Max and Morgan's RP (Private)

I walked over to Dante, sitting behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek. "It's okay." I said. "I've done that with girls before. It doesn't mean I 'm attracted to them."
"But the problem is," I was easily able to swallow the lump in my throat. My skin tingled when he kissed my cheek. "I am attracted to you. I know it's only been two days but, you're the first person I've ever felt a connection with. And I'm pretty sure that this feeling is..." I stopped, unsure of whether to go on. I gathered up my courage and went ahead. "I'm pretty sure it's love, Reed."
"Really?" My voice cracked, turning into a squeak. "For real, you're not just saying that?" I placed my double helix on the ground next to me and placed my fist under my chin, playing with the carpet with my other hand. I was nervous, and that was easy to tell.
I felt my heart flutter when he said that. I immediately smiled and clapped my hands together. "Yay!" I laughed. "Well, what does that mean? Are you my boyfriend now? Or do we just love each other? We're still going to act like acquaintances at school, right? Or will we be open with people?" I blabbered.
"Okay." I could deal with that. I have a boyfriend. Hm. That doesn't mean I'm gay, though. "Um, we should continue the project, I guess. Unless..." Then I shook my head and laughed. "Never mind."
F**k. That felt good. I turned my head towards his, leaning over towards him and crashing our lips together. I opened my mouth slightly and brushed my tongue across his lower lip.
Pretty soon we were full on making out. My arms were wrapped around his torso and his around my neck. I felt so good, so free in that moment. I loved being with Reed. I love feeling him, I loved hearing him, I loved seeing him and smelling him and tasting him. I loved everything about this boy I barely knew.

Then all of a sudden the door swung open, and in came Reed's little brother.
I breathed heavily, looking from Adam back to Reed. "Well, that was awkward. Are your parents okay with you being gay? Because if not we should go blackmail him or something."
Adam tiptoed in the bedroom and waved at me, a shy smile forming on his face. "Hi, Adam," I said quietly, trying to seem friendly.

"I like your hair colors," He said, grinning at me. I thanked him and looked over at Reed, grinning. I couldn't believe I hated this guy just two days ago. And I absolutely loved him now.
"Oh, sorry," Adam mumbled, walking back into what appeared to be his own room. I chuckled and leaned back in to kiss Reed, my lips lightly brushing against his before pressing hard into his mouth.
I laid on his bed, breathless, my hair completely messed over and my clothes piled up on the ground next to our double helix. Reed was laying next to me, seeming completely exhausted. This was his first time, so it didn't surprise me. I was honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed it myself. I loved feeling his skin on mine. It made me ecstatic. "Well, that escalated," I muttered, turning my head to face him and laughing.
I smiled, pulling him close to me. This is how it should be. Just us. Nothing to worry about. "I love you." I said quietly.
I tangled my fingers in Reed's hair. "I love you, too." I whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead. Then it hit me. After Friday, in order to keep him from being hated like me, we couldn't see each other anymore. "Hey, um..." I propped myself up on my elbow, looking down at him. "What are we going to do after Friday? That's when the project is due..."
"I dunno." I shrugged off the thought of having my first boyfriend for only three days. We could last longer.
"You can't be seen with me outside of working on this project. People would hate you." Normally I wouldn't care if anyone hated anyone, but with Reed I was a completely different person. I rested my hand over his heart, feeling it beat, slowing down from the excitement of our previous rendezvous.
"I don't care. If they hate me more than I hate them, that would be a bit much." I said and kissed the top of his head.

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