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Fandom {Marvel || Stuck with ya~}



Unofficial Member of the Ginyu Force

{This is a onexone between me (AwkwardSilence} and SophisticatedTruffle}
Username || Awkward Silence
Name || Julia Maxwell
Species || Human
Age || 25
Gender || Female
Hero Alias || Tsunami

Hair Color || Brunette with Caramel Highlights
Eye Color || Cobalt
Hieght/Weight || 5'9", 153lbs
Clothing || Anything comfortable. She doesn't really put much thought into what she wears.
Scars/Birthmarks || She has a birthmark on her shoulder that looks like a hibiscus flower.
She has a few freckles if you look close enough (they are more prominent if she goes into the sun, and she’s a socially awkward person so inside recluse it is!)
She has a rather long scar along her back from her left hip to her opposite shoulder. She got it one summer when someone pushed her into a ravine for being a “stupid mutant”. It wasn’t deep, but it was long and needed stitches. She had to sleep on her stomach for a month.

Personality ||
Funny, cocky, outgoing, smart, playful, friendly, these are a few of the traits that could be used to describe Julia. She has a strong will, and her opinions are not easily swayed. She hates being cooped up in the house all day, but since she used to have a rocky relationship with her parents as a kid, she used to sneak out of the house without her parent's knowledge as a teenager and escaped almost daily. She used to long for the freedom to go wherever and do whatever she wanted, and she was a huge fan of the outdoors and climbing trees — now living on her own in a big city like New York, she doesn’t really have the time or option to. She's very obstinant, but despite everything she is loyal. She is the type of friend who will, without any regardance for her own life, take a bullet for you. A little bullheaded, she can be blindsided by her own vision of what’s right and wrong and it gets the best of her. She is also kind, but most people don't bother to get to know her for her to be able to show that side of herself. Julia also has a strong sense of justice, and will do anything in her power to help those in need. She mainly acts proud or childish or confidently, but it’s rather an act to hide the insecurities within her own person.
Short History ||
Born and raised in the small town, she was often a rambunctious child, climbing trees, playing in the mud and getting into fights. A lot of them had to surround her mutant abilities — hydro kinesis. She first discovered her powers when she was five. A boy at school tugged on her hair and then threatened to cut it off. Julia reacted without even realizing it — they had been standing next to the fountain outside of their preschool, and other kids claimed the water just reach out and pulled him in. After that, her parents realized their daughter was different and tried putting her through private school after homeschooling her until middle school. In fact, her mother sent her away for a year to go to refinement school for a year when she was in high school but the school sent her back for various reasons (she was expelled, in case you didn’t catch my meaning~). Julia had always been getting into trouble, but one of the main things she still hates, to this day, is being stuck in one place for two long. Often trying to escape her own home, Julia could be found with plenty of maps and blueprints in her room. Her parents wanted her to settle down, get married and have a family right after college, but she had different plan entirely. Plans to explore the world. She rather dislikes her father and her relationship with him is shaky, as it is with her mother too, but she likes her mother better. Julia is not afraid to openly speak her mind to him, but that just gets her in trouble. She had been known to the world as a vigilante, having stopped various crimes over the past couple of years, and even having helped fight the Chitauri in their invasion of Manhattan.
Often she was called a freak when people found out her powers, and that's why her parents and her share such a weak bond. She hopes to one day find a place where she can finally feel like she belongs, and not be ridiculed by others.
Jules has always been on the run since leaving her home. Because of her power, she was wanted by plenty of bad criminal seeking for a leg up on the game thanks to everything. Nick Fury offered her an out, and as of the battle of New York, she's been stationed in Dubai, India and has been there for almost 3 years as a SHIELD undercover agent. For Nick Fury, this was the easiest way for him to monitor her powers without her knowing, in an isolated location where he could make sure her powers won't hurt anyone. She doesn't know that, of course. There are over 100,000 people living in Dubai. How is someone going to find that one special person? The needle in the haystack?

Likes || Maps, the outdoors, climbing trees, animals, good food, cards, comfy and loose clothing, a good joke, video games, memes, gambling, being a bit of a closet emo-tumblerina
Dislikes || Stuffy people, snobbish people, rude people, people who think that she should act like a 'lady', dresses, injustice, criminals, actually has agorophobia (fear of open places/places without easy escape plans)
Crush || will be Steve~
Husband/Wife || None

Skills || Julia has been taking kick-boxing for almost 10 years now, and she's almost a prodigy at it. Her eyesight and stealth abilities have gotten really good over the years.
Her power is hydrokinesis (manipulation of water). She can create rain, cyclones (when angry), and like most elementals, her powers are incredibly volatile (only as strong as her emotions). The largest amount of water she has tried to control is about 30 gallons, before her body gives up on her and her muscles contract. She can breathe underwater, and when she is upset enough, her mood tends to alter the weather until it rains.
The drawbacks to this is often if she overused her abilities, she gets incredibly thirsty and needs to drink a ton of water to make up for the displacement. She can make water by pulling the moisture out of the air molecules around her, but it takes a lot of concentration and drains her energy faster. In order to control larger bodies of water, she needs 100% concentration, otherwise her muscles will seize up in a spasm at the force and she’ll either feint, severely injure, or kill herself (depending on the scale of what she was attempting to control). Also, even if overusing in small bursts, she gets really tired and fatigued.
Weapons || She has a hunting knife that was a gift from her grandfather. She carries it on her person always.

Others || Her apartment is an absolute mess, and she's getting really sick of Indian food.
She's fond of a tabby orange cat that hangs around her home. Eventually giving into its cuteness, she gave it a collar and named it Mickey, and now he is simply her cat.
ERIS (HAHA each letter is a pic woohoo)
Username || SophisticatedTruffle
Name || Eris
Species || Goddess
Age || Thousands of years?? Looks mid-20s
Gender || Female

Hair Color || Blonde
Eye Color || Pale Blue
Hieght/Weight || 5'10", 140lbs
Clothing || In her goddess garb, she wears traditional Greek armor, a deep purple cape that flows over her shoulders and down her back, a long sword, and a traditional helmet. The cape is often torn and the armor scuffed from spending time on battlefields of wars she helped start. It gives a vibe of both strength and danger. In her normal form...she enjoys sweaters with fun prints.
Scars/Birthmarks || Eris’s body is covered in nicks and scars from battlefields. It was considered wrong to rid her skin of them, but she smoothed out her face and shoulders. She’s putting thought into ridding the rest of her body of them because they are rather unsightly.

Personality ||
Snarky, hot headed, silly and sarcastic basically sum up Eris. On Olympus, she was indeed a troublemaker, but she was happy with her brother, Ares, and her mother, Hera. The two held traits that made up a large part of Eris: revenge and war. She loved them both dearly and they enjoyed when she would take out her anger on the mortal humans. War was a great pastime. What could she say? If the Greeks weren’t fucking someone, they were fucking someone over, and the latter was what she really loved. Eris, even through her dark doings, loved many deeply, including the demi-god son of Apollo. Her personality has been buried under heartbreak, sadness and anger over his death at the hands of Zeus. Being alone on Earth has made it difficult to heal.

Short History ||
Eris has been alive for an incredibly long time as the daughter of Zeus and Hera. Many gods and goddesses have learned to dislike her over the centuries. A lack of an invite to a wedding caused a jealousy fight and, eventually, the Trojan War. Some disliked her for her dramatics, some disliked her chaos. Some really enjoyed those qualities. It was hit or miss and she wasn’t particularly concerned with it.

She only cared for the opinion of one person: Orpheus. She fell in love with him and his ability to charm just about anyone with his music. Some say she was under his musical spell the whole time and that he was toying with chaos rather than loving it. It hurts too much for her to admit that it may be true. Their relationship was forbidden and it was a matter of time before Zeus found out. He was so furious that he flung Orpheus down to the underworld to spend eternity with Hades and Eris down to Earth, never to return again. The whole event was partnered with massive bolts of lightning and thunder.

She now seeks revenge for her misfortune.

Likes || Painting with quality paint, beautiful music, bad jokes, pranks, the color purple, war stories (she would love to talk with Steve!), mischief, wine, coffee and sleeping in.
Dislikes || Those who believe women can’t be a force to reckon with, Aphrodite, being alone, nightmares and peanut butter.
Crush || Eventually Loki
Husband/Wife || Should’ve been Orpheus...don’t get her started.

Skills || Eris will admit it. She learned a ton from Achilles before creating the chaos that lead to his death. Combined with observations and training from her brother, she is especially handy with a sword and spear. Her hand to hand is good but if she slips up, she can often be physically overpowered. She’s proficient in magic, but her strong suit is manipulating the beliefs of people, causing them to turn on those they normally wouldn’t. The rest is from practice and often slips up when she’s nervous or under pressure. The chaos just comes from her personality ;D
Weapons || Sword and shield are her most common when fighting.

Others || Eris loves a grand library when she can find one, but mostly for climbing on shelves to find the most obscure, strange book possible. She has a fear of losing those she loves the most and of being alone, whether it be in her prison cell for the night or on Earth for eternity. Her emotions often overtake her in these times and more tears flow than she would like to admit to anyone.

(I totally stole your CS)
The storybooks in Olympus always told of the Norse being a weak race when compared to the Greeks. They weren’t strong enough to win the paradise that was Olympus, so they settled for the chilly Asgard. The Olympians showed mercy by leaving them alone to their own devices. Boy, were the books wrong.

Eris crossed the Bifrost and took the Asgardian guarding it by surprise when she burst through, her sword drawn. He received serious injuries and lay on the floor before the surrounding guards descended upon her. She did put up a good fight, given how many there were. Many lay on the ground bleeding, some already dead. But her fight ended when an electric shock was delivered to her body, causing her to let out a scream that echoed over the city.

“Unhand me you mediocrement! Do you know who I am!?” The guards were now dragging her towards the kingdom to “face Odin and the princes” as they put it. Eris scoffed. They had sent a messenger ahead to inform them that a Greek had shown up, and she wasn’t thrilled nor was she cooperating. “I’m going to plunge this pathetic place you call a home into war and just you wait until Ares gets word of it!” She let out an angry laugh, “You’re so screwed! Your families will die in a bloody war!” It took three guards and magic suppressing cuffs to contain her.

It was when the doors opened to a large room that she found the better judgment to close her mouth, although nearly everyone within range had heard her fit while coming down the hallway. Only Thor, for the time being, sat in front of her. She figured Odin was contacting Zeus at this point. That almost made her laugh bitterly. He would tell them “Congrats. She’s all yours now. Keep her away from large crowds and those inclined to encourage her.” The other prince? Perhaps listening in on either her fit or Zeus describing what they were dealing with. She didn’t know. At this point, didn’t care.

She gave Thor a cheeky grin. “Darling, you must be Thor. You know Aphrodite swoons over you all the time! You should really meet her, she’s quite lovely and very beautiful. You know, you and I would have beautiful blonde children but I don’t think I could deal with that whole lightning thing you’ve got going on. As you probably know, I’m not exactly a fan of lightning in my later years.” One of the guards jerked her arm, causing her to let out squeak of pain, glare at the floor, and mutter an expletive.

(Please let me know if this is long enough/good enough! I'm willing to push myself a little harder to get more meat, but both characters should hover around 4-6 paragraphs pretty regularly)
When Julia had (finally) gotten a message from Fury saying that he was pulling her out of Dubai, the brunette almost cried tears of joy. She read the email a few times just to make sure she had gotten the message right. She had heard that Wakanda had recently shared that it was and has been a highly advanced civilization with almost limitless resources. She was just so glad to be out of India! It was... a complete shit show, to say the least. Honestly, there’s no laws regarding traffic, the sidewalks were literally a three foot step up from the road (so "goodbye" to your toes if you weren't paying attention) and people literally everywhere. Dubai was so crowded, and hot, and although the people were generally pretty nice, she'd had it with Indian food and staying in the same place for not just one year, but three! That was also practically unbearable, because she had always liked being on the run... it was easier that way. On the other hand... well, Fury was only dragging her to another place where she'd probably be stuck for even longer. She couldn’t have even began to imagine what she was in for next.

It hadn’t taken long to pack up her mediocre belongings, but she had taken an extra hour to search for a cat carrier in the local market for Mickey. Once everything was set up on the roof, a Wakandian ship materialized before her, and some very strong looking women helped her put her things onto the flying bird. On their way to Wakanda, Julia was informed about the warriors who were helping her, the order of the Dora Milaje, warriorresses who served the King of Wakanda loyally. They had recently had problems regarding another heir, but from what little she got out of them, it appeared as though that had been cleared up fairly quickly.

The flight to Wakanda in one of their specialized ships took a little over an hour, when by commercial airline, it would have been at least a five hour flight on a crowded plane. Grateful for the fresh, clean Wakandian air, stepping out of the ship felt like a dream. Despite her happiness at being out of India, her face was still set in a deep frown. Fury had barely debriefed her in his message, but he had said that she was in for a difficult mission far away from home, that would involve destroying some weapon plans. She was definitely good at infiltration, but the fact that he didn’t tell her exact details unlike how he usually communicated her missions, she was beginning to become nervous. Surely India was farther away from American than Wakanda? That could only mean one thing: this was only the beginning.

After being assured that her stuff and her cat would be safely transported to her new place of residence (and that Mickey would be taken care of properly while she was gone), she made her way towards the palace, following two armored Dora Milaje.

T'Challa frowned as he stood with his hand behind his back, his calm chocolate gaze searching his city from the windows in the throne room. He knew that Steve behind him was also searching for other solutions, but was coming up empty handed. "It appears as though this is our only option. Nick Fury seems to have faith in this woman... this agent of his. And in the fact that if we do manage to send her back in time, she will be able to destroy the plans created by Johannes Schmidt and come back relatively quickly." He was hesitant to trust some random woman with this incredibly dangerous mission, but they were running out of options.

Johannes has many ideas for weapons that were far beyond his technological capabilities at the time he created them. However, in the future, 70 years past, African Guerillas were creating and selling such weapons, and the result was devastating. There was no possible way to get all of them rounded up and taken care of—their only hope, as far fetched as it was, was to send someone back in time to set fire to Johannes' workshop before anyone could get the plans necessary to make such horrifying firearms.

The sound of the door opening caught his attention, and the King slowly turned around to see the Dora Milaje appear with a young woman in tow—she had fair skin, long brunette locks, and steely gray eyes that reminded him of the very vibranium they harvested from the mountain underneath them. The warriors saluted to him before he dismissed them, before beckoning the brunette forward. "Miss Maxwell, we have been expecting you."

Julia wasn’t exactly sure what to expect, but seeing two giants in the "hero" world kind of made her feel a bit meek. "Ah, your Majesty, Captain," she nodded awkwardly to each male, biting her lip nervously. She was a powerful metahuman, and yet she couldn’t talk to people! It was the frustrating truth of her own human hubris. "Expecting me, huh? I’m hoping Fury told you more than he told me." The brunette placed her hands on her hips as she stood between the King and the supersoldier. "What and where are these weapon plans that I’m destroying? I’m assuming it’s urgent." T'Challa looked to Steve, hoping he would be able to help him explain exactly what was going on.


When Loki had been summoned to the Throne Room, he had (at first) quickly assumed that someone was either blaiming him for something, or Thor had won some other trophy or title. He sneered at the thought, his dark brows furrowing as he stared down at the book in his hand. Why bother to even go at all? He had been perfectly fine and minding his own business not to mention not causing any trouble at the moment, but that could always change very quickly in the library when a servant had come in, shaking in their boots, and telling him that he had been summoned by his so-called father. Sighing, he snapped the book shut, rubbing his temple with his fingers before turning to leave. He could always come back later—it’s not like any could dare defy him and deter his quietest habit. Reading was his only solace at times, and it was there where he had read and eventually tracked down the Chitauri, and their powerful master.

As he walked, he couldn’t help but hear the whispering of the palace servants. At first he ignored them: after all, he was quite used to whispers happening behind his back. It was just what he was used to, considering he wasn’t really that man's son. His eyes narrowed at the mere thought. To think...! He paraded around like he was his father, even though he only saw Loki as a charity case! The nerve and audacity made him sick and filled with a detestable amount of glee. At the least it told Loki that he wasn’t the only demented monster in Asgard. And Thor? Thor was a brainless brute, but he was strong. Where Loki lacked more in physical strength (though still a lot stronger than those weak mortals on Midgard), Thor made up for it in wild droves. He would have to play his cards incredibly carefully if he wanted to do anything in Asgard or Midgard—that much was true. He had been so close to being found out with the whole Thor on Midgard incident, but luckily he had been overlooked barely, and the blame had been shifted to malpractice by some of the Guardian tools that the Asgardians had created. Hah! What fools! He couldn’t wait to see the looks on their faces when he stabbed Odin through-

"-and I heard that she’s Grecian!"

A passing conversation caught his ear, successfully cutting of his thoughts. Whispering an enchantment to himself, the dark haired male narrowed his eyes once more as his hearing was enhanced, and he was able to hear two maids conversing in the hallways.

"Grecian... they used to think they were more powerful than Asgard, right? I can’t believe just one would have the gall to come here!"

"My husband is a soldier, and he told me that Heimdall was injured, and that she killed at least three guards. The nerve! To come here and think she could start some kind of war?!"

He disenchanted his spell, and found a smirk slowly forming upon his pale, thin lips. Loki was suddenly much more interested in going to that meeting now. He had read of the Greek gods, and now that one was on Asgard, he might get to ask a few questions... if this woman decided to cooperate with him, that is. He had appeared in the throne room just as the blonde haired woman was hitting on Thor before being silenced by a guard, and he couldn’t help but sneer. "We want nothing to do with you and your kind. You’re all nothing but petty so-called i mortals who can’t even control their own. So why are you here, Grecian? Pray tell," he smirked, walking up as he empathized his words while holding his book in his hand.

"And still a woman, but she looks burnt. Thor, you gave the woman quite the welcome," he grinned, enjoying the look of anger on his blond adoptive brother's face at Loki's insinuations.

"She killed three soldiers, I had no choice but to use a bit of force in order to detain her before she killed more," he growled, getting to his feet as his blue eyes trained in on Loki's pale figured.

"This skinny-armed Grecian gave our soldiers problems?" He couldn’t keep the sneer off his face. "My, how the splendor of Asgard is slipping."
Steve stood next to T'Challa and over looked the magnificent country, problems beginning to arise for it just as its king's stress levels. His brows were furrowed as he looked out the window, struggling just as much as T'Challa to come up with an easier plan. But, just as it had been mentioned before, it was impossible to locate every single weapon and destroy it. The plans had already been sold, more would just be in the process of being created. It would be a never ending cycle, and unfortunately, the only logical option was the one he hadn't considered logical a few days ago. Time travel was, of course, possible for Wakanda. To someone who had grown up in a time where that was just in story books, that was hard to wrap his head around. Steve had been frozen in ice for years and time travel was still difficult to imagine. The implications were incredible, but he trusted Wakandian scientists to take them into consideration. At T'Challa's words, Steve glanced to him. "Well I hope Fury is right. This needs to be quick." He mumbled, glancing down at the floor.

He had volunteered himself. It seemed logical at the time. He knew what the war was like, he could get in and out very quickly. It was pointed out to him that his past self was there and all the problems that could arise if they saw each other. It was making a risky mission even riskier. Steve had reluctantly agreed with the scientists and allowed Fury to recruit another agent.

Upon hearing the arrival behind them, Steve turned around to face the new agent. She must be damn good at her job because the girl didn't look intimidating. He supposed that would make her even better for the job. He nodded when she acknowledged him. Before he could extend a polite greeting, she was already talking about the limited information Fury gave her. He furrowed his brows and glanced to T'Challa with a worried expression.

"See it's not as simple as Fury made it sound..." he started slowly, taking his time to pick just the right words. "A man named Johannes Schmidt drafted weapon plans during the second world war. Back then...they were far too advanced to become reality." He glanced towards T'Challa for reassurance that what he was saying was correct and clear. "But now...they're becoming a reality and they're causing massive destruction." He voice was taking on a somber tone now. He couldn't stand the thought of it, despite all he had seen in his days. "They're killing thousands. And we run into the problem that tracking down every weapon and every bought plan would be...impossible." He hooked his hands together behind his back.

"Wakanda has come up with a way to send an agent back in time to that era. The agent will be responsible for destroying the lab as fast as possible." He swallowed. "I couldn't go because running into my younger self could cause wrinkles in time." He swallowed. "I'm sure Fury will have more specific details for you. We can go find him now?" He nodded towards a door leading down a hallway.


Eris’s eyes followed the dark haired man as he entered the room. His words were condescending and her expression matched his. Insulting her kind, insulting her personally. She wanted him dead in her fit of anger. She kept her mouth clamped shut. She wouldn’t give him what he wanted and tell him why she was there. He wasn’t going to have the upper hand over her. Well...anymore than he already had at the moment. Her eyes just narrowed in annoyance when he called her a skinny-armed Grecian. She was almost tempted to open her mouth when Odin entered the room. The guards around her bowed their heads.

Odin looked stressed out by the situation. They had made all efforts possible to get in contact with Zeus, to get the word to him that he needed to collect this woman. It hadn’t gone as expected and he learned who she was before seeing her face. “That skinny-armed Grecian, my son, is Eris, daughter of Zeus, Goddess of chaos and discord,” he looked towards the blonde woman, “We Asgardians have seen your work in the past, my dear. You and your brother make a fantastic team.” He sat himself down in the throne and gave her a long, stern look before taking a breath in. “Your father had a large amount to say about you.” Eris’s nose wrinkled when Zeus was referred to as her father. She no longer saw him as a parent.

“And?” She snarled.

“He informed me that you had been banished for reasons that....aren’t important. They do not want you back and have given us permission to do as we want.” He paused, “He also said to keep you away from large crowds, my city and those who may encourage you.” He leaned back in the throne and shook his head. Zeus had also informed in why Eris had been banished. Though Odin didn’t agree with the reasoning, he did agree that storming into Asgard with blood lust was wrong. “I know why you were banished. But, why have you come here with such fury?”

Eris noticed the pause when he spoke of the banishment reasons. Part of her was grateful he didn’t say it out loud. Part of her wondered his thoughts on it. Another part made her respect the older man. He was nothing but polite and stern. Not snarky or furious. Yet, her mouth stayed shut, stubbornness getting the best of her. Her eyes moved from Odin to Thor, then to who she assumed was Loki, then back to Odin.

After a few long seconds of silence, Odin spoke again. “Either way, you’ll be put into a high security cell until we decide the best course of action. I’m sure we can speculate why on our own.” He waved off the guards and looked to Loki. “Please escort her and the guards to the prison. You may need to suppress her magic while they take off the cuffs.”
Julia listened to the information as she watched both male's faces carefully. Go... go back in time? Was that what she was hearing? Her eyebrows furrowed in concern and confusion, but she didn't outright think that they were lying to her. First of all, neither the Captain or T'Challa seemed to be one for a good joke, much less Nicholas Fury, for that matter. That man didn't even know what a joke was, much less how to execute one properly. Biting her lip, she narrowly missed the head nods that T'Challa gave Steve to assure him of the information that he was giving her. Clearly this was there last resort, and so was she. After all, everyone was laying pretty low after the events of the Super Hero Civil War that Steve fought with Tony over the Winter Soldier (whom Fury had already told her was going through de-conditioning using Wakandian technology). Bringing a hand up to her head, the brunette rubbed her eyes a bit, trying to wrap her mind around the entire problem. After all, it was quite a lot to take in. She couldn't just imagine they would pick anyone at random--there must have been a reason Fury chose her, even if the answer only ended up being out of convenience.

As she rubbed her temples, she looked between the troubled king and supersoldier, and despite her worries and misgivings, she couldn't help but try to keep the mood lighthearted. "One of you better check on my cat while I'm gone." Bright steely eyes looked between the two of them, before she coughed at the awkward silence (hah) that she had created, and turned to follow Steve as he mentioned going to find Fury. "He's here? Yeah, that should probably be the first course of action. Let's go find him." She lead the way into the hallway, but had Steve lead otherwise, considering she had pretty much no idea where she was going.

T'Challa would have followed them, but he had some meetings to attend to, so he bid them farewell at the door before turning and heading the opposite way from the two of them. Julia paused to watch him go--he certainly had the air of a King around him. Sighing, she turned to follow Steve, having to jog to catch up with him after realizing that he had already started off down the opposite hallway. Once she was just behind him, she finally slowed down, her eyes following his back as he walked. She was very familiar with the Super Soldier, although they didn't know each other at all. When Julia had been an innocent child with hopes and dreams, and parents who had yet to realize that she was a mutant freak, her parents used to tell her war stories about Captain America and his Howling Commandos. Those were her favorite bedtime stories growing up, and she had always admired the super soldier. Biting her lip, she promised herself that she wouldn't act like an awestruck doe in his presence.

It wasn't long before they came to some kind of meeting room with a long table, and of course, seated at the head was the Director himself. Nick Fury... Julia, almost forgetting to stand at attention, scrambled to do so, but the man waved his arm, dismissing her formalities. "You were never really a soldier Maxwell," she huffed at that silently, eyes narrowed. His point was... what exactly? "That's why you are perfect for this mission. You do spy business without looking like a spy. Hell, you're practically a kid."

"Um, I'm still 25, sir."

"Does it look like I care, Maxwell? Now, listen up... here's your plan of attack..." He was quick and precise in the way he explained his methods, and it left no room for error. Julia looked between him and Steve, continuing her nervous habit of biting her lip during the explanation. It just seemed so surreal, but then again... up until a couple months ago, the entire world had thought that Wakanda was a third world country.

"Do you really think I'll be able to pull this off...?" Her voice was a little hesitant, but she knew she would do what was asked of her. "Would you be better off sending either Agents Romanoff or Barton?"

Nick leaned forward, his sole good eye trained on her, "Either you pull this off, or half the planet's population is wiped out. That is your ultimatum."

"Right, so no pressure..." Julia muttered under her breath, nodding to him. "Right, so... when do I leave?"

"Right now. Captain, I assume you know where the lab is? Could you escort Maxwell, and make sure she receives her present. That lightweight disguised canteen that the Princess was making." So, Shuri had made her an invisible vibranium water canteen? That would come in handy, with her powers and all.

"Lead the way." Was she nervous? Totally. She had taken down terrorist organizations and baddies before, infiltrated corrupt governments and religious coups, but she had never once before had such an important mission placed in her hands. But she couldn't afford to let her nerves get the best of her--she could only hope that she wasn't as poorly underprepared as she felt.

Loki watched silently as Odin walked in, listening to him prattle one. For whatever reason, something about his voice just made Loki boil with rage, but he was excellent at hiding it. Maybe it was the fact that this was the same man who had lied to him all of his life? Or maybe it was simply an issue with his hearing... seriously, instead of what he was saying, everytime Odin opened his mouth, all Loki heard was, "please kill me". Maybe he should get that checked out... or not. It didn't really matter to the god of mischief if Odin lived or died. Or rather, he would much have preferred to see him dead. It was honestly his inevitable plan, and he could only foresee the future being brighter without that buffoon sitting on the throne of Asgard. Loki would have made for a much better ruler--and if nothing else, a more entertaining ruler at that.

This woman though... the Grecian goddess Eris... he couldn't help but feel slightly drawn to her. After all, it seemed as though they shared a kindred love for mischief and chaos, although Loki was far more cunning than to just walk straight into Asgard, weapons blazing. Honestly, just how stupid was she? That was almost a question he didn't want to know the answer to. Humming a note to himself thoughtfully, he strained to listen as Odin instructed him to help escort her to the detention area in Asgard. Tilting his head slightly to the right, he frowned at Odin in contempt. "What, so now I have to play errand boy? I shouldn't have to sully my hands with a woman idiotic enough to come rushing into enemy territory, swinging her swords and drawing all manners of... unwanted attention to herself."

"Father, why should we have to take care of her, anyway?" Thor was quick to speak up and get his words in, like always. "Why don't her own people solve their own problems?"

"Oh, you know well enough, brother. She was banished, not otherwise capitally punished, but maybe that didn't quite get through that thick skull of yours..." Thor growled as Loki's cat-like grin crossed his features. He just liked to rile everyone up. After all, if the universe painted him as a villain, why not give the universe what it wanted? He did aim to please most things, after all. "But fine, if you really need my abilities, I shall help escort her. These guards are far too incompetent to do anything right anyway." He waved at the guards in order to get them moving, and they finally did after Odin gave the last and final nod of approval. As they slowly exited the Throne Room, Loki could vaguely hear Thor and Odin arguing over Eris' appearance, but it was a conversation he had no particular interest in, so he let the moment pass. No, he was far more interested in who was bound in chains, stuck in the firm grip of the guards that he was helping to escort her to the Prison Detainment cells.

"So, what did you do to have the realm of gods trembling so much~" his voice was a purr, a curious one, but a purr nonetheless. His eyes shone in mirth as he watched her be dragged alongside him, and he had half a mind to walk agonizingly slow just so as to antagonize her. Refraining from doing so for now he watched her facial features as he waited for some and any kind of response from her at all. "What, you had such witty quips for my brother, but not for me? I see. Just like all the rest of my life, I have been once again fed the metaphorical short end of the stick." Opening his book, he decided he would at least try to get some good information out of this whole encounter.

"Sire, we're almost at our destination." He briefly nodded to the guard, not bothering to look up from his book, but otherwise felt no need to. He would let this woman speak on her own time when she was ready to talk. And when she was... Loki was more than willing to drag every last word from her. Asgardians help so much contempt for their greek brothers and sisters, that there was maybe a total of five books in the entire great Asgardian library, so he would be lying if he said this woman didn't intrigue him. Of course, lying hadn't stopped him from getting what he wanted literally any other time before this.
Steve led the way to the conference room where they would meet with Fury. They stood when the stern man entered the room. Fury reminded Steve of the men he would answer to in the war. Stern, mean and ultimately in it for the good of their country and nothing else. They didn’t care if you didn’t enjoy what you were doing and if you felt like you couldn’t do it, you better figure it out, because you were doing it. That was what was happening now as Fury spoke to Julia. Steve hid the worried expression on his face well as Fury gave her an ultimatum that involved millions of human lives. The pressure was on, that was for sure. It had to be done, they all knew that. Fury’s plan of attack was well calculated and had vey little holes for mess up.

It was when Fury mentioned that she was leaving now that the worried expression broke through. He looked between the two. “Sir, now?” No brief on the time period she was traveling to? No instruction on how people acted back then? No brief on what the political atmosphere was like? How was she supposed to blend in? Fury turned his stern look towards the blonde super soldier.

“Did I stutter, Rogers?”

Steve put his hands on the table, palms pressed against the dark wood, and pushed himself out of his chair. “Not one bit, sir.” He gave the man a nod before turning towards Julia. “Let’s get going, then.” He held the door for her back out into the hallway. The second the door closed and they were about half way down the hallway, he began speaking.

“Alright so you should be going back to about 1940 and it was a different place then. I know Fury didn’t give you a ton of time to prepare so listen closely.” He slowed his stride the slightest so they would have more time to talk. “Lets start with how women acted. Very few were strong and independent like they are now. Like Natasha. I know that doesn’t sit too well with ladies today but it’s the best way to blend in when you need to.” He ran his hand through his hair, thinking of anything else he could tell her. “The entire political atmosphere is different. Very tense. Be prepared for that, know what comments to make and not to make. I hope you remember history class.” He let out a nervous chuckle as they approached the lab.

He pushed the door open and held it for her. Shuri looked up from the time machine and smiled when she saw Julia. She snatched a Vibranium canteen off a nearby table and began to explain to Julia how it worked. Steve examined the machine, knowing Stark would get a real kick out of it if he was there. The technology here blew his out of the water. Once Shuri was done speaking, Steve stood up straight, his arms behind his back as they loaded Julia into the machine. It had been tested a number of times and worked swimmingly, yet he worried that he was about to see an agent turned to goop.

He gave her a reassuring nod and smile before turning to step into the observation room and leave the lab open. With a flash, the machine went off.

1940 –ish?

A young Steve struggled to keep up with the other men in bootcamp. It was discouraging some days, but he continued to tell himself that this wasn’t about him. It was about his country and keeping it safe. He was fighting for his country, not his own ego. Yet, the yelling of the drill instructor seemed to enter in one ear, bounce around his brain and leave the other ear, leaving him with a headache and pounding heart. It was amazing that he had made it into the army, thanks to Erskine. He couldn’t let that opportunity pass by easily.


Eris never thought she would be thinking it, but she was relieved to be sent to prison. Only prison. Odin could have done much worse to her. Tortured her, killed her and tossed her body off the Bifrost. Only prison made her wonder about his opinion on what Zeus did. It wasn’t like Zeus had liked her before what happened: Hera constantly used her to guilt him when he cheated on her. Hera would accept Eris’s aid in her revenge against the women he slept with and impregnated. Eris represented his wife’s inability to keep her mouth shut and do wifely duties. Hera was a force and Eris made sure she never forgot that. The second he had a chance to really throw her out, he did.

The thought of it really did hurt a little in the space of her chest. Her mother loved her, her brother couldn’t go a day without seeing her, why couldn’t he feel the same? Her eyes were fixed on the marble floor and the sounds their shoes made when they clicked across it. When Loki spoke, she glanced up to him, her facial expression not changing. When her lack of response irritated him, the slightest smile crossed her lips and her own eyes shone with a bit of mirth. “Witty quips don’t get you quite as riled up as silence does.” She nearly whispered to him. She read people extremely easily and had picked up on the difference between the brothers immediately.

“Though I’m glad you find me witty.” Part of her reasoning for bursting in was that, if she failed, it would draw attention. Including the attention of the very god who was most likely to help her on her quest for revenge.

At the entrance of the prisons, they stopped to allow a guard to take whatever weapons on her she had left and hand her a dark cloth outfit to replace to Grecian armor she brandished. A couple minutes in a room with several female guards and she walked back out, her face even more annoyed. The dark green they had chosen for her was not her color and it was almost as if they had picked it out on purpose.

Once they reached her cell, one tucked into a corner, the guards moved to unlock the cuffs on her wrists. The second they were off, a flick of her wrist turned one of the guards into a penguin. She looked down at the animal as it began to squawk, then up to Loki to meet his eye. Either she had been too fast for him or he had let that happen. Either amused her. The other guard let out a disgusted grunt and shoved her into the cell and locked the door behind her. She quickly picked herself up off the floor. The cell was bare and the front wall was shimmering and clear.

She was really there. And although this was what she was expected and hoped for, the thought of being left alone in the square space nearly tightened her throat. Alone. Alone with her thoughts, alone with memories in a place she couldn’t escape. She turned so that her back was to them and stood that way until she heard them leave, their steps echoing through the prison until they faded. She lowed herself to sit on her knees.

Her heart ached for lost family, for the loss of her mother and brother. Her heart ached for Apollo’s demi-god son and her heart ached for what was said about their relationship. He had been tricking her, putting her under the spell of his music. She knew this now, although the hurt of lost love still stung. It was what they said after that brought tears to her eyes. No body would love Eris for real. Only Eris could love Eris, and for that to happen, we’d have to make a carbon copy of her! Her hands rested on her chest. She was angry that she was tricked, angry that she was thrown out because of a trick, angry that they said those things. But, also saddened. As the lights dimmed for the night, Eris couldn’t sleep.
As she continued to antagonize him, Loki began to realize that she was just trying to get a rise out of him--often like he would do with his adoptive brother. Unfortunately for her, he could see through her tricks because he knew them all: he had done them all himself. Loki didn't care much about her, but he wanted to know about her culture... her people. Talking of the Grecian or Egyptian gods... it was almost taboo in Asgard. Odin didn't deal with the others unless he absolutely had to, although from what Loki had read in the Library, Odin was much closer to the Sun god, Ra, than he was to Zeus. There was bad blood between the Olympians and the Norse, and he was curious to find out why. After all, she knew all about Asgardians, and Asgard, considering the fact that she was able to make her way to Asgard and was able to somehow bypass the Bifrost despite Hiemdall's sight. This Eris creature... she would be the gate to his knowledge, and he was looking forward to exploiting her.

They only made a few stops on their way to the prison cell she was going to be kept in, and after a change of clothes and the removal of any other hidden weapons, they were ready to go to the cell. When they paused outside of her new home, Loki stood back as the guards pushed her forward, although the god himself didn't follow. He wasn't particularly interested in getting to close right now--after all, he wasn't about to underestimate his abilities. A small smirk played upon his lips as he waited to see what she would do once she was free of those cuffs. The guards moved to take them off of her, and Loki watched calmly as she swiftly turned one of her oppressors into a penguin. Interesting choice, but nothing was permanently done. The two remaining guards pushed her into the cell, and the golden wall of energy materialized behind her, sealing her into the area. All it took was for Loki to wave his hand, and the guard turned back to normal. "This wall is magic proof, so I'm afraid you can't do anything to help yourself. Have fun~" he murmured, not bothering to give her anymore of a parting goodbye. After all, he would need to go back to his own quarters to commence his plan.

As he walked back towards the royal families' living quarters, Thor was waiting for him in one of the hallways, and as Loki passed, the blonde male caught up, walking in line with him. "Did the witch say anything to you? Father refused to tell me why she was banished," he growled, clearly frustrated, but Loki couldn't care less about what was bothering his adoptive brother. When Loki didn't speak, Thor grew only more agitated, just like he had before he had refused to let Eris get to him. Growling, Thor moved to stand in front of Loki in order to stop him, but the god of mischief merely continued around him. "Loki!"

"She said nothing, and I said nothing. Now she's in a cell, if you'd really like to talk to her so much, I suggest going and talking with her yourself," he said, amusement dripping from his words like venom. Yes... Loki was the snake here, and his prey were helplessly running into all of his traps. "Now, if you're quite finished, I would like to return to my chambers. Good evening." As he spoke, he reached his door, and promptly slammed it in Thor's face. Finally! He could get to doing what he needed in order to talk to Eris.

Locking his door, Loki stood in the center of his room, getting ready to once again pay the Greek goddess a visit. He considered putting his book down, but decided against it, opening back up to the page that he was previously at before this whole mess had started. He never needed to speak to cast his spells, as he had such a natural affinity for sorcery. He willed a projection of himself into her cell, and he appeared behind her within the golden fizzling walls of the unique Asgardian prison. "So, finally left alone to your own devices. And how does that make you feel?" Not expecting a response, he continued, reading page by page as he continued to read while he conversed. "I can make projections in, but anyone in here physically cannot affect the outside world with any kind of magic, but... I'm sure you knew that. Would you like to tell me why you invaded Asgard? Asking for a friend." Even if she did tell him, he wasn't going to tell Thor. "Oh, and I can come and go, but... well, you aren't going anywhere so you might as well tell me."

Julia was nervous, and she'd be a dead woman if she tried to claim that she wasn't even the least bit afraid, and she sighed to herself, knowing that she wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't absolutely necessary. She needed to know the things that involved being in the 1940s, but she couldn't help but feel like even if she had years to practice acting like a woman from that era, she would never be able to embody what Steve was describing. "So... well reserved, submissive to authority and men, got it." She couldn't help but feel the sarcasm in her voice, and she sighed, apologizing to Steve. "I'm sorry. You don't blame me, for being a little nervous, right?" Her words hung out in the open as she let Steve lead her to the lab. Before she left Steve's side, she gently grabbed his arm, steel grey eyes looking up at him pleadingly. "I wasn't kidding earlier, though... please, just... make sure my cat doesn't die." Mickey was her pride and joy, and she'd be devastated to come back only to have him be dead.

Everything happened in a blur. Shuri and her conversed about the canteen and how to conceal it, and then she was being placed into the thing that would send her back in time. As Steve watched from the viewing platform, the brunette sent him a mock two-finger salute before turning to face forward, letting Shuri and the other scientists work. There was a flash of blinding light, and then... darkness...

70 Years in the Past...

When Shuri had told her that it would place her somewhere in the past in the 1940s, and that they couldn't specifically tell where she would end up, but... it appeared as though lady luck was not on her side, and she bit her lip as she hid behind a building, swearing out Nick Fury for putting her in this position. "Shit... a military base?! Of all places?!" Julia knew that she wasn't the luckiest person alive, but this was ridiculous. As soldiers in training ran around, the only thing she knew she needed to do was get out of here as fast as possible. If she was detained, she could potentially miss her date and never get to Germany, and to Johannes Schmidt's lab so she could complete her mission and go back to the future. Honestly, looking around the camp made her feel like she had stepped into a movie.

Seeing a group of men go by, Julia rushed forward, eager to get herself out of this mess, although she hadn't seen the one soldier lagging behind the others. Yelping, she fell backwards, landing on her back in the dirt. Groaning, she sat up, holding her head as she cursed inwardly. She must have looked like a crazy person to literally ran into him, have been a woman, and not to mention that she was wearing her normal attire--black cargo pants and a black t-shirt, her hair just down, and a few bits of jewlery here and there. Seriously, as if being a woman on a 1940s military base wasn't enough! She blinked a few times before she looked to who it was that she had run into, and as grey met with bright blue, Julia froze. Did... did she know this man? He was small--if she had seen him from behind, she would have definitely mistaken him for a child (ouch).

Looking to him, she tried to place why he looked so familiar, until the shout of the Drill Sergeant caught her ear. "ROGERS! Get your ass off the ground!" Rogers. Steven Grant Rogers. The Captain. This was him?!

"Who's this, a Nazi spy?" A voice called out behind her, and before Julia could turn around to look at who was addressing her, she felt someone pick her up roughly by the arm. Yelping in what was mostly surprise, a growl formed in her throat.

"You w-wish!" The brunette struggled in his grip, and she was brought face to face with a brute who shook her a bit. "Hey, I'm sensitive, so maybe you should get your hands off me!" She looked back to Steve, her eyebrows furrowing. He wasn't a supersoldier yet. This was way too early, and now she was stuck in the past for at least a year until she would finally be able to complete her mission. To put everything simply--this was all going to shit.
The last thing Steve had expected was to slam into someone who seemed to appear out of nowhere. He let out a grunt as he hit the ground. It hurt a little extra because he hadn’t seen it coming and didn’t have a chance to brace himself. He quickly sat up, then stood up. Upon seeing a woman, he couldn’t hide his confusion. There were only a couple women on base and it didn’t take long to know who they were. They were strong, defied those who mocked them for being women in the military, and didn’t let themselves go unnoticed. This dark haired woman was definitely not one of those aforementioned women. Yet, he couldn’t help but apologize profusely.

“’Mam I am so sorry I just didn’t see you. Are you alright?” He was in the process of reaching out to help her up when his drill sergeant practically bellowed his name. He looked up over the head of the sitting girl towards the voice, then to the closer voice of the man who had grabbed the woman, accusing her of being a Nazi spy. That told him she would be in deep trouble and that he should probably get the hell out of there if he knew what was good for him.

“Hey you know you can’t accuse her of anything until you have the proper evidence.” He found himself speaking up for the girl. The drill sergeant yelled once more.

“Rogers!!! If I have to come get you, you’re in a world of hurt!” The voice was exasperated, followed by chuckles of the other soldiers who had stopped to see what was going on. Boy, was he going to be teased about this later. Maybe even interrogated for standing up for the girl they had already accused of being a spy.

He swallowed, glanced down to the woman, and stepped around her to jog towards the group waiting for him. The last thing he wanted was to get discharged from the military after all the work he put into getting there. As he approached the group, the sergeant gave him a glowering look. He stood at attention, waiting for the man to say something.

“Meet me in my office after you finish, soldier.” He spoke sharply. “Don’t shower, don’t eat, don’t drink. My office immediately.” Steve nodded.

“Yes sir.” The man turned and ordered the other men to wipe the grins off their ugly mugs and continue running because they were far from done. Steve glanced back towards the woman as the man was pulling her towards the offices. He furrowed his brows, wondering how she had gotten in past security. It wouldn’t be easy as a woman they didn’t recognize. If the Nazis were going to send a spy, they would be smarter to send a generic looking man that could fall into the ranks easily. Not a beautiful woman.

He glanced back, realizing he was behind again and took off running.


When Loki appeared in her cell, Eris was laying flat on her back, counting the specs of dust on the ceiling. Her eyes were slightly puffy, indicating tears, though her cheeks were dry. She flinched slightly as his projection startled her, but quickly went back to counting specs. After he spoke his mini speech, she lazily turned her head to look at him or his projection.

“Did you know there are 125 specs of dust on the ceiling just above my cell? Maybe you could talk to someone about dusting or something.” Upon receiving the annoyed look she was expecting, she grinned and sat up. Her blonde hair was braided to the side, though she had nothing to tie it off with, so it hung slightly unraveled at the end. It seemed like drawing a ton of attention to herself had drawn the attention of the very god she may need.

“Why are you interested, Loki?” She spoke his name with a click of the tongue. “Seems like earlier you weren’t too interested in doing the bidding of Odin or Thor.” She moved so that her legs were crossed under her. “So asking for a friend indicates you’ve had a change in character, which seems highly unlikely in my observation of gods in the past.”

Egyptians, Grecian or Norse...when it came down to it, most acted the same. They were more similar than they liked to believe. "Or you’re doing this for personal gain...” she paused, tilting her head to the side and thought for a moment, “which I can respect.”

“But you’re here expecting me to answer all your questions, but will you answer all mine? Or is this just a one sided thing? Why should I answer you? What’s in it for me, Loki?” She decided that enjoyed saying his name. The click of the tongue was enjoyable and sharp. “Is Loki short for something? Loki...athan? Lokiathan. Loki Loki Loki.” She snorted, then frowned at his lack of response.

“Fine fine. I want Zeus dead and Asgard holds the thing that can get me back to Olympus and have his head.” She wouldn't tell him why she was banished. Never. It was too personal, too painful and she imagined hinting to Loki that she loved and lost would give him ammunition to torment her. Once again, she felt grateful to Odin that he had kept it a secret from his sons.
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Loki's go-to expression seemed to be that permanent sneer. It was his self-defense. His wall that kept him and those around him separated. He had no interest in meddling with that fine line—it was, after all, the one thing he didn’t feel like touching. Something that shouldn’t be played with. "You’re already so defeated so as to be counting specks of dust on the ceiling?" You could even hear the smirk in his voice, he was that amused by her seemingly-helpless state. "You seem to at least be enjoying yourself." That was different from Loki's everyday experience. It was such a chore to keep up appearances and pretend to show those around him that he actually had an ounce of caring in his body.

The only person who had ever shown that they cared for him was Frigga, and she was constantly busy with her queenly duties, so no, he could definitively say that if all of Asgard exploded, as long as he and his adoptive mother were safe, he wouldn’t shed a single tear. He wouldn’t even mourn, but that was to be expected. "I’m not in charge of whoever keeps the prison cells clean, but if you’re so bored, you’re more than welcome to do so yourself." The black haired god chuckled in amusement as he conjured her a dusting feather brush. He’d probably pay to see her dust.

As she spoke of his intentions, Loki looked back to his book, seemingly uninterested in what she had to say, although he was still listening. He was actually a rather good multitasker. As she jumped from topic to topic, he continued to read, both listening and tuning her out. The god of mischief was more or less looking for her reasoning for being here, not so much listening to her question him. It was the turning of the tides from earlier, as he seemed to be using her own tactics on herself. She had tried so desperately to get a rise out of him earlier, but now it was turned in on his fellow harbinger of chaos. It was interesting to him, that each group of gods had one that shared a similar title to him. If Eris was his Olympic counterpart, then Set was his Egyptian. He wondered what it might be like to team up with all three... wouldn’t that be interesting?

He was brought out of his silent musings as she finally caved, and he snapped his book closed in order to look back at her once more, a very pleased expression on his face. In the end, Loki would always get what he wanted. Ignoring her other questions and ramblings entirely, he mainly addressed the current topic at hand. "Patricide and regicide all in one go? It appears we are more alike than I initially thought..." what did he originally think of her? That she was some thick-headed wannabe force of destruction who came in attempt of starting a war between gods. It would have been amusing, at least, but of what little Loki knew of the Olympic gods, he did know that their forces seemed to be dwindling while Asgard thrived. "This 'thing' you speak of, however, intrigues me. What is it that you speak of?" He eyed her form carefully, smirking as he circled around her like some sort of sly cat circling its prey. He wanted to see her reactions, mainly in order to gage when something he said either struck a chord. "Could it be the Tessaract? The infinity stone? Because that is no longer on Asgard. A long time ago it was given to the midgardians, but they could not handle its power and sealed it away until a tyrant found it and utilized its powers in a very... destructive way. They have recently relocated it and I have the means to take it back. Could that be what you were referring to?"

Julia looked back to Steve as her shoulder was roughly grabbed and she was pulled toward the offices on base. Their eyes met one last time before another rough tug had her stumbling forward. "Excuse you, but I am a lady, and I can walk myself!" Her gruff voice was met with stiff laughter, and her steel-colored eyes narrowed considerably. She had known of the misogyny that existed in the past, as history was one of her favorite (and best) subjects when she had actually bothered to try in school. However, she didn't realize that it was truly this bad so as to where these men didn't trust a word she said.

"Yeah, lady, you're in no position to make any demands here," the man pulling her laughed, and Julia realized in that moment that she wanted nothing more than to sock him in the face. However, from what Future Steve had said, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing without facing the fire and brimstone that followed. "I'm taking you to the General, and you can explain to him why you're here."

It wasn't long before she was sitting in an office, by herself, her hand chained to the arm of the chair using cuffs, and an unamused expression resting on her facial features. They had already searched her for weapons, and they were a little freaked out upon finding her pistol, considering it was future tech. Still, as officers tried to get her to speak, she refused to open her mouth. The only thing that left her lips was, "I'll only speak to the general." After about five minutes of trying to break her in ways that weren't even remotely scary (they must have been going easy on her because she was a woman), Julia was finally greeted with the person that she had wanted to talk to, and was told she would get to talk to anyway.

General Phillips was a hard, battle-worn man. She had learned about him in history class, and he was a lot more intimidating in person than he seemed in picture. He walked into the room with authority, calmly sitting down on the other side of the desk. Thunk. Her pistol hit the wood of the desk, and she didn't even bother to spare it a glance, not breaking eye contact with the man as he tried to gauge her emotions and facial expressions. "Where did you get this?"

"It's mine." That's all she needed to say, but she continued anyway. "It was issued to me."

"By who? The Germans? HYDRA?" So, he was inclined to believe this 'spy among them' theory that the soldier who had dragged her and cuffed her to this chair mentioned? He was a lot denser than she thought. Either that or he was testing her, and she seriously hoped it was the later.

"Have you heard of SHIELD?"

A laugh escaped his lips. "There is no way that you've heard of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division if you weren't a spy."

"I am a spy," he opened his mouth to speak, but the brunette was quick to cut him off again. "I work for SHIELD. But not your SHIELD--in the future."

"That's a load of bullshit." Well, at least he wasn't stupid.

"I'm telling the truth."

"Like hell you are--"

"General, forgive my interruption, but I believe she's telling the truth," a voice sounded from the door. Julia hadn't even heard it open, and as she turned to see an older man in a lab coat. They had taken her canteen when they had brought her in, and he was holding it in his hands. "This is vibranium, the strongest metal known to man. And I inspected her pistol--it is advanced, and not German made." He walked closer and smiled kindly down at Julia, and she almost immediately relaxed slightly. "As of right now, we have no ways of bending vibranium into a more complex shape than a shield. The technology... the math, it simply doesn't exist." He offered her his hand to shake, and Julia tried to bring up her right, but considering it was handcuffed to the chair, she had to shift and use her left instead. "Dr. Erkstien."

"Thank you, Doctor. It is a pleasure to make you acquaintence," she smiled slightly, before looking back to the General.

He was in deep thought, and when he finally stood, she flinched. "If you're really from the future, you'd better prove it. Tell me the outcome of the war."

"W-what, I can't!" She struggled in her chair. "That's against like... every universal time travel law in the book." Julia glared at him. "I-I can't tell you anything."

"You have a week till you prove you're legitimate. You'd better think of some way, or I'm putting your ass in jail for the rest of your life." The General was pulling no punches.

"Then, I request you lend her and one Steve Rogers to me during that week, sir," Dr. Erkstien was once again there to save her.

"Fine, whatever." He called to the soldier standing guard at the doorway. "Tell them to bring in Rogers."
During the run and work out after, Steve endured teasing from the other soldiers. He didn't take it personally. If it had been anyone else, they would've received the same teasing. You join the forces to fight for your country if you couldn't take a little verbal teasing and some joking shoving. They talked about pretend googly eyes at the girl he had run into and how he better get her address so he had someone to write during the war. He laughed it off and headed towards the drill sergeant's office.

As he entered, the man immediately looked up towards Steve's salute. "At ease." He grumbled, pointing for Steve to sit. As he lowered himself into the wooden chair, there was another voice from the doorway behind him.

"The general requests Rogers, sir." A soldier stood at attention to the sergeant. Steve's eyes widened. What did he do to upset the general? At least he had a few good guesses for the sergeant. He glanced back towards the man behind the desk, who wore a confused look as well. At least it wasn't a well known offense. That was good, he supposed. After a long silence, the sergeant gave a nod. "Alright then. Off with you. We'll discuss this afternoon later." He reached for a paper and a pen, indicating that the conversation was over.

Steve followed the soldier to the general's office. As he entered, the first thing he noticed was Dr. Erkstien's friendly smile offered to him. It was met with confusion. Why was Erkstien in the general's office? Was he going to be sent home? The second thing he noticed was the girl from earlier, handcuffed to one of the chairs in front of the desk. He furrowed his brows. This girl must be the reason why he was being called in.

In his confusion, he had completely forgotten proper military etiquette with the general. He scrambled to salute the man, who just shook his head and pointed to the chair next to the woman. Steve carefully moved around the first chair and into the other. He lowered himself into it and waited for someone to explain why he was here.

"Rogers." The man shuffled with papers in front of him. "The woman next to you, claims she's from the future." Steve eyed the dark haired woman next to him, then looked towards the general.

"Sir I didn't know anything about this." His voice was just as confused as his facial expression.

"We figured you wouldn't. She was carrying a vibranium canteen and a gun far past our abilities of production." He let out a breath, as if he was already tiring of this situation. "I've given her a week to prove this before we throw her ass in prison."

Steve stared at the man. The woman was, supposedly, from the future, and had to prove it. He followed that so far. It made sense. "Sir, I apologize, but what role do I play in this?" He glanced to the doctor.


Eris could tell, as she spoke, that he was ignoring her, much like she had done to him earlier. Of course, under different circumstances, this would have irritated her to no end. She liked to be listened to when she spoke. But she knew she was playing her own game, and ignored his ignoring. They were on a petty merri-go-round. Once she confessed, she noticed him perk up once more, snapping the book shut. At the mention of them being more alike than he had thought, she tilted her head to the side at the thought. They seemed to know exactly what to say to irritate the other. He was predictable in how he acted only because it was nearly exactly how she would act. How similar were they?

As he began circling her, she watched her own facial expressions. He spoke about the Tesseract and the infinity stone. But what he said next nearly knocked the breath from her chest. It wasn’t on Asgard. She had traveled all this way and gotten herself into a supreme amount of trouble only for it to be where she had started off. She was further away from her goal than where she had started. The ache in her chest returned. Would it go away with Zeus’s death? Or would she be left with blood on her hands and pain still in her heart? It was a question she often asked herself. If she didn’t succeed, though, she wouldn’t be able to see her sibling or mother again. Her emotions seemed to be much like the chaos she was great at creating.

Eris wanted him gone. She wanted to cry and have a moment to herself without him standing there, watching for the slightest change in her expression to surely use against her. Loki standing there made her feel even more alone. On the outside, she wore a scowl similar to his own. Scowls were easier to hide things behind. “I suppose my search continues then.” Her voice was strong as she stood up.

She walked over to him. She was tall, like her twin at home. She stood close to the illusion and met his eyes with her pale blue ones. For a fleeting moment, she searched for something other than hate. She wanted to ask him if he had ever believed something so strongly only to find out it wasn’t true and have it ripped from him.

“Please tell you mother I’m very sorry for disturbing her kingdom.” She spoke quietly. Hera and Frigga were each other’s counterparts: strong women who loved the chaos they raised. The words she hoped would be passed on were words she would speak to Hera while growing up. “And that I hope to one day be blessed with her forgiveness.” Frigga would understand the significance of the words.
Loki struggled to understand this woman. Had she been so set on the Tessaract being in Asgard? He didn't show his confusion on his face, but if she had been looking directly into his eyes, instead of turning to the side and not being able to look at him, she might have seen the slight confusion that hid there. It seemed as though this was where the similarities ended. Feeling as though he was a little under protected, Loki put up more mental walls. He wasn't even sure at what point it was in the conversation where he had dropped them, but he noticed that he had when she mentioned his mother. Frigga... wasn't his birth mother, and he wasn't her son by birth. Yet, for some reason, she had always treated him as such. Odin tried but was clearly horrible at acting. The old man didn't know just when to keep his mouth shut and when to actually speak up, but that was a different conversation.

"I don't have to tell my mother anything, woman," he sneered, upturning his nose at her as those mental walls carefully crafted themselves back up again. She looked about ready to cry--good. Maybe that would get her to think about what it was she was thinking, coming in through the Bifrost and encroaching on his territory. His kingdom! It wasn't Odin's, and it certainly wasn't Thor's. The throne was rightfully his, whether he had to take it by force. Once this woman, Eris, conquered Mount Olympus, who's to say that she wouldn't then set her eyes on the Egyptian gods, or Asgard itself? He wouldn't allow that to happen, no no. He continued to think, letting their conversation fall into silence. He could sense her contempt, and not only that, but her... sorrow? "So much pain..." he murmured, wishing that he was actually in the room with her. He would have loved to access her memories and forcefully pull from her the information that he seeked.

"Look, there is, believe it or not, a reason I came into your humble guest room," he said, letting a small smirk play on his lips. He was the one in charge. Loki had the power, and it practically gave him a high that no other Asgardian would ever get from this rush of power. Loki was a unique case, and despite whether or not the midgardians called him a monster or a tyrant, he would start with the Earth and then spread his rule over all nine realms. That was the main thing that he was interested in--a throne for himself. Deciding he had left the blonde hanging long enough, he smirked, shrugging. "Fun fact about the Tessaract though, is that I know who has it, and I know how we can get it~." Now wouldn't that catch her interest? "If you agree to be my subordinate, and tell me everything you know about your culture so I can record it in a book, I will break you out of this prison and personally escort you to midgard myself, where my ultimate plan will commence."

Surely she was interested in what he had to say now. His sly look said it all--at the moment, Loki knew that she would probably betray him just as swiftly as he would do to her, however... half the fun was not knowing when it was going to happen. She had to face it--Loki held all the cards, and she was nothing more the pawn in his large game of chess. There was something about messing with someone's very life and letting it hang in the balance that gave him a particular rush that couldn't be found any other way. His deep emerald orbs looked over her form. Was she thinking it over? Weighing her options? Not trusting him and planning on backstabbing him? He hoped the answer was all of them. He was enjoying this far too much.

"I..." he couldn't help but chuckle, shrugging almost bashfully as he looked to the blonde woman before her. "I have an army that could easily take your Olympian father down, much less with the Tessaract under our command." More like under his command, but that was a given. If she didn't know that, well then the blame was truly on her. "So... are you interested?" He hadn't left her alone when she had wanted him to, but maybe this offer would be too tempting a thing to refuse? He could only hope that she would say yes--he was really in need of someone to torment. A new plaything.

A knock sounded on his door, and he groaned, narrowing his eyes in contempt. "I'll be right there, hold on." His voice carried through the projection, and he growled slightly, turning back to Eris. "Either give me your answer now, or I shall return later. What shall it be?"

Julia eyed the General carefully--just what on earth was this man planning? She hated this. She hated that the time machine hadn't been able to accurately put her in a time that would have made it a quick mission. Of course, going in, she had known that this would be a difficult mission. She just hadn't been expecting it to last this long. After all, Steve wasn't even Mr. Super Soldier yet! He was still in training! Oh god, she seriously hoped that her being here didn't screw up Steve's storyline. She would never forgive herself if she somehow messed up something in the past that affected him in the future--the world desperately needed the Captain America that they currently had, whether they thought they did or not.

"So, what exactly is going to happe-" she didn't even get to finish her sentence before the Lieutenant brought the young man in. Speak of the devil. As Steve walked in, she noticed his shared smile with Dr. Erkstien, and she rose an eyebrow in curiousity. She had been meaning to get to that Captain America exhibit in the Smithsonian, but she hadn't really gotten to. Considering she was in India for three years. It kind of sucked.

As Steve was told to rest at ease, his eyes wandered over to the brunette's form, and Julia waved at him with her cuffed hand, wincing slightly as the heavy almost cast-iron like demon kept her right hand--her dominant one--trapped. "Damn, what did you make this out of? The tears of children?" Okay, so maybe she wasn't here to make friends, and General Phillips didn't seem the type to get 'all chummy' on the spot with anyone. He ignored her odd statements and instead turned to the Doctor for clarification.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Doc? We can just put her in the brig and get a national guard escort straight to Alcatraz," he said, his tone dry. That was enough to tell Julia that he'd do so regardless of her innocence, if only to get an annoyance and minor inconvenience out of his barracks. Her eyes narrowed. She wasn't sure she liked this man, especially since he seemed to be the type to shoot first and ask questions later. History had painted him a hero--now all she was seeing seemed to be a white piece of paper and a kid splattered some mud on it as they were looking for their favorite dinosaur toy in their backpack.

She zoned out slightly while they conversed, only tuning back in when Steve spoke up. Ready to clarify, the Doctor smiled kindly at Steve, and her, and she felt a connection with him immediately. He seemed like that one old man that everyone just... adopted as their grandfather on accident, but he probably wouldn't mind the company. "Of course--the General here needs someone to keep an eye on this woman here, so I have told him that I would. He, not feeling I was safe, requested me to pick a soldier in training as a bodyguard, and I have chosen you."

Julia's eyebrows rose along with the General's. Ekrstien seriously trusted Steve that much? The General sighed, seemingly cooperating as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine, whatever," he spoke in slight defeat, leaning over his desk to hand Steve the key to the cuffs. "You can take this, son. Feel free to stick her wherever you can best keep an eye on her, keep her away from weapons. If the woman so much as sneezes, I want to know about it, you understand? You're all dismissed." The General handed Erkstien her pistol as the brunette seethed in her seat.

"Her name is Julia Maxwell. And I'd really prefer it if I was addressed properly." But of course, she was ignored. Groaning slightly, she couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "I knew I should have stayed in India. Fate of the world my ass, is this kind of discrimination really worth it?" The glare Phillips gave her was enough for her to shut her trap, and she turned her head to the side, otherwise silent (for the moment).
Steve's eyes widened just the slightest. He was going to be in charge what could possibly be an international spy? That was way more than he had expected to walk into. He felt honored to be trusted that much by the doctor, and the general's response said that he at least didn't distrust him with the woman. He leaned forward to take the keys to the cuffs from the man, nodding in understanding at his words. "Yes, sir." He wasn't particularly a fan of how the general treated people, but he wasn't going to argue that with the man.

At the woman's words, he glanced towards her. Either she really was from the future, or from another country that didn't have the discrimination she was speaking of. He glanced back wards the general. "I'm honored to be trusted like this, sir. I will not let you down." He spoke firmly and stood up. He unlocked the cuff holding the woman to the chair. Her hands were still cuffed together, though now free from the furniture. He nodded to her and gently grabbed her by the arm to take her out of the office.

Where did one keep someone like this!? He slept and lived in the barracks with the other soldiers. Definitely not there. He paused for a moment before nodding in the direction of Dr. Erkstien's office/place of residence. The man stayed alone, as a doctor on a military base was incredibly important. "You'll stay with the doctor." He looked to her and began walking, his arm still hooked around hers. Once they were further away from the general's office, he spoke once more.

"What is this about you being from the future?" He glanced towards her. The materials she had been carrying were definitely interesting. Not like anything they had. Her clothes were different. Jeans and a tshirt, like what a man might wear. Maybe she was a spy and whoever sent her had stupidly tried to disguise her? Steve pushed the thought from his mind. He wanted to get all the information before making any decisions about what he thought about her.

"Where did you get that gun? And the canteen? They said it was vibranium." He hadn't heard too much about the metal, only that it was incredibly strong and took great technology to mold it into something simple, let along a canteen. He glanced away from her, feeling a little sheepish. "I'm not trying to interrogate you, m'am. Just want to get information before making any assumptions." The doctor had obviously seen some truth in what she had said. "I'm Steve, by the way." He gave her a small smile and a nod.


With his words, Eris examined his facial expression. Some wall had gone up on his end. She gave a slow nod, turned and went to sit against the far wall. She gave him an uninterested and tired look as he let the conversation lull. The man seemed to harbor a lot of anger, and if she knew anything about anger, she knew that it often paired with sadness. As he murmured something about pain, she lazily tilted her head to the side. Just as he could see straight through her, she could see straight through him. She blinked, wondering why he was still standing in front of her.

As he spoke again, her hand came up to play with the end of the unraveled blonde braid. She undid it half way, braided it down to the bottom, undid it once more, braided it once more as he spoke. Sure, the idea that he was going to retrieve the tesseract was interesting. But coming from him? How could she believe a word this man said to her? Aside from the idea of being his subordinate sounding like her personal torture, why would he trust her? They both weren’t trustworthy gods. Why would he even offer to get her out and bring her with him? That very question told her two things. He either needed the abilities she possessed that differed from his: discord and the starting of wars. A twin that commanded great armies and warriors. Or he wanted a plaything.

“I’m not going to be your new plaything, Loki.” Her words were uninterested sounding. “I know that’s what you want. You want to hold my life over my head, toy with it. I know you want me to betray you as much as you want to betray me. You want to find where I unravel and pull on the thread.” She stretched her arms up above her head. It must’ve been late. She was growing tired, both physically and of him. “I know this because I do the same. I know you think you can see right through me, which is fine. I can live with that.” Could she? Her hands went back to the braid.

“I saw those walls go up when I mentioned Frigga. I saw the aggression when I mentioned something you didn’t like. I see you trying your hardest to convince me. You talk about the pain I harbor? Look into yourself, my friend.” The ability she held that he lacked involved knowing people. Reading them in a way they didn’t know they could be read. How else do you create discord between them? She toyed with the Olympians in the same way, making them act in ways they never believed they would. “I can see right through you, as well and I hope you can live with that.”

She let go of her hair, watching as his illusion seemed to speak to someone on his end. “I will not be your plaything or your subordinate. I will be your equal, nothing less.” She paused. “That is not an agreement. Come back if you want to hear about Olympus.”
Loki growled as she finally spoke, for some reason finding just about everything in her cadence and tone of voice annoying and irritated. Was that also because he found her mildly attractive? Loki perished such a ridiculous notion from his brain. After all, he had many plans, and romantic relations with anyone really didn't come along with it. There wasn't any room for such ridiculous, and the dark haired male was certainly not his stupid older brother, adoptive or no. Thor relied too easily on the relationships he made with those around him, and he was far too easily swayed by the dubious ways of a female with even a remotely good figure. Loki was a lot smarter than him, and he was also able to detect when someone was playing games with him, and he knew that this women in front of him was just waiting to hear everything he had in store before they came to any form of agreement. Did that also mean that she was interested in his plans for dominating Earth as well? He couldn't be too sure.

What he did know was that it didn't matter to him either way. He had to wait in order to gain full control over his Chitauri Armies once the man he had made a deal with came through on his end of the bargain. But that was a discussion for a later time--besides, it also made sense that she might be interested in starting another war. Although--she was looking a little... dispodent as he looked at her. That whole 'banishment from Mt. Olympus' clearly seemed to be getting to her. Another knock on his door had him already more frustrated than he was willing to admit, and this woman wasn't making it any easier. After all, he had been hoping that she would play right into his palm. But no, Eris was too smart for that--Loki wasn't an idiot, he realized that creating some sort of agreement with her would need some investment of time and his personal sanity (if there was ever much to give there initially anyway).

She denied him what he really wanted, and he was annoyed by it, but he refused to let that annoyance keep him from leaving his offer open-ended on the table. "Of course, we can talk arrangements later..." he said, a breathy chuckle following his words. She even thoroughly shook him (although he did a great job at not showing it externally) by pointing out how well she could read him. It was difficult to imagine that he was as easily read as the open book he currently held in his hands, but certain people had abilities that far surpassed even, in their case, the average god's abilities. That seemed to be hers. "Alright, so I'll add that to your list of powers, right next to 'can turn men into penguins," he sneered, a defensive smirk played on his lips as he deflected her accusations off of himself. He couldn't fully decide what exactly he was supposed to feel in this situation.

If Loki was truly looking for an equal he would have lead with that, but it was becoming more and more clear the more the insufferable woman opened her mouth that Loki wouldn't so easily get his way. His jaw was set firmly as he turned his back to her, prepared to leave her alone with her thoughts. No, she was asking too much for what current Loki was willing to handle. He'd have to come back later with a different approach, but he'd be damned if he let her get the best of him. He was the one pulling the strings, not her! And he would make sure that Eris knew just exactly what he was capable of in the near future. "I may return, possibly. I suggest you think on my offer while I think on yours, although... here in this cell you don't seem to have very many options. So if your boredom doesn't consume you, I'll see you at a later date."

Before he left, he conjured a few very short books into her cell on the clear white table that was provided for her. They were all children's books on Asgard, tall tales, or even one or two midgardian picture books that they had acquired for some reason over the years. "I thought I might show you some kindness in the only books that no one will miss if they are gone." But that kindness was, of course, a front. Was there any reality left in Loki's actions? Even he didn't know anymore. He probably could have given her books from his personal collection, but he wasn't going to waste them on her. She would survive in this cell whether she liked it in there or not. He smirked, green eyes shining with that sadistic-type of mirth that could often be seen in his gaze, and before she could respond again, Loki disappeared.

Steve wasn't rough like the other soldier had been, and for that, the brunette was grateful. She was almost positive that she already had purple bruises forming on her upper biceps from being handled in such a way. Steve was a lot nicer than pretty much anyone on the base that she had the good fortune to encounter, save for Dr. Erkstien himself. He seemed a little unsure of himself as they stood in the hallway, and he looked for a place where he could properly leave her. It looked as though until she could convince them that she meant no harm, although that seemed impossible with Phillips being in control of her fate. As he seemingly made up his mind and lead her towards the Dr's offices, she complied easily with Steve. If she had wanted to, Julia was sure that even in cuffs she could have knocked Steve out and made her escape, but she would feel incredibly bad--he just seemed to be one of those people whom harming seemed like a bad idea. Like... Like kicking a puppy, or something along those similar lines.

Besides, if she followed Steve, she knew that eventually, he would lead her to Johannes Schmidt.

As they walked, she paid attention to Steve ask her questions about the future, and her possessions. Shrugging, she looked to her feet, but she was also memorizing the layout of where she was going. It was such a struggle deciding what she could and couldn't tell other people. After all, her strict orders--they were in bold on the file--were to be as discreet as possible. That's why she had thought that Natasha would have been a much better pick originally for a mission like this. It wasn't fair to send her in with literally no heads-up, and yet here she was. In 19fucking40. This was a ride, to say the least. "I... can't say much. Unfortunately, the problem with going into the past is that you happen to know a lot of... uh... for lack of a better term, Spoilers?" She offered him a nervous shrug. "The pistol is standard American grade. Honestly nothing special in the future. And my canteen? It was... given to me by a princess? Foreign princess." She could imagine Shuri laughing at her poor description of her.

Thinking of something suddenly, she stopped just as they reached the outside of the Doctor's lab, looking over her shoulder. "Uh, actually, I think I still have my mission details in my back pocket! Could you, grab them? Sorry... I didn't even think about it earlier!" She could have just shown Phillips this! Now she had to be cuffed for a week. Oh well--at least this way she could focus on what she was going to do once she got to Johannes laboratory, and adjust herself to the 1940s as best as she could. However, that would prove to be difficult, because just as Steve had retrieved the necessary papers from her back pocket, a group of his fellow trainees walked by, laughing.

"Hey Rogers, just because she's cuffed doesn't mean she consents!" His buddies laughed at his remark, and Julia felt her face heat up. Not so much in embarrassment, but more so in anger for Steve. He did literally nothing to deserve such... blatant bullying from those in his infantry!

"I'll have you know that I'd sooner take Steve than literally any of you. So, be so kind, and piss off." The growl in voice did basically enough to get them give her dirty looks before whistling at her bravado.

"You'd better be careful, doll," Hodge, their ringleader and Steve's main tormentor. He stepped closer to Julia's form, but she refused to shrink away from his larger form. These beefcakes were all the same--all brawn and no brain. "You're one suspicious activities' report away from Alcatraz, I heard."

"And I'm losing brain cells from being within your proximity," she smiled, turning on her heel and leaving him floundering in the hallway as she walked into the safety of Erkstien's offices and living quarters. "Come on Steve, these guys aren't worth our time." They were so annoying.
Steve listened to her...lack of explanation mostly. Spoilers? "Well I mean it's not like anything you tell me will affect anything. I'm just a soldier." He smiled a little and shrugged. It wasn't like he was going to make a huge difference. But he supposed she was right, the more he rolled the idea around in his head. Maybe even the smallest 'spoiler' would affect something. He looked back to her with an amused look on his face as she continued speaking. "Wow. I hope that wasn't what you told the general." He gave a chuckle. A foreign princess giving her a canteen made of metal they didn't have the technology to mold? The general surely would have thrown in immediately in prison if that was the story she gave him.

At the mention of mission details in her pocket, he looked towards her. Mission details would either make the whole thing make sense, or make it even more convoluted. It was easy to plant those on a spy, although a spy wouldn't go through so much trouble to try and convince them of such a far fetched store. "Yeah. Sure." He didn't think anything of it. It was just retrieving something from a pocket that the cuffed woman, obviously, couldn't reach.

At the she sound of Hodge's voice, it took everything in Steve not to let out a groan. The man was insufferable, and although he tried not to think that of people, Hodge made it difficult. He was a bully, and as he had told the doctor, Steve didn't like bullies. He turned to face the man and give him a comment, but the woman was speaking before he could. He glanced to her, a little impressed by how upfront she was being. As Hodge stepped closer to Julia, Steve took a step to put himself in front of her. No matter how much she yelled about being able to take care of herself, he wasn't going to let a soldier hurt her because of a belief they held. It wasn't like he would be able to do much against the larger man, but he would sure as hell try.

As Julia gave one last snipe at the man and entered the office, he glared at Hodge. "You heard nothing, Hodge. Try not to be such a brute." Hodge glared and approached Steve.

"Do you wanna say that again, Rogers?"

"I said try not to be such a brute." The two men looked as if a fight might break out. Dr. Erkstien walked between them.

"Not the time, boys." He grabbed Steve's wrist and pulled him into the office and shut the door behind him. Steve looked at him and gestured to the woman

"I'm sorry. I couldn't bring her to the barracks, you know that wouldn't work...and I couldn't think of anything other place." The doctor gave him an understanding nod. Steve turned to Julia again.

He eyed the cuffs, weighing his options on taking them off. They looked uncomfortable, obviously, and part of him felt bad for keeping them on her. But the other half of him knew he would be in deep trouble if he took them off and she made a run for it. He didn't know this woman, and judging by her behavior, something told him not to put escaping past her. She was strong willed. He made his decision, swallowed, and began moving office stuff with the help of Erkstien. "I can grab you a spare cot, pillow and blanket from surplus. Anything else you might need? A toothbrush?" He glanced up to her as he struggled with his end of the desk. What they were going to do with the cuffs while she slept was the next question to be answered. He supposed he could get permission to stay with her, but he couldn't keep an eye on her for the entire night.


Eris watched as he reacted to her words defensively. She grinned. “Well I’m glad you enjoyed the penguin as much as I did.” The squawking of the animal had been amusing at the time. She knew she wouldn’t be able to pull anything crazy in the situation she was in. The penguin had been a small symbol of defiance. To show that even throwing her in prison wasn’t going to stop her. She watched as he conjured books in her cell. Childrens books. How funny of him. Her eyes went back to him. “Alright. It’s a date.” He disappeared before the words were completely out of her mouth.

Days went by before Loki appeared again. Maybe it was weeks. She wasn’t sure, there was no way of really telling in the prison. The guards had been instructed not to speak to her. No questions, no comments, nothing but telling her that it was time for her daily bathing. She tried to speak to them, it wouldn’t be Eris if she didn’t. But they couldn’t be broken, those damn bastards.

She didn’t touch the books for a while. They sat in the corner of her cell, unmoved as she occupied herself other ways. She examined the cell’s shimmering wall, the cell’s solid walls. She tried to reach out with her magic. Nothing. Not even a hint. She couldn’t get it to leave her body.

This lead to meditation, trying to reach out of the cell with her magic. Once, only once, did it work in the slightest, leaving a guard confused. It left her exhausted and she wondered how often Asgardian technology glitched. Then napping. She napped a lot after those meditation sessions, sprawled out on the floor. She often wished for at least a pillow, but she was also so exhausted that she wouldn’t care. She even tormented other prisoners across the hall, picking their brains until the guards told her to stop. It wasn’t until much much later that she finally opened one of the books. The colors had inspired her to tear them apart and create brilliant mosaics with the colors and they were held on the walls with the magic only contained in the square. Art had always been a source of calm to her.

By the time he did finally appear, Eris was harassing the guards and the poor monster celled across the hall from her. The creature was softer than his gruesome appearance. It didn't take a ton to scare him and she wondered what he did to get into prison.

"Hey bug eyes! Whatcha up to?!" The monster in the cell across from her looked up, his eyes going big. "No! I will not talk to you! No more you blonde witch! No!" The monster was beginning to look afraid as Eris continued to stare. "Make her stop! Please!" A guard approached her cell.

"We told you to stop! This is your last warning."

Eris pouted and leaned against the wall to look down at the man. "Oh c'mon I'm just playing. Don't you want to play with me?" She gave him puppy dog eyes, "I see the way you look at me, mister. I'm very lonely in here." Her fingers played with the hem of her shirt. All she needed was someone to open her cell door.

The guard stared at her, unsure of what to do. It almost looked like he was going to give in when he shook his head quickly. "I cannot stand guarding this cell anymore." He called to his boss, who glared at Eris as she slapped the shimmering wall with the palm of her hand and walked away from it. For a moment, it looked like she was going to get what she wanted: an easy way out. The guards were swapped.
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Loki had been cautiously biding his time, building up his walls once more, and preparing himself for the next time he was going to meet with the blonde haired Grecian, and he would be prepared this time, he was sure of it. Thor had, of course, bugged him about her more than he cared to admit, and his thick-skulled adoptive brother had mentioned more than once that he had found the woman attractive, which bugged Loki to no end. Eventually it got to the point where he told him off about, saying that if Thor wanted to see her so badly he should just go and let his weak mind ensnared by her abilities. That did well enough to get him to shut up.

By the time he had finally decided to go back to her cell, and in person this time, he was on his third book. He hadn’t necessarily kept track of the days that he had spent since her arrival, but the book he was on now was an enchanting tome that had been a gift from Frigga. Most of the spells were easy, but he was beginning to see a pattern that could lead to some more mischief in his near future... Odin often admonished his wife for encouraging Loki's ways, but more often than not, the strong woman blew him off. He couldn’t help but snicker at the thought. That’s why he admired her more than his adoptive father.

When Loki had finally wandered down into the prison hold in Asgard, he was just in time to see the interaction between Eris, the guard, and the monster in the cell across from her. He couldn’t help but chuckle as she angrily slapped the shimmering cell walls, finding her display of anger and frustration amusing. Stepping out from where he had been previously unseen, he kept his gaze in his book, much like their previous encounter. "I didn’t think you would stoop to such a low trick in order to obtain your freedom, but... I have been wrong before," he smirked, closing the book and looking up at her through the shimmering yellow barrier. "I thought you might like some company, so I’ve finally found a place for you in my busy schedule, my time is precious, after all." That was bullshit, but even if she did see through it, Loki didn’t particularly care. This was between him and her, and although they were currently in a power struggle over their battle of minds, he was willing to parlay in order to just... talk. After all, as it looked to him, Eris was the most interesting thing currently breathing on all of Asgard.


Julia had been fairly surprised by Steve's reaction with Hodge. Not only had he made sure to put himself between her and the older man, but he had also made sure to defend his honor while he was at. Her eyebrows raised silently at his bravery. Clearly, these men weren’t even half the man Steve was—that must be why Dr. Erkstien chose him for the Super Soldier program, and Julia was grateful for that choice. Biting her lip, she knew that if she tried to go out there and argue again, she would only make the situation that much worse, so upon hearing the Doctor's voice, she let out a small sigh of relief. She really hadn’t want Steve to get pummeled just because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut like Steve himself had warned her in the future.

As they discussed her, Julia's grey eyes observed the world around her, a curious look in her gaze as she looked around the Doctor's office. Feeling someone's eyes on her form, she turned back to face them, noticing that Steve had a rather concentrated look on his face. As they began to move the Doctor's office stuff, Julia could only watch. At the offer of the cot, she nodded. "Yes please, that would be appreciated. A toothbrush, and... if you can manage it, a lot of bottled water? I go through it like you wouldn’t believe." She sent him a small smile, rolling her shoulders.

The Doctor was next to speak, and her eyes widened slightly at the words that left his carefully accented voice. "You carry yourself like a metahuman. Of course I could just be mistaking that for confidence, but of the metahuman I’ve encountered, they all seem to have similar attitudes as you."

Her eyebrows furrowed, and she very specifically didn’t answer his question. "What attitude might that be?"
"The attitude of one that needs to prove themselves," he said matter-of-factory, setting down the desk where he wanted it. "Here's just fine, thank you Steve." He walked to her and pointed to her cuffs. "Steve, could you please uncuff her left hand—which is non-dominant in the way that she favors her right—and lock it around the pole by that chair?" He pointed to one of the pipes that ran from floor to ceiling. "I believe that you’re from the future, but for the time being, the general's orders are the law in the barracks." Julia looked away, muttering something incoherent under her breath as the doctor smiled at Steve. "Do you mind going and getting everything that she needs?"
Loki’s voice caused Eris to turn around and look towards the dark haired man. She walked back over to the shimmering wall and knelt down to get closer to him. She examined his figure, trying to see if it was another illusion or if he had decided to visit her in the flesh. It was easy to see that it was the real Loki. If she could get her hands around his throat. “Let’s not pretend you’re so much better than me, Loki.” She smirked a little, sitting down in front of the wall. She would never admit it out loud, but she was desperate for some company, even if it was with someone as exhausting as him. “Didn’t even think to ask if I had time in my busy schedule for you, I see.” She looked at him with pale eyes and a grin.

Of course, she could see through his comment in defense of why he was there. She wondered why he couldn’t just tell her the real reason. Seeing through a lie was one thing, knowing actual intentions was another. Did he genuinely want her company? Was he here to pick at her some more? Did he have a crush on her? She hoped so. Although Eris kept her own heart heavily guarded, he was cute. And intelligent. And would probably appreciate her antics, unlike the other gods. The havoc they could cause together would be fantastic. She blinked and shoved the thoughts from her head.

“Where’s the blonde one?” She tilted her head to the side. “I can tell you don’t get along with him.” She missed her own sibling with an aching pain. Ares looked incredibly similar to Thor, blonde hair, blue eyes and massive stature, though he shared Eris’s eyes, nose and cheekbones. He was similar in personality to Thor with a little more inclination to violence and war. It almost angered Eris that Loki didn’t hold onto his sibling tighter. “Did you know I have a twin brother? He’s a lot like Thor, actually. Maybe a little more violent and fun. But he looks like him. You would like him, I think.” He was resourceful and she hoped he was taking on a little less regimented attitude and causing some trouble for Zeus in her place.

Eris realized that she wanted someone to talk to as much as she wanted simple company. She hoped he was willing to drop the defensive attitude and speak with her. She was willing to pause their power struggle for a bit to gossip about the gods. There was a lot to discuss, that was for sure. There was always drama in the world of the divine.


Steve put the desk down where the doctor had instructed. He was glad to put it down, as his body ached from training. He nodded at the girl's requests. Water didn't seem like too much of a problem and he was sure the general wouldn't mind. Upon hearing Erkstien's voice, Steve paused in his actions to give the upcoming conversation full attention. Metahuman? He glanced to the girl, then back to the doctor to hear his explanation. He had heard rumors of metahumans bouncing around the base, and Erkstien had mentioned an experiment involving them before. Steve himself was a candidate, but he was apprehensive.

He scrambled for the key in his pocket once the attention was on him again. He moved to the girl, gently took her hands in his and unlocked her left hand. He quickly moved and locked it to the pole he had gestured to. He, once again, felt bad about keeping her cuffed. The doctor believed she was from the future. The notion was nearly insane. Time travel wasn't a thing. But maybe it was in the future. The doctor was smart and maybe he knew something Steve didn't. The whole thing was a lot to wrap his head around it and it was sure to keep him up at night.

He nodded quickly. "Of course." He glanced to the canteen on the desk of the doctor. "Would it cause much harm to give this back to her?" He gestured towards the metal canteen. It did nothing but hold water, the doctor had been sure of that. "Might save some bottles of water if we could fill it from tap?" The doctor looked towards the canteen, and for a moment, they were both in awe of the metal and the technology needed to mold it.

"I don't see much harm." The doctor finally spoke, reaching out and handing it to Steve. The man nodded and left the office to head towards surplus. Thankfully, there wasn't a ton of men out and about. Either showering after this morning's training or sleeping off the exhaustion. The men were worked hard in preparation for the war. He strode into surplus and asked the older man behind the counter for the objects needed, "A cot, a blanket, extra if it's available, a pillow, a toothbrush, and toothpaste." He recited the objects slowly, making sure he didn't miss anything. The canteen was slung over his shoulder. He would fill it once he had the objects.
His green eyes followed her form as she took a seat on the other side of the shimmering walls. He couldn't help but grin, raising an eyebrow at her and her strange antics. So she was lonely? Needed a conversationalist in order to keep her wayward mind at bay? Clearly, the monster across from her had enough—but it was a simple minded creature, and Loki didn’t need to know much about it in order to tell that it could sense the magic radiating off of Eris, even with two magic-blocking barriers in between them. She appeared to be a true for to be reckoned with. "If by busy, you mean destroying books to create mosaics, then I’ll have to apologize." Of course he wasn’t sincere. The mosaics were the first thing he had noticed when he had seen her in her cell for the second time.

"It takes quite a bit of effort, coming down here in person and not arousing suspicions with the guards or my... family." He walked up to the shimmering barrier, before slowly taking a seat on the other side, looking up at her slightly (because all the prisoner cells we about a foot or so off the ground). Loki was not someone to become so easily attached to others—he was a reserved individual who didn’t care much for the company of anyone but himself—this being said, once he did find someone he found at least a little interesting, he was willing to pursue them by his own means and on his own terms. What could he say? He was a control freak and needed to feel like he had something on everyone. In his philosophy, everyone had something that was controlling them, and it could be exploited by Loki.

He watched her search him, as if she was looking for his intentions—he couldn’t help but smirk and tease her a bit, "What, you see something you like?" They never got to follow that thread, however, as Eris mentioned Thor, and Loki couldn’t help but grimace slightly. Did she really need to bring him into this? He already had to endure hearing about Thor's accomplishments enough from literally everyone else, he didn’t need to hear it from her too. "I doubt I would like your brother if he was anything like Thor..." Loki sneered, looking at her from down the bridge of his sharp nose, eyes narrowed. There went those walls again—just when he thought he would be able to speak to her openly. It just went to show how truly alone Loki actually was. Eris had her brother, Loki only had himself, and it seemed as if it might remain that way.

"He’s not my brother, either way." There it was, the statement that haunted his very existence. That told him that he wasn’t as good as Thor, and told him that he would never be more than Odin's little charity project. It was sickening, really, to know that the All Father paraded Loki around as a reason for his "compassion". He couldn’t stand it, and he quite frankly didn’t want to deal with it. Unfortunately, that was the hand he was given, and the Fates loved to ever play tricks on him. Just the moment he thought he had it good, like when Thor had been banished to Midgard for his incompetence, he came right back into Odin's favor again. It was, as he had always thought, quite sickening.


Julia didn’t defend or deny Erkstien's talk of her being a metahuman. Was that what they called it in the past? Julia had just always thought the term was 'mutant' but then again, she had been wrong before. Maybe metahuman was the term they used in the past? Well, whatever the reason, Erkstien seemed to be able to just... pinpoint it in her. If General Phillips knew what she could do, then he would surely have her locked up for testing, and then she would be stuck in the past and never get to Johannes' laboratory. She would fail Steve.

Her eyes were drawn into his blue ones as he came over to unlock at least her one hand, and she watched as his fingers fumbled with the key ever so slightly. Why was he so gentle with her? Why did he care enough to do so? She was just some strange woman who had crashed into him (not unlike a tornado tears through a small town) and had claimed that was from the future. Did he believe her? Julia knew that he contemplated it, as certain things didn’t seem to add up if she was a spy. As he locked her now-empty cuff to the pipe, she recognized his apologetic look, so rather than say anything she offered him a small smile. When she had found herself on a military base, she had expected something like this to happen. If fact, she had expected a lot worse, but was pleasantly surprised to only be cuffed to a pipe in Doctor Erkstien's office. She watched as they discussed her canteen, and smiled as they came to the conclusion that they could give it back.

She watched Steve exit the room, and felt the Doctor turn his gaze to her, and a small silence filled the room before the doctor chose to speak again. "So, if I was correct in assuming that you have abilities, might I ask what it is you can do that would give you access to such a dangerous mission?" He held in his hands the formerly forgetter case files that Steve had gotten for her, and Julia watched as his eyes slid over the paper from behind his glasses, before they turned over to her. "You’re definitely not a traditionally trained spy."

Her eyebrows furrowed. That was how he knew? Cause she was a clumsy spy? "Who's to say I’m not just playing you?"

He shook his head, a chuckle on his lips as he offered her a small smile. "If you were really playing me, we would have a weeping woman playing the part of victim." Well, he had her there. He shifted through the mission details until he got to the diagram of notes for the weapon plans that she was supposed to destroy. "This... this is what you're after? Why do you need these plans?"

"I’m going to destroy them." That seemed to catch his attention. "That’s my orders—if I don’t, in the future... where I’m from... it’s going to kill a lot of people." He nodded in understanding, sighing and setting the papers down on his desk before walking over to the window, seeming to think something over. For awhile—at least ten minutes, they both stood and existed in silence, waiting for Steve to return. After some silence, Julia sighed, causing the doctor to look back at her. "If I show you... you can’t tell Phillips. He'll turn me over to the government and they'll turn me into a lab rat." He nodded and she sighed again. "Well, I need the water Steve's bringing."
Eris frowned when the grin across his face disappeared. The walls went up. This time, it wouldn’t take someone with special abilities to see that. She nearly opened her mouth to tell him that her brother could, and would, rip Thor apart. They weren’t that similar. Just in the sense that he shook his head at Eris’s antics. But, she didn’t. The look on Loki’s face wasn’t of complete anger. There was some hurt and pain mixed in with it. A touch of loneliness. He made a statement that caused her to raise her eyebrows.

She supposed she had been disconnected from the world of gods and hadn’t heard the news. Loki wasn’t the son of Odin, nor the brother of Thor. She felt stupid for not noticing in their behavior before. Assumption and self-absorption could cause one to miss those signs. He was much too smart to be related to them, as far as she was concerned.

She couldn’t relate to him. Her blonde hair and blue eyes matched those of Zeus’s. Her ferocity mirrored her mother’s. The family was messed up in other ways. Zeus was constantly running off cheating, Hera stuck in a never ending loop of revenge, aided by her daughter. Zeus favored Ares over Eris, not liking Eris’s role in his marriage nor her tendency to be…unladylike.

She was quiet for several seconds, thinking and calculating her next moves. It felt like he had just revealed something personal to her, not necessarily through words but through expression. Maybe not intentionally, but she had seen it. She didn’t know what caused her not to dig further, like she normally would have. Maybe it felt too personal. Or maybe it was because he hadn’t dug when he saw a glimpse of her own pain, something she found herself thankful for.

She would be lying if she said she was fantastic at making friends, despite her ability to read others. It wasn’t exactly her predisposition to be charming. The mention of family obviously upset him and part of her wanted to bring the grin back. His smile was attractive and made him look more relaxed. Maybe that was why he scowled. “I’m sorry.” She said softly, apologizing for bringing up something that caused such walls.

Before he could say anything else, she spoke again, pointing down at him. “You always have a book.” She observed. “Is there a library here? A big one? I would bet you spend a lot of time there.” She shifted her position so that she was laying on her stomach, her chin propped up in her hands. “How about an art gallery? I bet that would be beautiful.” Her love of art was difficult to hide. “I had one in Olympus with a couple of the muses but I’m sure it’s gone now. Aphrodite wanted the space for herself. She’s a bitch.” She pointed down to him again. “That should be recorded somewhere. Aphrodite is the goddess of being a bitch. She’s probably still bitter about the apple.”


Steve was feeling a lot like a pack mule by the time he reached a sink to fill Julia’s canteen. Once full, he strung it back over his body. The cot was also strung onto his back with the blanket tucked into its folds. He hadn’t been able to negotiate a second blanket. Supplies were a little low and they weren’t going to give a second one up to an undisclosed person. A toothbrush packaged in plastic and a small tube of toothpaste were tucked into his pocket, a pillow under his arm. He made his way back to the office, nodding to another soldier has he passed. The man gave a half-hearted nod back. It was common knowledge to Steve that many believed he wasn’t capable of being where he was. He often questioned it himself, after long morning workouts, but quickly pushed the thought from his mind. He was strong willed, willing to go through pain to protect his country and fellow soldiers. That should be enough. His size didn’t play into any of those things.

As he approached the office, he heard murmuring coming from inside. He found himself standing outside the closed door for a minute, listening to the doctor’s reasoning as to why he believed the girl was a metahuman and not a spy. There was some silence before they began discussing the plans he had retrieved from her pocket. She was after some plans that were going to kill people in the future? He furrowed his brows. More to think on. After a long silence, Steve turned the knob and walked in. “It gets a little chilly at night. I tried for an extra blanket, but they wouldn’t budge.” He put everything down in the space they had cleared, placed the toothbrush and toothpaste on the desk and handed her the canteen filled with water. His body felt relief from getting the weight off him. It seemed like the soreness from daily work wasn’t disappearing anytime soon.

He stepped back and looked to the doctor, not revealing that he had eavesdropped on their conversation. He would probably end up confessing at some point. He didn’t like to do that kind of stuff and lie about it, though sometimes it was incredibly tempting. His conscious didn’t let him keep those kinds of secrets for long. The doctor was looking towards Julia with an expecting gaze. Steve looked back to the dark haired girl.

Was she going to prove she was a metahuman? Would that prove that she was from the future? He supposed it could, although the Germans were suspected of experimenting on humans in the past. But the plans the doctor held in his hands were the most interesting to him. He was in no position to stop someone from destroying plans and saving thousands of people, even if they were future people. Part of him wondered if there was a way he could help. Maybe the doctor would turn him into a metahuman sooner rather than later and he could prove to be more useful.

He glanced at the time. He was supposed to report to weapons training in a half hour and he hoped the woman would hurry up with the whole proving herself. That was something he didn’t want to miss, but being late to weapons training would be another strike on him for the day. The sergeant would already be watching him like a hawk to make sure he was operating perfectly, so he didn’t want to slip up.
Imagining an angrier, more war-like Thor copy ripping Thor apart... now that was an image Loki would probably sell his soul to see. Unfortunately it didn't seem like he would get the chance, because he wasn't gifted with the imagery. Instead he sat and sulked not unlike a child who had been reminded of his least favorite vegetable... except Loki's pain and hurt went far deeper than any puny imagery could allude to. The only people Loki hated more than his so-called family on Asgard, were his Jötunn brethren. If they weren't such detestable, problematic, and the universe's stupidest race, then he probably would have dropped the forever Asgardian-facade that he wore around, but in all truth, Loki preferred this form. At least he looked the part of enigmatic and intelligent, rather than some bumbling monster that didn't know the difference between its hands and its feet.

He was forever bound in this paradox of hating everyone. And guess what? He hated that too.

The black haired male would never admit to his own pain. The pain of being left to deal with his problems on his own. The pain of being shunned for his true heritage when it was something he could not control. The pain of being forever cast in Thor's shadow. The pain of being unloved. All these burdens he chose to bear upon himself, and he always lashed out before anyone got close enough to try and help ease the load. He supposed it was just in his nature to be alone.

And then... there was this woman. Pretending to relate to him. At the thought he visibly shook his head, a dry, rather unamused chuckle on his lips as his brilliant emerald eyes dragged up to look at her figure once again. She looked really pathetic, trapped in the cell like that. However, Loki knew that she had a very distinct reason for being in Asgard, and the reason had been one that had caused her a lot of heartbreak. He would never allow anyone to say that the Great Loki was not merciful--he didn't care enough about her issues to push for her reasoning for coming to Asgard to look for the Tessaract. Surely she knew exactly what it was she was looking for, correct? He was about to speak up and question her about it, but his mouth hung in open slightly in shock as he heard an apology come from her lips. Why? What did she possibly have to gain from doing such a thing.

Loki shook his head. "How could you have possibly known? You're not as privy to Asgardians as you thought you were, clearly. Otherwise you would not currently be in that prison cell." His lips formed back into an amused smirk, his eyes glinting with actual humor for once. He almost wished he had seen the way she had stormed out of the bifrost--it was probably a sight to behold. A woman who brought all of hell with her... he couldn't think of anyone he knew in Asgard who could do such a thing (just wait a couple of movies, you're not there yet). As she spoke of the library, he nodded. "Of course there is. Asgard has amassed quite a large collection these last thousand years or so--partially in thanks to myself. Whenever my brother would leave to go to the other realms I would tag along, borrow a few books with no intention of returning them, and bring them back to read. Whenever I'd finish, they always end up in my personal collection, or I let the library look after them for me. It's always amusing to watch an old scholar as he discovers an ancient elvish text that he didn't think existed in the library." Sometimes it was those simple little joys that kept Loki from going off the deep end.

As he thought about it, he shook his head no. "There are plenty of sculpture gardens and artparks in Asgard, but not so much rooms dedicated to individual's art." After pondering it for a moment longer, he offered her a small shoulder shrug. "Our finest murals are on the ceilings of our most prominent buildings. Such as, the throne room you were in earlier. They are embedded with magic from the bifrost, and the paintings move. Although, I'm sure you couldn't have possibly looked at the ceiling when you were far too interested ogling Thor." There was that catlike smirk again--he couldn't help it. It was his first nature.

Julia looked up as Steve reentered the room, him speaking about the chill that crept in at night, and she observed, mildly impressed that he had managed to carry everything in one trip, as he set everything down near her. She offered him a small smile as he spoke, shaking her head slightly. "You've already done more than enough. I'm from Minnesota, I think I can handle a little bit of cold." That was the truth, at least. She was born in rural farm country fifty or so minutes south of the Twin Cities, and she had never imagined that she would have gone from being incredibly estranged from her parents due to being a 'freak', to being recruited by Nick Fury, and now 70 years in the past, trying to save the world. Her mother would choke on her spit.

"Thank you though, for everything. For apologizing when we bumped into each other, for reserving your judgement of me until you get to know me, these things..." she trailed off, biting her lip. She took the canteen from him, grinning nervously as she looked between the two. "Seriously, I'm not kidding though. You can't tell Phillips, or I'll never be allowed to complete my mission, and I'll get stuck here." The brunette waited for both of them to nod, before she sighed. With her right hand handcuffed to the pole, it was a bit of a struggle to get the lid of the canteen off, but once it was gone, Julia gently set it on the ground. "Now... don't... freak out." Like that ever worked before.

Julia sighed, taking a deep breath. She really didn't want them to magically hate her somehow after she showed them her abilities. Raising her left hand, she silently willed the water out of the canteen, focusing on pooling it into a hovering ball shape. Erkstien didn't show whether or not he was surprised, and Julia didn't look to Steve for fear of his fear. Biting her lip, she brought the water in a circle, spinning it at fast and slow paces with little to no effort at all. Not being able to help himself, the doctor picked up a discarded notepad and pen, writing down observations as he began to interview her. "At what age did you discover this ability? What happened when you discovered it?"

She snorted. "In elementary school, I was sitting on the ledge of a fountain during recess. This boy came up to me--I don't even remember what he said to insult me, but I just got so mad..." she paused, noticing that her anger was seeping through the water as it started to steam slightly. "Sorry, I-I, uh..." A light pink came over her cheeks as she almost lost her concentration. "I don't remember much of what happened, but those watching told me that the water from the fountain rose up and, just kind of... swallowed him. He was alright, of course. Shocked and wet, if anything." She smirked at that. "I was never really a rowdy kid before that, so it kind of felt invigorating... but I was labeled a freak. The doctors said mutation in the cellular makeup is what causes abilities, or something. I never really payed that close attention." She returned the water to the canteen, unable to screw the lid back on due to her predicament, but dammit! She was gonna try! Bending over rathe precariously, she reached for the cap, grunting slightly.

Erkstien hummed, looking to her as Julia struggled to get the cap. "You saw, in my mission files, right?" Grey eyes looked up and met Steve's for just a moment. "It's hard to miss--printed on the top page. Agent deployed: Tsunami. That's my codename."
Steve smiled a little at her thank you. "It's just how you treat people." He said simply, giving her a nod. He was a firm believer in the fair treatment of people until you figured out if they were truly guilty of the crimes they're accused of. He stepped back as she made them promise not to tell Phillips. He swallowed and gave a nod. Lying to his general was a big no no....but he was also dealing with someone who may be from the future. He swallowed as he watched her get the cap off the canteen and set it on the floor. What happened next was....well he was expecting something like that. But expecting something doesn't mean you're prepared for it.

He watched in wonder as the water moved up from the canteen and into the air. It moved like it was a living being in it's own. It spun in the air and Steve had to remind himself that water was not a living thing, although it definitely looked like it. He glanced towards Erkstien, who didn't have a different facial expression. How was he so calm? How was he not just...amazed? He watched as the man grabbed a notebook and began jotting down notes and asking questions. He was glad the man could find the voice to ask the questions Steve was wondering himself.

At her story, he furrowed his brows. Bullies, although he hated them, often pushed people to do things they didn't believe they could do. He could see how she could be labeled a freak. As far as he was concerned, those who acted out of fear and not logic were the same people who would label her a freak without exploring a little bit more. A scientific mutation of the cells was merely a scientific term. Freak was a work derived from fear. He watched with amazement as the water steamed, faltered a bit at her emotions and moved itself back into the canteen. He took a deep breath, and held it for a few seconds as he tried to find words to say. "Ok." was all he could get out.

When she spoke of her mission files, he blinked. "Oh uh. No I hadn't seen them. I mean I didn't look at them. I overheard the discussion of what was in them..." He glanced to the doctor, then back to her. The doctor paused in writing a note to turn on his heel to snatch them off the table. He handed them to Steve before quickly getting back to writing. Steve unfolded the paper and saw what she was speaking of. Tsunami was printed on the top of the page. His eyes scanned over the words on the page, just confirming what he had overheard. He slowly put them back on the table.

"Not sure an enemy spy would go through this much trouble to convince us of a story that crazy." He mumbled to both himself and the other two in the room. An enemy spy would've taken a cyanide pill by now to avoid being interrogated and put in an American prison. Spies, from what he had heard, were swift to end it when they got this deep into trouble. Their country was swift to alter plans and send another.

He glanced at the time once more. He wouldn't have much time to hang out and hear more of the questions the doctor was going to ask. He reminded himself to either talk to Erkstien or the girl herself after training.


Eris couldn’t help but let out a laugh at his response to her apology. It was true. Her Grecian education of the Asgardians had failed her and she had slipped up by believing that it wouldn’t. “I guess I’ve been a little disconnected in recent years...” She glanced at the guards in front of her cell. They were, no doubt, suspicious of the two speaking to each other. She imagined the two were the last people Odin wanted conversing. Keep her away from people who encourage her were Zeus’s words.

She glanced back to the raven haired man as he spoke of the libraries. Of course he contributed to them. It would seem out of character for him not to. She wondered how large his personal collection of books was, if he had a library of his own in his chambers. She was sure, after seeing what she did with the books he left her, he wouldn’t let her anywhere near the collection. She let out a small chuckle at his observation of old scholars.

But, her interest was reall caught when he spoke about sculpture gardens and artparks in Asgard. She would love to have just a half hour to walk through those gardens on a sunny day. The thought reminded her of how much she missed her freedom. She raised her eyebrows when he mentioned the throne room’s ceiling. It seemed as if she had missed a lot in those first moments in Asgard.

Another thing she would add onto her Asgardian bucket list: to lay on her back in the middle of that room and admire the mural. Moving paintings. How grand would that be? She wondered if she could create moving paintings herself with magic from her own body. Maybe that could be her focus while meditating then next time. She let her head sink more into her hands as she thought about it, her cheek squishing against her palms. When he mentioned ogling Thor, she lifted her head, her eyes focusing on him again. Her mouth parted slightly in offense.

“I was not ogling him.” She smacked the shimmering wall with a small laugh as she spoke. It was the equivalent of her smacking his arm if she could get to him. “Just trying to talk my way out of something.” Ok, maybe she was ogling a bit. He was quite the eye candy, albeit the most basic kind. You couldn’t get more basic than muscles, blonde hair and blue eyes. Sure, Aphrodite shipped them with her entire being, but she hadn’t heard the man open his mouth. He was weak minded. She dared say he was stupid. She could never lower her standards that low. Her nose wrinkled just as the thought. He was exactly who Zeus would want his daughter with.

“I’d prefer my men with a little less lightning and brawn and a little more intelligence and mischief.” Her mouth matched his catlike smirk as she gave him a wink. The guard behind him rolled his eyes. She was sure that comment would get around the guards. She hoped so. Starting rumors was fun. And a rumor surrounding this particular god? It would surely drive him mad. She hoped he questioned if she was seriously flirting or just talking for her own gain.

She rested her chin on her hands once more. “I thought over your offer.” She whispered so that the obviously eavesdropping man couldn’t hear. She had her own demands just like he had his.
Loki shrugged at her words, "it's not as if the gods have stayed particularly connected either." It was true--they all really kept to themselves. But, if Loki was telling the truth, it appeared as though the Norse--the Asgardians, had grown the biggest out of all three. He was, in no way, there in the beginning with the AllFather, Gaea and Uranus, and Ra, but he knew that of the three branches, Asgardians were the only group to have a people, and a city with a population that rivaled some of the bigger midgardian cities. They had advanced their culture beyond so-called gods, and didn't rely on the worshipping and offerings of the mortals on Earth, unlike both Grecian and Egyptian gods. As far as Loki was concerned, they were advanced.

Loki couldn't help but chuckle along with her as they talked of Thor, but her look of longing did not go unnoticed by the god of mischief as he smirked, wondering how, if he promised to play nice, asking his "daddy dearest" if he could take Eris to a few of those places. After all, it had been her uneducated reasoning as to why she was in the prison cell in the first place. Well, he doubted that would fly, but maybe he wouldn't even have to tell his father if he persuaded the guards using the right things... hmm. He would consider saving such tactics for later. He looked to the female as she spoke of her taste in men, and it brought a smirk to his lips--although this smirk didn't happen to be cruel in any way. Just... amused. And now--well, she was hitting on him. A part of him wanted to be flattered, but in the moment he was far too concerned about keeping up appearances.

He chose not to humor her, rather, letting the guards start rumors was amusing, but not so if they got back to the AllFather. Then it would just be annoying, because they would monitor his every visit down to the goddess. Especially if they thought they were planning something. Which... it seemed as though they were, because Loki's ears perked up as soon as Eris mentioned that she had given his offer some thought. Was she willing to come to an agreement? He sure hoped so. Not that it wouldn't take a long time for Thanos to get back to him about that army Loki requested. He didn't mention who his mysterious benefactor was to Eris--considering both the Greek and Egyptian gods lived and existed on midgard, Loki doubted they knew much of the nine realms, much less about Thanos, but he wasn't going to risk letting Eris know either way. To those who did know of Thanos and what he was capable of, they also knew what it was that he was after--the Infinity Stones, such as the Space Stone that made up the Tessaract. That cube was just it's holding vessel.

Loki quickly cast a spell over the guard without doing more than sliding his eyes to the male Asgardian. Those with brute strength were clearly the weakest and easiest to manipulate. "You're welcome to speak freely. That guard won't be bothering us--or anyone else for that matter--until his shift is over. And the other prisoners, I believe, are too scared of you to be tattle tales." His smirk was his most prominent feature--at least, it was one of three, between that, the hair, and the emerald orbs flaked with gold that seemed to always look through people.

Steve was definitely too good for this world--Julia had decided that much. She had barely known the super soldier version of him in the future, but now, after meeting him like this, she was able to fully judge him. That, and there also wasn't a lot to be judgemental about: Steve was a gentleman, who disliked bullies and stood up for what he believed in. Julia smiled at him softly, the look of shock on his face upon seeing her powers for the first time was honestly quite refreshing. She was so used to being labeled as different or outcasted for her powers. The future and the past--everywhere and every time seemed to be hard place to live in no matter what angle you tried to look at it. But that was what made humans so interesting to people like Vision or Thor, and so the brunette supposed she should take these gods among men, not unlike Steve, and follow by their example. That example? Giving them a little bit of benefit of the doubt. People were often said to be inherently good or inherently evil, and little by little, despite the terrorist attrocities she had seen and overcome, Julia was more willing to give everyone a chance. That's what Steve would try to do, right?

And she supposed she couldn't really hate Chester Phillips. The man was hardworking, strict, but did what he had to do in order to protect his government, his people, and his country. If she were in his position, she'd probably barely give glance to a shady individual like herself before throwing them into a cell, especially with such an odd and far-fetched story. The Doctor and Steve were more than curious about her and her abilities, but her eyes followed Steve's form as he took the pieces of paper from Erkstien, and she unconciously bit her lip, hoping... praying to God that he would believe her. If he didn't, then clearly she had no one on her side.

"Steve, you can feel free to assist me in the lab after you've done your weapon's training. It would also probably be good if you ate dinner with us after what happened earlier." Julia furrowed her brows. What had happened earlier? It took a minute for her to stray to Hodge, and she nodded in agreement. Couldn't have any stereotypical dinnertime "hero gets ostracized by the 'cool' group".

"The doc's great and all, but I'd like someone I feel like I can actually talk to," Julia smiled, sending Steve a wink as she brought her cuff down on the pole in order to recap her canteen properly. She offered him a wave as he disappeared down the hall, before she and Erkstien entered an interview-type situation, with him asking questions, and her answering them without spoiling any future business.

"And my last question... who sent you."

Julia couldn't help but chuckle. "You wouldn't believe me, and I feel like it's kind of cheating." Erkstien rose his eyebrows as if to say, 'try me', and the future-woman sighed, a wry smile on her lips as her steel-colored eyes followed to where Steve had left some 20 minutes earlier, nodding her head. "He sent me. My Captain." Erkstien looked a little lost for words, and Julia smiled softly at him, before suddenly feeling rather drained. It must have been a side effect of traveling through time, but she needed to sleep. Voicing her needs to Erkstien, he helped her set up the cot. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep.

//if you'd like, you can timeskip to when Steve comes back and have him wake Julia up for dinner--weird sleeping position and all, considering her arm is chained to the wall and such xD//
Eris watched as he cast a spell over the guard so that she could speak freely. The way he so freely used magic reminded her of herself. Hera would’ve scolded him as she did Eris. His similarities to herself told her not to trust him too much, no matter how beautiful his eyes were and how his smirk brought a grin out of her. Eris didn’t trust easily. Orpheus had put her under his spell to toy with the very god of toying with others. And watching Zeus on Olympus…she wouldn’t trust him as far as she could throw him. Zeus ruled over Olympus in a very different way than Odin, and Olympus operated a lot differently than Asgard. Zeus commanded a lot of fear.

They weren’t known for their technological advancements, though they did enough. They continued to toy with humans, and were often looked down on for it. They simply enjoyed it. Zeus knew of the nine realms and had some of their best scholars studying them. All of this in secret, of course. Eris and Ares knew of them, though Zeus kept it under locks from anyone else. It was important in terms of war and defense of Olympus. Olympus was small, possibly the smallest between Asgard and the Egyptians. Yet, it was grand and maintained the fearsome armies they were known for. From childhood, children were chosen to serve in their army. They were trained from a very young age until they were ruthless adults with precision fighting skills. There was a reason why Eris and Athena wore armor and possessed weapons like her brother and not a flowing dress like Aphrodite or Hera. Zeus had declared that his daughters will possess the same abilities as our greatest warrior and they will always be ready. The Asgardian’s disagreed on many things in Grecian tradition.

She looked at him with her pale blue eyes. She had unfortunately inherited such a dull blue from her father, not her mother’s brilliant green ones. She hated them. She smiled a little when he mentioned other prisoners. “Alright…” She thought for a moment. “I will agree to come along. Only,” she held up a finger to him, “only if I’m treated as your equal and I’m told everything. Not everyone is as good at lying as they would like to think either, Loki.” She gave him a pointed look. Even if he did tell her everything, there was no way she would trust him. She would have her own escape plan, her own way to keep her hands clean and get away. “And after we’re done, you accompany me to Olympus to get my revenge."

There was not telling if Eris was going to swipe the stone out from under him or not. Part of her wanted to see the outcome of whatever plan he had, another part of her didn’t care. She didn’t care about his plan or his goals. She had a more important goal as far as she was concerned and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to wait. As she waited for his answer, she wondered if she would end up telling him why she was after Zeus. She still hadn't decided if she wanted him to have that information.


Steve looked to the doc as he spoke about eating his dinner in his office with the two of them. As he referenced the incident that happened earlier with Hodge, Steve nodded slowly. He knew he would meet his maker sooner or later, but he figured this time it would be later. Getting to eat dinner in a quiet office with an incredibly intelligent doctor and a supposed girl from the future seemed more like a privilege than something to keep him safe from the larger men. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when Julia spoke and gave him a wink. He just nodded, hiding his flustered feeling. The girl was beautiful and incredibly interesting and Steve wasn't the greatest with women. A lifetime of rejection made you a little timid around the subject. "I'll come back then." He turned and left down the hall, giving a wave to both.

After weapons training, he found himself one of the only men in the showers. He hadn't had the chance to shower after the morning work out and felt downright disgusting. If it had just been him and the Erkstien, he may have saved it until after the next morning's work out. But something about eating dinner on the floor of an office with a beautiful woman made him feel like he needed to smell nice. After drying off and getting dressed into fresh clothes, he made his way to get some food for both himself and Julia. He didn't know what the woman liked, not like there were a ton of choices given to the soldiers. You ate what they gave you, or you starved. He made his way back to the office without encountering Hodge, thankfully.

As he entered, he immediately notice the soft silence in the air. He paused to quietly close the door behind him. Erkstien was gone, most likely off to get his dinner and bring it back to the office. He glanced around the office. The girl was no where to be seen, and for a moment he feared that he had let her escape not even 12 hours after he was given the orders to keep her secure. He slowly moved around the desk and spotted the cot set up with a sleeping Julia sprawled across it.

She was sleeping in a position that look downright uncomfortable. Her arm cuffed to the pole was turned in a weird direction that he was sure would cause muscle soreness once she woke up. He placed her dinner on the desk and moved to one of the chairs to eat his ow ndinner and wait for the doctor to return. He didn't want to wake her. He wasn't sure what time travel did to your body, but he would guess it was exhausting. Jet lag to the max. He leaned back in the chair and daydreamed as he munched on a roll.
Loki used magic when and wherever it so happened to please him. Odin was never very happy about this fact, but Frigga was (luckily) on the trickster's side, often admonishing her husband for trying to quell his "adventurous spirit". Although he was positive that his mother knew that he was a little too mischievous with his abilities, more so than anyone else even, so it never ceased to amaze how much faith that woman put in him. He was thankful, though, that at least someone seemed to give a shit about what he did. At least... not in the sense as to where they wanted to respect and support his decisions (not that Loki was one to typically make good decisions either--he liked to keep everyone on their toes).

Of course, the Asgardians were not lacking in armies or outreach. Out of the three main branches of gods, the Asgardians were the ones tasked with protecting and keeping the peace in the nine realms. Loki, with his usual amount of prejudice, continued to think them a higher breed of god, and he would forever be quick to smear that in the other's faces. Of course, he too liked to toy with humans, something his Father and brother didn't seem to share. They were so feeble minded that it made them incredibly easily-manipulated, and he liked to see how they slowly fell apart piece by piece if you picked at their brains enough. It was interesting, especially considering Thor had only ever admired the freedom of humans and their persistence of character, but Loki simply liked to toy with them--they were amusing and needed a ruler, and he was more than willing to give them one--himself. Eris, however, was more than welcome to tag along if she wanted to--she didn't seem to have much of a choice. Either go with Loki and terrorize humans, or stay and rot in Asgardian prison. As far as the black haired male was concerned, at this point in the game, it didn't really matter to him what she did. She could stay or go with him, but if she did end up going along to Midgard, it would at least make the experience that much more entertaining.

"I'm a transparent being, after all, I could only ever imagine treating you as an equal." Okay, so most of that was a lie. Loki sighed, the smirk falling from his face as he offered her the tiniest bit of sincerity. "Equality comes with equal respect--if we can do that much for each other, I highly doubt it will be very hard to stop a couple of gods." That grin of his was blinding--it was rare to get such a genuine emotion out of him, even if his happiness stemmed from the thought of completely overtaking an entire race/planet and uprooting its known hierarchy to inject himself as their ruler. "When we come down upon them like a plague, we shall uproot their society from it's core and create a new one." His eyes slid over her face. They really were kindred souls, it seemed. "I will help you get the revenge you so desperately lust for. After all, it does seem to be on similar levels as to what I have in mind." His gaze narrowed as he looked to the ground. "The throne is my birthright... even if no one else believes me. I am more capable than Thor could ever be at ruling." There was that unspoken transparency. Loki knew that Eris could see it--the burning jealousy of an unloved child who wanted nothing more than to be on equal grounds with everyone. He didn't need to say it for her to see it, and so he let the matter be. There were other things they needed to concern themselves with.

"So..." he looked up, raising an eyebrow lightly. "In the meantime, while I wait for the word on the army I have so nicely asked for... would you mind sharing about Olympus? I, of course, will tell you anything about Asgard in return."

Julia's nap was basically dreamless, save for one particularly curious one where the world had gone to shit and she had died. It had all felt rather vivid too. Basically, she had dreamed that she had come back after destroying the plans, only to find Wakanda destroyed. Nick, Hill, T'Challa, the Dora Milaje, Steve... everyone was either gone or dead, and Julia couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault. As if her meddling with past had created a cataclysm of new events that made the world take a turn for the worse. Running through her head over and over again was the thought that she shouldn't have meddled--that she should have told Fury that they couldn't fix what was in the past and that they would have to deal with the consequences, but before she could even leave the room surrounded by her deceased friends and superiors, a gunshot rang out, piercing the silence. She was dead--that much she had gathered, and as the lights seemingly dimmed from the room, she slowly started to wake up.

But other than that, it was eventless. The brunette typically liked to play off her dreams as the stuff of nonsense from a paranoid mind. When she woke up, her eyes slowly opened, and the smell of food wafted through her nose. It didn't smell like it was particularly appetizing, but Julia was pretty hungry (must have been the time travel) and to her it smelled more interesting than the soldier's rations it actually was. She groaned lightly, feeling an awkward stiffness in her arm as she sat up, hair a little messed up from having slept on it in an odd way. She did her best to roll her shoulders and shake out her arms with one still being cuffed to the pole, and it was then that she finally looked around the room, only for grey eyes to connect with electric blue before turning and seeing the tray of food on the desk. "Steve, did you bring dinner?" A smile found its way onto her lips and she felt a little bit of warmth seep back into her body. "Thanks."

Luckily, the desk wasn't so far over that she couldn't reach it--now sitting on the edge of the cot, she pulled the tray into her lap. It was a little awkward, eating with her non-dominant hand, but Julia managed to make it work to the best of her abilities. The food was pretty decent, definitely better than the army rations she got from staying on the occasional base. She hummed in contentment, making sure to swallow before she started talking. "I hope you didn't have any problem those dumb guys again," she spoke, her reference to Hodge and the others being fairly clear. "I swear the moment someone like him opens their mouth I just wanna... floor him. I don't know." She frowned slightly, looking down at her food. It was a little awkward, talking to Past Steve when her Present Steve barely knew who she was. He was counting on her!

"Man, I really hope I don't screw this up." She hadn't even realized she had said anything out loud until she felt Steve's eyes on her again, and she paused, her hand movement stopping as she froze. "I-I mean, it's not everyday that your boss tells you that the life or death balance of millions is in your hands. Hell, I'd just left India to go to where he needed me, because that's my orders, ya'know?" She blushed in embarrassment. Normally she wasn't this talkative--normally if she was feeling awkward or nervous, she would just... clam up. "But I... I wanted to do what I could, even if that meant I was a little poorly prepared for this. I just hope that those mission details will be enough to convince Phillips that I'm not lying." She really didn't want to fail her first mission for the Captain either--especially one as sensitive as this.

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