Max and Morgan's RP (Private)

I laughed slighly, flashbacks of my first two years after being homeschooled playing in my mind. The bullying, beatings, threatens... My laugh faded and it was replaced with a grimace.
"Whoa, man, what's with the face? That's not pretty." I chuckled as he grimaced, but when he didn't reply I assumed he was thinking about something. "By the way, just to be clear... We're not laughing with each other, are we? Because I mean... I hate you. And you hate me." I nodded, pressing my lips together and placing my hands on the table. For some reason, he didn't seem so bad anymore. Maybe it was because I actually took the time to kind of talk to him. Hm.
I didn't notice I was grimacing until he said so. "Yeah. Enemies. Right." I said, not so sure what I was saying.
"We don't have to be enemies, we just..." I didn't even bother finishing. He'd understand what I mean. Then the lunch bell rang. That passed by super quick. I could hardly believe it. "Well, bye." I muttered, gathering up my stuff and throwing it in the trash. So, I guess he didn't exactly hate me as much as he used to. And that kind of made me happy. Cool.
I nodded and headed off to my next class. Language Arts.

It seems cool that he doesn't hate me so muxh. I never did really hate him, I don't know why he started being so rude to me, that's why I was rude to him.
I watched him as he headed off to English, then snapped out of my trance once he was out of sight. Man, he was so... How do I put it? He was weird! I couldn't stop staring at him. Maybe I was weird. I had called him a I'm uncultured earlier, and here I was, staring at some dude and thinking he was cute. What the f**k was wrong with me?
For some reason I couldn't get my mind off Dante. I have no clue why, obviously. I know I like boys, but not Dante. He's not my type. Still shaken from my exchange with Lewis, I sat in my seat and listened to Mr. Daren drone on about how the curtains are blue in the book he was reading

I sat down in AP Bio, waiting for Reed to enter. For the entire night last night I was just sitting in my room on Tumblr, thinking about him and what I would say to him today. I wasn't gay. I was Dante Silas, and Dante Silas was not gay.

We needed to go to the store to get supplies for our DNA model. Maybe I'd invite him to my house after school today, and then we could go. That would be... fun. Awkward, but I guess it would be fun.
I arrived in AP Bio, sitting in my usual seat in the third row. I looked at Dante and smiled reassuringly. He seemed scared. Not sure why, but he did. Mrs. lansick walked in and said, "Well, get crackin!" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Dante, asking, "Are you alright? You look..." I let my eyes scan over him. "Shaken."
"I don't know, it's just..." I stopped, searching for the right words to say to him. Reed wasn't just any other guy anymore. He was my acquaintance. "I've never had someone be nice to me before except Mrs. Lansick. It's weird... I mean, you're weird." I chuckled. "I actually think I kind of like you." Surprised at my own words, my eyes widened the moment I said them. I love you. WHAT?! What the h*ll was I even thinking?! That just popped into my head when I was finished talking. And man, I almost SAID it. What. The. Actual. F**k.
My eyes widened. He... Actually doesn't hate me?! "Wow..." I said, sort of lost. "Thanks." I laughed nervously. "So... We should get started planning." I said and sat at the desk next to him.
I smiled slightly, feeling my cheeks go red like the streak in my hair. "Yeah." I muttered, tapping my fingers on my desk and playing with the edge of my book. "We need to go to the store because the project is due in three days and I need to make the poster and the model." I sighed and rested my chin on my fist, flipping my blue hair out of my eyes.
I nodded and said, "Maybe you could come over to my house and we could go." I invited him, not knowing what came out of my mouth. Oh god, I thought.
I blinked, raising an eyebrow at him before nodding as well. "Sure, sounds good. We already got all the research knocked out, so," I laughed. "You're really good at that, by the way. No wonder you got Tom an A last year." I chuckled, tossing a glance in Tom's direction, who was with his partner, but not paying much attention because he was too busy looking at me and Reed. Could he see something that I couldn't see? There was nothing around here that was very interesting. I love you, Reed! I love you! God, those THOUGHTS! I hated hearing that over and over! Because of my schizophrenia, I have intrusive thoughts. I just attributed these to that. They were so annoying. "Hey, you should sit with Tom at lunch today, since we're going to see each other later." I stated.
"Eh. He hangs out with Lewis. I become sort of a loner between classes." I twirled my pencil between my fingers. I was really starting to take a liking to him. Huh.
"Well that sucks," I muttered, cocking my eyebrow again. "Lewis sucks, too. Hey, I have a question..." This had been bugging me since I started talking to Reed. I mean, it didn't bother me that he was rumored to be gay. I just wanted to know. "Are you really... you know, gay?" I asked, my voice low. "I don't have a problem with it, I just want to know."
"Okay," I said with a smile. "That's cool." I really didn't know what else to say. I was curious, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable, which was really strange for me. I normally don't care how anyone else feels. Reed was making a strange person out of me.
"I was just curious." I responded, avoiding eye contact. I couldn't tell him that I couldn't stop thinking about him! That would make him think I was gay, too! I turned my head to look at him and noticed his big brown eyes... Big, hypnotizing brown eyes. Short, choppy dark hair, full, well-shaped lips and pearly white teeth. He was so... I have to say it. Cute.
I nodded and smiled. Maybe he's interested. I thought. I had to admit. He was attractive. I wouldn't mind if he thought the same way. "Soooooo.... We have time and there's nothing to do."
I noticed the look in his eyes and immediately felt the breath hitch in my throat. Was he interested in me, too?! D*mn! "I guess we just... hang out..." I spoke awkwardly, shrugging.

(Time skip to after school?)
"Some Styrofoam spheres," I didn't want to say balls in front of Reed. That would be weird. "And LOTS of sticks. Posterboard, little paper letters, and paint. I brought some money with me, and what I've got should cover it." I wanted to hurry up and get this over with so I could hang out with him. I had some questions to ask, and... I finally admitted to myself that I enjoy Reed's company.
I nodded. "Got it." I headed off to the art area, letting him follow me. "Here's where you'll find most of the ings you need. " I let myself gaze at him as he chose the supplies. He really was a niceperson when you get to know him, and he did look wuite good.

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