Marvel - Avengers; Infinity Recruits - Additional IC

@Steel Zinogre

The dragon-like creature looked at the mother and daughter a little. It seemed to analyze them. After a while the gigantic creature seemed to walk slowly towards them. But the next second it nearly seemed like it disappeared from sight, because it was so fast. The next thing one knew the creature was extremely close to the two females , charging ferociously.

Silvia forcibly relaxed herself so that she could still heal an appropriate amount while not succumbing to her base instincts. Her pupils dilated as she focused on the girl in front of her. It was enough for her to recognize friend from foe, but not enough to get rid of the excess gamma energy that resulted from the emergency healing processes. Silver Wolf needed to hit something.

"I'm fine" She growled out in an inhuman tone. "Now if you know what's good for you you'll leave me alone and stay out of my way." It came out more harshly than she meant it as she bounded away to go fight a scaled creature. She simply meant that she might accidentally get hurt by a stray blow or something. People didn't normally fight alongside a Hulk and, though she didn't exactly look like a stereotypical one, Silvia was still a part of the rage monster family.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]@Steel Zinogre
The dragon-like creature looked at the mother and daughter a little. It seemed to analyze them. After a while the gigantic creature seemed to walk slowly towards them. But the next second it nearly seemed like it disappeared from sight, because it was so fast. The next thing one knew the creature was extremely close to the two females , charging ferociously.


Mayla roared inhumanly, like a dinosaur about to attack. Ruby fled as mayla chased after the creature. "You will not touch her!!!!" She shouted as she jumped onto the creature's back, and started pounding away as the slime on her arms starts to come off, and started to change colors from green to yellow, then red. This causes small explosions that do the equivalent of a boxer's uppercut.
IronDragon said:
Austin stopped teleported after awhile because he started to get tired from it. So instead he decided to fight someone rather than distract. From little ways off he found a snake person from the looks of it. Teleported behind the snake person and started punching her in the back.

(@Marya You need to at least write two or more lines. I know that sometimes you can get writers block but you could write more that one line.)
The snake freaked out once Austin was starting to attack it. A whispery voice came from behind a tree and the snake followed the voice as if it were commanded to. A blue scaled female with yellow eyes (like Mystique) came out from behind the tree. The snake that showed up earlier slither on her wrist and she cooed it until she released it. She gave an evil smile at the heroes and her reptilian yellow eyes glowed and pulsed.

Another woman was in a brothel like dress with long curly brown hair as she came out from her hiding spot. She took out the big handheld axe from the back of her dress and twirled it with her fingers. "You new Avengers are gonna pay for what you did to Mistah J!", (that means 'Mr Jotun' for Loki) the female girl said in an angry childish voice since she looked like she was in her twenties.
Laurens eyes followed the snake, watching Vanisher attack from behind. She decided that it would be fun to get some action before they either lost pathetically. Which wouldn't surprise her given the fact that the Avengers new teamed sucked ass. But that was just a first impression. Time to try and not look like a fool with wings.... she thought as she swooped down. A wave of wind hitting those on the ground behind her as she shot towards the woman in the dress, who she knew wouldn't get mad that she was playing her part. "Cute" She says as she landed on a car top behind her.

Jeina turned around and she fell on her bottom as the girl landed behind her due to the vibration on the ground. Her legs were finally showing from her saloon-brothel like mini dress with the attached bustle so it did indeed show her bare legs on the front. "You look like chicken since you're on the ground", she teased with a smirk when out of nowhere, she tripped her with her legs so she would fall on the ground.
Lauren grinned. "A chicken... how flattering" She says in reply as she jumped down once more towards Jeina. Unfortunately for the Avengers, Wren was in no position to purposely kill Jeina especially considering her status but she did have to do some fighting. "Would you prefer I give you a lift?" She says clearly implying that she would drop her as soon as they reached a deadly altitude. But not seriously since she was still sort of smiling. Though she always did.
The twins saw what appeared to be some kind of dragon nearby with someone on its back. Manjano nodded at Lea who returned the gesture before flying high into the sky. She closed her eyes and her peregrine falcon form shifted as she gained six limbs, two of which were large, leathery wings, and then a tail extended from her rump. Her face contorted into that of a dragon's and soon enough, she was a large, red dragon. She let loose a roar and then dove towards the other dragon as she prepared to tackle it with full-force. Manjano shifted into an ebony wolf and then sprinted along the ground as he made his way towards the two dragons, intent on at least trying to help his sister.
''This world will end because of incompetent heroes...'' said Neverlight on a low voice. The dragon-like creature became darkness and fell, covering the ground. Neverlight used his ability to generate gigantic arms which grabbed Mayla,Ruby and the twin shape-shifters, smashing them to the ground. The dark hands then disappeared.

@Steel Zinogre
Jeina's POV and Picture


Jeina sneered as she took out her double bladed sword and kicked Lauren in the face. "I'd prefer to stay on my ground", she said with a teasing voice.


Nova's POV and Picture


Nova, aka Serpentine, jumped on a building wall and kept jumping from building to building as she managed to get to the roof of one.
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]''This world will end because of incompetent heroes...'' said Neverlight on a low voice. The dragon-like creature became darkness and fell, covering the ground. Neverlight used his ability to generate gigantic arms which grabbed Mayla,Ruby and the twin shape-shifters, smashing them to the ground. The dark hands then disappeared.
@Steel Zinogre

Ruby groans as she was smashed into the ground. Mayla got up and growled as she looked at the giant beast. "That all you got? This villainess can take more than that!" Mayla mocked as ruby had tears fall down her face, being in immense pain. "Help..... Me...." She whispered. "You hurt my little heroin, I will hurt you." Mayla grimly said to neverlight.
Lauren winced, her jaw stinging from the kick and her neck had a tingly feeling form the sudden movement. "Aww too bad" Lauren says with a sneer. Folding her wings back and taking a step back so she can think for a moment.
(Um, if you used those giant hands to grab Lea then you'd be grabbing your dragon enemy-friend as well since Lea had just tackled them)

Manjano whined as he slowly made his way to his feet, stumbling a bit as he started to limp forward. He'd clearly messed up one of his legs in that latest attack, but he couldn't let such an injury keep him from the fight.
((alright, let's finish this fight scene!))

Sey'uhn and Carol Danvers

The blonde villainess used her astral powers to shoot at Captain Marvel. "You'll have to try harder than that if you expect to beat me~" Sey'uhn smirked as she used an astral construct of a lance to through at the enemy. The lance went by blindingly fast that Carol didn't see it in time to avoid it completely. She was able to move enough to avoid getting stabbed. But the sharp blade of the lance managed to scrape her arm. Dark red blood trickled down her left arm. She clenched her teeth in the pain it caused her. With her rage building up, she shot back at Sey'uhn.


The girl stood closer in the distance, observing the fight that took place in front of her. "I..." She muttered not sure how to help. She caught a glimpse of Hunter...he seemed to be doing an okay job...but something was off.

@Metaphysics @Steel Zinogre @SnowFeather @Kattz @people i forgot​
Hunter turned to the fight that Sey'uhnn and Captain Marvel were having and by the looks of it Captain Marvel needed help. So he turned to aim his gun at Sey'uhnn starting to fire bullets at her but being careful not to kill or to do any severe damage."Hey Princess over here",Hunter taunted trying to get her attention.


Carol and Sey'uhn

Sey'uhn shot some more lances at Carol, just because, before turning her attention to Hunter. Damn, she hated that guy so much. It was a shame she couldn't kill him since he was still apart of their team. "Shut up you ignorant fool!" She replied with anger strong in her voice. The bullets he had fired at her reflected off her astral shield. "Bitch, you'll need to do better than that." She replied, aiming a lance straight at his arm.


She watched as Hunter tried to help Captain Marvel out but ended up becoming the target to the other. Her blue eyes focused in on the lance that was being thrown at him. Unbeknownst to her, Hunter was actually on the badside and Astra wouldn't actually hurt him. Due to the fact that she knew none of that, her instincts took over. "Hunter! Look out!" She yelled, running to him and pushing him out of the way of the lance.

A sharp pain entered the chest of the girl.
"I..." Shard's blue eyes glanced down to her chest only to find the light blue lance implanted there. Her chest had become glass to protect her from the shot, but was cracked with the lance in it. "I'm...sorry..." She told Hunter. Tears forming in her eyes as she realized what was about to happen. Her body slowly began turning to glass while tiny crack lines formed on her body... @IronDragon

((Sorry, I know the death is being rushed DX But I'm also in the middle of SPN episode))​
Hunter just stood there in shocked from what has just happened .Looking right where Shard is standing from when she took the lance for him Damn it you shouldn't done that she wasn't aiming to kill me Hunter thought to himself seeing that Shard body started to crack from the critical blow.

(Sorry won't be on for the rest of the night cause I need to get some sleep)


Eyes filled with terror as she realized what had just happened. She took the blow for him, and now it was time to pay the price. Her body cracked until finally glass it broke, pieces of glass scattering among the ground.

Shard - Dead

Killed by Sey'uhn

jacunliffe said:
Lauren winced, her jaw stinging from the kick and her neck had a tingly feeling form the sudden movement. "Aww too bad" Lauren says with a sneer. Folding her wings back and taking a step back so she can think for a moment.
Nova's POV


Nova closed her reptilian eyes as her arms began to lift up at her sides while the cars below began to rattle in their place. One began to lift up and it was immediately launched at Lauren.


Jeina's POV


Jeina snickered as Lauren got launched away from her by Nova.

"Ha!", she spat out at Lauren for her not to make a hit on Jeina. Which was a complete surprise! She took a dagger out from her subspace and approached Lauren once again. "Where's the Chitauri Sceptre?!", she demanded at her as she pointed the dagger at her face. "Puddin' wants it back", she snarled at her. Wouldn't Loki love to see this?

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(@Lioness075 That is incorrect, I mentioned in my reply that the dragon-like creature your character tackled became non-solid darkness, which escaped the tackle and covered the ground. Then Neverlight used his powers to generate solid gigantic darkness hands.)
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Sophia quickly ran to what was left of Shard and slowly picked a piece of her up. Her second personality thrashed wildly against its restraints and it was slowly being unchained. With a single blink her demeanor changed from the gentle and helpful Therapy to the...someone else. Her clothes quickly shifted into some sort of black dress and she whirled around. Inverse was released.
(@Azure Sky

Oh, my bad. Okay, I understand now)

Lea roared angirly at being thrown around so easily. She got to her feet and then saw that Manjano was injured. Not wanting to see her brother mortally wounded anytime soon, she took to the sky and flew directly at him. Scooping up her wolf-brother in one of her large claws, Lea then flew high into the sky, intent on now getting away from the battle.
Metaphysics said:
Sophia quickly ran to what was left of Shard and slowly picked a piece of her up. Her second personality thrashed wildly against its restraints and it was slowly being unchained. With a single blink her demeanor changed from the gentle and helpful Therapy to the...someone else. Her clothes quickly shifted into some sort of black dress and she whirled around. Inverse was released.


The villain had to admit she was astounded by Shard's actions. It was a pity that what she did was all for nothing though. Saving Hunter was a bad mistake on her part, but then again at least that was one less hero to deal with. "What a fool...should have known better..." The blonde mumbled. Her eyes watched as Therapy started to change. Something about that didn't seem good to her. Therapy was probably filled with rage over the death of her teammate. Enraged heroes are not something Sey'uhn liked to deal with. "Aw....what's wrong? Sad your little friend died?" She asked with a small smirk. @Metaphysics

Captain Marvel

After witnessing the death of her teammate, Carol realized that fighting these guys right now was not a good idea. None of these heroes were ready...and if they stayed any longer, she knew that she would end up with more than one dead Avenger. "Everyone, fall back." Carol spoke to her teammates. "You're not ready to face them!" However, whether her team would listen to her or not was not her call.

@IronDragon @Metaphysics @SnowFeather @Lioness075 @jacunliffe @Valorie @Kattz

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