Male vs Female



Oh shit. They've got us by the balls, guys. Now I know I should have taken desperate measures earlier. Men, if you do not want to lose, we must... search for other roleplayers to join us in this battle. It's what I've been telling you all this time.

Or... you can simply copy and paste the names of ALL MALE ROLEPLAYERS!!!

I shall use my summoning technique............


@LennyTheMemeGod @ctdos @Liger27 @Dkingow @MedievalMethods @Asperix0 @Hare @Kamen-Drago
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It's just so funny. I was so worried before that we would lose, so I'm slightly surprised that I found myself laughing at it all! You really had me there, Ambela!  xD

(Laughter turns to shock as I discover...)


Not you too!  O.o

Oh shit, it seems like I've cooked up a recipe for disaster.  ¬¬
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It's just so funny. I was so worried before that we would lose, so I'm slightly surprised that I found myself laughing at it all! You really had me there, Ambela! 


Not you too!

Oh shit, it seems like I've cooked up a recipe for disaster.

You can't just lay out bait like that, then be surprised when we look up and start paying attention.  ;)
You're not the only one with summoning skills. :^)


The total is 134, for all who are wondering. 

Now it's 135! I messed up earlier, didn't see someone's post. 
Ok so I need to wait for five comments after my last comment to count again. Would that be 5 comments that actually count or 5 comments in general?

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