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Realistic or Modern Melodies of Moonlight (1 x 1)

Alice contemplated her reflection in the mirrored closet door of her bedroom. She held up two hangers adored with t-shirts of different patterns up against her body, trying to decide which would look better between them. She scrunched her nose and titled her head to the side.

Aftee a moment, she sighed. She dropped her arms to her sides, while keeping hold of the hangers. This should not be this hard, but she hadn't even had a solid idea of what to wear to a concert. She hadn't been to one in years, they were too loud. Too crowded. She wasn't even really a fan of this band. She had heard of then, of course, but her attendance to this particular concert wasn't for her own enjoyment.

No, she'd much rather listen to music in the comfort of her room, as the melody danced along her eardrums. Her roommate, however, was a beam of sunshine who loved to go out. But she didn't like to go alone, and the friend who had been initially invited canceled last minute. Alice hadn't been able to resist the pleading green eyes when asked to attend in that friend's place.

There was a soft rap at the door, speak of the devil,
"How much longer do you think you'll be...?" came the voice of Ariel from outside the room. She sounded antsy. Alice frowned.

"The show isn't for hours," She answer back, trying to keep the edge out of her voice. She hadn't even gotten dressed yet, let alone done any makeup.

"I want to be near the front of the line!"

Alice sighed again, "Give me like 20 minutes."
There was a grumbled reply, followed by the sound of Ariel shuffling away. Alice glanced at the mirror again, and after a few minutes of debate she dressed herself in faded black shorts over a pair of sheer tights, and a black slightly cropped tank top with lace trim along the neckline and bottom.

A light breeze wafted through the room, reminding Alice that summer was nearly at it's end. She reached into her closet and pulled a thick, plum colored cardigan off a hanger and slipping it on. She admired the outfit she had constructed in the mirror. Turning left and right, trying to decide if it looked good enough. She hesitated at the bare strip of pale skin between the the bottom of her shirt and the top of her shorts. Would she be too cold?

She shook her head. The venue would probably be backed with body heat. She turned away from the mirror and walked over to her vanity. She did her makeup slightly heavier than she normally would, which still wasn't much. She lined her blue eyes with dark eyeliner, flicking the shape out at the ends. After a touch of mascara and a dash of blush, she pickes up a tube of brick red liptick. She stared at it with uncertainty. She rarelt wore lipstick at all, and had never worn a color so bold. A concert seemed as good a time as any to be bold, though. She opened the tube and slowly filled her soft pink lips with the dark color. She leaned closer to the mirror to examine her work. She dared to think that the color looked nice as a small smile spread acrosa her face. She fluffed up her short, pale blonde hair, and shook her head a few times, before deciding she was happy with her appearance. She stood from the vanity and strode toward her bedroom door.

She found Ariel sitting on the couch in the small living room scrolling through her phone. She looked tense, but her dark tan face lit up upon seeing Alice, and she got up from the couch. Alice held out her arms, showing Ariel the outfit she'd chosen. Ariel herself was dressed in light blue jeans, with rips in the knees large enough to show the fishnets she wore under them. Her shirt was merch from the band they were going to see, and over that was a leather jacket. Ariel's hair was done in many braids, starting black at the top and then fading into a bright red.

"You look great!" Ariel said with a sincere smile, already makingbl her way toward the door. "Are you ready?"

Alice gave her a shift nod as the two of them slipped on their shoes which sat in a pile front of the door, and were on their way.


When they arrived at the venue the line wasn't terribly long to get in. Despite Alice dragging her feet, they still managed to get there a few hours before the show actually began. They had their hands stamped by the gruff bouncer sitting upon a stool in front of the door. Indicating that they were both over 21, and Ariel immediately grabbed Alice by the arm to get them as close to the stage as possible.

Alice glanced around, it was a rather large, open building. Mostly standing room, but there were a few tables toward the back. Also in the back, there was a bar that caught Alice's eye. She wasn't a huge drinker, but she figured a drink would help her to loosen up a bit. The line wasn't too long yet, but people were still pouring in through the doors.

"I'm gonna get a drink, did you want anything?"
Ariel shook her head, not even turning away from the stage, the excitement clear on her face.

Alice wandered up to the bar, and ordered a Sex on the Beach. She watched carefully as the bartender mixed the drink and handed it to her. She took one quite swig of it immediately before stepping away from the bar. She immediately noticed that the crowd had grown exponentially, most of them pushing toward the front... where Ariel was.

Alice took another drink, and tried to move through the crowd to get back up to where she remembered Ariel had been, but every time she tried she was pushed back. There was already so little space between the people that she couldn't pass through them. She looked around for any other way she could get back to the front, perhaps if she slide against one of the walls?

She shook her head. That didn't seem any better. She pulled her phone out of her pocket with her free hand, and typed a text to Ariel, telling her to meet her outside the doors after the show if they weren't able to find each other before then. She shoved her phone back in her pocket, not even checking to make sure if the message sent.
Nickolai Aabinus Cerez Irian, lead singer of the band Nightmare was ravenous this night. The Vampire was young for his kind, only a half century. Despite that he stayed up to date with the times. He had to in order to blend into Human society. With the Modern Age came far more risk. One had to be careful when hunting. As such Nickolai decided becoming famous and loved would get his food to come to him.

There was another reason of course. Nickolai genuinely loved music. From classical hymns to Death Metal, Nickolai appreciated Human's creativity. It was only a matter of time before he decided that he wished to play music as well. He wanted to add his own voice to empowering the masses. His band admittedly was inspired by Rage Against the Machine or even Green Day.

Human politics was fascinating. It was rather easy to get the masses to throng to him if he sang the right words. It was easy considering the state of the world was consistently going to shit. Save for the fact that Nickolai, and his bandmates, were not Human, they were still all US citizens. They had to deal with the downward shift of the political climate. Might as well showcase their anger from it and make a quick buck while also getting fed.

With all this in mind, Nickolai finally stepped on stage. "Let's get this shit started! I better fucking hear you all!" Nickolai called to the crowd who cheered in response. With that their first song started.

As the concert got underway Nickolai was subtly sending magic through the crowd. He and his bandmates needed food. He was the best suited to pick out people. His shadows whispered through the crowd, unable to be seen. He was more concerned about his friends getting fed. Though they would kick his ass if they knew that. Nickolai remained focused on pulling all attention to himself while shadows shifted and began disappearing people from the edges of the crowd.
Alice glanced up at the stage as she heard the band begin to address the crowd. Excited yelling erupted around her, and people seemed to be trying to press themselves even closer to the stage. To each other. A few knocked into her, she stumbled but managed to keep her balance. Luckily, her drink hadn't spilled. She frowned into the swirling liquid and downed the rest of it in one go. Better than having it knocked from her hands before she could finish it.

She looked up at the stage again, just as a sickly sweet smell hit her nose. It wasn't a terribly strong smell, but it was enough to make her dizzy. She looked down at her empty glass. Unless that was the alcohol... that made more sense. She glanced toward the bar, wondering if she could get through the crowd to return the cup to them so she wouldn't have to hold it for the duration of the concert.

When her attention was diverted, there was suddenly a shout. Not of excitement, but anger, and just as she was about to look for the source, it came to her. A tall, masculine figure was shoved back into her, her back slammed into the wall behind her, the man's elbow made direct contact with the glass. Shattering it in her hand.

The first thing she felt was a dull ache in her head, followed quickly by a sharp pain in her hand. She felt the warmth, the wetness, and her face went ghost white as she saw nothing but red.

"Shit." She breathed.

The man who had crashed into her didn't even look in her direction, he just steadied himself and lunged forward. Presumably at whoever had pushed him. It didn't take long for security to notice, and push through the crowd to break up the fight. The dizzy feeling overtaking Alice only worsened, and she could feel herself shaking.

"Fuck... hey. Hey!"

She heard a male voice in her ear, and she noticed there was a hand on her shoulder. She looked over, seeing the concerned face of a man she didn't know looking her over. The word 'STAFF' written in large, white lettering on his black t-shirt. He looked from her pale face down to her bleeding hand, then back again.

"Come on... there's a first-aid kit backstage, I'll call you an ambulance from back there if you need one."

Normally, Alice wouldn't blindly trust some strange man she didn't know, even if his shirt indicated that he worked there. Maybe it was the alcohol, the blood loss, or the sweet smell filling her head, but she let the man lead her through the crowd, through a door to the left of the stage and into the back.
Nickolai played to the crowd. He loved being on stage. His shadows going through the crowd alerted him to a fight breaking out in the crowd. He stopped his set dead. "Hey fuck faces! I don't tolerate that shit at my concerts! Staff! Get them both out of here! If you wanna fight, do it outside!" Nickolai ordered. He then continued singing like nothing happened.

The energy of the crowd helped his failing strength. He loved being on stage singing what he wanted with an amazing crowd screaming his lyrics back at him. Alice was too far away for him to smell her blood, but he got notified through his ear piece that they brought someone into the back for medical attention.

After the song he called to the crowd "Hey, if anyone was with a girl wearing tights, shorts, and a lace trimmed crop top, she's gonna be backstage. She got hurt by that jackals starting a brawl. She should be fine. But if you need to get to the back, rest of the fucking crowd better let them! In general, try spreading out. We're got one injury, I am not dealing with more." Nickokai yelled into the mic.

He waited for the shuffling of the crowd before he began the next song. Meanwhile his shadows had taken the two troublemakers as soon as they stepped from the venue. They were restrained with tendrils and tossed somewhere to stew. He would be eating one of them at least. He'd probably give the other one to his bandmates. They would need to eat as well.

Alice was beginning to feel woozy as she was lead backstage by the member of the staff. He held a firm hand on her shoulder, as if he could tell that she might pass out at any moment. But she was determined to not let that happen. There were a few people behind the stage who looked at her curiously, but said nothing as she was lead into a small room. The staff member flicked on the lights, leaving the door open. There was a bench in the room, a row of cabinets, and a rather large first aid kit strapped to the wall.

Alice sat in the bench, staring at the cement floor as her head began to spin. She only looked up when she heard the sound of the staff member snapping his fingers in front of her.

"Hey, don't go into shock or anything." He said. Alice wondered if you even could go into shock from something like this. "My name is Bryan." He continued. "I'm gonna try to patch up your hand, is that okay?"

Alice swallowed hard and nodded slowly. She watched as Bryan opened the first aid kit, and pulled out a large pair of pointed twizzers. She pinched her eyes shut and turned her head away as he slowly and gently took her hand in his, turning it over a couple of times, before she felt the cold metal touch her skin. She bit down on her lip to keep any sound of escaping as she felt him remove a piece of glass from her palm. She felt the blood flow in it's absence. It definitely hurt, but not quite as much as she had expected. Not as much as the feeling of the cup shattering as she held it.

"Take deep breaths," Bryan said as he touched another piece of glass with the tweezers. "Count to five before you exhale."
Alice followed his instruction, wondering if this guy had done something like this before.

It felt like an enternity, but in reality it only took about ten agonizing minutes for Bryan to pull all of the glass from her hand.

"I got it all." He said, setting down the tweezers. "Can you move all your fingers?"

Alice very slowly opened and closed her hand.


She felt something soft touch her palm, and she dared a glance at it. Bryan was dabbing the blood away with a wet cloth. Alice let out a heavy sigh.

Just as Bryan was beginning to wrap Alice's hand with gauze, they heard a commotion from outside the room. Fumbling and yelling. Alice leaned over to try to get a look at what was going on, when she realized she reconized the voice.

"...Ariel?" She shouted toward the open door, and Ariel almost immediately stumbled through the door.

"Alice?!" She said, her gaze going right toward the bandage being wrapped around her hand. "What the hell happened?! The lead singer said something about someone being hurt backstage! I realized that he described the outfit you were wearing and they let me back here!"

Bryan finished wrapping Alice's hand, and stood. "Stay back here as long as you need to." He said over his shoulder. "I'll see about getting your tickets comped or something." And he left the two girls alone in the small room. After he was gone, Alice looked up at Ariel's worry creased face. She offered an apologetic smile in return.

"What happened?" Ariel said again, softer this time. Alice quietly explained, and Ariel's face twisted between guilt and anger.

"I should have found you."

Alice shook her head. "This isn't your fault! I'm fine, go back out and watch the rest of the show!"

"What?! No-"

Alice inturupted. "You were so excited for this concert. You deserve to go back out there and enjoy it. I will be fine. I'll sit back here for a few more minutes and I'll meet you back out there."

Ariel looked unconvinced. "Are... you sure...?"

Alice nodded firmly, and watched as Ariel hesitantly left the room to rejoin the crowd. Alice looked down at her bandaged hand, and sighed.
Nickolai kept singing, his bandmates kept playing, and the crowd writhed and screamed his lyrics back at him. Nickolai reveled in the energy of the sea of humans below. His bandmates kept up their energy with a fervor that was almost inhuman. That made sense since none of them were. Nickolai knew it would be foolish to have his inner circle filled with Mortals. So he held most others at a distance.

Gabriel, the bassist was a fellow Vampire. Though due to a botched changing he was practically blind. Abigail, the guitarist, was Vampire as well. Her fingers sliding across the strings made sparks fly, showcasing her own magic. She and Gabriel had married many years ago. The drummer was Theo, also a Vampire. He was Abigails older brother. All three were extremely loyal to Nickolai. He had saved all of their lives many times over. They had returned the favor as well. Nickolai saw them as family.

"Keep up the energy people! Let's get shit moving with this next song! I better hear you!" Nickolai shouted into the mic. As the beat hit Nickolai felt the most alive.

The sound of their fans cheering gave him so much joy. He would live on stage if he could. The constant thirst that he felt as a Vampire was momentarily forgotten as he road the high of singing lyrics to a packed venue. Shadows writhed and shifted with his excitement. He knew this night would end eventually, but it had been incredible. "One last song for you beautiful bastards! Let's end this night on a high note!" Nickolai cried before the music started.

Alice stared down at her hand for a few moments, a frown firmly on her mouth. She could feel the pain radiating all the way up to her elbow, and it would surely only get worse as the adrenaline begin to leave her blood. She moved her fingers slightly, immediately being stabbed by the stinging cuts. Should she go to the hospital after all, to ask if she needed stitches?

She glanced over at the open door. She didn't want to go back out to the concert, hadn't even wanted to be here in the first place. And now Ariel was out there alone anyway, despite the fact that Alice had been invited only to avoid that very thing. She would have considered just leaving now, but of course she had gotten a ride with Ariel.


Suddenly Bryan's form appeared in the doorway again, wearing an apologetic smile. He approached and reached out a hand toward her, offering her what looked like a lanyard. She took it in her uninjured hand and looked it over. It was a red lanyard bearing a rectangular piece of plastic with the letters "VIP" across it. She looked up at him confused.

"This way everyone can see you're allowed to actually be back here, and you can meet the band if you want to." He said, and glanced around the room. "Where's your friend?"

"She went back out to see the rest of the concert."

Bryan held up another lanyard.

"I have a pass for her too, do you think I'd be able to find her before the shows over?"

Alice nodded. "She probably pushed her way back to the front."

Bryan smiled, told Alice he'd try to find her and that he would come back. Alice nodded again, not really caring either way. She just wanted this night to be over with. She stood from the bench, and peeked out the door. She saw a few staff loitering around, but it was mostly empty. When she stepped out into the... lobby? She wasn't sure what to call the area between the stages and the various rooms along the wall. No one even looked in her direction.

The sound of the music was easier to hear, and she thought she heard the singer say it was the last song. Good.

That strange, sweet smell became apparent to her again, and she shook her head, trying to keep the dizziness that rose in her at bay. She pulled out her phone, and texted Ariel, wanting to find out where she was before she dared to venture back out into the screaming crowd. Ariel would surely want to meet the band, anyway...
Nickokai kept up the energy for their last song a grin on his face. His gold eyes flashed under the bright lights as he called farewell to his fans. Gabriel waved quietly to the crowd. Abigail happily waved and blew kisses. Theo whooped, hollered, and tossed drumsticks and shirts to the crowd.

It took about twenty more minutes or so for them to finally return backstage. Gabriel lingered a moment as he descended the stairs. "Do you smell that?" The nearly blind vampire asked. His dusky gray hair, streaked with blue, was tied back in a ponytail. His gray eyes searched for the source of the odd smell.

"What is it babe? All I smell is BO." Abby asked, her nose wrinkled. Her short red hair moved about as she also looked for what could have caught her husband's attention. She was wrapped around his arm to help him down the stairs.

"Maybe your sense of smell is messed up by all the people?" Theo asked. His slim blonde brow lifting over green eyes. He couldn't blame Gabriel if he was confused. He couldn't make out much of anything backstage, even away from the majority of the crowd. Humans always somehow smelled especially whiffy after concerts. Vampires didn't have to deal with BO often.

Nickolai stared down from the top of the stairs. "No. Something smells suspicious. And it's not the copious amounts of Humans either." Nickolai hissed. His gold eyes glowed strikingly framed by his mid-length midnight hair. It smelled sweet and Humans didn't typically smell like that. He also smelled blood. That was alarming. Then he remembered there had been an injury in the crowd. The blood made sense then. She was likely still around here somewhere. That didn't explain the sickly sweet smell growing stronger.

Nickolai had keener senses than even his bandmates as he had been borne a Vampire while they had all been changed. Typically Purebloods didn't mingle with Changed, but Nickolai didn't believe in that bullshit. This was the modern age. There was no time to hold onto ancient prejudices when they were busy trying to live amongst Humans rather than being hunted by them. That was always a risk. Which is why they only hunted occasionally during their concerts.

"Let's get changed guys. We got people to meet." Theo called, stretching and arching his back like a cat. The rest of his bandmates went to the rooms for a quick refreshment before they would need to greet VIPs. Nickolai however didn't. He continued searching for that strange smell. He didn't like that as it got stronger, so did the smell of blood. This could be quite bad for them all if it was what he assumed.
Alice held her phone in her hand as she wandered through the backstage area, not ready yet to head back into the crowd, but she also wanted to avoid getting in anyone's way. She walked into a small hallway that seemed empty aside from am emergency exit. She let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the darkly painted wall. She stared at her phone, waiting for Ariel to respond.

"Oh," said and unfamiliar voice, and Alice's attention snapped up immediately. Standing in the opening of the hallway was a man, tall and dark haired, staring at her. "I wasn't expecting anyone to be back here." He cooed. "I was just looking for a back exit so I could smoke..."

That sweet smell seemed to hit Alice in the face, stronger than it had been any of the other times she's noticed it. Strong, disorienting. She tried to resist the urge to cover her nose, not wanting to be rude if this was cologne or something she was smelling. It didn't seem like cologne, though... it was sweet, but the wrong kind of sweet. Like the smell of a rotting corpse.

The man smiled at her, a crooked, toothy grin. A light glinted in his dark eyes, and suddenly Alice's chest felt tight, and she could feel a cold sweat forming at the back of her neck. Her back straightened, the thought struck her that this must have been how a rabbit would feel after being hopeless cornered by a wolf.

She took a step back, trying to reach for the handle of the emergency exit without turning her back to the man. Somehow she knew, if she turned away from him it would be over.

"I think there is a non-emergency... exit on the other side of the s-stage." For some reason she was having a difficult time getting the words out. She covered her mouth with her free hand and coughed, clenching the handle of the emergency exit, ready to make a run for it.

But he was on her before she could do anything. His large hand took hold of hers and pryed her grip away from the door handle. With him this close the smell was nearly unbearable, she felt like she was drunk again. She tried to yank her hand away, but he held firm. She opened her mouth to try to scream for help, but no sound came.
Suddenly faster than Alice could likely comprehend, the man that had seized her, was rammed against the opposite wall with a sickening crunch. Standing with his back to Alice was a 6' 2" tall man with long black hair, wearing a long leather jacket. The sweet smell had been disrupted when he was tossed bodily away from the woman he had deemed his prey.

Before the opposing Vampire could get off the ground, Nickokai snapped his fingers and dark chains sprouted from his shadow to ensnare him and force him to his knees. "You will pay for your hubris, Changed." Nickolai hissed. With a wave of his hand he disappeared. Finally Nickolai turned to the woman that idiot Vampire nearly devoured while in Nickolai's domain. "Are you alright? Let's get you somewhere to sit and calm down. You will not be harmed with me." Nickolai said.

It was only with him turning to look at her, that Alice would likely realize this was the lead singer of the band she was supposed to meet at the VIP event in a few minutes. Now he was standing in front of her, and somehow moved a man that had looked twice his size. Not only that but he had also done apparent magic right in front of her. This was all alot to take in. Nickolai guided her somewhere quiet in the hopes that she could hopefully calm down. Or at least if she descended into hysterics she would be somewhere that other Humans did not hear her and thus cause a panic.

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