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Realistic or Modern Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne - Announcements


Ten Thousand Club
Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne
Announcements & News

By: D duegxybus & Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Moderated By: IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan & A Common Man A Common Man

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Callinety IC
Blackfall IC


Previous Announcements.

Announcement: RP Status Update #2!

Those of you who aren't on the Discord yet, it would be much appreciated if you could join it as soon as possible as most news is taking place over there. Until I have the RP set up, this Interest Check will be the source of news and other important information! Also, for those who haven't seen yet, here is the Discord link - Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

If you don't have Discord, you don't need to worry! While a lot goes on in the Discord server, I won't be holding anyone accountable for anything that goes on in the server. Announcements will be posted in RpNation, directly, so you'll find important information about the roleplay through RpN itself!

Assuming all goes as planned, the next RP Status Update will contain links and other important things that are needed for the RP. For now, we're just looking for more members!

IF YOU'RE SEEING THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME UPON ARRIVING AT THIS THREAD, WELCOME FIRST OF ALL! You are free to join the RP, just express your interest below so I can know to tag you in future announcements!
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ANNOUNCEMENT!: RP Status Update #3!
After about 2 hours of work at 1 AM, I have finally created the character sign ups, the necessary lore, and other threads that are crucial to the success of this RP! As of now, sign ups are OPEN! You can sign up for characters now! However, please, note that I will NOT be happy with WIP sheets that are going to be left alone for a long time. Please post a WIP only if you intend to complete it, or else I will delete it and you won't be happy!

OOC is up, so that those without Discord can chat! I'll be equally active in both the OOC and Discord, so conversation can go on all day everyday! If you need help with planning or anything, feel free to tag me in the OOC and I'll be more than happy to answer your question. As of now, the long-awaited RP of Metahuman: Rebuilding the Hero's Throne is now gaining momentum! We just need YOUR input, in the form of characters!

Got a burning question? PM me. Other than that, the story has officially begun. Links are posted above in the QuickNav® Menu.

To-Do: City lore for Callinety, by Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed , will be made soon! Then the rest of the city lore, and finally the paraphernalia (like power dampening cuffs and stuff), and then information on GenerXity, and the lore will be complete! However, there is enough lore to get started on your characters now.

SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 Pavan Pavan JW Suzusihi JW Suzusihi Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Eliasdagood Eliasdagood TheMilkMan TheMilkMan ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Lost Lost Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed A Common Man A Common Man Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Damafaud Damafaud Eigengrau Eigengrau
Announcement! RP Status Update #4!
Alright! It looks like we're doing pretty good on characters! We have approximately 5 days until I will start the RP. However, if you cannot get a character up in 5 days that is totally fine! We will be ALWAYS ACCEPTING of characters throughout the entire course of the RP, as this RP will probably have more characters overtime.

The lore is almost complete, and the first player-made lore pieces can be submitted for paraphernalia! So, go on, and make your cool drugs and stuff! Remember you can make as many as you want, but don't flood it with absolutely everything. Instructions are on the lore. Furthermore, the other GM, Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed has finished Callinety lore, so that's up too! Now we have everything needed to make characters!

Gamma Tiers!
Alright, so, we have received two more beta submissions, which means the Gamma-tier signups are OPEN for 2 of them! To apply for a gamma-tier character, here is what must be done.
1) Make a thorough CS about a gamma-tier character and PM it to me.
2) I will probably suggest changes, and once those changes are made or discussed, then you enter a waiting list.
3) Once I receive all gamma-tier submissions, I will select the top 2 characters that best fit the gamma-tier, and they will be the newest gamma tiers. The rest don't have to go to waste, however, as I will still help the rest of you nerf them to beta or alpha tier if you so choose to still use them. Remember, just because you've signed up doesn't mean you'll get accepted, so bear that in mind.

SomeFakeUsername911 SomeFakeUsername911 Pavan Pavan JW Suzusihi JW Suzusihi Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 Eliasdagood Eliasdagood TheMilkMan TheMilkMan CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Lost Lost Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed A Common Man A Common Man Veltsu VI Veltsu VI Damafaud Damafaud Eigengrau Eigengrau Pai Chan Pai Chan NexNight NexNight Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Panzer Panzer doggodaily doggodaily IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
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