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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

The pain in his ribs was terrible. In the split second before he really started to fall, many thoughts raced around in his head. He thought about all the riches he would miss out on and money he had yet to gamble. All the long nights he had spent on missions and most of all how he would miss his parents. Well, too bad, he guessed. He had a good run and was luckier than most and he regretted nothing that he had done.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed him. It was quite unexpected and it jostled his ribs in a way they shouldn't be jostled but oh gods was he happy for that hand. The mercenary, who was now frothing at the mouth, was loosening his grip. When the hand jerked sharply back to pull Durzol in, the mercenary let go and landed with a sickening crunch on the ground below him.

Durzol looked up at his savior. What a real man's man. He was buff and large and his beard was totally awesome. He felt intimidated just by being in his presence.

"You saved my life," he whispered out through dry lips. "Thank you. There has to be something I can do to repay you..."


-Durzol is now saved

-Durzol is amazed at how cool Aedan looks

Noticing how severe the bleeding was getting, a worried look came over Kyou's face. Very gently, he laid Vala against the tree. He knelt down to observe her. Her heartbeat rapid, and her breathing shallow. "This isn't good. If we don't start the bleeding soon, she will definitely die."

Kyou rose to his feet and began to look around. 'There probably isn't a healer anywhere near this place...'

Kyou started to pace, as he often did when he was in situations that he couldn't do much about. He began to mumble to himself "Can't carry her out of here; that would take too long. Cant stop the bleeding myself; I'm not a healer. Ah! This is soo frustrating..."

Kyou's mind snapped back to when he was a child...




Little Kyou was busy parrying wooden sword blows from various opponents. Kyou managed to dispatch one opponent by tripping him and knocking him over the head with his wooden sword.

"You know Kyou, you cant always rely on yourself for everything..." A feminine voice called out.

Kyou grinned and parried two blows at the same time. "Ha! If I cant believe in my own abilities, why would I believe in someone else's?"

A sigh could be herd from the direction of the feminine voice. "No matter how strong you become, there will always be situations that one person simply cannot handle..."

While Kyou was focused on whaling on one combatant, another came from behind and banged him on his head.


All the combatants began to wail on Kyou, sparing no mercy. Kyou began to cry as six wooden blades hit him from all directions. "Mom! Help me!!!"

"Stop! That's enough!" The feminine voice screamed.

On command, all the combatants lowered there swords and stepped away from the snotty-nosed Kyou. "No fair! There was too many!"

Kyou's mom knelt next to him. "It doesn't matter. As long as you have someone watching your back, situations like this can be avoided...




Kyou's mind snapped back to reality...

His eyes wandered to the wood fey that had ran to his aid. He noticed her brown skin tone, and her tall thin body. "Your a wood fey, aren't you?"

Almost as if a lighbulb had lit up in his head, his eyes lit up. He ran over to the wood fey and put both hands on her shoulders. "You control plants and stuff, right? Can't you use the tree bark or something to make the bleeding stop?"
Sky was holding Vala's hand while the stranger paced back and forth. Vala was now at the point where she was rambling nonsense. Sky squeezed Vala's hand, gently wiping the sweat from her brow. Sky used her other hand to apply gentle pressure to Vala's midsection, attempting to minimize the bleeding. She spoke softly to her, telling her stories of how beautiful the afterlife was. Sky's tears ran down her face, mixing into Vala's life source that was leaving her so quickly.

Sky looked over to the stranger. His pacing and rambling made it seemed like he carried. Sky shook her head. No one carried for fae but fae. Suddenly, he was rambling about her plant ability. Then, he made mention of healing herbs. Her eyes widened as she knodded. Why hadnt she thought of that?! She began to speak to the plants, asking them for healing agents or something to slow the bleeding. Herbs began to grow like weeds around her, sprouting through the ground at incredible rates. Her hands moved quickly, mashing herbs together furiously. She ground them against a rock until she managed to get a thick green paste. She pushed the solvent against Vala's wound and wrapped her in a thick leaf. "This will delay it" she said. "We still need help" her accent even more choppy from.her shaky breath. She held the large leaf tightly to keep it closed, thanking the plants for their help.


Healing solvent made

Temporary stop in bleeding
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What happened next was rather... Strange, as before he could engage in combat with the men surrounding him he was lifted by by some strange force and blown towards the tower, he was actually floating, and he hated it. Leo looked around as he floated up to the tower, kicking his legs like a child as he did so. "What is this? What kind of sorcery is this?!" He sighed with annoyance when he finally got to the tower, and listened to the Fey woman speaking, she identified as Vala. As he stood he sheathed his right sword as there were no enemies to engage with, and he wrapped his hand around the wound on his left arm and applied as much pressure as he could, he intened to do this until he could find something to bind it with.

After that a shocking turn of events occured, some idiot man pushes Vala off the tower, only to stab her in the gut before hand. Leo was outraged, he then watched as some other guy, who he assumed was an ally of some kind as he didn't attack him, jumped off the tower and managed to save her. He chuckled and said "Oh my, if those runts had his courage they'd actually get somewhere in life" with that he slowly made his way down the ladder, he nearly fell a couple of times due to how weak his left arm was, but luckily he didn't. When he got to the ground he stood back and watched as another Fey and Mr Hero tried to save Vala. He sighed nervously, he hoped that Vala would be alright. He silently continued to apply pressure to his wound, he hoped that he would be able to get away from this place soon. Perhaps dine with a fine redhead woman from Kimel, he smiled at the thought.


Floaty floaty fun~

Outraged at Vala's forced leap of faith

Dreaming about dining

(You have met a terrible faith havent you

@Whisker ....)

His Point was NOT TO GIVE HIM YOUR BACK! and on a side note give him one more time that look he was gona make sure you cant EVER do it again! He growl and felt his temper rising...he was not happy do he now had no reson to be mad was just his temper,..he GAVE him the back...GAVE him the look and dint give one big fuck...3 things that Piss markov off and he was gona solve that....he is not going anywere....ALIVE!Starting to aproche the lader with the worse temper posibble,he was so angry clear black smoke was coming from the side of his mouth...yea he was not gona let him go like that.

"My point is....YOU HAVE TIME TO DIE!"

He said with one angry tone befor Grabing his hand and Throwing him this time with clear forze back on the tower,he dint seem like he was gona be the greatest troll of the bridge,snarling and clearly piss with the look on his face he would growl at him,forzing his hands closed in a fist....he was not gona let him go without a Fight....atleast wen he is DEAD!

"You piss me off beard Boy! I rather be happy with your Head rip of your dead corpse!....Your not going anywere alive....and im gona be sure that happens"

He said befor giving out a roar,he was not gona let anybody stop him...he was not gona let this man get in his way! he whanted him dead...HE WHANTED HIS HEAD!
Everything seemed to happen in a flash. One minute she was on the roof with a snow fey shouting at her, and the next the woman had been gored through the gut and sent falling over the edge, with a man diving after her. And now, there were more attackers!

This little bookworm really didn't want any of this! The fey had pointed out a ladder that led to safety. Some might call it cowardice, but Perala just wanted to get out of this mess! As soon as she was put on the ground, she made a mad scramble for the ladder, only to feel something sharp pierce her shoulder. She hardly had time to gasp before turning around to see a merc raising a bloody knife above her.

"STOP! STOP!" she shrieked, blood spurting from the stab wound to her trapezius. Thankfully, she hadn't dropped her staff during any of this fray. With another yell, she took the staff and swung it as hard as she could into the shins of the man. It wasn't enough to hurt him, really, but she just had to defend herself long enough to get out of here. The man seemed to recover quickly, but not quick enough for Perala to leap over the edge and slide down the rope ladder, receiving some pretty bad rope burn as she did so.

"Ow....ow..." she hissed to herself, dropping her staff momentarily as she looked around. Ahah, she was outside! Safe...for now! If she could just get that damn horse of hers, she could get the hell out of here!

Putting her fingers to her mouth, she let out a shrill whistle to call for the horse. While she waited, the pain finally seemed to hit her.

"Oooowww..." she grimaced, crouching down and grabbing her bleeding shoulder. But no matter what pain she was in, it was nothing compared to the snow fey dying in the arms of a wood fey.

Something in her seemed to click. Oh no, she wasn't going to watch someone else die! As Ruru galloped to her from the distance, she raced to Sky and Vala's side.

"She's going to die if she doesn't get out of here!" she said in a frantic whisper as Ruru approached from behind. She had no idea how to help, she was an incredibly poor healer...but she did have a knack for potions. And thankfully, she had some potions jingling about in the saddlebags slung over Ruru's back. She turned to shakily dig through a bag and then pressed a vial of a thick-looking green sludge into Sky's hands.

"Make her drink this! It will stop the bleeding...but it's not strong enough to heal her completely," she admitted. She motioned to her horse. Despite her fear and desire to get out of here, something had built up inside her...a strong desire to help the weak. she was willing to give up her one chance of escape in order to get this girl help. "Take Ruru. You're a wilder, right? I saw your birds. Talk to and Ruru and get her away from here, to a proper healer, just...get out of here! Okay?"

Her voice was frantic and her eyes were brimming with tears. She really, really didn't want to be here! But she really, really didn't want to watch anyone else die! And she may be next, now that the mercenary she had hit earlier had regained his balance and was clumsily climbing his way down the ladder to get to her.


Perala receives a light injury to the shoulder.

Random mook she pissed off isn't injured. He's coming down the tower to get her!

Offers healing potion and horse to Sky @The Mythic Dragon to safety. Possible alliance?
Kalryn was just trying to get up when something did it for him. Suddenly he was weightless, and a gale of wind blew him slowly, inexorably towards the tower which a number of people were on. "This is incredible! The amount of magical power needed!" He was close to whooping with excitement. Around him, a choice few others were being floated towards the tower as well. He looked down, and there were two men standing there with javelins, looking directly at him. He fired a blast at one, hitting him square in the chest, throwing him back and crushing his ribcage. The other screamed at him. "YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU" A javelin flew at him, and Kalryn only barely managed to bring his dagger up to deflect it away from him.

He could see the man pick up the other javelin and throw it as well. This one was easily deflected as well. Finally he reached the tower, his feet tapping down on the edge of the battlements of the tower. Deciding to put his new position to good use, he sheathed his dagger and hurled down a ball of energy at the annoying pest with javelins. On its way down it shattered a third javelin he threw, then struck him soundly in the head, killing him. The buzz at the back of his mind increased to an irritating fuzz in his mind, which made it difficult to concentrate on anything. He wasn't stopping now though. He looked and saw his ally was up as well. "Well, ally, I suggest we join this group. They seem successful." He twisted back around to hurl more energy down at the attackers. He tried to brush aside the fuzz and clear his mind, but every attack he threw made that more and more difficult. He threw one at a man who had decided that scaling the tower would be the best idea. Fool. The ball hit his arm, loosening his grip and sending him tumbling back down, screaming all the way. A second was sent at the crowd down below. So was a third. After that, his mind felt like there were bees inside his ears, and the buzzing became all-consuming. He attempted a final gathering of energy against his better judgement. However, he was finding it more difficult to balance on the edge of the battlements than it was before. After a sustained effort to get the ball formed, he sent it. He couldn't see where it went, as at that moment he got struck in the shoulder by one arrow and in the chest by another. He tumbled backwards, hitting the ground with a hard 'thud'. He lay there for a minute, regathering himself. As he lay there for more and more time, the mental pain receded, and the pain from his wounds grew a little duller. He dragged himself to the wall and propped himself against it. Time to try and stop the bleeding.


Five dead

Two more archers somewhere

Suggested to Leo @LeSoraAmari that we join alliance in the tower

Lying against a wall in the top of the tower, stopping bleeding.

Injury total: A fractured left forearm (Moderate), an arrow in his right shoulder (Light), and an arrow in his chest(Moderate)
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As stated before, Aedan was not the best when it came to compliments. He would shake his head firmly instead and place one hand on the ladder.

@Skull Knight @Fezzes @Calibutcher

"Don't need any help. I imagine those blokes over there do though."

One was completely passed out from blood loss while the other could barely stand. Though he didn't look it because of his immense girth, Aedan completely sympathized and wanted to lay down and fade away himself. His body felt like one big sore and his mouth was completely parched.
After this, I'm going to the closest inn and drinking myself into an early grave ... Ale really did seem to be the cure for all of his ills. Mayhaps he would take up that healer girl on her offer to remove the glass from his neck as well before he departed ... It really was best that shit came out.


My point is ... YOU HAVE TIME TO DIE!"


Aedan turned around quickly, his features taking on an uncharacteristic venom.

Oh, this dumb fucker ... again.

Quicker than he thought possible, Markov closed the distance between them and tried to drag him back onto the tower. Aedan, sensing his opportunity, snatched hold of the Drake's arm during the move and did not let go.

You're going to regret pissing me off like this, you little shit!"

As if to demonstrate his point, he would use his grip on the Drake's arm as leverage and aimed a punch right at his stupid-looking face during the roar. He was going to keep this monster close and deal with him in a close quarters fight. Indeed, if Markov didn't break free or dodge away from his blows the next course of action would be an attempt to slam him bodily against the nearby wall of the tower. One could only hope that the stone walls were sturdy enough to withstand the blows of two very big and angry warriors as they crashed into it together at full force. It was a helluva long way to the bottom if the walls proved not up to the task ...


Acknowledged Durzol and the others still left on the tower

Engaged Markov

Still in awe, Durzol watched as the man suddenly was thrown into combat by a drake. He had seen them butting heads moments ago but he had no idea how they could start fighting so quickly. Not wanting to get involved, Durzol skittered away from the two warriors hoping that he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire and have his wings blown off. His lungs were burning but he knew he had to get away from the two fighters. But they were next to the ladders and Durzol knew his wings wouldn't cushion the blow that much.

However, as he was fleeing the scene he tripped over something odd.

"Gods damn it!" he cursed angrily but then he proceeded to look down at what he tripped on.

It was a man. A human man to be more precise and he was bleeding severely from a wound sustained in his torso.

"Hey, buddy, get it together, okay? Are you awake?" he asked the man. He couldn't just leave the poor guy without any help. Durzol was a master at killing people not really saving them. He used his stiletto knife to cut a piece of fabric from his cloak and press it on the wound. Hopefully the pressure would stop the bleeding. While he did that, he had to think of a way down so that if the man wanted help he could get them down without them both dying.


- Durzol has left Aedan

- Durzol is trying to find a way down

- Durzol has met Alexander and is currently trying to stop his bleeding

@Skull Knight

Markov would sudently feel the man Grab his hand in a leverage,why do people do theas alot? They are anoying...as hell!,being pulld owards him he drake would suggest he was preaty strong for a Human...but he wont have a chance agains a Juggernaut full weak Human,amidiatly out of nowear as the human sends a punch towards his face that would have been the worse desisio wen you are trying to punch comething with a Jaw made to break bones,amidatly the draken would open his jaw and Bite down on the man hand,he would keep a lock on his hand,the draken seem to grin as he use his free hand and would gras under his arm,wille the man Holds his he could use it to his advantage,using his free arm,bitting on his hand the draken would throw him out of the way towards the midle....so they could have better space to fight and aswell....larget battle arena


With a Grin and his Frontal theet with little blood the draken would say "Listen here Human....im going to Rip your heart out......you CANT fight a Juggernaut!"he said with a Chuckle only to be a roar,his Metal fist were ready to punch this human to oblivian! Giving a charge each step he took would chake the ground slightly...his weaight and his size made it Posible,his Orange eyes were Hungry...for BLOOD!.as he charge towards the man he would give a Flap of his wings and get some height only to send a Metal Fist towards the side of his head!

William was done fighting these guys he had his fill. There was to many. After brushing away another sword with his staff he glanced back to see how the others were doing ]. What he saw was not pleasant the card Master was passed out on the ground and the biggest two guys were fighting. William thought I am not getting involved in that. He was involved in what happened to the Card Master though. William turned and ran to the Card master being sure to keep clear of the two brutes fighting. William looked over the edge. Just a rope ladder. This would not be easy. William threw his staffsword down like a spear into the ground below. He ran over to the Card Master and picked him up. Well tried to pick him up and dropped him. William got a better hold and shouldered the Card Master. he struggled to stand up under the extra weight. And made it over to the wall with the rope ladder. he positined the Card master on the ledge so he could get himself over first and once secure on the ladder. He grabbed the card master and began to shoulder him however the card master was still quite bloody and very slick and started sliding off His shoulder. William grabbed one end of the rope ladder with his left hand and began sliding down quickly. He grabbed the card Master with his other hand by the belt. It would not hold long. He could already feel his other hand slipping. He loosened his left hand on the rope and pulled up as hard as he could with his right hand. He got the card master over him but now he had lost his grip on the rope. They started freefalling. The last few moments before impact William caught the rope with his leg. It caught but it felt like his leg was nearly ripped off. He felt his ankle snap. but with the last bit of his strength did everything he could to slow the card master before he too hit the ground. William then hung ankle stuck in the rope. "Someone help please!" He yelled in agony he Ankle in incredible pain.


1. Alex is out of the tower

2.Moderate wound ankle broken

3. Stuck in in rope ladder

@The Mythic Dragon
[ @snowy raven @Fezzes Need to get to the ground still! ^_^ ]

< @Calibutcher @Skull Knight >

Of course, broken ankles and rope ladders are not the most stable, so eventually, William and Alexander fell to the ground.

< @Yonsisac @Whisker >

Markov seemed to have overestimated something, as his punch was dodged and his arm grabbed, sending both him and Aedas hurtling over the edge of the tower. They flew diagnoly downward, crashing and getting to their feet not too far from where a mixed group was huddled around the slowly dying Vala.

< + @Witchy @FlawlezFalcon @Kirito Kei >

The ground-shaking impact did not distract the three from their duties. As Sky continued to hold the healing leaf in place, Perala takes her potion and pours it down Vala's gullet. The bleeding soon slows giving her a few more hours to fight for her life naturally. Vala is fighting unconsciousness now, and seems very upset. Looking to Kyou, she has tears in her eyes and she fights to open her mouth and speak...

She gets interrupted as the fight comes even closer... too close! Neither fighter has an advantage, as they beat on each other, kicking up wound-irritating dust and dirt, making Vala begin to cough again, a bit of blood escaping her mouth each time.

[ Okay guys, prepare for scolding! ]

< @Daimao @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy >

Almost no one would be able to notice a Covered-assassin type character in the trees above. Only the two fey would know because the trees told them. What his intentions were, though, they did not know...

< @LeSoraAmari @bourgeoisiemustache >

[Feel free to jump in if you want!]
Kyou looked visibly relived as the wood fey created some sort of healing paste, and the scholar provided a healing potion to the bloody Vala.

He took a deep breath and sat on the ground nearby, not wanting to get in their way. 'A healing potion would not go amiss for me either...' He looked at the wound on his left upper arm that was caused when a mercenary cut into him earlier, the blood still seeping from the cut. Despite all his actions, Kyou actually felt tired.

Kyou laid down on the ground and closed his eyes. 'Maybe I should faint here and let them handle the rest...'

Suddenly, Kyou was startled when two giant people fell from the tower! He went straight into fighting mode, jumping to his feet and unsheathing his blade. He rushed over to Vala and the rest to make sure they wasn't in any danger. Of course, they weren't in danger, but nearby, there was a human and drake duking it out.

As the two fought, Kyou managed to get a glimpse of the red scales on the drake. He remembered that he was saved by the same drake when he was on the tower dealing with the archers. Then he looked at the human. It was one of the humans he seen before he jumping off the tower.

Kyou noticed that this scuffle was kicking up dust and irritating Vala. 'What the hell are these guys doing? Aren't we supposed to be on the same team?'

Angered and displeased, Kyou marched over to the two with his sword drawn. He pointed his blade at the two and cleared his throat, as to make his presence known.

"What the hell are you guys fighting for!? Doesn't matter... all I know is that the both of you better stop, or you'll both loose a lot more blood than what you already have..." @Whisker @Yonsisac
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< @snowy raven @bourgeoisiemustache @Fezzes >

Suddenly, more and more of the mercenaries began to swarm the top of the tower. Noticing some of their targets still laying on the floor, they are each grabbed and tossed over the edge, hurtling towards the ground and the others who were already there!


They would all see the poor souls falling to their deaths (albeit that one of them had wings). At the same time, the mercenaries began to head down the tower... looks like they weren't done yet!

[ So, if you want, you can make a post killing some of the mercenaries. Once all three of the stragglers are on the ground (either by their own post or being saved by someone else) I will push forward to the next magic GM post! ]
Leo sighed, the wound on his arm was still bleeding quite a lot, but not as much as it was earlier but the pain was still there, it seemed that applying pressure to the wound really did work. He kept his eyes on the poor Fey woman, Vala, who definitely did not look okay, luckily people were tending to Vala. This pleased Leo. However after seeing two men fighting that happy and pleased look vanished completely.

"Take your petty squabbles elsewhere, the last thing we need right now is a lizard bones fighting a "Man" around a dying woman.Have some respect and grow the heck up." That last sentence was spoken with a very sharp and annoyed tone. It was as if all the anger that was caused over this entire affair with the mercenaries had finally erupted.

After a few minutes of staying quiet and calming down he looked up, seeing people falling from the top of the tower. He identified one of them as the ally he fought alongside. Although Leo's left arm was incredibly weak, he quickly ran towards his falling ally and caught him, the impact of the catch hurt his arm but he managed to keep in the pain, he then set his ally down as he said. "Well, that didn't look very fun, anyway... At least now my debt to you has now been repaid"



Angered Leo reacted to the little fight.

He caught Kalryn, repaying his debt to him.
"Yeah, that's even." He tried to stand again and managed it after several long seconds. Pain coursed through his body as he did it, but he was standing again. His will had regathered, although was a little stunned after that fall. It was enough to pull out at least a little more magic, but fighting would be beyond him for now. Really beyond him. He was vaguely aware of two others thrown, but one looked to have wings. The other though. He hoped a little that they survived, otherwise this coming fight would be more difficult. Without magical healing, he'd make one less body fighting. The best he could do was get ready to create a light ball of magic to stun someone when they go for an attack that looks like it'll get through. At that power level Kalryn estimated six balls before it was straying into dangerous territory. It'd have to do.
Before Durzol even had a chance to think of what was happening next, the man he was trying to treat was snatched out of his arms by another man, probably an ally.

"Hey, what-" he shouted in surprise. The men rushed towards the ladder and began to climb down when Durzol heard a crunch and a pained scream.

"Someone help please!" came the anguished cry and Durzol limped as quickly to the edge as he could. One of the men had his ankle trapped in the ladder, pretty much breaking it.

"I'm coming!" Durzol shouted over the din of the two fighting men. Suddenly, however, he heard a snapping noise and looked down at the ladder's rope in disbelief. It was breaking. The ladder was
breaking. "Hold out, you two!" he said, but then there was a sickening sound, almost of like a tree being blown over by the wind and the two men were falling towards the earth.

No! No! He thought. This can't be happening, why is this happening! He sat down, his shaky legs couldn't hold his weight anymore. He had just let two men fly two their deaths. Durzol wasn't an overly sentimental person, but he hated to know that he didn't prevent someone's death when he should've.

"I'm sorry," he whispered over the edge, trying his hardest not to look over it. He didn't want to watch the men splatter on the ground.

But he couldn't sit for long. The commotion on the tower was too much. To Durzol's despair, more and more mercenaries were swarming it. He couldn't move, his legs were like pudding and when a burly mercenary swaggered up to him he accepted his fate.

"Eh? A mixed breed?" he mercenary snarled. "Dirty slime." Durzol sighed. The mercenary picked him up, but Durzol didn't resist. He was flung over the side of the tower like a doll. The wind whistled though his dark brown hair and burned at his skin and scales. He was so tired. He barely even registered that he was falling. Maybe death by splatter would be his fate as well.
Closing his eyes, he let the wind envelop him and fling him towards the ground.

But curiosity got the best of him. He opened his eyes to check on where he was and spotted something peculiar below him.... It was the two men! They hadn't turned to soupy bits of bones and gore and they looked alive and barely functioning! But for how long, he barely knew.

Feeling a burst of energy, Durzol pulled his wings open and glided to the ground as gracefully as he could (which was not gracefully at all). He landed in a big heap, his breath shaken out of him. Standing unsteadily, he rushed over to where the two men were. They both looked in pretty bad shape.

"Do you guys need help?" he asked, concerned. "My name is Durzol Naghat."


- Durzol witnessed Alex and William fall off the tower

- Durzol was thrown off the tower

- Durzol offered to help Alex and William

- Possible alliance?

- Durzol introduced himself to Alex and William

@The Mythic Dragon


@Skull Knight
@The Mythic Dragon


Aedan and Markov reached the bottom of the tower.

LIGHT WOUNDS - Fuckin' rose bushes.

MEDIUM WOUND - Punch from Markov

EMOTIONAL TRAUMA - Aedan needs a drink.
Drake was Posetive he could take this guy down...he was weak and Foolish NOTHING could stop him...well he was wrong,as he felt the man start punching his Rib in a Grab he just chuckle....Scale and Bones made like iron bro...and aswell Bitch is a Spartan! NO PAIN!...well yes there was but he could Tolerate it,trying to push him away he would be to late befor Finding him Grab on like a insect,he tumble backwards "LET ME GO YOU INSECT!" He yelld as soon he would realise hey were not on the ground,his eyes went wide a they started to fall,trying to get him to let go but could not...he needed to slow the fall or he would die! well BOTH,cursing mentaly he would extend his wings and slow down the fall atleast,a he fell he manage to get him off the last second and made him fall on a Pit of Roses,he chuckle only to realise.....he fell in worse hat Rosses

He started to Yell in pain as he just landed chest first on a large Pit of Thorny Bushes....Full of spikes to the tip,they look like Vines better said,he Bite hos Own tonghe trying not to yell as one single tear escapes his eyes.....he might be a warrior and strong one infact but a Bush full a spikes was enough to turn anybdoy in to a Cry baby,
"FUCK! IT HURTS! GET ME OUT OF HERE! HAAAA! ITS ALL OVER MY BODY! I HATE YOU BEARD BOY!"He said in pain as he was still like a rock as he laid on the bush of thorns....one Movment and the pain was insane!...they Pirce his wings,chest,legs and hell they could be seeng GOING through his thin Wing membrane,he was in pain...he dint whant to move....he felt so sorry being mean to that guy...maybe this was his Punishment? yep....yep it was...if hell is real....this is it....he learn a valuable lesson...ever be a asshole ontop of a tower...

He VERY slowly Turn his head whining and saw some one with a sword and aswell saw beard boy next to him not far...he took a deep breath "
I guess this is a tie.....JUST GET ME OUT HERE!"He said as he laid on the thorns.....they were Pircing his skin and if they could be seeing Through his wings....it must be hell of painfull for him and the fatct he weights 300 pounds! Yea.....some one help him


1.Markov is in insane pain and injured as hell-Medium wound

2.wrist hurts like hell too-Light wounds

3.Has learnd a lesson....never be a asshole

@Whisker @Kirito Kei
"Go tell that to the asshole over there. He's fuckin' flipped his lid ..."

With Kyou's blade still glistening in the quickly fading sunlight, he shook his hooded head. "Seriously, you guys act like children!"

He sheathed his blade and walked over to the now screaming drake.
"Be quiet, maybe this will teach you to not act like such a asshole..."

He gripped one of the drake's arms, and yanked him free from the bush, ignoring any screaming that the drake would've done.

Kyou then took a step back so he had both of the warriors in his view.
"Listen, I don't know either of you, but I do know one thing for sure: both of you wouldn't of survived today if it wasn't for the people here. That's including each other. So next time you decide to start a fight, think of who you're fighting with..."

As Kyou began to walk back towards Vala, he chuckled.
"Ha! To think both of you are supposed to be warriors. Instead your over here screaming about a rose bush..."
She only intended to lay on the ground to rest. The cold emanating from the stone reminded her of days she watched the glimmer of pearl, translucent eggs in the early morning. They towered over her of course, but it was a refreshing beauty. It diverged the comfort of the cool stone that sat underneath to fuel the need for sleep. The beauty that gave her feelings of warmth and satisfaction in her belly eclipsed the promises of rest and darkness. There was an immediate shine once more, but this time it was the iron that covered the mercenaries' boots. Sweet memories of the past departed, and the vulgar realities of the present remained. Crushing grips on Amaya's wrists and ankles made her squirm. "Hey Captain, are we really going to discard the all bodies? Let's keep this one...we could drain her, sell her organs...could make a small fortune," a mercenary suggested. Another one added "HA! Bilmont's blessing. This is my first time seeing a white drake....female one especially...we could also---." The captain interjected "NO! Throw her overboard, after the willcaster and drake-kin. What if she's infected? Leave her belongings with her too, just in case."

The two mercenaries holding her cringed and nodded. How crude... They slammed her onto the ledge like a sample at a meat shop, as if they wanted to look at her one last time. Then they pushed her down without a second thought. Swallowing her saliva, Amaya ruefully extended her wings so she could gracefully land on her two feet. She would make it a priority to learn about her lore, whenever there's opportunity to. She pushed these thoughts out of her mind when she saw the red drake and the straggly bearded human complain about...rose bushes??? Right as she was about to reach the grass, she folded her wings in, "Pfftttt hhahahahahahahaha! I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she clenched her sides; and then heard a snap, signaling her now broken ankle.


less tired now (at a 6 outta 10)

sprained ankle is broken now (medium wound)

bruised wings from being slammed on the ledge (very light wound)

left wing is slightly infected now, from resting on the ground
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Slowly tried to slither to his feet and failed. Shit ... this is kinda pathetic ... After all the things he had survived to get to this point, you would think he would be able to summon the strength to stand. Unfortunately, he was almost at his limit. No, he had been at his limit before the incident with the drake. Pierced by at least 2 arrows, slashed across both arms, burned, and now bitten and covered with needles, it was a wonder how the guy was even conscious at all.

@The Mythic Dragon @FlawlezFalcon @bourgeoisiemustache @Skull Knight @LeSoraAmari @snowy raven @Witchy @Daimao @Calibutcher - [if I didnt tag you here, let me know.]

Don't know how long I can stand ... but I don't look to be the only one. I can fit at least 3 on the horses."

Two could fit on Ajax alone while the smaller brown pony could probably only fit one regardless of the weight of his belongings. Now they would have to decide who would ride and who was fit enough to walk.


Aedan's horse Ajax joins the party.

Blood loss a pain in the ass.

< @Daimao @Witchy @Skull Knight @FlawlezFalcon @Fezzes @Yonsisac @Calibutcher @Whisker @LeSoraAmari @bourgeoisiemustache @Kirito Kei @snowy raven >

Everyone was now gathered, albeit quite wounded. Vala, still weak, stood and began to limp into the forest. She almost fell, but was grabbed by Kyou and Sky, each one holding her on their shoulder. "Thank you..." She was obviously feeling a bit better...

After an hour or so, it seemed the mercenaries had given up their chase, so they all took a break to rest and heal, during which time Vala spoke up:

"So... I said it was a village, but it's actually a burnt out husk. The village hall was able to stay standing. I think it'd be big enough for all of us. But we'd need supplies." After everyone was healed, and Amaya had rested, they set off again.

It was past midnight when they finally arrived. They were all so tired that they walked right in and slept immediately. The next morning, they took a look at the building and the surroundings

The village was a good size, with a river running through the middle. It was probably a bustling marketplace in it's heyday. But now, it was a blank slate. There was the remains of an old forge, useless now. There was also a windmill and a patch of fertile ground. Beyond that, all of the buildings could have been anything.

The lodge was big, two floored with a banquet table and fire pit on the main floor as of now. There were no decorations, supplies, or other furniture. On the table was a piece of parchment, outlining the formation of a mercenary group. The name and signatures were blank.

Vala was still asleep when everyone else was awake. Her slave collar, and the control phrase, was in plain view. She had been a very valuable asset, so maybe it was best they use the phrase to assert control over her. Then again, she could always be freed, but who knows what she would do? Killing her is always an answer, as well.

[Okay guys, so, do what you want. Explore, interact, go scavenging, whatever. Also make sure you decide and say IN CHARACTER what you want to do with Vala. You must also put your vote in the RESULTS area. I will be here to respond with what happens / what you find. No upgrades this time. Any questions? Poke me!]

[For the future, this is called Downtime]

as Markov was pulld out of the Thorns he would sigh and ignore the speech as he was realifed he was ou of there,he would slowli stand up slightly stagerd but well,standing up straight he would use his claws and start removing the thorns....it was painfull but not much honestly,looking at the others he would see they were all here and some were even injured aswell...seems they were not the only one do....looking around he would sudently see his Masive sword Fall infront of him like a spike and impale itself deep in the ground,he would look up towards the tower and see 2 mercs "YOU MISS! IT WAS SOPOS TO HIT HIM!"Soon they ran away....well then....delivery...he would keep looking up and say "Thanks....i guess"he said grabing his sword and holstering it on the large sheath on his back,as he did he would feel something wrap around his leg,he would look down and see it was Pixy!!,she smiled and reach down for her and say "were the hell were you?...i was worried....come on i guess we found new....allies"he said leting her go to wrap around his neck...he had everything....ready to go.

As he did he stand there he would see the whie drake laugh at them.....yea....laugh...hehehe...might be the last,do no time he learn his lesson,with a sigh he would see the beard boy say something of rides...Nhaaaa he could continue walking "
I can walk....i bet other need it"he said in a More respectfull tone towards him...he was strong and had respect over him...for a Human that is,as soon they began to walk markov aswell and his wings would wrap around his Body like a Coat like later only his neck up and knees down was visible.he sigh and Follow the rest in here long walk.He stop for a Moment and Notice the white draken seem not in the best conditions,seeing his own Kin like this Bring Pity,with a sigh he would walk over towards her and say in there Tonghe "Hi praag wah praan, Hi vis paagol ko daar Vensekos"(You need to rest,You cant walk in this Condition) he said only to help out the small Draken to walk,he would look at one of the Horses and walk towards the Brown Pony...he look at the beard Boy and say "She cant continue like this...she is best in rest"He said towards his now "Allie" who was later his enemy,he would Help her sit on the Pony and nod and say "Aal hi vahraan nel" (May you heal quick) He said with a Nod befor continue his walk with the rest...the pain for him was mostly gone atleast.

@The Mythic Dragon


1.He dint sleep do not tired...a little do

2.serching the forge for suplies

3.shoold Free Vala

Kyou only got a little sleep that night. The events of last night were spinning in his head, and on top of that, he had another nightmare. This was the first time he had one in ages.

Kyou thought about how fast his life had turned around. Just a day ago, he was making a living off of pick-pocketing people and taking the odd job as a mercenary. He was always traveling, never staying in one place for too long. In a odd way, you could say he was like a piece of paper that was caught in the wind. Always going were the wind, or in his case: his adventures, took him.

However, he suspected that this adventure would end a bit differently. He didn't know if it was with him dead, or rich. Realistically, he could pack up his stuff and leave right now. Really, there was nothing stopping him. Or maybe it was...

During the night, one of the thoughts that kept running through his head was 'Why did I jump off the tower?'. He knew that at that moment, he thought 'If he was going to die, he wanted to do it in style', but for some weird reason, he didn't believe that. Something deep down told him to go after the fey, he just didn't know what...

'Enough of that. Time to get up.'

As soon as Kyou got up from bed, he flinched from the residual pain in his left arm. He had managed to get it healed during the trip, but it still hurt a bit. His eyes wandered over to Vala. Now that the adrenaline had died down, he had time to actually look at her. He noticed her ice-blue hair and eyes, as well as her pure white skin. However there was one thing that held Kyou's attention.

'Is that a slave collar?'


Kyou partially recovers

Kyou thinks we should release Vala
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