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Fantasy Mainland Adventures

Eli turned and walked over to his sister and leaned over to the counter a bit. He gave her space but made sure to focus his eyes into hers. "What's the matter?" He asked.
"Ok then." Eli nodded before he handed Bea a slice of bread with some butter on it. "How about we have some dinner and then go to bed? It's been an eventful day for the two of us, so we should end it on a good note."
Eli woke up the next morning groggy. His eyes looked a tad hollow but a more calm and energettic aura engulfed him that kept him going that morning. Last night had been a bit....troubling, concerning his dreams but otherwise he felt much more relaxed given he could sleep in a bit later. He yawned a bit as he made his way down the hallway. He now sported a pair of leather boots that he tucked his pants into and a sleeveless white shirt with a leather strap wrapped around it to carry the sheathe that...well...sheathed his sword.
Eli entered the threshold leading into the main room of the small abode, only to be greeted by a familiar face.

"Mornin' Lad." The large Demigod sat uncomfortably on Alan's sofa, which was clearly to wide for his frame. "How ya feelin'?"
Eli blinked at the looking Demi god who could only hope to fit on the furniture in his uncle's living room. He coughed slightly, noting that this was not the craziest thing that had happened in the last 24 hours as he spoke a reply. "I'm... feeling fine. Alive. Which is good."

"I filled in Uncle Alan about the whole Magical Destiny thing and he told me about the whole 'magic battle Entourage' deal. And.....that's pretty cool. What's the deal with that? Has it always been like that?"
"Well, yeah." Alial stood to his full height, hitting his head on the roof. "Tha's how I did it, tha's how Alison did it, and tha's how you'll do it." He rubbed the top of his head. "The Vanguard is employed by Fate, and she has a nack fer repeatin' herself."
"Alison? I thought the leader of the second vanguard was named Harrison. He cheated death a bunch right?" Eli asked, furrowing his brow. That's what Rotten had told him anyway. He turned around and took to leaning on the living room chair.

"That's what my shade Rothin told me."
"Alison is Harrison. They are the same person... The Second Vanguard was a long time ago, Women weren't treated the same back then. So Alison became Harrisi-" He stopped. "Did ya say Rothin?"
"Oh, so Harrison is a girl. Cool. Oh, yeah. Rotten Rothin. He's the shade that took a claim over my body after you ressurected me. He's supposed to be powerful and stuff right?" Eli inquired, looking as Lon seemed uneasy.
"I knew ya would get a Shade, but I did'n expect a Rothin." He produced a small fire in the palm of his hand. "Shades belong in Clans, long standing families each with different magical traits. The Gray Clan -or "Rothin" in their tounge- is one of, if not the most powerful of the Shade Clans. What did he say his full name was?"
"Nathaniel Threefold Rothin, he told me that it wasn't because of my magical Destiny. He said that he just camped out and jumped into my body when it was available. Is there anything significant about his presence that would make him different than a normal Shade?" He asked.
"Threefold? Tha's not as bad then. And ya should always be wary about a Rothin, they have a record for 'early' second deaths."
"What does Threefold mean? And needless to say im cautious of him. Even though I cant keep any secrets from him, I'll be sure to make him the most unoccupied Shade in existence." Eli smirked inwardly. "But that's just me. What about this whole 'round up.the vanguard' fool card thing?"
"Means he's tha third-born of his generation, he don't got as much sway in the world of tha light." He closes his hand and extinguishes the flame. "Ah yeah, Why I'm here. Since it's time ta start yar journey, you'll need a place to start. You can find the first Knight at Harden, a city a ways south a' here. Yar uncle can be of more help describin' it, I haven't exactly been down on Moae for a while."
"Well that's sounds exciting. Do I have any notable features I can look for to pick them out of a crowd when I go down to meet them?" Eli asked, tapping the handle of his sword. "Hair color, magic, vibe?"
"Well, that's at least something. Thanks a lot for coming down Lon, I really appreciate your visit. I'll ask my uncle about having us take a trip down south a ways and getting my recruitment period started." Eli turned to the hallway. "I wonder which member of the card deck this one is."
As if he knew Eli was looking for him, Alan Aerial entered the front door into the Home with a small bag.
"Uncle Alan! Hey, I don't know if you heard but I just talked to Mr. Lon. He told me about the vanguard and where I should start searching. I was wondering if you could get me a carriage to go there this afternoon." He spoke, trying to be polite and withhold his enthusiasm.
"I am aware, I talked to him earlier this morning." He sets the bag on a nearby table and beings setting books on his shelves. "Harden is our destination, yes? That means we won't have to prepare much, it's not terribly far. So... Care to make a guess as to which Knight we'll be getting? I'm betting on Judgement as your first.."
"THe moon sounds pretty cool from where I'm standing.....or maybe the Tower....I'd hope for the hermit but it feels like they'd be far away from everybody.....what does Judgement even mean?" he asked, looking at the bag that Alan had brought in. "And what's in the bag?"

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