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Fandom Mew Mew Style

Nichole growled and then ran at the rat and slid under it shooting the middle. Then rolled from under it. "Try aiming for the chest!" She said. Nichole shot at it from behind. How would she explain this to her parents?
Kapara rolled her eyes at Laura, fanning herself, you can always bring your OWN predasites and attack the Mews on your OWN." She said, glaring at Laura.

Meanwhile, someone was undergoing a transformation of her own. The little girl glowed and soon came out with black and white fuzzy ears and a black and white lemur tail sticking out of her tailbone, her gray mew costume was very modest, but adorable on her. "EEE! EEE EEE EEE!" She squealed, running at the rat and vaulting into the air, watching it rear it's head, then a crowbar materialized in her hands, with which she ceremoniously shouted, "BLACKBERRY BLAST!" And bonked it on the head several times with unconfined joy, leaving the large beast dazed.
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Laura crossed her arms and glared back "fine I will and when I destroy all the mews i'll be the one getting praised." She gave her a evil grin and waved at her. "bye bye" She disappeared.
Aki smiled. "That's the spirit. Mew Mew, Orange Ring Brigade!" Aki yelled, her rings multiplying and being sent out in waves at the horrible rat.
The rat returned to normal, hitting the floor and squeaking, then running away while Mewchi snapped up the predasites and purred. Hatashi then set down on the floor and looked at the rat as it fled, her tail swinging about.
Aki smiled, taking back Mewchi. "Good girl." She said, petting the thing on the head. She smiled at its reaction and looked up at the girl on the floor. "You where there that day in the park weren't you?" She asked, looking at her friend with a crowbar.
Nichole changed back. "Thanks for the help guys."her voice back to being soft. "You two ok?"looking at her friends. Then the mess."im so dead..."
"Uh huh! Hiiii! I'm Hatashi!" She said, waving frantically and smiling her biggest smile, her fluffy ears twitching. Ryan stepped out of hiding and walked over, "I stopped by because we forgot to mention something yesterday. There are more mews and we need you to find them."
Aki looked at him, the out the window. "Well there is one right there." She said, sticking her thumb out at the kid in the window who watched the entire thing.
Nichole picked up a picture that had broken. "Sigh you couldn't have told us yesterday? " looking sadly at the picture and put it down. She then started trying to clean up the disater the rat made of her home.
Itaru has realized that one of the people fighting the beast was a girl he met earlier! What was her name....Aki! Yes. That was her. "Interesting...." He mumbled.
Aki looked out the window at him again, her gaze meeting his. She held his gaze for a second before giving a wave. She took the hoop and twirled it around her arm absentmindedly.
Nichole sighed and said"can you guys go please?...i-i have to clean up...you can stay hatashi." She started getting up the rest of the mess. This was gonna be a while to clean.
Aki saluted to her. "Sure thing. If you need help, text me." She said, walking outside. She rounded the corner and stood in front of Itaru. "Hello my furry friend." She said, still in uniform.
Itaru sat under the window, head leaning on the wall as Aki greeted her with a deep voice,"Well, Well.." She lifted his head to look at her,"Isnt this a surprise..." He looked at her up and down with a smirk. He had no idea there were others like him. As his smirk grew he made his black ears and tail pop out from hiding. He stood up, towering over Aki,"Had i known there were more like me I wouldve stopped hiding these silly things a long time ago." His voice lighter now, and his tail swished playfully.
Aki smiled at him, her wonder growing. "I thought I saw something like that from the window." She said, her smile turning a bit mischievous. "I really wonder who is the leader of this group, but I think it might be me." She said, pulling out Mewchi. "After all, I have this puff ball."
"Is that so?" Itaru flicked the weird floating puff with an unamused face. Itaru raised an eyebrow at Aki waiting for a reaction but he spoke,"So that thing in there...ive come across a few in my life but what ecactly are they?" He tilted his head.
"Chimera Anima. There creatures who have been taken over by this squid looking thing." She said. "And this little guy eats them." She said, taking the puffball in her hands. She smiled and took the puffball and attached it to the bag she had earlier. She looked at the pendant and kissed it, her form changing back to her regular self.
Mewchi displayed an image of the jellyfish-thing with a hologram from his eyes, along with a recording of Kyle explaining what it was. "Predasite! Predasite! Purrrrr!" He purred, flapping his tiny wings and making a happy expression, looking happy to help.

Hatashi meanwhile was watching Nichole and playing with her new fuzzy ears, moving them and making various happy expressions.
Itaru put a hand to his chin,"Hmm...i see. I always thought they were just weord mutants.....I thought i was one too!" He shrugged then laughed. He collected himself then ran his fingers theough his hair then to the back of his head,"So....how many of us are there?" He looked down at her curiously.
Aki shook her head. "I don't know. There are more than us though." She said, her mew mark on her thigh glowing for a second before dimming.
Hatashi looked at Aki and Itaru, then rushed over to them, looking at them both, then said, "Well I've noticed that a lot of people on this block seem to be mews. Maybe ask around here?" She said, her fuzzy tail twitching as if it had a mind of it's own.

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