a country were the worst weather that happens is it gets a bit miserable. Any rain or snowstorms we get here seem epic, but would have any continental country patting our head and saying "That's nice, sweetie,"
That's kinda the problem with living in a sub-saharan climate, we don't have seasons per say, just wet and dry seasons. Dry seasons basically means next to no rains for like 6 months roughly, though Global Warming is making that worse, and the rainy season means that all that rain we should have gotten is all dumped in the span of 4 - 6 months of intense thundershowers, though they are sporadic, sometimes we would get a week of monsoon-like rains with lots of lightning. Weather's crazy yo.
Hey everyone and happy new years to you all, sorry for the silence on this side, but well, got a bit of bad news.

RL and my health haven't been treating me well since last month, what with all the travelling and job hunting I've doing, and well, it's gotten pretty bad. Long story short, I'm just tired all the time, too exhausted to stay awake when I some time to myself myself, no ideas when I try to write. I thought I could sleep it off and then get back to playing Yuko, but there's been no end in sight.

Sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to retire from the game.

Thank you all (especially you Silvertongued) for the game and fun character interactions. I wish you all a good one! ^^
Sorry to see you go Foolish. I hope everything gets better on your end of things soon!

Alright, I'mma have to rejigger stuff in order to get everything going again, and then I'll pull all the players back together again, okay?
So, since I'm now missing a partner, shall we cut out the middleman and have Kurosawa join me then? As if she took the mission with me instead of Yuko? I don't want this dying....

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