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Fantasy Medieval 1x1


Just Me
Hey guys it is me Restful! I'm really interested in doing a medievalesque rp right now. . . Like REALLY craving it. I'm open to plots, and would love if they included fantasy but they do not have to. For the most part I would like to play Female(I don't mind doing FxF or doubling). If you are interested please inbox me or comment!
Hey! Do you have anything specific in mind for the plots? I have an idea, but I wanted to see what you're into first :3
I'm sort of stealing this from someone on Tumblr, haha.

Basically, the princess was born as a dragon. Live birth, but she comes out and she's a full-blown dragon. They build her a tower on a huuge plot of land somewhere in the kingdom where she grows up, loved by her many servants and her visiting parents. Over the years, the Dragoness starts to search the kingdom, and starts saving literal damsels in distress, women who have been abused, children on the street, etc. The only catch is that all of her damsels are female. And slowly she builds up a mini-queendom within the kingdom of her parents, and they become some of the best known merchants, crafters, wizards, etc. in the kingdom.

Woah, that was long. Anyways, yeah. I'm thinking for the romance aspect, it could be polyamorous or just a FxF in general, if you're alright with that.

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