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Memoir from Silent Haven (A Silent Hill RP)

Jack Rhode

The King of Fighters

The rain poured down hard on the school bus as it traveled through the fog. The road ahead was straight, seemingly never ending. The drops of water streaked down the window. The trees on the two sides of the road were dark brown and green. It felt as if something was watching the bus from deep within the woods, some sort of presence was carefully planning and calculating.

Alex was the one that felt this ominous presence as he stared out the window into the trees, leaning his head against the window, feeling the cold of the rain. He let out a loud yawn, stretching his arms upwards and shaking his head, keeping himself awake. He turned to face the girl beside him, Jennifer, how was peering down into her camera and smiling. They had passed by some good shots of the mountains before. Now, there was only fog... and trees.

They had been on this trip for a few hours now, a school funded field trip to nowhere. Or at least Alex thought it was nowhere. It was nice to take in the beauty of nature, but the fog had made that impossible. Only trees were visible.
Damned trees... All there is here are trees... He thought to himself, as the bus passed by a sign that read, Silent Hill - 10 Miles Ahead.
Aris was sitting on her bus seat curled up and with her head resting on her knees. Her eyes flicked back and forth as a tree that she decided to watch zoomed out of sight. Her hand was on her bag, and every now and then she glanced at it. This ride to (Silent Hill?) was incredibly boring. She had thought that perhaps there would have been something to draw, but nooooo. This field trip was turning out to be a complete waste of her time and money. Sighing, she pulled out her sketchbook and began to look around for someone to draw. Her eye fell on Demetri Johnson, who had his eyes closed and was bobbing his head to some music. A smile spread across her face as she began to sketch him. She chewed on the end of her pencil, and began to draw the people around him as well. It would look less weird if anyone spotted her sketching him.
Jennifer had taken a picture of Alex as he started out the window. She smiled and chuckled to herself, then turning around to Aris. "Hey look! It's a picture of an alien!" She whispered loudly and jokingly, catching the ear of Alex who also turned around to the pair behind him. "You guys are seriously annoying, just when I had thought I'd escape your shenanigans, here I am still dealing with them." He sighed after, looking up and around the bus. "Anyways, sign said we're 10 miles away. Any of you guys know where we're headed? I don't know anything about this Silent Hill place." Alex asked, snatching the camera away from Jennifer and deleting the picture.
Aris chuckled a little bit and tilted her head to the left. "Hmmm, actually..." She doodled a picture of Alex with alien antenna and said, "Aaaaand here is his true form!" She put her sketch book down and shrugged her shoulders. "You're asking the girl with a C in Geography about places that she never goes to. I feel like this is a great way to get information." Turning back to her sketchbook, she eyed Demetri and began detailing out his face.
Alex let out a sigh and shook his head. "Sorry for asking then. Oh and by the way if you like someone, you're supposed to talk to them not draw them." He teased, sitting back down. Jennifer shook her head and snatched the camera back, putting it away in her bag. "Oh don't mind him, he doesn't know who you actually like anyways since it'll stay a secret right? Just like you're keeping my crush a secret." She smiled and titled her head slightly.

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