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Mexicanaf and Tenshi

Salutations lmao

I seriously thought I would make a thread and I was freaking out about not knowing how to make it. qwq'

Shall we get down to buisness to defeat the Huns? ;p
Okay, so do you want to create a world beforehand or just jump straight in? I won't be able to post anything large right now as I am on my phone but discussing it is do able.
Okay so I have a few plots I made. They're very vague for interpretation and I hope at least one of these are good enough for this rp ;v; I can think of more when I get home Or something. Maybe consider these as like Warmups? ;p


•The world has been at peace for a millennia. Many men, women, and children have grown up without experiencing a single bloodshed or even know wheat war was like. Since then, technology has advanced incredibly and the people have heavily relied on technology into their daily lives. Everything seemed like a bliss until a new ruler came to power. His name was [insert name] and he was an incredibly powerful man who would take down anyone that was in his path. No one is powerful enough to stop his rein of terror. But there's hope, a group of revolutionaries will do whatever the cost

•Two hooligans managed to create a time machine and decide to go 40 years into the future. They found out that [family member/friend/one of them] became [president/some leader] and took over the world. It's up to the two to stop the leader and use their time machine to help them

•test subjects escape a military lab facility and decide to tell the public and reveal the governments nasty truth. The two subjects gained supernatural abilities.

•Percy Jackson based because I'm trash:

two kids are chosen for a prophecy to rescue the goddess Hestia from an unknown force of evil before the summer solstice.

•two strangers wake up in the middle of an unknown forest and don't know their own identities. The only thing they have with them are leather bracelets, dog tags, and one shoulder backpacks for supplies. The two find out they have strange abilities as they figure out why they are in this situation. Maybe this can be Battle Royale/hunger games based????

•two people get trapped inside a book one was trapped 7 years prior to the kid that got sucked inside to today's year. The book involved two chosen individuals that can summon a specific spirit to bring peace among the land of the book. Somehow it also involves the real world too?????

•these ppl believed they lived a certain life style for so long, they don't believe there's something else outside their community but were astonished to find out that there was something outside their community when one day, a stranger came into town and told stories of the outside world. No one believed them except for one person who was always a curious type and wanted to know about the outside World.
Ooh, #5 sounds interesting. I'd go more battle royal with it, hunger games doesn't have enough plot holes, or footholds to us, to use as a basis. That and although the books are good I just can't get the disgusted feeling out of my gut when I read/hear/do something related to it.
They're both good in my opinion. But I feel that BR has a more realistic feel than HG since it took place around the late 80's if I remember.
Why thank you, good sir. *curtsies*

Now how shall we get into detail with this? Should our characters be criminals? And by winning, the prize is going free but it's a trap since you killed so much people in the process~?
Okay then. And maybe instead of the leather brackets, they're just digital watches that can tell your heart rate. With the dog tags, it just says our nicknames or code names.

Maybe the forest is like a huge island that used to be either Jamaica, Puerto Rico, or Guadalupe.

And abilities can be just something really simple such as: seismic sense, advanced hearing, sight or strength. But it comes with a price for some.

Like if you are blind, you have advanced hearing. If you're deaf, you have the seismic sense or the advanced sight.

And if you got the advanced strength, you're mute ;p

Or not though!
*sweatdrop* Uh... I like powers having prices, but they can't just be limited to physical powers and physical prices... For example, a power might make you experience temporary insanity, loss of memory, shift of alignment... And powers might also be telekinesis, telepathy, etc..

Uh... I'll leave the first two things up to you ._.'
Aha, sorry I got a little ahead of myself there uvu'

And that totally works for me. What powers would you want, mind me asking?..
Hmmm... I'm going for two powers, two downsides for each of them. Godspeed, which will enhance my character's processing speed and reaction time to the point where time might as well be moving ten times slower then usual, making him appear like he is transporting everywhere, and Telekinesis that would allow him to create small objects and control them at will, five objects at a time. He doesn't need the resources around that normally would be needed to make the object.

The downsides I am still thinking on, but I'm pretty sure what they are going to be. And I'm not telling~
Of course, I'll make sure that it isn't super fast to learn them :P Training takes time, and he'll have to learn to cope with the downsides as he learns also.

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