Idea Man, like, wanna smoke some PLOT?


A cold hearted bastard
Idea Idea , I'm expecting your feedback and I'm going to take your advice on this one, this is just a post that I can review and tweak if I'm still feeling good about this after a few weeks.

So, if you haven't been on my main profile recently (@SouffleGod), I had a run in on another website (a particularly innocent one that you wouldn't even expect this on) with a guy who tried to get me to do a...fetish RP. I noticed this fairly quickly and got myself out of the situation. He/she had however given me a short plot that he had asked me to flesh out a bit--this was before I realized completely--but after I made a clean getaway, I decided to turn the plot into something better and way less...fetish-y. Anyhows, here's what I thought.

In the near future, First World countries have nearly perfected genetic modification in human beings, thereby eradicating 85% of all known disease in those parts of the world. However, the lesser fortunate countries are beginning to grow angry that they can have no part in this and begin to demand that funds be raised for their own scientists to be able to catch up with the rest of the world. The richer countries refuse, and WWIII has officially begun. While every single country is preparing for a war, it is then that the First World Governments begin to work on a top secret line of super soldiers, pushing their own greatly funded scientists to gather data as quickly as possible.
It is then that some of the world's most influential characters are kidnapped to be the guinea pigs for the rushed experiments (The reason for this is that influential people--if the experiments are a success--could endorse the war and be used for propaganda).
After successful results, the genetically modified super-soldiers are forced into intense training. After an accident during a combat session, the soldiers escape and go into hiding, unable to return to their families in fear of rejection and being found out. They gather in secret, forming their own society of nomads that run within the limits of a run down city, fighting to survive during a war-stricken world while hiding from the government.

Sorry if it was really confusing, like I said it's a rough "sketch" and I'm really exhausted right now, so my writing is probably terrible.

Basically, the characters themselves can be anything from organic robots--basically they were genetically modified to have metal parts growing out of their body--to being anthropomorphized humans--meaning they carry the nature and some physical attributes of an animal. Every one of the people that was GMed has some sort of high social status and with pretty high end jobs--like I said, they picked characters of influence--so when someone creates a character they will need to have a high end job.

There will be a maximum amount of character submissions when the story starts out, however as characters die or get taken more will be allowed to join.
Dying can and will occur in this, because although the scenario is fictional I would like some realistic boundaries to be set. However, the death has to be consensual on the part of the role player. Once a character is killed off, that player will be removed from the RP to allow another person to apply, but they can re-apply once another character is killed off. It's like taking turn son the X-Box. This may not be the best idea, but like I said I'm still working on it. Looking at you for some suggestions, Idea Idea !

Anyhow, that's my rough idea. I'll see if it still looks good in a few weeks and then tweak it from there.
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Oh wow getting called out personally...haha.

Well, my first thoughts about this are "I don't see what's so fetish-y about it". Just the fact there are antros here? Doesn't seem like a deal breaker to me then.

The idea is a contrived premise, but it does fall sufficiently into suspension of disbelief I suppose. However, there isn't really a plot as far as I can see. There is a premise, sure, that the world is at war and these modified humans made a secret society. But even going by the assumption that character strictly belong to this secret society, there isn't any specific goal or conflict that would form a plot, so you still need that unless you plan on making a slice of life RP.

As for the player rotation thing, I don't think it really works in practice (players left out in the first round will feel like they are just being treated as replacements and/or will have problems with inserting themselves into the already ongoing narrative, not to mention the awkwardness for everyone), and while I can understand why in a war scenario characters would realistically die, you're kicking out roleplayers by their own choice, AKA only players that want to quit your roleplay will have their characters die, AKA only players who both like your system enough to go along with it, but don't like your roleplay enough to want to stay, will do it. Plus if it's entirely voluntary, I don't think you need to mention it anyway.

So overall I recommend:
->Making the RP a slice of life RP in that setting (which is the one that works best with the kind of rotation system you want, and fully explore the premise you seem to want)
->Really considering whether you want that "death is to be expected" thing in your roleplay- it's a logistical nightmare and a turn-off for a lot of people, so I only recommend keeping it if it is a core part of the roleplay you want to make
->Do some research and try to appeal to the scifi, post apocalyptic, and military warfare/historical warfare crowds, as they seem the kind who will be most interested in this kind of idea
Oh wow getting called out personally...haha.

Well, my first thoughts about this are "I don't see what's so fetish-y about it". Just the fact there are antros here? Doesn't seem like a deal breaker to me then.

The idea is a contrived premise, but it does fall sufficiently into suspension of disbelief I suppose. However, there isn't really a plot as far as I can see. There is a premise, sure, that the world is at war and these modified humans made a secret society. But even going by the assumption that character strictly belong to this secret society, there isn't any specific goal or conflict that would form a plot, so you still need that unless you plan on making a slice of life RP.

As for the player rotation thing, I don't think it really works in practice (players left out in the first round will feel like they are just being treated as replacements and/or will have problems with inserting themselves into the already ongoing narrative, not to mention the awkwardness for everyone), and while I can understand why in a war scenario characters would realistically die, you're kicking out roleplayers by their own choice, AKA only players that want to quit your roleplay will have their characters die, AKA only players who both like your system enough to go along with it, but don't like your roleplay enough to want to stay, will do it. Plus if it's entirely voluntary, I don't think you need to mention it anyway.

So overall I recommend:
->Making the RP a slice of life RP in that setting (which is the one that works best with the kind of rotation system you want, and fully explore the premise you seem to want)
->Really considering whether you want that "death is to be expected" thing in your roleplay- it's a logistical nightmare and a turn-off for a lot of people, so I only recommend keeping it if it is a core part of the roleplay you want to make
->Do some research and try to appeal to the scifi, post apocalyptic, and military warfare/historical warfare crowds, as they seem the kind who will be most interested in this kind of idea
Yeah, you know I was expecting you lol! And I figured the death thing was a bit too much, so if I still like this idea later on I'll tweak it a bit. I'll do my research as well.

Also, the anthro thing wasn't actually the fetish part originally, that was merely part of it. It was know, Deviantart...yeh, I'll leave it to your imagination.

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