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Fandom Mass Effect: Quarian in hiding (thatoneguy911 & Sgt Gomez)


Junior Member
The sounds of the bustling public drowned out pretty well any and all attempts to think. This wasnt the type of crowd you'd find on the Citadel either, on Omega, people openly discussed their illegal activities. There was only one rule on this station, a rule that only the desperate, stupid or insane would ignore.

Elliot was here today to enforce Omega's one rule. Some Quarian had failed to pay back her loan to Aria, and the human merc had been hired to collect. His omni tool flared to life as he studied the Quarian's profile, brushing up on any information that he might have needed before confronting her at her shop.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Uto was so focused on her current project that she didn't hear any footsteps approach her shopfront. People rarely stopped by her weapons and armor shop since the nearby competitor was always selling the same models for cheaper, but her creations were always top of the line and always came custom for the buyer.
As Elliot made his way closer to the Quarian's shop, he couldnt help but notice varrious aliens, mostly Batarians and Vorcha staring at him.

There were many on Omega who disliked humans, especially since the Specter Shepard directed a damned asteroid into Batarian space.

A lot of bad blood there, but the locals knew better than to pick a fight with anybody on Aria's payroll.

Approaching the Quarian's shop, the merc noticed she was busy working on something. Slammimg his hands on the front counter, the human cleared his throat in order to get her attention.

"Miss Uto?" He says, his voice sounding slightly mechanized due to him wearing his helmet.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
A few more zapping sounds came from the piece she was working on before she deactivated her omnitool and stood up. "That would be me. Welcome to Uto's emporium. The highest quality armor and weapons on Omega. How may I help you?" She walked over to the counter.
Elliot had not met many Quarians in his time, they were pretty rare on Omega. He found it kind of strange talking to a full faced helmet, he didnt really know where to look. Leaning forward, he shakes his head.

"I'm not here to shop. Ms Uto, you borrowed 20 000 credits from Aria to open up this shop. You've missed your weekly payments."
Uto leant on the counter and looked up at the man. "I've made weapons AND armor for Aria I do not owe her anything." She says
He sighs; so it was one of THOSE situations, was it?

"Clearly, you do. It is not my business what other dealings you way have made with Aria, but she wouldnt have sent me here if you didnt owe her the money."
"I know you are just doing your job, but I don't have any money to give. This place is dying. No one wants my kind of armor anymore. They want it run of the mill. I customize and make it yours."
The human couldnt help but feel a little badly for the Quarian, though he wasnt getting paid to think about his personal stance on the situation. She was clearly young and in over her head, but Aria wanted, Aria got.

"I understand your situation, but that doesnt free you from your obligations. Because of your failure to pay, Aria is expecting two thousand credits up front, tonight."
"I don't have two thousand credits!" uto shouts. "You don't know what I've had to endure to even be able to make my other payments..."
This was the part of the job Elliot didnt like. He had no problem breaking the legs of actual scumbags, but this Quarian was clearly just some kid down on her luck. Still, a job was a job.

"Well then you better come up with something, otherwise I'm coming back here with a group of my friends. This shop of yours is going to look a lot less presentable than it is now."
"If you do that how am i supposed to make any money to pay your stupid payments!" She shouts obviously getting emotional about it.
He sighs, leaning back onto the counter. She was definitely not making this easy on him.

"Look, I get it. I don't want to have to do this, but it's not my job to get emotionally involved in these sorts of things. Either have the two thousand by tonight, or I'll be forced to cone back here."

Stepping away from the counter, he starts walking away.

"I'm sorry, I really am."
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"No you aren't you are nothing but a thug and a brute!" She shouts turns away to hide her crying from the world.
Well, she wasnt wrong. Still, her words stung. He didnt show his emotions, but deep down this felt wrong.

Later that night, as the Quarian had predictably failed to pay the two thousand credits, Elliot met up with his two contacts; a batarian and a turian, both decked out in modified armor and weaponry. It was unnecissary to bring so much firepower so a simple shakedown like this, but intimidation was a powerful thing.

After simple greetings, the Turian speaks up.

"Alright, so Aria is looking to send a message to the rest of the district. She wants this Quarian dead."

The Turian's words shocked the human, who turned towards him.

"You cant be serious, over a few missed payments? I was told we were just roughing up her shop a bit!" Elliot responds, clearly not on board with the idea.

The batarian slaps him on the back.

"Whats the matter, human? Going soft? After we send this little message, nobody will dare miss a payment to Aria."
Uto had closed up her shop for the day when he left earlier and just sat behind the counter with her omnitool open staring at the ultrasound photo of her child. She couldn't have been more than 2 months along, but omnitool tech was so advanced they could do ultrasounds whenever they wanted.
This wasnt right. Elliot was no stranger to killing, but never an innocent woman.

The three enforcers approached the shop, before the Turian shouts.

"You should have payed your debt, Quarian. Grab her." He orders. The Baratian goes in to grab her, while the human hangs back a bit, clearly hesitant.
Uto could be found where she had been sitting for hours. When the Batarian grabs her and she didn't seem to resist. Uto left her omnitool up on accident and the image of her child was displayed on it. She didn't seem responsive at all as if in a trance.
The Batarian drags the Wuarian into the back of the shop, slamming her siwn roughly onto a table. Grabbing some nearby straps, he starts to tie her down.

The turian steps in next, smashing up her display cases. Elliot follows in, glancing over at her omni tool. His eyes widen as it dawns on him.

"She's pregnant for god sake!" Elliot shouts.

The turian turns to the human, grabbing him by the collar.

"Look, if youre going to be a pussy about this, go stand guard or something!"
uto groans as she is slammed onto the table. Before she can react though, she was being strapped down. "P-Please no!"
The Batarian cut the Quarian's pleas short by smacking her across the head roughly.

"Shut your mouth, fleet rat!" He growls.

The turian approaches her, pulling out a long, jagged combat knife.

"You know, I've always been curious. If I sliced open that suit of yours, how long would it take you to keel over and die? I did the same thing to a Volus once, the little freak practically exploded."

The human stood back and watched in horror, fighting the urge to intervene.
"I wouldn't die like the Vlous! I would probably get sick and die in a few days!" She shouted terrified.
The turian and the batarian laughed at her response, before the turian presses the knife against her throat.

"Thanks for the information. I guess I'll just have to cut your throat and speed things along. Before you die, I want you to remember something; Dont screw with Aria."

Unable to watch any further, adrenaline takes over. Drawing his carnifex pistol, Elliot shoots the Turian in the back of the head, his limp body falls on top of the quarian. The batarian reels back in shock, before aiming his gun at the human merc. Before he could fire, Elliot put two rounds in his chest, dropping him immedeately.
Uto screams in shock and panic. She had dealt with guns and armor before but she had never seen a dead body. Her body overloaded and she passed out.
It took a second for the human to fully realize what he had just done. He just killed two of Aria's enforcers... He was a dead man.

Gunshots were a common thing to hear in Omega, but it wouldonly be a matter of hours before they found out what went down.

"Shit... Oh shit." Elliot mumbles to himself, his hand shaking as he held his still smoking gun.

Glancing over at the passed out Quarian, he growls.

"God dammit..."

Holstering his weapon, Elliot pulls the dead Turian off of her, and uses his knife to cut through the straps. Taking off his helmet, he pulls her up to a sitting position, before shaking her gently.

"Hey... Wake up!.. " He says in a hushed voice.

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