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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)

((Last Post For Tonight))


He would look at him and say "Yea we should I really don't want my grades to go down." He would grab his textbook and does his homework. He keeps on taping his pen on his tooth like he always do when he needs to study are doing homework. Ricky can't stop looking at Sav, Ricky think he doesn't Know but Ricky is trying so hard to do his work
Zane looked up at Jamie eyes widening when he was in his underwear. He quickly covered up and looked down to his bed quickly trying to find some pants. "I-im sorry! Please don't look at me!!" Zane yelled finding some joggers and quickly puts them on.
(@PaigeAmbrose Goodnight ( :) ))


He took a quick glance over to Ricky, and he smiled when they made eye contact. He went back to working on his math homework, that his stupid teacher assigned on the first day of freaking school. He looked again over to Ricky, and saw his cute ass, man did it look nice.


Jamie smiled when he saw Zane in his underwear. "There is no need to be sorry, this is your room too, you know," he said with a smirk on his face. When he left Zane wasn't in his underwear, and when he returned he was. What was he doing while he was out looking for his brother?
Zane blushed looking away from him and put his dirty clothes in the hamper. He didn't want Jamie to know that he was pleasuring himself. He found a loose fitting shirt and put it on then sat in his bed.

He had a pretty good idea of what Zane was doing in here before he got back, and that really turned him on. But he just let it go, and thought Guys will be guys. No one can stop us from doing it. He smiled at Zane, and winked. Pretty much telling him that he knew what he was doing before he got back.
Zane sees him wink and blushes looking away then rubs the back of his head. "Ummmm...so what are we going to do?" He asked him trying not to look him in the eyes.

He knew that Zane was embarrassed for what he was doing in here, so he decided to not drag it out any longer. "We could always look at cute guys on Tumblr, or on Instagram," he suggested. He was always looking at cute guys on the internet.
Zane looked up at him and smiled . "Now that's something I can do...I don't mind looking at cute guys with you...how bout we put it up on the TV and I go make some snacks?" He asked him hid embarrassment leaving him.
Zane came back with arms full of snack and drinks then saw Jamie in his underwear. "What the hell Jamie? I was just in my underwear and when I leave and come back you're in yours..." Zane said sighing and puts the snacks down sitting next to him smiling.
((You could come in to school late, as normally a senior would??))


"Sorry sometimes these pictures, can get me quite frankly horny," he laughed as he put his arm around him, and started to look through the images on the screen.
Zane laid his head on Jamie's shoulder then smiled and started to look at the photos. He took out a bag of Takis and started to eat them. "Oh he's hot...I like his abs..." He said when Jamie flipped to a photo.

Damn he was right, that dude was hot. He felt Zane's head on his shoulder, and it made him fell happy. Was it weird that he could see them having a long lasting relationship? He flipped to a new image, this on only had the boy in his underwear.
Zane looked at the photo and pointed at it. "I have those same boxers...they're in my drawer..." He said eating another Taki. "Want some? They're good..." Zane said pointing the bag towards Jamie's face smiling.
Evelyn lounged around in her room, half-asleep, doing absolutely nothing. Where the hell was everybody? Her roommate was missing, none of her friends seemed to be nearby, and she was bored as hell. She exited the room, and walked around, seeing if she would bump into someone.
(@EclipseRising this could be a good entrance with @nynja post)


To be honest Jamie hated junk food, and fast food, and only ate when he had no other choice. He got up from the bed and walked over to the mini fridge that he brought with him, he stocked the thing up with fruits, and other perishable goods. "I'd rather much have an apple instead."
Travis had arrived late as he'd planned on doing but it looked like he'd walked in in a pretty dead party sinve the rooms were practically empty so he walked aimlessly around "Damn where is everybody? " just as he said that he bumped into somebody, who loked half asleep "Hey, do you know where everybody is?" Nate asked as be stepped up to her.
Evelyn looked up as a boy approached her. "I have no clue," she looked around the hallways, which were completely empty except the two of them. "It's like everyone left or something." The guy she was talking to looked somewhat familiar--Evelyn had probably met him at a party and then forgot his name; it happened often, especially with people she didn't see around often. "What were you doing in the halls, anyways?"
Nate nodded since most people did tend to leave out early and never tell anyone where they went "yeah it loom like everybody rolled out on us." He turned to get a better look at her and broke into a playful laugh "Evelyn!, damn girl you look like you just lost a fight." He playfully punched her shoulder, since he knew her from some parties and since she was captain of ghe cheerleading team and since he ran the basketball team with an iron fist they became good friends over time "I can't lie I didn't recognize you without all the..you know. ." He said as he made several hand gestures around her since it was rare to see her like this.
"Oh my god." Evelyn laughed, then pushed him playfully back. "Yeah, I'm not really feeling fantastic right now." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "At least the lights are back on. I still have nothing to do, though." Suddenly, her face lit up. "Wait. I have a great idea." She looked at Nate excitedly. "What time is it?"
Nate laughed and walked back up, quickly fixed his hat even though nothing was wrong with it. "Hey, we all have those days I just never thought I'd get to see yours." He smiled and messed with her hair a little but stopped a bit upset about missing the power going out "Damn and I missed it, and it's around two I think since that what It was when I last checked. " he said as he checked his phone.

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