Main Story [Kingslayer Arc]

Millie Thorrin

Millie jumped up, frightened, as werewolves sprung from the bar in front of them, her eyes flooding with fear as she hid herself behind her guildmate. The child was quivering in fear. Normal mages… even when they happened to be evil… they didn’t really scare her because they looked normal. These beings however, these things in front of them emerging from Jeweled Footstool, they were monsters in her eyes. It was as though they had jumped straight out of nightmares.

She heard what Drake spoke to the beasts and Millie clung to the back of his shirt, her hands squeezing and then loosening the grip on the fabric as though kneading it with her hands. In her anxiety and fear, she needed some sort of movement and right now, that was all she felt she could do. Granted, if Drake tried to run - to charge the beasts that had so terrified her - Millie would let go without a moment’s hesitation.

“Be careful, Drake,” Millie warned softly. “They look very scary.”

Remembering that another person was with them, Millie’s gaze turned to Zeke for a moment. “Are you brave, strange man?” she asked him. “Are you strong, like Drake is?” Her head peeked around Drake to look at the werewolves again. “I don’t think I’m strong or brave enough to fight with him…”

@GoldenBlight @Peaceswore

Angel Litwick

Angel smiled at him slyly as Prince Pergrande offered her his hand. She took it lightly in her own, not quite gripping his hand with her own. Rather, she laid her hand on top of his while making her movements entirely feminine. The moment her skin touched his, Angel flooded his mind with a single thought. ‘Partner? I would think the term date would be more fitting…’ She smirked as she paused for a moment to let that sink in. ‘And if that is the case, then yes, I’d be delighted.’

As his attention seemed to be stolen by other events going on within the cafe, Angel allowed his attention to be distracted. She took that moment to swat at Russel as he flew past her although she said nothing to him about his request in starting a search for his lost guildmate. He was quite honestly becoming an annoying pest. Seeing that someone had run in with something the boy obviously wanted to help out with gave Angel a further idea. Turning her attention to the prince for a moment, she spoke out loud this time. “I hope you don’t mind if I help a little, deary,” she spoke smoothly.

Without even waiting for an answer, Angel wisped away, her body absorbed in the speed of her magic as she ran past Gurren, her hand landing on his shoulder as she spoke directly into his mind. ‘Fix the door. Take the boy. Find his guildmate. Leave this place in peace. I may actually be getting somewhere… and you’re ruining it!’ Angel was gone before Gurren would even know it had been her who touched her.

The next person she ran to was the Quatro Cerberus mage who had charged in. Although Angel knew nothing about him, she couldn’t resist the touch to him as well. Her hand caressing his cheek although it was too fast for anyone to even see, Angel sent him a thought as well. ‘Say hi to Sora for me dear… tell her I’ll see her soon. You really ought to know by now you can’t contain her. Only destroying her will do…’ Unaware as to whether he would catch a hidden emotion or not, Angel underlied a deep desire for vengeance she held towards The Kingslayer. Bloodlust demanded to be sated.

Before any time at all had passed, Angel returned to her spot standing beside Prince Pergrande. Had she not said anything, he likely would’ve never been able to notice she had been gone for that moment. “There, darling,” she spoke now to him. “That might help just a bit.”

Angel regarded him and the scene in the Crimson Wave. In all reality, part of her had misinterpreted the prince’s gesture. She hadn’t read the ‘don’t interfere’ part of it given it was rare at all for her to interact with a man in this sort of way. She legitimately believed that she could help him in the situation he was trying to repair and she hoped it was understood as such. Taking his hand again, Angel conveyed her intention to help and her desire to resolve the situation to him, sending the emotions into his mind.

@Hellkite @BLUR @shadowdude505 @Violet Obsidian
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Ryannan “Ryan” Costice, Marcella Novine and Asher Novine

Collaboration with


Ryannan’s gaze remained on Aden for a moment longer, hearing his statements. She was completely and utterly shocked by the fact that he still seemed to miss or question the points within her logic and that showed clear on her face. “As for them,” she gestured to Asher and Marcella similarly to the way Aden himself had, “I don’t claim to be an expert on reading people. It would seem that they are from Sabertooth and he’s the ad litem guildmaster.”

Ryannan shrugged after that comment. She literally didn’t care who they were so long as they were doing their jobs same as everyone else. Right now, that meant investigating. She didn’t understand what could lead anyone to do anything else at a time like this. Her head turned as others came to join them. She gave them a brief nod because it seemed that none of the others around her had noticed them. It was the least she could do.

Meanwhile, Asher’s gaze drifted. This whole situation was boring him and he truly wondered what they were waiting for. The bar stood right in front of them. It said it - The Jeweled Footstool. Standing just outside it didn’t make any sense and he knew it wasn’t just his own laziness that kept them out. Saying something about it now, though, just seemed silly.

As he contemplated, his ears pricked up. His head turned. His eyes saw. A puff of purple smoke shot into the sky and it consumed all of Asher’s attention. “What’s that?” he pointed it out to everyone who was looking, hoping that maybe someone would have an answer. If not, he knew that the responsible thing to do would be to go check it out. Of course, Asher didn’t want to feel obligated to do that.

It turns out, though, that in that moment a body went flying through the wall of the bar - the loud crash returning Asher’s attention back to the bar in front of them. At the sight of the beasts, the dragon slayer pushed Marcella behind him, completely ignoring her whining “Hey!” which objected to his actions.

Looking directly at the werewolf, Asher retorted, “Last words? No. Too much work…” With the tone of his voice, it almost seemed as though he was joking. Was he?

Marcella’s gaze glared daggers at Asher as she reached into her quiver and plucked an arrow, playing with the feathers while she heard another guy start to speak. Turning to look at him, she saw a blue haired man with a child standing behind him. Smirking at the blue haired man’s comment, Marcella chuckled a bit. “Hey Blue Hair!” she yelled out. “I don’t know who pissed ‘em off, but I’ll make it prettier.”

Stepping out from behind the shield of Asher’s body, Marcella had an arrow nocked and she aimed at the werewolf who had initially spoken - the alpha. “How about this for last words!? KA-BOOM!” The arrow went flying, spiraling round and round as it soared towards the building the wolves had emerged from.

“SHIT!” Ryannan yelled out as she realized this whole situation had quickly turned to hell in a handbasket. “Paper Make: Sparrow!” A sparrow of paper - origami in nature - took to the air and flew straight, snatching the arrow out of the air and carrying it high into the sky, it’s resounding explosion echoing in the blueness although it never hit a thing. The only destroyed object was the paper bird and it’s ashes fell to the ground. It was lucky Ryannan had remembered seeing Marcella’s arrow go off at the guild hall.

“Idiot!” she yelled at Marcella. “There could be people in there!”

Asher nodded, understanding Ryannan’s worry. “Well, I guess we’re fighting now,” he sighed. Marcella had ensured that. “WATER DRAGON ROAR!” A roar of a water blast aimed for the pack of wolves as Marcella loosed another arrow, this one electric in nature. It flew into the water, intensifying it’s volts in the submersion of the water and then Asher snatched control of it, sending spindles of electrified water stabbing into each of the werewolves.

“Jeez, what a mess…” Ryannan sighed. Her body dispersed into a mess of paper birds and the birds flew over to the body that had crashed out of the building. Reforming at the body’s side, Ryannan checked for a pulse. At the moment, she chose to remain out of the fight.

@BLUR @Ivory Witch @GoldenBlight @Peaceswore @arcaneSentinel

JAMKE DAIN (Lamia Scale)

Jamke reached for the towel with a grateful smile, running it over his drenched hair to try and clear out the melting liquid. Seeing the waitress' face soften at mention of the prince, he repressed the urge to scoff. Not only was it rude generally but Jamke had decided to hear her out before passing judgement. The waitress explained, "Prince Pergrande has become a regular, over the last week. I think he enjoys being away from the delegation, just acting the normal person, I suppose. He's always courteous to us, tips well, and never brings bodyguards with him. He seems totally at ease even with the rioting. The Prince is a pleasure to have in our cafe." Jamke's eyes widened unusually as he glanced at the prince hesitatingly, "Perengrande's Prince sounds so... normal. I can't let that distract me though. It doesn't change his family history. Blood bears the sins of that which came before." He leaned in closer when the waitress lowered her voice slightly, Jamke tilting his head as she continued speaking. "I would hazard he's also quite capable of looking after himself. The other day a mob tried to put posters up all over the windows, anti-mage drivel, I suspect. He went out to talk to them. I didn't hear what was said, but the crowd thinned out pretty quickly after that. He was a way with words, that man."

"He was able to disperse the crowd?" Jamke commented as he placed the towel back on the counter, mouthing thanks. "I wouldn't have expected that from someone with his build." "I thought Perengrande could only negotiate through force." The underlying venom of his thoughts were only barely perceptible in his tone. "Apologies, I guess the strange sight of a Prince in a café turning out-" he began before the door flying off its hinges cut him off. Jamke's back tensed unnaturally as he slid to his feet while materializing long tendrils of snow from his fingertips. The trails scattered like small whips, tracing across the room in an instant to bat down some of the scattered splinters. Recognising Gurren at the door, Jamke paused uncomfortably at how vulnerable all of the mages in this city still were. "And how vulnerable we're making everyone around us..." he thought miserably, though the bright attitude of the mage at the door helped lift his mood slightly. Still, Jamke's first instinct had him leaning back over the bar and offering a hand down, "Ma'am, are you alright?"

Giving her enough time to take his aid or not, Jamke turned around just in time to see the Prince staring Gurren down while Russell flew about the room, bothering everyone in range. The Sand Wizard, Rex's fast entry only further added to the chaos going on as the emotionally charged Russell attempted to dissuade them from chasing the Kingslayer who was apparently now engaging Ryos outside. "Ryos is in trouble, one of the Guild wizards is missing and the door is broken..." Jamke rapidly sorted through the problems in his head before forcing on a smile and addressing Russell, hoping Gurren and Rex would take the hint. "The best odds to find your missing guildmate would be by tracking the Kingslayer. The two events have a decent chance of being connected. Even if they aren't, Ryos is an incredible tracker and can probably be a great aid in finding her. Russell could possibly discern something by keeping watch from above during the battle." He threw in the last line to hopefully push the child out of harm's way, the boy's age being too close to Libby's for him to be comfortable causing him harm. He then bowed deeply (facing the floor) to the (increasingly impressive) Prince and the staff in apology, "I am very sorry about the mess. I can repair the damages while the others handle things outside. Despite our reputation for destruction, we mages don't intend any harm, especially not from riots that we started. Please believe me." As genuine as the sentiments were, Jamke had more pragmatic reasons for avoiding the Kingslayer for now. "In a melee of that size, I'm not ready to encounter the Kingslayer yet. Add in the emotional attachments of those here and they won't be willing to wait for long most likely. This is the most sensible solution to the problems at hand." Glancing back at the waitress behind the bar while nervously rubbing the back of his head, "If no one objects, could I borrow some tools to get to work on that? Someone might get cold."

@Hellkite @shadowdude505 @BLUR @Ivory Witch @Violet Obsidian @Refaulted
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Gurren Simon & Sarafina the Exceed

Gurren looked like he was going to start an argument with the prince. As much as the riot situation wasn't good for the city, there were other mages in the area to protect the cafe until the door was repaired. Olive was missing and to him that was the most important issue at the moment. Suddenly his expression softened as Angel entered thoughts into his mind. "Yes...sir." Gurren walked over to the broken door and used his magic to weld it back onto the door frame.

Sarafina flinched as Russel flew into her personal face, clearly he was riled up about Olive's disappearance. "Looks like he beat you to it, Jamke," she said to her guildmate as Gurren fixed the door. "Are you Russel?" she asked the flying Blue Pegasus mage. Jamke mentioned that a Ressel could keep an eye out from above and flying seemed like the best way to do that.

After fixing the door, Gurren took a moment to test out his handy work. It could open and close now, which was good enough for him. "Let's go get Olive back," he said to Russel before stepping out into the battle sight between Ryos and Axis. "Ryos!" Sarafina sounded worried. She hadn't expected a fight to be awaiting them outside of the Crimson Wave.

"Oy, you have things under control over there?" Gurren asked Ryos. "I have a few questions for the Kingslayer."

@Hellkite @BLUR @utdfan22 @Violet Obsidian
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Russel Lefton

The boy’s eyes widened at the sight of Sarafina as he looked up and down her small form. He seemed entirely confused. It was like seeing a ghost. “Yes, I’m Russel…” he said, first simply answering the question although that didn’t seem to resolve any of the confusion that laid itself plain as day on his face. He seemed to be thinking about something. A very hard thought flooded his mind.

“You’re a…” He had been intending to say ‘cat’ at first although the boy knew that wasn’t the right word for it. Something told him that was wrong. Russel knew it was wrong. “Exceed?” His head tilted to the side as though he was very unsure of himself with the use of that word. Russel’s memory told him it was right, but he didn’t know where the memory came from and he didn’t know why he didn’t recognize it. It confused him greatly.

“I’ve… I’ve seen one of you before,” he said, trying to make sense of what was running through his head. “But… it wasn’t you… was it?” He seemed to know what he was saying, yet he still felt obligated to ask it as a question nonetheless.

Hearing the suggestion that finding the Kingslayer might lead to Olive, Russel was hesitant. He didn’t quite believe that it worked like that and he was also none too eager to find the woman again because like the sight of the Exceed in front of him, the sight of the Kingslayer had also made his head hurt like crazy. He couldn’t remember her, yet Angel had told him that he knew her. It was nonsense. It had to be. Angel was a crazy woman, after all. Surely she didn’t know what she was talking about. Surely he himself had no connection to the crazy killer woman.

However, Sarafina and Gurren took off before Russel could object to their suggestion of hunting the Kingslayer to find Olive. He had no choice but to fly along, his shoes carrying him high over the fight when he reached it, his eyes remaining focused on Sora the whole time. “How do I know you!?” he shouted down to her, still high enough to be realistically out of reach.

Sure, he saw Ryos and he saw Axis. Russel didn’t know them though. Beyond having seen the poison dragon slayer when Angel had carried him away from the fight in his guild hall, their faces were entirely foreign to him.

@BLUR @shadowdude505 @Hellkite
The Cafe

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

Jamke leaned over the bar in time to see the waitress set a small lacrima into its cradle, hidden just below the lip of the counter. Once the crystal was settled, it started to pulsate a soft red glow. The waitress placed a finger to her lips, then took Jamke's hand before he could withdraw it. She let him pull her back to her feet, but continued to watch Gurren with wide, frightened eyes. She gave a soft squeak as Russel whirled around the cafe, shuffling to place Jamke squarely between her and the interlopers.

Prince Pergrande kept his eyes locked to Gurren's, his face the serene calm that precedes a force of nature.

“There, darling, that might help just a bit.” Angel rested her hand back onto his own.

Pergrande's eyes shifted to her for a moment. His lips curled, but said nothing. For an instant Gurren bristled, then the fight seemed to go out of him.


Pergrande nodded, relaxing visibly.

"Nicely done, Angel." Best to let her know now that I can see through her magic, in case she tries something impudent later in front of Father.

"I am very sorry about the mess." Pergrande's gaze moved to fix Jamke. He considered the young man's bow, inclining his head in recognition and allowing the mage to continue. "I can repair the damages while the others handle things outside. Despite our reputation for destruction, we mages don't intend any harm, especially not from riots that we started. Please believe me."

"Apology accepted. It seems the door has already been handled." Pergrande eyed him for a moment, before raising his voice to be audible to the whole cafe.

"Perhaps, with mobs in the street looking to lynch mages, it would be best not to intimidate the locals even accidentally. Public sentiment is a fickle thing, and it would be best not to lose it."

Pergrande settled himself back into a chair, taking a moment to smooth his robes.

"The Raccoon Alliance in Pinnacle. Neo-Echidna in Scava. Two dark guilds that were overthrown by mages like yourselves. Perhaps you were even there, fighting." Pergrande shrugged. "Both incidents cost innocent lives, caught in the crossfire. Did you know that legal mages killed more civilians and did more damage to livelihoods over a week in Pinnacle than the Raccoon Alliance did in a year? I believe certain authorities are already pursuing a number of your fellows to bring them to justice. Mages are a blunt instrument. It is easy to see why this city protests against your presence. In many ways you're just as black as the Dark Guilds you fight. Quite ironic."

Pergrande took a sip of tea from a cup that had been left at the table. He grimaced, swilling the mixture before setting it down again.


"You should attend to your colleagues outside before they break or kill something else. Angel, might you accompany me back to the Pergrandi delegation? It's almost time to start preparing for the ball this evening."

@Ivory Witch @utdfan22

The Jeweled Footstool

The werewolves snarled as the lightning airburst went off, skittering away from the Novines's combined attack. Wisps of smoke curled from their scorched fur and one of them appeared to be limping. The wolves fanned out, moving to encircle Asher and Marcella.

Then an arm draped itself around Asher's shoulders.

"My, what fun you've been having without me, darling. I'd be hurt that I wasn't invited, but watching you from a distance is quite interesting enough."

Lotus rested her head on Asher's shoulder. The wolves growled, but appeared to pause at her presence.

"You should be careful, Asher-dear." Lotus's tone was conversational, but her eyes never shifted from the Alpha. "I was once...acquainted, shall we say, with that one." She reached past to point at the Alpha, whose growled in return. "Before you and I met, of course. I'd never cheat on you."

The Alpha spat.

"Lotus. This is none of your concern. Leave."

"Au contraire, Lucien. You're attempting to hamstring my partner. Puppets don't dance well with their strings cut, and this puppet I'm fond of."

Lucien growled, raising his hackles. Lotus raised a hand, extending her palm towards the Alpha while the other wolves drew closer, approaching from all angles.

"Marcella," Lotus's voice was a sweet, patronising drawl. "We quarreled the last time we spoke. Unless you want for darling Asher to be torn into five different pieces by these men, perhaps we can put our differences behind us for now and work together. That might be tactful, wouldn't you agree? While I'd happily bury you, burying Asher would ruin my mascara; which is quite expensive and an inconvenience to replace."

@Sergeant Sass
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Cipher, Caleb Malachi, Wyatt Verlock and Olive Kittana

Cipher glanced to the two, taking in their bickering for a moment before sighing and merely waiting them out before answering his question. In truth, were he not fully aware of the falsehood of the fact, he may have guessed the two to be arguing siblings. Rather... childish arguing siblings at that. Once he was certain they were finished, he shattered the crystalline armor surrounding him with a wordless command and watched it turn to nothingness before answering "Just fine. Miss Kitana was very accomodating. In any case, the job is done."

Hearing herself referenced in conversation, Olive's body squirmed beside Cipher, and the muffled attempts at words came out, far too jumbled to be understood although it was clear she was trying to make as much noise as possible and offer as much resistance as possible. It was futile. Even she knew that. It didn't stop her from trying though.

Caleb avoided looking at the squirming Olive, trying to hide his discomfort with the situation. Although he doubted he was hiding it very well, but he did it anyway just in case. Caleb just stared a bit in awe of Cipher's armor and its disappearance for a sec. It was really cool. He wondered if he could learn a magic like that, or if focusing on the ones he had was a better use of his time. He'd have to ask later. "Well that good to hear. If the job is done, are we done here? Or is there something else we need to do?"

Wyatt rolled his eyes off to the side for a moment before he sighed not to subtly. "Well, we can't exactly just leave her here now, can we? Now we wait. They might have more orders for us, and they might not. You'll just have to wait and see."

Cipher nodded silently to Wyatt's words, before taking a step towards the exit of the warehouse and resting against the nearest object he could while also maintaining a line-of-sight with the ouside without being seen too easily himself. "Considering we were merely instructed to bring her here..." Cipher paused, glancing at the sack before sighing and walking back over to the two, and speaking in a lower tone of voice so as to avoid Olive's inquisitive ears "First, someone is likely coming to collect her. Second, perhaps we should speak where our captive cannot hear us, hmm?" With that, Cipher glanced back out the entryway to the warehouse, and began watching for this supposed "collector".

Caleb pretty much flat out ignored Wyatt and whatever annoying thing he had to say this time. His sister always said that if you didn't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. So from here on out he wouldn't talk to him unless absolutely necessary. Caleb followed Cipher out to the entryway, presuming Wyatt could watch the captive. Unless he really was too useless for that too. "So Cipher, do we know what the person picking her up looks like? I mean, so we know whether or not impostors show up or something like that?"

Cipher gave a small shake of his head to the boy and glanced out the doorway "I do not. However, given how secluded this warehouse is I doubt someone will simply stumble inside, especially with us watching. We are, after all, rather effective as a team a-..." Cipher jerked his head to the side and blinked as a ;lance of swirling, brackish purple energy arced shot into the sky and above the clouds. Vanishing high up into the atmosphere, and his eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. "Odd..." He turned back to Caleb and Wyatt as well despite his distance, thinking for a moment "That may have been about us.... so then.." Cipher moved from the wall and hefted the Eye into his left hand "If that is the case, I think I am going to go and lead them elsewhere."

Wyatt wandered out, curious at Cipher's remark about something being odd. Seeing the smoke - oddly purple - he flicked his goggles down over his eyes and looked closer. "Hmm," he mumbled softly. "I've seen that magic before, actually." Glancing back towards Caleb and Cipher, he shrugged. "Poison dragon slayer... probably not the fight we want to pick. Yeah, we might lead him away," he acknowledged Cipher's intent, "but it would destroy half the city. I'm not sure we want that kind of attention. At best, we could probably send someone to investigate..." Shrugging, he contemplated for a moment before his eyes turned towards Olive cautiously as he added, "but we shouldn't leave her alone. If you two can handle her, I could go look into it and report back... or even communicate back." His hand flickered to his ear. He, at least, always wore his earpiece as something that was a part of who he was. The others might not have, but they still had them from when they'd used them in the attack on the guild hall.

Cipher nodded to Wyatt after a moment of thought and tapped his own ear in response, showing he still did in fact have his earpiece in before turning to Caleb and pausing "Listen Caleb, I trust you'll be capable of watching her on your own? She's rather muffled so she won't be calling for help, but no matter what you do. Do. Not. Touch. Her. Understand?" He did not raise his voice to emphasize these words, rather he slowed his speech and made sure they each held their own second of attention before his following query.After receiving some sort of confirmation from the boy, Cipher then unsheathed his sword and offered it to him pommel-first "In line with that thought, I realize your magic requires the use of your hands, so if she tries anything use this." A slight clearing of his throat "Obviously the FLAT of the blade, preferrably, she is just a captive after all. Also, don't touch the blade, it also drains magic." Cipher then turned and walked over to Wyatt. "I'll be outside so that our guest can't hear me as we speak." With that, Cipher stepped outside and placed himself in the shadow of a nearby building.

Caleb took the sword and nodded to Cipher. "Don't touch her. Got it." He made sure to keep the blade from touching his body, which made carrying it kind of awkward. He had never held a sword before now. It was pretty cool, if a bit intimidating. It was both lighter and heavier than he expected. He was confused as to Ciphers comment about using his hands, but realized he hadn't seen or been told about how his Cataclysm magic works. Which thinking back was probably a bad idea when working together. Caleb wondered if telling him or keeping it a secret was a better idea. They might be enemies some day, but right now Caleb actually kinda liked him. He chewed on his lip in thought as he sat down across the room from Olive. He would keep an eye on her but wouldn't touch or talk to her.

As Caleb got settled in on watch duty and as Cipher took a position of observation and silence, Wyatt was already making his way into the city. He looked presentable enough - brown slacks with a nice vest over white. He wasn't really a known face, not to his own awareness anyway, and so he didn't really put too much effort into concealing himself from the common people who were going about their daily business. Every once in a while, he did note a person who was starting at where the blast had shot into the sky and he smirked at their curiosity although he continued moving beyond it.

Goggles flicked over his eyes once he got close. He wasn't quite close enough that anyone could see him. His goggles could zoom in further than the human eye could normally see so there was no need for that much trouble. "Hmm..." his hum as he watched could be heard through the microphone he spoke to his ally through. "Well, looks like the found the Kingslayer," he spoke simply. "It's actually probably a good thing for us. If they catch her, they've little reason to search for us."

Cipher nodded and thought for a moment "So they've found her... in what state? Has she killed anyone else, captured or has she merely been spotted?"

"Can't say for sure," was Wyatt's first reply. "I'd guess she was spotted and chased, but that could be wrong. No one dead... not yet." His eyes adjusted, widening his gaze to take in the rest of the scene. Most of the mages were familiar to him; he had absorbed their data back at the guild hall. "Seems we've got one here with the Kingslayer... on her side, I mean. There's the poison dragon slayer, but we already knew that. Then... a flying boy and a flying cat, and..." his eyes zoomed in more, "a fire mage, if I remember right. Probably best to stay out of this one for now. None of the tide seem to be here so it's not our problem. I can stay and watch if you think that'd be wise. If the fight grows too much, you and the kid might want to relocate."

Cipher nearly blinked when he heard of someone on the Kingslayer's side, but upon hearing the list of their opposition he actually sighed "While it's probable the Kingslayer and her ally, who is also likely no slouch, could defeat their adversaries from how you describe them, chances are they will be attempting to flee before more guild mages arrive. Which, considering even WE saw that blast... seems only a question of time." Again, a pause of thought "With relocating not being an option it may be best if you stay and observe them, should they come this way one of us may need to play decoy..."

Wyatt nodded even though he knew it would go unseen. "Got it. Keep in touch and let me know if trouble comes your way. I'm just watching for now."
Asher Novine and Marcella Novine

Asher and Marcella both surveyed the results of their combined attack with some amount of surprise as usually that combination was able to produce more damage than what they saw before them. It was such that Marcella wondered if her explosion alone - had it been allowed to go off in the first place - would have done anything at all to them. Asher’s magic certainly had more force behind it than her explosions, and when combined with her electricity, there was no doubt that their combined attack was stronger.

His attention consumed as it was, Asher was very much surprised to feel something lying upon his shoulder. It was surprising to such a degree that his body flinched as his palm began to gather water for an attack against whatever was behind him. Inhaling once, though, Asher figured it out and the movement of water in a spiral in his palm ceased.

“I would’ve certainly handed this dance over to you, love,” Asher practically sneered. “However, it would seem you weren’t around for me to extend an invitation. I hate that you felt the need to hide especially when we have our own dance to finish.” Never once did he look back at her. He knew she was there and that was enough for him. He trusted her more than he trusted the werewolves who had labeled him as prey - which wasn’t much, but it was something.

His eyebrow quirked at being called a puppet although Asher didn’t comment on it. That was something that was much better discussed during a dance of their own choosing and preferably one that his sister wasn’t involved in.

Marcella, true to her own nature, glared daggers at the woman starting the moment Lotus dared to speak her name. “BITCH!” An arrow nocked from her quiver aimed at Lotus within seconds and her eyes were flooded with just enough fury for it to be obvious she’d loose it if the right buttons were pressed. “If you’re going to threaten my brother, then you’re going to leave. NOW!”

Asher’s head rolled back in annoyance. His eyes turned furious. “Water Dragon Wing!” Proclaiming his magic, a wall of water tore Lotus away from him, separating them and then it proceeded to put up a wall of water between Lotus and Marcella. Even if Marcella did fire, it wouldn’t break through.

The Sabertooth Guildmaster glared daggers at Lotus while maintaining control of the magic as he sent it slashing straight at Lucien. “One dance at a time, you two!” His words were for both his sister and for Lotus. “Too much more than that destroys the rhythm.” Annoyance flooded his voice now.

Sighing as the water dissipated, Marcella childishly stuck her tongue out at Lotus before she reached into her quiver and aimed at the feet of the wolves, firing an arrow of ice that solidified the floor. Her gaze turning back to Lotus for a mere moment, she couldn’t hold back a single sneer. “Well, if you’re going to fight with us, then FIGHT! Or are you truly so weak…?!”

Libby Tuck

“I’ll be right back,” was the last thing Ryos had said to her before he’d left her alone within the cafe.

At first, she sat very contentedly. Libby had never imagined he would be gone too long and he was Ryos. Even though she could very obviously tell he was chasing after someone dangerous, Libby didn’t think anything could ever happen to him. He was invincible in her. Everyone in Lamia Scale was invincible in Libby’s mind. That was how high of a regard she held her guildmates within.

Sitting in the chair, the little girl twiddled her thumbs and sat around. She started humming and bobbing her head back and forth as she waited. Waiting was certainly better than trying to keep up with Ryos when he was sprinting after the woman who it seemed they were trying to hunt down. Libby really did have every intention of staying there and waiting for him to come back.

But… life doesn’t always work out like that.

Libby got bored.

“Libby…” a little voice whispered to her. It could’ve been real. It could’ve been a figment of her imagination. Either way, Libby’s reaction would’ve been the same to the voice. She turned and looked, seeing a little pixie flying just above her shoulder. “Come play with me! Come play with me!”

The little pixie - the imaginary fairy that Libby’s mind had generated in her boredom - flew over her shoulder, tapping her cheek gently and sprinkling her with fairy dust on the way. She flew out of the cafe, following the same path that Ryos had run out and Libby called out to it, “Wait! Come back!” The girl’s head turned and she looked at the spot where Ryos had been sitting. ‘Ryos said to stay… I should listen…’ She remained seated for a moment.

Libby couldn’t handle it anymore. She sprung up from her seat and ran out the door of the restaurant, determined to find the fairy that had ignited her excitement. Libby ran out the door, not seeing the pixie at all although she kept running regardless of that fact.

(Note: I have no idea where she’s running to… so anyone who wants to run into her can.)
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Though a lot of commotion was going on around him, Ryos had a singular focus on Sora, and therefore was unable to process much else. When Sora had taken off her cloak, Ryos assumed that she was prepping herself for a battle. However, no sooner had she thrown aside her cover did Axis tell her, "Go Sora, I'll handle the guild mages."

She appeared reluctant at first, but quickly changed her tune and began to flee with her astounding speed. As soon as she moved, Ryos attempted to follow her, only for the bulky man in the red armor to jump in his path and stop him from chasing.

"Get out of my way," Ryos spat. But Axis wouldn't budge. This action would draw frustration from the dragon slayer, as he had finally come so close to capturing his target, only to be thwarted by her allies.

"Sorry, but I can't do that, Viper," the man in red replied. As soon as that name exited his lips, Axis would watch as Ryos' image disappeared, only for the dragon slayer to show up right in front of him.

"My Ryos!" the raven haired mage breathed as he threw a heavy punch, landing it the one place where Axis didn't have covered in armor, his face. The armored man would go flying through the air, creating a small crater as his body collided with pavement. He was a bit slow to get back up, he hadn't expected his opponent to pack such a punch.

Wiping some blood off his nose, he stared down the dragon slayer that had attacked him. Smiling, Axis stretched out his arm, reaching out into the air with his hand. A pillar of fire rose from the ground, engulfing his entire arm. No sooner had it dissipated was a huge, two-handed longsword revealed to have taken its place.

"This should be fun, but know that the toxic effects of your magic will be null and void as long as I have my equipment to protect me."

Ryos didn't bother to give him a response. He was well aware of Axis' defeat at the hands of Ein Silverhand in Scava, as well as the defeats of all the other members of Tachyon Wing at the hands of the S-Class wizards of Fiore. If the armored knight was going to stand in his way, he was prepared to make Axis relive that defeat. Ryos began to walk towards his opponent.

However, Axis would not allow the first move to go to his opponent. He lunged at Ryos, swinging his longsword as it began emit flames. He would catch nothing but air, however, as Ryos managed to side step away from the attack. Axis' assault was just beginning, however, as he continued to slash through the air with his fiery sword. Still, he would have no luck touching Ryos as the Lamia Scale wizard would sway with grace, dodging each attack with precise movements. Ryos kicked off the ground to create some space between himself and Axis.

For a short moment neither fighter made a move. It appeared that there was a feeling out process going on, as neither was taking the initiative in order to get a good sense of their opponents strengths.

Ryos, for his part, was having trouble figuring out how to best this specific opponent. The most powerful aspect of his magic was nullified against such an enemy, as the heat emanating from Axis' sword would kill off the pathogens that were released as a result of Ryos' attack before any infection could take place. Not only that, but he didn't want to use up a large amount of magic on this particular opponent. It appeared he was in a sticky situation.


Having followed Ryos' instructions, however reluctant he was to listen to the guy, Rex had reentered the Crimson Wave. There were no doors to go through anymore, so he entered quite casually. Soon after, he announced to everyone that Sora had been caught right outside the cafe. Not long after that, a blonde girl, a true babe in Rex's own words, walked over to him. He wouldn't be able to catch her hand softly grace his cheek, but he would soon hear her thoughts inside his mind, not that he was able to discern where they were coming from.

"What the hell?" Rex questioned out loud. Those thoughts made no sense out of context. He would push aside the confusion for the time being, as he realized not a single person seemed to really care that the target of their mission had been caught, everyone continued going about their business.

"Really? No one? Oh well," Rex sighed. Whatever, the Kingslayer was already caught, so it's not like he needed anyone else's help to finish the job. He turned around to return to the dude who really needed a tan, only to find that the door had been fixed up. Rex's face twisted into a confused expression once more, but rather than dwelling on it, Rex left the cafe for the outside, where he would find that the guy he had left behind before was now facing off with a dude covered in armor while Kingslayer was nowhere to be found. He also spotted a flying cat, a flying dude, and, thankfully, a normal guy beside them. Turning his attention back to the pale-skinned guy, Rex shouted out, "The hell did you do? Where's Kingslayer!?"

The raven-haired young man turned to Rex and scoffed. "Shut up, I have my hands full already, I don't need another obstacle in my way," he responded.

At that moment, the armored man lunged towards the annoying purple-eyed twat, and said twat began to back up, effectively dodging a few swings of a huge fire sword.

"Yo, let me empty your hands a little then," Rex smirked. "Sand Magic: Sandstorm!"

The section of the ground that had previously been the quicksand that entrapped Kingslayer began to rise to the sky, rotating with increasing velocity. Suddenly, a massive magic circle appeared below the clouds.

"Oh man...I'm gonna be so beat after this," Rex mumbled. The rising sand was sucked into the magic circle, until none remained. With a slight delay, the magic circle abruptly erupted with a raging wave of sand. A violent cyclone enclosed the immediate area surrounding the armored man, the pale-skinned freak, and Rex.

"What the hell are you doing moron, how does this help!" pale-skin shouted through his arms, which he was using to cover his face. The armored guy seemed a little more comfortable than pale-skin, but he seemed to have a little bit of trouble with the sandstorm as well.

"Don't worry, I got this!" Rex shouted back as his body turned into sand. He was carried away by the cyclone.

Just as the armored guy prepared to attack pale-skin once more, he was knocked back by a sudden stream of sand. And then it happened again. Soon, he would be bombarded by streams of sand repeatedly slamming into him, propelled into high velocities by the sandstorm's violent winds.

In response to this, the armored man groaned in frustration, before unleashing his sword's true strength. He held it up, and it began to glow orange. Suddenly it exploded in scorching flames, causing the sandstorm to more or less become a glass storm. Pieces of glass began to fall to the ground, shattering into even smaller pieces. Meanwhile, Rex appeared right beside pale-skin.

"That was a close one, I was seconds away to becoming a sculpture," he joked.

"I see you 'got' that situation pretty well," pale-skin replied. Rex gave him an annoyed glance.

Donald 'Dusty' Houns and Jacob Foles

Dusty and Jacob watched as Russel ran in, freaking out about Olive missing. The two mages swapped glances of surprise. Jacob was the first one to focus back onto Russel. "Hey, hey. Calm down. It's okay. Don't worry, we'll go start looking for her." Dusty looked between the two, his face turning into a sour frown.

But when Rex entered the cafe, spouting that Sora had been captured, Dusty's face turned into a cold steely expression. Jacob noticed, and quickly went to stand in front of his friend. "
Wait. No exacting revenge right now. If she's captured and secure, then that means that she can wait. We have to go find Olive before anything bad happens to her. You don't want that, do you?"

Dusty scowled, knowing that his friend was right. If more people from Crime Sorciere were working together, then Olive was in danger. They would have to try and find her first. As much as he hated holding back his urge to rip Sora apart for what she had done. Olive was his Guildmate, so she was his first priority at the moment.

But from the commotion going on outside, Dusty wasn't convinced. He placed a hand gently on Russel's head, grimacing as he walked towards the exit towards the commotion.

Jacob watched the Slayer go, and sighed. Then, as Russel took off, Jacob found he was left alone with Alyssa. Not that he found anything wrong with that.

@Violet Obsidian


Donald 'Dusty' Houns

When Dusty got outside, he scanned the area. He couldn't see the Kingslayer anywhere. So either he was lied to, or she had escaped. Either way, he was pissed.

Even though he didn't see Sora, he saw a fight waiting for him to join in. A large man in a suit of armor stood in front of a battered Ryos and Rex. Glass was strewn about the ground and Dusty's feet, and it crunched underneath his heavy footsteps as he made his way towards the hulking man. He flexed his hand, then curled it into a fist. Dust began to slightly swirl around his hand, and he left a faint trail in the air behind him as well.

When he got next to Ryos, he growled low in his throat. "
If you really let that bitch get away, Ryos, then you're in for a world of hurt once we are through here." Dusty lifted his hands up, cracking his knuckles in front of him. He then proceeded to tilt his neck to stretch it, along with rolling his shoulders. "Luckily enough for you, though...All my anger really just wants to be vent out against a good punching bag." As Dusty's forearms began to change into stone, a wicked grin slithered it's way onto his lips, and malice dripped from his voice. "And a fat suit of armor looks like the perfect one for me."

Dusty lifted his hands up in front of him, holding them out straight at the man. "Earth Dragon Arms." Two magic circles appeared around his shoulders, and they slowly moved down towards his hands. As they did, his arms changed. They went from skin to a deep brown stone, but then began to mold. The stone began to chip, pieces flaking off and falling to the ground. In one burst, all of the casing fell off to reveal scaled arms instead of human ones. The scales rippled along with the powerful muscles that Dusty had, and he stretched his fingers out to reveal sharp claws on the fingertips.

Dusty then got low to the ground, similar to if a cat was about to pounce at a target. Then, in a sudden push with his legs, he launched himself off the ground, breaking the stonework under him as he flew towards his target. He pulled his arm behind him, aiming for the center of the man's chest. The heat from his sword blew over Dusty's face, but he didn't care. He was angry. When he was close enough, he threw his punch forwards.

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Malakai Grave and Lowell Thrice

Lowell had simply been standing in the Crimson wave watching the happenings. He could certainly see that the mages were rowdy and it reminded him of growing up in his family household with over ten people in one giant mansion… all of them mages and none of them knowing the slightest thing about showing any inch of restraint. This - the cafe at this moment in time - was a lot like that. He didn’t see how any two people could manage to hear the person standing next to them and it set the boy’s nerves on edge.

His ears did pick up on one thing, though. Lowell overheard the waitress speaking to a man who Lowell didn’t particularly know although he was fairly certain it was a mage. He seemed to be one from everything Lowell could tell. Turning, he listened in, picking up on the fact that the prince was capable of looking after himself and that he was managing to keep the city calm to a decent degree. “Sounds like a prince I wouldn’t mind following,” he said, more to himself than to anyone else. “And all without any magic, I might add.” Lowell could tell that much… or, he thought he could. He certainly didn’t smell any magic coming off the man although faint traces could pass him by.

Lowell’s head snapped as Rex bolted in, saying that the Kingslayer had been caught. His head snapped. “Malakai! I’ve got the answer you need. He’s fine… the prince,” Lowell wanted to move. He wanted to resolve this situation so that they could leave the people of Crocus in peace because if the ruckus of mages - him being one of them - was bothering Lowell himself, then he didn’t even want to imagine how many other people were annoyed by their presence.

Malakai’s head turned, eyebrows raised as he met the gaze of his younger companion. “Alright then.” Without any more words to be said, Malakai turned to look at where Rex was. Rather, it was where Rex had been. He wasn’t there anymore. Malakai shook his head slowly, sighing. “Well, we better go after him. Our guildmate is far too eager.”

Both Quatro Cerberus mages had heard everything that Rex had said. They knew that the Kingslayer had at one point been caught although Lowell could hear the screaming just outside. No doubt she had gotten away by now. “Sounds like a fight,” he warned Malakai as Lowell drew his own katana from his belt.

“Fine by me.” Malakai’s skin blackened as the fight came into sight and the mage left his comrade in the dust. Skin hard as diamond and black as coal, he could sense Dusty as the Earth Dragon Slayer moved in for a punch. Although he didn’t pick up on any of the conversation going on within the battle, he already had a strategy in place and he imagined it would work even given the hardness of their opponent’s armor.

Reaching out, Malakai reached for the carbon within Dusty’s arms, hardening the earth that he punched with even further - if everything went right, the Earth Dragon Slayer wouldn’t even know that Malakai was manipulating it. That was good because a distraction could cause him to pull his punch and they didn’t want that. That task done (hopefully), Malakai maneuvered his way behind Axis and drove forward with his own punch directly in opposition to Dusty’s punch. If everything worked right, their fists would sandwich the armored mage and crush the hardness down to nothing.

Lowell remained back a small distance. He was still within reach if he was needed. Using his lightning dragon speed, he could be there in an instant and he knew that so at the moment, given the power that was already being thrown into that fight, he was content to sit back and watch for however long it seemed things were going their way.

@BLUR @Refaulted @shadowdude505

Collab With: @Stormborn Targaryen
Soren Peres and Light Ethereal

As the Lamia Scale pair were teleporting on around, using Soren’s magic sense to tell when and if they found anything significant or not, Soren froze and Light could tell he’d picked up on something. It wasn’t just anything that normally turned Soren to ice so Light knew it was something important and the storm mage sought out Soren’s eyes and what they may have spotted. It was a woman. She had her hood up so Light couldn’t see much else of her, but Light had suspicions. “Is it the Kingslayer?” he dared to ask.

Soren shook his head although otherwise he was still frozen. “This is one of the other ones… from Scava,” he explained. “And stronger than the one we fought.”

Light could tell it. Soren was afraid. He knew if he said anything about it, Soren would snap at him. It wasn’t cowardice to know your own strength and to recognize that another was stronger, he’d say. And he was right. Unfortunately, Light also tended to think that Soren underestimated teamwork and also that he underestimated Light’s own abilities sometimes. That saddened Light more often than not.

Sighing, Light spoke. “Well, I know you won’t consent to fight her… so let’s follow her. If she’s working with the Kingslayer, maybe she’ll lead us to her and if she catches us, you can always teleport us away, right Soren? We have an easy out.” Light didn’t see any reason why his teleporting friend would disagree with him on this point. “Besides, if all we’re going to do is teleport around without investigating what we do find, then we might as well not be here at all for all the good we’ll do.”

His guildmate had a point. Actually, he had several points that Soren could not deny and neither could he refute them very easily. He rolled his eyes at Light, sighing in his own right, before he caved. “Alright. But we’re going to do this my way and we’re not going to stay in sight.”

No argument was made beyond that. The two of them followed Lotus through the city, staying behind buildings where they couldn’t be seen. They didn’t need to see. Soren could track her with his magic sense just fine. It turned into a decent walk for the two of them and they were surprised when the woman they were giving chase to sprung up and landed herself in the middle of a circle of… werewolves

Soren’s body tensed, preparing to teleport both of the Lamia Scale mages away although Light recognized some friendly faces and released his hold on Soren. If Soren was going to leave, he could leave. Light very much wanted to know what was going on, though. Taking a step forward, he remained outside the circle the wolves had made although he was definitely within sight and he had his lightningrod out and ready as he saw Asher’s astounding display. Seizing control of the water the dragon slayer created, Light evaporated all of it, gathering clouds above the Jeweled Footstool.

Lightning flashed. It did not strike down.

“I don’t know what I just walked in on, but I do know werewolves typically aren’t the kind to remain friendly within a city.” Stormclouds hovered above, threatening.

@Hellkite @Peaceswore @DaughterofAthena @Sergeant Sass @GoldenBlight @Ivory Witch

Collab With: @Hales
Angel Litwick

Angel smiled at Prince Pergrande’s compliment to her handling of the situation, her white teeth showing as she giggled at Rex’s confusion simultaneously. “Glad I could help,” she replied swiftly, speaking out loud simply because there was no reason that thought had to be only heard by him. Her words were accompanied by something that almost looked to be half an attempt at a curtsy or a bow, simply trying to look cute for him. He seemed to enjoy her attempts at flirting earlier, she recalled.

Standing by, the blonde simply listened as he laid out the situation and hearing what he said, Angel came to realize that she had been out of the loop for a little while now. Lost in matters of her own personal life, she hadn’t paid much attention to anything else and internally she scolded herself for it because it was making her current situation harder to deal with. Briefly, when Pergrande suggested that maybe they had even been there in the fighting in Scava, she shook her head. Angel had nothing to do with it. In fact, she had nothing to do with anything he had mentioned in his little rant, and she couldn’t help but think that her lack of involvement would help raise her in his eyes and in his favor.

“Hmm… seems the world has been in much trouble as of late. It saddens me to say that I’m a bit behind on the times. I do recall reading about some of the events you have mentioned, although I was not involved. I had… personal matters… that were much troubling and distracting,” she commented.

At his offer, though, Angel smiled again, some of the concern at her lack of involvement and even at her lack of knowledge draining from her expression. “Of course I will accompany you… if that is your wish,” Angel practically sung the words. “If you don’t mind filling me in on some of the finer details of your delegation, I should very much like to get back up to speed. I’m sure it would be much to my advantage to be able to converse with your royal company.” In this request, her curiosity was honest. Angel loved learning any and everything she could and she honestly found herself lacking a reason for his delegation’s presence in the first place; she had no intentions of outright saying that in and of itself, though. Plus it only seemed wise to ensure she could speak intelligibly if she was to be brought before such important people.

Russel Lefton and Libby Tuck

Collaboration With:

@Violet Obsidian

Russel received no answer. In fact, he received absolutely no acknowledgement at all in response to his question directed at the Kingslayer or in response, even, to his presence in general flying in the sky. Normally, that would’ve annoyed him. He was a beautiful Blue Pegasus mage, after all, so he expected people to see him. Right now, though, he was simply too confused to worry about the fact that he’d gone unnoticed.

He saw that Sora was running away, though, and it led him to fly lower, his feet almost touching although he remained in flight simply because he could move faster that way. Where Ryos had run into opposition, Russel simply flew over Axis’s head and continued following after the Kingslayer although he was losing ground quickly. Realizing that he wasn’t going to be able to keep up for long, he settled for yelling loudly, hoping to get her attention. “WAIT! SORA! I KNOW YOU! HOW DO I KNOW YOU!?” It was a question that was eating away at him slowly but surely.

“PLEASE! I WANT TO KNOW!” He continued flying in the general direction he’d seen her run, hoping that she could still hear him although in reality, he had no idea whether she could or not. He didn’t even realize that he was now flying low to the ground again and part of him wasn’t even watching where he was going anymore.

“Russel!” he heard a voice scream out to him.

Russel blinked once. He blinked again. Libby was standing practically right in front of him and at the speed he was moving, he was posed to plow right through her if he didn’t do something. Russel’s arms reached out. If he picked her up and carried her with him, then she wouldn’t get run through, right? It made sense in the flying boy’s mind. He didn’t slow down in that case, then.

Libby screamed. She didn’t know what he was planning. Her eyes closing tightly, her body became intangible. Russel was unprepared. Libby was unprepared. It was a moment of chaos.

Russel flew right through her and in that moment, his hand still reached out for her, his hand gripping where he could see her hand although he did not actually feel her. There was nothing to touch. And Libby could see that he was trying to grab her hand. She also knew that she was sinking into the ground. Closing her hand, she willed herself to become tangible again so he could pull her up and out of sinking but it wasn’t working. Libby felt a tap on her shoulder. Her head turned. There was her fairy again. Whispering in her ear, Libby heard the little creature. “You can do it!”

In the moment before their hands would’ve torn apart, unable to grab on as they’d be too far away, Libby’s body became tangible again and her hand clasped onto Russel’s. She smiled. However, that wasn’t the end of their trouble. Russel, unprepared for the sudden weight of her, was yanked out of the sky and found himself tumbling to the ground, rolling in every which direction as his head was scrunched beneath his body weight. His hand was torn from her grip although she was no longer in the ground.

“Russel!” Libby yelled again as she ran towards him before she stood over his collapsed form. “I’m sorry! Are you… are you ok?”

Russel rolled over and took in a deep breath of air. Unbeknownst to him broken bones were already mending just beneath the surface of his skin although surprisingly nothing managed to break through his skin. Looking at Libby, he nodded slowly. “I’m ok,” he replied as he sat up, still breathing a bit heavily. He grimaced just once but then the pain was gone. Then Russel glanced over his shoulder, wondering where Sora had gone. He was fairly certain he had lost her by now.

“Why were you flying so fast?” Libby asked.

“I was… I was chasing the Kingslayer,” he admitted with a shrug. “I… I think I know her from somewhere but I don’t remember and it hurts.” He rubbed his head as though to signify an actual headache for a moment although it didn’t last for long. Then he looked at Libby again. “Why are you all alone?”

Libby laughed slightly. “I’m not alone. I was chasing a fairy,” she explained. The girl looked over her shoulder as though to gesture to the fairy she’d been chasing when she realized it wasn’t there anymore. Libby’s eyes turned to confusion. “I… I swear she was right there! I… I’m not crazy! Please don’t think I’m crazy!” She seemed quite worried about it now.

Russel chuckled and pushed himself to his feet. “No worries. I believe you,” he assured her. “Well, it seems like we were both chasing someone and now they’re gone. What now?”

Libby shrugged. “I dunno. We can go try to find some people, probably. I already got lost from Ryos so we probably shouldn’t get lost from each other.” She held out her hand to Russel. Libby held out her hand and Russel took it. They set out in a direction. Some random direction it was, really. They didn’t know where they were going, but with each other, they didn’t feel quite as ‘lost’.
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Outside the Jeweled Footstool

The werewolves, led by alpha wolf Lucien, had yet to pounce on the mages in front of them. They stood by, stalking their opponents slightest movements, while the mages were busy arguing amongst themselves. While the mages were still bickering, Lucien decided to grant his opponents a few answers before he officially made them his prey. He faced the blue-haired boy first.

"Nothing random about you lot," he snarled, "You were marked for death by our 'employer'"

With that, and with the rest of his pack circled around the prey, the Lucien and his group of werewolves all took in deep breaths. As they widened their muzzles, revealing a nasty set of fangs, they shouted out a spell name, "Lycan Slayer's Howl!"

Out of their throats shot a huge blast of navy blue energy, a sparkling stream of destruction that disintegrated the solid ground over which it hovered as it traveled with increasing speed towards the middle of the circle surrounded by the werewolves.

It seemed the guild mages were screwed, had it not been for the sudden formation of a violent cyclone holding back the waves of magic energy. Safely within the eye of the cyclone, the guild mages would be forced to stand by as both the werewolves' attacks and the cyclone dissipated.

"What the hell just happened!" Lucien yelled.

The man is alive but unconscious

JAMKE DAIN (Lamia Scale)

The intensely formal boy resisted the urge to grit his teeth as Prince Perengrande looked him over. Bowing his head to a man from Perengrande, regardless of character, had felt completely alien to a certain corner of his mind that he was not fully proud of. The implication that he was as black as the Dark Guilds that he'd fought against was painfully insulting. "For all of the exuberance, they... we truly are doing our best to help," Jamke privately protested, familiar with the pain and suffering mages could experience in those risky situations. His tone reflected none of his anger, his mood carefully balanced as he repsonded to the Prince's scating reflection, "With all due respect, a few exceptions aside, the effects of battle often mirror those of surgery. The suffering that follows in the short term is often more intense but it is preferable to the long term consequences of leaving the tumors unchecked. Perhaps I am naive but I have always borne that in mind." Jamke turned to leave, glancing at the waitress who had helped him once more. "Thank you again for your kindness," he said quickly before leaving the cafe. There didn't seem to be much left to add from him either way. "Though, something about the situation in there doesn't sit right with me. What is Perengrande's current situation with the Emperor's seat anyway?"

The battle was starting to gain traction as Jamke emerged, the ground cracking under Dusty's intense launching attack. The pavement breaking caused him to wince slightly as the battle quickly gained traction. He guessed the Prince had not been entirely wrong in his summation that someone should be there to watch for unnecessary damage. His focus though was caught up by the sight of their opponent. His flaming longsword and bright red armor sent an immediate jolt of panic through his brain, "That heat nullifies my magic for direct use. I can even feel it raising the temperature from across the street." Russell was flying away from the battle and the others, something having caught his attention. "One less thing to worry about," Jamke thought quietly. Glancing around for Gurren, Jamke considered his missing guildmate again, "We need to find Soren soon. He should be able to detect where Olive has ended up." If they couldn't grab Sora, maybe they could simply detect the girl using their own abilities. Perhaps overly optimistic but they had to stay proactive at this point. The fact that two of them were already trying to pincer the armored foe in between them was a great first step.

Still, there was little point in him joining up with the battle directly, having far less suitable skills for it than the rest. Except for one potential aid he could provide. Fire was problematic for other mages as well. Jamke made eye contact with Ryos, a brief glance shared between the two before Jamke's eyes darted to his hand. In his grasp, was a small copy of Lamia Scale's symbol entrapped in a circle made of powdery snow. The small shape had a particular meaning though Jamke wasn't sure if anyone had remembered it. It had been a brief conversation that was almost entirely forgettable, Jamke and Ryos both commenting on the problems they had dealing with fire mages. He'd made the symbol on that day as well. "My snow can only just reach them and your poison can't survive in that extreme heat... but if we could protect your poison long enough for it to enter their system." As that memory played in his head, he took up a position near the blond mage also observing from the sidelines. He would wait for Ryos' signal before inflicting himself on the Poison Dragon Slayer's battle strategy. He wished he could just tell Ryos his plan but there was too much to be gained in landing that one critical first attack without the enemy being prepared for it. "I have to gamble on Ryos' intuition."

@Hellkite @BLUR @Violet Obsidian @shadowdude505 @Hales @Refaulted @Stormborn Targaryen

Gurren Simon & Sarafina the Exceed



Gurren scowled as the Kingslayer started to flee. "Fire-Make: Motorcycle." A magic circle appeared under his feet, followed by the appearance of a flaming motorcycle. Gurren got on his construct and revved it up before speeding after the Kingslayer while her ally was distracted by Ryos and the other wizards. Even with the extra speed, Gurren was still a couple yards away from the Kingslayer and was barely able to follow her.

Figuring that her guildmates and the other mages could handle the armored enemy, Sarafina decided to chase the Kingslayer with Gurren. She managed to grab a hold of his shoulder before he took off on the motorcycle. Currently she was flapping about in the wind like Gurren's jacket. "Whaaaaaaa!"

Coming across a market street, Gurren noticed a lot of civilians going about their business. It would be really easy to loose the Kingslayer to a crowd like this. "Gangway! Look out! Coming through!" Gurren yelled as he weaved by the civilians on the street.

Soon the crowd ahead started to look really thick. Using quick thinking, Gurren used a market stall as a makeshift ramp. Unfortunately he misjudged the landing and was sent tumbling. The flaming motorcycle disappeared once Gurren fell off. Sarafina was sent spinning as well. She instinctively turned into her battle form and used her larger body to cushion Gurren's fall.

"'s the Kingslayer?" Gurren asked as he sat up. "I think she's gone now..." Sarafina replied as she transformed into her regular form. "Dammit." Suddenly Gurren felt a tomato hit his shoulder. He glanced over and saw an angry looking crowd. He still didn't understand why people hated the legal wizards as much as the dark ones.

Sarafina sprouted wings and grabbed Gurren as she flew up to the rooftops, dodging tomatoes and other fruits that were tossed their way. Gurren let out a sigh once safely on a rooftop, one that sounded disappointed and a little relieved. "Thanks," he said to Sarafina. "Welcome to Team Gurren." "Eh?"
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Drake Silver

Drake was about to defend himself from the blast, but it turned out he didn't need to. When the cyclone came out of no where to protect them he raised a brow in confusion having not seen anyone near him cast the needed spell to accomplish the cyclone. However as curious as he was he couldn't waste his time thinking about it as several werewolves were still standing. A sigh left him as he played with the keys in his pocket before pulling out the key chain. Holding it out to his side he smirked a bit. "Open gate of the wolf! Lupus!" With that the silver gate opened and out popped the fire wolf landing next to Drake as he growled at the werewolves.

"Let's take care of these annoying beast."
Drake to both Zeke and Lupus. Lupus let out a loud bark before he bolted forward straight for one of the other wolves. He zigzagged a bit and his mouth light up, opening his jaws wide he leaped forward to bit the side of the wolves waist with his flaming teeth.

@BLUR @GoldenBlight
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Jacob Foles and Alyssa Gardner

Jacob listened as the fight continued outside. While Ryos and the others were holding off their attacker, the Kingslayer was getting away. While possible, catching the Kingslayer was a must. Jacob had seen what she was capable of, and couldn’t have her roaming around free if she was close enough for them to keep looking for her.

He turned to Alyssa, gesturing for her to follow him. “Come on. We should go look for Sora before she gets too far away. This may be our best chance for this.” He turned and began to walk towards the door that lead to the back of the coffee shop, before freezing in place and looking back at Alyssa, giving her a nervous smile. “Uh...please? If that’s okay?

He continued through the door, the storage room beyond it filled with boxes and barrels. Jacob weaved his way around it all, the whole room acting like a maze. He kept looking back to make sure Alyssa was following him, and they soon reached the door that lead outside. He grabbed the handle and held it open for Alyssa. “Ladies first.

Snorting at his comment, Alyssa pushed past him quickly. “You’re so terrified Misty,” she teased, a smirk etched on her face as her dark eyes twinkled with amusement. “It’s kinda funny.” she told him, scanning the alley way they entered.

Listening for where the sounds of fighting were coming from, Alyssa started in the opposite direction. “This way,” she called out. “If she has made an escape, we’d be better off going this way.” she explained.

Are you not going to tell anyone else where you’ve gone?” a voice called out from behind her.

Whirling around, the green-haired wizard scowled. “Yes Loke. Without telling the others because they are busy.” she huffed, placing her hand on her hip as she shot the lion a glare. “Just like we should be. So let’s go.” she growled, turning back around so she could leave the alleyway. “We don’t have all day to waste, you two!

Loke snorted, watching his master stride ahead. “We better not take too long. She can be a real slavedriver, eh?” he joked, turning to glance at Jacob.

Jacob turned to look at Loke, then back to the proceeding Alyssa. He sighed, rubbing his cheek with one finger. “At times, she seems like she can be one, yes. I don’t see it as much of a problem, though. She just likes to get things done quickly. It’s commendable, in my opinion. Even if she tries to do things fast, she also does them efficiently.” He began walking, staying a bit behind Alyssa so he could talk to Loke, but was still able to stay out of earshot of Alyssa. “There are people like her for sure, but...she’s a bit different. I can’t really put my finger on it, though.

He looked over to the Spirit. “Does she try to work you hard?

Loke grinned at Jacob’s words, his eyes glinting behind his glasses. “She’s different, huh?” she smirked to himself, wondering about the mage’s meaning. He had an idea, but he wasn’t about to say it just yet.

Shrugging slightly in answer to Jacob’s question, he adjusted his glasses so they hid his eyes. “Not in a way that most might think. She expects a lot out of everyone she’s contracted to.” he said. “It’s not that easy to explain. But the more trust between a Spirit and a Mage, the better they work together. Her mother was a Spirit mage too, so having seen how well a partnership can work, she works to make sure she has that same kind of trust with everyone else.” he explained. “I’m going off on a tangent,” he laughed slightly. “But you’re right. She’s something else.

Jacob listened quietly as Loke spoke. When he was done, Jacob felt like he understood Alyssa a little better. “That makes sense. She is the ‘no nonsense’ type of person, in my eyes. You and her must have been working for such a long time, since you both seem to be very close.” Jacob’s brain began thinking back to his own family. “To my knowledge, I’m the only person in my family that can use magic. I became an outcast to them. I left after some time, and I traveled around with a group of mages for some time before settling down in Blue Pegasus. The only person I ever had a good connection with is Dusty, and right now that feels shaky.” He didn’t want to share the specifics of his background. This was his first time ever speaking with the Celestial Spirit one-on-one, so he didn’t want to ruin anything by bringing him down. He shrugged his shoulders. “I hope I’m not holding you or her back from anything, by the way. I kind of just dragged her along with me without thinking…” Jacob scratched his head, some hair falling down over one of his eyes. “It was pretty rude of me, thinking about it now.

Loke snorted, shooting him a grin. “Nah, don’t worry about it. First rule about Alyssa,” he began to lecture. “Is that she never does anything she doesn’t want to do.” he laughed. “Besides, despite what she thinks, she works better with someone she can trust. I’m pretty sure she trusts you, otherwise she would’ve hit you by now.” he joked. “And don’t worry about being an outcast or anything. You have Blue Pegasus, and if in the end, something does happen to change your relationship with Dusty, Alyssa will be there. She doesn’t abandon those she cares for.

Jacob kept walking with his head tilted downward, mulling over what Loke had said. After a few moments, Jacob looked up, pushing his hair back to where it originally was. A faint trace of pink danced on his cheeks as he looked between Loke and Alyssa, again. “I...never thought she would want to work with me. I guess I shouldn’t be so judgmental all the time…” Jacob chuckled slightly. “Well...I’m glad there is someone if something bad happens.” He was still caught up on the last thing Loke had said, but he had probably just misinterpreted his meaning. That was most likely.

I’ve been talking about myself too much. My apologies. I’m just curious, but how long have you and Alyssa known each other? Since she is just a year or two younger than me, I would like to guess not too long, but enough to develop a strong enough bond?

Chuckling, Loke ran a hand through his spikey hair, thinking back. “Ohhh, we’ve known each other for a while now. She’s twenty now so I think it’s been five years since we met.” he pondered aloud. “I’m old, the years tend to blur together you see.” he explained his lack of not knowing the exact number.

Jacob nodded, realizing that, despite Alyssa seeming younger than him, she was actually the same age as him. Which felt rather embarrassing to him. “Ah, I see. So it is strong bond then.” As they passed another alley, Jacob peered in, looking for any signs that Sora had been through the area. But sadly, nothing stood out. “My knowledge of Celestial Spirits and their mages is lacking, so I don’t know how the bonds and strengths work between you two.” He rubbed his chin. “It is all very interesting, though…

Not many do. Because a lot of our power depends on the bonds of trust between us and our Master, not many can understand without experiencing it themselves. For Alyssa in particular, because of her strength and expectations in us, all of us contracted to her work better, for lack of a better word.” he tried to explain. “Despite her rough edges, she does care.

Smirking, the lion Spirit shifted his gaze back towards his walking companion. “Speaking of Alyssa and how she cares for people,” he began with a teasing tone. “You realize she does care about you. How about you? How do you feel?

Jacob was about to respond to Loke’s previous statements when he mentioned Alyssa caring about people, and waited for him to finish his sentence. When he did, though, Jacob stumbled in his path, nearly falling face-first onto the ground. When he regained his balance, he stood up stock straight, his eyes whipping to where Alyssa walked ahead of them. His composure was gone, and he began babbling gibberish like an idiot. His pale skin was lit up red from shock at what the Spirit had said, and pointed at himself and Alyssa, his look going between his two allies. He had no idea how to respond.

When he could finally find the words, they came out cut off and rushed. “,’re wrong...I….You...You’re just…” He tried to take calming breaths, but he was too flustered. He finally took a deep breath, and was able to form a sentence. “I...No, she doesn’ me. I’m just some snotty brat from Blue Pegasus to her! I’m sure of it! She probably doesn’t see anything in me! I...But, w-well, if she really did like me...I-I g-guess that…! Well…” He looked down at the ground. Mist began to rise up from his face, acting like steam. “I...I guess...maybe...just maybe…” He quickly lowered his voice into a sharp whisper. “Yeah, maybe! She’s cute and tough, and seems to never need help from anybody! She’s someone I’m not, and yeah, that may make me...attracted to her…” Jacob covered his face with his hands.


Aubrey Lorrisk

As Aubrey was making her way back towards the ship, having no idea where anyone had ended up within the capital city of Fiore, she wasn’t really worried about anything in particular. Her enjoyment after having spent a fair amount of time shopping was quite pleasant and she had no reason to worry.

She did, however, turn to look when she heard the revving of a motorcycle and it drew her attention, particularly because she hadn’t heard any cars nearby. Not being in any rush to get back, Aubrey went to investigate and what she saw was somewhat familiar. There was Gurren, who she knew - he was her guildmate, afterall. And there was a cat. They seemed to be getting tomatoes thrown at them and Aubrey didn’t like it. “Hey! He’s a Fairy Tail wizard, you know!” she yelled at the crowd.

However, that only seemed to draw their attention to her and make her a target as well. “Gurren!” she yelled out to him. “What happened!?” She didn’t understand why they were suddenly being targeted.

“Smoke Make: Smokescreen!” Aubrey casted the spell. It blurred herself, Gurren and Sarafina and then Aubrey ran up to them and grabbed Gurren’s hand. She didn’t think to grab Sarafina’s because… well, Sarafina was a cat. “Let’s get out of here!” She pulled Gurren along wondering if the cat would follow.


Lynn Aquari, Caitlyn Alissa Malachi, Ohtori & Usagi Tsukikono

Collab @AllHailDago @Kaine

Lynn smiled after hearing Tori’s and Bunny’s responses. She enjoyed the comradery between her Mermaid Heel sisters and herself. She couldn’t feel any prouder of the sentiment. Maybe this was something that her Guildmaster felt all the time. “That’s right, Bunny,” Lynn said as she held up her right hand with her guild mark facing out. “These marks makes us sisters.”

Lynn kept her guild marked hand where it was, letting her statement sink in for a couple seconds. Filled with a sisterly determination to locate Caleb as per Rose’s request, Lynn realized that the sooner they started, the better. “Keep your eyes peeled, ladies. It’s a big city out there,” she said with a lopsided grin. Taking charge as temporary guildmaster, Lynn started to lead the other three Mermaid Heel wizards out onto the city streets.

Bunny took off real fast as Lynn started to walk. Not too far ahead but enough to hop from stone to stone and twirl once or twice, looking back once or twice to make sure she was still heading in the same direction. Tori just kind of laughed through a small smile and her attention turned to Rose, waiting to follow behind and to get a feel for her motives in all of this.

Rose smiled at her friend's words and lightly set her wrapped left hand over the guild mark on her right one. She couldn’t feel it physically of course, but that wasn’t the point anyway. She was happy that these were the people that had saved her, that's for sure. She bit her lip as she usually did while thinking and wondered what would have happened if they hadn’t. However she shook the dark thought from her head and kept moving with Lynn, Tori, and Bunny.

She stroked the bandaged left hand with her right nervously. She couldn’t stop wondering who this Caleb person was. How come she could suddenly have a memory at just the mention of his name. Who was he to her? She knit her brow in thought as she walked. “So, any idea where we should start looking? I can’t imagine he’s just out in the open if he really was helping the people who… who attacked everyone.”

“If he’s hiding in plain sight he’d probably be in a disguise, if his face is well known that is,” Lynn replied. “He could be in a bar, a restaurant, a casino, or any number of shady areas.” She let out a sigh. “Though that leaves us with the issue of trying to narrow down the list of hiding spots. If we split up we could cover more ground, though personally I’d prefer that we stick together.”

After rattling off her bit of info, Lynn looked serious. “As the temporary Guildmaster, I’ve decided that it would be safer for us all to stick together. We all saw what happened at the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. Hopefully someone can point us in Caleb’s direction.”

Tori found it peculiar how they all assumed in a huge town, some random person going about their day would just know a person. Caleb seemed like a rather generic name, so surely there was a lot of them here in Crocus right? Shaking her head, she trying to shake the negative thoughts from her mind. This was her team, her guild. They could do anything. “Do we know if he is wanted for anything else besides that? If he is a standard criminal here, maybe we would be better off finding an information broker of some sort?”

Bunny being her normal self turned around and jumped to stop, “Would he have one of those really tall hats, with the little eye glass thingy,” she held her hand up to her eye like a circle with her fingers and closed one eye to look through it. “Maybe a reeeeeeealy big mustache, and holds his pinky out when he drinks his tea. One of those guys right? Right?” Giggling she turned and jumped to a few more large stones inlaid to the ground.

Rose put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. “No Bunny, I don’t think that’s how he’d be disguising himself if he is. Although I suppose that would make it a good disguise.” She let out a little peal of laughter. “And about him being wanted for other reasons… I don't know. All I can remember is what he looked like from the memory i had when i heard his name. And that could be from years ago for all I know. He had brown hair and glasses in the memory, beyond that I don’t know.”

Lynn’s mood seemed to lighten a little after Bunny’s shenanigans, that is until she heard a distant roar. Looking at the sky she saw a poison cloud. It was too far away to concern her too much, but if she could see poison cloud, maybe Caleb could too. Lynn started to quicken her walking pace as she continued down the street, leading the gang toward a casino with flashing LED lights.The Mermaid Heel wizards could make out a few human shaped silhouettes under the lights, but the figure that stood out the most was a tall man in a white suit, complete with a white fedora and cane.

Tori was kind of in awe. She had never seen such a building in her entire life and yet here it was. From a small town cafe with residences fluttering about their daily ventures, to the awesome architecture of this massive casino. Even the people were dressed in an entirely different way. Most of which Bunny had already noticed. While Rose had said the man wouldn’t appear as she had thought, This man right in front of her was that man. Sure it wasn’t a black suit, but the white was even more.

“See, see!!!” She called out behind her, “I told you I was right.” Pointing up at the man as he twirled his cane once. He kind of looked down at the cute little Usagi with a grin. Without missing a beat, he reached down and gently grabbed Bunny’s hand. With cane around his wrist, he grabbed his fedora pulled it to his chest, knelt down next to her, eye level, and kissed her on the hand. Bunny wasn’t exactly sure how to respond. She wasn’t scared, but she wasn’t exactly happy. Tori tensed up thinking Bunny would do something bad.

With a wink and a smile, he looked up at all four of the girls, “You pretty ladies seem to be looking for a person, to which I seem to be.” Standing back up, he replaced his Fedora, spun his cane again before bowing once more. “The name’s Polnareff, Jango Polnareff, pleasure to make your acquaintances. How may I be of service to such a group of lovely ladies?”

Lynn wasn’t sure how to react after Jango’s charismatic display. So far he hadn’t harmed Bunny though. She decided to answer the man’s question due to having no other leads on Caleb’s location. “We’re looking for a Caleb Malachi. Brown hair, glasses. Have you seen him. Do you know where we could find him?”

Jango started to stroke his chin with the top of his cane. “Sounds like a pretty generic description.” Jango started to reply, “I could have seen this Caleb fella, but I can’t say for sure. I bet my boss could tell you more though. He knows everything that goes on in this city. Follow me.”

Spinning around and leaning on his cane for a moment, Jango clicked his heels before lead the Mermaid Heel mages inside the casino, briefly stopping to whisper something to a bouncer. The bouncer nodded and allowed the women to walk by with Jango. As they headed to presumably the boss' room, the Mermaid Heel gals could see and hear the goings on in the casino.

Slot machines and a lot of them. Soft pings as levers were pulled and the displays went around and round. Laughs of people as they were entertained in many ways. And waitresses dressed up in tight, very revealing leotards that had little white poof balls at the base of their butts and ears that drooped over. Bunny was awestruck by it all. She had lost all concept of what was going on and started to stray from the group before Tori put a hand on her shoulder. Usagi looked back up at her and joking she kicked her butt out to one side and put a hand on her hip like the waitress in front of her did. Tori about died as she choked, taking Bunny by both shoulders this time and leading her behind Rose.

The environment immediately made Rose uncomfortable. The smell of cigarette smoke hung in the air, cloying at her as she walked through the building. She grabbed her bandaged left hand nervously, the smell of smoke making the damaged hand ache somewhat. Rose grimaced a little, unused to being able to feel anything from that hand in recent weeks since her rescue. She sidled up to Lynn, keeping as close as possible without direct contact. She didn’t like the place, but if it might lead her to Caleb and her memories she had to try. Besides her friends were here to protect her, so she didn’t have to worry.

The Mermaid Heel wizards followed Jango past another bouncer and through a door in the back of the casino. It lead into a hallway; large pictures adorned each section of the wall, all oil paints and all gangster looking. Not only that but they all had the same family names under them. At the end, there was a single, shiny, decorated door. Some sort of heavy wood with elaborate carvings. Jango pulled a handle, and it opened slowly. It didn’t creak so much a softly whine as it opened. Holding it with a foot, his arm cocked out and seemingly magically, his fedora popped off and rolled down his arm to his hand, at which point he bowed slightly with a grin, “Pretty ladies first.”

Once in the casino boss’ room the girls saw men in black suits seated around a table. The boss, a man of short stature, sat at the head of the table with seven muscular guys. Jango was the last person to walk into the room and closed the door behind him.

“Who are these girls Jango?” the boss said. Sitting there in his chair, elbow on it with a fat cigar between two fingers, he stared at the girls intently. No expression really on his face.

“I apologize for the interruption, Boss,” Jango replied with a tip of his fedora. “I know you’re always on the lookout for some new assets and well, see for yourself...” He then used an arm to gesture to the young ladies. “They’d make some nice Bunny girls for the customers right?”

Before anyone else responded, Bunny jumped up next to Lynn with sparkles in her eyes. She could become a true bunny! Though she obviously misunderstood the fact she would basically be a prostitute.

“Bunny girls!?" Lynn said angrily, vein bulging. “Not in a million years! Come on girls we’re out of here.”

Since she was close enough, Jango reached out and grabbed Bunny by the wrist. Pulling her in close he wrapped an arm around Bunny, holding her head up by her chin. “The young one’s fetch an astoundingly high price. Heh heh.” His face was dark, almost a glimmer of red in his eyes as he stared at Tori and Rose. Bunny just sat there, not really scared but most definitely not happen.

The Boss Man nodded. “Fine, Jango. Boys, assist him.” With the wave of a hand the black suited crew moved. Two unseen, closed the doors behind them all and the rest of the cronies pulled out knuckle weapons or just cracked their bones. "'Member boys, 'dun break their pretty faces.”

“Sierra.” Lynn’s body quickly changed into water before taking a steamy appearance. Using the extra mobility from her spell, she charged toward the boss. Her scalding water body left a burn streak on the cronies she zipped past. Once she reached the casino boss, her hot water began to surround him, causing him to scream.

Bunny just looked over at her sister and Tori nodded. “Go ahead” Tori replied. Getting Jango’s grip loose, Bunny chomped down on Jango’s hand. An audible crunch was heard as the bones in his hand sheared, though the only thing to pierce his skin her incisors.

Jango screamed and tried to strike Bunny, but the small girl released her bite, swung around, and slid her foot under his own knocking him to the ground. Jumping away before he had a chance to do anything, four needles appeared in between her lips, and she took two in each hand. Pulling them both out, it was clear they were dark crimson red senbon needles. The likes of which she was quite deadly with.

Tori spun around and quarterback sacked one of the men into and through the wall that was just to the side of the main door. But it went into another, empty room. She was a little startled she had done such a thing. Had she always been this strong? But turning back around she quickly checked Rose to make sure she was OK.

Rose had gone almost entirely still when she heard what the man said. She knew it felt wrong, she knew but didn't say anything. She wasn't going back to being someone else's thing, never again! The pain of the nearest man grabbing her arm shook her out of her thoughts. Which was less than great for him.

She immediately put her left hand into her coat and grabbed her book. Then she coated her fist in water and elbowed the man in his stomach. "D-don't touch me!"she yelled as she punched him with her right hand in the face. The Water Knuckle spell wasn't as strong as Lynn would have been obviously, but it was enough to elicit a cry of pain and have him crumple to the floor.

Bunny quickly threw her weapons and they impaled another one of the cronies in each shoulder twice. Needless to say he screamed in pain and was rather scared when he saw the needles dissolve into nothing but more blood. Thinking it was his own, the man began to wobble and quickly passed out. One could only imagine he probably thought he was going to die.

Rose sighed in relief for a second after having freed herself from her captor. She hadn't realized she had aggression like that built up still. She was quite relieved for all of two seconds though. Then she saw all the blood her fight and the others had caused. She began to hyperventilate and spun around quickly, looking for Lynn.

The cronies didn't seem happy about Lynn knocking out their boss. The couple remaining cronies charged at her. "Aqua Kick!" With her foot coated in water, Lynn quickly spun around and delivered a water-trailing, roundhouse kick. Now that all of the enemies were dealt with, Lynn started to push the table to block the door into the casino. She didn't want another fight with the casino's reinforcements.

Seeing Lynn not only perfectly fine, but blocking the door as well soothed Rose a little. Rose rushed over to Lynn, almost going to hug her in the process. However she kinds stopped halfway, arms open awkwardly. "Uh, we did it?!"

Tori, while she had done the least, looked over the room of pushover’s they had all just annihilated. “I’m pretty sure we totally just kicked some ass!!! Excitement flowed through her body and somehow through it all, had completely forgotten how powerless she was in front of a real murderer.

"We're not out of the woods yet," Lynn said before she walked over to the far wall and held out her hands toward it. “High Pressure Blast!” A strong jet of water shot out from her hands and drilled a hole in the wall that lead to an alley outside. “This way,” Lynn said to her friends.

Bunny and Tori just kind of watched as Lynn seemed to be this, like, super woman that could do anything. Jumping over to Tori, Bunny nuzzled her face into her sister’s side with a smile and wrapped her arms around her before turning to look back at Lynn. The two sisters followed their mighty leader in training.

Rose followed her three guildmates out the hole in the building. They ended up in the back of the building in an area where a bunch of long, ugly buildings were grouped together. They seemed rundown, most of them an ugly, cracked grey concrete.

Lynn started to walk out of the alley and took note of the buildings around them. “Hey girls, come look at this,” Lynn said to the others. She pointed to a group of warehouses out in the distance. “I don’t know if Caleb is hiding in a warehouse, but it’s a logical hiding place.”
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Gurren & Sarafina

Gurren was swept away by Aubrey after she had grabbed his hand. It took Sarafina a moment to realize that Gurren had suddenly disappeared from the space he had been occupying. "Hey, wait for me!" shouted as she began to fly after them.

"Hey Aubrey," Gurren said with a grin. As they ran he glanced back at the citizens that had thrown tomatoes at them. After determining that they were a safe distance away, he suddenly stopped running. Sarafina crashed head first into Gurren and plopped onto the rooftop. "Owww....," she said as she rubbed the knot on her head.

"Thanks for standing up for me Aubrey," Gurren said. "Don't blame the citizens, they're just tired of wizards being at the top of society." He sighed. "Magic has been in the limelight for so long, I guess they forgot how important normal jobs are. This city wouldn't have all the metal it has if it wasn't mined by people like my father."

"And wizards wouldn't have jobs without regular citizens," Sarafina chimed in as she sprung to her feet. "Wizards are better equipped when it comes to dealing with other wizards."

"That used to be true. I've met some individuals with magic mimicking technology that's a pain in the ass. I don't know why they don't just focus their attention on Dark Wizards," Gurren grumbled. "Speaking of Dark Wizards... Some of our friends are missing, Aubrey. Wanna help me look for them?" The look on his face seemed to indicate that he was ready to fight the next Dark Wizard he saw.

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Aubrey Lorrisk

“That still doesn’t give them the right to cover you in tomatoes!” Aubrey found herself objecting with a chuckle. “They should just talk to you about it and say ‘Hey, would ya mind letting us handle our own business’... or something like that. I may not pay much attention to the world at large, but I don’t remember them trying that at all. They just went straight to rioting and that’s not fair.” She ran her fingers through her hair, almost to make sure that she didn’t have any tomatoes stuck there.

Aubrey’s attention shifted, though, the moment that Gurren mentioned that some of their friends were missing. She remembered that Isanna had vanished when they were on the ship so she assumed that was who Gurren was speaking in regards to, but she wondered who else could be included in that.

“Yeah! Definitely! Who are we looking for and do we know where to start?” Aubrey became all business at the thought of saving a friend because that was simply the way Fairy Tail was. If a friend was in trouble, you saved them without any questions asked. Aubrey was the same in that respect. “It may not be easy with all these riots dotting the city, but we’re Fairy Tail so that won’t stop us!”

Aubrey’s gaze shifted to Sarafina for a moment. She had seen the cat’s wings earlier so she knew that she wasn’t just a cat. “Who are you?” Aubrey asked. “You look like Tsukina. Any chance that means you might be able to find her somehow… like magic?”


Kyla Hivan

The small child had been standing off to the side. She wasn’t close enough to anything for anyone to really say she was a part of the fight although Kyla was still close enough to be seen and to see what was going on. She really was sorta lost in an almost zombie like state. Boredom had consumed her long ago because not only did she not understand what was going on, but there really hadn’t been anything interesting for her to do, either. Her hair had settled into a dull gray color and her eyes weren’t really focused on anything.

Kyla probably didn’t even realize there was a fight going on. She saw none of it until the navy blue light started to form over the heads of the werewolves as they howled. It was not the sound that got her attention. It was the existence of the light that claimed her gaze. “Light?” She was confused at first to see it, but she definitely noticed it. She watched as it grew and spread out, oblivious to its deadliness.

The energy spread out and Kyla’s hair gradually turned to match the color of the attack - deep navy blue. Then her eyes narrowed as the cyclone appeared, dissipating the light of the attack. “Light?” she said again, entirely confused as to why she would be shown such a beautiful shine just to have it erased from existence. “Why?”

The light nearly faded away completely but at the last second, Kyla seized control of the light that had existed within Lycan Slayer’s Howl. It wasn’t the same attack as the one they had created. Kyla didn’t have that power. It was, however, the same light, the same color, the smallest speck of the same brightness. It looked like a little glowing orb as it flew around and in that moment, the light was Kyla’s toy.

“Bright!” Kyla commanded of the light. The blue orb obeyed, growing brighter and brighter while also becoming more and more expansive until it blurred out all vision entirely, consuming the plain as Kyla giggled maniacally in the beauty of it. “Pretty! Pretty! Pretty!” Her insane little chant went on as she remained completely oblivious to its painful brightness, only aware that it was pretty to her and that she was having fun.

@BLUR @Hellkite @Peaceswore @GoldenBlight

Donald 'Dusty' Houns

Monster of the Earth

Dusty watched as another mage joined the fray and took up a position on the other side of his opponent. He could just see around the hulking man to know that he was also attacking Dusty's target, which was fine. Skeptical if the punch would actually do anything, Dusty decided it didn't matter. If they failed, he would think of something else to defeat the knight.

But Axis had another idea. Lifting up his sword, he swung it in an arc around him, and waves of fire blew in the direction of his two new assailants. He had only expected a small amount of opposition, but this was too many S-Ranked mages for him to deal with. He had to retreat for now, and rethink his strategy to take them all out in the future.

Dusty faltered in his assualt, and lifted his arms up to protect himself from the flames as they rolled over him. The heat enveloped him as he was blown back and rolled a few feet on the ground. He yelped as all of the fire began to burn him, and he furiously tried to swat it away. Fire normally didn't bother him, but he had never felt his own body light on fire like how it was now.

Axis watched the young man struggle, and then turned to Ryos, glaring. "Know that this isn't a victory for you, Viper. I will come back. Maybe then you won't need your posse to help you." Bringing his sword up again, he jumped backwards as another wave of fire erupted with his attack, creating a wall between him and his foes. He then turned, and began running in the opposite direction.

Dusty, meanwhile, was tearing off his jacket. He threw it on the ground, and began brushing off all the rest of the fire that was still smoldering on him. Soot covered his face and hair, as well as his arms, making him seem like he was made of coal. The fire that was still on his skin burned brightly, but he patted his cheeks to put them out.

He stood silent for a moment, and then felt pain in his throat. He erupted into a coughing fit, some smoke coming out of his mouth as he tried to clear his lungs. He struck his chest hard, to the point he had to dry-heave out the junk in his system.

When he felt like it was all out of him, he scanned the area for his enemy, who had seemed to make his escape. Anger flooded through the Slayer, and with a roar, he slammed his fist into the ground. The ground broke beneath him, creating a large crack and sending some stones up into the air. He sat there for a few moments, still. He then wrapped his fingers around a rock the size of a baseball, and placed it between his teeth. Then, like an apple, he bit down into it, it cracking and breaking from the force of his jaw. He munched on the pebbles in his mouth, staring at the fire for a a few moments before standing up and wiping soot away from around his eyes. He silently walked closer to the fire, and brought his arm up to his face, as if to eliver a backhanded slap. With a swing, a forceful wind blew out the wall of flames and dissipated it so only a hot wind was left behind.

Dusty turned and looked back at all of the mages, then up to the Crimson Wave. He sighed, flexing his hand. "
Fucking hell..." All he felt was anger and annoyance. He hated letting enemies get away. He knew he should have just followed through with his attack. It would have ended the fight right there and then. But he had hesitated. 'Why did I hesitate? I never do that.' He groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm going to go look for him. Make sure he doesn't cause anymore trouble. You all, make sure everyone is okay, and if the authorities come, tell them what happened. If he keeps causing problems for these people, I'm gonna be wicked pissed off." He started stalking off down the street, only to pause and look back. "Don't follow me. If you do, I'm going to break your legs so to keep up with me, you'll have to stand on your hands. And then, I'll break those, too." With a flare of his nostrils, he turned back and walked down the street.

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