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Melin i narn gin


Lenneth watched as Rhawon changed his form once more. It was strange to see a being change so freely from one form to the next. There might have been a little envious part of her that wish she could have such a gift but that part was so small like a fading child's dream that she quickly ignore the momentary envy.

She hadn't minded his stag form. It had actually been quite beautiful. This form was not as intimidating as the wolf he had once been was it was still a predator nonetheless and made her wary. She felt like the mouse in a cat and mouse game (pun intended). Was she just some sort of play thing to amuse this god for the next 100 years?

She hadn't expected him to press his side against her and tittered forward to catch herself on him lest she fall to the ground. Her eyes narrowed at him suspiciously and a bit accusingly but not really any sign of hate or fury. It was an expression one would see on someone who was being gently teased.

In a vindictive moment and a lapse of judgement and mixed with a forgetfulness that this was a god Lenneth did what one would do with any house cat; she pet him behind his ears. Surely a god wouldn't act like a house cat, but she couldn't resist.


Istelon was amused by the interactions between the priest and the girl Alluetta. She was a bit cute when she was flustered by having the priest basically scold her like a child. However she was behaving like a stubborn child and thus probably had the priest having to treat her as such.

Once the priest had left them and she suggested to get out of each others hair he smirked at her a quirked a brow. She was being completely obvious and didn't seem to realize it. He could toy with her in so many ways that it was hard to decide which one to go with. Should he give her the false hope he'd just let her run off on her own only to stalk her like some predator and give her a nice fright. This might be a bad idea if her reaction would be to use magic against him.

His smiled widened in such a way as to let her know that there was no possible way he would neglect his duty. He casually approached her in a non-threatening manner before peering down at her.

"I guess you would rather have me tie you to a bed than the priest," he teased.

He had been hoping that she would take it just as it was meant- gentle teasing. What he had not expected were the questing fingers that tucked behind his ears. At first he stiffened, all of the muscles in his lean form tensing with surprise. Before she could withdraw her fingers, he groaned low in his chest- a throaty purr that shook his entire frame.

And then, like a building with only two supports, he leaned into her- and knocked her flat on her back. Trapping her between his body and the soft grass where he could tuck his head under her hand- ears perked forwards attentively.

By all that is holy, don't you dare stop.


Alluetta froze, like a deer caught in torchlight. Hand frozen to the handle where it had halted at the sound of his steps. His words slowly registered in her mind, their progress easily measured by the pink that deepened into red. The flush creeping across the bridge of her nose all the way to the tips of her ears. Her eyes widened in horror.

"You wouldn't- you-" Her words escaped her entirely, and she jumped away from the door- and him- for the third time that night. She caught the mischievous glint in his eyes, and far from reassuring her, it only made the worry worse. He would dare. Her stomach made one traitorous flip, and she retreated to a corner of the room. Not the corner with the bed in it, even looking at the crisply pressed sheets brought a fresh wave of heat to her cheeks.

"...I need something other then you to call you in my head. I'm beginning to run out of creative insults."

Lenneth inwardly smirked with a small victory as the God of the Wilds - mighty beast that he was currently - actually purred! She failed to keep her laughter to herself and continued her ministrations until he leaned in to her which resulted in her falling backwards with a soft "unf" sound.

He was definitely heavy in this form which meant she had little to no choice of wriggling out from under him. However she didn't think he would want to crush her to death based on the sound of pleasure from earlier. However, instead of simply scratching and rubbing behind his ears one of her hands went under his chin and experimentally scratched him gently there.


Istelon's smile never faltered as she jerked away from him and made a hasty retreat in to the corner which wasn't exactly the safest spot. He didn't speak to her as she sputtered and stuttered from his joke. He slowly approached her as she pressed herself in the corner or the room away from the bed.

"You may call me Istelon," he stated with a playful wink.

She was just too easy to toy with. She had seemed to confident moments ago and yet now she was showing signs of shyness. He decided to back off a bit since he was sure if he kept this up she might faint... or maybe that was what needed to happen to allow her to rest.

He strode closer to her until he was only a foot or so away. Just close enough to make her uncomfortable but far enough she could choose to flee if she felt really threatened by him. He wasn't going to harm her, just pressure her to rest.

Rhawon shook his head, ears flicking back briefly as he gave her a look- one that could be translated as irritation. He tilted his head to thrust his ears under her hands once more, long sharp claws extending to dig into the soft soil beneath his paws. By the creator, his ears had always been a weak point of his. It didn't matter which form- be it wolf, dog, cat or elven. If it had ears, then that was the best way to get to him.

He'd just never had it found out quite so quickly before. Perhaps this girl-who-was-his-wife was not as much of a mouse as he had initially thought.

A small spark flickered in his chest, bringing him to his feet with his ears perked forwards. Something was calling him.

"Come, Lenneth. There is somewhere we must be." He turned his side to her, waiting for her to climb astride him as she had been only moments before. "You may wish to hold on this time. We will be moving very fast."


She needed a distraction, and she needed one fast. For her or for him she couldn't quite yet decide, but she didn't think she would be able to handle much more of this. Her heart might explode first. Holding up one hand to halt his advance, Alluetta sidled out of her self imposed corner. Backing herself into a seated position on the bed.

"If I promise to rest, will you at least leave the room? I won't be able to get a wink of sleep if you hover over me like that all night." She lifted her chin stubbornly, ignoring the instincts that told her there was a predator in the room, and she was putting herself in a vulnerable position. For the love of the gods, she was not a rabbit. No matter what that old witch predicted.

She was probably going senile anyways.

Lenneth hadn't expected him to react so strongly to having his ears stroked. However this reaction made him far more approachable and less intimidating. However she was still wary of Rhawon since she had been taught that he had disdain towards her kind because of something the first elves had done. However part of felt pity for him having to wed someone every century when it was something he did not wish for.

When he raised up and ended her playful petting of his ears she got up and dusted her robes off a bit out of habit. As he told her to climb on to his feline form once again she let out a small sigh and cautiously approached him. Elves rode a variety of beasts but none of them had been a predator.

She pulled herself on to his back and maneuvered herself to try and wrap her arms around his neck to keep hold of him since he indicated he would be running with speed. It was a strange position that was almost like a hug which made her flush slightly.


Istelon halted when she held up her hand and wriggled off to the side to sit upon the bed. She was taking him completely seriously which amused him even more. However he decided he should probably end this little teasing game soon enough since he didn't want a repeat of past mistakes. He'd broken a few hearts doing things similar to this playful flirting with no serious intention.

When she promised to rest if he left the room he laughed loudly. The seductive gleam in his eyes gone and now just amusement shone through them. He didn't trust her to keep that promise in the slightest but there was little she could do to escape considering how the high priest warned her to rest.

"I never intended to lurk around while you rested in the first place. I am a gentleman for the most part," he commented with a smile.

"However, please understand that if you do break your promise that I will have to hunt you down and toss you in a magic nullifying cell. They aren't nearly as comfortable as this room."

With that last playful yet serious thread he went to the door and exited the room... or he tried too. After experimentally pulling and tugged on the handle a few times and experimental lock picking he sighed.

"I do believe that the priest didn't trust you either and has sealed the room. Unfortunately with me in here as well."

He was bothered a bit by this since he wondered if it was to prevent him from reporting to his superiors since he had been present during their discussion earlier. He had no choice now but to be seals up in a room with the stubborn girl who he had just caused to nearly faint from flirtation.

Without a word he strode to the other end of the room and flopped down on the bed unceremoniously. It was a medical wing so it was lined up with beds and small tables and other things. Since he was stuck here he may as well get some sleep.

Rhawon started out slow, in deference to her awkward position on his back. Perhaps he should have changed into something more easily rideable? Well it was too late in any case. His paws slowly picked up speed, ghosting across the forest floor with barely a sound. The leaves passed quickly- dark shadows darting in and out of his vision. He kept himself as steady as possible, hoping to make the ride easy for his elven bride.

They would be going back to the mortal realms.

It would be different now, that she had the divine seed inside of her. The bond between them that would grow as the years went on. She might, perhaps, even recall some of the passage through the spirit realm. Some had had visions of the future, crossing that border between the divine and mortal realms. It would be interesting to see what she would remember.


The night passed quicker the she thought it would- for all that the first few hours in that room were restless ones. She tossed and turned, jumping at every little sound from his corner of the room. She wasn't scared of him. She was just... concerned.

All right, if she was being honest with herself, she was a little terrified of him. She'd never had much attention from the males of her race, and even his gentle teasing had sent her heart into something that might have resembled a beating war drum. Frantic and strong. She didn't like it.

She drifted off after a few hours of worrying, his lack of movement lulling her into a slight sense of security.

The morning went the way her mornings normally did. With her passed out until at least noon, her expression peaceful as she slept- despite the dark circles under her eyes. She had well and truly exhausted herself the day before.

Lenneth tried to keep herself from ripping out Rhowan's feline fur during their travel. She was certain she was probably gripping the fur a little to hard in her worry to stay on his back as he moved. All she could do was close her eyes and just wait till the ride was over.

She didn't know where they were going or what the purpose of this venture was. He had simply stated they were to leave and she had obeyed. That bothered her in the pit of her stomach. She was torn in deciding on if she should or should not trust Rhowan.

She was uncomfortable with the thought of being intimate with him since he was practically a stranger. While he was attractive that didn't mean much in the end for her. She had seen many attractive elves use this to their advantage over others and leave many broken hearts behind in their wake.


Istelon hadn't slept at all. It wasn't that he couldn't sleep but rather he didn't trust her to actually stay put in the room. He imagined she would try some crazy antics in order to escape. The lack of sleep didn't really bother him since soldier of his rank were actually trained to go for a couple of days without rest.

It was obvious that she was having issues sleeping but eventually she her breathing slowed and evened indicating she had been lured into slumber. Once she was in a deep sleep he relaxed a bit and made himself more comfortable but still did not truly rest.

He heard the change of her breathing as she stirred around noontime and decided to continue his fun from earlier. He had spent a rather boring night just laying there twiddling his thumbs. He leered over at her as he leaned over with his face merely a foot away from her own. When her eyes opened his offered her a dazzling smile.

"Good morning."

The trip through the spirit realms was a quick one, and soon Rhawon was padding through Lenneths native forests. The forests of the mortal realms. Everything always seemed dull to his senses here. The air was never quite as crisp, the water never quite as sweet, and his connection to his realm was never quite as strong. It was a good thing he'd picked up the scent while he was in the divine realms.

Lenneth. We have arrived. He slowed his pace to a walk, ready to stop if she decided she no longer wished to be carried.

Tell me, how would you like me to show myself. I would like to give you the chance to say good bye.


Mornings...were never the best time of day for her. She was much more of a nocturnal person, awake with the moon at it's highest- and asleep while the sun was nearing it's zenith. This morning was no exception (She might have even said it was mildly worse, considering the state of exhaustion she'd been in when she finally fell asleep) and when Istelon greeted her, she gave her usual morning reply.

Absolutely none.

She sat up rather abruptly- something that might have caused a collision had it not been for Istelons quick reflexes-a blank expression on her normally lively face. Her hair was stuck up in odd angles, and her back crackled as she lifted her hands over her head in a lethargic stretch. She continued her morning routine with all the attention of a zombie- until one small factor stopped ehr in her steps.

The door was locked.

It still took a few more long moments for her mind to catch up to her body, and remember what had happened the day previous. She was still too tired to understand, and jiggled the handle one more time.

Lenneth lifted her face up from where she had smothered in into Rhowan's neck during her ride. She was slightly confused for a moment as she took in their surroundings. This confusion increased slightly when he asked her what form she would like for him to take and for her to have a chance to say goodbye.

She dismounted from Rhowan and took a step or so back from here to keep a respectful distance. She wondered is perhaps the time in the divine realm was much faster than that of the mortal realm that perhaps her 100 years had already come and gone.

"Your elven form is a little less intimidating but you need not change unless you want to," she replied with slight embarrassment.


Istelon was amused by the bleary eyed, crow-nest haired elf as she woke up. He had been hoping to get some sort of startled reaction but her appearance was amusing enough. He observed this zombie-like Alluetta as she made her way over to the door only to find it still locked.

It would probably remain locked until one of the other priest's came to fetch them. Whether they were guests or prisoner's was still unknown currently and bothered Istelon slightly. He did have to report every morning to his commander and unless the priests had informed his superior of this current situation he could find himself in a terrible bit of trouble the moment he was released.

He laughed softly as Alluetta's mind registered they were still stuck within the confines of the small medical ward.

"I'm envious of how well you sleep," he teased.

Rhawon blinked at Lenneth, his onyx eyes reflecting her bright ones against the backdrop of forest green leaves and fire red hair. So, it seemed that she was unnerved by his changing form. Something he had grown used to over the years- some of his wives had been fine with it, others had refused to acknowledge him in any form save the one they shared.

Very well then. With as much thought as it had taken to speak, he changed from his feline form into his elven one. Still wearing the same archaic fur and hide clothing that he had been the first time he had appeared before her.

"I would not wish to... intimidate anyone." Not that the permanent stoic expression on his face was any more inviting then claws and fangs had been, but at least in this form he didn't look quite as lethal. It was the thought that counted.

"I will come for you upon the hour. But we need not leave immediately, so please. Take your time." With those words he left, sinking into the shadows as easily in his elven form as he had as a wolf. As he would have as a panther. His dark eyes lingering on her form.

There was one things he had to do in the mortal realm. And then he could aquaint Lenneth to his domain.


Alluetta froze mid yawn, her mind finally catching up. Well. She wasn't going to have any of this. Sinking into herself, searchign for that core of fire that represented the magic she held inside, Alluetta gave it a small nudge. Ignoring the sudden itching in her nose from the acrid smell of the spell the priest had used on the door melting.That was much better.

The door banged open, the handle smoking in the most satisfying way. She tossed a small triumphant smile over her shoulder at her previously incarcerated companion.

"Well, feel free to go back to sleep. I am going out to the forest to find out what I can about this corruption."

Lenneth watched him as he left her to her own devices for this hour. While he had told her it was to say goodbye there really wasn't anyone to say goodbye to. She had been away from her family from a young age when she was sent to live at the temple upon displaying an empathetic connection with the natural energies around here. She wasn't especially close to anyone from the temple either, she had been a bit reclusive and preferred time alone and watching others than gossiping.

However, this hour alone would give her some time to reflect on her situation without the strange nervousness around Rhowan. He was like most wild and untamed animals of the wilds; aloof and cautious. That one moment when she had playfully stroked his feline ears was strange and didn't seem within his character. While she had always been told to never assume as assumptions could be blinding she was unsure what type of person - or should she just refer to his as a god - he really was.

In this hour of perceived solitude Lenneth decided on a few things. One, she was married to Rhowan who was a complete stranger. Two, she had decided to trust Rhowan rather than be constantly suspicious. If he had wanted to harm her he could have done many times over already. Lastly, she needed to adjust to his various forms though a little voice did pipe in to note that she did prefer the form like her own as it was attractive. The voice made her blush and look around herself as though her thoughts could be heard.

More Below

Istelon didn't move to stop her when she went to unlock the door with some odorous smell and a loud bang as a result. However if she had not turned to cockily speak to him she would have noticed the high priest standing at the door with a nonplussed look.

"Do you realize how many handles we've had to replace because of your antics over the years?" he asked not really expecting an answer.

Behind the priest was the high commander as well as two other priests he hadn't seen before but based on their attire they were only a step below in the hierarchy. They pushed into the room with the high priest motioning for Alluetta to step back in to the room while the others follow behind him. One of the priests closed the door behind him and magically sealed the door to prevent eavesdropping and possibly escaping.

Well bollocks. Alluetta scowled at her ill fortune, racheing up with two fingers to adjust the set of the ivy band keeping her hair in check, rather then let her sarcastic remark slip off her tongue. For all that she wished she'd managed to make it out the door, before company had arrived, she knew better then to be rude in such prestigious company. That and she was afraid she had some kind of bed-head.

"I would apologize, High Priest, but I'm afraid you would know it's insincerity. I am not all that fond of being contained." Alluetta tucked her hands into their opposing sleeves, to hide the fidgeting of her fingers, and gave the men who had entered a short bow. "Can I assume this is about the recent outbreak? I hope nothing has gotten worse." Or fixed itself, before I can take a good long look.
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Istelon kept his amusement to himself and kept his expression void of emotion in the presence of the High Priest and High Commander. This had to be something very dangerous to have these two interact for this long with each other. The High Commander usually only spoke with the priest during scheduled meetings.

"You are correct in your assumption. However while you have been sleeping we've have to start preparing to erect a barrier for the safety of this city. This corruption has started to spread uncontrollably without any sense of direction. We had hoped for a pattern but there is nothing. I had hoped to allow you more time to rest and recuperate but unfortunately this is no longer an option."

The High Priest looked over to the High Commander now. Whatever this thing was it was enough to make them come to such an understanding that they were actually not arguing with each other for once.

"Istelon, you are being assigned to be Alluetta's escort officially. From what the High Priest has said she would be the most useful in trying to solve this matter while the others maintain the barrier around the city."

Istelon bowed to the High Commander to accept his assignment though inwardly he was sighing. She was going to be a handful to keep in sight if she kept up with her stubbornness.


Lenneth wondered what exactly Rhawon was doing. Part of her now wondered if this was some kind of test to see if she would flee rather than stay where he had left her. There really wasn't any point in trying to run away. She was slowly warming up to him; very slowly. However she was still very cautious though her curiosity was growing. She worried that eventually she would burst out with questions that had been burning in her mind since he revealed himself.

There was a snap of a twig which drew her attention. It had peaceful and quiet since she had been left here with only the soft rustling of the wind and the sounds of birds singing. She tried to use her affinity with nature to feel out to the origin of the sound. It was something she hadn't mastered yet so it was difficult to identify what had made the noise. The only thing she knew was that someone was there.

"Poor girl. Another sacrifice to the Wild One," said a soft masculine voice.

"Who are you?"

"I am neither a friend nor a foe but a warning. I'll reveal myself to you... in time."

Just as quickly as the presence had made itself known it had just as quickly vanished. Was this another god or something else?
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Aluetta fought the 'I told you so' she could feel waiting on the tip of her tongue. If only she'd been allowed to study this corruption yesterday- hours, even minutes made all the world of difference. And now it was bad enough that the priests were going to put a barrier over the whole city?

At least it was the year of the wild hunt. There were many traveling priests in the city for the occasion. That upped their time from a week, to perhaps two. Three if they were stratched thin, and this corrption stayed rather unagressive. But still.. now they had a time limit.

"Do we even know what kind of effect this corruption is having on the elves as we speak?" And on the day the elves and the wild beasts were wed, their souls linked together anew. She couldn't even imagine the consequences if they couldn't solve this. "I'm going to need access to all the samples you've taken-"

Abruptly, and with very little fanfare, every elf in the room was forced to their knees.


Rhawon entered the room in much the same way he had shown himself to Lenneth. Slinking from the shadows as though an apparition born of darkness. His hair fell over his shoulders in long dark waves, deep eyes set over proud features, and a mouth that seemed permanently etched into a frown. He almost completely disregarded the priests, and the high commander. He only had eyes for the two young elves, fair and silver.

"I believe you know why I am here." He fixed his gaze first on the young warrior. He could have been carved from stone, if not for that sense of the predator lying just beneath the surface of his skin. Even while still, sprouts grew from the floorboards at his feet, and the crystal around his neck pulsed with a dark sickly light.

Istelon knew that whatever was happening was something so dangerous even the wild god Rhawon made his presence known. If the god that had a disdain for the elves was seeking them out this meant everyone was in trouble. He was was on his knees in reaction and had done it without a thought. He didn't know if it was something the god himself willed upon them or just something ingrained into their very being.

Istelon glanced up at Rhawon to see him being looked upon but shifted his eyes to the side to look indirectly at him rather than be seen as a challenger. You could say Istelon regarded Rhawon as a predator and didn't want to anger the Wild God unintentionally.

"I've slain a wolf, yes. Though it was under the influence of some unknown force which caused it to become a danger to the safety of others."

He didn't mention Alluetta's presence. The god probably already knew more about what was going on than any of them... at least he hoped he did.

The High Priest was practically ready to kiss Rhawon's feet while the High Commander kept a stoic poker face. Istelon followed the High Commanders gaze to the crystal at the god's neck wondering if it held some strange connection to their predicament.

"Oh revered Wild One, is this perhaps some punishment for the brides offered this year?"

The High Priest seemed to assume that Rhawon was perhaps displeased with this year's festival and that the corruption perhaps was his form of retribution. Istelon didn't believe the god would harm his own creations to punish the elves but no one else had any idea as to what exactly was causing this strange plague to spread.
Rhawon & Alluetta

It was then that Rhawon turned his attentions to the groveling high priest. His lip curled with disdain, and he had to force the glare from his face. How dare he presume there was anything wrong with his wife. Mine. His mind seemed to whisper. My mate.

"You presume too much, elf. Perhaps you are not fit to bear the title of high priest." The high priest blanched under the strength of the wild gods gaze, and sunk lower in his prostration. The act of subjugation only brought a further scowl to his features. Mice. All of them.

"Perhaps I may be able to shed some light on this situation...?" Alluetta carefully inserted, trying her hardest not to look directly into the eyes of the god, while avoiding looking in the priests direction as well. She didn't want to bring any more attention to the poor mans slip. Rhawons only response was to turn towards her, and cross his arms over his muscular- and scarred- chest. Expectantly.

"Right. Well, You're here for the punishment, correct?" There would be no other reason for him to appear and specifically look for her and Istelon, they'd had no relation before that incident after all. Her question was met with stony silence.

"Erm...right. Well, I think a fitting punishment would be to find the source of this madness that is infecting the-" Alluetta stopped herself from saying 'beasts' "- the citizens of your domain.

"Wouldn't that be fitting, Istelon?" Alluetta blindly reached for the young warriors wrist, pressing her fingers into the skin there. Don't you dare disagree with me, she seemed to say. But there was something almost frantic about the contact, as she fought to keep from squirming under the gods direct gaze.

Istelon wanted to slap that stupid priest so hard. Priest did have a bad habit of assuming what they believed the gods wanted. Some every very crazed ones claimed they spoke for the gods though nowadays they were just written off as mad. This High Priest was digging his own grave by trying to understand a let; let alone Rhawon the Wild.

Alluetta was inquiring about a punishment. He hadn't really expected the god to appear before any of them. It had been a single wolf gone mad with some weird corruption that would have probably killed the beast off eventually. Maybe him killing the wolf was a good thing and got the god's attention. However he was starting to doubt that was something he wanted.

He felt Alluetta grab his wrist with her nervous pulse carrying through the contact. It was understandable to be panicked while this god looked down at you. His form alone was intimidating and his expression didn't make things any easier. He felt even more pity for the poor girls who had to be his bride.

"I am willing to do your bidding as punishment for slaying your creation."


((Lol, got bored of her sitting around. >_>))

The voice had made her wary of her surroundings. She was becoming more and more uncomfortable sitting here completely alone. Usually she wasn't bothered by solitude but there was something strange. Something had caused the birds that had been singing earlier to go silent. She pressed her hand against a root that was protruding out of the ground from a nearby tree.

She loved the way trees connected themselves to each other underground by their roots creating a vast network. It was also a way to try and reach out beyond what she could directly sense. There was a strange stab of pain which caused her to jerk her hand away from the root. What was that?

It was close and it felt like it had been moving. Had this been what the voice had been warning her about? It had been so vague that it could have been warning her about anything. Whatever the matter of the warning was she didn't want to encounter what was coming her way. However she had underestimated it's speed and just as she was about to turn and leave the area she heard a low growl.

It was a bear. It had paused in it's charge when it had crashed into the clearing leaving behind a strange decay in it's wake. Where it stood the area began to wither and die and slowly spread. The bear looked matted, grotesque, and enraged. It barely resembled that or a normal bear. She took a few steps backward since turning her back meant giving it any opening to attack.

It stared are her for a long while which confused Lenneth. There was a sudden roar as it did a small challenging dash towards her. Her reaction was a bit instinctual and she tried to have the roots in the ground restrain the bear. However the moment the plants touched the creature they withered and rotted away. There was low growl and another push in her direction forcing her to move further back. What was it trying to do?
Rhawon & Aluetta

"I would be wary of your words, young warrior. There are too many beings in this world who would take advantage of your careless speech to bind you their slave for the rest of your life span." Finally uncrossing his arms Rhawon stepped towards Alluetta and Istelon, the warrior and the alchemist, and in turn pressed his palm to their forehead. Alluetta could feel warmth spread from his hand, and suddenly she wasn't quite as intimidated by the dark haired god any more. How could anyone with such a pleasant energy possibly have ill intentions?

"I hereby task you, young elves Alluetta and Istelon, with finding the source of this corruption and to the best of your abilities; stop it. This is not a life for a life, this is an act of good to negate the act of harm you committed. Your life is your own, treat it as such." With that Rhawon released the two elves- he could feel the energy trickling from his veins, binding them and him to their oath. It left him surprisingly tired. He hadn't felt this drained since the days when he and his sister had been at war, and he had lost the majority of his domain to the strife.

How much of his domain had already been corrupted to the point of no return?

"A word, if I may?" The wild god tilted his head at Alluetta's request, peering over his toned and scarred shoulder to meet her bright eyes with his dark. "Does the age worn tradition of calling on you for assistance still hold true?" Rhawon narrowed his eyes at her, turning to face her once more.

"Yes." Alluetta leaned back as Rhawon crouched in front of her, her fingers tightening on Istelons wrist to quell the shaking in her hands. He might not terrify her as much, but he was still a god.

"You smell of an old she-witch. I take it she told you about that." If her were anyone else, Alluetta might have called that a disgruntled expression. No, no matter how she looked at it he was disgruntled. Then again, that was an expression she'd seen often when speaking of her master in the art of alchemy.

"Yes. She had very kind things to say about you." Rhawon snorted, standing in one smooth motion and retreating to the corner of the room.

"Unlikely. But I will come when you call." With that said, Rhawon sunk into the shadows. Disappearing just as easily as he had arrived, and taking his god-like presence with him.

Istelon openly frowned at the god's word. While he did have a point it wasn't like to made oaths to any person who asked one of him. He was slightly wary when the god touched their foreheads. Even with the warmth of that touch this was the god who according to their history had a strong dislike for their race. Even if this god had been forced to take an elven bride that didn't mean all those negative feelings toward his kind had just vanished.

When Alluetta asked about calling upon the god for assistance his eyes slid over to look at her. He could feel the tremble through her grip and as she inquired about some ancient pact. They apparently had a shared impatience which the god didn't seem too pleased about. Rhawon was a mysterious god indeed. He also didn't understand why Alluetta was asking if she called upon him if she would actually reveal himself to them once again.

The Wild God didn't seem the type to be bound to such a contract.

Once the presence of Rhawon has vanished Istelon looked over to the High Priest he was still shaken by what had occurred. The High Commander looked as though he were ready to slap the priest. Istelon was worried about this corruption if one of the gods themselves actually made such a personal visit. Whatever this thing was it was extremely dangerous.

He stood up from his kneeling position and used his grip to assist Alluetta to stand as well. They needed to start on their task as quickly as possible. He may just be a grunt and a shield of flesh for the girl but if that was what was needed he would do it. He had taken an oath to protect this city and its inhabitants from danger.


The bear had managed to herd her away from where Rhowan had left her. It could have killed her many times already but it was instead trying to push her in a specific direction. Whatever it was trying to do it couldn't have been good due to death it left in its wake. She wasn't sure exact;y how far she'd backed up as the creature had pushed but nothing looked familiar.

The bear suddenly stopped then as if under some kind of influence. While it didn't back away from her it was no longer growling and silently stood there. After a moment the creature completely disintegrated leaving only the destruction from the path it had taken. Lenneth had no idea what it meant but it wasn't good. It also wasn't good that she was completely lost. She could take the path of death to find her way back but the thought of that made her shiver.

As soon as he departed form the company of elves, he dropped his cloak of godhood. It was tiring, keeping up his true form in the realm of the mortals. But necesary, if he was to impart the importance of his mission on the two elves his oracle had shown him. Even now she was whispering portents of war- war as old as the one he and his sister had overcome centuries ago.

And he had never felt more tired, or any less prepared then he did at that moment, with the drain of his binding oath and drawing on the gods power in the mortal realms.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't- uhhh..." Rhawon stared down at the elf who had run into him, her cheeks pink with what he assumed to be embarrasment. He merely blinked at her, and shuffled sideways to allow her to pass. A flash of some emotion crossed her face before she gave him a weak smile, and hurried on her way.

He was in the way. With one destination in mind, Rhawon made his way back to the copse he had left Lenneth. It hadn't een an hour yet, but if she had stayed, then perhaps she wouldn't mind his company.

She was gone. A fact that would have been expected, and perhaps even welcome for the relief some time alone would bring. But she was gone, and in the direction her scent lead him- a trail of death lay in it's wake. This was the corruption that was eating away at his domain- and his power- bit by crumbling bit. A swath of destruction that seemed like a void to his senses. There was no scent to be had there, no sounds to be heard, and a gap in his magical vision that felt like nothing he had ever seen before.

Had it not been for the few times Lenneth had brushed against a tree, he would never have been able to find her. As it was, his tracking was painfully slow. He would not fail her, not on their first day as husband and wife.


The clearing seemed to grow darker, the sun an almost muted light, and the sounds of the forest around them fell into complete silence. The spot where the bear had died- rotting away into that patch of decay- seemed to grow. The black stretching and creeping, searching for new life, new energy to feed on and grow.

It was a hungry energy. It wasnted to consume.

"You know, you really shouldn't stand so close." An elf stood leaning up against a whole and healthy tree, tossing an apple from hand to hand. He hadn't been there a moment before- and yet there he was, with no signs of his passage before.

"It could be quite dangerous."

Lenneth jerked when an unfamiliar voice spoke. Her eyes darted till she found the owner and looked at him warily. Something was strange about him... like he wasn't bothered by the spreading decay. She turned to face him and also keep away from the patch of death that kept growing.

"Who are you?" she asked

This voice hadn't been the same as the earlier one. She didn't believe this was some strange test from Rhawon any longer. He might have been a bit feral but he didn't appear to want to harm her. He'd actually been fairly careful with her. As strange as it was she really wished he would magically appear because even though he was still a stranger she knew him better than this elf.


"You wanted to look at the corruption that's been seal away to study it right?" Istelon asked Alluetta.

His training was entirely in combat and weapons. Things like a magical corruption that spread with a terrifying rate wasn't exactly something he knew of how to deal with exactly. The wolf hadn't appeared to have spread whatever it was as much as what was now being reported. This made him worry.

"High Commader, I don't think that stuff should be kept within the city. Even if a barrier is maintained... there would be a chance for it to spread it the seal around it should weaken."

It was something any smart enemy would have done. Let the ants take the poison back to the nest destroy them. He knew they would need to study it to better understand what they were up against but they needed a safer place to do so. If the High Priest didn't agree then precious time would be wasted in trying to find another location that was safe to move that sickness to.

"Who am I?" The mysterious elf stepped away from the tree, a look of innocuous innocence spread across his face. He had everything perfectly- the movements of his lips, the slight up raising of one brow. But the emotion never met his eyes.

"It's funny, how that is always the first question asked. Who am I. How did I get here. What do I want." He paused mid throw, and bit into the apple with a small sound of delight. "These are my favorites, you know." As though she had asked.

"Where have all the interesting questions gone? You know I was asked once why my hair was dark, now that one led to an interesting conversation." The elf smiled, and bowed with a flourish. "But if you must know, I am an elf, and merely a passerby. Names Nendaelin, but you can calle me Daelin." And once again, his smile never met his eyes. They were like black voids in his face, swallowing the space around him. For all that his words were pleasant and his actions far from aggressive, there was just something.. off about the elf.


"I agree with Istelon." Alluetta said, cutting off what would no doubt be a protest from the head priest. She carefully brushed off her robes, and ignored the sharp look the high priest was sending in her direction. He'd been counting on her support in this.

"I don't agree." Was the priests snapped reply. "Our highest priority right now muct be your safety, Alluetta. The wild god himself has chosen you for this task, we must make all due efforts to keep yuo safe from harm." Even Alluetta could see how much it pained the priest to admit that. An alchemist chosen over a priest or priestess? Blasphemy. Of course Alluetta wasn't going to let herself be coddled- she hated being restrained in any way shape or form. And the corruption did truly pose a threat. Looking at the commander gave her a brilliant idea.

"But I think you've forgotten, high priest. I have my very own gods chosen protector." Alluetta beamed, her smile more mocking then genuine glee. "Unless of course you have doubts about Istelons skills. In which case, perhaps the commander would be more then willing to alleviate your fears. Commander? Would you please help our head priest understand?" The priest froze, glaring at Alluetta from the corner of one eye. This was why he hated alchemists. Especially this one, for all no one could deny she was skilled.

There was no way he could disagree now, without causing a rupture between the priesthood and the guard. Two forces that had long been at odds, and worked under a strenuous peace.

"It's only polite to introduce yourself," she commented.

Something felt wrong and she couldn't identify the cause of this feeling. He seemed too calm. She had been terrified by that creature and yet this elf - Daelin - showed no concern over it. Her instinct was to try and keep a fair distance between them so that if he should show a darker side and attempt to harm her she could try and flee. Lenneth didn't like violence and wasn't violent by nature so she usually chose to simply defend instead of attack.

"It's also very strange to find another elf in the wilds around this time of the year."

It wasn't a question though there was one hidden there between her words asking what his purpose was in revealing his presence.


She had originally planned to just keep to the background and watch Daelin play with the elf-girl. However their master had destroyed the bear that she had infected before it could do any real harm to the girl. What a pity. She wasn't sure what he had planned in keeping letting the wife of Rhawon live. They had both been promised the sweetness of revenge against the one who had hurt them.

She looked to Daelin from the shadows where she hid - her eyes momentarily gleaming red - to catch his gaze. She motioned with her head that they needed to leave since they had both been summoned by their master. The girl would live another day and they could play with her later. They had made a deal with a god who was also interested in hurting Rhawon and Rhawon's sister.


Istelon stayed out of the bickering between Alluetta and the High Priest. She'd played her hand smoothly by bringing in the High Commander into the argument. The difference between the priests and the military was wide. The military had the ability to restrain and subdue the priesthood by sheer force. However the priesthood only had a few gifted among them that could resist.

"Istelon will protect the alchemist on their quest. The Wild God has spoken his will so I did not think you would argue so High Priest," the High Commander stated coolly.

Whatever the High Priest was going to try and argue now was futile. However this didn't stop the man's mouth from opening and closing like a fish out of water. The image caused Istelon to smile to herself.

"Now that it has finally been settled... would to stop delayed us any further good High Priest and allow us to depart?"

The silent nod was all that they were given before the High Priest stormed off with his entourage. The High Commander gave Istelon a nod as well before departing and returning to his duties.

"Well, I'm just the grunt so what do you want to do first?" he asked Alluetta as though he hadn't a care in the world. It wasn't that he didn't think this was a grave matter but that showing an expression that reflected his thoughts was never a good idea.

The barest flicker of recognition, his eyes darting to the sudden flash of red in the gloom. A pity, he was hoping to get... aquanted with the wild god's newest conquest. She might prove a steadfast ally, after all. Because soon she too, would be abandoned. Just like the others- just like his love.

"Oh, I was just out taking a stroll. Dangerous in these times, but I thought I might enjoy the forests while they last..." His words were meant to set off warning bells- he just couldn't help it. He wanted her to think the wild god weak, to doubt his power. Even the smallest of doubts could create the largest of gulfs. And he wanted the god to suffer.

"But I have duties to attend to- And I haven't caught your name. No matter." Nendaelin stepped forwards, twirling a small innocuous crystal in his hands. It was a faceted onyx, flawed and rough. Carved in the likeness of a wolf. This he offerred to the fiery haired elf in front of him. "This is for when you find out the truth about the wild god. He is not as he seems, and a wise elf once told me; always go armed unto the night, for one never knows what beasts he may encounter."

He held up the small carving like an offerring, his hand extended away from his body so the girl would not even have to step close to reach it. She had to take it -she must take it.


Alluetta shot Istelon a dirty look, her hand once again reaching up to adjust the ivy band in her hair. She felt frumpled, and grumpy- her head was still aching, her clothes wrinkled from a night of sleeping in them.. and he was not taking this seriously enough.

"Now we grab all the samples we can, and set up an area of research outside the limits of the city. You were right- we can't have this corruption inside the city proper, not if they are going to be putting up a barrier of containment." The fair haired elf paused in her tirade, taking a few moments of blissful silence to try and gather her rampant thoughts. Samples, containment field, corruption... she had to be missing something.

"Oh right! Charms, we'll need to stop by a priestess of the wild god, see if we can't score a holy symbol. We'll need it to call on him should the need arise- are you any good with traps?" Alluetta's mind seemed to flit from one thought to another with no rhyme or reason, her mouth continuing at the same pace of her mind- rapid, and dizzying. Sometimes it seemed as though the elf didn't even stop to breathe. She didn't even wait for Istelon's reply before darting out of the now open- finally- door.

There were too many things to do, and not enough time to do them. Not now, that their time was measured in weeks. Just you watch, you old bag. I'll make a difference to my people yet.

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