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Master Sterling's Circus Utopia!


Angst Enabler



Ana slips in around nine.

She’s quiet, as if trying purposefully to go unnoticed. In her arms is an outfit that trembles along with unsteady limbs. She walks with a slight limp, tearfully making her way to the bottom bunkbed. The attire is simply dumped onto the mattress; could it even be called that. It’s immodest, humiliating pieces that have been a controversy these past few weeks.

Sitting across the tiny shared space is a male who stops what he’s doing completely. An aimless gaze wonders as he straightens up and stands from his stretch on the floor. He moves around easily, sitting down on the seat in front of their vanity. A hand is offered outward, directed where he hears poorly contained sniffling.

“Come here.”

She sobs, wiping her brow before falling beside the man’s legs. Ana clutches onto them and cries into the man’s robe when a hand touches her hair. It’s gentle.

“Told him to go fuck himself,” the woman confesses. “Said, I ain’t wearing that. It’s degrading.”

Akane’s eyes fall shut, his hand stilling for only a moment. He shakes his head and sighs. The hand on her head lowers to touch the blonde woman’s face. It grazes just beneath her brow and she flinches—hard. The skins swollen and hot, it’s wet too, but he knows that’s not blood. His hand retreats and resettles itself back on her tangled hair.

She’s been hit. He swallows the bitter taste in his mouth and bites his tongue. It’s short lived, there’s no stopping the words that come.

“He’s a coward, a tiny man with an ego to large.”

Ana releases a sound of dry approval. She calms down slowly, her breathing no longer rapid and uneven.

“—But as much as I hate to say this, just do as you’re told.” Akane tells her and shushes her when she starts back up. “Your contract is over in a week and I’d like to see you leave in one piece.”

There’s a scoff, but she doesn’t refuse. They both know the consequences of talking back. Hell—Ana’s faced it just tonight. It was fist that did all the talking, no listening. Akane can honestly say he’s never faced the wrath of it; he’s never spoken up either though. He was here because he owed the man. In spite of his cruelties, he put food in his stomach and gave him a place to stay. That didn’t mean there were no ill feelings toward the nasty ringmaster.

“I’m not going on tonight.” Ana tells him with a defeated sigh. He nods, undoing one of the many knots in her mass of curls. She laughs, but it’s far from humored. “No amount of makeup is gonna fix this, and nobody wants to come and see damaged goods.”

Akane clicks his tongue in dispute.

“I don’t know—I hear Leo’s not too easy on the eyes, but we still have an audience.”

This laugh is far more lively and forces a grin to take over, despite the ache in her face. She’s not shaking anymore and the grip on his ankle’s gone slack. He sighs, it’s unusually loud in the often noisy tent. Ana could talk your ear off, and Akane really didn’t mind listening. But now—she doesn’t have anything to say. It hurts to see her so resigned. He jumps in surprise when something touches his own hair.

“You go on tonight don’t you?”

Akane merely hums in confirmation. The hand on his head smooths down a spot in apology from the scare. It soon leaves and reaches for the brush on the table beside them.  Ana brushes through it without a word, and they both fall quiet for the time being. There’s anxiety about going on. There were always pre-show jitters, but for Akane, they could swallow him up at times.

His friend sense this, trying to change the subject.

“Ya know.” She starts, taking a lock of hair and twirling it. “I remember the first day I met you. I thought, god—I’d kill for that hair.”

A smile gingerly tugs at the male’s lips.

“I know, you told me. Why do you think there’s never any scissors around here?”

Ana snorts, covering her mouth and pulling the brush away. She laughs from behind her hand speaks through giggles.

“No kidding?”

His eyes roll, teeth show as his smile furthers. Moment’s like these would be missed. Soon, the boxes he’s tripped over will be tapped up and gone. They’ll be loaded up with the possessions of the girl who happened to make his day a little easier. They always left, but it never cushioned the blow. He would always miss them, but couldn’t have been happier to see them go off and start anew.

The brush is set down with a clatter and the whole room goes dead still. Akane hears the sound of the tent’s flap being pushed aside. The fabric rustles and no one utters a word. Ana’s stepped away, the lack of warmth is noticeable and replaced by something colder.

Bergamot and rum, it’s close. Akane doesn’t lean away though any only lifts his hand in greeting.


Akane! Good evening, good evening! Are you ready?”

There’s no waiting for a response.

Their ringmaster takes the hand that isn’t offered. Akane tries not to pull a face as it’s settled on the man’s arm. He appreciates the assistance, but it doesn’t stop the crawly feeling. He stands up from his seat and leaves behind Ana who busies herself with packing and keeping quiet. They don’t spare each other so much as a look, and Akane doesn’t need his sight to know this.

They walk towards the actual event and the closer they get, the louder it gets. Akane tries to focus on something other than the cluster of cheers that come muffled through the ginormous tent. They are still incredibly loud and perhaps the least favorite thing about this whole profession; for him at least. It was always like this. Leo would pick him up, offer an arm and lead him to an area where he would stand and wait. The walk would be muffled screams and the smell of liquor.

It would be dark and there would be no one else. He’d deal with getting in position solo. There was never trouble when he touched the silks, they’d fall in his rosin covered hands with such familiarity. Akane specialized in two acts; the silks and the tightrope walk. They both required immense focus and endurance. A strict mindset that he has spent his entire life perfecting, but it would never be perfect. His act would have flaws, they often did. It was just the difference between twisting his ankle, or something far more deadly.

Akane now stands alone. He’s been left to tend to his act, and it doesn’t take long to prepare. All he can do now is breath—breath. He inhales deeply and only releases when the silks give a hard jerk. He hated this bit; when he was lowered, pinned down under harsh lighting, and suspended. It was all about falling. The audience fed off the thrill of danger, when a hand slipped, or a foot got caught. They’d gasp and lean forward, but they loved it. People would express their awe at the tricks when Akane twisted and flew.

The lights were bright and touched every corner with vivacious colors.They blanketed a stage beneath Akane that would present acts of all kinds, and then there was the crowd who watched from the stands, most with bated breaths. Toes brushed against the silk, fingers tug in, and he moves through them with practiced ease.

Then he would simply drop. His hands would let go, and the only thing to catch was air.

People screamed. They’d shout and gasp as the man twirled through the delicate fabric and made no move to latch these on. These falls always made his heart race, his adrenaline kicked and at the very last second both hands would shoot out to grip the silks and hoist himself back up. His arms would shake from exertion, but his hands had an iron lock around each side as he continued to move fluidly.

By the time it all ends. There’s not a second to even process the crowd’s applause. He wants down, and shakes as the curtain drops and he’s lowered. When his feet touch the ground, he loses the grip and falls completely. Gasping, he rubs his face and trying to calm his racing heart. He’s worked up especially so tonight and it may be the memory of Ana’s swollen skin under his fingertips.

Someone speaks nearby—asking that he return to the stage.

"Give me a minute." He croaks, touching his throat. "Just give me a minute." 
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The day was unusually cold, with sharp winds and biting chills, yet the ringmaster did not notice it once. He was bundled up in a large trench coat with one hand in his pocket the other on his head, trying to keep his feathered top hat from flying away with the wind. He had been standing in this one spot for hours even though the sun had only just began to climb up the sky. It was the day the Utopia Circus was setting up in the lot they rented out. Everywhere you looked animals were being carted within their cages, tents were being hoisted up, and stands were getting pieced together like a puzzle. It was up to the ringmaster to juggle it all at once, to make sure that all of it got done quickly and correctly. If not, a rope could snap and send everything falling down, crushing a person to death before anyone could help, or perhaps in the process of moving the animals one of them could get away and trample someone. As entertaining as all of that may have been, the danger was meant for the shows, not beforehand. Someone dying or getting hurt now would only increase the workload.

The ringmaster always hated setting up even more so than taking all of it down. The entire process was so dull that from start to finish Sterling was a jumbled mess of ire and stress. He was just waiting for someone to push him over the edge, to give him an excuse to do anything besides direct people towards their destinations over and over again. It would have been easy enough had Sterling not been working with a bunch of idiots. Everywhere he looked there was a member of the crew going against the simple orders they had been given and it was starting to peck at Sterling's nerves to the point that he had began walking towards a worker who for the third time been carrying a piece of equipment wrong. The master's fist was clenched and his face twitching as he tried not to show his rage on his face, his classic smirk turning into a forced open smile the closer he got to the perpetrator.

Just after taking three feet, a familiar face practically appeared from nowhere and cut off the bee line the master was taking to the soon to be victim. “Sterling! There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you!” The short boy said, his black hair bouncing up and down with very motion. He was normally a bundle of energy yet today the large eyed boy looked even more so. Not even moving day got through the switched up skin of the human doll.

Sterling’s only slightly composed rage turned into relieved sigh when he noticed who it was. His best, and honestly only, friend that he had ever known or wanted. Judas was also his right hand man when dealing with everything from business to pleasure. “I’ve been here for hours, Judas, I don’t know how you didn't know where I was. Either way, what are you doing here? I asked you to keep watch on the ones putting up the fence to make sure there was no trouble.” Unlike the other members of the troupe, Sterling gave Judas room to explain himself before instantly jumping to conclusions and punishments.

“I brought you a present since i know how much you hate the first day of setting up.” Digging into his suspenders, Jadun pulled out a single small piece of orange paper. A ticket.

“Where did you get this?” Sterling asked, holding the paper up to Judas’s eyes in an almost accusatory manner. They had not passed by any other groups in months! The paper was thick and jagged at one end like it was once part of a pair. The ticket was to a circus a few towns over, several hours both ways, but it was moving on soon so it was not considered competition with Utopia. Plus, Sterling was too proud of his band of uniques showstoppers to consider anyone real competition.

There was no reaction to the accusation. Judas only laughed and shrugged his shoulders, glancing up at his boss with fake innocence plastered on his face “Does it matter?”

“No… it really doesn't.” Sterling laughed, pocketing the gift as his mood already began to lighten just at the idea of avoiding set up day. “I’m going to go grab some things and head out then. Can you keep order until I get back?” Judas nodded, “Well then, I’ll be back tomorrow. Do what must be done, I’ll clean up the mess when I get back.” Another nod from the loyal servant that went unseen by the man who was already walking away from the conversation.

Sterling had met with the landowner earlier that day to finalize the rent so he was already dressed in clothing mostly fit for the streets, even though the top hat was a bit much, but Sterling was pulling out from his circus within the next half hour with it on anyway. As he drove, glancing at his mirror he always found the same thing starting back. Black hair falling over icy blue eyes that always seemed just a touch narrowed, standing out even more due to the eyeliner Sterling had put on in a thin, swirling design that was reminiscent of vines. He had felt creative that morning and enjoyed the look it gave him enough that washing it off just to go out to another circus was a waste. He had to put on an enjoyable show, his circus or not.

It was around 8:00 when Sterling pulled into the parking lot, finding it filled with loud customers who appeared to be having the time of their lives as they entered and exited the circus in droves. The situation was so familiar that Sterling felt right at home, almost forgetting to had over his ticket to the man at the front gate who probably would have mistaken Sterling as one of their performers.

Wandering around the place Sterling was pleased, but not amazed. They acts were average, normal in nearly all of their ways. Utopia had true talent and individuality, people crazy in mind or appearance, yet here there were clowns everywhere, women in almost nothing standing on horses, cheesy skits that attempted humor but really just made everyone uncomfortable. Not to mention the fact that all of the color was hurting his eyes. Ever since Sterling had taken over his father's business, he had tried to give something different to their customers that could not be found at other circuses. Utopia brought a sense of elegance, of true danger mixed with unearthly wonders that were fit to be found in the most magical of nightmares. They hosted the beauty hidden underneath the darkness. Even the way Sterling dressed reflected this, his ringmaster costume was meant to reflect the subtle adrenaline Utopia brought to onlookers through the use of dark colors. There was no need to throw vibrant reds and yellows into the faces of the audience to keep their attention, the act alone should do that.

Sterling couldn't help but compare this show verus his own, getting more caught up in his own musings than the performances that he had seen a thousand times before. Sometime during the show he had unknowingly collapsed into himself, crossing his legs as he rested his elbow on the armrest and his head in his palm. He was clearly bored, not enthralled by the show at all. It was better than helping set up back with his troupe but not by much. “Pitifully average.” Sterling muttered aloud to himself, his voice easily covered by the crowd. His musings were easily summed up within those two words.

It all changed though when the next act was announced. The silks. It was an oddly classy form of entertainment that Sterling had always loved. It was like dancing but in the air and with a strong possibility to die either from falling or getting hung. It was at least enough to get his attention that he heard the next words in perfect clarity. Blind. “Now this should be good.” The intruding ringmaster said through a curved smirk, eyes perked and glued to the stage.

Seconds. That is how long it took Sterling to go from mildly interested to fully invested, his body leaning forward from his chair as he watched the brightly colored man twist within the sky with nothing but his sense of touch to guide him. ‘I want him’. The thought was clear like a chorus ringing through Sterling's head, the unusual and remarkable act overtaking him. He couldn't even breath during the whole dance, not out of fear but raw desire for the blind skydancer. This was not that unusual for Sterling, he had a habit of getting worked up when he came into contact with something so unique. It was like a child in a candy store, they wanted what they saw and until they got it there would be nothing else on their mind but how to make their dream a reality.

When the audience began to applaud and stand up, Sterling joined them his hands clapping slowly but sharply. When the crowd began to sit down again, the master did not.He had seen enough to know that the true jewel of the show had finished and nothing would compare that came afterwards. Besides, Sterling was desperate to meet the blind acrobat face to face, and then after that the ringmaster or whoever held the reigns of this circus. He would get the acrobat under his thumb before the day was out.

Once leaving the tent, Sterling found himself rounding the structure with his head held high. He looked confident, like he knew what he was doing, which was enough to fool most people in any situation. Due to his dress, his makeup, and how comfortable he looked the other staff did not even give him a second glance as they rushed to continue their duties. Even after entering the backstage unopposed no one stopped him. It had taken a good few minutes to get to the back of the stage however which meant that Sterling had to find the acrobat quickly or else he would have wandered off far enough into the chaos that it would be impossible to find him without help. “Now where did you run off to….?”
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“What do you mean you’re not going on?”

“I mean I’m not going on.” 

Clarence, a large man with a swollen gut, shouts in the acrobats face. His breath his putrid, but Akane doesn’t allow the sneer to show. The smaller of the pair allows his hands to get swallowed up by the lining of his outfit. They are trembling rather badly, and he can’t seem to calm them down. That and his legs are unsteady—making for a bad performance. 

“If I go on that rope, I’ll fall.” Akane explains slowly, as if he’s dealing with a child. It seems to be the case when the man huffs and pushes past him. It sends the shorter stumbling into the mass of curtains and just barely catching himself. 

The brutes upset with having to explain this to Leo. Akane can’t blame him, but he sure could’ve gone without being shoved. He huffs irritably under his breath when the other’s heavy footsteps fully fade away and into the background noise. Pig, he thinks while steadying himself. If they wanted to scrape a person off the floor tonight that was their business, but it wouldn’t be Akane. He stands straighter and tries to move on his own. It’s difficult, but he manages. There’s no one around to help him find his way out. He feels around for an exit, touching the walls and trying to escape the ruckus. 

Backstage was a nightmare. A labyrinth for Akane. People were everywhere, they managed to be at every corner. It was loud too. Orders being shouted, scripts being exchanged, and people putting together last minute details that made for utter chaos. You could easily get lost in it. Which the male desperately tried to avoid. He weaved through the wave of people and didn’t let himself get stopped along the way. 

It wasn’t only noisy, but intense in aroma as well. He wedges past those that refused to move and wished he had his cane. The troupe could be insensitive about their fellow performers. They ignored things and let a lot go right under their noses, there wasn’t a lot of respect. 


Then there was the rare few. 

Inhaling softly, he caught onto the clover leaves and sighed with relief

“Reimuis, I’m afraid I’m lost.” 

There’s a chuckle and a guiding hand on his back. He allows himself to be steered in a direction that carries him away from the cramped area of people and towards an area that’s covered in crates. They hold props, but Akane takes a temporary seat on one nonetheless. He wipes his face and cringes at the sweat that’s gathered. 

“Hard to believe no one came to help you.” Reimuis admits with a risen brow. They both know it’s not that hard to believe. “You look all shaken up, Lotus.” 

Now Akane laughs breathlessly. He leans back and tries to catch his breath—he felt like shaken up. Akane’s feet ache and he can’t stop himself from leaning down and unraveling the wrap that covered them. The only thing protecting the bottom of his feet from the ground. The skin is pulsing and he gives his toes an experimental curl, touching the skin that’s hot. He got his foot caught shortly. It couldn’t even have lasted a full second and earned a silk burn. 

“You want some water?” 

Akane doesn’t want to make trouble and shakes his head. 

“I’m fine, thank you though—for everything.” 

The lankly man tussles his hair, avoiding that hand that slaps it away. He wears a smirk and sees right through Akane. 

“Far from fine, I’d say. Can’t even catch your breath. I’ll be back in a minute, don't move a muscle.” 

Before the acrobat can even protest, he slips away.

Wonderful, he thinks and drops the bundle of wraps in his lap. It was unusual of him to skip out on an act, but he knows his limits. You made money off every event and tonight, he lost out on a portion of his paycheck. All because he can't get these emotions bottled up, just for now. You couldn't afford to get worked up over things like this. He's angry with himself, with his frustrations, and the fact he's holding himself back. Letting his head fall back, it bumps into a crate and he leans into it. He waits on his water in the midst of a show; wishing he could be part of it. 

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The acrobat was not on the stage, nor was he in the direct surrounding area, which left Sterling in the dark in more ways than one.  He was familiar with his own backstage yet here he was lost. The most he could do was simply dodge bodies so that he was not in the way. The goal was not to cause trouble here after all. If he did get caught sneaking it the last thing he would want was to be considered a sabotage.  Those things were taken very personally especially when done by the owner or crew of a different circus.  It could mean war in the most clownish yet deadly of ways.  It was remarkable now much traveling acts could get away with due to traveling around so much as well as the fact that no cop honestly wanted to mess with a bunch of 'freaks'. 

That didn't make him turn back though, he had a target and nothing would deter him from it.  Going deeper into unfamiliar territory turned out to be the right move because like a shining beacon the blind acrobat appeared from around a corner, sitting among boxes alone. Perfect. Sterling thought, slowing down his steps as he walked up to the exotic boy. Walking up to the exotic boy, Sterling made a conscious effort to make himself louder. Take heavier steps, breath more openly, and an he even cleared his throat before speaking. It would be bad manners to scare the boy before even being introduced.

 “Excuse me.” Sterling started, tempted to not use his real voice but deciding that as long as this stayed pleasant, there would be no reason to make a false identity.  He did make himself speak more gently however, similar to how he would speak to Jaden back home rather than with the normal mocking tone Sterling was so fond of.  Was it fake? No, just normally far more conditional. “May I sit with you for a moment? I’d like to speak with you.” 

He didn't wait for an answer, jumping up on one of the near by crates so that he was sitting perfectly comfortable like a king on his throne. Legs crossed and elbows resting on his lap, Sterling leaned forward slightly to examine the boy more closely. He was beautiful, there was no denying that.  The pink hair falling over his kimono gave him an exotic look that anyone would be attracted to, yet Sterling found himself focused more on the eyes alone rather than the whole package. ‘Not only is he blind, he his eyes are different colors too.’ Sterling thought with glee, a smile on his face growing larger every second he looked at the boy.  His very existence was art. An art that was being wasted here. He could fit in perfectly in Utopia. 

The examination only took a few seconds before Sterling was once again talking, unintentionally pushing the conversation along by himself. He had things he wanted to say before someone noticed his intrusion so he had to rush a bit. “My name is Sterling Mockin. I actually am the ringmaster of my own circus that is setting up a few cities away from here but I came here to show my support for a fellow performance group. It’s nice to meet you.” Sterling started to reach out to shake the boy's hand but didn't get far before realizing the act was pointless since there was no proper way to signal the normally unspoken action.  

“May I ask what your name is? After watching you perform a few minutes ago I have to say that I am a huge fan of yours now. Your performance was simply was marvelous. You were easily the most remarkable act I got to witness today. I’m impressed that you have the courage to do such a thing, I know I would never be able to do it with or without sight.” It was blatant flattery but it was also not a lie, Starling despite his stage name was not meant to be in the sky.

Glancing down, the ringmaster noticed that the acrobat was not wearing anything on his feet which seemed like an odd and possibly dangerous thing to do backstage, “Are you alright? That foot looks really red.”  There was real concern in Sterling's voice as he cocked his head to the side in questioning. Anyone who knew him understood that he was capable and perhaps even a bit fond of violence, but what he was not fond of was his collection getting damaged.  In Circus Utopia if the master considered you a favorite then there would be no physical harm done to you, and in this case even though the acrobat was not even one of his yet Sterling already considered him a prize to be protected and cared for. The injury may as well have been a part of the plan considering how it made Sterling act more caring than he truly was. “Can I help in any way?” 
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Akane wasn’t startled. In all honestly he had thought it was his friend returning with water—not this. He even holds his hand out, but drops it when the man is close enough. He’s not close enough for him to get scent. Not at first. This stranger’s voice is nice. Akane is sensitive to the sounds around him, people’s unique tones. They were often too loud, and rarely pleasant. This was different, but not only that, it was foreign. It belonged to someone he didn’t know and that made him cautious. 

The acrobat couldn’t say he was entirely familiar with everyone here. There were many performers, too many for him to get friendly with. Though, none of them never approached him like this. He nods his head and listens as a crate creaks under the weight of this unknown man. It’s almost muffled by the sound around them, but he catches it. 

He hears it creak against and feels their presence. Akane catches whiff of something floral. It warm and vaguely reminds of a summer day. He couldn’t put his finger on it—yet, but there was something about the smell that pulled nostalgia. His shoulders ease with tension he hadn’t even noticed rose. Sterling—a ringmaster, he thinks upon hearing the introduction. It was a mystery as to how he even managed to get back here. He wonders what he looks like, how he breezed right through? 

When Akane was a child he would touch them. He’d always ask, but there would be no shyness when he grasped their face and tried to depict an image from feel alone. Now, an adult, he keeps his hands interlocked in his lap and says not a word. Only listens. He hears the request of a name, a fair trade. Akane isn’t sure how to respond to the casual praises that come his way. They were not often heard. Not when after shows he hid away in his tent, snuck off alone and waited for the excitement to die down. 

“My foot?” Is his first response. Said foot hides behind the other, away from the man—Sterling’s sight. Or so he hopes. He shakes his head and ignores the persistent throb in his ankle. “It’s nothing, I just twisted it wrong is all.” 

Akane knew it couldn’t have even been a sprain; considering he could still walk on it alright. He wasn’t a doctor, but he’s faced an ankle injury or two in his life. He tries to divert the attention away from the apparently reddened foot. What he needed was ice and isolation. He hated the noises around him, how overwhelming it could be at times. 

“Thank you though, really.” He expresses his gratitude with a softened tone. There’s a pause before he answers the question that’s been voiced previously.” Oh—my name’s Akane Mayr.” 

There’s something that’s running through his head in circles. He squints his eyes, looking straight ahead and wonders aloud. “How did you get back here? I’ve never seen an attendee get access to this area. Ah, but you aren’t just any attendee. A ringmaster, huh?” A thoughtful look takes over and forces a gleam in eyes that are often vacant. Just what did he look like? 

“Couple cities away…what’s the name of this group?” 


The acrobat’s eyes widen, he reaches out and takes Sterling’s hand. 

“Follow me.” He urges, tugging gently upon hearing the return of his friend. The sound of his feet hitting the temporary floorboards that sound from even a distance. He didn’t want to cause trouble. If the other was found back here he’d be immediately thrown out.  

Selfishly, he wanted to be the one to introduce this ringmaster with his own. It may cushion the blow he would be dealt when confronted about the fact he didn’t show tonight. It was a rarity, but Akane slipping up in itself was a rarity. He traces the crates with his fingertips, feeling around to lead them farther and farther away from the crowd and Reimuis. He pushes past curtains and smiles at the lack of awareness, he only ever has a vague idea of where he’s going. It showed with the white of his teeth, smiling over his shoulder for only a glimpse of a moment. 

The final curtain is pushed aside and they are outside; crickets are the only crowd here. He stands on the foot that aches and takes in a deep breath. This—this was much better. 

“Sorry about that,” Akane apologizes him, crossing his arms and standing where the curtain meets. He’s made this walk a thousand time. It was the quickest way to exit the tent entirely, but tonight, he fumbled a bit. He elaborates on the reason for running off. “Reimuis—the man that called my name—he means well, but he worries himself far too much and I didn’t want to be a distraction. It’s a busy night after all.” 

The crisp night air cut through with a chill. Akane rubbed his arms in an attempt to rid of awful goosebumps, his head tilting. The event inside was winding down. As it often did around this time. People could be heard leaving. A slow leakage that would turn into a full-blown flood. Just until the seats were empty, taking fond memories and leaving a mess that would be cleaned up and forgotten by sunrise. Akane goes quiet, lost in his thoughts as he tries to reason something. He feels hesitant asking. It seems invasive, but he let it come. 

“What are you really doing here?” There’s a pause, but he soon resumes. “I guess what I’m asking is—what can I help you with?” 
“If you say so…” Sterling replied, shrugging his shoulders in acceptance even though he did not fully believe that his foot was undamaged, although for now he was not willing to force it.  The foot was more or less hidden after that, but that did not change the fact that Sterling fully planned on getting him an ice pack before he left this place, hopefully with the acrobat by his side. 

Akane Mayr. The mans real name suited him just as well as the one printed on the program. It seemed like Akane’s entire persona was centered around his clearly asian origins. It wasn't a bad idea in all honesty. Dressing him in kimonos, giving a stage name typically associated with eastern cultures, the long hair… he was positively foreign in all of the best ways.  Even without a true act you could put Akane on a stage and people would likely come to sneak a peak.  The internet and movies may have let people see these things all the time yet people still loved to get a physical close up when given the option.

It was interesting to watch the blind man squint as if it would help him see something. It was impossible, surely, yet apparently it was a primal action humans performed when trying to figure something out.  At the question of how he got back there, Sterling laughed openly, his elated voice ringing through the air. “It was very simple really, I just walked back here. No one stopped me or even looked at me twice.  It must have been my hat that fooled everyone” Fondly, Sterling tapped at his own top hat, it being one of his favorites. Being considerate, the ringmaster went on to explain what it looked like so that Akane could understand. “It’s a top hat with a large feather out the back and a ribbon tied around the base. I tend to wear it when I perform at my own shows so I guess I fit right in with the rest of you here!” Another bell like laugh without regret or fear about technically breaking an entry escaped Sterling's lips. 

“I’m from Master Sterling’s Circus Utopia! Where all of your dreams and nightmares become reality. It is a place where even the lowest staff member has something that makes them unique in comparison to the average commoners who come to watch us perform.” He said grandly, waving his hand and bowing low more for his own entertainment than for Akane. He was promoting his group like he did to possible sponsors or rival troupes, highlighting the best and overlooking the bad. “Cliche to name it after myself, I know, but I pay the bills so i figured, why not?” 

Sterling had been thinking that the conversation had been going well. Akane seemed interested or at least friendly, yet with one word everything changed. Someone shouted Akane’s name, sending the blind boy into a panic. Sterling on the other hand was not concerned at all, although he probably should have been more worried about being caught than he was. In fact all he felt was annoyance at being interrupted. The face that up until then had been only smiles or concern, twisted into a menacing glare that would have given away Sterling's true nature had Akane been able to see even slightly. 

When the acrobat grabbed his hand, Sterling did not protest or pull away even as he was dragged into the unfamiliar darkness of the backstage. Although he did not fight back, the ringmaster continued to stare back at the crates, towards the one who dared to step between him and his prize. The hand which Akane was holding returned the contact with light pressure while the other hand of the ringmaster was clenched so tightly Sterling's nails were digging into his flesh leaving light marks. 

It was surprising to see Akane lead him through the chaos. Sterling would have taken the lead yet he was probably more lost than the blind boy was, so he allowed himself to be guided even though the process was a bit slower than it could have been.  Akane looked confident though, looking back and smiling once during the trek out of the maze.  For the dozenth time that night, Sterling was amazed with the acrobat in front of him. 

It was much calmer outside of the tent, but more importantly, it was more private. “No need to apologize, it probably would have been a bad idea for Remius to see me anyway.” Sterling pulled his hand away at this point, fixing his coat and hat back into their proper positions. He even pulled out a mirror from his pocket so that he could make sure his makeup was still on proper after all of the excitement of the night. While continuing to speak and openly flatter, Sterling re-penciled in the black lines that he gotten a bit worn over the hours. “After all, I’m technically still supposed to be in the audience right now.  Well done getting us out of there by the way. We would have been in there twice as long if I had been leading.” 

When Akane asks his following question, Sterling freezed mid line. Snapping his compact mirror shut Sterling chuckled, “I originally came here just to enjoy a night off but since arriving you could say that my reason for being here has changed.” As a non-verbal declaration of his intent, Sterling removes his trench coat in one fluid motion and lightly placed it around the shoulders of Akane. The coat was warm due to the body heat and gave off the same floral scent that Sterling always seemed to posses.  Underneath he was just wearing a black, long sleeve undershirt yet for the moment Sterling did not feel the chill, he was far too focused to think of himself. 

Not trusting the non-verbal communication even though the meaning was clear to the speaker, Sterling thought it best to openly explain his intent. He wanted Akane for his own collection of rarities, and being honest would help him get that. “If you truly want to help me, and are willing to even consider it, I would like to speak with your boss about possibly recruiting you into my own circus.” The words came out fast and fluid, without hesitation even though there was a possibility for rejection.  Sterling did not know if the master of the circus was cruel or if he was caring, but Sterling was praying that luck was on his side and Akane’s boss was a greedy bastard who cared more for his own money than the happiness of the people under him. I would make convincing them both so much easier. 

“I would be honored, Akane, if when I leave here you would be sitting besides me.  You are far too talented and unique to be with people as average like this. You should be with those who appreciate you for every abnormality you possess and can relate to your hardships. Circus Utopia can offer that. However, if you are not open to coming to work for me then I will not pursue this matter with your boss and instead I will leave tonight as I originally planned to.” It was a lie, even if Akane refused he would still end up working for Sterling one way or another. The only difference would be if he started tomorrow willingly or in a month but forced. The silver tongued ringmaster continued, the smirk curled across his face audible in his words, “Just after spending a few hours here I already know for a fact that there is more that my circus could offer you than anything you would find here. Just say yes and I will find your boss in order to make it happen.” The dice was in Akane’s hands now, Sterling just had to wait to find out what his next step was to acquiring his blind acrobat. 
The light haired male would jump not once, but twice. At the sharp sound of the compact being shut along with something warm being draped over his shoulders. Akane wasn’t skittish by any means, but he’s cautious and has every right to be. His finger curl around the jacket and pull it shut, shielding him from the cold and unsure as to why it was offer; kindness was an oddity for Akane. His first instinct is to hand it back over, but another tells him that could be seen as rude. Reluctantly, he clings onto the fabric and nods his head in gratitude.

“You didn’t have to do that...thank you.” 

There’s never been another ringmaster besides his own on these grounds. Quite frankly, it was seen as blatant disrespect when you came unannounced—wanting to take on a performer of theirs as well? It goes without saying that the only thing Sterling is met with is stunned silence and absolute confusion. Akane can’t really comprehend what he’s asking of him at first. He listens to what he has to say without cutting in once. Both brows pinched together and head tilted, puzzled. The ringleader wanted Akane to join his circus? Impossible. 

“I have a disability.” Akane bluntly responds. "Didn’t you see the show, my foot? I slipped up. I appreciate what you’re saying, but I’m far from worthy of your praise.”

He flinches. 

“—besides, I can’t leave.” 

Wasn’t it true? He recalls the late nights spent in Leo’s tent. Barely standing, swaying on his feet, and telling him about all the mistakes that were made; every missed step, minuscule slip up. The faults. "You owe me," he’d slur. "Took ya’ in and gave you a place to call home." Now, standing in front of Sterling, Akane’s shakes his head. He sheds the jacket and outstretches his arm for the other to take it back. This had been a bad idea. Talking about this welled up guilt and turned his gut in the worsts of ways. Because for a split moment, he considers. 

“I owe this place a lot.” He leaves it at that, or tries to at least. There’s a lot of reasons why he refuses to leave, but his debt would be the biggest. It was why he never thought much about evolving in his career, or even took the time to see if anyone truly appreciated his performances. He was here because he was indebted.  “Maybe under different circumstances, but I just can’t see myself leaving. I hope you can understand.” 

Master Sterling’s Circus Utopia, the place of dreams and nightmares. He shivers and it’s not from the cold. It sounds different from here. It sounds big; the acts, the people, the scene. He didn’t like big scenes, but he did like interesting ones. It didn’t matter what he liked though. It didn’t matter if there was any interest in what the other had to offer. The bottom line was, he couldn’t accept. No matter if there was even a trace of desire to learn more. 

“Although you are very persuasive, Sterling.” Akane tells him, genuinely. His lips upturn in a partial smile. It vanishes within all too soon. “I must decline.”  
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It was a good thing that Akane was blind. Sterling found not needing to hide his expressions very freeing, especially as the conversation turned into a refusal. His face twisted into almost a snarl, his eyes rolling in his head out of frustration. ‘Foolish pet’ Sterling thought, stretching his neck to the side and causing several loud pops in the process. It was a twitch, an unconscious but visible sign that Sterling was starting to lose his cool. He took his coat back with silent, controlled motions. He did not put it back on though, just let it dangle from his hand even though it was brushing against the floor every time a gust of wind cut through the camp. 

There was nothing Sterling hated more than being told no.  Even as a child the slightest refusal of his wishes were met with a tantrum at the very least.  As a grown man though, Sterling was forced to find other ways to get what he wanted when someone tried to stop him. This was no different, it would be no different. Sterling would get what he wanted even if he had to burn down the entire camp with everyone but Akane locked inside…. He had done worse in the past to satisfy his desires so there was nothing within in soul to stop him now. 

Before it got to the point of violence though, Sterling always tried to use his verbal skills. You caught more flies with honey than with vinegar, after all. “I see….” The words were even, not exactly angry but detached. The flamboyant, perky showman audibly returned though a moment later, “You say that you owe this place. If it is about the money, I can repay any debt that you my owe without issue. I don’t care about your disability either, we have plenty of those back at my place, and I am not foolish enough to take in someone I do not think that I can handle. The fact that you slipped during the show is also immaterial, the act was remarkable even with the mistakes and you will only improve under someone with a true eye for talent.” 

“I apologize” Sterling said suddenly after his small bout of what could easily be called begging. “I said I would accept your answer but I will admit, I do not fully understand why you would reject me after everything I have offered… perhaps you would be kind enough to explain your reasonings further or tell me what ‘different circumstances’ would make you change your mind? I merely wish to understand further, I do not mean to pry if it is something personal.” Sterling fully meant to pry and he did not care one bit if it was personal or not, yet the lies flowed off of his tongue like butter.

There would be two possible outcomes of pushing the matter. Sterling could either get a reason and also some leverage for when he spoke to the boss, or Akane would keep his mouth shut and it would be like he never asked at all. There was only information to gain from trying to drag out some answers, without risking any type of loss. 
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Something pops, Akane’s sure of it. It’s loud and startles him. It’s too quiet out for it to go hidden, or even get lost in the breeze. He isn’t fond of the sound and tries not to let it show. The weight on Akane’s hand disappears entirely as the coat is taken back without a word. At first, he’s afraid he’s offended the man in some way. It certainly wasn’t his intention and the worry slips through across his already tense expression. It wasn’t often the acrobat was able to say no about things. He just never had the luxury, and now he worries he should’ve been more gentle somehow. 

Then Sterling continues to speak. He continues to push. It’s really just a nudge, but Akane starts to withdraw himself a bit. He even steps back, putting space between him and the voice. His hand reaches behind and touches the tent’s opening flap for comfort because he’s really not fit to deal with things like this. He shakes his head and does his best to explain why; although he feels he shouldn’t. Sterling wouldn’t understand. A lot of people couldn’t.

“My debt can’t be paid with money, it’s invaluable.” Akane says. His lips purse as if considering his words. “I don’t really owe Leo—our current ringmaster—I owe his father. He taught me what I know today. He’s no longer alive, but he put everything into this place. It was important to him and if I leave…” 

It may shut down. 

He doesn’t let this slip, he catches the rest with his teeth and goes quiet altogether. It felt conceited to say that. As if he was the one bringing in the people and filling the stands. There were good acts, professionals even, and with Akane’s absence they’ll more than likely be fine. He’s always asking himself, then why don’t you go? It’s the risk, he thinks. The fact that there’s even a possibility it would close for good and be forgotten. Then he remembers tonight, the reason of why his foot stood so poorly. He thinks about Ana and his hold on the tent tightens. 

All those bruises, those tears, who would be here to offer the comfort that seemed so nonexistent in this place. That tent would be occupied again and he fears, no one will be there to help them along. 

“I belong to this circus and this one alone.” The words come firmer this time, certain. He doesn’t elaborate any further on why he’s so adamant on declining. “Nothing will change my mind about that, I’m sorry.” His voice softens at the end, but it doesn’t waver. 

He wanted to sit down and desperately wanted water. There’s was a lot going on in his head. Part of him believed there was no reason to explain himself any longer. There was nothing left for him to say, he just wasn’t leaving. No matter what was offered on the table. 

Akane clears his throat and tries to straighten himself out. He dodges the subject entirely now. 

“There’s someone waiting on me.” Akane knows Leo’s waiting and the longer he’s absent, the worse the scolding. “I apologize for cutting things short, but I really must go—.” 

“There you are!” 

The flap is ripped from the acrobats graps and pulled apart carelessly. Leo shows himself with a smile, gaze narrowed on the man who’s standing before his performer. He’s ditched his hat and topcoat, still glowing with post-performance. Although he settles a hand on the thin, unprepared shoulders of Akane. Said male tenses, surprise evident as he gasps. He hadn’t even heard him come up behind, but makes no move to pull away from the grip on his shoulder. It’s a little too tight.

“Running off on me, I searched every corner, checked every inch. Then I ran across Reimuis, boys pullin’ at his hair. He told me you ran off. Who would’ve guessed you would be out here, talkin' with—?” 

“A spectator,” Akane supplies. He restrains a flinch at the rougher hold and gestures vaguely to the other Ringmaster. The answers just as vague as the gesture. He can't be sure if she should be the one to introduce Sterling, or if he'd like to slip outquietly. 

Grinning, Leo holds out a hand for Sterling to take. 

“Nice to meetcha’! Name’s Leo Babbit of Babbit’s Cirque Phenomena!” Still running on the adrenaline rush, he sees no real harm in the one who’s slipped right in. He’s still suspicious nonetheless; it shows when he follows his introduction up with a question. 

“You are?” 
Sterling could understand a debt such as the one Akane was speaking of. Once upon a time he felt something similar. But just because could understand it did not mean he cared in the end. He long ago also owed his father everything, teaching him how to run a ring, how to run a circus, how to control their crew, how to speak and read, but when it came down to it Sterling's future was far more important than his father. After the man's death any feeling of loyalty went out the window, as it should when concerning the dead. Those who had passed on could not recognise or respect someone repaying a debt, they were simply gone, just as Akane’s thanks for the man should have been. Yet people were sentimental, they held onto what was gone like it was a lifeline instead of moving on to better things. It had always seemed like a childish sentiment to Sterling.

Pushing the issue did not help but it didn't seem to hurt either, Akane only put his foot down a bit more concerning his refusals but in the process did spill some useful information. Leo was the ringmaster, and just like Sterling he was the owner who had taken over after the father's death. Sterling doubted that the situations were anymore similar than that but it was a start and would be something worth bringing up  during any further discussions.  

More interesting than that were the words that Akane alluded to but avoided saying outloud. The message was more than clear though,if he left then this circus would die out. Akane was the star and the rest were just along for the ride which was more than believable considering the average acts this place put out. Taking Akane from them would kill two birds with one stone, it would bring an end to similar and therefore rival business while also ridding Sterling of his overwhelming desire for the acrobat standing before him. 

Sterling had been prepared to end the conversation at that point, just as Akane was, although likely for different reasons. There was no progress to be made by talking to Akane anymore, it was time to move onto finding and dealing with the ‘Leo’ person that had been mentioned. Neither of them got to exchange goodbyes though because once again someone intruded upon the conversation. Out of instinct, when he heard someone else speak within the immediate area, the grimace that was secretly on Sterling's face while talking to Akane turned into a small smile that was meant to appear very friendly and natural. Sterling’s face could lie as well as his voice could on most occasions, at least in his own opinion. 

‘Take your hands off of him’ Sterling thought possessively and instinctively when he saw Leo place a hand on Akane. Even though he had no right to feel that way before the acrobat was even under his service, yet he did so anyway. Akane had seemed shocked by the sudden appearance as well but he did not pull away, rather appeared to freeze in place like a statue. There may have been more tension between them than Sterling imagined. Good.

Following that thought came another one, equally as concerned only this time for himself, 'How long has he been standing behind that flap?' Sterling wondered with slight concern for his goals more so than his safety. If he had been there awhile then there was no chance at diplomacy, if he had only just arrived then this was an opportunity to make a deal.

“It is nice to meet you as well, Mr Babbit.” Sterling replied, returning the grin and the handshake both. He did not at all like this ringmaster for one simple reason, his dialect. Sterling was a man proud of his velvet voice but also the way he used that voice. He spoke well, like a true gentleman of standing and respect… at least most of the time. Being around such lax speakers always brought a sense of annoyance to the dark ringmaster. Of course he did not let this show in any other way besides his own eyes that naturally narrowed by nature. 

When the introductions turned on him, Sterling suddenly wished that he had given Akane a false name. It’s not like Circus Utopia was the best show in the country, but it had a decent renown due to the normally darker tone it carried in comparison to other troupes. Now though, Sterling did not even have the option to pretend to be anything but a fellow ringmaster since his name was in the title. Still, he tried to sound enthused as he introduced himself even though inside he was kicking himself for being honest before. “I am Sterling Mockin, ringmaster and owner of Master Sterlings Circus Utopia!” It was in these moments that Sterling was very happy with the name he gave his troupe, because any group with the name Babbit in the title immediately seemed like a joke. The words rabbit and ribbit came to mind.  Master and Utopia however brought a sense of nobility and awe with them which Sterling adored more than he would ever admit. Being a prince or a God had always appealed.

“My group is currently setting up in a town a few hours away from here when I heard that there was another circus semi close by.  It had been too long since I watched a show that was not my own so I simply had to come see yours. If it were not such a sudden opportunity I would have called ahead to announce that I was coming. ” Sterling knew the question as to why he was there would come eventually so he jumped right to it without being asked.  

The lies quickly jumped into the fray without being asked as well, “After watching your show I wanted to come officially introduce myself before the night came to an end however when I tried to ask where I might meet with you, everyone was in such a rush that they could not even point me in the right direction. It was only until I ran into Akane here that anyone seemed willing to even give me the time of day. He was the one to inform me that you were still performing so in the meantime he was kindly keeping me company. I’ve been told that I am too chatty for my own good at times, so I apologize if I caused anyone trouble by holding him here.” The face of serenity, Sterling took his hat off and bowed his head slightly in apology to the other ringmaster. 

While he still had the stage, Sterling continued speaking. “May I just say that this place is a lovely source of excitement and color. If all of your crew are even close to being as helpful and talented as Akane here then you are a lucky man indeed.” Secretly Sterling began wishing that he got paid every time he flattered people because just today he had openly done it at least four times now.  “Perhaps this is a bit forward of me, but I would love to work with you or some of your talent one day.  I imagine that any collaborative efforts between us could be highly profitable.” He was bringing business up almost immediately, trying to dissuade Leo from throwing him out on the spot by mentioning a chance at profit.  It probably would not make him sound good to Akane but the blind acrobat had his chance to have a say, now it was time to branch off to more off hand methods of obtaining him. Even if those methods only resulted in a temporary obtainment, Sterling could work with that… for starters. 
“Utopia!” Leo howls with a fierce grin. “Oh, my old man used to love that place. You run a fine show, a fine one indeed.” 

Akane curls into himself, crossing his arms even tighter over his chest and listening. He hates the smell of the man standing far too close. He hated the hand on him as well. Akane wanted this night to be over in all honestly. Every time Leo spoke it blared in his left ear and forced a flinch. There was no such thing as volume control for that man. With every time he tries to make some distance, he’s pulled back a little closer. 

“I’m honored you took the time to come give us your attention. I hope it was well worth the drive over!” 

Throughout his lie, which it blatantly is to Akane, he’s listed to with amazement. There isn’t so much as a stutter in between, his tone never rises once. This is when something heavy and cold settles in his listener’s chest. He frowns while feeling for the first time towards the ringmaster, something akin to distrust. Lying could be a deadly weapon if you wielded it right and with every smooth and uttered word that came from Sterling’s mouth he wondered if the other had already mastered it. 

Blind people didn’t have extraordinarily heightened senses; they weren’t mutants. But they did something most didn’t and that was the fact they listened, keenly. Akane could say he often found the hiccups when someone told a lie. It could be heard, it wormed its way into how you spoke. With Sterling, he found none with the story of how he found himself back here. Why he was back here. The hat, he remembers. The one with a feather and ribbon, if he can recall the detailing right. How easily he blended in. Sterling was contradicting himself and his intentions began to become cloudy. 

When he makes an offer of profit, they are distorted. 

The hand removes itself from his shoulder just so Leo can clap his hands together. It isn’t missed by Akane who takes the chance to create the space he desperately craved. 

“A businessman!” Leo summarizes with a brilliant smile, a desperate one. He can’t even hide it from Akane who hears the eagerness in his voice as he continues to speak. “I like your thinking, I really do.” 

There’s a drop in his excitement. He glances to Akane and reaches out to grab the man by his arm and pull him back. He gestures towards his eyes, first and foremost and then his attire; a kimono that’s been wrinkled and exhausted as this night wore on. It slouched, but Akane stood ramrod straight. He’s careful and almost makes a point about the pressure in his wrist. It was cold and he really didn’t enjoy being held like something to be examined. He wasn’t an object. 

“You see—Lotus here is our money maker.” It’s far too blunt, but Akane catches whiff of bourbon and doesn’t have to wonder why. A celebratory drink, of course. “I’ve heard of your show and its variety. It would be my absolute pleasure to work with you, but I’m afraid we are outnumbered in attractions.” 

Leo isn’t coy. He doesn’t work around things and subtly isn’t even in his vocabulary. He sees what he wants, knows what he wants, and makes it clear by all means. It doesn’t matter if your feelings get hurt. He says what going on in that head of his. It’s only thanks to liquid courage. The high of tonight’s show was wearing off and it was wearing off quick. It made him more bubbly and far less cruel. Now, he sees Sterling in a new light; a business opportunity. 

“Come have a drink with me, huh?” Leo offers, letting go of Akane’s wrist and instead pulling him by the hand. He doesn’t give the other room for dispute and makes the other tag along. “We can talk more in my tent. It’s awfully chilly out here, wouldn’t you say?” 

The ringmaster’s tent is the largest. It usually always was, and it stood out above all other—with the exception of where they performed. It’s nearby and Leo corks his finger and bends it for him to follow along. Where they trek to the one with the lights still on, the opening shut tight, and no one around. It’s yellow and white, but Akane’s only familiar because he too used to live in this exact one. He merely tosses the flaps aside and makes room for them to come in. Akane brushes against Sterling, and pulls a face that is not as kind as it once was. It’s suspicious.  

He too sees Sterling in a new light. 

“Pour us a drink.”

Akane does as he’s asked. It’s only for show. Leo can take care of himself, and they both know that. He only does it because a respectable person is in the room. His grip is tight around the bottle as he lines up the mouth of the bottle to the ring of the glass. They are both filled without a spill, a rare occurrence as he closes the bottle back up and pushes it aside. He sets the drinks close enough to where they can get them, making slow and careful movements as Leo continues to speak. 

“Tell me, Sterling. Is it alright if I call you Sterling?” Leo starts, already going for the drink that’s been set out. Just like a neglected dog, Akane thinks when he hears the glass drag. “Just what were you and Akane talking about out there?” 

Leo grins into his drink. He doesn’t sound or even look offended, but it still makes Akane’s stomach turn. 

“Ya' know—when you wanted to recruit him." 
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“You are too kind.” Sterling thanked Leo, attempting humility but for once his words did not hold the tone he was going for. His voice was filled with pride that could outdo a king. It was hard to help though, he had been perfecting his show for just under a decade now and was more than happy with the result. Dreams becoming reality was more than just a tagline of Utopia, but a personal statement about Sterling's views on the evolution of his productions. “And I assure you, this was worth the drive several times over. Besides, anything is better than setting up camp.”

Sterling often forgot that he was dressed in a flashy way fit for a show because to him it was normal. The ‘costume’ like qualities of his clothing were simply the ways he dressed, they were never actually used as a disguise. Even today the top hat and makeup was unintentional, although Sterling still had used it for his own advantage once he noticed the way he blended in. Everyone in Utopia knew that Sterling owned very few items that could be considered normal.  With that being said, when Sterling lied about his reasons for being there he didn't even consider that his normal way of dressing would be something used to call out his trickery. 

The profit comment may not have been the best way to feign innocence but it got Sterling the interest of the ringmaster which had been his short term goal. What got Sterling's interest on the other hand was the way Leo was presenting Akane to him, like a present or fine piece of art. Sterling couldn't help it, every small thing that Leo motioned towards he trained his cool blue eyes onto with deep focus. His attention was quickly pulled away from the conversation, yet he still heard the words spoken to him  even if his replies were more distant the entire time Akane was being presented.  To say that Sterling had an obsessive nature was an understatement, it was dangerous to more than just himself. “Yes, I imagine that he is.” Sterling admitted during his distracted state, agreeing that Akane was the money maker, “Outnumbered or not, there are many ways to work together without combining our acts in such an open fashion.” 

Shaking himself out of the daze, both visibly and mentally, Sterling once again flashed his award winning smile to Leo.  He had seriously just messed up right there. There was little chance that Leo missed the way Sterling had looked at Akane, like a predator looking at it’s prey. No way to salvage that or hide his intense desire for the boy now. The best option was just to play along and hope for the best. “A drink would be wonderful.” Sterling agreed, his eyes glued to the way Leo was dragging Akane around the entire time he followed behind the pair, meeting Leo’s gaze every time he even slightly glanced back. Sterling had been caught staring once, he would not let it happen again. 

Getting into the tent with only Leo and Akane was not as worrisome to Sterling as it should have been. There were several reasons for this. One, Sterling could scream incredibly loud and would alert even non staff if he really put his all into it. Two, if he did not return to Utopia or call Judas by the morning then it would be war. Three, just as Leo had already said, he was outnumbered by people who were talented in more ways than just cracking a whip. Utopia could be a mercenary crew if they adjusted their talents only slightly, so killing their ringmaster was an unwise move. Four, and this was the main reason, Sterling simply did not have enough intelligence to choose self preservation over his desires. 

After Akane surprisingly easily poured the pair of ringmasters drinks, Sterling took the cup with a light “Thank you” directed towards both Akane and Leo.  He was far less eager about grabbing the drink, as was he to actually drink it. He did not even take a single sip until he saw Leo do so first, unfortunately though the first sip Sterling took was right when Leo confronted him on the lie. Out of surprise of the unexpected accusation, the liquid got stuck mid throat and the dark ringmaster had to fight not to openly cough.  

Once that choking passed however it was replaced with a deep chuckle. “Well I guess that gig is up, and here I thought lady luck was on my side tonight” Quickly, Sterling changed his entire demeanor.  Before he was leaning forward, interested and eager, while speaking in a elated friendly tone whereas now Sterling allowed himself to fully relax, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs. His smile was replaced with a smirk and the bright tone changed into a voice that was not exactly deeper but was no longer trying to sound overly friendly either so it had a similar effect. If Sterling had actively tried to make his voice deeper it would have sounded like it came from the mouth of the devil but this was just a dropping of facades. This shift communicated one thing to Leo, the act had failed and now Sterling was laying the cards out on the table. He had nothing more to lose so even if his true persona did not win him any favors, it would hopefully reflect that there were no more lies… or at least none that would impact the situation. 

“Sterling, Starling, Master, Lying Bastard, you may call me whatever you prefer really.” Sterling replied in his new openly devious but natural voice. He was still lightly laughing at the man who had seemed so foolish before but actually had the intelligence to think of eavesdropping in on a conversation. Sterling had underestimated the man which was the truly amusing aspect of the situation. It had been far too long since he had dealt with another circus owner, Sterling had grown cocky, so this was turning out to be a good reminder that just because you say the right words things to not always turn out how you planned. Sometimes other people had working brains too. 

“Well it seems to me that you know what we were talking about already. But I do not know when you started listening in so let me give you a full summary, shall it? It is the least I could do after attempting to deceive you back there.” A small sip of the alcoholic drink just to give a proper dramatic pause. It was not just Sterling's appearance that like to put on a show after all. “You are correct, I very much want to recruit Akane. I loved his act, his appearance, and as far as I can tell his even personality will fit well within Utopia. I snuck into the back so that I could present the offer to him before speaking to you about it, which was fully apart of my plan from the start by the way. He quickly refused me though, completely loyal to you apparently. Even still, I lied to take the blame off of Akane so that I could get in his good graces but also to try and get in your good graces by acting the victim rather than the intruder neither which I succeeded in unfortunately…. That is unless you have a love for men who fail to charm their way out of a situation they got themselves into?” Sterling glanced at Leo and raised one of his eyebrows in a questioning manner that could have been considered playful or even flirty had the situation been a bit different.

Another small pause and an even smaller sip, “Back on topic though, even if Akane refused me, I offer you the same opportunities that I did he. Perhaps you have more business sense and can see that there is profit within this for the both of us. As you overheard, money is not an issue for me concerning Akane. I can and will pay what I must to convince you to give me his contract or whatever it is you hold over him. If you want something other than money, a trade for example, I am also open to such discussions.” Sterling set his cup down even though it was still three fourths full, leaning forward to rest his elbows onto his knees and fold his hands like a villain from a bad movie. “I want him, and I want you to have what you need to replace him… so what do you need to make that happen?”  There was little mistaking the desire Sterling had for Akane so there was no reason to hide it. It may make him look desperate but it was honest, something that was surprisingly hard for Sterling to do. 

Sterling had looked at Akane multiple times during the conversation but he did not even try to include him into the conversation concerning his fate. He had tried to do that earlier, be kind and courteous, but he was refused anyway. Why bother faking sincerity now that Akane had already forfeited his right to choose? Besides, Leo did not seem concerned over what Akane wanted so the conversation may as well have been just business between two ringmasters. If Sterling wanted to regain trust at a later date he would try to do so but if he did not get the boy soon then there would be no later date to worry about in the first place. 
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“I think Lying Bastard suits you.” 

Leo slaps the table beside him and it rattles viciously. “Akane, quiet.” 

How could he be quiet now? He’s visibly shaking, hands balled up at his sides as he listens to the complete shift. Sterling changes and he does it with complete ease. A liar, a filthy, vile—liar. Of course he would be, they always were. Akane chuckles, cradling his own face and stepping away from the awful voice. It was no longer nice to hear. Were all Ringleaders like this? He wondered as he overstepped a cord and found himself sitting. He couldn’t stand right now; he didn’t trust himself to. There’s no need to swallow his frustrations either. He sneers at the man in obvious disgust, clutching his sides now in sickness. 

Akane loathed men like this. 

One’s who put themselves on a pedestal. Sterling was prideful, it slipped in his voice and did not go dismissed. Akane realizes how foolish he’s been to not see right through his silly little act. He feels good for rejecting him, he’d do it again and again. It seemed he would have to, because he was not leaving. Sterling spoke of him as if he wasn’t there, as if he didn’t have a say. Leo did that too. It got under his skin and made him seethe. 

I’m right here, you pieces of shit. 

He scrubs his face, trying not to get too emotion. This was ridiculous. It wasn’t out of his hands yet, and he refused to even consider this. He listens closely to how Leo will respond and when he does, he internally whines. 

“I knew there was something about you I liked.” Leo says, snapping his fingers with a gleeful smile. He leans forward and taps his finger against the table, drumming them against the wooden surface. It’s absolutely maddening. “Money talks, Sterling. Money talks. Lay down your offers and I’ll listen to whatever speaks to me.” 

Leo’s been in this game for far too long, but he’s still utterly clueless. He’s seeing potential money and that’s all he can see. It’s blinding him to the fact that in a matter of time, he’ll be broke once again and without a source of income. The money will be gone without how little the man paces himself on spending. This lifestyle was greedy, far too much. He’s living off every show and running dry within the gaps between. The money left behind from his father has most certainly been more than dipped into; if there was still anything left? 

“You see, Akane is very special to me.” Akane scoffs under his breath. It goes ignored. “He’s a treasure of mine. Not only does he bring in the income, in ways most of my acts cannot, he keeps me company. There’s a lot about this fine piece that will be dearly missed.” 

Akane’s face twists in rage, but again, he doesn’t speak out. He’s not sure where he’s going with this. It seems like a very lost cause believing Leo had some sense in him after all. Being referred to as a piece nearly drives him up the wall. He feels inferior in ways that cannot even be express. They make his head pound and teeth clench. He wished he could see Leo, he wished he could march right up to him and throttle him until he realizes how foolish he’s being right now. 

“That doesn’t mean he’s priceless to me.” 

Something shatters in the room and Akane is clutching his hand. It’s been nicked by a piece of glass, part of the liquor bottle that’s laying in a mess on the floor. It mostly scares him. He’s breathing rapidly and trying his best not to shout. If he shouts it’s too real, he’s being traded off

“Goodness—look at the mess you’ve made!” Akane’s shouted at and for once in his life, he isn’t afraid of the consequences. “As I was saying.” Leo continues, looking at the other in complete exasperation before returning his attention solely on Sterling. “Exceptions can be made. I want this to be a fair trade, do you think you can manage to make that work?” 

Leo laughs, waving his hand as if he’s remembered something funny.

“I guess what I’m saying is—give me an offer I can’t refuse and I’ll pull out that contract of his. One that binds him to whoever’s signature is printed on the bottom line. He leaves before it expires, he’s going to owe big money and can expect a lawsuit.” 

Akane turns his head at that. It’s very true, he would owe a large sum of money that would leave him drowning in debt. He clenches his eyes shut and grimaces. This was unfair, in every way. He’s trying to make sense of why Leo would even take an offer? It wouldn’t be extravagant. Not enough to give up your main source of income. He knows when Sterling makes his offer it’s going to be shut down and whatever shred of trust that’s still somehow survived all these years between him and Leo will be but a distant memory. He was far from the role model he’d seen as a child. This was cruel and to even do this, it felt wrong. 

Besides, this was all Akane knew. He was raised to be a performer and his disability held him back in so many ways. If he was sued, if he walked away, he’d have no way to pay this off. He had no family, no money put away. That contract hung over his head like a guillotine

“Go ahead, write a number down.” Leo reaches for the closest drawer. It spins on its tracks and he reached inside to pull out the moleskin journal along with a pen. He opens it, tears out a piece of paper, and sending it across the table along with a pen. He leans forward anxiously. Lit up with excitement. It bleeds through his voice and makes Akane furious. 

Akane touches his thumb and feels the raised skin and pinched pain right where the glass grazed him. He feels livid, tired, and hopeless all at once. God—he prayed the number was laughable
Akane’s comment did not insult Sterling, in fact he found it funny that out of all things that was what Akane decided to speak out about. Sterling knew that he was a liar and he was not even ashamed of it. So even when other people called him out on it, he took it in stride. Even after Leo ordered him to be silent Sterling was chuckling to himself, waving off Leo’s anger, “Oh it’s quite alright my friend, Akane is not wrong in his words. I was lying to him before you even arrived so I imagine he is understandably irate right now.” It was fairly obvious the way Akane was sneering in his direction with open disdain,Sterling was used to being hated though so when met with the glare he returned it with a warm smile even if the other could not see it. 

A greedy bastard. That was what Sterling had hoped Akane’s ringmaster was going to be like when he first came here, and he had gotten what he wanted. Lady luck was more on his side tonight than Sterling had thought. You could almost see the dollar signs within Leo’s eyes flash green. Apparently Sterling had been using the wrong dialect this entire time, Leo spoke cash and nothing else. Luckily, Sterling not too bad at speaking with money as well. 

Sterling may have considered himself King but he was not one for spending the shows earnings on himself. That is unless you counted his tendency to collect acts by whatever means or cost necessary. Other than that though, the circus’s money mostly went back into itself in some way or into the bank. The main pleasure in Sterling’s life was his show so there was little else to waste his money on besides improving his home. Even still, Sterling cut corners and saved money when he could. For example, he made Judas learn to sew simply so that they could make their own costumes and repair them without having to pay anyone external. 

Leo seemed to be jumping around a lot, acting as if he was willing to work something out, then talking about how much Akane meant to him and his circus, only to jump right back to the fact that for the right price the deal would be done.  It was a bit like whiplash but as long as Leo settled on selling in the end Sterling would put up with the indecisiveness. Although if he thought about it, Leo was probably just trying to squeeze more money out of Sterling by acting like this was an emotional decision. It was a very familiar card to play, Sterling used pathos all the time when he lied, although he tried to add in tears when possible for an added effect. 

Sterling opened his mouth to respond, about to comment on how Leo would only be trading one treasure for a more practical one, yet the sound of a shattering bottle cut him off. It also apparently cut Akane. Sterling could see the drops of blood dripping off of Akane and in turn the ringmaster’s eyes softened in real concern.  He dared not get up to help since he was doing business at the moment but he did reach into his coat and pulled out a pale cloth that he kept on him mostly for whipping off smudged make up. “Here, put this on the cut to stop the bleeding” Sterling said in a way that was half an order and half a request before tossing the cloth onto Akane’s lap.  It was clean enough that it could be used as a temporary bandage as long as the acrobat was not too proud to accept the offer. 

Turning back to Leo, Sterling shrugged, “It would be a shame if he were to bleed all over his costume or over your furniture.” That was the small explanation he offered as to why he gave Akane the cloth yet he did not stay on the topic for long. The moment passed quickly and Sterling followed suit, not wanting to get bogged down on something while Leo was thinking on a new topic. They needed to be on the same page to make a deal happen. 

“I think I can come up with something more than fair for you, my friend.” Sterling took the pen and paper before pausing to think. As he did the mental math Sterling glanced repeatedly between Akane and Leo, as if sizing them up and deciding how much this was really worth to him.  Unlike Leo, Sterling actually thought that Akane was priceless but it wouldn't do to bankrupt himself or his crew just to gain him. At that point he may as well just steal the lad instead. On the other hand, if he tried to be too frugal with his initial offer then Leo would refuse immediately. Money was so frustrating at times but otherwise was a wonderful tool. 

The room was charged with energy as Sterling finally wrote down a number onto the paper, taking his time writing each number. It was like being in the ring, he could just feel the excitement and fear pulsing in the air.  It was wonderful to feel the tension build more and more for every extra second he took calculating. With a final satisfied nod, Sterling slid the paper face down across the table so that Leo could reach it. Leaning back comfortably, Sterling took the alcohol back into his hand and began to drink it once again as he waited to see Leo’s reaction to the offering.   “In Utopia we strive to make every dream a reality, so I hope that will meet what you imagined.” 
Clutching the cloth that’s been thrown to him, he almost rejects it.

He doesn’t even realize there’s blood until something warm and wet slips down his knuckle. It makes him forget he’s in the room entirely, dealing with his fate. Nothing hurt more than when you knew it was there. For Akane, he figured it was a mere scratch. He touches the skin and his lip disappears between his teeth in confusion and fear. There’s a moment when he turns away from the couch entirely. Leaving his back to be seen, his face hidden so it can contort in dread. The fabric is held tightly around the finger and he holds it close. All he really wanted to do was rip it off and throw it in that deceitful man’s face. 

There was so much happening, that Akane was at a loss. He really shouldn’t have been so surprised Sterling flipped like a coin. He shouldn’t have played into his façade of kindness and respect. He’s asked Akane for his answer and when rejected, he greedly grasped the next opportunity to get his way and that hit him very hard. There was a lot Akane didn’t know of this ringmaster. Whom now showed his true colors as he handed something over that made Leo gasp. He may have been worse, far more aggressive, or worse manipulative. That much had to be clear from tonight. He was still shaken from how easily his demeanor shifted. 

“Beautiful! Oh—this is just gorgeous.” These words are elated. They come from a mouth that won’t stop gaping and now Akane really doesn’t want to see what written down. To see his worth. “You’ve made me a very happy man, Sterling.” 

Akane can’t catch his breath for a moment; anger, confusion, and helplessness are all heightened and he can hardly think straight. He can make sense of what’s happening. He can hear Leo stand, practically floating on happiness as he glides right past the acrobat without so much as a word. This wasn’t happening, this easily? 

Under his breath, but loud enough to hear. Akane growls. “You must be kidding me?” 

Pleased humming is all his met with. Along with the sound of a dial turning. He follows the sound and this time he has to clutch everything around him to keep steady. There’s so much happening in his head, around him, he can barely focus. He clutches the back of Leo’s shirt and pulls. The fabric wrinkles beneath his grip, his breathing coming more rapidly. 

“Take your hand off that dial.” Akane speaks, or rather instructs. 

Leo pauses and looks over his shoulder. He’s impatient and that much can be felt. Akane didn’t care, his feelings be damned. 

“No, take your hand off me. You must stop being so difficult this is just business.” 

Akane does just that, he lets go entirely with a rough jerk. He backs off while listening to the vault’s combination be set. Inside is valuable information on each and every member. There’s only one member in particular Leo’s looking for as he sorts through the alphabetically organized folders. Akane doesn’t stop talking though. He keeps up at it, speaking his mind for the first time in a long time. 

“That money is never going to last. You’ll run out and be licking the bottom of ever investor’s boot, but they won’t spare you so much as a penny. It’s always been that way. Your greed is blinding you right now and I can’t stand to see it happen, do you enjoy being this stupid?” 

The vault is slammed shut. It clicks and resets, one hand holds the contract while the other is curled in a tight fist. There’s an enraged snarl on the ringmaster’s face, his face flushed with anger and the thrill of the deal seems nonexistent in that moment. He’s purely pissed off. Then, he realizes they are not the only two here. He smothers the violence that radiates off him and pushes the acrobat away. Leo kills the snarl and smooths out the tension in his expression with far less ease. He isn’t good at keeping his temperament in check and it shows. 

He merely moves past Akane. Not without ramming his shoulder into the other’s in a mistaken ‘bump.’ The one who takes the impact flinches and grits his teeth, holding the spot with the hand that isn’t injured. He follows closely behind and doesn’t stop talking; even as he is ignored. 

“I’m not leaving, Leo. After everything I’ve done for you—my value comes out to a written number?” Akane’s words go in one ear and out the other for Leo, who wiggles his fingers as he seeks out a pen. Releasing a sound of unimaginable frustration, he moves to find his way back to Sterling; speaking for him only from wherever he may stand. 

“Stop this now!” He barks, gripping a chair and snapping his teeth like something feral. “Sign that contract and you’ll regret it. I promise.” 

The contract is settled on the table. It’s crisp and white, beside it is a feathered pen. Leo stands over the table with his fingers folded and smile large. His eyes are wide and desperate, eager to see the signature be performed for himself. He still keeps a hand on it though. It’s his side of the deal, he waits for Sterling to withdrawal his. After all, when that was handed over, it was out of Leo’s hands what happened to Akane. The performer would no longer be his own, but—debatably—property of a new circus. 

I told you why. Akane thinks, gripping the end table with a hand that refuses to stop shaking. I told you why I couldn’t accept and yet, here we are. Sterling was just as insufferable as Leo. It was laminated and he found it impossible he would ever think differently. If anything, he was dumber too. If he left this place tonight—with this man—he’d make his presence unbearable. That contract could be broken from both sides and to really think he could pull a stunt like this and not earn backlash, that was almost naive. If Sterling let him go, he wouldn’t have to pay a dime. 

“Just stop.” 
The gasp Leo let out was music to his ears. It was the sound of pure victory. “I am very glad to hear that. It is the least I can do.” Sterling responded, a smirk planted proudly on his face. As Leo got up to get the paperwork, Sterling made himself comfortable in the chair. He had his legs crossed and was taking frequent sips of his drink. He found the safe interesting and once it was opened, Sterling did take a curious glance in the box. It looked like mostly papers, information on the circus members most likely, and Sterling was mildly curious about the other names and talents in there although he knew that he was getting the golden star of them all.

It seemed like everything was set and done, that is at least until Akane got up from his spot in the corner and practically latched himself onto Leo. The action itself was not the problem, but the words were. ‘Damn it, shut up Akane’ Sterling thought as images of slapping the boy or shoving his hand over his mouth flashed through his mind, among other more dynamic reactions. Akane was smarter than Leo was, that was clear, but if he actually managed to successfully get through to the other ringmaster then everything could be ruined. Sterling needed Akane to be his, he would not be able to do anything else until that was accomplished. He knew from the past that whenever he got like this, whenever he felt so strongly about something, everyone would suffer until it passed.

Sterling had actually uncrossed his legs in order to get up and quiet Akane himself, yet he hesitated when he saw Leo clench his fist. This time, unlike before, Sterling would have been more than okay with Akane getting hit and he was a tad bit disappointed when Leo seemed to hesitate as well. Occasionally even the most remarkable of people needed a good smack to remind them that even with their status, they were not actually in charge. Still, Sterling did not say a word and instead just raised his eyebrows at Leo who promptly smoothed down his shirt and tried to get back on his money high as he looked for a pen.

Apparently, seeing the futility of talking to Leo, Akane moved over to try and convince Sterling that this was a bad idea. It was almost cute watching the acrobat beg as he clutched at a nearby chair. “My dear Akane…” Sterling started, shaking his head in amusement now. Better Akane try to blindly (no pun intended) beg Sterling not to do this rather than him trying to use logic on Leo. Sterling would never break, Leo may. Sterling continued, dropping his volume down a fair bit but not so much the others in the room could not hear him. “You are not the first person to tell me that, and you know what? I have never regretted getting what I want. You will learn to love Utopia, and that is a promise I make to you.”

“Now, excuse me, I need to make this official. I’ve come too far to stop now.” Sterling turned back to Leo and took the pen, rolling it in his hand with a fond expression. He always wore at least one feather on his hat or coat after all and his stage name was a bird, so it was clear what creatures he liked the most. Not to mention that feathered pens were beautifully old fashioned in appearance which also appealed to Sterling. Whether this was an intentional move on Leo’s part or just a coincidence, it made Sterling even more happy to sign the paper than he had already been.

Sterling's signature was scratched onto the paper in swirly, elegant motions. Once finished Sterling pushed the paper back to Leo with an open smile and a light feeling returning to his chest. There was no better feeling than getting what he wanted. “There you go! The money will be sent to you by the end of the week, if not then I’m sure you know what to do.” Raising his glass in a cheer, Sterling made a toast, “To good business and our futures!” At the celebration Sterling downed the rest of the drink, grimacing a bit. He never chugged alcohol, or anything really, so why he did that made little sense. Sterling was in a better mood than he thought he was if he did something so undignified without thought.

After a moment where Sterling assessed how drunk he was, determining that he was thankfully far from it, he stood up rather suddenly. “Now my friend, I don’t mean to be rude but with our business concluded I think it is best that me and Akane leave as soon as we can. I now need to make extra room for Akane and find someone to help him get adjusted to the changes. It is already late so most of my troupe will be sleeping already, and those that are not are likely waiting for me to return. As you know, I originally did not intend to stay so long so they are likely worried already.” Sterling shrugged as he gave an apologetic smile towards Leo as if this was out of his control.

Glancing towards Akane, who likely was still very unhappy, Sterling made a split decision. It was almost a peace offering, although Sterling could guess that in the larger scheme of things this small actions would do little to improve their relationship. It was a shame really, Sterling would rather Akane like him, yet just like so many that came before, he would learn to at least respect his new ringmaster. All it would take was time and a bit of pressure.

Turning back to Leo and taking the contract in hand, Sterling made a request. “With your permission, Leo, before we leave I would like to take Akane to his bed so that he may collect his personal items and say goodbye to whoever we run into on the way. I think it will do some good if it doesn't just seem like he disappears out of nowhere. Is that alright with you?”
It’s done with a single pen stroke. There’s nothing he can do or say to prevent this outcome, and he can only listen as the exchange is finalized. The tip of a pen, scratching against paper in what signs him off to this—stranger. That’s what he was now, someone he’d never really met, it leaves him still, and partially clueless as to what to even say. How could you, it starts, but falters just on the tip of his tongue. How dare you?

Broken toes, bruised ankles, lonely nights; this place was where he was raised. He grew up here and he wasn’t finished here. So how? How did it come down to this?

Opening his mouth, it falls shut once again as he hears their casual conversation. It’s easy, it’s smooth, and not one person sounds at all guilty. It repulses him. Sterling, repulses him. His throat bobs, his hand finding itself in his hair as the other offers him to grab his belongings. He catches a spiteful laugh and pushes himself up and away from the chair he’s latched onto, desperately. Leo can be heard, elated, his voice carries from the couch where he sits. The number Sterling’s written is read over and over again, gaze faraway and dreamy.

“Of course! A brilliant idea, we wouldn’t people thinking that—now would we?”

No, you only sold me off.

It’s a thought that rings numbly. Akane’s face is void of more emotions than he can internally handle, his fingers twisting and pulling at each other out of pure stress. He can’t listen to his previous ringmaster anymore, not without pushing the nausea that rises. There’s slight fumbling this time around, his thoughts swarming and senses unsteady. He’s sickened, sickened of the outcome and how anyone could do this? It shouldn’t surprise him, really. People could be nasty, but it doesn’t soften the blow.

Outside, with the nightly breeze still present, Akane pauses. His breaths come out in clouded puffs and his face is blotchy with color; he’s beyond worked up.

“Do you know why I perform the way I do?” The question is followed with an explosive answer. “Because I’m familiar with my surroundings!”

A sounds escapes him that shows just how overwhelming this is.

“Don’t you get it! I understand where I am, I know because I’ve been around it for so long. You put me in a new setting and I’ll panic.” His throat clenches, the rest comes strained. “I’ll fall.”

Both his hands wrap around himself, his eyes wide. The stress was eating him up from the inside out. Change had never been easy on Akane. The smallest switch up on what goes where always seemed to shake him up with anxiety. Now, going somewhere unfamiliar, being around people he doesn’t know? It filled his stomach with lead and made every inch of self-doubt resurface. Akane was confident on where he stood here. If he left with Sterling, it would all cease to exist.

“You just wasted your money.”

“Oi, doll.”

Someone’s arm wraps securely around Akane’s waist. It connects to a woman who’s heard it all, and isn’t looking to fondly at the ringmaster himself. Ana, who’s not dressed down, and without shoes, was just out for some air. The really had been long, for many.

“I think I’ll take Akane here to his room.” There’s really no room for dispute, her head tilted, and eyes narrowed on the one who’s been the cause of whatever’s got Akane so out of sorts. She left her patience back in the tent and doesn’t even wait for him to acknowledge the fact. “You can follow, but I think it’s best you wait outside.”

Eyes burning and chin wobbling, Ana accesses the damage with thinly concealed anger. She keeps ahold of the man and walks ahead, her feet aligned with Akane’s own; both walking through grass that desperately needs to be cut down. The crickets have gone quiet, so has the area, everyone usually turned in by now. All expect a handful, including the one who cranes their neck to speak into the acrobat’s ear. She doesn’t so much as spare a glance behind them. Neither do.

“What happened?”

Akane shakes his head, making it clear; not here, not now. The message does not go dismissed and all too soon they lapse back into silence. The explanation will come later, when they finally arrive at their tent. The flaps are pulled open and shut tight once both are inside, but not without a parting glare from the roommate—the one with a bruise and zero tolerance for these types. Once inside, Akane would gasp as if he had been suffocating. His hands shook as they busied themselves with—packing. He doesn’t even own a bag. This thought is followed by a shaky laugh, his expression contorting in short lived hysteria.

“Leo sold my contract.”

Quick like a Band-Aid.

I’m sorry?”

“He sold my contract, I’m leaving.”

The sound of feet takes off against the ground and before he can prepare himself, she swallows him in an embrace. At first he only sits there, stiff as a board, and dazed. Then, slowly, he returns the hug and clutches onto the fabric of her shirt, digging his fingers into the cotton and ingesting his cries before they can bleed a mess on her top. Though he does release a shuttering sigh, in taking the smell that is Ana—cinnamon, a wash hoarded in their room.

“I—.” Ana is crying, blubbering really into his outfit. Not that he minds even a bit. “I really hate that bastard.”

Laughing, a little more genuinely this time, Akane pulls away. He touches her face and cleans up every wet spot he can feel. She seems to make an attempt to hold back at the comfort, her shoulders shaking in his hold.

“I’m so proud of you.” It’s a random thing to say, but he feels it. It’s the first thing that comes, clearer than all else. “You’ve done all that you could for this place and you are going to do so much out there.
Just—.” Again. Another shuttered sigh. “Come visit me, huh?”

On their once shared dresser is a piece of paper. It’s marked with the name of a circus, Utopia. It’s placed there by Akane, with one of the many bags Ana thankfully collected overtime. All of his possessions are inside. Things that were folded and tucked away over the full story of what happened tonight, in between the laughs and anger. Sterling Mockin, a hot topic for their discussion. Someone Ana would think of when she finds the paper left behind.

Because she’ll visit alright and she’ll remember that name.

I ended it to where Akane is leaving the tent! I just didn't want that to be unclear, RIP.
Sterling followed Akane out of the tent, giving a final wave with the contract to Leo on the way out. He seemed a bit caught up in his own musing to really care though, which was fine, Leo had just made a small fortune and all it cost him was his future so it was understandable that he was distracted. Akane on the other hand was not so dazed. He was practically screaming which Sterling took with an amused smirk. Sterling was not scared of Akane, he could take a blind man, nor was he worried about him fleeing since the boy wouldn't be able to get far without sight and even if he did then the law would track him down soon after. Akane could scream all he wanted, nothing would change.

Sterling opened his mouth to respond to his new performers panic yet when an intruder cut in for the third time that day he did not get the chance to speak. This time it was a female, clearly familiar with Akane, with a bruise and a glare on her face. If interrupting a conversation she was not apart of was not enough, she then dared to order Sterling around and proceeded to drag Akane away without waiting for permission or even a response. She may not have known the situation but she was disrespecting him which was unacceptable. When Akane talked back it was amusing to Sterling because he found the blind acrobat interesting, it was more adorable than frustrating in that case, but this girl meant nothing to him which made his temper flare immediately.

Sterling did not follow immediately. He stood in place, putting on his coat and shoving his hands inside to hide how tightly they were clenched although they were shaking due to the pressure they were under. Even then he did not move, allowing the pair to get a good few paces ahead of him. A series of cracks followed, caused by Sterling cracking his neck with such intensity and sharpness that the motion actually hurt the ringmaster. The pain was enough stimulation to get Sterling to start moving, following behind the pair with his steady long strides. It wouldn't be surprising if they could feel his gaze on them even if they did not look back, his stare was unblinking and angry after all.

Once they went inside of the tent Sterling did not follow, having a feeling that if he did then he would end up doing something to that girl that he would regret. She had already been hit recently, the bruise was clear, and Sterling did not want to add more of them to someone that wasn't his own. Leo hopefully would take her down a few pegs at a later date. Sterling on the other hand would vent his anger later on someone else who likely deserved a beating just as much. Another reason Sterling did not follow was because it was not hard to wonder what the conversation was about. It was about Sterling, the contract and maybe Utopia, all of which Sterling knew all about already so listening in would be a waste of time.

Instead Sterling pulled out his cell to find about two dozen calls and texts waiting for him. He had not looked at it since arriving at this place which was many hours ago. The texts started out as simple updates, accompanied by pictures. ‘The camp is set up. All beds, restrooms, and dining areas included’, ‘We unloaded the food and I gave everyone an extra half hour to eat so that they could rest before getting back to work’, ‘How is the show? I think the crew are starting to realize that you are not here’. Then the texts started to get a bit more worried and chaotic, ‘Starling, are you on your way back? It’s been hours since I heard from you’, ‘Are you in trouble or lost? Call me’, ‘This isn't funny. I’m going to come and get you if you do not answer me by 3am.’. That was just the texts, the calls were far longer and concerned ranging from interrogations to almost weeping. Sterling didn't even listen to them though, he would eventually but now it was not needed.

Since he had some time while Akane packed, Sterling took the chance to dial Judas's number, the only other cell phone at Utopia. Sterling only had to wait a single ring before a deep, fast talking voice came over the line. “Sterling where in the hell have you been? I have been waiting all night for you to get back here. If you got held up you could have at least sent me a text so that I didn't pull out my hair worrying-”

“You pulled out your hair?” Sterling cut in with concern of his own. Just like Akane, Judas was one of Sterling's favorites not just because of their friendship but due to the other man's appearance and skill set. Anything that could ruin Judas’s appearance was an issue.

“It’s just an expression, Boss, I’m fine. But are you?”

“Peachy.” Sterling replied, a smile coming back into his voice, “I found something very interesting here so I had to cut a deal with the ringmaster and it took a lot longer than I thought it would. We are going to be on our way back soon, so set up an extra bed in one of the tents alright? Make sure it is with someone quiet and not far from my own tent, I don’t want to have to go far to find him. Oh, and make it a nice one to. I have high hopes for this one so I want him comfy and cared for.” The orders flowed off of Sterling tongue quickly and with ease, he had been commanding Judas and others for most of his life so just like lying it was second nature to him.

“Nice place, quiet roommate, near your tent, got it. Consider it done.” Judas replied, once his boss and friend was finished. “You sound excited... it’s been awhile since you sounded like this. I’m glad to hear it! This person must be pretty great if you spent hours trying to recruit him, huh! You didn't bankrupt us though, did you?”

“Oh you have no idea…” Sterling almost sighed this, “And the bank is fine, I have no doubt that he will pay us back ten fold anyway. He really is marvelous.” A beat, a moment of silence where Sterling could have sworn that he heard crying coming from the other side of the fabric. “I’m gonna let you go now, once he has packed we are leaving so make sure the room is set up, okay? See you soon, my friend.” For once, the ‘my friend’ comment was not a lie or mocking, but completely honest. The pair hung up after that, both feel a bit better in comparison to how they were before the call.

It took a bit longer for Akane to return from the tent, with bags in his arms. “Let me carry some of those.” Sterling sort of asked, taking a few of them without waiting for an answer. “It is going to take a few hours to get home so we need to get a move on. I’m sure that girl can pass on your goodbyes to anyone else that we fail to run into. Can you follow on your own or do you need to hold onto me so that you do not get lost?” Sterling did not ask his question in a way that put off condescendence but consideration. He was not completely unfamiliar with working with disabilities although blindness specifically was not familiar to him. If he could make Akane’s time easier then he would, assuming Akane did not decide to be difficult or proud at least.

Either way, no matter how Akane responded, Sterling took the lead towards his car where he threw the bags into the back of the truck before holding open the door for his new performer. “After you, Akane.” There would be no going back once the boy was in the truck. No escape, only change.
“You don’t have to—.” The load on his arms lessens nonetheless and Akane frowns. He holds what he still has close, shielding it against his chest and appearing cross. “that wasn’t necessary, I can carry my own.”

Politeness be damned, this man was undeserving of gratitude. He’s still beyond seething, his expression stony, and eyes cold. There was no warmth in his voice, having seeped out more and more as the night wore on. He was tired—unbearably upset too. It seemed like every brittle world soared over the ringmaster’s head. As the other continues to speak, the anger coils around his chest like a hot iron. His hands clutching the bag tightly and lips pursed. It would’ve been easy to deny him of that offer, to shake his head and continue on. Unfortunately, Akane doesn’t have this luxury.

He reaches out and firmly grasps the other’s arm, the aim misguided and fumbling. It takes a second, but he manages to latch his grip on them. His fingers curl around the forearm, it’s a tight lock, just so Sterling won’t feel the shake in it. There’s no hiding his distain though, it paints his expression and curls his lip as he holds onto the person he wishes would simply vanish. It’s been a long time since he’s had a nightmare, Akane had to wonder if he was due.

“Lead on.” The words contradicting how he really feels.

They walk a little way. It’s not far off, but it only feels like part of a second in Akane’s mind. The moment feels horridly surreal, leaving alongside someone who has been only a guest hours ago. Now, it was someone who held onto one of the most viable pieces of Akane’s life. It was a paper that he wanted nothing more than to shred and burn. He wondered if that was possible, if he could somehow get his hands on it, and leave the scraps by Sterling’s feet. This thought is toyed with, rolled back and forth until he creates vivid imagery; leaving behind a circus where he didn’t belong.

The car door Is popped open and it rips the light haired male away from his musing. His fingers fall flaccidly from their once iron grip. He traces the side of the vehicle with his fingertips, lips parting in realization—this was it. There’s a little peeling in the paint, a little chip that gets caught under his nail, and at that moment he is hit with a new thought.

Why not run? The air gets trapped in his throat at that, his body stilling. He swallows thickly and lowers his arm back to his side. There’s adrenaline leaking in slowly, it’s prepping him for a thought that’s blaring by this point; run, run, run. Surely Sterling wasn’t mad enough to chase him down. He takes this into consideration, and a quieter, meeker voice of reason speaks up—who knew how he’d react? The debt, comes another and all at once they avalanche over his own selfish desires. The payments, the lack of security, he’d be out. To run off seemed tempting, but then he had to come to terms with reasoning.

Akane had nowhere to go.

The tension slips, withdrawals and leaves his shoulders low. Take your time, he reminds himself and feels as a guide to get in.

Take your time and get out of here, carefully.
The a slam the door to the truck slammed shut, securing Akane in the passenger side of the vehicle. Sterling followed suit, walking around the back end and entering the driver's seat. He didn't hesitate, he threw the keys in the ignition and started the car, pulling away within moments. Sterling did not look back at the circus that would probably no longer exist by the beginning of the next season. It was something worth smiling over, so even though Akane could not see it as they pulled out of the parking lot Sterling looked perfectly pleased with himself.

In fact, the further away from the other circus they got and the closer to Utopia, the more Sterling's mood seemed to improve. Even if the ride there was more or less silent, it didn't seem to bother Sterling who hummed to himself or flicked through the radio as he drove for those many hours. His mind was occupied, picturing what he was going to do with Akane and how he was going to have the boy perform. He remembered how Akane said that unless he was used to things he would freak out and fall, so the first goal would be getting the blind man comfortable and then going through a lot of practise. There would be a net under him for most of those times and Sterling would make sure he was there to personally make sure it all went well. Most likely Akane would not be able to perform by the time they first opened but hopefully by the end of their time in the town he would be able to do at least the closing show.

When they pulled up to Utopia Sterling was filled with a warm feeling. There were tents everywhere and although there was not a lot of light, there were enough random spots lit up that it gave the half set up camp a haunting look. He loved this place at night far more than during the day, but that should not have been surprising when it came to the dark ringmaster. They parked in a random spot close to the fence entrance that was closed but unlocked, likely due to Judas purposefully leaving it that way. The camp was quite, nearly no one awake due to the time and the fact that they had been setting up everything in the hot sun all day so they were exhausted.

“We’ve made it Akane, welcome to your new home!” Sterling said with glee, aware of the other persons less than happy attitude, “Now before we head inside and I want to make something clear… I know what I did back there was wrong, I lied to you and then ignored your wishes, but I’m honestly not that bad of a guy. Unlike Leo, I see value in you far greater than a number on a piece of paper, I also respect men and woman of your talents as more than just ways to bring in money. Now I don’t expect you to like me right away after what I just pulled, it will take time to regain your trust, but I hope that you will at least try to make this work out just as I will. Trust me when I say that I will do my very best to make you comfortable here, both when performing and when not. You see I-” The welcoming speech was cut off by a harsh, gurgled gasp, as if Sterling was suddenly being choked by someone. Following that came a short series of coughs.

When the moment passed Sterling sat silent for a moment, wiping the tears from his eyes, smugging his makeup in the process. When he spoke again, it was softer in volume and tone, in order to match the look of concern on his face that thankfully no one could see, “Sorry about that…” Sterling had spoken a lot that day and he was hours past the time he normally took his medicine, in fact it was past his set bedtime as well, “Look, to make this short, this is your home now whether you like it or not and I honestly want you to be happy here, so we both should try to start anew tomorrow.” Sterling concluded his speech quickly, openly in a rush now, “Come on, let’s get inside so that you can meet your new roommate.”

Without waiting for a responce Sterling bounced out of the truck and grabbed Akane’s luggage, before walking to the boys side, “Here take my arm,” Sterling said when he was near the boy once again, more comfortable back at home versus at Leo’s circus. The general setup of the tents were the same no matter where they went so even though the location was different, the way around the camp was not. Due to that Sterling was able to get inside, lock the gate behind them, and walk at a less than relaxed pace until he ended up at the tent that was only slightly larger than the rest. “Just one more stop and we will find your roommate.”

Opening the flap that served as a door, Sterling called out, “Judas, I’m home!”

The response was instantaneous, the sound of something falling and the rushing of someone who was not far away but out of sight, “Starling!” The young looking man called out as he picked himself up off the floor and pranced over to the pair. The shiny black hair bounced around his porcelain pale skin, his thumbs were tucked into his colorful suspenders that contrasted against his black shirt not unlike the scarlet threads weaved into his skin. Like always, his eyes were their normal, unusually large and wide size sparkling a vibrant scarlet. Judas would take out the contacts only minutes before bed and then would put them on before even getting out of bed when the morning came, a habit as normal to him as drinking his medicine was to Sterling.

When he saw the asian boy next to Sterling though, he froze yet his voice kept the same loud, energised tone to it. As he spoke Judas shifted back in forth between his feet, picking at the threads embedded into his skin in an attempt to keep his hands busy. “Oh heya, you must be the marvelous new person Sterling mentioned. The names Judas or Stitches, whatever you prefer!”

“He is my roommate and the right hand man of Utopia. Consider his word law, less it goes against a rule that I have already set in place. ” Sterling continued, explaining what was important because he knew from past experience that Judas would forget to. The man may have been loyal to a fault, but that did not change the fact that he always seemed to be on a sugar high. “He’s going to show you to your tent and introduce you to your roommate for me.”

At this point Sterling pulled his arm away from Akane, stepping further into the tent as he began rummaging into the boxes in an attempt to find his medicine. God his throat was starting to burn more every word he spoke. This happened every time he skipped out on taking his medicine after a day where he changed his voice even slightly, but the pain would eventually fade only to replaced with a worse drawback. Silence. Without the medicine Sterling could barely talk, something he worked desperately to hide from others outside of Judas. Thankfully it was not that bad yet and Sterling could still speak... For now.
Akane’s fingers find themselves lost in the threads of his bag, the one he clung to since leaving. It sits in his lap and isn’t too heavy. The ride was fairly quiet, not that he was complaining; silence was a gift at this point. In silence you could really think, pick up the little things that often went muffled by a voice. He could hear the engine, thrumming as they drove to a place that made his inside turn. He could hear the radio, the tune that fills the space of lost conversation. His hand slips over the lever of his door, feeling the cool metal and trying to focus on this too—not to let himself get washed up in the panic.

The car would eventually come to a stop, pulling up with a soft jolt before dying out entirely. He’s quiet for a moment until the other speaks, leaving Akane to hang onto every word. He’d rather not, considering how everything coming from the man’s mouth manages to raise another prickle of anger. Sterling had done a lot of damage tonight and it seemed like he was willing to admit that. At least. I’m not that bad of a guy. For some reason that drawls a smile, one that’s curled with disbelief as he listened to him continue.

Akane was far from fooled.

Sterling’s actions tonight had said a lot about him. As someone who believed in second chances, Akane was stuck on this. Like a piece of gum that refused to give, his thoughts were clumped and disorganized. Things had happened fast and they were still trying to settle in; he was still in complete disbelief they were even here. He lets him go on, listening without a say, lost in his own thoughts as he took absorbed everything said—everything happened.

Then something happens that makes the one in the passenger side flinch; Sterling makes a gasping sound that raises concern. His head flicks to the side, towards the source of the sound as he hears a string of coughs fill up the space around them. He’s not sure what to do, or rather say. Akane opens his mouth, brows dipping in confusion as to what was wrong, that is until the sound is cleared up. The rest is rushed, his words, their exit. All while Akane can’t wipe off the puzzled look on his face as he follows. That hadn’t sounded good, far from it and he had to wonder if the other was possibly sick. There wasn’t a rough edge to his voice, a raspy touch that came from a cold.

Here, Akane must be more dependent. Though his pride, his aching, battered, pride is telling him not to—he must take hold of the ringmaster’s arm once again. This place and its surroundings were completely unfamiliar to him. He knew he was outside, he knew they were walking through grass and that things were quiet. That’s as far as he could gather, he couldn’t tell you where the nearest tent stood, or if they were even standing remotely close enough. This scares him. He’s never been this lost before. He can hear a lock move and shift closed, forcing his expression to pinch up.

There was a gate? He marks this down immediately, adding it to the top of a list that would only grow and grow.

They continue a little further until they stop again. This time it’s fabric being rustled, the familiar sound of a curtain door parting. He hears a name be called, Judas, he mulls over. The response is quick and by the sound of it, rather clumsy. He listens in on their nearing steps and grows a little tense. Judas, Stitches, Utopia’s right hand man; many names, but Akane finds himself really thinking over that last one. Was he really Utopia’s right hand man, or Sterling’s?

Then the arm he’s gripping is pulled away.

Akane’s brows raise and his hand is left to float back to his side. He blinks, standing in the same spot as he continues to face the direction of Judas’s voice.

“Is he gone? Sterling.”

Reaching out, he comes into contact with the tent and retracts his hand quickly. “I see,” he voices. His hands again find themselves wound up in the strap of his bag as he stands there a bit perplexed—wondering what sent the other off in subtle haste.

“My name’s Akane,” he says. He doesn’t offer up his stage name as an option, it wasn’t something he felt very fond of. Hearing it now, here, it wouldn’t do him any good. His head was still aching, his feet sore and throat dry. It was late and the idea of finding somewhere to settle seemed more than appealing, despite his emotions. “Stitches...I have to admit I’m curious as to why that’s your stage name. I’m always interested in what gives the name performers carry—ah.”

Akane taps just below eye.

“Useless things,” he says. “Would it be alright if you showed me to my room?”
“What do you mean is he gone? He’s right over there getting ready for bed….“ Judas questioned, confusion openly expressed on his face for more than just one reason. His brows were heavily creased and his voice dripped with the emotion behind it, no secrets even in speech.

If one were to look at Sterling and Judas side by side they would basically be total opposites, even in small physical mannerisms. Sterling's pale face was always subtle and controlled, a blank mask fit to be shaped at any moment, not unlike how his words often were. He valued order and quality, which extended to hygiene and cleanliness in all things including his way of dress. While Judas on the other hand was loud, the way he talked, the way he moved, and the way he thought even could be considered booming. His mind was quick and sporadic, never focusing on any one thing for long unless he was given strict directive. The Utopia leaders were different in so many ways that it was remarkable that they managed to get along, let alone run a business together. In fact, if it were not for Judas being so submissive to Sterling and their past then they likely would have ended up killing one another long ago. It was a King and servant relationship in nearly all ways.

As Akane introduced himself Judas was shifting front and back on his feet, heel to toe, with his thumbs locked onto his loose fitting suspenders. He may not have been humming, but from the way he was smiling it would have fit his persona. Judas prefered to leave the singing to Sterling though, and for good reason. He thought that Akane was odd for not noticing why he was called stitches or where Sterling had went moments ago yet he did not question it outright. In the circus business and in the mirror, it was normal to see oddities and someone ignoring what was right in front of their eyes was a small thing.

That was what Judas thought at least until Akane pointed towards his eyes, giving enough of a hint for Judas to figure out what was wrong. “Oooooooh” Judas exclaimed in a long drawn out sound of realisation. “You're blind! Duh, that’s why Starling liked your act so much! We don’t have any of those around here so welcome to the family!” Judas was surprised that he did not notice the blindness sooner.

Sterling who was still in the back of the room crushing and mixing himself a concoction of herbs together was not as surprised. His friend was not the brightest crayon in the box, but he had his uses. “Look, Judas, if you two insist on talking can you not do it here? I need to finish up here and go to bed.” Just like earlier he was in a rush, and it showed. His tone held a touch of annoyance. although it was not directed at anyone in particular, plus there was the fact that it held none of the smooth superior tone that Sterling was so fond of using. Sterling hated weakness, hated his own throat for getting sore so easily, so when it happened he pushed people away to hide it. Who could blame him? A ringmaster who was not loved but hated by many his crew needed to be cautious at all times. If Akane could see then Sterling would have waited until he left to even start gathering his medicine.

“Whatever you say Boss. Come on Akane!” Judas reached out, taking the blind man by the hand without hesitation or consideration. “Just follow me, I’ll take you to your room and tell you about my stage name on the way! “ Pulling Akane behind him, Judas immediately left the tent and began bouncing the short path towards their destination. Most of Sterling's ‘favorites’ were placed close to the master tent so that he could personally care for them, they were also a bit larger and nicer than the common tent rooms. There was only handful of these special people, in fact there was less than six in that unlucky group even including Akane… although he likely didn't know just how much Sterling already valued his presence. .

A cool night air tousled the doll boys black hair and caused it to tickle his neck in several places. The mans deep voice polarised his almost girlish giggle. “Burr, it’s cold out here huh? You must be freezing in that robe of yours.” Judas did not care enough to use the proper term for a kimono. “Oh yeah, you wanted to know why I was called stitches. Here, let me show you-” Halting to a stop, Judas lifted Akane’s hand that he had been holding to his exposed arms. He lead Akane’s hand across the line of stitches that were on the tops of his forearm before moving the stranger's hand to the threads on his neck, stopping the guided tour at the cross lines embedded into his lower lip. Judas had no shame or problem being touched, as Akane was being forced to learn already. Even has he continued to talk he did not move Akane’s hand off of his lips, “Some people call me Doll Face or Puppet, but I prefer Stitches by far. It’s way cooler right? Plus I’m also this places tailor so it works in more ways than one instead of me just being a pretty face.”

“So what do they call you? A blind performer has a great name I bet.”
Sterling and Judas were a mismatched pair. This is how Akane sees it, or depicts from everything he hears from the other; the flashy imagery that’s pulled from both the name and his personality. It could be far off, but it’s only a first encounter. He’s not as subtle as Sterling either. There’s really no dancing around things and in all honestly Akane didn’t mind that one bit. Rather, he preferred it. There’s not a look of offense as the other finally comes to the realization. Only relief he wouldn’t appear anymore strange.

Akane bites his tongue at the warm welcome. He can’t seem to ward off the ill feelings that have been present since his arrival, he’s annoyed with the way things turned out, still. This place would be no different from the old. It was just a waiting game of finding out how much more different. That doesn’t mean he’s obligated to give Judas the cold shoulder. Not when he’s been nothing but pleasant, so far. So he tips back the spiteful remarks and tries to placate the headache that again rises with the presence of Sterling’s voice.

Running his fingers over one another, he listens closely this time. Lips pinched as he hears the obvious annoyance that leaks between the folds. It’s a strange thing to hear, the turnaround in his attitude. What happened in the car? He decides not to dwell; it would be best if they scrammed. Anything to get some space more space put between them. Not just the thin walls of a tent. “Oh,” he made a soft noise of surprise at the hand that grabs for his own.

At the reminder of the swarming cold, Akane gets a chill in response. He nods, staring ahead as they move towards where he’ll be staying. It would be a lie to say it doesn’t drill some anxiety at the potential personal staying on the other said. Whether they would be coarse, or friendly. It was a complete mystery. It’d be nice to get along with another person, but he doesn’t expect it. Besides, Akane could deal with the quiet. He tries to remain somewhat optimistic for a man that is at most times, pessimistic as a shipwreck survivor.

About to answer—he falls short on even uttering a words. His hand is taken and placed on the raised threads weaving Juda’s skin. Akane momentarily can’t breathe. Eventually, he inhales deeply to make up for the astonishment. With that, he takes in strong chemicals. Suddenly realizing how much the other smelt of such a nose wrinkling scent. He contains himself in respect, really, it’s such a strange thing to smell of; though he does pick up something that reminds him of the contents of his bag. Powder compacts, colorful liner, and chalks of blush. It’s not bad, but strong.

“These are so clean.” Akane compliments, clearly in awe. He’s running the pads of his fingers over each slope.

People like this were rare. At least for Akane. There’s no anxiety at having someone run their hand all on you, he doesn’t even sound mildly bothered. Being respectful, Akane doesn’t linger when the guiding hand disappears. He does run over the linked chain on the Juda’s lip. They were tightly done. There wasn’t a missed stich, nothing stuck out over the other. They felt tight and bonded as a stich should be. It really was amazing; what’s given him the now obvious name and how nicely done these are.

“Sure is.” He continues on with a sore excuse of a grin, it’s weary on the edges from a long evening. “It’s very fitting. Why—If I saw that on a headliner, I’d buy a ticket myself.”

It wasn’t a lie. The act seemed unbearable interesting, pulling the curiosity from the acrobat in a never-ending haul. He wasn’t entirely sure what Judas did on stage, and that was one of the disappointments of being sightless. He wished he too could witness the thrilling stunts and the performers. Slick palms, beating hearts, and emptied lungs; the circus was a place where you could fall in love. If you went to just the right one.

“Your act must be incredible.”

Akane’s expression shifts into mild embarrassment at the question.

“It’s no stitches,” he laughs. It’s not a strong one and blends into a light chuckle. “They called me Lotus. I never really understood it to be quite honest. My—old ringmaster told me, when I was small, that the lotus flower was a symbol of purity and beauty; something that made the murky water of a pond brighter.”

Shaking his head, a fonder grin takes place. He sighs at the memory. The man who took him in was far from a saint, but he did raise and take part in molding him into the man he was today. It’s an unfair stab of nostalgia that makes homesickness bubble up like an ailment. As if driving a hand through the fog, he bats away the thoughts and tries not to let the sentimentality take charge. He instead huffs a little laugh, waving a hand that isn’t being pulled along in a show of, what can you do?

“Again, no stitches.”

Then a thought rises. It surfaces like a bob in the water, wobbling persistently as he finally asks something he was severely curious about.

“What are the others like?” This was a very open ended question. It would be biased too, but he needed to know. Judas seemed fine enough. Though, he thought that about Sterling too. He mentally scolds himself. Akane refused to let one person ruin his judgment. “There’s a lot of hype surrounding this place. The talent must be outstanding, but what are the performers like?”
“Thank you!” Judas giggled, always glad to be complimented on his sewing. “I’ve been doing them for years now so they better be clean, although they do take a lot of upkeep the look it gives me is totally worth it. They don’t even bleed anymore when I change the threads!” Although Judas was not bothered by the thought or mental image at all, when he first did this to himself the act was more than painful. It was bloody and badly done. Every time he pushed the needle into his skin, pulling it through the narrow opening, Judas let let out a scream of pain as tears flowed openly from his eyes. Since then though he got better at it, learning how not to go too far into his skin, and with that came a higher pain tolerance so that when he made new stitches it was not that bad, although it was still an unpleasant experience. Thankfully Sterling how helped in the process which made it far easier to fight past the pain.

At the mention of his act, Judas could only nod in smug agreement. His act was unique at the very least, which in Utopia was a common thing but to the customers it was not. “I would say so, me and Sterling have been perfecting it for years so it better be incredible. See, I get tied up in really thin but strong ropes that lift me a handful of feet off of the ground then someone above me manipulates my body into doing different movements and positions like a puppeteer. Let me tell you, when the audience sees the ropes pull me into certain positions they think I got snapped in half, thankfully though I’m a decent contortionist too so there is no position I cannot get put in comfortably. All I really have to do it sit there slack and let the ropes do whatever they want to do, so it’s pretty easy on my end!”

“Lotus huh? That’s not bad, kinda girly, but it could be worse. I once knew a horrible knife thrower that was called Pin, as in pin point accurate. Yours at least fits you, I mean your hair is pink for god sake! I love that by the way, do you dye it or is that your natural color?” Judas was always looking for better ways to dye hair or change his appearance, it wasn't uncommon for him to show up with a whole new appearance. He liked to fit the season or holiday, so before his hair was the shiny black it was a vibrant summer red.

“Do you want to keep that name? If you want I could try to talk to Sterling about it changing it to something better. People's stage names change all the time to better match their personalities and acts, so I doubt he will be opposed to it.” There was a pause as Judas glanced at Akane, a rare moment when he was not rambling on and on. “I don’t think he will let me change your costume though…. You look way to good in those robes to get rid of them. Still, if you have any adjustments that need to be made I can get away with doing them.”

When Akane proposed a question of his own Judas wasn't sure how to respond at first. “Hm… that’s kinda hard to answer.” Mainly because half of the current crew were against Sterling while the other half was loyal due to some personal profit, they were split down the middle. Judas debated on if to mention this but in the end he settled on not mentioning it. Sterling wouldn't want Akane know such a thing on his first night at this place, “Well I guess you could say that the people here are as unique as their acts so there isn't really a way to describe them in one category. But overall, I would say that the people here are passionate about what they do and what they think. People care about their acts, they live for them more than just a way to get a paycheck. It’s an art.

“Outside of the stage though, I like to think of us as a family here. We all eat together, we practise and train in the same places, and everyone has a roommate, so really everyone knows everyone like a true family. Hell, after joining this place no one ever even wants to leave! I cannot tell you how many performers stayed here even after their initial contracts ran out!” Sure that was because Sterling often did not let them leave in the first place or he chased them down and made them sign back into Utopia, but that was another thing Sterling did not want him to share. Judas really only kept his mouth shut over things that Sterling ordered him to, although when he lied to kept the full truth it was far less smooth than when Sterling did it.

This was proven by the way Judas pushed the conversation along, although could have been taken as just Judas rambling on as usual. “Your roommate, Cobra, is a bit odd, even by our standards, but he is quiet and Starling thought you would like that. I hope you like it warm and are not squeamish though…” Judas shivered, knowing that he would not want to be sleeping in the same room as their resident snake charmer. Although most of all he just found Drake too dull to serve as quality entertainment, the snakes and the heat just made it worse. “He knows this place very well though and he has agreed to help out as your guide when me or Starling cannot do it"

“Anyway, here we are!” Judas exclaimed loudly when they reached the tent that was really only a short walk away from the masters tent. “You ready to meet Cobra? Want me to introduce you or do you got this? He should still be awake, he was expecting you.”
“You’re a contortionist too?” Akane asks, clearly awed. He listens to the act with wonder in his eyes. A real puppet, he muses. Not one you stuck a hand into and flung around with a voice that clearly came from the poor puppeteer’s obviously moving lips. No. This was much different. Extraordinary really. Smart too, to combine a talent like that with his implied aesthetic. Akane couldn’t see, but he knew the nickname Doll Face wasn’t short lived.

Akane chuckles at the Pin comment. That was an unfortunate name. His hand instantly touches the hair, actually a bit insecure at what a hazard it could be. He’d run knots through it with worry and the nightly breezes had been merciless with their tussles. At this point, he doesn’t worry too much. It seems like a lost cause and far from a problem at the present moment.

“Thank you. He smiles gratefully at the compliment, hand falling back to his side. “It’s dyed. There’s plenty of bottles of the stuff in my bag, tiring to keep up with, but I sort of enjoy it. There’s a shop in the city; It’s filled with countless colors.”

Originally a blonde, Akane got his hands on the stuff when he was fifteen. When the circus was still a tiny thing and the silks were only a hobby. He’d smelt in one night under the covers, eyes still closed and sleep still fogging his senses. The chemicals, strong like the one’s Judas carried, flared his nostrils and wrinkled his face. It was nowhere near pleasing, but his old roommate introduced him to the awful smelling products and he was hooked. Though he couldn’t see it, the pastime was more than pleasant. He could focus on just sitting down, fixate on something that wasn’t work.

“A pink headed baby, now that’d be something.” Akane imagines, eyes crinkling and laughing.

At the notion of a name change, his humors unplugged like a lamp. He answers a little too quickly. “No. No name change.” It was one of the few things brought with him and he planned on keeping it. His defensive nature spikes, and he nips the suggestion in the bud. As Judas continues, disappointment settles with the mention of a costume change. Of all things, he’d wished to ditch the kimono entirely. Though, he does look soften up at the kind words, no matter how flattering; they made him feel silly. Phony.

“With stitching like that, I’d love for you to touch up on some of my older ones. If you ever have the time.” There was a cluster of them packed away with frayed hemlines. “I’ve never been good with needle and thread.” It’s obvious he’s jesting with a grin making a partial return.

When Judas answers his question, Akane listens keenly to what he has to say about the place. Any opinion counted and he was desperate for any. This was a new setting. There were no familiar faces and all he wanted to know was what he was up against here. And it doesn’t seem terrible by what the other has to say. Passionate performers. “That’s good.” Akane says. “Having an outlook like that is good” It really wasn’t just a paycheck. Back at Babbit’s, that’s really all it was.

It’s strange to hear these things. To hear of a place where people grouped together like a family? It seemed far-fetched. You could do everything together, but that’s not what made a family. It’s a glum thought, really just a way to shoot a hole through what’s being said. He’s come from somewhere far different by the looks of it. And if what Judas had to saw was true, he had some things to learn and adjust to. He can’t help but wonder, what were the groups? That happened in any kind of crowd of people. You picked side, you branched off, and you learnt biases.

Again, he’s lived through it. Not everyone liked Leo, but not everyone hated him either.

Akane separates himself from his train of thought. He tunes back in on Judas and what’s being said, he catches the name Cobra and hangs on it. Like it warm and not squeamish. Turning his head, his brows furrow and you can read the absolute bafflement on his face. It’s not rocket science to put that all together and what it implies. He opens his mouth, closes it, and tucks his lips between his teeth in order not to let the worry slip right through.

Judas offers to introduce him, but Akane only raises a hand in polite refusal.

“It’s gotten terribly late; I just know it. I’ve taken a lot of your time with my arrival.” He nods his head in gratitude. “I’ll let you go and get some rest. Thank you for everything, but I think I can take it from here.”

Akane genuinely found Juda’s company pleasant. He talked, a lot, and filled in the gaps that Akane tended to create. It was a trait that the man truly appreciated. Plus, he’d felt a lot better after that short walk and some of tonight’s tension had slipped away and got left behind. That had been more than enough and now he would let the other go before he felt more than bothersome. Reaching out, he feels for the parting of the tent that stand before. Judas said he was expecting him. Conflicted, he hesitates before stepping in.

Immediately, he makes himself small. His back presses flush against where the parting now flutters back closed. He holds his things close, because he can’t see. Something that really derives some frustration. He’s afraid he’ll step on something, trip, or walk straight into the resident. Worst of all, he knows there’s snakes in here; damn cobras? The curse echoes around his mind as he waves awkwardly. There was really no way to dance around any of this.

“Hello?” Introduction, you’re a stranger. “I’m Akane, the performer that was coming tonight.”

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