Manual of Exalted Power The Lunars

From what I could tell, I think one guy got the actual book at a con. The guy Domino does seem to be a writer. And a second guy has the book but he's under a non-disclosure agreement. But that just what it seems like to me.

Regardless, I'm actually seriously contemplating buying the book now, whereas before I wasn't.....
Reread the thread from the beginning and seems you're right...though it seems either two people got books at the con or their a player and their ST that are telling a lot of tidbits, and tabrumj is under an that makes possibly 4 people with books.

I suspect part if it is an attempt to up sales...but it does seem to be working...they've sold me pretty well on the thought that there will me more than 2-3 viable Lunar builds total...they at least reduces the XP costs on charms and gave them another favored attribute...both big helps. They're still stuck with Survival as a favored...meh. Requiring at least a few dots in it, sure...but when they get like two (it might be three if Survival wasn't counted in the total, I can't find the ref again to such to see) favored abilitiies, having one of them required is kind of harsh. To me anyhow...but I can't wait to see what the book looks like anyhow. It sounds like it's gonna be good...better than I hoped for, even.

I mean, to think that the No Moons might have botched up the Changing Moon castes in an 'accidentally on purpose' way intrigues me...and I'd like to see if the book actually does say/imply that or if that's just a reader's take on things...
I've had the sucker on pre-order for a few weeks now.  I keep waiting for the knock at the door telling me that it has finally arrived, but its not here yet!  Must find the strength to hold out....
Yes!  Of course!  Why didn't I think of that before?  


Any volunteers to come over and, um, try out my new beer?  Its free!  And completely trustworthy!  No need to fear for your lives!  Not at all!   :D
Grog, grog,

Me hurly burly grog!

All for me beer and tobacco!

Spendin' all me loot

In a house of ill repute!

And I think I'm goin' back again tomo...rrow!
Ofcorse he changed his bloody post all it said before was

Well, seeing as grog generally refers to rum anyhow...why does it matter? Further, the song is more amusing than a single word...and seems better than simple post padding that way.
Lunars was the book that was going to make or break Exalted for me.

After digging through all the spoilers I can say I'm reasonably satisfied. I can't wait for the book to come out.
Grog is just watered down rum.  I actually consider it blasphemy in that it waters down perfectly good rum.

And I believe that the combination of the Lunars and Sidereals books would be the make or break point of 2E.

I can't wait until the Lunars book shows.
Grog is just watered down rum.  I actually consider it blasphemy in that it waters down perfectly good rum.
Rum in grog was actually an additive to the water, not the other way around. It cut the taste of algae and other nasties growing in the water casks. So, you could think of it as improving water, rather than spoiling rum.

/half full
By what I read, it seems to be grog made from the dregs at the bottom of the rum barrel, as rum made from the bottom of the barrel of condensed cane sugar seemed to be called treacle rum.  Or it could just be grog made from treacle rum.

However, I may be wrong on this.

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