Max and Morgan's RP (Private)

I picked up a bag of crafting sticks -- 30, which I could break in half and make 60 -- and some Styrofoam spheres. Putting those and the posterboard into the cart, I picked up one of those packages of little kids' paint. Red, yellow, green, blue. Perfect. I also picked up a pack of Sharpies, just in case Reed didn't have any at his house. "Done." I muttered, pushing the cart with Reed beside me as we walked to the check-out aisles.
I walked in step beside him, words stuck in my head. When we got to the aisle the cash register thought we were a couple, saying, "You two are so cuuute!" And I shook my head.
I blushed furiously and stammered, "N-no, we're not... We're not like that!" Without another word, I paid for the stuff and we headed out. Once we were outside, I had him hold the bags with the paint, sticks, and markers, and I held the bag of Styrofoam spheres and the posterboard and we were on our way back to his house. "I can't believe she thought we were a couple..." I groaned, rolling my head over to look at him and laughing. "Well, now we've got one person that ships us."
I laughed. who would ever ship us? "Well, that should hopefully be the only onne." I smiled, shaking my head.
"Yeah." I agreed half-heartedly, looking down at my shoes and watching them move as I walked. I was ashamed to admit it, but... I kind of shipped us. You know, in the way you ship yourself with someone, a celebrity or anime character. But in the two days I've known Reed, I've already fallen in like.
I immediately snapped out of it the moment he asked the question. "What? Oh, nothing! Nothing's wrong, I mean, haha," I laughed nervously, trying to play it cool. But that was extremely hard to do when Reed was looking at me with such concern. "How far away is your house? I don't remember the walk being this long before."
"Right around this corner." I said and turned the corner to se a big white house. "Home sweet home." I said and opened the door with my key.
"Once again, it's so nice!" I laughed, looking around at the entrance for a second time. We had stopped by here before we went to the Walmart, but now we were going to hang out here until my mom texted me to come home. I was lucky we lived so close to each other. "Hey, let's go to your room. I feel kind of awkward in here." I muttered, just waiting for someone to walk in and see the rainbow-haired freak standing in their doorway with their gay son.
"Okay."I laughed and led him up the stairs to my room. It had chalkboard walls with notes and drawings all over them. A queen sized bed sat in the corner of the large roomwith black and white stripes for the comforter and gray pillows. Red curtains covered the window. A mirror propped up on the wall with a dresser beneath it. The large closet had posters of my favorite bands covering them. "Welcome to my place." I said and sat on the floor.
"Wow, your bedroom is AMAZING!" I laughed, scanning the room and grinning. "So cool." I sat on the floor beside him and opened the bag with the sticks in it. I pulled out the Styrofoam spheres and stuck half a stick in the side of one. I noticed that Reed seemed to be waiting for something to do. "You can just chill, I'll do all the building. You could go ahead and start the report if you want." I stated dully. I was finally alone with him. I could knock out some of my questions. "Hey, I have another question."
"Have you ever... kissed a guy before?" I asked, feeling my blush return and I crossed my legs under me.
"Oh," I mumbled, staring at my slender fingers as the played with the half-stick that was in the Styrofoam. My lips were aching to touch his. I wanted to kiss him so badly. "Uh, sorry, I'm just... curious. About you, I mean. Yeah." My voice was quiet and shy. After only TWO DAYS this guy had made me feel this way. A guy! This was not normal. "Um..." I bit lightly on my lower lip, tilting my head up to meet my eyes with his. Would he get my message?
It was amazing the amount of relief I felt when he kissed me. It wasn't just relief... I was so much more than that. It was a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach, branching out to other parts of me I didn't even know could feel that way. I tentatively placed my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him just a bit closer. The kiss was soft, sweet, and meaningful, unlike any other kiss I'd had before. After a few seconds I felt it begin to deepen, and his tongue brush against my lower lip. I pulled away, completely breathless. "Oh my god." I gasped, still feeling him on my lips.
I immediately felt my face redden and he went back to where I was sitting. "W-We should get back to our project." O stammered.
I blinked and then turned the same shade of red as my hair. "Yeah..." I murmured, pressing my lips together, perhaps trying to enhance the feeling that was left from our kiss. I continued shoving sticks into the spheres and connecting them into a double helix shape. The silence was astounding. I couldn't believe what had just happened.
I was in shock. Did that really happen? Did I just kiss him? What's going on bewtween us? I stayed silent and decided to sit on my bed, writing the report.
"Um..." I muttered, holding up the almost finished DNA structure. "How does this look?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. I knew it looked awesome. Heck, I made it, of course it looked awesome. But I needed to hear him say something.
"One more question," I added, a bit louder. I knew I was probably annoying him with all my questions lately. Right now I didn't care. "What the h*ll did we just do?"
"The scariest part is..." I took a deep breath and waited a few moments to see if I was still thinking the same way. I was. "I liked it, man!" I nearly cried, starting to freak out. "I kissed a guy and I f**king liked it! That's just... I mean, there's nothing wrong with being gay, it's just... I'm NOT gay! But... That was the best kiss I've ever had." I looked up at him and felt my eyes begin to well. Was I going to CRY? F**k no! I wiped my eyes and breathed deeply, crossing my arms in my lap and staring at the floor. I love you, Reed Weekes. I love you so f**king much.

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