Main Story [Kingslayer Arc]


Two Thousand Club

Welcome to the Kingslayer Arc! This will be the final arc of Fairy Tail: A New Beginning and we plan on going out with a bang! This does not mean that the story will be discontinued, as we may have a sequel in place later on. We have added a new rule that will take effect immediately, and that would be the removal of death immunity. That's right, your character's are no longer safe from meeting their maker. In any situation where your character's life is at risk, we will give you a warning so that you don't go into such a situation unintentionally.

Kingslayer Arc: Act 1

February 7th, x988


Ah, Los Ichiyasco, a city as beautiful as any in Fiore, or in Earthland for that matter. Though it wasn't a coastal city, something you would expect of a location that is constantly getting high praise for its gorgeous scenery, it was a land filled with lush vegetation, grand mountain ranges, and world-class architechture. Truly, Los Ichiyasco was the most suitable location for the base of operation of one of Fiore's top guilds, the wonderful and ever-lovely Blue Pegasus.

It was here that all of Fiore's top guilds and wizards were being called, a direct order from the country's magic council to present themselves at the extravagant guild hall for a briefing on some matter that was supposedly very much in need of urgent attention. Everyone who was anyone was making their way towards the guild hall, with most guilds having recently arrived in the city.

"I need some more poison," a voice complained. Of course, this would be none other then Lamia Scale's Ryos Delmora, a poison dragon slayer who was able to feed off various toxins to replenish his strength. He was tapping an empty glass vial, showing to the world, not that it cared, that he was fresh out of his favorite drink. The young man seemed as calm as ever, no doubt due to his experience, having been brought on to many high caliber missions in the past despite his age. After all, he had achieved the rank of S-Class very early in his life, and by now had seen much of the horrors that came along with the jobs entrusted to those with the title.

Walking alongside Ryos was his guildmates and his guildmaster, The Immortal One, Myla Romanov. Like the other guilds, they had come to Los Ichiyasco under direct command, and had no real choice in the matter. Either way, Lamia Scale wasn't a guild to shy away from such any task, even if they didn't know what it was. They weren't in consideration for being Fiore's top guild for no reason, after all.

The dragon slayer's nose began twitching, as his eyebrows seemingly began to raise on their own accord, since his eyes remained dull and emotionless. "I smell dragons," he said out loud.

"So do I," a raven-haired woman replied, stepping around a corner and into sight. It was Isanna Calwyn, one of the dragon slayers of Fairy Tail. "...Ryos right? I'm Isanna."

Ryos' eyes widened a bit. "You...I know you. During the Echidna attack, I remember seeing you with that other girl, she smelled like a dragon too," Ryos recalled.

"Yeah..." Isanna replied, a bit hesitant to continue the conversation from that point.

At that moment, another mage popped out of nowhere, this one taking a place right next to Isanna as all the mages continued walking. This new arrival was a pretty tall young man, well built as was obvious with his sculpted biceps shown properly as he was wearing a short-sleeved jacket. His sandy brown hair was covered by a beanie, and he also wore fingerless gloves with jeans and sneakers.

"Hey there gorgeous," the mage spoke, his comment directed towards Fairy Tail's dragon slayer, "My name's Rex, you look like you might be in need of a handsome escort, so here I am," Rex winked.

Before Isanna could even respond, Ryos was ready to interoggate. "I don't know you. Where are you from?"

Rex faked looking taken aback. "Come on man, S-Class wizard of Quatro Cerberus Rex Ourano. The wildest of men! I'm a superstar around these parts, you must be rookie. I'll let you in on a secret, I'm the top wizard in Fiore," Rex smirked, content with his delusions of grandeur.

Ryos, however, was unfazed. He knew the S-Classes of all the top guilds, so either Rex was lying or he had just recently achieved the rank. "Okay, thanks for letting me know that secret," Ryos said, his voice monotone. He did nothing to hide his disinterest, and Rex was able to catch on pretty easily.

"Hey! Are you being sarcastic? Listen here you pale, purple-eyed, socially awkward, Justin Bieber haired freak, you don't wanna mess with the wildest of men. I'll show you my WILD fighting style and send you packing!"

Ryos faced the aggressive mage, expression still lacking any interest. "What's a Justin Bieber?"

"Nevermind that!" Rex shouted, proceeding to grab a fistful of Ryos' collar and pulling him closer. Ryos was still completely without emotion, which angered Rex even more, and so the Quatro Cerberus mage used his impressive strength to toss the dragon slayer forward, sending him crashing into the door of a nearby structure. Many of the wizards of Lamia Scale tensed up as they saw their guildmate being thrown, prepared to come to his defense, but a simple wave of the hand from Myla was enough to calm them down. "He'll be fine," she giggled.

This structure was none other than the beautiful Blue Pegasus guild hall, and the widely jewel encrusted doors that adorned the front entrance were smashed in half as Ryos' body flew through them, causing them to topple down and become ruins. If that wasn't bad enough, the fact that a member of Quatro Cerberus was the culprit would surely cause a bit of trouble.

Rex's jaw hung open as he realized the stupidity of his actions and the consequences that were sure to follow. Meanwhile, Ryos dug himself out of all the rubble, and looked behind himself to see that he had entered his target location. He stood up, brushing himself off as he looked entirley unaffected by Rex's earlier outburst.

"Ah, we've arrived," the poison dragon slayer declared.

As the dragon slayer stood up, the thud of footsteps could be heard coming down one of the hallways that lead into the open lobby of the hall. Soon, the slim figure of Jacob Foles, one of Blue Pegasus's S-Class wizards, came into view, dressed neatly in a tuxedo. He gripped the railings that were attached to the staircase that led down to the level the arriving Guild's were on, and he looked in awe at the mess.

Before he could open his mouth to say a word, another young man came into view, leaping over the railings and onto the ground below, landing with a loud bang. When he stood up to his towering form, a look of annoyance was on his face, his brown eyes looking at the rubble in front of him.

Donald Houns crossed his arms over his chest, and he growled. "Seriously? You all come here and already make a mess of our Guild?!" He held up his hand, the skin chipping and hardening. Soon, he held a clenched fist of stone, his mouth turned into a sneer. "Who made this happen? Was it you, Ryos?" He pointed his hand to the man threateningly. "Huh?"

Jacob stood, watching, rubbing his hands on his face. "Oh boy..." He began walking down the stairs as quickly as possible. "Hey, Dusty. Don't be so harsh right now. I'm positive it was an accident." But the Ace of Blue Pegasus wasn't paying attention. "Well? Was it you? Or someone else?" His brown eyes flashed with anger.

Ryos scratched his head, a bit of debris falling out as a result. "That depends. If you're asking me who brought down the doors, then technically since it was my body that collided with it causing it to crash down the answer would be me. However, I was thrown into them, so really it wasn't me that brought them down. Either way, I've already had enough of the fighting amongst ourselves. I don't want a repeat of Pinnacle before we even get briefed on our mission, though it's nice to see you again Dirt-Boy."

Dusty stood silent for a moment, then began laughing, dropping his arms. Jacob smiled as well, though he was more so releived that Dusty hadn't decided to start throwing punches and cause even more damage. Jacob bowed quickly, while Dusty took a step back to be in line with him. "Welcome to the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. We hope you enjoy your time here, as brief as it may or may not be." Dusty nodded in agreement, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Good to see you, too, Poison Pansy."

And so it begins. You have been told to meet at the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall by the Magic Council for an important announcement and follow up mission. Many guilds as well as their guild masters will also be in attendance.

@Arkytior @BLUR @Peaceswore @CelticHero37 @DaughterofAthena @LifeNovel @Kalin Scarlet @Kiyoko Tomoe @Violet Obsidian @Mad Prince of Sanity @Refaulted @shadowdude505 @Rantos @arcaneSentinel @AnnoDomini @Thesmashbro @Hellkite @utdfan22 @SummerWolf @BlackknifeVane @Hales @Red @Sergeant Sass @Ivory Witch @sassy storm dragon

@Kyra @Stormborn Targaryen @Nutter @SephirothSage @Sophrosyne03 @Red Thunder @sonicfreak101 @King Of Imagination @Nightmares Angel @The Suspicious Eye @Thesmashbro @Kalin Scarlet @AllHailDago @Gabauchi @Kaine @DeadgurlXD @Tulani @Leone @Raikou Kaminari @DreamBeat
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Olive Kittana

Olive made her way down the staircase of the guild hall not too long after Jacob had meandered down the staircase although she didn’t have to deal with Dusty along the way, unlike Jacob. That didn’t mean she didn’t see the chaos, of course, and the girl practically hid her face from the public eye for a bit longer than necessary. Her own guildmates embarrassed her. No. That wasn’t quite right. Dusty embarrassed her and the Blue Pegasus guild as a whole.

As she made her way down the staircase, Olive intentionally avoided them, instead looking around to see if there was anyone else she recognized. However, the more she stood amongst the crowds that were pouring in, the more Olive realized it was unlikely that she would be able to talk to anyone anyway. More and more thoughts were flooding her mind and just as she reached the bottom of the stairs, Olive’s hands flew to her head as she tried to figure out what on earth she was going to do now. She wanted to be present for the announcement so going to hide in the library wasn’t an option.

Before too long, Olive was hyperventilating although she tried to calm herself. She searched the room through her mind’s eye, now, looking for any mind that was possibly quiet enough to help her sustain her focus although for the moment, Olive didn’t sense any.

And thus, Olive was left there, sitting against the wall with her face buried in her hands, not out of sadness as it might have appeared, but overwhelmed by all the minds her magic now had to try and balance.

February 7, x988

Everything looks so pretty... was Jessie's thought when she stared at the scenery from the window in the train. This kind of reminded her of when she visited the Fairy Tail guild about a year ago. She was gazing out the window, as she was doing now, and admiring the view. In her hand was a wrinkled letter that was obviously crushed several times before being smoothed out again. It was a call for help, or at least that was how she saw it. The world was apparently in danger, and they needed as many mages as they can. Jessie wasn't particularly skilled in card magic; she just knew how to use it. Heck, she only started less than two years ago! Now, she was being called to help fight in a battle that might as well kill her. She sighed and practiced with her cards once again.

In the past year, she managed to increase her offensive and defensive cards, and learned how to use them. It wasn't necessary to do so, other than the fact that she wanted to get stronger, but she was glad she started to learn when she did. The hard work felt like it paid off. Having offense and defense card magic came in handy when battling, she figured out when she encountered some thugs. Unfortunately, she didn't have real experience with battle yet... they were mostly thugs or low-level mages. On top of that, her ability to find treasure and look out for traps increased significantly thanks to experience and help.

Jessie turned her attention back to the scenery. She was reminded that Blue Pegasus was a top guild just like Fairy Tail was a top guild. There would be no doubt that the guild would look magnificent or grand like Fairy Tail's did on the outside. All she was curious about was the inside of the guild. How did it look like? Were there any hot guys? Apparently, Blue Pegasus was known for its beauty. Oh~ She just knew that there would be
at least one eye candy to oggle over. Other than the fact that she was willing to help fight for a just cause, she was joining because mages tended to have very nice bodies, having to keep in shape and all. Sure, her own guild mates weren't bad, but most of them were nothing compared to mages.

The train arrived at its destination. Once again, she stood at the grand doors of a renowned guild. And once again, she gave a quick exhale before entering the guild. EVERYTHING WAS SHINING. What was this? Not only were the guys hot, but the girls... they had
amazing bodies! Jessie's body was numb, her eyes trying to take in everything that was beautiful. Just wow. The teenage girl momentarily forgot the danger she signed up for... but if it meant seeing these amazing people, then it was worth it in her book. Not only did they have amazing bodies, but a lot of them just screamed POWER.
Tommy O'Shay

For all his efforts, Tommy had not recruited a single person. Not a one. He didn't know how the Guild Masters did it, finding the amount of people they did to fill their respective halls. Okay, so he was just a Class B Guild Branch Master, but he would sure have liked to get some new members of the Southern Wolves. But then the marching orders had come, and they superseded any recruitment he'd been attempting. So he'd left Onibus Town behind and hit the road, having left his young daughter in the care of her grandparents.

Tommy arrived at the Blue Pegasus hall just in time to see the chaos erupting at its front door. Or at least, what was left of it. Shaking his head but grinning, he took a drag on the pipe clenched between his teeth and stepped inside.

Adrianne Harrow

It was strange: ever since her sister's disappearance, Adrianne seemed to be drawn constantly to helping out others about her. Her Seer magic seemed to lead her towards it, at any rate, and it lead her now toward a girl she saw sitting against a wall. Granted, Adrianne was no extrovert, nor was she here for any other reason than anyone else. Heck, even though she was an A Class Mage, there were other far stronger mages around. But she still felt the need to help where she could. Leaning against the wall, she slide down to sit upon the ground, her green jacket sliding up a bit as she did. Frowning, she adjusted it and glanced to ... Olive, that was her name. Poor thing. She looked so stressed.

"Hey," Adrianne gave her a little nudge with her elbow. "You okay?"

Lowell Thrice

Lowell Thrice was kinda following Rex as they made their way to the Blue Pegasus guild hall. That is to say, he watched the direction Rex was walking and he followed that general path with an overall grumpy expression. He wasn’t mad at anyone in particular; he was just upset that he had to go to a magic council announcement meeting that a bunch of other mages would be at. Mages meant magic and magic meant destruction. And he didn’t want to deal with any of it.

He would have much rather stayed in the hot tub back at his own guild hall where he knew for sure he’d have a bottle of rum sitting next to him. In fact, Lowell had actually considered bringing the drink along with him although he figured that wouldn’t leave the greatest impression on anyone else. While he was fairly certain Cujo wouldn’t mind, he didn’t want to drag the rest of the guild down.

There was one thing he noticed almost immediately upon arriving outside the guild hall. There were more dragon slayers there; he could smell them.
Ugh… this is just gonna make things more difficult, isn’t it? If there was one thing Lowell wanted nothing to do with, it was the other dragon slayers. They had a rep for untold destruction among other chaotic things and it just wasn’t Lowell. Yet, if everyone found out he was a dragon slayer, that would be his new reputation simply because people didn’t know any better.

However, that didn’t stop him from watching the other dragon slayers and their antics as he walked into the Blue Pegasus guild hall, his eyes focused intently on Dusty and the other one… in all honesty, Lowell had hardly met any of these people. His eyes flickered between the two of them, enjoying the banter. It was just guys being guys… well, for the moment, that was all it seemed to be. Lowell laughed slightly, commenting,
“Dirt boy? Poison Pansey?” He raised his eyebrows slightly as gave one more brief chuckle. “Interesting way of showing affection…” Although his words may not have displayed it, his tone did. Lowell liked that even with mages, even in different guilds, there was a family and it was something he was beginning to realize he was missing out on.

@BLUR @Refaulted
Marcella Novine and Asher Novine

Asher was still woozy after the long train ride that he had been forced to endure to bring him to the wonderful town that the magic council had deemed fit to summon everyone to. Really now, what’s so important that you literally need to summon EVERY mage in Fiore!? Surely letting just one stay behind wouldn’t have hurt anyone… He did not want to be there. Nope! Asher Novine wanted nothing to do with whatever was set to ensue.

However, the teenage girl who was dragging him along had deemed it essential that he go too. And that teenage girl was none other than Marcella Novine, Sabertooth’s archer and resident troublemaker. That was what Asher had come to call her. She had a bad habit of getting herself into the worst possible situations and never managing to emerge unscathed. And she hadn’t even thought about not coming. It wasn’t an option in her book, especially when she heard there would be a mission after the meeting. Any opportunity to get herself into a fight was something Marcella would not turn down.

“I see it, Asher!” Marcella actually sounded excited for once. “You don’t think this will be a bust like the last mission was, do you?” Her nose crinkled at the mere memory of it.

“Well,” Asher shrugged, “they’ve gathered the entirety of Fiore in one place. That’s not a common thing. I’d really hope they have something more than a bum mission…” He was trying to reassure her, but at the same time, Asher didn’t put a lot of faith in whatever it was they wanted. Summoning all the mages seemed like some major overkill to him.

Marcella rolled her eyes at Asher as the two of them finally reached the guild hall. “You don’t sound too enthusiastic,” she commented. Her eyes caught sight of the door - completely destroyed - as she commented more loudly, “Now that - that’s enthusiasm right there!”

Asher sighed at the sight of the door. This was not going to be an easy day. He could tell that already. When the water dragon slayer turned his attention inside, he was even more disappointed. There were already people yelling. It was much too noisy for a nap. Asher sighed and walked over to a couch, sitting down with a PLOP!

Marcella, meanwhile, was too busy taking everything in. She could only imagine how powerful some of these mages were and she was desperate to prove herself to them, to show them that she was just as strong as they were. However, that didn’t mean she was about to show them all of her excitement. Instead she merely yelled out, “So, any of you have any idea WHY we’re here?”
@Sergeant Sass

A man bowed his cowboy hat to Marcella beside her, appearing as if out of thin air. “I believe it has something to do with national security, young lady,” he said. Marcella could hardly see any of his features other than a small smile under the shadowed brim of his hat.

Slowly, the man lifted his head up to meet Asher’s eyes with striking blue orbs and the face of Fiore’s most infamous, enigmatic mage.

“Nice to meet you,” he said to the Sabertooth siblings, bearing a deliberate, smooth grin. “I’m A’den. From Silver Phoenix. How’s your day?”

Guildmaster - A'den Kanodosii: [silver Phoenix - Sheriff of Pinnacle]


“Wow! I love your outfit. It’s so cute.”

Jessie O’Pure, a pretty blonde has just appeared in front of you. She smiled, slowly and calmly, bright blue eyes running from the bottom of your school uniform to meet your eyes with a confident stare.

“Hi, what’s your name? I’m Vaiya!” she exclaimed, explosively gesturing in clear excitement. “I’m from Fairy Tail. You excited? This is so...sugoi!”

Fairy Tail - Vaiya Kandosii [B][/B]
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Jessie snapped out of her dumb state of mind when someone talked to her. Her eyes landed on a beautiful blond girl who looked like a character from a fairy tale book. She couldn't help but scan her from top to bottom, admiring her outfit before smiling brightly. This girl was so cute, yet beautiful at the same time.

"That's the first time anyone said that to me," she nearly squealed. "This is just a school uniform though. Everyone wears one at the school I used to go to. My outfit is great and all, but yours is so stylish! It makes me want to hug you!" Jessie nearly squealed. "I'm Jessie. Nice to meet you, Vaiya. I actually visited Fairy Tail about a year ago. Fun place." She smiled, remembering that one hot dude with the long purple hair. She wondered what ever happened to him. When she thought about what she was actually doing here, her smile faded into a strained one.

"I'm actually pretty nervous. All these big shot guild members are here. I'm not even from a mage guild... But that's alright. Whatever,"
she finished with a smile, fine with brushing off her worries until a later date... or never. "Neh, neh. You look around my age, plus we're like the same height. Wanna go eat somewhere sometime? After that, we could go shopping. Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, this is the first time I've ever talked to a girl as cute as you. Kyaa!" The teenage girl cupped her face and started to squeal. Jessie started to get carried away with the notion that she had just made a potential friend and Vaiya's cuteness, which made her want to squeeze the cute girl in a tight hug.

Alyssa Gardner

“So, any of you have any idea WHY we’re here?”

Frowning at the annoying voice she heard after just setting foot inside the stupid Blue Pegasus Guild Hall, Alyssa sent the younger girl a withering glare, not that she'd probably see it. Almost as soon as they'd set foot into town, Poison Breath had found some other dragons and then got in a fight. And some people say she has issues. She rolled her eyes. She did not want to be here. When Poison Breath and Dirt Boy got to together, she tended to get a raging headache.

"Maybe if you wait until everyone shows up, we might find out,"
Alyssa replied, half muttering under her breath, half shouting at the other girl, not paying any attention to the man that had approached the other girl and boy beside her. She shook her head, eyes narrowed as she searched for Ryos. While the girl annoyed her, she did agree with her questions. She did want to know why all the guild mages were summoned. Summoned to Blue Pegasus at that.

She withheld a snort, finally having found her target. Starting proudly towards the idiot she called a guildmate, she was almost startled to see Misty as well. When had he gotten there so fast?

Alyssa growled low in her throat for a moment before breaking it off into a loud huff. "Oi, Poison Breath. Already getting into fights?" she asked, sending a withering glance to Dusty. Turning towards Jacob, she gave him a somewhat polite nod. "Misty."

@Sergeant Sass @BLUR @Refaulted
Drake Silver and Millie Thorrin

Collaboration With:


Millie’s face was covered in frosting as she took another giant bite out of her donut, stuffing her face to maximum capacity which actually made it quite hard for her to chew. And in between all of it, she still managed to mumble, “This is delicious!”

Drake couldn’t believe it….it wasn’t even noon, and here he was in this town for some meeting, eating a donut. For him things went by like a blur, he was in bed...then this happy blur came in his apartment and woke him. Now of course he remembered the main goal of coming to this town, but he had no clue how he and Millie got separated from the other Raven Tail mages… Well he had a donut for breakfast so he won’t be complaining for now.

Looking at Millie as he held her free hand so she wouldn't wander off in this bustling city he snickered a bit. “Yeah, well having a donut for breakfast makes it taste a million times better than having it any other time of the day.” He said as he took one last bite of his donut. Once he did this he still had a quarter left but holding it up he allowed Penance and Ixie to eat the last of it as he couldn't remember if he feed them or not…. What? He’s not a morning person in the slightest!

Millie just smiled at him as she shoved the rest of her breakfast into her mouth, smearing even more frosting on her cheeks in the process. After she finished chewing and swallowing - which was actually quite a task in and of itself - she began swinging her hand back and forth, dragging Drake’s along with it while the two of them continued walking, hoping to end up at the right place this time. Sure, Millie wouldn’t have turned down another donut, but she was curious too.

However, as soon as the Blue Pegasus guild hall was in front of them, Millie froze. She froze, dropped Drake’s hand and stared at it. She saw the broken door and she saw how many people there were inside and Millie was terrified. That much was evident in the expression on her face. “So many people…” she muttered softly. “What if they don’t like me?” Her hand instinctively flew to the ever so evident scar on her neck. She didn’t want to deal with questions… not now, not ever.

Drake didn’t mind a bit as Millie walked with him swinging his arm around despite how much that seemed to clash with his gothish looks. Now that he was actually awake (thank you sugar) he lead the two of them in the right direction instead of aimlessly wandering around.

Once they approached the guild hall he let out a sigh. ‘Don’t start fights… Don’t start fights.’ He repeated in his head remembering what his motherly spirit Columbia had told him numerous times. He had zoned out for a moment as he focused on these words, however he was brought back into reality when Mille’s grip loosened in his hand. Stopping his tracks he looked at the young girl with a raised brow as he listened to her words. Letting out a small sigh and smirking he let go of her hand and walked in front of her before kneeling on one knee. “Hey Millie, it’s you we are talking about. If they don’t like you….well there’s a good chance there’s something wrong with them.” He said in a joking tone. Though he noticed her hand movements to her scar, something he keeps forgetting about.

“Oh… That’s what you are worried about.” He said as he thought about what to do. “It would be annoying if you were bombarded with questions about that…” He placed his hand on his chin remaining on one knee as he thought, soon his eyes wandered and he saw a store not to far away from them, and he got a small idea when he saw what it was selling. Turning his blue eyes back to her he smiled softly at her (something you would never see him do in front of strangers...honestly he rarely did this in front of other Raven Tail mages). “Millie… Do you want a scarf? I think that store over there is selling a few scarfs that would be perfect for you. Wanna see?” He offered.

“A scarf?” Millie repeated at first, not quite understanding. However, her eyes soon followed Drakes before they widened at the brilliance of his idea. Turning her gaze back to Drake, Millie grabbed his hand and started jumping up and down with it as she exclaimed, “Oh yes please!” over and over again. She stopped after a moment and asked more softly, “Do you think they have a pink one?” She sounded very hopeful.

Drake chuckled at Millie’s excitement for the simple piece of cloth he had offered. Giving her a nod he stood up holding the girl’s hand. “Please, if they didn’t have a pink scarf then that store doesn’t have a right to be selling scarfs.” He said before he started to walk over to the store. “If you see a scarf you like just tell me. I don’t think there’s too much of a rush seeing as I believe a lot more people are suppose to be coming.” He said in a nonchalant voice as he strolled along.

Soon he came to a stop in front of the clothing store that was selling the fashionable clothes that Drake had spotted earlier. “Well go ahead. I’ll wait here, just call me when you have one you like.” He said as he let go of her hand.

Millie found one almost immediately. It was a light pink that almost looked sweet like candy, bright yet barely pastel. It was ever so slightly shiny and had the slightest hint of sparkle although it wasn’t overwhelming - not nearly. Millie loved it the moment she saw it and she pulled it off the hook to bring it back to Drake. “I like this one!” she held the scarf up to him excitedly.

Drake looked at the scarf and checking the price tag nodded. “If that’s the one you want.” He said as he took the scarf to the lady at the register. Taking out the right amount of jewel for the purchase he bought the scarf. After doing this he took off the tag and then draped it around Mille’s neck. “I think it suits you very well. If you want you can go look in the mirror… Or if you are ready now we can head to the guild.” he said calmly not minding either option.

Millie nodded her head and said, “We can go now! I’m ready!” She wrapped her new scarf around her neck before she put on her coat as they headed back outside. “I’m gonna get to meet new people Drake!” All of a sudden, Millie was excited. All of a sudden, all of her nervousness was gone. She didn’t quite take off running; she knew that had gotten her into trouble in the past. However, she did grab Drake’s hand and drag him behind her as she started to skip.

It was a very odd contrast to say in the least. Drake dressed in dark blue and having a more or less solemn or blank look was being dragged by a child who looked like she could never frown and was decked in bright and uplifting colors. Really the contrast was almost a bit on the comical side if one thought about it. Drake didn’t care about that however and just followed Millie as they went to the guild hall.

Once they approached it he let out a sigh and still holding Millie’s hand started to head inside it. “Millie these people may be our allies, but please don’t leave the guild hall without telling me or one of the other Ravens.” he said not wanting something to happen to her like in a previous quest. When the two entered the huge guild Drake looked around and scratched his head a bit his eyes looking for a place to sit while he waited for the rest of the mages to come for this meeting.
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Melina Brelindes & Caleb Augustus Malachi

Fairy-Tail’s Newest Member & The Guildless Wonder

Collaboration by Mad Prince of Sanity and AllHailDago


Melina smiled at the bright, open air of Los Ichiyasco and stretched her arms up into the sky with abandon, causing her clothing to ride up a bit and reveal the barest flash of a toned stomach to the sunlight. Before she cast a sidelong glance to her colleague with only a hint of exasperation showing on her face. Despite the other’s rather more...noticeable height, with his obvious youthful features, some of which were obscured by a ridiculous and obviously-fake glasses/moustache combo that looked like he had picked it up for a couple jewel at a party store, he was obviously much younger than she was. After briefly narrowing her eyes at his idiotic apparel her attention then abruptly turned before them as they began to approach the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall, and Melina began to chew on her lip. “So…. I guess we’re here huh? Time to erm…. mingle...” A small, strained smile signalled the end of Melina’s speech to her comrade, while another glance towards the Guild Hall signalled her apprehension at walking in there.

Melina was a woman of average height, around 5’7 with long strawberry-blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. Her eyes, however, were a dull silver and she was slightly pale. Her figure was rather sleek though, and she was rather well-endowed for a woman her size. Currently she was dressed in a hoodie that was split red and green down the middle on either side of the zipper and also sported a pair of running pants, with a sash tied fashionably around her waist, serving entirely no function whatsoever, it was entirely for form.

Caleb was more pleased by the fact he towered over his compatriot than he would ever openly admit. However he was more pleased that his fake glasses/moustache combination fit so well over his real glasses. It was a good thing because he really couldn’t have sacrificed sight for even such quality humor. He stumbled for a second over his own feet, still not quite used to being this dang tall. When he righted himself he had to straighten his glasses back in place. He turned to Melina and nodded cheerily. “We sure are. I haveta admit I’m quite excited to meet all the mages from across the country. You hear a lot about the exploits of the crazy guilds here back in Bosco.”

It had been one of the reasons he had come here to Fiore while he was on the run for how long he was. The guilds were famous far and wide. He had hoped to find a strong guild and a mentor for his magic. But mostly he wanted to find someone who could help him find his sister. However… well how things were currently going had him less than super pleased. Ambient arcs of electricity sparked off his messy, brown hair, a blatant sign of his charged emotions. He never was too difficult to read for anyone who knew even a bare minimum about him. “So, anybody you know going to be there?”

Melina stared at her travelling companion for a moment before noticing a rather dark fellow, who actually seemed rather happy, being drug along by a skipping little girl. This made Melina smile a little as she chuckled, turning her attention fully to the Guild Hall “Well, maybe. I don’t know many people though.” Once they reached the doorway to the Guild Hall Melina stopped in her tracks and turned back to Caleb, shoving her hands into the front pockets of her hoodie and nodding “Well it um, it’s been fun. Try to have fun among the crowd alright?” She flashed a smile, even giving Caleb a friendly pat on the arm, before blinking at a girl who seemed rather… ‘rude’. Making Melina inch closer to Caleb a bit. “On… second thought, given present company I’m just gonna stick with you.”

Caleb blinked a couple times in confusion. An amusing sight through not one, but two pairs of glasses, and fake bushy eyebrows. He had to admit he was relieved to have Melina sticking around near him. She seemed like she was much more ready and able to do what they were going to. Whereas Caleb really wasn’t sure about it at all. Plus he couldn’t be sure he would be able to keep his cool surrounded by so many awesome mages if he was by himself. However his thoughts were quickly distracted by a host of really….. attractive girls. He looked around with what he wanted to call a suave look, but in the back of his mind he knew he looked like a big doof. And being so tall there was no way people didn’t notice him. “Alright that’s fine.”, he said only half paying attention to Melina.

Melina suddenly became VERY aware of the fact she had all but been dropped into deep end of the pool by herself, so to speak, by way of Caleb’s half-there reaction to her speaking to him. With eyes darting around Melina suddenly spied two girls talking,both of which were attractive, and narrowed her eyes at Caleb when he wasn’t looking, before slowly shuffling her way over to them, one of them erupting in a flurry of words and squeals before Melina could even get too close. This made the girl wince a bit, before clearing her throat and giving her bests mile, waving meekly by raising one hand briefly from it’s hoodie-pocket-fortress to dance in the air between herself and the conversation taking place between Jessie and Vaiya. “Hi there, I um.. I’m Melina. Nice to meet you.”

@DreamBeat @Lexielai
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Toketsu Iscariot/Fairy Tail

"Now I know I've been down this way before... Where is this place supposed to be?"
Toketsu muttered to himself as he walked down the same street for what must have been the fourth time. Despite his usual good sense of direction, he was utterly perplexed by the almost unnatural layout the city seemed to be in. It was very different from the area around Fairy Tail, or even his home village. Toketsu sighed, and took a moment to rest his feet, sitting down on a nearby bench. It was then that he was actually able to appreciate how beautiful the city was, now that he wasn't so focused on finding his way. It was a happy place, he thought. The sky was blue and cloudless, bright white stone and marble streets and buildings, and a natural peace that came from the running water that was everywhere in aqueducts and fountains. Watching the street, he saw families out enjoying life, and children running and playing with each other in the warm air. "This is why we fight," He thought, "So that people can enjoy life just like this."

While Toketsu wasn't apart of the last great conflict that had taken place, he did hear stories from his guildmates about what had taken place. A whole lot of destruction for reasons they still didn't quite understand. Toketsu couldn't help but wonder if maybe today's meeting would be about what took place then. Remembering his dilemma, Toketsu stood up again and decided to ask yet another person for directions to the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. And thankfully this time an elderly gentleman was able to give him a clear and concise route.

The guild hall was... uh...
"What happened to the door?" Toketsu questioned out loud, not to anyone in particular. He stepped inside, being careful not to further disturb the debris. Walking into the main room, he saw that the atmosphere was a little tense. Nerves were getting stretched thin, and Toketsu had enough sense not to get involved in some of the more... rambunctious groups. He took a seat in a chair near the wall, and just tried to quiet himself and his mind. There was no need to let himself get riled up as well.
Ein Silverhand

February 7, x988

Ein was just sitting in the corner, quietly. He isolated himself from the crowd, pretty much keeping to himself. It was uncharacteristic of him He figured that it was a rare occasion to have this many mages from different guilds gathered together. The only time there are this many mages is during the Grand Magic Games.

This, however, seemed urgent. For something that would require the attendance of basically the entire mage collective of Fiore, it must be something big.

Ein was more concerned about observing the mages in attendance. While some were familiar to him, some were relatively new to the scene.

A thought suddenly caught Ein's attention. Would there be other members from his guild, or will he be the lone wolf again? It'd be nice to see someone that he actually works closely with, not that the mages back at base are close-knit. Still, that would probably reassure him that there's someone he could count on if this happened to be as big as it was playing out to be. It was lonely. But that was something he had to live with for being technically a fugitive.

Ein continued to sit quietly in his corner, his eyes wandering from one side to the other. He was looking for note-worthy people among this crowd. Well, guild masters are a given. It also seems that the guild aces were also around. This looked like it was going to be lively pretty soon.
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Elizabeth “Libby” Tuck

It was unclear exactly how Libby had managed to make it to the Blue Pegasus guild hall as there didn’t seem to be anyone who showed up at the exact same time she did. However, it was likely that she came with someone who had gone off to do something in town before showing up themselves, or she followed someone who was already there. Regardless of how she got there, though, her charge into the guild hall was certainly one of interest.

“ALLLYYYYYYSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!” Libby yelled out her guildmate’s name so loudly that it was highly unlikely that there was anyone who didn’t hear her whether they were inside the guildhall or waiting outside of its confines. No doubt her scream was a signal to the target of her sprinting charge.

None of Libby’s momentum stopped as she charged; it wasn’t until the moment that she quite literally ran into Alyssa Gardner that Libby came to a shattering halt. The child’s body crashed into the green haired girl, as her arms wrapped around her before she looked up and smiled, proclaiming, “I didn’t run through you this time!” She seemed very excited by that simple fact although she had much more to say than just that.

“Why did you leave without us?” she asked. There was a hint of disappointment in her voice although none of it actually showed in her face. One interesting thing that came up was her reference to “us”. It further made it unclear who she had come with as no one appeared to walk in with her; there were quite a few possibilities. There was Sarafina and Jamke and of course one could not forget the dynamic duo of Fermata and Aedon. No one could tell who, though, as none of them had arrived just yet.

Calming down ever so slightly, Libby took in the sight in front of her, waving ecstatically to Ryos before her eyes fell on Jacob. “Who is he?” she asked. “And why is he dressed so fancy? We weren’t supposed to dress fancy for this, were we, Alyssa?”

@Arkytior @Refaulted @BLUR
Heather Lillian

Although she wasn’t as quick to get down to greet people as some of her other guildmates had been, Heather was also dressed presentably - as was deemed fit for a member of Blue Pegasus - and she also had intention of making sure everyone felt welcome within the hall that was her home. Smiling at everyone who glanced at her, she gave a nod to Jacob and Dusty as she walked past them, shaking her head slightly at Dusty’s antics although she new better than to expect anything less.

She had tried learn the names of all the important people who would be there, feeling that it would be best for her to fulfill her role as a hostess. As such, she recognized the guildmaster, A’den Kandosii as she walked past him and said, “Welcome to Blue Pegasus, Master Kandosii!” It was merely a statement of politeness and she didn’t intend to converse further, which showed as she walked by.

Her feet continued to carry her to Toketsu, and while he was a person she didn’t recognize, she saw he seemed slightly uncomfortable with the situations going on. After hearing his question, Heather chuckled. “You must not have been in a guild for very long,” she remarked. “This isn’t entirely uncommon here and I don’t imagine it’s uncommon anywhere else either.”

Shrugging, she glanced over to the door, wondering if she should clean up the debris although she quickly realized she had forgotten her manners. Her attention returned to Toketsu as she held out her hand saying, “I’m Heather, Blue Pegasus mage. Welcome!”

@Lexielai @Lysander99
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Lynn Aquari

Lynn walked through Los Ichiyasco, taking in the sights as she headed toward the Blue Pegasus Guildhall. She had mixed feelings about meeting at the fashionable guild. She was wearing sandals, comfy khaki shorts, a white button up shirt, and visible underneath her shirt was the dark blue shape of the one piece swimsuit she was currently wearing. "If one of the men brings up my fashion sense...," she thought to herself. She didn't care if they thought she wasn't stylish; it was the attention focused on her looks that she hated.

Lynn arrived at the guildhall and walked through the hole in the door. She noticed all of the other mages and noted how crowded things were. It looked like she was on time since the group hadn't moved to a singular location, if that was the plan for giving out information. Watching what was going on, she noticed Heather walking around. Lynn heard her introduce herself as a Blue Pegasus mage, but due to the way she presented herself Lynn could've guessed that.

"Excuse me," Lynn said as she made her way over to Heather. "Is there somewhere we're all supposed to gather? The guild's library or conference room perhaps?"

@sassy storm dragon.

Sarafina the Exceed

Sarafina flew at her own leisurely pace trough the streets of Los Ichiyasco. Looking at the beautiful architecture, Sarafina whistled her approval. "The city sure is pretty here, don't you think Libby?" The Exceed turned her head to look at her comrade but she wasn't there. Sarafina let out a surprised "Gaaaahhh!" after her brain registered the empty space where Libby would of been, should of been. She started to panic. "Libby?! Where are you Libby?!"

Sarafina sniffed the air and followed Libby's scent to the Blue Pegasus Guildhall. She sighed relieved as she witnessed Libby in the middle of a bear hug with Alysa. Sarafina flew over to Libby. "I thought I lost you. Don't run off withou...," Sarafina started to say, scolding Libby, before getting distracted by Ryos' dragon scent. Except this time there were also a few more dragon-like scents. She had never smelled this many Dragonslayers in one building before. Not that she knew very many Dragonslayers to begin with. Sarafina's eyes began to sparkle as she started to get distracted by all of the Dragonslayers that accepted this mission from the Magic Council.

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Russel Lefton

Russel was dressed in a shiny gold coat that he left open over a white t-shirt. He matched it with jeans and his clean white shoes whose wings flapped consistently as he jumped over the railing in the guild hall. At first, it looked like he meant to imitate Dusty although rather than landing on the ground, Russel’s shoes started carrying him as he flew over everyone before proceeding to do a somersault in mid-air.

“Weeeeeeeee!” he exclaimed rather loudly and proudly. He was starting to try and learn more and more complex acrobatics although even he knew that there were things that didn’t work. That didn’t stop him from trying to do them.

And in his attempt, something went wrong. Although no one would quite understand why front flips worked and backflips didn’t, the simple fact of it became obvious as soon as he tried it. Russel’s shoes failed to keep him in the air and thus, halfway through his flip, Russel fell out of the air before landing on his head, scrunching his neck in. It looked extremely painful.

It looked that way. However, Russel rolled over, grabbed onto his neck slightly - as though it were in pain - and yelped, “Owww!” even though he didn’t appear to be in any pain at all. “Well, no more flying, I guess.” He looked at the ground and then at the people who were in the guild hall realizing that it was actually rather surprising he didn’t land on anyone. That would've been messy.

As he was looking around, Russel recognized a few people. There was no logic to who he picked out of the faces he knew; there was no method to his madness. However, that does not mean that a person wasn’t picked and as soon as Russel decided what to say, he walked up leisurely - trying to look cool - with his hands in his pockets. “I remember you! You were at the play, and then you had to leave for… I don’t remember what. How’d that go?” Anyone watching would see who he was talking to and the person in question was Tommy O’Shay.

@Red Thunder
Bailey O'Hara

Bailey walked into the Blue Pegasus guild hall with his jaw wide open. He had never been around so many people, and it was rather nerve racking. The moment he saw the door collapsed in front of him he knew he was in the right place, and he strolled right in. Bailey wore his normal blue coat with one sleeve, along with his black undershirt and gray pants. On his pants were black combat boots and around his neck was his mother's necklace, which he kept close by always.

'hmmm...I'm sure Marcella and Asher are here. They came before me. Maybe I can meet someone new...'

And with that, Bailey began to wander through the crowd of amazing wizards, and awed at the beauty of the Blue Pegasus guild hall. It was more than he could take in at once. He stared and gawker and awed at every single facet of the hall, until he walked directly into Heather Lillian and Lynn Aquari. The two beautiful women turned to face him, and he nearly had a nosebleed.

He'd seen girls before, he considered his sister Lisa somewhat pretty, but he never thought of her as
beautiful. He had no idea what to say or do, so he just tried to act cool.

"Oh, uhm...hi, ladies. are you? There's... A lot of mages around here, huh?"

He was so nervous he started sweating a bit...which turned into a lot. He then sort of leaned against a nearby pillar, which he then slipped off of and fell onto the floor. He quickly got back up, and tried to look cool once more, although he didn't quite succeed.

@shadowdude505 @sassy storm dragon @Sergeant Sass
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Ryannan “Ryan” Costice

From what she could see as she walked into the guild hall, she was the first one of her guild to arrive; that didn’t count her own guildmaster, of course. She had expected him to be there already, assuming that it kind of came along with his job description although she may have been wrong in that assumption. Ryan had the hood of her hoodie up over her head, more out of comfort than any desire to hide her appearance although that fact may have drawn a slight amount of attention to her regardless of her intention behind it.

Scarlet eyes scanned the scene at the Blue Pegasus guild hall, taking in the sight of every person who was present as though seeing them would tell her everything there was to know about them. Of course, that wasn’t the truth of it, but Ryan liked to try and remember faces. In a situation where this many people were involved, it was good to know who your allies were and who your enemies were.

She assumed some of the people gathered in the middle were friends; there was no other reason why the chaos there would be as active as it was. Although, they could have been guildmates as well; that was always a viable option. Not knowing anyone really put her as a disadvantage, she felt.

However, as her eyes scanned the crowd, she noted another who seemed to be merely taking on the position of an observer although there was a difference in his eyes that didn’t quite match what she felt in her own gaze. Curiosity peaked and Ryannan walked over to the mysterious man although before she said anything, she turned to look at the scene as he saw it. She saw it and it made her laugh.

“Oh wow…” she remarked, not to anyone in particular. Leaning against the wall, Ryannan pulled out a drawing pad and started sketching the odd sight that had caught her eye - a man with the glasses and mustache that you bought from a bad disguise store. For a moment, she completely forgot that she had been intending to talk to someone.

Her senses quickly came back to her though as she noticed the man again out of the corner of her eye. Slamming her sketchbook shut almost immediately, Ryannan tucked it under her arm and turned to face him. “Sorry about that… I meant to say hi right away and then, well, the glasses and the mustache were too amusing to ignore,” Ryannan sort of babbled a bit before she composed herself.

“Anyway, I’m Ryan. I’m a bit new to everyone here and I thought you either looked like you knew what was going on or you were just as lost as I was. Either way, I figured I’d say hi.” Again, she wasn’t the most perfect with her words, repeating things that didn’t need to be repeated. Her eyes turned back to the crowd for a moment. “So… you wouldn’t happen to know who people are, would you? I’ve heard names before, but I don’t exactly have faces to go with all these mysterious titles.”

Interacted With: @Red

Mentioned: @AllHailDago
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The uproar from below as Fiore's mages arrived rose through the floorboards quite clearly, reaching Alicia Spearheart's ears while she was sat at her desk. Her bedroom was by no means large -she was only entitled to an A-class room, after all- but it was comfortable; dominated by a bed, a cupboard, and the antique desk which jostled across the floor for space. Alicia's lip curled as the voices from below started to coalesce into people she knew, and for a moment she tipped back on her chair to idly roll her fountain pen between her fingers, just listening. The chair scraped over the bare floorboards as she pushed it back, setting the fountain-pen back in its holder and closing the notebook with a snap. She crossed to the cupboard, opening the door and wincing slightly as she heard a crash down below.

Dusty, she thought. Vaulting the banister again. Always so loud...

Alicia flicked through the clothes which hung from their hangers, deliberating for a moment. Then she snagged a red, double-breasted trenchcoat and shrugged it over the turtleneck-and-jeans combo which Master Greg hated so much.

Not my fault that I don't buy into the the Blue Pegasus fashion thing.

Alicia caught a glance of herself in the mirror, and paused to look closer. She looked different. It was undoubtedly her face that looked back in the reflection, but somehow it just seemed strange. More sincere, perhaps, but strange. The previous night she'd washed the pink dye from her hair, allowing her normal auburn color to show for the first time since she arrived at the guild. Alicia now wore it short, too. She thought that it made her look more professional. She dropped a Christmas hat from the Blue Pegasus party on her head at a quirky angle, and gave the mirror a look.


Smirking, Alicia tossed the hat back into the cupboard and closed the door with a snap.

Time for business. She thought, running her eyes briefly back over her bedroom before stepping out onto the corridor and locking the door behind her. As she walked her coat flapped at her knees, and she drew more than just warmth from it. Like her hair, she hadn't worn this since she arrived at the guild. It felt good to have it around her shoulders again. As she stepped out onto the landing she ran her eyes over the gather crowd. Plenty of faces she knew, a few that she didn't. As she reached the foot of the stairs she punches Dusty gently on the arm.

"Don't make too much of a mess, now." Alicia then gave Jacob a wry look, jerking her head in Dusty's direction. "Keep him out of trouble for me? Don't want to bring the house down too early."

She stepped away from the gaggle, neatly sidestepping a passing man before throwing a glance over her shoulder.

"I'm going to double-check the protective enchantments." She called back to them. "I'll be outside if anyone needs me."

Alicia weaved through the growing crowd, humming a tune under her breath. She nodded to a few friendly faces. As she broke free from the crowd she passed a man sat alone, looking pensive.

"Ein." She nodded to him. Alicia didn't know the mage well, but their brief time working together on the back-up team defending Kandosii Mansion reassured her that he was a good sort, and handy in a fight.

Alicia didn't break her pace however, not until she'd passed through what remained of the doorway to stand outside in the fresh air. For a moment she paused to enjoy the sunshine on her face, before stretching out her hand to work magic. When her palm touched the empty air a lattice of purple runes shimmered into being, rising up and around to surround the guildhall. She'd had the enchantments running since early that morning; earlier than any of her guild-mates had even been awake. Still, it was worth checking that they were as they should be.

Alicia dropped her hand, and the enchantments faded into nothingness again. She thrust her hand into her pockets and looked up at the sun, then down the street. Los Ichiyasco seemed as calm as ever, although the thrumming rhythm of the city's people and vehicles were somewhat muted, before being drowned out entirely by the ruckus emanating from inside the guild. Alicia sighed.

Can't be long until the meeting begins...



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Olive Kittana

Olive felt something nudge her skin before she heard the words and by the time she heard the words it was already too late for her to say stop. Her magic had already kicked in, working in overdrive to accommodate the rapid influx of people in such a manner that truly made Olive hate her own magic even more.

Even as Adrianne had walked towards her, Olive knew she was a seer; it was heavy on Adrianne’s mind and that made it readily available information to Olive regardless of whether she wanted it or not. That’s what made the gentle nudge even more terrifying. The Mind’s Eye collided with The Future’s Eye and although Olive couldn’t quite say what effect it would have on Adrianne, Olive’s mind surged into a sea of visions, a sea of memories, a sea of things that may not even have been real to begin with although the line of time said it would be eventually. And eventually was entirely relative. Past, present and future blurred to such a degree where there wasn’t even a distinction between what “is” and what “isn’t”.

All the thoughts in the room faded out of reality and for a moment, Olive’s mind was relatively calm although her eyes flashed and flickered to every corner of the room as she tried to ground herself in reality. It was only then that she really saw Adrianne standing in front of her and saw the physical contact that had established the chaotic connection in the first place.

Scrunching up her entire body, which was hard to do seeing as she was sitting against a wall, Olive yanked her arm away from Adrianne, severing the connection and for a single moment, her mind’s eye was silenced. Breathing, Olive’s mind ran lividly from one place to another.

One thing you can see: the entry staircase.

One thing you can hear: laughter.

One thing you can smell: perfume.

One thing you can feel: the silk of my gloves.

One thing you can taste: metallic… blood?

In her panic and in her lack of understanding in regards to what had just happened, Olive had bitten the inside of her cheek and blood poured in, reddening her saliva. Thus, when she reached up to rub her arm across her lip, it stained scarlet. And only after that small gesture that she had returned to sanity did she actually look up at Adrianne.

“Please… don’t touch me again…” she was actually terrified of what would happen if they connected again, especially given that the reaction had been so strong the first time - or at least, it was for Olive.

Slowly, Olive brought herself back to her feet as the overwhelming presence of thoughts didn’t seem nearly as bad when compared with what had just happened. “I think I’ll be alright,” she finally replied to the question at hand, indicating that she had indeed heard it in the first place. “Anyway, I think you already know my name and I believe yours is Adrianne?” She didn’t like pulling things out of people’s heads, but there were times where it couldn’t be helped. That still didn’t mean she didn’t like to at least be polite about it.

@Red Thunder

Jessie's squealing died down when she heard a noise that sounded like an attention-seeking cough, her hands still cupping her hands. She turned her attention from the cute Vaiya to a hot woman with similar hair color and interesting eyes. She was taller than both herself and Vaiya, she had a slim figure, and Jessie's experienced eyes told her that this woman was also very fit. Her outfit was very casual, but very fashionable. It was completely different from the pretty clothing on Vaiya, yet it suit her very well. Then, she noticed that she was staring, a habit that got her slapped by both women and men more than a few times.

"Ah, I'm Jessie! And this is Vaiya," she said enthusiastically, pointing to herself and then to Vaiya, introducing Vaiya without hesitation. "Your outfits looks pretty awesome! Neh, how old are you? You look really pretty. Ah~ I wish you girls would tell me where to get those fashionable outfits. I've been stuck in school uniform since I left home." Jessie crossed her arms and pouted.

@Mad Prince of Sanity @Lexielai
Marcella Novine

Who the fuck are you? That’s what was running through Marcella’s head at the sight of the “cowboy” if you could even call him that. And could you be any more vague? His answer really hadn’t been anywhere near close to what she was hoping for and beyond that, she didn’t want to talk to a cowboy right now.

“How’s my day?” she drawled. “Well, I got summoned to this huge meeting and I had to get Asher to get his stupid butt out of bed and then I had to put him on a train which is painful in and of itself and now it seems that they’re gonna make us wait to find out why they even brought us here in the first place when I’ve gone through all this effort to be here!” Marcella had to stop and breathe after her long rant. She almost made it seem as though she was annoyed to be there in the first place.

Having caught her breath, at least for the moment, Marcella continued, “And you’re asking me how my day is? I hope you don’t expect an answer because it really depends on whether or not all the effort to get here was worth it.” Although she didn’t say it, “worth it” to Marcella meant that she got to show off her strength and prove herself. That was the only purpose that had ever existed and that was the only purpose that would ever exist.

Hearing a comment from yet another individual, Marcella turned and shouted back, “Maybe I think the damn magic council ought to be a bit more explicit when they decide to summon EVERYONE! And besides, waiting on everyone’s gonna take a Goddamn eternity!!” Despite how angry she sounded, afterwards, Marcella smirked. She was actually enjoying herself.

@Lexielai @Arkytior

Donald 'Dusty' Houns

Monster of the Earth

Dusty turned and smiled at the boy who had spoken up. Dusty waved his hand in the air in Ryos's direction. "Eh, we go back a while. Kinda saved his life once, but that's all in the past."

Dusty remembered how damaged Ryos had been. He had been cut in multiple places, the only thing holding him together being his willpower, which Dusty had been amazed by. In order to keep him from bleeding out, the Earth Dragon Slayer had used one of his Slayer Arts, Breath of the Dragon. It had nearly drained him of all his magic, but Ryos had survived. It was the first time Dusty had needed to use that skill in a long time, and it ended not failing like he had originally thought it would. Which was, of course, a good thing.

Dusty felt a light tap on his arm, and looked over and down to see Alicia. He smiled widely. "
Me? Get in trouble? Alicia, you actually don't have any clue what I'm like really." He gestured to his attire, which consisted of a haphazardly put on tie wrapped through the collar of a black button-up dress shirt, with the top three buttons left apart, showing hardened pectorals underneath. The sleeves were rolled up past his elbows as well, so he had more freedom in such an uncomfortable thing. He was wearing bright blue jeans with a rip near the ankle of his right foot on the outside, and black dress shoes that seemed brand new. "And I cleaned up a bit. 'Course, Jacob made me..." He held his short out a bit, frowning. He then looked at Ryos and the newcomer blonde kid. "It doesn't look that bad, right? Honestly, if it looks that bad, I'm just gonna rip it off and go around in my jeans and barefoot." He scowled, pulling the tie so it was a little looser.

@Hellkite @BLUR @Hales

Jacob Arkonious Foles

Warden of the Fog

Jacob bowed to Alyssa as she made her appearance, smiling widely. No doubt she would have come along, though he could tell she wanted to be anywhere but in the Guild Hall he called home. As would be a customary greeting to a single individual, he reached forward and grabbed her hand very gently. Then, he bent down quickly and gently laid a kiss on the back of her hand. He then stood back up and let go of her hand.

"It's lovely to see you, Alyssa, as well as the rest of your Guildmates." He gestured submissively to the lobby of Blue Pegasus. "I apologize that the meeting was held somewhere so...grand, I guess is an alright term to use." He let his hand fall and folded it with his other behind his back, them resting gently on Zegysto, which was folded underneath his jacket so it could not be seen. He was silent for a moment, and then his posture dropped slightly, making him seem less uptight as he usually did. His smile become a little more casual as well. He looked around the Guild Hall for a moment, before focusing his red eyes back on the Celestial Scripter.

He opened his mouth as if to say something, when suddenly, he tensed up slightly, looking in surprise as Alyssa was tackled by a small girl with brown hair and eyes the same color. The small girl seemed just younger than a teenager, and he could tell from her boundless energy and excitement to see Alyssa, it had to be a member of Lamia Scale as well.

When she inquired about Jacob and commented on his apparel, he chuckled slightly. He waved lightly with his hand. "
No, no. You did not have to dress fancy for this. This just happens to be my general clothing." He bowed again, lowering himself a bit more for the girl. "My name is Jacob Foles, but you may call me Jacob, madam." He held his hand out, tilting his head to the side slightly. "May I ask for your name, miss?"

@Arkytior @DaughterofAthena
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JAMKE DAIN (Lamia Scale)

The glorious surroundings of Los Ichiyasco formed a visually stunning but ultimately frustrating barrier for anyone attempting to navigate. More accurately, those attempting to navigate with absolutely no sense of direction. He was in the middle of walking underneath a small bridge cutting above a small connecting street ("This wasn't in the directions...") when he considered grabbing the third person that day for directions. He blinked away the bright sun with a slightly sardonic smile, "It is a lovely city to be lost in. It's not like I'm running late to a meeting with almost every guild mage in Fiore." With that as his motivation, he was about to take another blind stab at finding the Blue Pegasus guild hall but the sight of purple light nearby. It didn't last long but it sent Jamke sprinting past the nearby streets before spotting a mansion in the distance. Pulling out a photograph from the small bag hanging off his waist, matching perfectly up with the sight before him. "Didn't take too long this time. Phew, Master Myla won't take my head off now at least."

Placing away the photo, he started walking towards the building. As he did so, he caught sight of the woman standing out front, taking a moment to nod to her politely in greeting. He didn't want to make a bad impression while he was here. There was too much of a chance to test himself and uncover so many new tales to write about. He didn't want to miss that opportunity though. He paused at the broken remnants of the wooden door, surprised that things had already gotten so excited. Despite himself, he grinned at the sight while shaking his head. "I suppose a slow start wouldn't be as fun."

Glancing at the woman still standing outside, he figured it couldn't hurt to check what he'd missed. "Excuse me, Miss, my name's Jamke. I'm not late for the meeting, am I?" His youthful features were slightly restrained but not guarded. Glancing down at his white t-shirt, scarf and black track pants, he suddenly felt rather underdressed for the meeting. The Santa hat was unexpected as well but fashion wasn't really his thing, so Jamke assumed the young woman was just following some new trend that he'd missed. Blue Pegasus did have a reputation for an overwhelmingly high dress standard that Jamke had little interest in matching, save for not offending the hosts. That small issue aside, the general size of the growing crowd was also kind of off-putting. While he wasn't usually one to freak out (save for when he needed to find one particular person it had turned out), he had trouble relaxing in the middle of huge gatherings. Not that he would ever admit that he was hesitating to come inside for such a petty reason. He could just about make out Ryos and Alyssa inside, so he wasn't too worried about knowing no one. "Miss Alyssa and Ryos aren't exactly the most relaxing company... especially with such little distance between them," he thought with a small bit of amusement despite his huge respect for the pair. "Relaxing isn't really what an S-Class mage should be though. Not to me anyway."

Spoken to: @Hellkite

Mentioned: @BLUR @Arkytior

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