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<p>Sorry for the delay, I am a very busy lady~</p>


Also my current mental image of the Other Realm is somewhere between Persona 4's TV world and Spirited Away's Bathouse...</p>
Wounds: 0/4

Cha: 6

Int: 4

Tcy: 4
Resolve: 18/18

Hrt: 7 (def)

Fury: 3 (atk)

Mag: 8 (sup)


Link, Minor

Per Scene

(1) Power Dampening, Free

(3) Boost, Free, 1 Ocharge

(1) Bonus Action, Free, 2 Sup Ocharge

(2) Healing Magic, Minor

Per Episode

(2) Recover, out of combat

(2) Implode, Major

Tried making side-bars. Would it be better without the talents?

Edited: combined into single bar.

Edited: extra fancy version with accordions

{slide=---Normal---|center}Wounds: 0/4

Cha: 5
Int: 3
Tcy: 6{/slide}
{slide=---Magic---|center}Resolve: 18/18

Hrt: 4 [i](sup)[/i]
Fury: 7 [i](atk)[/i]
Mag: 7 [i](def)[/i]

Guardian, Free, 1 Ocharge
Reflector, Free
Shield, 1 Sup Ocharge

[b]Per Scene[/b]
(3) Boost, Free, 1 Ocharge
(1) Teleport, Minor, 1 Sup Ocharge

[b]Per Episode[/b]
(2) Recover, out of combat
(1) Regeneration, Free{/slide}
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That actually looks pretty cool. Good job Cirno.

As for readability and such not, it looks pretty easy from first glance. The only thing I'd go for is that you've got two "skills per Episode" boxes, with repeated Recovery skills.
Hey guys, sorry for the quiet, had a serious flare up of my stupid headaches. Things are getting better though, so I'll be able to post in a day or so.
Much better now thanks, just trying to get back into my Yuko's head. She's a little different from the usual little sisters or oddballs I usually make...I should have something down by the end of the day.
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Sorry about the radio silence there, I've had a combination of being ill and personal problems to deal with recently. Hopefully, things should go a little quicker in future.
Because it's a dark magical girl game? But also, as a thing designed off of the Buddy Cop trope, there does need to be a point where SHIT GETS REAL. Where, when, and even if this part of that trope does come true...
Oh man, if we follow tropes Shije's ass is grass.

Anti-Hero cop (Dirty Harry), Close to retirement (Agent K), the tragic joker (Comedian)
So.. Few questions, @Silvertongued !

1) Who am I waiting for the post of to respond to here?

2) I was wondering. As my Magical power is quite literally to create a field of Nightmare akin to the Yoma's own, I think we need to work out how that works for me in PM's, yeah?
1. You're waiting on me, I've been busy, my apologies. I was actually making the post now.

2. And... that's true. I have an idea of how that should work in the current setting, so feel free to pm me and I'll set things out.
Sorry about small post! I hope it was fine. Was mostly trying to get things moving on her end to catch her up to the others in placement while fleshing her out justtt a wee bit. Hope it was okay!

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