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Fantasy Meanwhile in Duermio... the Hunt Begins

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-- Nathaniel Reyes --
Alamush. The last person that Nate would expect to arrive at the pub. Judging from Alamush's expression, Nate was the last thing he expected here. How coincidental.
Nate raised his tankard of cider to protest that, no, Nate wasn't getting drunk. However, he was cut short as the most unusual thing occurred. Alamush stared at Sinnsyk with open horror greater than what each person in the room had experienced, his hand reaching for his dagger. Great. That adds one to the people who are reaching for their weapons to a total of four people, five if you count Cindy's bow and violin as a weapon.
"Alamush...?" Nate asked with uncertainty, "Wh-what's wrong?" He raised a hand and shooed off Dylesh, who was an idiot as usual.
Petroshka Petroshka FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter Meowfyre Meowfyre Elowyn Elowyn

Nate Reyes
Location: Sitting Duck Pub
Objective: Talk to Alamush
Mood: Slightly overwhelmed; shocked
Interacting with: Alamush, Sinnsyk, Dylesh
Involved: Cindy, Egon, Silt
Sitting Duck Pub, 7:50pm
interacting with Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Petroshka Petroshka Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter Meowfyre Meowfyre FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Looking at the gleaming jewels and treasures spilled on the counter by the seemingly dead man, Silt's eyes grew round as pebbles. "Another round fer the rich man!" he shouted, waving for the serving girl to get more ale. He scooped up the treasure and grinned. "You do ol' Silt a service, you," he grinned. A fiddler started to play lively music to break the tension.

Then he spotted the man in Middle Eastern robes who had a dangerous look in his eye and was going for his dagger. Now he knew Alamush from a few encounters and most noticeably from the poor who had received alms from him. "ENOUGH! There will be none 'uv this weapons nonsense in my place o' business!" he growled surpisingly loud, drowning out the keening of the violin. "If you wanna fight, take it outside away from me pub!" He had noticed that earlier there were some uneasiness about this unusual customer and he could not, as owner of the pub, let it continue. His place was a place for business and although the occasional bar fight broke out, Silt always ended it quickly.
{ Egon }
{ 7:51 PM, Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka , Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter , Elowyn Elowyn , Meowfyre Meowfyre }
If he wasn't so focused on Sinnsyk, Egon would have laughed when he heard the obvious lie from the boy behind him. The child clearly lacked experience with combat. It's natural to want to defend oneself when danger is present, but the way the neophyte tried to cover it up was comical. Egon continued to eye Sinnsyk cautiously as he finished his food and drink. Even though his hand was no longer in a battle-ready position, Egon never takes threats lightly. His suspicion shifted momentarily to surprise when the zombie paid the barkeep. The bag revealed riches Egon had only ever seen the likes of in Alois's manor. Briefly dazzled, Egon quickly refocused on the undead. Only when the corpse moved from the bar to the hearth did Egon relax a bit. He took another swig of mead.

Then the foreigner entered. Lacking formal education, Egon didn't know much about those from other lands. He had gathered over time that people who looked and dressed like the man who just entered were from a land called the "Middle East", thought Egon hadn't a clue where the middle of the east might be located. At first, the new arrival seemed of little interest to Egon, as he had business with the boy "Nathaniel". What the man said upon noticing Sinnsyk interested Egon far more - "Ghūl". It sounded to Egon like a rather specific identification. While he normally would not go out of his way to engage in conversation, the opportunity to learn more about Sinnsyk could not be passed up.

Just before Egon turned to ask the stranger his question, Silt's voice tore through the tense atmosphere. Egon had been present for Silt's shouts before, and nine out of ten times the noise sufficiently defused the situation. After waiting a moment for the mood to reset, Egon rose from his seat and stood next to the newcomer, drink in hand. Without bothering to introduce himself, he got right to the point.

"Any idea what that is?" Egon muttered so only those very close could hear under the resumed chatter in the pub. He was pretty sure the man knew what 'that' referenced.
[Alamush Palhut]
[place; The Sitting Duck Pub]
[Time: 7:54]
Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Petroshka Petroshka
Alamush found himself stunned by how alive this corpse was. He recoiled at the touch of the dead man, but did not attack. He slightly tilted his head and marveled at the affability of the flesh eater. Hearing his name called out, Alamush shifted his attention to Dylesh, giving him a light wave in greeting, but shaking his head at the invitation. Turning to Nathaniel, he replied to the boy, "Nothing's wrong Nathaniel. Listen, I'm going to go talk to that... man over there. When I'm done, how about you come home with me and I'll make you some good food, OK?" Alamush reached out and ruffled the kid's hair, before turning around and beginning to make his way to the undead.

Alamush paused however, when he heard the loud owner of the pub, Silt, roaring for everyone to get their hands off their weapons. Alamush had began resting his hand on his dagger, perhaps in comfort, without even really noticing. Sighing, Alamush dropped his hand from his dagger and continued making his way to the fire where the undead now sat, but was again paused when a man rose to talk to him. The man bluntly asked him what he knew of the 'uwanadud and with a wry smile, he replied, "Do you often rely on strangers in pubs for your information?" Lightly chuckling, his smile dropped and in a serious tone he said, "In my homeland there are tale of 'uwanadud, rising corpses. I heard tale of ghūls, creatures that eat the flesh of graveyard and whose bodies are suffused with dark magic from the corpses." His wry smile returned and he remarked as he glanced at the 'uwanadud, "I've not heard tale of them being friendly, however."
{ Sinnsyk }
{ 7:56 PM, Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka , Meowfyre Meowfyre , Elowyn Elowyn FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat }
Sin stared into the glowing flames and put his hands near to warm it, but he recoiled as they began to smoke. He looked down at his old dead hands and sighed. He'd been alive-well conscious- for much too long. Longer then any human should be. He'd enjoyed it, reveled in it at first, then as the years went by he began wonder if it was such an amazing thing. However he'd made his choice and he'd live with it the best he could, besides how many other people could say they'd watched the continent grow from a tiny village colony to what it is now. He held a small smirk at the thought, the stories he'd tell his friends upon his death. He took a mug from one of the maids and raised it in thanks, then began to drink.
[Alamush Palhut]
[place; The Sitting Duck Pub]
[Time: 8:01]
Interacting with: Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter
Alamush finished replying to the man who'd asked him what he knew about the undead, but he didn't wait for his reply. Trudging forward, he was focused upon the undead now warming themselves by the fire. He wondered if their dead skin could feel it. No matter. Alamush paused behind the dead man, before walking to his side and sitting down next to him.

A maid offered him a drink, but he waved her away. Looking at Sinnysk out of the corner of his eye, he commented, "Don't meet many of your folk that could be called friendly." Letting his weight shift to his arms as he rested them upon his legs, Alamush turned his head to Sinnysk and asked, "What brings a corpse to Duermio?"
{ Sinnsyk }
{ 8:03 PM, Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with Meowfyre Meowfyre }

Sin watched as the man who seemingly wanted to kill him earlier took a seat next to him by the fire. He glanced at him, then returned to drinking. His gaze was shifted back to him as the man started to talk. Sin smirked at the remark of not many of his kind being friendly, there really weren't that many like him, undead maybe but not specifically Draugr. Sin looked at the man's attire, "I could ask the same of you easterner, but I was hungry, where I come from good food is quite scarce." His voice was still hoarse and almost painful to hear, but it was slightly better after his throat had been washed down in ale.

He started into the fire, tapping his foot and bouncing his leg in a fast motion like someone would do if they were nervous. His glowing eyes fading, revealing an almost sad look to them, "tell me stranger, what do you know about my kind?"
[Dylesh & Cindy & Ceitlish]
[Sitting duck pub]
interacting with: [ Coyote Hart Coyote Hart FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter Silt Elowyn Elowyn Meowfyre Meowfyre ]​

Ceitish got bored of listening to arbitrary dialogue and decided to leave and got up from her perch on top of the pub and started to walk across the rooftops, however as she was crossing a gap lightening struck across the sky and her rather large silhouette flashed across the ground and for anyone who happened to be looking up when the lightening had struck wouldve seen her. Lo and behold not a few seconds later screams were heard from across the dense city. "Shit" Ceitish started to walk across the rofftops faster not caring if she left tracks. Tracks can be held in superstition, them actually finding her and she'll be hunted for a long while. Anyways she can start being careful once she hit actual ground and not these slippery roof bits.

Cindy stopped playing her violin as she heard the screams outside she quickly turned her head to slit then to The undead man. Dylesh however already ran outside to see what was wrong. maybe lightening had struck a building and a wildfire might go out of control?
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-- Nathaniel Reyes --
Nate jolted with surprise, almost falling off of his barstool as the bartender, Silt, declared the bar to be a violence-free zone. With a sheepish grin, Nate slung his unstrung shortbow back over his shoulder, then relaxed, knowing that a fight wasn't going to break out.
Then, out of nowhere, thunder crackled, and screaming was heard outside. Nate jolted again, this time losing his balance on the barstool, and toppled backward, head first toward the ground.
In his sheer panic as he heard the screaming, he absorbed all the moisture in his cider, leaving behind apple flavored dust and cinnamon. Then, as he was falling toward the ground there was a loud and audible splash as Nate summoned all the water he had to cushion his landing.
Nate rolled off of the wet ground, shaking water droplets out of his deep violet hair, and surveyed the mess he made from falling off of the barstool. Then, realizing that he invoked powers special to his kind, he hurriedly re-absorbed the water in the ground.
"You saw nothing," Nate muttered, his face turning a bright shade of scarlet as he got back on the stool. He stared at the tankard full of apple cider powder, then, out of complete jitters and spontaneity, he picked up the tankard and unwisely snorted snuffed the powder. Then, choking on the powder, Nate turned around to cough the dehydrated apple cider out of his lungs.
Petroshka Petroshka Elowyn Elowyn Meowfyre Meowfyre Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Nate Reyes
Location: Sitting Duck Pub
Objective: Panic; Snort apple cider powder
Mood: On edge
{ Egon }
{ 8:09 PM, Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Petroshka Petroshka }​

The stranger moved away as soon as he finished talking. That suited Egon just fine - he had no intention of replying, anyway. If the answer Egon had gotten was any indication, the two men possessed knowledge of the corpse on more or less the same level. That being said, the corpse didn't seem to bear any ill will towards anyone, and he rested on the other side of the pub now. Even the newcomer, who seemed the most concerned out of everyone, now talked calmly with the zombie. Egon sat down onto his stool again and leaned on the counter, letting himself relax.

However, no sooner had Egon finished his drink than screaming erupted from outside. A lot of screaming. Egon could only compare it to the panic on the night he had been bitten. If something like that was happening in the city now, then Egon felt obliged to help somehow. In one motion, he dropped his empty mug on the counter and dashed out the door on Dylesh's heels. Once outside, Egon tried to stop a running woman, likely fleeing from the source of the commotion, inquiring simply, "What's going on?"

The woman did not reply, only pointed back down the street as she ran. Egon frowned at the lack of any description. Looking down where she pointed, Egon could only see some people fleeing and others who either didn't know or didn't care about the disturbance - if a disturbance was present at all. Even his superior vision in the darkness revealed no cause for concern. He silently chastised himself for jumping to the conclusion that tonight could be on par with the worst night of his life. At any rate, Egon had already paid for his drink and needed to go to sleep in order to work tomorrow. Sighing, he moved wordlessly past Dylesh and started down the road on his way home, which happened to be the same direction as the tumult's origin. If cause for concern existed, Egon would see it. Otherwise, he'd go home.

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