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Melin i narn gin



1 x 1 RP (Daeus &


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Today the city was bustling with excited activity. Once again it was time for the selection of the bride for the God of the Wilds. Depending on a person's perspective this was either an honor for the bride or the bride was a sacrifice. However it was this tradition that allowed the elves to remain in this territory. The Lorekeepers never were able to truly explain the exact origins of this tradition which is perhaps why it was constantly being challenged by the younger generations.

Lenneth was a daughter of the Temple of Wilds so she had been raised with the possibility of becoming a God's bride. However it wasn't just the priestesses that were involved in this tradition; any single female elf between the age of 116 and 217 were included. This was due to the fact that only a handful of priestesses met these simple requirements and there was a risk that the temple could lose all their priestesses to the tradition.

There was always a festival before the girls were sent out to try to track down the elusive white stag. It was a way to create a celebratory mood for the community who were essentially exiling one of their own to an intimidating God. Lenneth had once asked the head priestess what the gods looked like and was given a very vague answer along the lines of "whatever form they choose."

Lenneth stopped to observe some of festivities that were occurring such as the glider race where a few brave elves jumped from the tallest tower and floated above the city on their homemade crafts. There were small competitions of strength where warriors battled each other with wooden swords or showed off their various skills. The girls usually participated in games like the pebble toss or crystal hunt.

In a hour she would be the other girls who were hunting the white stag and wandering through the wilds. Lenneth wasn't overly concerned about the matter. While she had an advantage over the other girls she felt that finding the stag was more of a matter of luck rather than skill based on what had been mentioned about the previous girls.


Istelon was actually very eager to participate in this year's festival. This one didn't come around very often so the Wilds Festival was usually the most grand of them all. It went on for days; the day of the hunt and a few days after the hunt. While he did pity the poor girl's not having a choice in the matter of becoming the bride of the God of the Wilds it didn't mean he wouldn't try to enjoy himself.

There were only small competitions for guys like him today since it was the day of the hunt. He was a bit curious about how that whole thing worked. One girl just never returned. No one saw the chosen girl be taken or led astray or the white stag so it always made him wonder what happened. The Lorekeepers explain that the girl becomes a bride and companion for the God of the Wilds while those who lose their daughter think the god might actually just eat the girls. Some people had even been foolish enough to try and enter the wilds themselves to try and witness the event of the girl finding the white stag. Those fools were usually just ended up wandering aimlessly only to find themselves back at the city's entrance.

He decided to shake off his wayward thoughts since it didn't really concern him. He was going to show off his dagger throwing skills against some of his friends. They had been talking about who was the best out of them and decided they would wait till the festival to allow the event judge to determine that. He grinned at his friends who were impatiently waiting for him at the stall.

"You're always late Istelon," grumbled one of them.

"I can't help it if I'm so popular. Girls like to use these festivals to confess their affections you know. I can't be rude and ignore them," he jokingly replied.

They just rolled their eyes at him and proceeding to push him forward to the line that marked where the dagger thrower was to stand. There were five planks in total which allowed them to all throw their daggers at the same time. The only way to win against others was to get the most points by hitting specific marks on the target.

After three rounds of the five of them throwing daggers they were told to move on to allow others to participate. Istelon won all five rounds and decided for the rest of the week to announce this to his friends every change he would get. They wouldn't ever want to challenge him again after that.



"It is almost time, brother." Isilme, his sister, the goddess of the moon lay her hand flat on the top of his head. Rhawon shook his head irritated- she often did this when he was the form of the wolf. His ears flicked picking up the chatter of those elves who came close to his domain- the outskirts of the city and the tops of the trees where the eagles roosted. Those closest to his domain he could feel like echoes in his soul.

There were certainly a few good candidates this year.

"Sister, you sound almost smug. Do not forget that my bride will be bringing you your mate today as well." His black eyes met her silver, everything about him sleek and shadowed- as thought he might disappear into the trees never to be seen again. Contrarily, Isilme was made of silver- her skin, her eyes, her hair- like wrought metal, shining under the perpetual full moon in her domain.

"Perhaps he'll pick a lively one for you this year." Rhawon snorted, ears flicking with distaste. He didn't
want another lively girl child. The last time he had gotten one with spirit- she had perpetually needed to be saved by the wild god. Stupid mortals should not stick their nose in everything they come across in a gods domain.

"Perhaps you'll get a wild one yourself. I'm done with this conversation." Rhawon stood from his seated position, his shoulders coming to his sisters torso, giving her an easy view of his bared teeth. He had always been prickly, every time the 100 year anniversary came around. All of his previous wives now lived in the temples, devoting their lives to his worship. He had not yet found a single one worthy of his hand for more ten 100 years. A few had lasted even less then that.

He trotted to the edge of the woods, sending his sister one last fanged look before he howled- raising the voices of all of the wolves in the forest. It was time to begin the wild hunt.



Alluetta took in a deep breath, looking within herself to find that special core- the magic that allowed her to see the essence of things. There was something keeping her from healing this poor wolf pup- something blocking her powers and preventing her from healing it's broken paw. Bones had always been difficult- her potions wouldn't reach that far unless ingested, and she really wasn't keen on forcing a potion in the young pups mouth. A wolf was a wolf, regardless of the size.

"Come on now," She cooed soothingly, trying to get the pup to stop struggling in her lap. "It's okay. I'm only trying to help."she opened her eyes- the streams and gusts of color temporarily blinding her as her eyes adjusted to the new ways of seeing things. It was always a pleasure, to watch the world like this. Every moving creature had veins of gold running through them, trees and plants dull greens and brilliant blues, even the rocks had an essence ranging from the dull grey of graphite to the ringing hues of ruby.

She had found the pup taking cover from the crowds under the root of a nearby tree, the only reason she had found him in the first place was because she had been looking for a rare type of mushroom that only grew where she had found him. Knowing her luck, he had probably eaten the mushrooms she'd been looking for. Now, she could see the black sticky tinge of
wrongness attached to his aura. A combination of pain, and fear that corrupted his essence.

It was a simple matter to nudge the darkness aside- and encourage the broken bone to heal. Heal, grow, knit and sew-

It would have been simpler if the wolf had not suddenly begun howling in her lap. A surge of natural energy disrupting her healing.
What on...? Suddenly, the pup lurched in her lap- knocking from her natural sight back into normal vision. It snarled- and Alluetta scrambled away quickly. Turning just in time to witness the strangest thing she thought she had ever seen.

The pup had grown, in the short amount of time she hadn't been facing it, and even now was still growing. It's shoulders growing past her knees, then her waist- past her shoulders... It was then that she finally had the sense of mind to start backing away from the
still growing wolf, stumbling as her strength suddenly failed her. The wolf was drawing on her power to grow.

"Raich!" She cursed under her breath, carefully trying to avoid the wolfs eyes. Freezing when the amber disks fixed on her now small (in comparison) form.

Well. This was not going to be easy.

Lenneth had made her way to the edge of the wilds where at least thirty others who were participating in this years hunt. Some of them were excited and others were terrified. Lenneth wasn't sure what she felt or how she should feel about the event. It wasn't that she didn't believe in the power of the wilds but she always had this nagging doubt about the gods of the realm.

She was pulled from her thoughts when there was a resounding howl that erupted suddenly. The hunt was to officially begin and Lenneth began making her way into the wilds with the others. They hadn't started off with the intention of separating from each other and some girls even decided to hold hands as they ventured forward. However, over a period of time Lenneth realized she was completely alone within the lush foliage of the wilds.

She wasn't sure how long she had been wandering around the wilds. She found a mossy area and decided to simply wait at that spot. Had brought her flute with her on the hunt since she had planned earlier to pick a spot and remain there until the hunt was over. It was the most reasonable option since there was a risk of being lost within the wilds if one went to far. It had never happened during a hunt but that did not mean it was not possible.

She twirled the carved wooden flute skillfully as she waited to hear the drums to indicate that the participants should return to the city as well as giving them a sound to guide them back. After a few minutes she decided to play a tune on her flute while she waited. It was something to pass the time.


Istelon was playfully arguing with his friends when the wolf cries announced the hunt. It wasn't something that concerned him but it did send a shiver down his spine. Perhaps this beast was what they were sacrificing their own to. If a common bestial sound could make him on edge he wondered what kind of wolf could create such a sound.

It was soon after this that he heard a small commotion as a couple of people rushed by loudly expressing their worry about a dangerous wolf that was close by. Being in the military meant his job was to protect others when the occasion arose. If there was a wolf nearby that posed a threat he had to investigate.

When he arrived he found an elven girl facing off with an abnormally sized wolf. He had seen some large beasts but this was something he had never laid eyes on before. He didn't make any quick moves as he slowly and confidently made his way to stand in front of the girl.

"You may want to back away more," he suggested.

His body was tense and ready and his hand hovered over the hilt of his sword. If the beast was to suddenly attack he would be ready. He didn't believe this beast was entirely natural and that meant that it would be increasingly difficult to predict. Wolves behaved in a certain way and he could only hope that some basic instinct within the beast would keep it from attacking. Wolves were pack animals and it sounded like the majority of the wolves in the wild were a far distance away. He wasn't going to provoke the beast unless he had to.

Rhawon spent his time roaming the woods, dark eyes darting from form to form. There were many elven maidens out this year- some beautiful, others wild. Many searching for the white stag earnestly while many more merely stood close to the city outskirts- praying not to be chosen.

He didn't want a mate with such ideals. They were always scared little mice- never worth his time.

So Rhawon padded deeper into the forest, hiding from some- giving others a glimpse of his magnificently furred self, and his long white teeth. Merely playing on his own hunt for the white stag. That was when he heard the music. A soft, lilting melody that pricked his ears and turned his eyes towards the sound. Elven maidens had often come up with the idea of using music to draw the stag to them- but this didn't sound like a melody of attraction.

She wasn't playing for him. She was playing for herself.

Silently Rhawon stalked towards the music- eyes fixed upon the head of red hair he could see through the veils of leaves. An odd color, for an elf. But beautiful, like fire in the foliage. Curiosity gripped him, urging him closer and closer- until he was close enough to touch. That was when he let his presence be known, settling himself in a position beside the girl, dark eyes fixed on her hands and ears fixed forwards attentively.

"No, be careful, he's in-" Alluetta grabbed the man in front of her, pulling back as hard as she could to help him avoid the first swipe of a paw. The growl in it's throat rose to a snarl, a rumble so deep Alluetta could feel it through the soles of her feet.

That was a very dangerous animal.

"He's injured. Broken paw." She gasped out- skin pale and shaking from even that small amount of effort. how much magic had it managed to drain from her before it stopped growing? Even now the wolf stood just over her head, effectively blocking her vision of anything behind it. If they couldn't find some way to shrink it back down, there would be no other way to deal with it then to kill it. Probably a bad idea during the festival of the wild god.

"I don't- I don't think I can run."​

Lenneth was enjoying the solitude of the wilds. Being a priestess made her a bit of an outcast among her own people. Due to her relaxed state she hadn't been paying attention and when the large wolf-beast was beside her she tensed. She didn't dare look towards the creature as beasts of this nature found that looking directly into their eyes as a challenge. This was its territory; not hers.

She slowly lowered the mouth of the flute from her lips till it and her hands were resting in her lap. While she was able to manipulate the nature around her, her ability was limited. The beast could probably kill her before she would even have a chance of fleeing. So, here she sat in a puzzled and nervous state. It could have killed her and yet it had not.

Keeping her eyes down they slide to the side to see what she could. She was curious since this wasn't a common occurrence. A small voice in the back of her mind whispered that maybe she was the selected sacrifice. While the idea did cause a pang of heartache she didn't focus on that thought lest she become caught within the fear and doubts of her assumptions.


He couldn't help but glare at the girl who had brazenly pulled him back so suddenly. He was a trained warrior and she was a liability if she was going to interfere like this. While the beast may have been injured as the girl claimed it was also ready and willing to harm others just because they were in the vicinity.

When she informed him that she didn't think she could run he loudly groaned in frustration. She probably wouldn't permit harm to the beast which put both their lives at risk. The wounded beast was an issue that needed to resolved here and now.

The pale girl looked as though she would topple over any moment and he needed to find out what she knew before that happened. Until she fainted he would have to be enough of a threat to the wolf to keep it from tearing through the city. He could only hope the girl passed out sooner rather than later.

"What in the wilds, just exactly happened?"[/divide]

Upon lowering her flute, a growl rose in Rhawon's throat. A deep rumble that resonated through his chest and lifted the hair on the back of his neck. He padded forwards the last foot to the girl, lowering his head to try and catch her eyes.

Another mouse. More's the pity.

Snorting his derision, Rhawon finally turned, letting the girls thumping heart beat accompany him from the glade; until the snapping of a twig stopped him in his tracks. There was only one creature he knew to be so silent, that it could avoid detection from his superior senses.

Whirling in the direction of the sound, Rhawon let loose a ripping snarl. No, not her! The stag stepped out of trees, it's brilliant white pelt glowing against the demure browns and greens of the forest. Defying the shadows that Rhawon skulked, his head held proudly, crested by silver antlers.

It only had eyes for the girl.


"Well, as you can no doubt infer- the wolf has grown. I honestly don't see what other knowledge you require, only that I can't un-grow it because it currently holds my magical energies." Alluetta kept her voice as low and un-assuming as possible. Praying that the no doubt confused wolf pup would take use of the respite to gather it's wits. Or at the very least give them time to figure out how to deal with it.

Think, Al, think. It's not like you've never faced a giant wolf cub before. Sarcasm wasn't going to help her in the slightest, and Alluetta struggled to come up with some solution that didn't involve killing the poor beast or getting killed herself. If only she could draw the magical energies back out of the wolf. But she didn't know what kind of an effect that would have on it's current state-

A wild howl knocked her out of her thoughts, the wolf in front of them snarling with something Alluetta could only alike to hatred. It's hackles raised, ears held flat against it's head, haunches lifted into the air, and then it pounced.

Lenneth averted her eyes from the beast, though her head did not move. There seemed to be a strange intelligence within the creature which caused her eyes to quickly give it a curious glance before averting once more. When the twig snapped her eyes shot over to the origin of the sound only to see the white stag of legend.

The snarl from the wolf caused her to flinch involuntarily. Aggression had always had a negative affect on here even if it wasn't directed at her. She was unsure of what to do in this situation. Part of her desperately wanted to touch the white stag because it was a creature that only a few had ever seen. However, the wolf posed a danger to the stag; a creature that was highly revered.

With a deep breath in and exhale out Lenneth slowly stood from where she had sat. Slowly still she moved to stand between the stag and the wolf. It was a silly idea that she could protect a mythical being from a dangerous predator but to a priestess such as herself it was worth the risk.

"Please don't."

Her voice was shaky from her anxiousness and the words were barely more than a soft whisper. She was challenging the wolf and looking directly at him.


Istelon couldn't help but roll his eyes at the girl's explanation. He didn't have any magical gift but he knew a few that did and many of the stories from these friends made him glad he wasn't magical. The wolf was too agitated to calm at this point. What was peculiar was that it didn't seem to really be either of them that was causing the wolf to raise it hackles. Wolves behaved a certain way and this one was behaving too oddly.

When the beast moved to attack Istelon had been ready. He moved forward in a flash and as the beast pushed forward it was his blade it pushed in to. The blade was up to the hilt in the wolf's flesh and would be a fatal wound. The weight was increasing due to the strength of the wolf fading. Istelon mentally wished the beast serenity.

Elen sila lumenn omentilmo=A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting

A strange combination of bold and meek, this girl. Though that didn't matter to Rhawon at that moment- for his eyes were fixed upon those of the white stag, as it lowered it's head and gently pressed it's nose to the side of the girls face.

She was chosen then.
Almost unbidden, another howl rose in his chest. A mournful cry, the same one he cried every 100 years at the end of the hunt. The selection had been so quick to end this year- as though time itself was hastening on for the wild god. Well, it was time to truly meet his bride.

Rhawon released his wolf form, fur vanishing in a flurry of dark winged butterflies, obscuring him as he rose from four legs, to two. Gone was the shadowed pelt, leaving rippling muscle and tanned, scarred skin. Clothed in crude furs and hides from the waist down, his chest was left bare save for a single pendant- A glowing crystal, flawed and cracked, run through with vines and veins of darkness.

"Old friend, why do you never pay heed to my words." He approached the girl and the stag, gently grabbing the white beast by the horns and giving him a firm shake. He was tall enough that if he didn't look down, he would not be able to see the girl sandwhiched between him and the beast.

There was no need for modesty now, after all. She was to be his bride.

Shaking off the wild gods hand, the stag hopped back from the girl and the beast in human form, mischief sparking in his glassy eyes.

"Sometimes you need a little shaking up, oh god of the wilds."

Impish little... with a sigh, Rhawon finally turned his face down to face the girl who would be yet another new bride. Another maiden in a long line of priestess' and wild speakers.

"Elen sila lumenn omentilmo, little one. I am Rhawon."


"No!" Alluetta lunged forwards, a new surge of energy giving her enough composure to move. She was too late, the elf was too fast, the wolf could not change it's direction, and soon that beautiful grey fur was stained with crimson blood. She could do nothing but stand by helplessly, as the wolf fell to the ground with a dull thump, and the elven warrior removed his blade fromt he chest of the beast.

Mutely she approached the wolf, laying the flat of her hand on the top of it's head between it's ears. She could still feel the lingering pain, fear, and confusion in it's aura.

"And unnesecary loss of life..." Alluetta silently wished the wolf safe passage to the wild gods domain, before whirling on the elven warrior with one finger raised threateningly. "Are you mad?! Killing a wolf on the day of the century solstice?! What will you do if the wild god decides to take offence!"

Lenneth shakily stood her ground before the wolf though the stag didn't seem bothered or fearful of the beasts presence as it nudged her. As though there was some silent conversation between the two the wolf didn't pay much attention to her.

It was only a moment later that the beast howled causing her to clench her eyes shut tightly as she expected to see be attacked. However, when the attack never came she cautiously slit one eye open. What she saw made her hers widen. The beast had been replaced by a primal man.

She was frozen in confusion as the man approached the stag with her between the two creatures. He spoke to the stag as one would a friendly rival. There didn't seem to be any aggression towards the stag but instead a frustrated resignation. His proximity also made her fairly uncomfortable but there was little she could do to move as she was trapped between stag and man.

When the stag had hopped away from her back and left her with the mystical stranger she took a few steps away from him warily. His greeting was friendly enough and he didn't seem intent on harming her.

Man ci?"

"Who are you?"


Istelon frowned at the raging woman. Did he look like he enjoyed killing the wolf? It seemed many wanted to blame death and violence on the warriors of the city these days when they tried their best to avoid a bloody conflict. He had weighed the risks and taken action to protect the city's inhabitants.

He narrowed his eyes and he used a white rag to remove the beasts blood from his blade muttering his own prayer in a whisper.

"Unnecessary indeed. Had you not attempted to manipulate magic around this time it could have been avoided. You are as much responsible for the death as I, so do not lash out at me and try and force all blame upon me."

He voiced came out cold. Even someone without a magical ability could feel the thick and saturated presence of magic within the city. It was like a sticky humidity that clung to your skin that left a tingling sensation.

It was at this time that five other soldiers ran to the scene. It had took them long enough to arrive. The looked at the best in slight awe due to its size and also fear. The most superstitious would label him as cursed but he already considered himself cursed long before killing a wolf of the God of the Wilds.

"I have to report this to the commander. Escort the girl, give proper rites to the best."

If the wild god could hold a bewildered expression- then this would have been the closest he could come. A slight angling of his brows over dark eyes, and the graceful tilting of his lips in a frown. He didn't like that she'd stepped away from him, but he respected her desire for distance and stayed his ground.

"Do you not know the wild god, girl?" It was odd- what was the maiden doing in the forest, taking part in the wild hunt if she could not connect his name to that of the wild god. He could see the magic of the forest that clung to her skin, betraying her as a priestess or a speaker of some kind. She could be playing the fool, there was the occasional elf who attempted to play coyly, but there was genuine confusion in her eyes.

"You have been chosen."


An irritated flush crept up Alluetta's cheeks, and her eyes narrowed with her ire. How dare he accuse her of- it didn't matter that she had made a mistake as well. Her intentions had been pure towards the wolf. All she had wanted was to help it. She ignored the small reasonable part of her mind that insisted he had only been trying to prevent any elven deaths.

"I am more then capable of escorting myself thank you very much. I do not need your condescension." Pulling away from the other soldiers, Alluetta returned to the wolfs side, gently stroking the fur between it's ears to recover her magic power. She froze suddenly, abruptly cutting off the flow of energies returning to her skin. There was something... wrong about it. Strange, like an echo of a shadow lying over the surface; like oil on water. Ignoring the men around her, she crouched in front of the wolf to examine a paw the size of her head.

A thorn had stuck in the paw- but she couldn't pick out he origin. It was long and barbed like that of a briar, but hollow- as though there had been some kind of...venom?

The black sense of wrongness had spread from it's paw to envelope it's entire leg. It's veins blackened.

"lietha guldur" Waving her hand over the beasts infected leg, Alluetta attempted to dispel the dark substance. Far from getting rid of the dark substance, the wrongness absorbed her magic, spreading further up the wolfs leg towards it's chest.

"How strange..." Lost in her thoughts, Alluetta didn't even register the soldiers around her any more. Here, in front of her, was a mystery. And she would solve it.

Lenneth's eyes studied the stranger before her with various emotions; confusion, suspicion and maybe even a bit of awe. She wasn't sure what the God of the Wilds looked like. His description was never something really mentioned in the temple and only the stories of their origins gave any information about their Gods. The texts were interpreted differently where some took the stories literally and others figuratively.

Her mind screeched to a halt when he stated she had been chosen. She blinked a few times as her mind sputtered and began to think with a crazed pace. Her brows furrowed as she realized with a bit of an embarrassed flushed what exactly had occurred just moments ago.

A-Amin hiraetha..."

"I-I'm sorry."

She was apologizing for many things; being rude to the God, standing against him, and whatever else that she had done that she had been told not to do if she should been chosen during the century solstice.

She looked at him nervously unsure what she was to do. They only stated that a girl would be chosen for the God of the Wild's bride. Beyond that nothing was ever mentioned. If he had wanted to harm her he could have easily done so already.

"T-They..." she flushed as she tried to figure out how to speak to him. How did one talk to a God? Did they grovel? But... she was also his "bride" so should she speak to him as an equal? She gently chewed on her lower lip as she pondered what exactly she was supposed to do next. Then it dawned on her she had yet to introduce herself!

I eneth nîn Lenneth." "A-Amin hiraetha..."

"My name is Lenneth."


Istelon ignored her rudeness. It was obvious that the girl was stubborn and was unable to view the world through a warrior's eyes. He had done his duty and there was nothing the provoke a feeling of guilt within him.

While the girl observed the wolf she seemed slightly disturbed by something. He raised his hand which caused the soldiers to stop and remain where they were.

"Is something wrong
Arwen en amin," he asked cautiously.

""Is something wrong my lady (non familiar),"

He had noticed a sudden tenseness to her frame as she touched examined the wolf. The beast was dead but there was something already strange for it to have been in within the city and injured.

Lenneth. A fitting name, for an elf with such beautiful music. Turning his eyes to the sky, Rhawon fized his eyes upon the moon- nearly at it's Zenith on the one day a year where the cycle lasted a full twenty four hours. The ceremony would be soon then.

He didn't have time to explain in detail.

"Lenneth. You need not fear me. I will not harm you." A gods word was his oath, after all. There was not much he could do about his intimidating demeanor, long dark hair that didn't shine in the sun but almost absorbed the light around it, dark eyes that might have been empty if not for that glint of other- A wild light that truly held to his namesake. Or was the wild named after him?

It was no matter. He held out one hand patiently, waiting for the small fiery haired elf to come to him. It was tradition, every century for him to take another elven wife, but he would not force her to come to him.

"Come, there is a ceremony we must attend."


"Shhh..." Alluetta vaguely waved one hand in the warriors direction, mind already entirely focused on the puzzle at hand. She was racking her mine, trying to find any mention of a venom, or a sickness that effected magic this way. There were a few magical borne illnesses that came to mind, but nothing that would manifest as a darkness inside the creature.

And nothing that could absorb magic.

Grabbing a needle and vial from the pouch belted to one leg, Alluetta carefully pricked the wolfs leg at the center of the dark spot- extracting a few drops of blackened blood.

"We'll probably need a high priestess to come perform the rites. I'm not certain if a regular priest will be able to keep the tainted energy from-" Jumping back with a gasp, the fair haired elf hastily stoppered the vial in her hand. The wolfs leg, starting from it's paw, had begun to...decompose, smoke hissing over the wound as the fur lost color and began falling out in clumps, the bone brittle from whichever force had caused this...this corruption, caved in.

And where the blood touched the ground beneath it, the grass started to die.

Eyes widening, Alluetta threw up her hands, mouth rapidly firing off words- their speed making them unintelligable to any but the most magically inclined. She warped the air around the wolf, the water, the earth- she threw everything she had left into a containment barrier- halting the spread of the dying ground. Whirling on the soldier who had come to her assistance once more, she comandeered his hands- ignoring any protests he might have.

"The blood- did you get any on you?!"

Lenneth silently watched the God. The curious part of her had a growing presence which reduced her nervousness. He was intimidating still even after proclaiming that he would not harm her. However, what choice did she have now? For some reason unknown to her she had been chosen as the God's bride.

She gently grasped his offered hand after a moment. She felt very awkward since she was blindly trusting a God who in legends was described as one who didn't care much for her race.

"Ceremony?" she asked curiously.


Istelon narrowed his eyes at having the girl shush him. However, he was a patient man and simply sighed to express his annoyance. The one of the other soldiers rushed off at his nod to report to the Commander. Istelon was high-ranking but not enough to summon a high priest or priestess from the temple.

He visibly cringed as the wolf began to unnaturally decompose. The fragrance of death was sickening and the sight was horrible. He took two steps back as the girl began to mutter incoherently and the nature around them bending and wrapping around the rapidly rotting body.

When she grabbed his hands and asked him if he had gotten any of the blood on him he looked down. The killing blow had been angled in such a way to avoid getting splattered by the creatures blood. However there were a few tiny drops of the beast's blood here and there on his leather arm guards.

"Just a stop or two," he stated plainly.

"Our marriage ceremony." With those words he tugged the elf, Lenneth, to his chest and wrapped one tanned arm around her waist. He was surprisingly sturdy, for someone as ephemeral as a god. His flesh was warm, his grasp on her waist firm-

and his lips were soft as he pressed them against her own.

Like a key clicking into place in a lock, the world dissolved around them. Swirling hues of white and gold- every shade of rainbow color possible all shadowed by their darker counterparts- wrapped around them, blinding them to the forest until the earth beneath their feet was earth no longer- and cobble held them up. The trees no longer loomed and crowded, but gracefully draped over a small pavilion. Leaves trailing over the surface of a mirror still pond without a single ripple.

Like nymphs from the trees spirits began to part from the shadows of the leaves, ghostly images- silvery wisps, softly trailing lights danced over the still water. Reflecting like stars in the image of the sky holding both the moon and the sun.

Carefully parting from his elven bride- he never knew how a particular mortal would handle being transported to the divine realms- Rhawon lingered to make sure she was steady on her feet.

"Welcome to the divine realms."

It was easy to see the touch of the gods in everything around them. From the way the curves of the trees surrounded the clearing, like an embrace of green against a blue-black sky, to the clear reflective quality of the water. All the way to the head of the pavilion, across a set of stepping stones through the water, where a woman- gloriously wrapped in silver and shimmering in the light of the moon and sun- waited for them with her hands pressed together in a fashion similar to prayer. Behind them, the white stag emerged from the woods. Glowing with a light invisible in the mortal realms.


"Take them off, now." Despite her words, she didn't wait for his consent. Instead her thin fingers fumbled at the clasps to his arm-guards trying to get the leather pieces off with shaking fingers.

Did she have enough magic left to put up another containment? No- it might just be better to incinerate them. But what if the illness- whatever it was- could travel via air? Then her and this warrior would be at the most risk of contamination.

They would have to go into quarantine until they learned more about this strange dark un-magic. Abandoning her fumbling trying to remove his leather guards, Alluetta focused once again on throwing up a barrier. This one would be smaller- she didn't have the strength to make a larger one. But she would have to find way to renew the oxygen in the bubble without letting any potentially contaminated air out.

The atmosphere around them flexed once more, creating another- smaller- perfectly circular sphere of containment. Blackness crept in on her vision, and Alluetta felt her knees give way as though watching from a distance. Oh, drat. I used too much power.
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Those three words caused her nervousness to increase tenfold. Her mind was still trying to logically reason with her situation. It was trying to remind her of what they potential brides - specifically a priestess bride - was supposed to do. There had been a mention of some ceremony but her mind went completely blank when the God Rhawon pressed his lips to her own.

She had witnessed many couples expressing affection in various ways. However these displays of affection were simple hand holding, deep stares, coy and sweet smiles. Kissing was something considered very intimate. So for him - while a God he was still a stranger - made her eyes widen in startled shock.

It wasn't an unpleasant sensation but her heart did ache. This was a kiss of duty. Her first precious intimate moment was nothing more than something required of being his bride.

The swirl of magic was beautiful and dizzying. When world was once again solid and real she staggered on her feet slightly as the fog of magic cleared her head. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to clear the blurriness of her vision before looking at her surroundings.

She noticed the woman and curiously peered at her wondering if she was who she assumed her to be. The presence of the stag verified her assumption.

Gi suilon Yaaraer."

"I greet you Ancient One."


Istelon casually removed his arm guards as she fumbled with them. She seemed panicked and shaky. While he didn't understand entirely what was occurring he did ask she wished. Once removed he held them in one of hands and examined his arms. Nothing seemed to be wrong.

He opened his mouth to ask her what exactly was going on and what she was doing. He felt a strange pressure of air surround them. Before he was able to ask anything she girl fainted. Istelon automatically dropped his arm guards and caught the falling girl before she hit the ground.

His brows furrowed with concern. She had seemed weary when he had arrived and now appeared much worse for wear. He turned his head as the Commander made his appearance with a grim expression. There was a high priest with him as well who's expression hardened as his green eyes surveyed the area.

There was a burst of magic as a bubble of air and water wrapped around both him and the girl that effectively raised them from the ground and moved as the priest commanded.

"Seal off this area immediately Commander," the high priest stated darkly.

With a simple muttering of words the high priest began to walk towards the magic tower with Istelon and the girl floating in the bubble behind him.

"No need to be so formal, my daughter." Isilme's silver eyes shone with mischievous joy. A stark contrast to her dour and sombre brother. If the mortal girl was unsure of who stood before her, then she wouldn't be now. Goddess of the moon, and creator of the elven race, Isilme was the embodiment of all of their traits. Grace, as she floated across the water in slippered feet- sending ripples through the reflection of the moon, beauty, in the cascade of silver locks and gentle tilt of her fine features. And an inner kindness that seemed to exude from every pore. Rhawon seemed almost unrefined in comparison- had it not been for that sense of the untamed about him. It suited him better.

"After all, we will be sisters come night fall."

Seeing that Lenneth was standing fine, Rhawon released her. Grateful that she hadn't panicked or otherwise thrown a fit when he had kissed her. It was the only way he could bring a mortal to the divine realms, though he understood that it was a sign of affection in the mortal realms.

"Are you prepared, sister?" Isilme covered her heart shaped mouth with one hand coyly, hiding the smile that came to her lips.

"Always so hurried. Very well, shall we begin?" Isilme took Rhawon's offered hand, allowing him to help her up onto the stags bare back- a picture of perfection, the silver lady riding the white stag. In turn, Rhawon changed form once more, a reversal of the process that had him return to a elf-like form. Black fluttering wings encasing his body as he dropped onto all fours, rising as a black stag. Identical to the one standing beside him. He knelt down on both forelegs, lowering himself as far as possible to give his elven bride an easier time mounting him.

They would ride together, to the front of the pavilion, where the ceremony would commence.


Consciousness came back to her slowly, like the briefest of sensations brushing against the edges of her mind. She fought through the haze, grasping at her coltish thoughts- ones that lingered somewhere around the complex meta-physical equations she had been working on last and a memory of darkness on the wind.

Her eyes fluttered open- only to immediately shut as pain made her head swim. The light was too much, and a small groan escaped her lips. Where in the seven realms...? It didn't take long for her memories to return, and she sat up with a jolt, only to crumple forwards once more with her head held in her hands.

"Good gods. What happened?" Braving a glance from between parted fingers, the first thing she saw was the warrior who had come to her rescue earlier. They were still stuck in her containment, then. She couldn't help the small jolt of pride that wormed it's way through the guilt she felt at getting him involved. To hold the containment field even while unconscious? It certainly made sense why her head felt like it was going to split.
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Lenneth's expression showed a slight awe at the graceful Goddess Isilme. Her mind was trying to process everything at once and was struggling. Perhaps she had fallen asleep in the wilds and this was all some strange dream brought about from the Solstice Festival. Whether this was a dream or reality she would follow along the path set before her. What choice did she have?

While Lenneth felt at ease in Isilme's presence there was the ceremony of marriage with Rhawon which made her remain tense at his side. When Isilme's called her 'sister' she flushed visibly in embarrassment. She was just a sacrificial bride so to be given a familial title was strange.

Lenneth just titled her head to one side in response to the question about her preparedness. Lenneth was far from prepared. She had no idea what was expected of her exactly. Was it like the Elvish ceremony? She'd never been to any type of marriage ceremony due to the strict protection of the temple.

As these various thoughts tumbled around in her mind she witnessed Rhawon change form into a dark stag that could have been the twin of the white stag with the exception of color. Based on him lowering himself she assumed she was expected to climb on to him. She did so cautiously still very nervous around the wild god.

Sorry," she apologized to Rhawon. It was probably beneath a god to permit a mortal to ride him in such a way.


Istelon was casually sitting in the bubble with the girl still secured in his arms and on his lap. It was probably more comfortable than laying her on the ground and also allowed him to better gauge her physical state. She was breathing fine though she was still pale.

He held her steady as she began to stir and finally attempt to sit up a few times. Another good reason to have been sitting. He silently lifted her up from his person when he was sure she wouldn't just collapse right back on him.

"You fainted," Istselon stated plainly.

"One of the high priests brought us into the lovely tower's lesser used medical wing until this lovely little bubble of yours could be dispersed."

As though on cue the high priest from earlier entered the rather large and mostly empty chamber that was only used for those with medical ailments of a magical nature. He wasn't a very friendly fellow and tended to ignore questions which bothered Istelon greatly.

"Ah, Alluetta you're awake," the priest dryly noted.
Nai Varda Tintallë hlazuva elloi Lenneth-wa az Rhawon-wa, az nai Eru Ilúvatar alyuva tet.

May Varda Star-kindler hear Lenneth and Rhawon's calls, and may Eru the Father of All bless them.

and the correct response is:

Nai Manwë Thúlimo tiruva Isilme az Aras, az nai Eru Ilúvatar alyuva tet.

May Manwë Lord of Wind watch over Isilme and Aras, and may Eru the Father of All bless them.


Rhawon's only response to her apology was a flick of his ear. Not that he was dismissing her- but there was no need for her to apologize. The white stag had chosen her- and he must have had a reason. Sometimes Rhawon believed that only his creations truly understood him. Truly knew what he needed as the centuries wore on.

Side by side the white and black stag rode over the water, lightly hopping over the stones with as much grace as gods could muster. Coming to stand by an old ancient oak, with a time worn basin crafted from a twisted branch. Isilme slid off of the white stag as it lowered to the ground, and gestured for Lenneth to join her at the base of the tree as Rhawon knelt once again. She guided Lenneths hands to the basin, gently brushing the tips of her fingers in the golden sap that lay within.

"Nai Varda Tintallë hlazuva elloi Lenneth-wa az Rhawon-wa, az nai Eru Ilúvatar alyuva tet." Isilme gently brushed the tips of her fingers around Lenneths arm, drawing a design that shimmered and whirled in the goddess' eyes. It changed form and shape- becoming what the goddess hoped the girl would be to her brother. Hope, and music, sung in the design, twining about each other like a wild wind tossing the waves of the sea.

"Now, you will mark me, and say the vows for me and my Aras." Isilme gave the white stag a fond look, one that he returned with a restless toss of his antlers. "And then we will both mark our husbands, with what we see in our hearts."


It wasn't until she heard the warriors voice in her ear that she realised exactly why she was so warm and comfortable. Much better then the other times she had passed out at the very least- certainly better then waking up to her toes being nibbled on by curious mice.

"I, uh.." For once her words escaped her, and with his assistance she hastily clambered out of his lap. Whirling gratefully towards the priest despite the way the action made her head spin.

"High priest! It's good to see you- I take it you've successfully recovered the anomaly from earlier? Have you determined whether the dark un-magic is contagious or not?" She really wanted to be out of this bubble. The last time she'd been so close to a male she'd ended up getting tongue tied. Literally. He interrupted a spell she had been casting and it backfired on her.

"Oh, I managed to collect a sample before it decomposed. Though I suppose you wouldn't have been able to tell what with this barrier I made." Biting her tongue, she waited for the priests reply. The urge to ramble incessantly growing like a hysterical bubble in her chest. Calm down, Al. It's your own gods blessed barrier, no need to have a panic attack.

Lenneth curiously let her eyes wander about as she rode the black stag. She did her best to remain balanced at he moved and hopped; at times having to hug his neck lest she fall off him mid-jump. It wasn't that she had never been trained or ridden on a horse but rather that she didn't want to impede on the God's personal space.

When Rhawon halted and lowered himself she dismounted from him and gave a small thanks. Lenneth allow Isilme to guide her without any hesitation. Being that Isilme was the mother of the Elves it was almost an instinct to follow the Goddess.

((OOC: I am slightly confused on the ceremony, so winging it, wooo!))

Nai Manwë Thúlimo tiruva Isilme az Aras, az nai Eru Ilúvatar alyuva tet."

Lenneth's sticky fingers traced their way across Isilme's flesh in the lightest of touches. What was drawn with the golden sap was something that seemed to come from another's will almost as though it held some story or wish.


Istelon couldn't help but smirk at the girl's reaction as she grew aware of what exactly she had been resting on. Her nervousness and ramblings caused a small snort of a laugh to escape. He wasn't one to get frantic about anything since it never helped in any situation.

The high priest sighed as he approached the bubble. It was obvious that Istelon was a bit unwelcome in this discussion but Istelon had little choice on the matter since he was stuck here until the bubble was permitted to pop.

"Three priests are currently seeing to maintaining a proper seal around the corruption to prevent it from spreading. Thus far all we've been able to do it contain it and at great expense. As far as contagious... it appears to be so but only by certain methods. It has yet to show any signs of creating a miasma, but it could simply not be potent enough to have reached that potential. We believe the corruption spread most efficiently through open wounds; such as blood to blood transfusions or other bodily fluids that permit it to enter a host body."

He paused for a moment as an assistant briskly entered the room and whispered something low before leaving the way he came.

"You and the warrior would have already shown signs of contamination so you are safe. However, there have been a scout reports stating that the wildlife in the wilds are behaving strangely, even strangely for the solstice."

Smiling, Isilme guided Lenneths hands to the golden basin once more. Both of their hands, small and pale, accented by the glittering gold of pure sap- the sap of the first oak tree, a symbol of unity and love. From there, she silently stepped up to Aras, gently touching her finegrs beneath his eyes ni small dot like fashions. Swirling up and over his antlers, dragging across the tips of his ears and causing them to flick. There was something playful about the design, something that went well with the mischief that could easily be seen within the bright depths of his eyes.

"With this, I thee wed. By the eyes of the gods and mortal men." There was no kiss necessary for the completion of the ceremony, and both lines- drawn by Lenneth and Isilme respectively- began to shine on the pale goddess and white stag. Synchronizing in a glow, that changed to a pure untainted white.

Then, it would be Lenneths turn. Her fingers would guide her, showing her hearts deepest desires for the man in front of her. Rhawon was prepared for however she may mark him- he had lived through it all. Tender care, sweet kindness, even bitter rage and broiling fury. There was no limit- she could draw however and wherever she liked.

There was only one rule: the golden sap may not lie.


Alluetta did not hold back her sigh of relief, one that made the priest tense, and stare at her disapprovingly. It's not that she was glad at that latest bit of news- in fact it was quite terrifying to think about. But she was glad that the contagion, whatever it was, had yet to become airborne. That and she hadn't managed to contract the contagion.

She was suddenly grateful for the prudence that had made her use her magic- for all that it caused an unfortunate accident- instead of trying to feed the pup a potion. If she had gotten grazed by it's teeth...

She shoved the thought from her mind.

Her fingers carefully danced along the inner curve of the bubble, in a motion similar to that of playing a piano- and with a small pop the bubble gave way beneath their feet. Alluetta took a deep breath of air, grateful for the extra space.

"Well then, I suppose if you have the corruption- is that what we're calling it?- well in hand, then our next step would be finding the source and determining why the animals are acting strangely. Do we have any kind of pattern for the strange behaviours? If it's spotty then it's probably contact, but if it's centralized- then we might just have a problem with our water sources..." Alluetta took a step forwards, only to stumble and catch herself on a nearby table.

Damnit. My energy still hasn't returned...

Lenneth watched Isilme since she would have to copy the words and the actions of the ceremony. She nervously approached Rhawon with her sap-coated fingers. She hesitated since she wasn't sure what exactly she would draw on the coat of the black stag form of the wild god.

She cautiously raised her hands to the center of the stag's forehead and let her fingers trail lightly down his spine to his mid back before drawing seemingly random swirls and dots. The way she saw him he was a mysterious being; but how could one draw a mystery?

"With this, I thee wed. By the eyes of the gods and mortal men."

She wasn't sure if she was supposed to say something else but Isilme hadn't directed her to state another phrase. With that done Lenneth took a step or two back. Rhawon seemed apathetic about the whole ceremony and she wasn't sure if should be should be pleased or not about that.


Isetlon listened to the priest's words which were obviously something he would have preferred was only between this girl and himself. There was always a bit of tension between the soldiers and the priests though the High Priest and Commander seemed very friendly with each other.

Istelon grabbed the girl around her waist to prevent her from smacking into the hard floor and to keep her steady. He did this without a word or glance and so quickly it seemed as though he teleported.

"The way it behaves is strange and thus we have no better way to define it beyond a corruptions, decay, or rot. It seems to affect things differently with no rhyme or reason to these variances. As for the origin it remains unknown. The animals aren't centrally located as though there was a tainted water source but rather entirely random. As horrible of it is for me to say... this is something beyond our understanding currently."

"The animals act as though rabid with the intent to spread this... corruption in various ways. Some have attacked other animals while others simply wander to a location and allow themselves to wither and die away and leave the corruption behind to spread."


And with that, it was finished. The words spoken settled the markings made by the golden sap under their skin, becoming nothing more then a faint pale line- like a manipulation of light that merely hovered, lingering like last fadings rays of light- clinging to the horizon. Rhawon regained his elven form, the markings that Lenneth had left still visible against his tanned skin.

Isilme, in a motion that was entirely natural- familiar like the lines on the palm of ones hand- re-mounted the white stag, laughing joyfully when the beast pranced on the spot, tossing his antlers about in play.

"Lenneth..." He paused, debating on wether he should call her by some other name. Some women seemed to enjoy it, others had been vehemently against it. "...how would you like to see your new home?"


What was with this man and touching her. Alluetta jumped out of his hold, fetching up against the table she had been reaching for with a clatter of glass. Her cheeks flushed, partly embarrasment and partly an acute awareness of how warm his arms had been, and Alluetta turned to the priest -ignoring his concerned glance between her and the...she still didn't know his name, the warrior- and continued on at a stuttering pace.

"W-well, there's nothing for it then. We'll need to capture something alive. Perhaps I can find a small creature, like a bunny, to study. If we can figure out the way it works, we might be able to find it's source.." Carefully, and using the table as a crutch, Alluetta began to sidle towards the door, avoiding brushing against the fair haired warrior.

"And where, exactly, do you think you'll be going in that state? You can barely stand." Alluetta avoided the pointed eyes of the priest, opting instead to start making her way (on shaky legs) to the door.

"I can manage just fine. We have no time to waste, if this corruption is spreading at the rate we saw earlier with the wolf. We don't know what the mortality rate is yet, do we? Every second counts." Now if I can just get to the door...

"Granted, but if you happen to encounter another beast like the wolf?" That gave Alluetta pause, and she stood with one hand suspended in the air- stretched out towards the door. She would have no way to defend herself.

Lenneth watched Isilme and the white stag with mild amusement as she found their interaction quite adorable. Somewhere in her mind she believed - though this may be somewhat on the fault of her teachings - that the Gods and Goddesses were mostly stoic, regal, and cold. An elusive type of creature that was haughtily above their own creations. These beliefs were being shattered the longer she was exposed to Isilme. However, Rhawon still made her feel anxious and want to make herself as tiny and scarce as possible.

This slight aversion could have been cause by a variety of things though it was probably simply because of how they had actually encountered one another. He had been a rather large wolf and had released a snarl or two in her presence. He seemed rather disinterested in this whole affair as well which she wasn't sure was a good or bad thing.

When he asked if she wanted to see her new "home" all she could do was give a small nod with somewhat curious eyes as she looked over the markings left on his skin.


Istelon didn't try to restrain her as she pulled from his grasp and clumsily smashed into the glassware. Inwardly he couldn't help but scoff at the ordeal. If she had just accepted his help there wouldn't be a mess to deal with later. However, he didn't want to embarrass her more than necessary though a part of him really wish to tease her about it.

The girl obviously had a death wish or was simply too stubborn for her own good as she stated her plan of action while barely maintaining balance on her own two feet. While Istelon wasn't magically familiar with the events that had been discussed he was familiar with danger and what was happening was something that posed a great threat to the city.

"Alluetta, I know you may feel slightly responsible for the wolf's death and wish to avoid the corruption from afflicting others. But in your state you will do more harm than good. I will be sending out a few others with the task of trying to locate some specimens. However, with the danger they pose the Commander has decreed a curfew and will not allow us to bring them anywhere near the city. For now you need to rest and regain your strength and then I will permit you to join the others where they are going to safely try and solve this puzzle."

"As for you young soldier... since this could be called a briefing and you've already encountered one corrupted beast you will be useful in this mission. You will be Alluetta's escort and protection."

Istelon smirked at the priest knowing that it wasn't something desired. There were only a small fraction of the city's population that was magically gifted and they tended to view others without this gift as lesser. While the priest was good at covering this with a stern expression his eyes gave away their disdain at needing a solider help in magical affairs.

"Very well, High Priest," Istelon replied cockily.

She was so...quiet. Reserved might have been a better word, had it not been for the fact that she didn't have the feel of a girl conscious of herself. It was more like... she was uncomfortable with him. Not something he'd never dealt with before, but he could still feel a small sting where his heart lay. All he wanted was an equal- a partner he could share his domain with, and never have to feel that sense of lonely isolation any more.

And they were always scared of him.

So Rhawon paused only a moment, trying to come up with a form of transport that the girl would be comfortable with. He could think of nothing that hadn't offended someone in the past. So he did the first thing that came to mind, and fell into yet another form.

One thing he never stopped to consider, with any of his wives, was if his constant changing bothered them. To him it was merely another skin, another facet of himself. Why should he feel strange when she changed clothes, after all, a hide was only what he wore on the outside.

So when he completed his transformation, this time to a sleek black cat- standing just about as tall as his wolf form had- he had no compunctions against rubbing his side into her legs, to make her stumble towards him. His whiskers curling mischievously.


"Absolutely not." She did not need a baby sitter. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. On a good day. This had been a decidedly bad day so far, but that didn't mean she was incompetent.

"I am not going to just sit here, and.. and sleep! While there is some dangerous corruption spreading at unimaginable rates!"

"You don't have a choice in the matter, Alluetta Caeralis." Alluetta flinched at the full use of her name, it had been so long since she had heard her last name... Most people simply referred to her as the alchemist, or lore keeper. It was a common term of respect. He was making her out to be some kind of child, who needed a watcher to keep her out of trouble. As if sensing the stubborn streak that threatened to break through, the priest crossed his arms and continued.

"I will not hesitate to have you tied to a bed if I must. We need you at top form, not running wild and getting yourself killed with your pride."

Alluetta crossed her own arms in reply, stepping away from the door in mute acknowledgement. The priest eyed her for another long moment before nodding his farewell to both Alluetta and the young warrior. She waited until his steps had faded from ears reach before speaking again.

"Well, I highly doubt either one of us really wants to be here, so if you would kindly look the other way I'll get out of your hair." Her voice was falsely cheerful- there was something that told her he would not let her step outside that door, but hope made her reach anyways.

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