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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

"Yes, it is," grumbled Aias, who had been sitting near where Kyou had been sleeping, waiting for him to awake. Standing up, he simply watched Kyou and Vala with his cold gaze, not saying a word. Aias had been watching the fight earlier, and had followed them during the subsequent escape. Now he was finally making his appearance. Sure, maybe watching the others while they slept, waiting for them to wake up was pretty sketchy, but he didn't give a shit.

@Kirito Kei
< @Yonsisac >

Unfortunately, there were no whetstones to be found in the vicinity of the forge... there was nothing to be found except rusted tools, a broken forge and a cold hearth. There was nothing that could be used in any fashion...

< @Kirito Kei @Daimao >

Vala stirred from her sleep, saw Daimo, and 'eep'ed a little, unconsciously clinging to Kyou. "He's right, though... if I don't get back, the master will kill me with it. But if I go back, I die anyway..."
Kyou, who wasn't as startled as Vala, but still surprised that he didn't notice that the snow fey was standing there, looked at Vala with a intrigued look. "What do you mean 'Your master will kill you with it'?" Then, after realizing that he had never seen the other snow fey before, his neck snapped towards Aias. "Whoa, who the hell are you? And more importantly, where did you come from?!"

He obviously didn't realize that Vala was holding onto him...

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"What a pit of junk....."He said to himself as there was nothing in here,he would ee nothing but rust and scrap...well might be rusted but who knows what theas rusted tools can serve in the time,he would walk out and shield his eyes from the sudent sun light,he dint see any others outside,...seem they were still sleeping,his wings would cover him once again as he would sigh and would look at the windmill....hmm well wont hurt check it out with a shrug he would begine his walk towards the wind mill do he was NOT gona plant anything as that was not his suit....his was more of forging and geting things done than siting around for hours with a plant...but sill worth checking no? and wille the others are sleeping he could make sure the place dosent have any rats or something.


1.Begine scavange/checking the windmill

]@The Mythic Dragon
Aias ignored Kyou's questions for the moment as he pulled a shortsword out from a hidden sheath in the folds of his armor. Keeping his eyes firmly locked onto Kyou and Vala, he stabbed the blade into the floor with an audible thunk. He then reached up and removed his mask and his hood, briefly running his hand through his white hair. "I am Aias," he replied simply, his dark eyes narrowing.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Yonsisac >

This search turned out a bit more fruitful. There were a few seeds laying about, and it seemed that there was one bag of flour, as well as some decent gardening tools. What types of seeds Markov could not tell.

< @Daimao @Kirito Kei >

Vala had been watching the newcomer warily, but as soon as he took off his hood, her eyes widened. And when he said his name, she squealed again, this time in glee. "Aias!" she yells, releasing Kyou and scrambling to her feet. She runs over and hugs him, squeezing tight. "Is... it really you? You were gone so long! Viala hi'siral torata so'ol (He returns from the beyond)" She says, tears running down her face.

Finally, she calms down long enough to step away. "Kyou, this is Aias... my brother." She says. "And this is Kyou, Aias. Kyou saved me from my slavery!" She said happily. "Except... all the master has to say is... and this will crush my neck..." Her face slumped in defeat, and she fell to the ground.
How did she get caught up in this? She'd seen so many people die at the hands of these brutes, and yet here she was, offering her horse to strangers to get a ride to safety, handing out healing potions and poultices to help those who were injured. And then they were in an abandoned husk of a city, and she was cured up on the ground trying to sleep. But her head was buzzing, rolling over the carnage she had seen and experienced that day. Needless to say she didn't sleep that much that night, even though she had made herself a cozy little nest of flowers and plants to make the ground more comfortable. She didn't want to stay with these mercenaries, but she was still too shell-shocked to force herself to move and leave the place.

Even though she had given everyone potions...could she allow herself to trust these people?

Although her horse seemed to be making herself right at home. She could hear the hoofbeats outside as Ruru pranced in the bare streets and her loud, delighted whinnies. Perala closed her eyes. She could just picture the small mustang's happy bouncing and bucking. Ugh, it was that stupid horse's fault she was here in the first place!


Those with light wounds have been healed over the night with the help of Perala's potions.

Poor nerd is traumatized! She couldn't hurt a fly, and now she's probably killed like five dudes with her murdermushrooms and hanging out with a gang of people who've killed hundreds!

Wild horse on the loose! Ruru's pretty happy to be here with all these fun new people, even if her master isn't!
< @Witchy @Yonsisac >

Markov would notice the small horse that came with the small dune fey-child running and prancing about. It noticed the Drake and ran up to him, sniffing Markov.

This one smells very interesting! I wonder if I could get him to race me! Ruru's mind voice came into Perala's brain as the horse danced about, charging Markov and stopping just short, before circling him and running off,just to come back.
Noticing the short-sword going into the ground, Kyou slowly went back to his bed, the whole time with his eyes focused on Aias. "Well then, I don't suppose your here to talk..."

Kyou grabbed the scabbard that held his sword, and checked to make sure it was in there, before eyeing Aias once again.

"Whats wrong Vala?"

@The Mythic Dragon @Daimao
Aias says nothing as Vala hugs him, but he gently wipes Vala's tears away with his thumb. Watching Kyou as he grabs his sword, he scowls. "If I wanted you dead, I could have killed you in your sleep," he growled. "All that I want is for Vala to be safe." Aias then looks back to Vala, grabbing the collar around her neck. "How do we remove this?"

@The Mythic Dragon
As markov would see the seeds he would pick one up in his claws...he dint know what the hell it was but better bring one and show the rest maybe would serve well,placing the seed in his pocket he would nod only to sudently be alarmd by-...Oh its just a Horse,he look at the small equine steed as he just run around him,rasing an eyebrow (If he had) he would look at him only to Notice the small Fey that he saved back at the tower,pointing at the horse he would ask "Is it yours?"he ask only looking as it run around....what did it whant? Markov was a Little confused...seem very exited all he could tell Honestly...did it see a kid fall in the well?....Nhaaa,Markov would turn Giving full attention,he would try and reach for the Horse trying to pet it.....he felt akward doing such "Calm" Things.

@The Mythic Dragon


1.Collected one single seed o show some one who know of them
Kyou took his scabbard and tied it to his belt. He through his hood over his head and said "Last time I checked, throwing swords was a sign of hostility. I would've thought that you would've shown more gratitude to the person that risked their life to save Vala..." He adjusted his clothing, making sure everything was in the right place. 'Damn, I left my dagger on the tower, didn't I?'


Amaya's musical laugh abruptly ended when she gazed at her throbbing ankle. She sat down to set the bone and heal her nerves with her flames. Exhalling, white smoke escaped from her mouth. She let out a puff of white fire, then adjusted the intensity of the flames. She aimed at her ankle, letting the flames sink into her flesh. Satisfied, she proceeded to heal her wings. Then she drank rest of her ale from her canteen, hoping to fill it up with water on the way to the 'promised' village. An hour later; a short, brown skinned fey-kin was passing out potions with a disgruntled facial expression, but only to those with light injuries. Looking at this new crowd of potential allies, she noticed that she was the only healer in this motley group. She would have to heal those with moderate injuries herself, despite her heavy fatigue. She took turns breathing fire on them, receiving mostly looks of bemusement. The hike resumed, but soon she was heavily exhausted. The thick forestry faded in and out of darkness. The red drake said something in a familiar language "Hi praag wah praan" (You need to rest). The rest was unheard as she was hoisted onto a brown pony. She closed her eyes and the greenery finally turned black.


She woke up and was greeted with an air of unusual silence. It was refreshing, not being disturbed by clangs of steel in morning sparring matches. Analyzing her armor, she sighed when she saw the damage. But it was a small price for survival. She quickly checked her pockets and messenger bag for missing objects. All in it's proper place. Grinning, Amaya stretched her arms. What should I hunt today? Some fish would be nice... The light atmosphere that could've been possible turned sour. A male snow fey declared, "If I wanted you dead, I could have killed you in your sleep." Damn him. A white haired human retorted something about hostility. Blah, blah, blah... Annoyed, she furrowed her brow and interrupted "Let's go hunting. We should feed the snow fey that saved our lives." @Kirito Kei


healed completely

feeling energetic, happy that no one stole anything

annoyed at damaged armor

offer to go hunting
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< @Daimao @Kirito Kei @snowy raven >

Vala looks from Kyou, to Aias to Amaya, back to Kyou. "Guys! Let's not fight! I'd love to go hunting! She jumps up and walks over to her bow and quiver. "I don't know if you've noticed, Kyou, but I have powerful Graviton and Wind abilities. Perfect for those long shots!" She says, skipping out the door.

She would lead the others downriver to a large lake. spreading her arms out. "Isn't it beautiful!? There are some huge fish in there, and not many hunters, so there's always been a buck or two for me to eat! ...But I'm not much of a cook. Anyway!" She runs over and grabs Kyou by the hand. "Let's go find one!" she chirps, dragging him away, leaving Aias and Amaya alone.
Kyou continued to stare Aias down, however, his stomach grumbled at the aspect of food. 'I am hungry, and I would like to see these 'Gravitation and Wind abilities' that Vala is talking about...'

The whole way to the lake, Kyou continued to watch Aias. He never let his guard down, not even for a second. 'I don't like him...'

He was in the middle of checking his scabbard for his sword, for the fifth time when he was suddenly grabbed by his hand and dragged away by Vala. He didn't like the idea of leaving Aias alone with someone. "Wait, shouldn't we wait for the rest?"

@The Mythic Dragon @snowy raven @Daimao
Ruru pranced around Markov @Yonsisac, whinnying and chirping excitedly...that is, until the drake reached to touch her. Not her precious snout! Nobody could touch the velvety softness of her nose! The horse dodged the drake's massive hand and instead took a big chomp of his tunic, pulling back on it roughly, more like she was a dog than a horse.

Perala heard commotion outside and that drake's voice calling to her. With a heavy sigh, she crawled out of her nest of flowers to lean out the window and look at them.

"Be careful. She bites," she called to Markov, although he clearly didn't need a warning since Ruru was yanking as hard as she could to rip Markov's clothes. Markov easily had killed the most people, and in the most violent ways. But he had saved her...and they did make a decent team taking down an archer once. The small scholar rest her chin in her hand. "You're a warrior. Do all warriors kill people like that?"
Aias scowls as he watches his sister run off with Kyou, his eyes narrowing. His hand slowly grabs the hilt of his sword, having taken it with him when he left. However, he does not follow Vala and Kyou, simply tightening his grip on the sword. There's a rustling in the grass as a rabbit scampers in front of Aias. With the flash of a blade, Aias stabs the sword downwards through the rabbit's body. He lifts the bloody corpse of the impaled rabbit up to eyelevel and inspects it.


1 Dead Rabbit
(AGH CUTE LITTLE HORSE!!!! im gona die)

Markov would norrow his eyes as the horse starts Pulling on his clothing,with Both hands he would grab the Pice and start pulling agains the Little horse trying to make it let go,as he did he would hear the Fey say she Bites...Oh he notice that right now "Yea Notice..."He said as he would use his claw and cut the Pice of cloth he was holding on and let him have it...well if he whants it that much the Mare can have it...he dint minde at all.

He would sighe and would soon hear the question of the scholar.......he kinda felt odd...no one ever ask about how he Slaughterd his enemies...do the only reson why is because he was borne and traind not to show remorse and kill everything that Moves,feeling slightly Uneasy he would shake his head as no...only a few kill like this,looking at the scholar he would say "
yes i am and....Only a few do......well...only Drakens like me.......only reson why i kill people such ways and well..dont feel remorse is like my father show None towards me as a Chield...i was traind at the age of 10 and well....till..who i am now....but only a few are like me"He said with a sigh as well...you could say he dint have a chieldhood...well he did...just a Violante one

"First taste of freedom, day one," Amaya muttered. She turned her head towards the male snow fey and asked "Is she someone you know?" She used up enough stamina to boost her senses for the next twenty minutes. Looking around, there was a deer hidden behind a bush of blackberries drinking from the river. Separating from the group even more, she unsheathed a throwing dagger and sneaked upstream. She unsheathed another throwing dagger and slowly exhaled. Amaya raised the hood of her grey cloak so that the shine of her scales wouldn't alert her prey. She was anticipating the kill. The deer stopped drinking, and analyzed its surroundings.

@The Mythic Dragon Would you like to GM for the hunted animals? <=ooc


senses boost

a bit more tired (from 1-10, a 2.5)

started hunting deer
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< @Kirito Kei >

"Why? I don't think Aias would hurt her. Besides, I never got to thank you properly for saving me!" She told Kyou, as she turned to smile at him. "Thank you for saving me! It-AGH!" She grabbed at her throat, falling to her knees as the collar burnt a bright orange.

"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Her scream echoed through the trees, scaring birds out of the trees.

[Minimalist, as I don't want to interfere too much with the Drama!!]

< @Daimao @snowy raven >

"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" The scream came from the directon that Kyou and Vala had gone. In addition, it scared off the deer Amya was trying to hunt. Just what happened?

[Minimalist, as I don't want to interfere too much with the Drama!!]

< @Witchy @Yonsisac >

[Not gonna interfere with you two.]
Over the years, Kyou has developed a habit of unsheathing his blade in high stress situations, so it wasn't a surprise to himself when he drew his blade. He rushed to her side. "What's wrong!? Speak to me!?" Kyou looked around for help, but there wasn't anyone in sight.

He noticed the sizzling coming from the collar. 'I better not move her, I might cause even more pain.' Once again, he looked around to see if anyone was in sight.

Tears started to well up in his eyes as he observed Vala as she screamed in pain. "I cant do anything..."
Perala tilted her head to the side. This was a strange side of Markov. She thought he'd be just some brainless brute, but there was a reason for all of his violence.

"I was raised on a farm with a huge family. I guess I can't say anything about your childhood," she said, drumming her fingers on the windowsill as she watched Ruru prance around with the cloth in her mouth. She furrowed her eyebrows. "That sounds so sad...you don't feel remorse at all?"

She sounded apologetic as she said it. Well, it was sad! Remorse was a natural emotion that everyone of every race felt, and he had it beaten out of him and turned into a cold blooded killer. But even if he couldn't, or didn't want to, feel remorse, that didn't mean she couldn't feel it for the drake. She held out a hand to shake the drake's. "I'm Perala Polypora." @Yonsisac
Aias's head snapped in the direction of the scream, recognizing it as Vala's. He took off in the direction that Kyou and Vala had gone at full sprint, flinging the corpse of the rabbit off his blade. Quickly, he arrived at the scene. Ignoring Kyou, Aias went straight to Vala. Realizing the cause of her pain, he grabbed the collar with his free hand, wrapping his fingers around it, placing them between the collar and her throat.
Kyou continued to watch in horror as he watched Aias reach between the collar and Vala's neck. He extended his arm as if he wanted to help. "Don't do that you'll cause her even more pain!"

'Dammit! Why can't I move?!'

Kyou just stood there, even more tears welling up in his eyes. 'Why am I not trying to help her? I'm supposed to be the hero...'

No matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he tried to will himself to move, he just couldn't. For the first time ever in a long time, Kyou was scared...
The male snow fey darted towards the scream immediately. Amaya winced, having magnified hearing. She sheathed her daggers and covered her ears. Biting her lip, she narrowed her eyes to see where the deer ran off to. It's running back to the run down village...hopefully someone will catch it. @yonsisic (ooc: hint hint) @The Mythic Dragon


oops, tags didn't work (OOC)

@Daimao @Yonsisac


tired now (1-10, at a 6)

hugeass headache
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