
The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Good morning, people of Megalopolis, the forecasts for today show a glorious sunny afternoon and for that matter, for the first of the week. Yes that is right, prepare those BBQ grills and fishing rods, because its going to be fantastic. Enjoy your afternoon Megalopolis, this is Gale Heathers signing off"
Gale Heathers

Megalopolis is a simple game, a game about drama, romance, adventure and in general the everyday lives of the characters who exist in them. Megalopolis is a madeup city, one where one does not really question whats outside apart from the country in a vague kind of picture. For all intents and purposes, Megalopolis is the world. Comic book style in that sense. Megalopolis is a city filled with happiness, joy, drama, anger, revenge, all of the things that are filled in our world. Criminals, Police that chase them, dark organizations, corporate interests, politics, and much more.

Yet the most important thing some would argue is that some of these people are metahumans, humans with abilities. Some people know that they exist, most don't. Some use their abilities for good, some use it for fame and fortune, and others for harm. For the most part though this is a normal though.


  • This will be a freeform RP with many threads and locations.
  • There is no limit to the number of characters a player may have, but the first one must always be a metahuman and all most follow the character creation guidelines for meta and non metas.
  • This is not to be confused with a superhero game with costumes and villains and all that stuff. If you are looking for that type of game, this game is not for you.
  • You may not start in a position of power with out my express consent. For example, if you want to be a police person of some kind, you can't be the police chief of all Megalopolis.
  • This RP has a system I created to determine the tone of the city. As players play in all their different locations, while meeting, or never meeting and the way interact with the world, the tone of the city will shift negatively or positively toward the ideas of metahumans. You will occasionally be made aware of this and other events happening in the city that you can attend.

While anyone is welcome to join. I'm tagging these users directly for showing interest before the thread was posted up.

@Mrs Hesperus, @Teh Frixz
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This is something I'd be -extremely- interested in doing. I love the open-world setting and really like how every character (seeing as everyone will have at least one meta-human) has an impact on the society's view of meta-humans.
inb4 some schmuck screws up so bad Sentinels become a thing

That being said, consider me on board for this crazy train.
Valium said:
This is something I'd be -extremely- interested in doing. I love the open-world setting and really like how every character (seeing as everyone will have at least one meta-human) has an impact on the society's view of meta-humans.
Sure, you are welcome to join :3

Thnaks for taking an interest :D
[QUOTE="Sir Raime]inb4 some schmuck screws up so bad Sentinels become a thing
That being said, consider me on board for this crazy train.

Alright welcome :) .
Be warned that I always join a superhero rp with a wacky character against the grain. I'm in :P
Kagura said:
Be warned that I always join a superhero rp with a wacky character against the grain. I'm in :P
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]This is not to be confused with a superhero game with costumes and villains and all that stuff. If you are looking for that type of game, this game is not for you.

Zoola said:
I'm interested in joining! I like that the world even has politics and such involved, love the realism.
Its basically the real world, it could easily be New York or Chicago for that matter. It just so happens that some people have superhuman abilities.
Historically, Megalopolis is not a spandex and capes superhero RP. It's more in the vein of Watchmen, the X-Men TV series and the Infamous computer games. Metahumans are a part of society, a possibly feared, not quite accepted, certainly not as equal, part of society. There aren't many high-profile openly Metahumans and the ones that are in the public eye have a lot of backing and pull to insulate them from bad situations. For the average Joe-on-the-street Meta, it's a different story. You try to live your life as best you can, using your abilities carefully, whether for good or ill.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Historically, Megalopolis is not a spandex and capes superhero RP. It's more in the vein of Watchmen, the X-Men TV series and the Infamous computer games. Metahumans are a part of society, a possibly feared, not quite accepted, certainly not as equal, part of society. There aren't many high-profile openly Metahumans and the ones that are in the public eye have a lot of backing and pull to insulate them from bad situations. For the average Joe-on-the-street Meta, it's a different story. You try to live your life as best you can, using your abilities carefully, whether for good or ill.
Captain Hesperus

I'm intrigued. This looks cool, like Watchmen (:3) interested in joining if you still have spot available
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Do it, you know all the cool kids are...
Captain Hesperus

That and I'm a sucker for realistic consequences of character actions. >.>
I want to make a drunken character who can fly...

But he'd get a FUI.... heh.... get it.... heh.... No? Em okay....

But I think I'll rather place interest here and think of something better..............

But consider me interested!
Gonna try and bring them all back~

Rori Hutchins - Overpowered Amplifier, sound wave DJ

Reagan Hemsley/Small - Material integration

Paige Kenden - Lowerlife Symbiote, Mob Boss
Well, Gully Small is coming back, so Reagan just has to. Because, seriously, there's got to be someone doing all the naughty things...

Captain Hesperus
Teh Frixz]Can't be a Megalopolis game without Teh Frixz mucking about~ and bring back the Warden [URL=" said:
@The Dark Wizard[/URL] !
The crazy bitch from Albatross Island?

The one that where she was as much of a prisoner as everyone else?

[QUOTE="Ranix Aurus]I'm intrigued. This looks cool, like Watchmen (:3) interested in joining if you still have spot available

In the past Megalopolis has never had player join limits, by design its supposed to be a really large game. This RP will be utilizing the hosted projects system of RpNation.

So welcome aboard :) .

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Paige Kenden - Lowerlife Symbiote, Mob Boss

Hutchinson's favorite bi- punching ba- whor-. Something.
Also because I truly want to impress my Senpai and not break his heart any more with my games.

@Grey. Join us?
I don't believe I ever joined, nor was ever terribly interested in, Megalopolis. But I appreciate the tag and wish you luck, Dwiz.

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