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Fantasy May God Have Mercy on My Soul



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May God Have Mercy on My Soul

AD 1374, Fall
By Decree of His Holiness, and by the Great Majesties of Europe, the chosen People of God have been called by their Lord to step forth to partake in the Great Crusade.
Satan has brought Hell on Earth and laid ruin to the Holy Roman Empire. Germania has been swallowed whole by a fiery pit leading straight to the depths of Hell itself. What resulted was the spread of evil and chaos across the whole of the European Continent, from the coasts of Iberia to the walls of Constantinople.
His Holiness calls upon the valiant Anglo-Saxons of the British Isles, the great people of France, the righteous rulers of the Byzantine Empire, the Holy people of Italy, to the farthest reaches of the Mediterranean to step forward and fight for your God and Savior, that we may preserve life on Earth and save ourselves from the clutches of Satan.

The Pope will arrive in Vienna on the 31st of October, Hallow's Eve, to announce the start of the Great Crusade and bless our campaign against the darkest evil. Heed the call. Fight for our world. Strike Satan true with the sword of our Lord and end the nightmare that has shrouded Europe.

May God Have Mercy on Our Souls

Signed His Holiness,
Pope Gregory XI

May the Lord bless your journey to the depths of Hell

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