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Fandom Mass Effect: Quarian in hiding (thatoneguy911 & Sgt Gomez)

Sighing in relief, he glances over at the dead bodies, before glancing back into the Quarian's helmet, his face now visible.

"Whats going on, is that we're both in a lot of trouble. I need you to grab your things, we have to leave Omega."
He places his hand on his shoulder, before looking at her in a dead serious matter.

"Let me rephrase this; We need to leave tonight, or both of us will end up with our heads on spikes by morning. Do you understand me?"
She nods slowly and swung her legs over the edge of the slab to gather her energy to go gather her things.
Groaning at the situation he got himself into, he looks back at the bodies.

"Do you have a cellar or a storeroom? I need to get these bodies out of sight."
He curses under his breath, before pointing at the Quarian.

"You have five minutes. Only bring what you need."

Before waiting for her to respond, the human searches for anything flammable or explosive nearby.
As the Quarian gathers her things, Elliot grabs a tanker full of flammable liquid. He begins to drench the bodies, as well as the rest of the store. He was going to burn it all down.
Stepping out of the shop, he made sure the quarian was out.

Discharging the thermal clip in his pistol into the liquid, the entire shop errupted into flames.
He looks on as the flames engulf everything, he couldnt help but feel responsible for all of this. Glancing over at the Quarian, he frowns.

"Look, I'm sorry. I had no idea it was going to go down this way."
He turns to her, a bit aggressively, but not in a hostile way.

"I had no idea that they were going to try and kill you, alright? I'm not in the business of murdering pregnant women!"

He sighs, trying to calm himself down.

"Look, I've got enough credits stored away to get us both off the station. After that... I dont know. "
"Well we would have a better chance of living if we ran....but if we are caught we may have just angered aria more."
"I just gunned down two of her enforcers to help you out, I'd say she's going to be pissed off enough as it is. Personally, I'm taking the option were we might survive."

He turns away, walking towards the shipyard.

"You coming?"
It took the two a little while to get to the docking bay undetected, having to dodge a few of Aria's patrols along the way.

They eventually found their way into the back of a small transport ship, Elliot had known the pilot personally.
Elliot sits down on a crate adjacent from her, as there wasnt a lot of room back where they were.

"After the day you've had? I'm surprised you're still concious..."

He frowns, looking away from her.

"I'm... Sorry this happened to you."

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