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Fantasy Meanwhile in Duermio... the Hunt Begins

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word weaver
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

shops before market is open -- SE quadrant

towards the outskirts of the city-state which is backed by mountains -- SW quadrant
back alleys near red light district -- NW quadrant
town alley.jpg

: General Situation :
Today is Y555, M4, D08. There are whispers on the wind of a Quintulian revolution, but those could be mere rumors. Certainly there are no hard facts to back them up.

Trade between the Isldrassilic people and the Zantorics is flourishing despite tensions on both sides. The Isldrassilic grow restless with the way the Zantorics treat them. The Zantorics are frustrated by their continual resistance to their faith.

There have also been a few scattered tales of a Plague that has decimated a few cities... but those are in the North that lacks trade. Surely, we are safe here?

" HELLO, citizen. Where will your ventures take you today, I wonder...? "

Posting Format

[name of character]
[place; be specific (hallway, restaurant, shop, nearby forest)]
interacting with: [tag; you can put specifically "talking to (tag)" or "eating with (tag)"].

: The City :

Good ol' Duermio, that sleepy ton! Its governance has been experiencing a lull in discipline as of late; the paladins are not as keen eyed as they used to be and some say the priests have even given in to the indulgence of wine and singing! Sure, the citizens experience a less ritualized lifestyle than, say, Adelport, but a loss of Order also means more thieves and pickpockets hanging around. Mostly in the Outer Quarters.

The city is designed with a roughly circular center surrounding by walls, within which are those of a religious echelon, the nobles, and the royals. This the citizens call merely "The Stronghold." Surrounding this Stronghold on all four sides are the Outer Quarters which are quite literally divided into quarters. The high roads that partition these Quarters are the North Road, the East Road, the West Road, and the South Road extending from the Stronghold to their respective cardinal directions.

In the Northeast Quadrant they sell wearables: cloth, textiles, jewelry and adornment, powders for the face and skin; vessels of woven reeds, clay, and stone; incense and herbs for cooking, purification, cleaning. Et cetera, et cetera...

To the Southeast is the Farmers' Market with edible goods and delicacies freshly made. Produce, baked goods, a variety of meats, fruit in abundance, and so on...

To the Southwest lies the military with their barracks and weapons forges, although many lie in disuse nowadays. The carpenters and stonemasons also have a place there.

In the Northwest we have flesh sellers: horses, both plain and Drakkish (bred and prized for their ferocity and size for the Zantoric scourswords and only recently available to the public... well, those that can afford it anyhow), slaves (many native peoples as well as those sold due to debt or because of impoverishment), hunting hounds, fancy falcons and other feathered fowl, domesticated farm animals... you name it! There lies also the recent developments of pleasure houses and an assortment of pubs and taverns which sell strange concoctions (drugs) and poisons, as well as brews.

Notable Areas: the Sitting Duck pub, Center Lane which enters the stronghold (highly adorned with banners and road paved with granite, etc.), the Meat Market (auction of any kind of living breathing being), the General's Palace, the Golden Paladin Inn (where the revered Paladin Golde de Venezia occasions)

: The People - Important Figures :

The General
The man who fought to win this parcel of land from natives. He is a proud and rather vain man with thick white hair, blue-grey eyes, and a sturdy build. He led the troops of Zantor from the ship Ocean's Destiny which moved inland through the River of Many Arms (Brazos River) and was beached along the shore. There, the General directly took up arms to conquer and overtake the natives, many of which were captured and put into servitude.

The Colonel
A trusted underling of the General who has reign over the scourswords. Truly his moral compass is lacking as evidenced by the pubs and taverns that have sprung up. More or less, the majority of discipline is handed out by men in lower leadership positions which is inconsistent at best and spotty at worst. He can sometimes be found drinking with the General and occasionally the Golden Paladin.

The Golden Paladin, Golde Rickams
The Chosen Hand of Zantor was brought to the New World to help its colonization. Originally Golde Rickams, he rarely goes by his birth name anymore. The citizens of Duermio mostly call him the "Golden Paladin" or more mockingly the "Shiny Boy." It's true that he is quite young for his age, merely 18 years old, but his skill with the paladin sword and strength as an individual has no parallel. His breastplate sports the Zantoric three-pointed star within an open hand, a symbol of his gifted status.

Owner of the Sitting Duck Pub, Silt
Silt is singularly one of the most raucous and fun-loving citizens in Duermio, an otherwise langorous town. He owns the renowned Sitting Duck pub, "home to the best shindigs." Yes, he is rather an unique sort. Sporting a braided beard with jingling beads of metal and wood, Silt is easily spotted. He also has lost a few teeth in, presumably, bar fights and has many tattoos across his arms done by native tribespeople who favor the skin art. Silt is looked down upon by the Zantoric Order, but nobody wants to enrage the citizens by taking away their favorite drinking place... that also functions as a center for illicit activity. Being on the fringe of the city-state also helps.
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outer quaters roof tops being hidden by the blackness of night

It was late at night as Ceitlish was stalking the cities outer quarters making sure to stay away from the most populated areas and above the roof tops looking down on the denizens of the poor. It was an average night for her, sd she quietly walked about the city, most were asleep or talking to each other in random street corners or walking to some undisclosed location that she didn't care about. Making her way to the Sitting Duck Pub where most information can be gathered from she heard a few of the denizens talk about their unsatisfactory lives and how people in the Northeast part of the city had "pavements gilded in gold" and other absurdities.

She got to the pub and promptly sat down near a opening for her to hear more absurdities as the humans get more and more intoxicated. Generally it was boring but She didnt have anything else to do and sometimes she would get good information such as the time a of rumored uprising by the peasants of the city. and the ruling class beefing up security in the northeast district. Looking up at the black sky and into the stars she listened.
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-- Nathaniel Reyes --
Rain lightly tapped at the canopy of cloth that Nate sat under, gazing up at the stars, and praying for guidance and survival. The sound of the rain created almost a soothing, steady drum pattern.
It was a long day of work. Nate's pockets jingled like bells with his day's pay as he shifted his seating position to look up at the moon, which shone down at him.
There wasn't much to do under the bakery canopy outside, so Nate stood up, heading down the streets, the rain hitting Nate and disappearing as he absorbed it.
A few minutes later, he arrived at the crowded noisy bar, the lights inside flaring like flames. The pub also beckoned like the heat of a fire, welcoming and warm.
After a moment's thought, Nate shrugged and walked inside. He wouldn't be drinking anything alcoholic, and this seemed like the most comfortable place to relax.
Nate made a beeline to the bar counter, pushing people lightly aside to be able to get to the bar. Once he was there, he swung himself on the stool, and ordered a cider, completely oblivious of the spider-lady figure, looking through the roof of the pub.
Petroshka Petroshka

Nate Reyes
  • Paragraph 1-3: Bakery canopy
  • Paragraph 4-6: The inside of the pub
Objective: Relax
Mood: Happy
Involved: Cietlish
[Dylesh & Cindy]
[Sitting duck pub, getting drinks]
interacting with: [ Coyote Hart Coyote Hart ].​
Dylesh was sitting at the pub talking to a few of his friends and Cindy when he noticed a young boy walk into the busy and loud pub. What was a kid like him doing in a place like this? He got up from his seat ignoring his drunken friends asking him where he was going, and followed the boy. When the boy sat down he sat down next to him with his drink. "Hey! hows your night? heavy rain we're having no?" He gave the boy a big smile, Dylesh didnt know the boy but he did seem familiar. Ah yes! The Blacksmiths assistant.

Cindy didn't even notice the boy when he walked in but she did notice Dylesh walking and trying to make conversation with him. She wlaked close to the both of them playing her violin on the way. "Dylesh leave the boy alone" She gave the boy a warm smile and a scornful look at Dylesh
{ Egon }
{ Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka }​

Egon pushed through the door of the Sitting Duck, scowling. The cuts on his arms and face had already healed, but that didn't do much to change Egon's attitude. Not too long ago, he had gotten into a nasty fight with a pair of dimwitted men who demanded recompense when one of them bumped into Egon. Egon couldn't help but feel that it was a trick those two tried frequently, and refused to pay up. As it turned out, the pair carried knives. The scrap ended about the same as most in which Egon found himself, with the men choosing to flee rather than end up unconscious, muddy and bloody. Regardless, the encounter had gotten under Egon's skin, so he came to the pub to relax. Egon's "condition" made it very difficult for him to get drunk, but alcohol still eased his stress.

Paying no mind to anyone in the pub, Egon crossed the room and sat down at the counter next to a boy he didn't recognize and asked for mead, his usual drink of choice. Egon only realized his mistake after he had taken his seat - on the opposite side of the boy was that loudmouth Dylesh. Egon hoped that the other hunter was occupied enough with the boy that he wouldn't notice Egon's mood and try to improve it. That was the drink's purpose.
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{About a kilometre outside the NW quarter}​
Sin walked through the rained soaked grass, edging ever so slowly out of the forest that he was in, with no particular objective or destination in mind. He had woken from his sleep due to rain leaking into his tomb and hitting him in his open grave. The drizzle had annoyed him and he had gone out to fix it, and he had the leak was gone, but he had journeyed away from his place of rest, why? pain racked up his decayed body causing him to lean on a tree with his shield arm, (Left) after the pain had faded back into numbness he gazed upwards searching for stars above the canopy of leaves. He looked down and shook his head and continued to walk, the pain coming back with an almost eagerness the closer he came to the city. Hunger, that's why he had left, always hunger. A hunger so bad it should kill anything with it from the pain, but not draugr, they must live with it always. Nothing in this world or any other could sate it. After what seemed like an eternity to him he reached the edge of the woods, and gazed upon the city in front of him. "Food," is all he said with greed skipping across his blue glowing eyes.
-- Nathaniel Reyes --
What had he been thinking, going to a pub to "relax"? A man, obviously drunken, teetered over to where Nate was, trying to start up a talk. No knowing what the man's hidden motive. Rape? Offer narcotics? Kidnap him and murder him in a dark alleyway? Maybe not all drunk people were like that, but Nate's parti pris told him that everywhere screamed danger.
Thankfully, a violin-wielding female walked over and told the man off. Nate gave her a grateful smile, then turned to the bar, ordering a cider, then hugged his tankard close in his hands.
He really was an idiot for being in a pub. Another figure walked in the bar, purposely ignoring everyone, and ordered a cup of mead. The man seemed to be in a bad mood. Being his naive self, Nate asked the man, "Sooo.... how was your day?"
Petroshka Petroshka FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat

Fuck the more information part. I'm going to do my dungeons and dragons character.
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  • Dylesh & Cindy] (Moblur makes things impossible)​
[Sitting duck pub, getting drinks]
interacting with: [ Coyote Hart Coyote Hart FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat ]​
Dylesh stared at the kid ignoring Cindy when the kid completely ingored him and asked Egon how his day was. His face went blank thinking about how rude the kid was, then he looked back at cindy. "Comon i was trying to make conversation with him! I dont see him around here enouh!" (Spell errors are intentional :D) he then looked back at egon who looked like he was brooding harder than ever. "Whats wrong with you?" He asked in a less drunk and less sarcastic manor. It seems he felt the mood shift when his eyes came upon Egon

Cindy also felt a down feeling when Egon had step foot into the pub. "Got into another 'incident?" She asked him in a curious and worried voice before scorning Dylesh for his bluntness. She inched closer to the boy as if worried that one of the two might do something violent.
{ Egon }
{ Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka }​

Egon sighed. He should have known this would happen. Social interaction is a natural part of drinking, yes, but even so, that failed to improve Egon's opinion on chatter. He guessed that the boy just didn't know him very well, Cinder was at least feigning concern, and Dylesh... well, not much more to say about that. "A pair of idiots tried to shake me down earlier. It didn't end well. So here I am," Egon stated. At that point, his mead showed up. As soon as the drink hit the table, Egon scooped it up and took a swig. Somehow, Egon got the impression that the kid wouldn't be satisfied with that, and would try to get to know Egon better. Dylesh seemed impaired at the moment, and would probably try to talk to someone. Whether he would continue to pester Egon or try to renew his conversation with the child, Egon couldn't say, but he hoped it would be the latter.
{Outside the NW gates, and later in the Sitting Duck Pub}
{Interacting with FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Petroshka Petroshka }​
Sin strode up to the gates with a lively step. He had his cloak pulled close around him and the hood covering his head. "Halt!" Called a man's hoarse voice, "Who goes there so late in the night?" Sin looked up only slightly to the wall on which the guardsman stood. "Tired and hungry from long travels, simply looking for a place to spend the night, and restock on provisions," Sin's voice called back even hoarser then the man's on the wall, it sounded like dead and dry leaves being crushed, like someone on their last breathe, and most of all it sounded hungry. Very hungry. The man let out a sigh then opened the gate for Sin and gestured for him to come in. The guard told Sin where the nearest place he could get food was, which so happened to be the Sitting Duck Pub, Sin thanked the man and bid him goodnight then made his way to the pub.

Sin walked into the pub and the smell of food and drink hit him like he'd been abandoned without the two for years and was finally getting them back. He made quick strides to the bar ignoring the whole room, going just beside a fairly tired looking man (Egon) then ordered an ale and steak without hesitation.
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--Nathaniel Reyes--
Nate turned to his cider and hugged it for warmth, listening to the mead drinker's story. He was well aware of the violin player moving closer to Nate, but Nate wasn't sure why. Nate's mouth opened to throw another question at the mead drinker but he was interrupted by a strange looking figure sitting down next to the mead drinker. The person's skin was rotting, like mold on a piece of food. There was an aura of sickness around him that made Nate want to cover his mouth, as if afraid of germs.
A bit late, Nate realized his mouth was still hanging open, about to ask a question. Thinking quickly, Nate tried to remember what he was going to say before this monster of a man arrived. Unfortunately, the question seemed to have left Nate's mind, and a bit disappointed, Nate closed his jaw.
Then his question came back to him. "What did the people look like? I need to make sure to avoid them around town," Nate asked the mead drinker
Nate Reyes
Location: Pub
Objective: Talk to Egon
Mood: Shocked
Interacting with: Egon, Sin, Cindy, Dylesh
[Dylesh & Cindy & Ceitlish]
[Sitting duck pub, wondering WTF]
interacting with: [ Coyote Hart Coyote Hart FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter Silt Elowyn Elowyn also please do a post somewhere just so we know you're alive Federoff Federoff

Both Cindy and Dylesh stared at the new arrival, shocked by what happened to him and just simply, "how?" Cindy was the first to break of her trace and decided that the man had a rough day. "Oh, Silt! Order some more ale for this man. My treat" She smiled at the man who seemed cold and motionless. Unlike Dylesh who got up from where he was sitting and sat down next to the other guy with a curious smile . "Dylesh, you?" He slowly and cautiously extended his hand out toward the corpse-like man for a handshake. Dylesh hasn't seen the man or in fact anyone that looked even remotely familiar to him around these parts and he knew practically everyone.

Up above Ceitlish heard the shift in tone and became very interested slowly lowered herself to a tall window making sure the side of the building was unpopulated and dark to look inside. She didnt see much change except for a unusual human dressed in some kind of armor and quickly became disinterested.
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Silt, pub owner
the Sitting Duck
Interacting with Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter

"Welcome to e'rybody's favorite pub, sir." Silt greeted as per usual. It was a strange sight that met his eyes, and he had seen a number of strange things in his life. But the only thing that indicated whatever amount of surprise he held was a raised brow. "Anything ol Silt can get fer ya?" The anomaly answered with an ale and steak. He took the order ad called back to the cook, "An ale and steak for the grave man!"​
{ Egon }
{ Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka , Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter , Elowyn Elowyn }​

Egos froze when the newest man sat next to him. He looked as though a walking corpse - anyone could see that much. Of course, that was hard to believe, so everyone else played it off or ignored it entirely. Egon, however, didn't rely solely on the newcomer's looks. Between Egon's proximity to the man and his sharp nose, Egon distinctly smelled the familiar stench of rot. After staring for a moment to confirm it with two of his senses, Egon could only conclude that the armored figure was dead.

And he had been dead for a very, very long time.

The stranger's presence terrified Egon. Egon had heard stories of the undead before, but mostly tales manufactured to scare children into behaving properly; at least, that's what he used to think of those yarns. Egon tried to process his current situation. He couldn't be hallucinating, since the others in the pub acknowledged the zombie's presence. In every tale, flesh returned to the living always had it out for those alive, but Egon could sense no malice in this one's actions. It acted perfectly normally, even ordering food and drink like the other patrons. Should he be worried at all? In the sudden maelstrom of thoughts triggered by the stranger's arrival, Egon completely forgot to answer the boy's question. Only seeing Dylesh's hand extend into Egon's field of view across the counter reminded Egon that he had been asked a question.

Egon shook his head to bring himself back into the moment. "I-I dunno, just... a-avoid anyone who's been beaten up." Egon, still on edge, wasn't really focused on giving the boy a quality response. Egon very swiftly raised his cup, took a swig, and placed it down again, glancing rapidly around the pub. His foot began a light, nervous tapping. An obvious shift from irritated to anxious had occurred in Egon's entire attitude.
{ Egon }​
{ Sitting Duck Pub }​
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka , FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat , Elowyn Elowyn }​
Sin took his meal eagerly and raised his mug in thanks to the girl who had paid, his cloak falling back a little, revealing more of his arms and a small portion of his grotesque face. He chugged the ale down and near inhaled the steak before ordering another round of both. His gaze turned to the man beside him, he extended a thin dead arm and shook Dylesh, "Sinnsyk." He said his voice sounding like gritting sand. While the stench of death and decay lingered around him the more he ate and drank the more it seemed to lessen, or at the very least seem less noticeable. His gaze turned back towards the kitchen eagerly waiting for more food and drink, however he heard someone mention a fight, and a good fight was something he could never resist.

Without turning he questioned the man next to him, "so you get in your fair share of fights scared one?" He took a slow swig from his new mug of ale then turned to Egon waiting for his response, one of his hands near his belt ready to draw his sword if need be, people do strange things when they are frightened after all.​
Silt, pub owner
The Sitting Duck
Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter
Silt kept a keen eye on the clearly abnormal man who had the appearance of a corpse, and not even a fresh one at that. A zombie? he wondered. The truth was that Silt had seen these unnatural folk before. Not often, but he was lucky to have encountered them twice. Once he had sworn he saw the outline of a dragon wheeling in the sky at extremely high altitude in the heavens. Nobody had believed him of course, and he vowed to keep all encounters with what others may deem irrational or unnatural under wraps. Once again he found himself lucky when he was a young lad, skipping a day of work, he had escaped into the woods and met a displaced dryad. She was immensely beautiful and a terribly dangerous story to tell any Zantoric who would at best see him as a poor confused soul undergoing strange delusions.

Apparently, others noticed the foul odor and skeletal frame of the man and expressed fear. So it wasn't merely him. Anyhow he resolved to be discrete and be as polite... Well, be as polite as he was to any other customer. He watched as a pretty blond serving girl took him his second steak and ale.
--Nathaniel Reyes--
The commotion of the zombie-like man obviously stirred Egon, as his voice changed. Nate looked at Egon strangely, then at the bartender, and finally Sinnsyk. He couldn't be hallucinating. Obviously, everyone else was seeing it, so it was either he wasn't hallucinating or everyone was hallucinating. And the chances of everyone hallucinating were slim.
The man Sinnsyk reminded Nate of himself. People were scared of Sin, like people were scared of Dragonblooded people like Nate.
However, hearing Sin's words, and the way his hands crept towards the sword that was placed on his belt made Nate think twice. Sinnsyk obviously was not Nate. Nate didn't fight. He ran.
And Sinnsyk seemed awfully dangerous. Nate was not. Danger meant that Nate had to run.
With this in mind, Nate's eyes darted around to find escape routes. To get to the door meant getting through all the table and chairs and people. If he had to run, he would have to bust a window. He could run upstairs to buy some time, but what use is that if he could just run out the door?
As he planned an emergency escape route, Nate's hand instinctively moved towards his shoulder, where his shortbow was put. Unfortunately, it wasn't strung, so all it was was a useless stick. A bystander could have seen Nate's leg muscles tense up as he was ready to run if needed.
With all the tension, Nate forgot to keep up the conversation he had with Egon.
Nathaniel Reyes
Location: The Sitting Duck
Objective: Plan escape route
Mood: Tense
[Dylesh & Cindy & Ceitlish]
[Sitting duck pub, wondering WTF]
interacting with: [ Coyote Hart Coyote Hart FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter Silt Elowyn Elowyn ]​

As Dylesh's hand was shook by.. this... Sinnsyk? He felt the coldness in his hands Dylesh himself couldnt really think about what to do at that point aside from sitting down a seat away from the undead man mainly cause he smelled like a rotting corpse, hell! He WAS a rotting corpse! and because Dylesh was somewhat intimidated by the man. He looked over at Cindy who was also a little confused about what to do. Up above Ceitlish got back to her perch up on the roof of the pub but she did a slight miscalculation to where her weight wasnt spread around evenly enough and the entire roof groaned. Ceitlish quickly readjusted her error and hoped that the humans down below didn't notice.

Dylesh and Cindy both looked up when it happened and looked at Silt. "been managing your roof lately?" Dylesh was the first to comment bringing some needed uplifting to the mood in the pub.
[Alamush Palhut]
[place; Alamush's home within the North Eastern quadrant]
[Time: 7:30ish]
interacting with: [no one yet...]​
Alamush sat within his home on a sitting cushion from his homeland, Syrian tapestries hanging from his walls and a shrine to Quitulias tucked away into a corner. Kilim covered almost every step of the living room, with the bedroom being a small cramped room with only an especially long cushion to sleep on. A pot was hung over the fireplace, an eggplant, onion, and tomato stew within it. Alamush idley looked out through a window, observing that the rain was clearing up. He had closed up shop early, nobody wanted to buy anything while a drizzle was out, they just wanted to hurry home.

With the rain clearing up, Alamush could maybe go out after dinner. He rubbed his chin, wondering if there was anywhere he wanted to go. He could maybe check on the Sitting Duck Pub. He was not terribly fond of the place, it was a nasty, foul place. But people down on their luck tended to gravitate there and Alamush did like to help them. It was of course part of being a follower of Quitulias to give alms to the poor. Nodding to himself, Alamush decided that yes he would go there after dinner. Glancing at his black bow mounted on the wall, he thought on whether to take it with me. Shrugging, he chose to decide later when he left. Standing up to check on the pot, Alamush smiled when he saw that it was ready and, taking up a ladle, poured a bowl. Sitting back down on the cushion, he began to eat.
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{ Egon }
{ 7:32 PM, Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka , Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter , Elowyn Elowyn }​

As Egon continued to observe the zombie, he managed to regain a bit of his composure. Egon found some solace in seeing the corpse operate as though a normal person. Knowing the undead's name was particularly comforting, as it added an identity and personality to what Egon otherwise found unfamiliar. The boy had stopped talking to Egon, which Egon had been hoping would happen. The groaning roof was slightly unnerving, but there was a more immediate threat. At least the noise took Dylesh's attention away as well. It did not, however, change the fact that Sinnsyk was now talking to Egon. Watching the armored carcass carefully, Egon noted the hand hovering near the sword. Unsure of Sinnsyk's intentions, Egon shifted further from fright into wariness. His breathing deepened, and his hand drew his mug, still partway full, closer. His entire body moved into a tighter position, ready to spring into action if necessary.

"Yeah, that's right," Egon spoke slowly and deliberately. He looked at Sinnsyk's sword and continued, "Do you intend to use that?"
-- Nathaniel Reyes --
Things were not going well. Sinnsyk was reaching for his sword. The man beside him ((Egon)) was in a tense position, grasping his drink like the tankard was a weapon, which, in a way, it probably was. Nate himself had his hand less than a centimeter away from his bow, his hand lying on his shoulder in an attempt to make a natural position. Violence was bound to happen.
The roof creaked. Normally, this wouldn't have set Nate off, but in this situation, the adrenaline was a bit too much. So Nate made a beginner's mistake--looking away from your enemy.
But Nate didn't see anything on the ceiling. There was a window to let light in, or the moonlight in this case, but nothing else. He thought he caught the flash of someone or something move. But he couldn't be sure. Frowning, Nate looked away. There was a bigger matter on hand.
"Are you planning to have a bar fight?" Nate asked, "Because I'd rather finish my cider before that happens." His attempt at humor was completely fouled when he decided that keeping his arm over his shoulder was ridiculous. He grabbed his unstringed shortbow, slapping it onto the bar counter. "This thing is heavy as heck," Nate lied under his breath, quiet enough to not sound intimidating, but loud enough for people to hear.
Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Petroshka Petroshka Elowyn Elowyn
Nate Reyes
Location: Sitting Duck Pub
Objective: Observe
Mood: Nervous
Interacting with: Sinnsyk, Ceitlish, Egon
Involved: Cindy, Dylesh, Silt
[Alamush Palhut]
[place; Alamush's home within the North Eastern quadrant]
[Time: 7:44]
interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Alamush ate the last of his stew, putting his spoon back into the bowl. Putting it on a counter, he resolved to wash it in the river tomorrow. Turning to his black longbow mounted on his wall, his thoughts turned to if he'd need it. After all, anyone he met could be a supernatural in disguise. Almost without noticing he was doing it, Alamush walked over to the bow and removed it. He felt the weight of the bow in his hands, the weight that could take a life.

Slowly, Alamush returned the bow to his wall. He doubted he would need it. Why, he bet any supernaturals would be asleep by this hour! Walking out the door, Alamush headed out into the streets. Walking through the northeastern quadrant, he was struck by how quiet it was. Eventually he spotted the Sitting Duck Pub, truly a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Pushing the doors open, he strode into the pub.

Entering the pub, he scowled with disdain for the rowdy mess that was the Sitting Duck Pub. But already he spotted something that justified his visit to it. Striding forward to the bar, Alamush fixed his gaze upon one of the customers. Walking up and standing behind them, Alamush said, "Nathaniel! What are you doing in this place?! The Sitting Duck Pub is no place for a child!"

Walking such that he was standing by the child's side, he continued to chide, "Do you want to become a drunkard when you're not even a man? Come back with me to my home and I'll get you some proper foo-" Alamush trailed off as he sniffed the air, recognizing a scent out from the pub's musk, a distinctive scent that he'd hoped to never recognize again. That of a corpse. Turning around, his hand slowly moving to his dagger, he saw it. Just eating food, with decaying, dead arms that shoveled food and drink into a rotting mouth. Resting his hand on his dagger's hilt, almost whispering, in shock he said, "Ghūl."
{ Sinnsyk }
{ 7:45ish PM, Sitting Duck Pub }
{ Interacting with: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Petroshka Petroshka , FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat , Elowyn Elowyn Meowfyre Meowfyre }​

Sinnsyk's mouth turned into a crooked smile, "not unless need be, people do odd things when they are filled with fear." His hand went from his sword back up to his mug and he downed the whole thing in one gulp. He inhaled his latest steak and gazed around the common room. He let out a hallow laugh, "It seems I've caused more trouble then intended, lets have something to liven up the mood again shall we? Barkeep a round of drinks on me for all here!" He called to the bar keep while slamming a bag down on the table, he unwrapped it and pouring out came coins and treasures.

He thought about going over to the fire to warm his dead body, even though he knew it would do no good. Just as he began to stagger over to the hearth another man entered the pub and began talking to the one patron with a bow, Nathaniel, then his mood suddenly shifted when he saw Sin. "Only partially right friend," he clapped the newcomer on the shoulder then took a seat by the fire.
[Dylesh & Cindy & Ceitlish]
[Sitting duck pub, wondering WTF]
interacting with: [ Coyote Hart Coyote Hart FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Cyrus Vinter Cyrus Vinter Silt Elowyn Elowyn ]
Cindy felt the tension building once a man that seemed to be a friend of the boy that Dylesh was bothering earlier and started to play a tune with her violin to maybe help calm the tension down. While Dylesh was non-the wiser, "Alamush!" he waved over to him with a big smile "come! have a drink!"

(now that i think about it there wasnt much for me to post :l )

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