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Fandom Meet Your Trainers! (A Pokehuman School Roleplay)

I did inform them, but it is just up to you.

ANYWAY! My CS as I promised. :]


Name: Shiva

Pokemon: Absol

Type: Dark

Gender: Female

Age: 15-16

Personality: Shiva observes more than interacts, but she would LOVE to talk if it wasn't for her awkwardness. Shiva has issues with social interaction because she can never quite figure out what to say! She constantly stutters and can't help but cover her face when meeting someone new. (She blushes a ton when she gets flustered). Shiva does however find it easier to talk to someone if she is helped with a caring pat on the head when she becomes flustered.

Moves Known right now:


-Night Slash

-Double team

Other: N/A
I did inform them, but it is just up to you.

ANYWAY! My CS as I promised. :]


Name: Shiva

Pokemon: Absol

Type: Dark

Gender: Female

Age: 15-16

Personality: Shiva observes more than interacts, but she would LOVE to talk if it wasn't for her awkwardness. Shiva has issues with social interaction because she can never quite figure out what to say! She constantly stutters and can't help but cover her face when meeting someone new. (She blushes a ton when she gets flustered). Shiva does however find it easier to talk to someone if she is helped with a caring pat on the head when she becomes flustered.

Moves Known right now:


-Night Slash

-Double team

Other: N/A

I apologize, I wasn't aware that we couldn't have evolved forms. Thought it was fine as long as they weren't legendary
you can have evolved forms if there is a little backstory just to clear up how they were able to evolve (like if they used to have a trainer but dont now for whatever reason) But it is ALL up to you guys. 

Anyway! To Start!

It was very early in the morning, all of the pokemon had been shaken awake because today they were recieving a Trainer who will care for them! Pokemon, gathered together in the front of the school, waited patiently for the trainers to walk up the stairs to the school yard where they would all glance over every single partner they would be able to pick for their team. 

Shiva sat amongst the crowd of pokemon, pawing at the ground in excitement. She glanced around at the other pokemon, thinking about all of the possibilities for a matching trainer for each type. She wondered if she would have friendly but strong partners if she were picked for a team. She thought about if she got a kind trainer who would care for her as best they could, but then she questioned if she would even get a trainer. 

Shiva grew nervous, hoping for a trainer and a good team. She hoped for a chance to battle like all of the other pokemon. She hoped and hoped, and before she knew it, all the pokemon roared up in excitement, calling and shuffling to stare over each other. Shiva became shocked and jumped up, placing herself in a defensive position, but as she stared around everyone's feet, she saw shadows and sneakers appear on the flat surface at the top of the stairs. Shiva then became excited that the trainers had finally arrived!
Almond was sitting on the floor playing with one of her giant ears she wanted to be chosen but didn't know how to get chosen so she just sat there looking cute she wasn't particularly tough so she mainly let the large diagram of her evolutionary tree do the talking for her, she had been gotten up too early in her opinion as she had been up all night researching what she wanted in a trainer and what a trainer would want in her, so she hadn't slept much at all, "maybe just a quick..." She whispered before falling flat on her face asleep
Kira was pretty tired this morning. She'd been up all night reading a new book of hers, typical Kira. "One last page, she might get the kiss", "Come on keep going, you're so close to getting the egg!" or "Last page, keep going Kira" were often the sorts of things going through her head when she should have been sleeping. Even so, today was the day she would choose her pokemon her best friend to be, at least hopefully. She'd read everything and anything she could find about them, she knew practically everyone mainly,and knew what she had to do. But even still there were still nerves that wriggled through.
Walking up she stopped for a moment surrounded by the other trainers. Taking a breath, she lent against the wall while she buttoned up her jacket, looking for someone to talk to while she waited her turn.
Ari was in a relaxed stance with her crossed loosely in front of as she watched the other pokemon twitch in anticipation. A piece of her dreaded this day because of what happened to her in the past. When she was a young growlithe, a young girl from well-off family chose her as her pet and future guard. The girl only took interest in her because she was young and cute at the time like most young pokemon. As she battled more wild pokemon and fought other pokemon for her trainer's entertainment, Ari soon gained enough experience to evolve. The girl was not aware that Arcanine was the equivalent of her teen years as Ari would soon enter adulthood with full control over her new form and moves. When Ari evolved, she was full of glee but the look of horror and disgust on the girl's face crushed her dreams and she was soon released to return to her family after they had kept her locked up wondering what to do with such a "useless" and "destructive" pokemon.

The sound of footsteps coming closer brought Ari out of her memories as her perked up and her tail moved slightly in glee. Ari knew that it was somewhat harder for fully evolved pokemon to get chosen but that didn't stop her from seeking out a trainer worthy of being her partner. A toothy smirk appeared on her face while her scarlet eyes were trained on the door. "I'm really not the type of pokemon to weed through all of these trainers when I could be out there with my new trainer," Ari gracefully made her way towards the door while petting the heads of the nervous pokemon she passed. Ari cracked the door open to scan the new trainers that smelled like anxiety and excitement,
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Zorion Arch 

Zorion was smiling away, waiting impatiently for when he would be picked by his destined companion for life and soon to be partner in probably legal crime. He has imagined this day before and how awesome it'd be if he could have a trainer that would enjoy his jokes as much as he did himself or...at least not start yelling at him whenever he pulled a prank.   Going on dangerous adventures and kicking everyone's butt they came across, winning competition after competition, battling with flashy moves and looking cool while doing so. Thinking of all the fun they would have made him all the more eager to ''get this show on the road''. 

"Come on already!" he groaned. He was dying from sheer excitement and if things didn't hurry along soon he might have to go shopping for a trainer himself.

  Luciel Ashton 

Luciel glanced around the room at the other soon-to-be trainer, thinking to himself about how he'll have to fight them eventually in battle. Some didn't look all that tough, others were more on the intimidating side, and...quite a few looked average. He, of course attempted to make friends while biding his time since he had no idea how long it would take for him to get a chance to choose one. Luciel wasn't up for a fight right now so he let other trainers make their choices first. There was enough for all of them so he didn't see a need to get in a confrontation with anybody.
Every single pokemon was excited, nervous, and some even couldn't help but yip and jump around out of sheer glee that they might be picked. However, a loud ring from a near-by custodian of the school called all of the pokemon to settle down so the ceremony could begin and trainers could choose their pokemon. The Principle followed the other custodians out of the large school building, making his way over to the trainers with a smile. 

"Hello, Trainers!" He began, making his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Welcome to our wonderfull Pokeschool! I welcome you all! Every trainer here will be able to choose one of our wonderful pokemon to care for, battle with, and befriend. As you choose your pokemon, your pokemon may also choose you. If you find your desired partners, then meet the rest of the custodians inside the school, they will give you the starter supplies in order to keep your pokemon healthy and happy. Good Luck, Trainers!"

With that, he motioned to trainers to step foreward and choose their new pokemon. 

Shiva noticed the motion of the Principle's hand for trainers to choose, but she knew that she must keep calm or she may not get chosen. It was rather hard! She was so excited and it was very hard to contain!

Shiva stayed as calm as she could, slowly moving around to see the trainers better, but staying hidden within the rest of the crowd. She was nervous, thinking she might stutter and shake if her possible trainer came.
Almond awoke in an instant she had no idea how long she had slept for only that her head hurt from it, she heard something about being chosen, and battling but couldn't make out what had been said, Almond now really wanted to be chosen she was bursting at the seems with excitement she nibbled on one of her ears to help calm herself down, but it didn't work, she was just too exited

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tania is in the middle of a group of Pokémon. They are all so excited and jumping around. She is being pushed around and has already been knocked over several times. She is too shy to say anything. But they are getting too wild she can't stay in the for much longer. So she just couldn't take it anymore. Her body is outlined in a blue light and she is lifted into the air. She gives a sigh of relief that she no longer has to be squished. Now she is able to get a look at the trainers. She is still excited and hopes that someone will chose her, though she doubts it. She doesn't have much fate in herself.



[SIZE=10.5pt]Max stands confidently in the middle of the crowd. He exudes confidence showing that he has no doubt in his mind that he will be chosen. Though in reality he doesn't believe that he will be chosen. He is never chose, truth is he has been here longer then most of the others. Its just the fact that no one wants a Magikarp. He yells out with all of the might in his lungs. "Attention Trainers!!!! If you want the beast Pokémon in the world then come and get me." He is jumping repeatedly into the air.  [/SIZE]He is hopping over the crowd so that he could be seen.
Ari retreated to her former position and subconsciously smoothed the fur on her tail. She stood to her full height and gave off an aura of power in hopes of attracting a trainer that was right for her. Some of the children glanced at her before looking away out of fear. Scarlet eyes scanned the crowd and lingered over one girl that caught her attention for some reason. Nothing visually out of the ordinary, 'She is pretty though.' Ari stepped forward and faced the girl that seemed to have great potential in keeping up with her, Ari's head tilted cutely as she tried to figure out why she chose this girl while she hopped that she would accept a fully evolved pokemon.
Dewey's P.O.V

He was walking to the place where the teachers told him and the others to. He opened the doors and sat at the left of the group. "Sorry, I'm late guys." He groaned, scruffing his hair. He is confident that he will get a trainer that has a lot in common. He IS getting a life partner, goin' to adventures, fighting others and other unimportant things. Hope he gets chose.

Mitch's P.O.V.

Mitch was the first to the room, as more and more people came in. He sighed a couple of times, and was at the right of the group. And then, the trainers come. He doesn't care that much what trainer he gets, he just wants to get chosen. He waits.

(I have no idea what to do with Theo.)
The pokemon were allowed to move about more, seeing that there wasn't really any way to stop the ruckus. A Magikarp had already started to yell in order to catch some attention.

Shiva was really nervous, but saw a rather interesting trainer. He was tall with dark hair and a pair of thin glasses. He look very intelligent, serious even. She stared for a minute and thought about him, but she didn't quite know for sure. So, she began looking around at the other trainers, wondering about if a "Disaster Pokemon" would ever be picked.

(That's fine if you don't know what to do with your character.

(I feel bad for the pokemon Absol. They are thought to be bad luck, so now everyone hates them (except for me. It's one of my favorite pokemon). Poor Absol.)
Kira finally entered after a long battle with herself to whether she was actually ready for this or not, she came to the conlusion that she was. Once inside she stood in amazement, there were so many different people and pokemon. Some with hair, some with not and some with a little too much hair and that was just the people. She giggled to herself at the thought but soon enough realised she would have to choose. She gave a intense and excited look round before she saw a certain one. Unlike the rest, this one was different from the rest. And that's what intrigued her to go get a closer look instead of staring from across the crowds.
Almond was right at the very back where not many people were going, "h-hello? anyone..." anyone who did come to the back usually passed her by without a glance the ones that did look at her regarded her as being 'weak' or 'not strong enough' she wanted to get up and go further into the middle but she knew she wouldn't be chosen there either due to many of the pokemon being bigger and stronger than she was, apart from a Magikarp who seemed determined to get chosen and looked incredibly enthusiastic
Ari watched as the human came closer and showed no fear in her eyes. 'Perfect.' A toothy grin that showed her canines spread across her face as she threw her arm lightly across the girl's shoulders to bring her into a one armed hug. "This one right here is mine," Ari said in a somewhat commanding voice that caused the smaller pokemon to back away from the two. "It's nice to meet you, I couldn't help but notice your stare and decided that you were definitely the one for me. My name's Ari Blitz and as you can see, I'm an Arcanine. What's your name pretty lady?"
Kira smiled towards Ari, perking a brow at the confidence she had it only made Kira more enthusiastic. "I'm Kira Loa. What make you think I'm the one for you then, huh? Not like I'm as strong as some of the other trainers here." Her fingers began to twiddle a little, she was just as good as anyone else, but she'd never admit that. "I mean, would you not rather have a stronger trainer rather than someone like me?" Kira questions kept spurting out. It was like an impulsive she couldn't control and didn't really notice either. 
This one, Kira, was already showing promise as an easy trainer to get along that wouldn't be able to truly tame Ari. Looks like she'd have the freedom to battle in her way, she's never been to keen on taking commands anyway. That was another factor for why she had yet to meet a trainer that could put up with her. "[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yep, you heard me. I've chosen you to be my amazing trainer. I couldn't just choose a random person from this crowd. You don't have to worry about being strong, that's my job." [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Ari ruffled Kira's hair as she sent her a bright grin. She meant every word that she said and had no intention on letting Kira down. [/COLOR]"Plus, you've already proved your self worth to me, you were the only one to openly approach me without fear. I was pretty surprised that a little cutie like you could even hold eye contact with me," [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]she softly laughed and her tail swished lightly behind her.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]@Kiowa[/COLOR]
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@Kiowa @Shadow Alpha

Ok, lets just pause their interaction to allow everone to read and post before going further. Just so there is no 1v1-ing taking over the roleplay.
Theodore's P.O.V.

It's to find a Pokémon of my own, as my partner. I walk in the middle of the pack, and see an Absol. Absol's are my favorite Pokémon, even though they are the quote on quote, "The Disaster Pokémon." After they say we can choose, I approached the Absol and looked at the eyes. I said in kind voice, "What's your name?"

Shiva jumped a bit and looked at the trainer she had originally took a liking to. She was glad he had noticed her and approached. 

She thought for a minute before she spoke so she wouldn't stutter.

"My name is Shiva. What's your name?"

She felt herself getting excited because she thought she may have a chance at getting a trainer.
I look at the Absol whose name is Shiva after she told her name and asked what my name is. "The name's Theodore, but you can call me Theo or probably..." I tap my finger to my cheek and looked up then looked back at her. "...your trainer." I said while closing my eyes and slighty tilting my head to the right. I turned to the authority and said, "This Pokémon is mine."

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