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Fandom Mew Mew Style

"Heh, yeah... Right. Soooo, uh, thanks for returning my locket and uhh, it was nice meeting you." She said, forcing a smile onto her face (a very unconvincing one at that) and waved her gate open, and after it closed and she was certain he couldn't hear her, she turned back and looked back in his direction, then said, "Damn. He was a hottie. Would not mind bumping into him again."
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(Dang Isha knows what she wants! My my *fans self*)

Itaru chuckled and put his hand on her shoulder,"No problem! And if you ever need me....im not far!" Isha walked through her gate and he watched her as she went into her house. He smirked as she left his sight, putting his hands back behind his head he sighed and shook his head,"Oh Ruru, what have you gotten yourself into this time.." He laughed to himself and continued down the road to his home.

Ritsuka jumped and her eyes widened,"O-oh! N-no, please dont feel obligated to stay~" she gave a sincere smile but at the same time, the smile had a little sadness. Deep down she didnt want them to leave. She was grateful they gave up some of their time to keep her company. Just then she could hear the front gate creek open and her head turned toward the entrance of the dining room, where she waited to see Itaru stroll in. And sure enough he did, calm and collected. Her face brightened,"Ruru!"

He seemed in shock to see the neighbors were still there,"You guys enjoy yourselves?" He stood behind and between the chairs of the other pair of siblings.
(Kaiya: I have to agree with that statement Isha *nods*)

Sei smiled at Ritsuka and was about to say something before Itaru walked in. At this Kaiya stood up and shyly walked around him to get to her brother. She stood near him, but still with distance between them. Her face a light pink so she kept her head down. She was secretly sad to leave but was also happy that she made a new friend. Hopefully. Sei got up as well and bowed slightly to both of them. "Since he's here, we'll get out of your hair. But if you want to hang out, just ask." He had on a bright smile and directed it towards Ritsuka.
(Don't be screwing with my ship now, Neko.)

Meanwhile Hatashi was still sleeping over with Nicole, and having quite a lot of fun. She didn't have much hair for braiding, but Nichole had managed to do something to the gray fuzz on her head. But somewhere downstairs a crash erupted in the near silence, along with maniacal laughter. And Mewchi, still with Aki, suddenly grew to full size and began to fly away, carrying her bag with him, "Chimera Animal! Chimera Animal!" he cried.
Nichole said"what the?" Her eyes wide."hatashi hide in my closet please! " she ran downstairs and bit her lip looking for who broke in.
Ritsuka frowned and looked back and forth her brother and the other set of twins. She quickly covered the frown with an almost realistic smile,"Oh ok..." She said bowing back. Itaru turned to the two twins,"Thanks for staying with her, i hope i didnt take too long." He grinned and chuckled a little. He walked over to Ritsuka's side, resting an arm on the 4'11" girl's white head. She made a pouty face and looked up at him, she hated when he made her feel shorter than she already is.
Kapara was busily trashing Nichole's house as an overlarge, teal rat with a long neck and huge claws tore up the entry hall. She continued to laugh and slice things in half, "Where is that silly mew mew, I just want to play with you!"

Mewchi was busily trying to fly off with Aki's bag, squealing about danger and animals, dragging Aki's bag with him.

Nichole kissed her pendant and growled. Then trasnfromed. She spun and landed on her feet. "OI! YOU BIG UGLY RAT! STOP TRASHIN MY HOUSE!" Running at her and jumped up socking her in the jaw. Never mess with her house.
Aki looked at Mewchi. "My duty calls again." She said, dashing off towards the action. She saw a large rat and her friend already transformed. Aki transformed and looked at her, holding up her hoop. She jumped from the ground and onto the rat's back. "Your not much different from an elephant." she said.
A strange feeling came over Ritsuka. Her eyes widened, hairs on end, and she froze, a bit stiff. She looked up at Itaru and he looked down curiously at her,"That feeling again?"

"Mhmm.." She nodded. Suka always had a strong sixth sense. And even though shes never seem one, Itaru always knew that when she had that feelings its because a predesite was near. He put a hand to her shoulder to reassure her,"Ill be back....dont worry" He looked at the twins once more,"Sorry but i gotta go once more. ..thank you for coming, becareful on your way home,"
Kapara floated somewhere nearby, fanning herself like it was too hot, "Oh my, the other one has showed up. Goodie, I guess?" She said, disinterested. The rat jerked it's head around, and roared at Aki, snapping it's jaws at her.

Hatashi meanwhile had not done what she was told and was watching the entire spectacle with wide eyes, awed at how two girls had suddenly grown cat ears and tails. WHOA! She wanted some ears too!
Nichole pulled out her pistols and shot at the legs so she didnt hit aki. Then nichole jumped up and kicked it in the head glaring. Then her ears twitched and she saw hatashi. "Hatashi go back to my room! Now hurry up!"
Aki looked up and saw another girl. She smiled and gave a salute before taking her hoop and pulling it over the rat's snout. "Now you have been a bad bad boy." She said, smiling a bit. "Time for your punishment!" She yelled.
The gray haired girl whined, "But I don't wanna, I wanna watch you kick butt!" She made a few karate chops, hopping around on one foot, making various noises she associated with being a ninja, and eventually fell over, giggling. At this moment, Ryan came walking in the front door, saw the situation and fled for the nearest piece of cover.

The rat hissed angrily and chomped down on the hoop in her hand and flung her in the air, growling and repeating this action several times.
Aki screamed a bit as she flew into the air. She flipped around and landed on her feet next to Nichole. "You want to try defeating this beast once and for all??" She asked her, holding up her ring.
Aki smiled and set her ring out in front of her. An orange light glowed from her as she yelled. "Mew Mew Orange Rings!" She said, a brigade of rings surrounding her. She gestured to the rat and he rings began to fly.
Nichole said"choco bullet mirage!" Shooting repeatedly and smirked. The bullets cut the rough the air and at the rat.They were going so fast you could barely see them.
The rat hissed and moved out of the way of the attacks, hissing some more. "Oooo! It's getting smart!" Hatashi squealed from the stairs, sporting Mew Mew supporting merchandise and a drink hat, when the rat turned it's attention on her, and lunged at her. The younger girl cried out and began sprinting down the stairs in a comical way while the rat continued to snap at her. When she finally came to the ground floor, she tripped and landed flat on her face. There on the back of her neck her mew mark glowed, and Ryan took one look at her and threw a pendant at her. It bonked her on the head "Owwww!" And rested there beside her left ear.
Nichole said"you didnt have to chunk it at her douche bag!"smacking the back of his head. Then shot at the rat again. "Dont mess with hatashi-chan! "
Itaru ran outside and looked for any signs of a beast. A distant growl followed by a snarl was heard. He snickered and grinned,"Too easy..." She sprinted and dashed toward the source of the sound. Using some of his power. He was quick and almost unseen, just a shadow.

He skid to a halt as the sound came from......inside a house? He tilted his head a little but then ignored the fact. She went up to the house, peeked through one of the windows and witnessed a full on battle!. He put up his hood, covering his face a bit. "There are others..." He said in awe as he noticed some with animal features like himself. He continued to watch...
Aki looked at her friend. "Now is not the time." She said, looking at the rat. "We kind of need to kill this thing." She said. She looked around for any sign of good tidings when she saw someone outside the window. She saw the slight flick of a tail and she rolled her eyes a bit. "Don't just stand there, get in here!" She yelled, dodging an attack.

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