Marvel - Avengers; Infinity Recruits - Additional IC

(The twins already retreated as Lea took Manjano and flew away)
(Ah, well, since you tagged me I just figured I'd let you know)
((Haha yeah, I just tagged whoever's on the good side. And to let the others know what they should be doing xD ))
Ruby gets up and fled with her teammates, holding her side, since a couple ribs were broken. She needed help, but did not know who to ask. "Owie......" She said as she started to cry.
Lea flew overhead with Manjano in one of her giant hands/claws. Looking down at her teammates, she saw that Ruby seemed to be struggling to keep up with the retreating group. Flying lower so she was within reaching distance, Lea looked down at Ruby and held out one of her claws to signal to the ally that she could rest in one of Lea's claws if she needed to.

@Steel Zinogre
Ruby tool the offer, then sat down on one of the claws. "She protected me......" She whispered to herself. "My villainous mom protected me......" She said as she began to grow sleepy.
@Steel Zinogre

Neverlight made very strong and durable dark chains come from the Mayla's shadow and restrained her. ''I guess motherly love exists even in a rotten being such as yourself'' he said in a deep voice. He realised the heroes tried to escape but chose not to follow them. ''Weak, unexperienced and no team work...these so called Avengers really need to wake up'' he thought to himself.
Mayla growled at Neverlight. "You cannot chain me forever..... I will break free and destroy you." She said as she struggled. She growled from frustration as she grew exhausted.
'''re not strong enough for that'' said Neverlight as he looked Mayla in the eye. He made her feel everything regarding his power: the versatility, his destructive capabilities and the darkness he had to resist: the primordial darkness of the Abyss Reality.

@Steel Zinogre
"You are wrong...... You are so wrong..." Mayla said as she growled. "When i get out of here....... I will destroy you, then bury you in rubble." She said. "That... Is a promise."
''That's what they all say'' said Neverlight , mocking the female. In all reality, one needed quite alot of power to defeat him. Since the woman who standed before him gave the impression of just having moderate power, he wasn't so impressed. He used his dark healing to absorb her anger and calm her down.

@Steel Zinogre
Mayla felt strangely calmer after that. "Please..... Put me out of my misery......" She suddenly said. "I do not want my daughter to suffer because of me anymore..." She said.
''I have no intention to kill you...I simply stopped you from attacking me. Even if it wasn't truly needed, if other villains saw you attacked me they'd get suspicious. Be more careful'' said Neverlight. He made the chains which restrained Mayla disappear and then went to regroup with the villains.

@Steel Zinogre
Mayla gets up and regrouped with the others. She kept to herself, since she needed to think for a while. "What is wrong with me.....?" She thought as she looked at her cracked arms, the ebony shell revealing the human flesh underneath.
Lauren attempted to dodge the attacks the best she could but clearly she was out numbered by the woman. Her only shot was if she took the high ground once more. So fluidly, she spread he wings and soared above them. Pullimg a long knife from her belt, she twirled it between her fingers as she looked down at them. Saying nothing.
Hunter took one last glance at where Shard had crumbled into broken glass. Before slowly backing away as he heard Captain Marvel order everyone to fall back."Hey!! 'Angel' come on we have to get out of here",Hunter shouted to Wren signalling her to retreat back with the rest of the retreating heroes. @jacunliffe


Austin heard Captain Marvel ordering the retreat but wondered why. Until he looked at the shattered glass on the ground. Before realizing that Shard had the ability to turn into glass so that means that someones must killed her in glass form. After realizing that Shard died Austin teleported next to the regrouping heroes.
Lauren rose higher, seeing the Avengers retreat, not really caring why. Though upon rejoining them, learned shard had been killed in her glass form. In hine sight, fighting in a glass form surrounded by things that break glass wasn't the smartest move. But she couldn't say that. "Well that was really pathetic" She says in her light voice. Not fitting her words, but her facial expression was one that was not amused by the state of the fight.
Jeina's POV


"Puddin' is gonna kill me! I failed him!", she shouted and groaned in frustration at herself. She knew that the Jotun was gonna hit her when she gets back to him. But she can try and explain herself, but it wasn't gonna be easy.


Nova's POV


"Your man can wait! This fight is not over yet", Nova told Jeina as she walked next to her and watched the heroes retreat. "Nebula, the heroes fled like cowards. We are coming back", she said to her friend in the comm.

"Sad?" She said, lifting up a piece of Shard. "What makes you think that?" She dropped it. "i'm just thankful that you gave me a push in the right direction." She took a few steps forward before drawing out a few mirrors and scattering them on the battlefield.

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