Main Story [Kingslayer Arc]

Gurren Simon, Lynn Aquari, and Sarafina the Exceed

Gurren, Lynn, and Sarafina silently listened to what Olive had to say. Lynn looked thoughtful as she tried to connect the dots between Sora and her transformation into the Kingslayer. Something must have happened in her life to turn her into a killer, but going solely on speculation Lynn couldn't figure out what. Sarafina sat on the table as she tried to figure things out for herself as well, but quickly let out a sigh as she gave up on thinking. The Exceed was more of a doer than a thinker anyway. The other combat minded individual, Gurren, also looked deep in thought, but he was hung up over something else Olive had said.

"Hikari?" he asked. "I met a Hikari while on a job for the Magic Council. She helped us meet our contact. Could she be the same one associated with Kingslayer?" How common was the name Hikari anyway? The Hikari he met seemed so nice, it was hard for him to believe that she could be associated with a killer. Though due to Olive's previous statements it sounded like Sora wasn't always the Kingslayer.

Gurren, Lynn, and Sarafina continued to listen as Jason and Laura gave out info about the Kingslayer's associates. Crime Sorciere, Dark Wizards, and three other players. Things were shaping up to be conspiracy level stuff. "Do you have pictures of Wyatt Verlock, Caleb Malakai, and Cipher?" Lynn asked. "There's still a possibility that their part of the plan isn't over yet, unless you've learned otherwise."

Sarafina gnawed on the fish skeleton between her teeth as she prepared herself for more listening. "All this Kingslayer stuff is making my head hurt..." she complained. "Do we have a plan of attack?"

"And how does Fairy Tail fit into this?"

@DaughterofAthena @AllHailDago

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Ezekiel and Stacy
Collaboration post with @GoldenBlight

Stacy had been discharged from the hospital just in time to hop onto the ship before it pulled away, like hell she would be left behind after everything that happened! She wanted to go on this mission along with the other mages, it was thrilling and with out a doubt this was going to be her hardest quest since she joined her guild. Of course she wasn't in it just for the thrill... Her guildmates, not only had her guildmaster been hurt...but, some of her mates, were gone... She had gotten names after she had gotten on the ship and she was shocked to say the least! So many were was an utter shock to be honest.

She spent the ride in silence as she like many of her guildmates, as she mentally prepared herself and mourned her fallen comrades. When the ship started to approach the city however she had to get out of her seat to see out the window, this was the first time she ever been to the capital and she had to check out the bird eye view. Most of the windows were crowded however she soon found a spot where she could actually look through. In her attempt to get to it however she ended up stepping on another mage's foot. Seeing her mistake she lifted her foot off of his and turned to him. "I'm sorry mister, I'm trying to get to the window but I ended up stepping on you... I hope I didn't hurt ya." She said as she scratched the back of her head, a grin laced her face while a straw hung out of the side of her mouth.

She had an impressive amount of strength at times but the mage was lucky she didn't want to stop on his foot for real. For if she had, not even a damn roach would get back up after her attack. Looking at the man she blinked a bit when she saw the face mask, which looked rather charming...but how on earthland did he see with it covering his eyes???

Ezekiel had been swift and inconspicuous in boarding the Redfox. After receiving necessary medical attention at the hospital, which thankfully he did not require too much of, and upon allowing himself some lengthy rest in order of restoring his stamina to its fullest, the Silver Phoenix mage was fully determined to accompany the others on the mission to Crocus. It was for this reason he now found himself standing somewhere aside one of the ship's windows, on the third day of their flight and awaiting arrival. It had not been the most luxurious of travels, and while Ezekiel was far from complaining about such trivial things, he did long to return to the ground so that he might appreciate a place much less densely crowded... soon, hopefully.

It was in the idle observation of some other mages who peered eagerly through the windows beside him ("I wonder what it is to see the entire world from the air like this..."), that Ezekiel felt someone brush past him, and as an unfortunate consequence, felt considerable pressure upon his foot. His first reaction was a hasty pulse of sensory magic, to better comprehend what had just happened. He realised that it was a young woman, dressed in something of a rustic manner and lighthearted in expression, quick to withdraw her foot and apologize to him for her misstep. Ezekiel straightened his posture slightly, and shook his head to indicate that no harm had been done. If anything, the mage believed he should've been more mindful of her activity about him, however there was no point lingering. It was nothing to him.

"No need to apologize," he reassured calmly, bowing his head. A genuine smile captured his lips, to reiterate this. "Since it wasn't intentional of you. Will it help if I move?"

Stacy smiled and chewed the straw in her mouth a bit before shaking her head. "Thanks for the offer, but I can see from hear. Name's Stacy Xen Fairy Tail Mage." She held out a hand to shake a grin on her face. "What's your name stranger?"

Ezekiel considered and received the gesture warmly, extending his gloved right hand in response. The chains that dangled from his bronze gauntlet jingled lightly as he grasped her hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, Stacy," he greeted pleasantly; it was his first time meeting a Fairy Tail mage, and he was glad for the introduction. "Ezekiel Vatés, of Silver Phoenix. But you may call me Zeke, if you wish."

He withdrew his hand then, folding his arms behind his back, and seemingly glanced aside at the window, the porcelain plane of his mask glinting brightly.

"Excited for landing?"

Stacy found the man in front of her rather...odd, his out fit, the mask with no holes, it was an interesting thing to look at. However! Seeing as she is a mage from fairy tail she didn't say anything as she was used to the sights like this. Looking out the window she nodded and grinned while slipping her hands back into her pockets. "Yups! Never been to the capital before, should be fun!" She said in a cheery tone as the ground came into sight. When it did she raised a brow when she saw a lot of people there. "Sure is a big crowd out... Wonder what 'em want."

Ezekiel's smile broadened slightly upon hearing Stacy's enthusiastic response. Despite their being here on a rather serious business, it was good to keep a positive outlook and he found it admirable of her for doing so, especially in consideration of the dreary event that had occurred not long ago. Even if she did so unintentionally, keeping a bright face would definitely serve to raise some spirits, Ezekiel hoped.

"Neither have I," he admitted breezily, in regards to having visited Crocus before. "But I look forward to it too."

Stacy's second comment however, caused the man to become a little confused. He tipped his head a little, contemplative. "A crowd?" he confirmed; he doubted she was referring to the dense population aboard the airship. From the fact that she directed her attention beyond the window... she was likely talking about what was occurring on the ground. Unfortunately for the sensory mage, the range to his magic did not extend far enough so as to allow him to perceive the ground at this altitude, but he believed her for what she said to him.

"Perhaps they're gathered to greet us?" Ezekiel guessed, pushing away from the wall of the ship and facing her. They were anticipating landing now. "Although my intuition does tell me otherwise..."

When the ship did finally land Stacy got a better look at the crowd which had obvious looks of displeasure written on their faces. "Oh.... You got to be kidding." She mumbled as she shook her head. "You were right... Not here to greet us." Sighing she looked head and saw people were beginning to leave. Pushing her dirty blond locks behind her hair and adjusting her at she looked back at Zeke. "I think its time for us to get going." With that she waited a bit before walking to the exit with Zeke in tow.

Ezekiel was still a little lost on what was happening beyond the confines of the airship, although as the vehicle landed, the muffled roar of voices had become apparent over the dying whine of the engines. The words of the surrounding crowd were hard to distinguish, although the protestive nature of the shouting was obvious... From Stacy's reaction, Ezekiel guessed it could not be good, and kept this wary thought in mind as he followed her in leaving the ship...

Upon touching ground, Ezekiel was silent in consideration of what he was hearing. The people, they must be the citizens of Crocus... they didn't want for the mages to be here? The Silver Phoenix mage received their enraged shouts grimly, partially glad that the crowd was at a distance longer than he could clearly perceive, since he felt he'd have been disheartened.

"What a sad state for the people..." He murmured to himself, although Stacy would likely have picked up on his comment as well. It was not a pleasant thing to be subjected to, but it was necessary to brave Crocus' immediate hostility all the same. Their mission did take precedence right now.

Stacy looked at the crowd and just let her shoulder slump. "Dummies..." She mumbled to herself as she walked on done the platform and to the people that seemed like they were in charge. She mainly ignored the mob not wanting to get riled up by what they were shouting, it was stupid, like they wanted destruction and all of this! For god sakes she lost some guildmates just a few days ago.... 'Just ignore them....'

When the plan was given out Stacy nodded and looked up at Zeke. "Unless you are interested in Fairy Tail history... I think you are going to the café right?" She asked as her multicolor eyes laid on the male who covered his face. Soon a grin went on her face while her hands were in her pocket. "Not sure what's going to be happening, but whatever it is it can't be good..." she then pointed over at Drake who was still holding hands with Millie ready to go.

"You can obviously do your own thing, but that man over there.... He helped me from what others told me. So maybe it may be best to hang around him for the time being. After all it's better to have a partner, especially if you have to face monsters like the ones we saw at the guild hall. No offence sir, but rather safe than sorry." She said as she chewed on her straw before lowering her hand back into her pocket.

Ezekiel had tuned out the aggressive shouting of the citizens long enough to focus on the two individuals that were directing their group. From how it sounded, there was quite a bit of work to be done in investigating the Kingslayer's background. Enough that the mages would be split up to cover more ground, it seemed. Once their plan of action had been laid out, Zeke returned his attention to Stacy, who inquired as to where he'd go from here. Considering what she and Laura had said, it was likely more suitable for him to leave for Crimson Wave and see what he might discover there.

"Yes... I think I'll be going to the cafe," He openly decided, turning a little to face the Fairy Tail mage. He returned her smile, his a slightly reassuring kind, and 'looked' in the direction she'd pointed in to take note of the man she suggested he partner up with. Ezekiel did not recognize him, nor the girl he was with, but he realized Stacy was looking out for him and it was definitely reasonable that he pair up with someone in the meantime. Considering Ezekiel was not familiar with the fair majority of the mages, and he was unsure where Tommy may be at the moment, it was best to take her advice. If this man had saved her, he was likely reliable and would make good company.

"No offence taken... rather, I'm grateful. Thank you for that, Stacy, I'll approach him," he ducked his head in gratitude, and faced his companion a last time before they'd part. "I hope your investigation goes well... and that we meet again soon. Stay safe, yes?"

Stacy grinned as she tilted her at up revealing a bit more of her face. "Of course! Don't get yourself axed! Laters Zeke." With that she turned on her heel and ran off to join the other fairy tail mages.

Ezekiel uttered a light chuckle, amused by her blithe and frisky attitude. He raised a hand to wave her off, still smiling.

"See you later, Stacy."

The farm-girl had flitted off to join her guild-members, and Ezekiel hummed thoughtfully, turning in the direction that she'd earlier pointed out. Luckily the man he was supposed to be approaching had not strayed out of the sensory mage's range of perception, it would have been troublesome to find him otherwise. In hindsight, Zeke likely should have requested his name from her, so he knew exactly who he was addressing... He only hesitated a moment longer before wandering over to the cobalt-haired male, having very little prepared for him except a greeting and request. At the very least, Ezekiel's demeanor was polite and he hoped the other would be somewhat welcoming towards his company...

Nearing Drake, he raised a hand to lightly tap the man on the shoulder, garnering his attention before speaking.

"Excuse me," he started in a very even tone, the plane of his porcelain mask glinting behind the folds of his hood. "Sorry if I happen to bother you... but you are heading to The Crimson Wave, yes? Do you mind if I join you for some time?"

Ezekiel paused here, having made his request, and next regarded the young girl standing beside him; he wondered if she was his sibling, except she did not look like it, but ultimately decided they must be close considering the grip she had on his hand. Ezekiel turned his head to smile at her, nodding a friendly hello as he awaited his (or her) response.

Drake @Peaceswore Millie @Ivory Witch

(This was meant to be done before the plot post, but....sadly we are both master procrastinators and yeah...woop)

JAMKE DAIN (Lamia Scale)

Jamke smiled slightly in response to Rex as the boisterious man walked forward. "Quatro Cerberus... the Wild Dogs of the Magic World. So that's what they're like," Jamke mused, somewhat entertained by the high energy of the other wizard. For all that they'd been through, he had not been shaken in the slightest. Even the roar of the crowd wasn't bothering him as random objects were flung their way. Jamke kept his head as straight as possible during this time, trying intently not to react to the noise around him despite the increasing sense of claustrophobia. "Courage without anger. A pretty rare trait," Jamke marveled at Rex before seeing the watermelon impact across the back of the other man's head. Jamke's hands shot out to grip two of the unusually clean slices of watermelon, blinking in confusion at the even split. "His head must be rock solid," he pondered before sweatdropping at Rex's outburst. "Still, I suppose anyone would be angry if someone hit them with a random fruit. The crowd are quite brave if they're protesting here though. They seem to believe mages bring nothing but destruction yet are willing to throw random debris in the direction of the supposed walking disaster zones. I'm not too upset with the free gift though." While a small smile played at Jamke's lips, he glanced at the slices of fruit in each hand and extended one in Rex's direction, "Are you hungry? It would be a shame to let good food go to waste." Jamke's smile remained unshaken save for a twitch when an open water bottle exploded over his head. His silver hair collapsed straight over his face in a wet mess as he again extended his hand, water dripping along it as he did so, "Go on, Rex. It's a *sigh* nicely moist slice from what I can see."

As they entered the cafe, Jamke's eyes locked on to the prince and he felt his teeth clenching angrily. It was an almost instinctive reaction, almost every history and story of his childhood casting the Perengrande Empire as the villains of the piece. The flowing black hair and perfect kimono reeked of wealth and breeding, the spoils of their years of conquering so many nations for their royal bloodline. The realisation that one of the women accompanying them had taken to using control magic in the room disgusted him. The trail of magic around her words would normally have angered him but it was repressed by his subconscious loathing of the prince's nation. Having nothing to offer her in aid and seeing the prince caught up in flirtation with one of the mages there, Jamke sighed very lowly while water continued to drip from his hair. He glanced down at the gathering wet splotches on his shirt resignedly as he did so. The compulsion to do as Piper says what not one that he fought though, instinctively going to ask a quiet question about the surprise guest.

Jamke's eyes followed the rustic design until he found the serving counter at the far end. Walking towards the wooden structure, he found himself taking a route along the wall rather than straight past the demonstration by Piper. He wasn't sure if this was a result of her magic or his own preference for subtlety but the thought soon vanished within his head. There wasn't a point in wondering. He approached the counter and peeled strands of soaking hair from his eyes. He glanced at the worker behind the counter with a faint smile, "Can I borrow a towel, ma'am, please?" Having given a moment for the waitress behind the counter to respond, he glanced at the prince and tilted his head, "Why's someone that famous visiting? I would have thought the protests on the street would have dissuaded such a visit." His voice was calm and level, a genuine curiosity underlying his words that suggested the Prince's presence had been known ahead of time. "Why would the Prince of Perengrande be eating in a regular café like this while people from the street are still being allowed to wander in? Is the Prince simply certain of his safety or... no, he wouldn't be used as bait. So why is he here? I suppose a better question would be, who would know if this visit was planned ahead of time."

@BLUR @Hales @Ivory Witch
Marcella Novine and Asher Novine and Ryannan “Ryan” Costice

Collaboration With:


Marcella was probably more shocked by Yuura’s words than Asher himself was and that was clear from the expression on her face. “Uhm… Yuura, I think you might want to check your priorities a bit. The guild wouldn’t last five minutes with Asher as permanent guild master!” Marcella was even laughing at the idea of it as she spoke. “You know how you can’t stay at the guildhall for very long? Asher can’t even stay awake for that long!”

Asher glared at his little sister for a moment although he agreed with every single word she said. And that was his reasoning behind not wanting the position in the first place. In all honesty, Asher didn’t care about his guildmates. He cared about his sister and sure, he didn’t want to let any random people get hurt or anything like that, but as far as feeling obligated to protect all the members of a guild, that urge just didn’t exist for him. “It isn’t that I don’t believe I couldn’t do it,” Asher explained. “It’s more that I simply don’t have any interest in protecting or upholding the guild. It’s just a place to me. No one aside from my sister has ever went out of their way to make it home.” Asher hadn’t realized, though, that Yuura had already walked away - walked off with Alicia and Bailey.

Marcella chuckled. “Welp… looks like you’re stuck with the title!”

Asher shrugged. “Well, if the guild doesn’t exist any more after this, I guess no one can tell me I didn’t try,” he sighed. Without another word, Asher grabbed Marcella’s hand and led her to the coffeeshop that they had been told to go to. It felt very weird for him. Here he was, supposedly in charge of a guild and yet he was still following other people - he was still following the other guild mages. He wasn’t about to complain because he didn’t want to lead anyway.

Asher and Marcella arrived at the coffeeshop a bit later than the others and there was already one mage walking out when they arrived. “So… did we learn anything?” Asher asked, hoping they had learned everything they had to so that he didn’t have to do any work.

Ryannan shook her head bruskly. “Nope. No one in their knew diddly squat.” Ryannan did not sound too happy about it. “Either those two council ‘investigators’ just sent us here to get rid of us, or they didn’t even know what they were talking about when they said we might learn something here.”

Marcella rolled her eyes. “Ha! You hear that, Asher? We got abso-fucking-lutely nothing!” She seemed to find it funny. “What next, oh wise and powerful guildmaster?”

Asher glared at her again, but again he didn’t yell at her. He just rolled his eyes. “Well, do we have any leads?” His attention turned back to the mage who had walked out of the coffeeshop.

“The waitress suggested we go check out a bar down the road, but if she didn’t know anything then I don’t see how she would know of a good place to send us so I don’t think there’s really any stock to the suggestion, to be honest.” Ryannan shrugged at the two of them briefly before she looked back to see if any of the other mages intended to go to this new place. “I don’t have anywhere better to go though.”

“I guess we’ll follow then,” Asher sighed.

“Of course we will,” Marcella sneered. “It’s not like our Sabertooth guildmaster has any better ideas.”

Asher sighed again. She wasn’t going to let that go. “Why couldn’t Yuura have just taken the title?” he muttered as he pulled Marcella along. The two Sabertooth siblings followed Ryannan to the Jeweled Footstool. The three mages walked inside, curious as to what they would find.

@BLUR @Hellkite @Refaulted @Arkytior @Lexielai
Angel Litwick and Russel Lefton

Collaboration With:

@Ivory Witch

Angel’s expression shifted slightly the prince’s eyes became saddened a little. That had not been her intention. She had been going for either fear - which was certainly preferable - or more flirtation. Sure enough, she wanted him to take her threat seriously and it didn’t quite seem that he had. Listening, though, some of that might have been her own fault, she came to realize.

Meanwhile, Russel’s eyes were slowly widening as he sat next to them. Prince Pergrande’s words were slowly sinking in and slowly starting to make sense to him and he was entirely surprised at Angel. “Oh. My. Gosh! I am SOOOOO sorry, sir!!!” Russel instantly turned to apologizing the moment he realized that Angel had threatened him. The boy stood up and glared at the blonde although he really wasn’t good at glaring at all so it didn’t quite sit the way he wanted to.

“Oh… you’re so cute, Russel,” Angel hummed softly, her hand slowly going back to caressing along the back of Prince Pergrande’s hand that was still enclosed within hers. She glanced back at the prince with a bright smile on her face. It was the kind of smile that no one could really tell whether it was sincere or not. It very well could’ve been. “Isn’t he adorable?” That question was directed to the prince himself.

Russel threw his fists down, trying his best to show he was angry although it still wasn’t working very well. “Cute?! Adorable?!” He shook his head firmly. “No! You can’t just go around threatening princes! That’s… that’s… NO! That is not how we do things! That is not how I do things!” Russel was completely flabbergasted. “What am I even doing!? I don’t… I don’t even know you! You just say that you know me and I know you and that I know all these other people and you know what!? I think it’s a lie! I would never be friends with that murderer who destroyed my home! And I would never be friends with you!”

Russel Lefton stormed out of the restaurant. He made sure every one of his steps smashed into the ground and he made sure that his anger was obvious and known because he couldn’t show it any other way, so it seemed. He didn’t know where he was going and he didn’t really care. Maybe he would find one of his guildmates somewhere, but if not, he really didn’t mind.

Angel chuckled as she watched Russel storm out, waving her hand nonchalantly at the boy. “Such a sweetie…” she mumbled softly before turning her eyes back to Prince Pergrande. “Don’t worry about him. I’ll get him back later. He’s an easy one.”

Angel took a quick sip of her glass of wine, licking her lips casually afterwards to savor each drop of taste.

“Now then, you said your father was under threat, then?” Angel clarified as she brought the conversation back to the matter at hand. “Would you mind telling me where to find him then? If Sora’s going to go after him, then finding him would help me find her and the sooner I finish this business, the sooner I can devote more time getting to know you.” Because I don’t like seeing that sadness in your eyes…

@BLUR @Lexielai @Hellkite @Refaulted @Arkytior
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Libby Tuck

Libby sighed immensely and a little bit overly dramatically as she listened to Ryos tell her that despite asking all those questions and getting such a long response from their waitress, they had only created more questions and they still had no clues. She really didn’t feel like she was being a very good detective and it really seemed like Ryos needed some help because his investigation didn’t offer any clues.

The girl’s eyes glanced out the window, watching all the people walk by and not knowing who any of them were. Part of her missed home. She missed the guild hall where she always knew everyone’s name and where she always knew that she could run up and give a giant hug to anyone and everyone who walked through the doors. It wasn’t like here. Sure, Libby loved making new friends - she loved it to death, in fact - but there did come a point where there were simply too many new people. First there had been all the new mages from all the other guilds, then there had been those two magic council people and Libby was sure there would no doubt be more.

And somehow, odd as it was, Libby couldn’t help but feel like despite how massive their group of people was, she still needed to contribute. She needed to find a clue. And it was for that reason that her eyes were running rampantly through the restaurant, taking in all the people and any potentially odd thing she could think of.

Her eyes fell on a random woman - a brunette wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over her head. There really was nothing entirely odd about it but Libby found the hoodie over the head to be one of the odder things she had seen. It looked suspicious to her. Without saying anything to her guildmate sitting across from her in the booth, Libby started following the woman in the black hoodie, trying to be all sneaky like. The woman dropped something - Libby didn’t quite see or understand what it was, but she snatched it up and turned and ran back to Ryos and held it out to him. It was a broach.

“Is this a clue, Ryos?” Libby inquired. “Please let this be a clue!! We’ve got to find a clue! We’ve got to be good detectives!”

“Excuse me,” the woman who Libby had picked out as suspicious walked back over to them, lowering her hood to reveal that she was actually probably in her 40s. “I’d like that back now.” She held out her hand for the broach and Libby turned, frowning, as she gave it back to the woman who walked away with a huff.

Libby frowned as she looked back to Ryos. “I just wanted to find a clue…” she sighed. Libby slid back into her seat in the booth and unwrapped her silverware, spinning the fork in her hands before holding it up to Ryos. “This fork looks funny. Is this a clue, Ryos?” In all reality, there was nothing odd at all about the piece of silverware.


Donald 'Dusty' Houns, Jacob Arkonious Foles, and Daemon Tyrin

Dusty and Jacob stood near the entrance of the coffee shop, Dusty having his hands plunged into the pockets of his jacket and Jacob looking around the restaurant with a look of interest. It had been a few months since his last trip to Crocus, and he honestly did miss the capital on occasion. The hustle and bustle made it feel more normal than anywhere else, and if he ever retired from being a Guild Mage, he would make it his goal to settle down in the capital. Of course, that would have to be after the riots calmed down so it was safe to live in the city.

Dusty, meanwhile, watched all the people in the restaurant, from the waitresses to the guests. His eyes lingered on the prince of Pergrande for a few extra seconds before swiveling away to look at someone else. His hands clenched and flexed in his pockets, out of sight, as he tapped his foot on the ground. "I know that guy is old. but you'd think he would put a bit of skip in his step. I've done a ton of jobs for him in the past, I'd assume he wouldn't keep me waiting here while there's a killer on the loose."

Jacob sighed, patting his friend on the arm. "Let him take his time. He probably is in a meeting with another sponsor or someone. He's one of the few people in this city who still think's of mages as allies."

Groaning, the Slayer put his thumb between his teeth, gently squeezing the flesh. "Still. You've done jobs and actually come here as a regular customer when you're around. He should be a little more courteous."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Dusty...I don't think you should be the one talking about someone being courteous."

Dusty's head spun to meet Jacob's red eyes. "Oh, shut up! I'm not in the mood to be joking around, so why don't you can it and shove it up your-"

"Donald! Jacob!"


Dusty and Jacob both turned to the voice that had called out the Slayer's name. One of the waitresses, an older one around the two young men's age, if not a year or two older, began approaching them. She wore glasses balanced on the end of her nose, covering bright blue eyes. Tawny brown hair fell in slight curls down in between her shoulder blades. She wore a standard waitress uniform, the dress coming down to past her knees, and black flats on her feet.

When she was close enough to the two mages, she leapt forward and hugged Jacob first, and then hugged Dusty. Her hug for the brown-haired male was a small amount longer than the one she had given to Jacob, but Jacob said nothing about it.

Dusty returned the hug, if a little more gingerly than her wrapping her arms around his neck. When the two separated, the woman backed up, brushing her dress quickly before looking up at the two mages. She wasn’t short by any means. In fact, she stood about an inch below Jacob, but Dusty’s immense height forced her to tilt her head up.

Dusty grinned slightly. “Hey, Liz. It’s been a little while, huh?

The woman, Liz, nodded. “Yes, sir. It’s been about three months, if memory serves me right.” She lightly punched Dusty in the stomach, and Dusty gave her the satisfaction of recoiling slightly, rubbing his abdomen. “Whenever either one of you stop by, we look forwards to those smiles of yours. It is a shame you both live so far away. You should really visit more often. Mr. Tyrin likes it when you two visit from time to time.

Well, we try to stay on our best behaviour.” Jacob’s eyes turned to Dusty, who was looking around Liz to the door that lead to the back. “At least, most of us do. Right, Dusty?” Dusty just grunted in response, turning back to the conversation.

Jacob perked up. “Oh! Right.” Jacob gestured over to Alyssa. “Liz, meet Alyssa Gardner. She’s my friend from Lamia Scale.” Jacob turned to Alyssa and motioned to Liz. “Alyssa, this is mine and Dusty’s friend, Elizabeth Malish. We met her on a job here a few years ago when she wanted us to find her pet bird.

Liz blushed a light pink, and slapped the back of Jacob’s head gently. “I wouldn’t have lost him if that stupid vet had cut his flight feathers properly! They grew back too quick and he got out!” She sighed, walking up to Alyssa and curtseying. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Gardner. A friend of these two is a friend of mine.” As she stood back up, she leaned backwards and pulled Jacob’s face down to whisper in his ear. “Pretty girl. Nice catch.


As Jacob’s face flushed a deep red and he stumbled over words in his mouth, the door that Dusty had been watching opened, and a figure stepped out. An older man with a thick moustache that completely covered his upper lip and goatee, white hair gelled so it stood up a bit, and one long, thin strand of it draping down to the right side of his face walked out, examining the store. He wore a male waiter’s outfit, though it looked a little more formal. The fabric on the shoulders puffed a little bit, and the vest was adorned with vines the color of gold coins, reaching from his chest down to inside the hem of his pants, where the vest and shirt were tucked in. He wore shining black leather shoes, that tapped on the floor as he made his way across the floor to where Jacob and Dusty were standing. When he got close, his height became rather apparent. He was definitely shorter than the three of them, standing at five feet and six inches at the most. His skin was a darker shade, and was showing wrinkles as well.

Once he was close enough, he brushed past Liz and went straight to the two boys. He reached up and put one hand on the back of their necks. He pulled them down so their chins were on his shoulder, while he laughed a loud and booming laugh. “So now, of all times, when there are riots in the streets and people attacking mages with cutlery, you both decide to visit again! You both still end up amazing me in the end.” He laughed again as he let go of the two boys, and they stood back up laughing with him. Liz stood to the side, giggling to herself.

Once they all quieted down, Jacob spoke up. “It’s nice to see you as well, Mr. Tyrin.

Baaaaah! No need to be so formal, Jacob. You can call me Daemon, I’ve told you that plenty times before.” Waving his hand, Daemon turned to the waitress. “Liz! Be a sweetie and get us all a coffee, would you? These two seem like they need one. The usual for these two, I’ll have mine black, and…” He turned to look at Alyssa, arching one of his eyebrows. He looked her over for a second, and then turned back to Liz. “Special brew with almond milk and sweetener for the young woman over here.

Liz curtseyed to the owner of the coffee shop, and then walked off to go fetch the beverages. Dusty watched her walk off before turning his attention back to Daemon. “Still got a bunch of bunched up energy, huh, old man?

Well, I’ve been spending a bit more of my time in the shop. Recently a bunch of employees quit because of how I act so homely to mages. They say I’m not fit to run a business if I allow people like you to walk over me.” He waved his hand dismissively as he spoke. “I let them talk, though. That’s all it is, anyways. I’m still the best coffee shop in Fiore, and no one will take that title from me.” He pointed to where Alyssa was standing. “By the way, I don’t believe we have met each other. Are you a new recruit to Blue Pegasus?

Dusty began snickering. Ignoring the Slayer, Jacob shook his head. “No, no. She is a mage of Lamia Scale, Alyssa Gardner. She’s one of my close friends.

Daemon’s eyebrows raised as he looked between Jacob and Alyssa. He stroked his moustache gently. “‘Close friends’, hmmm…?

Jacob groaned as the color returned to his cheeks. “Oh, please, Daemon. Not you as well…

The old man laughed again, patting Jacob on the shoulder. “I’m sorry, Jacob! I can’t help it. You’re so easy to tease, and you always get so flustered as well!” He bowed to Alyssa. “My apologies, ma’am. My name is Daemon Tyrin, and I own the Crimson Wave. It’s not my first shop, but it has been my most successful so far.

He stood back up as Liz returned with a platter balanced on her hand, four mugs sitting on it. She brought the platter down, holding it out to Dusty and Jacob first. They both took their mugs, Jacob taking a tentative sip of his own coffee due to the heat, and Dusty taking a sip of his own coffee without so much as a flinch from the scalding drink.

Daemon took his mug from the woman and took a sip, giving a satisfied grunt. “Ah, it has a great taste today.” He took another sip before he looked at Jacob and Dusty. “So. What brings you by today, aside from paying a visit to this boring old man?

Well, we know this place is good for hearing gossip and rumors. We’re here on a very important mission.

We’re looking for the Kingslayer. Does the name sound familiar?” Dusty spoke the title of the mage that had attacked his guild with utter disdain. The name fueled him with anger, and he imagined his hands wrapped around Sora’s neck as he strangled the life out of her.

Daemon stroked his moustache, thinking. “I think I might know a thing or two. I've heard that someone by the name of Kingslayer is roaming the city right now, looking for ways to get to the King of Fiore and the royals of Pergrande. Some folks have been saying that they've been bribing soldiers, and those that don't accept their bribe, they kills on the spot. Disposes of the body through means unknown. It's also said that she has the mages of Crime Sorciere working incognito. Disguising as normal citizens. It's crafty, as a large amount of the population is against all magic-wielders. That makes it easier to sneak around."

Liz frowned. "
It really is seeming like it's more dangerous to go outside every day." She looked to the three mages. "You all better promise me you won't do anything stupid."

Dusty smirked. "
Won't make a promise I can't keep."

Liz and Dusty glared at each other for a moment. Jacob stood uncomfortably next to the two of them, though he did have a smile on his face. "
Get a room, you two..."

They both whipped around, snarling at Jacob. "
Shut up!" Jacob flinched, backing up towards Alyssa.

Daemon, meanwhile, laughed. "
Ah, what it is to be young!"

Liz huffed out a breath, taking a moment to regain her composure. She then handed the last mug of coffee to Alyssa. "
Sorry for my outburst, Miss."

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Aubrey Lorrisk

Aubrey Lorrisk was NOT a happy camper. She didn’t quite know who to be more upset with - her own guildmaster or the mage who Master Felix seemed to trust more than herself, Gurren or Stacy. ‘I mean… COME ON! Why couldn’t he just put one of us in charge and make things make so much more sense. We’re not always trouble… Gurren and I went on a mission together! We succeeded on the mission! If that isn’t being a good, responsible mage, then I simply don’t know what is.’ One thing was for sure, though, Aubrey had absolutely no intentions of listening to the green haired Lamia girl. In fact, Aubrey was going to avoid her like the plague.

It was in her eagerness to get away from the ‘temporary guildmaster’ and in her own anger with her real guildmaster that Aubrey had stormed away before even hearing what Jason and Laura had had to say. Of course, if she had heard them, she would’ve gone with Gurren to hear what they had that was important to Fairy Tail without question, but the simple fact that Aubrey didn't’ even hear it meant that that wasn’t going to happen.

She had been to Crocus before. One awesome thing about such a big city was that there was always a mall of massive proportions and Aubrey was always more than willing to go shopping, especially in a city such as this. So that was exactly where the Smoke Queen of Fairy Tail beelined to as soon as she strolled off the Redfox.

* * *

Aubrey scrounged through her purse, pulling out crumpled bills and mountains of coins as she just tossed them on the counter, glancing behind her to see that she was holding up the line quite a bit and the people were starting to grumble at her. “Hold on. Hold on!” Aubrey snapped at them. “I’ve almost got it.”

She smiled as she finished rummaging through her purse and pulled out two cards. “Two hundred on this one,” she said as she handed the cashier a card. The cashier took it, swiped it and gave it back. “And the rest on this one.” The cashier swiped her second card and then handed it back to Aubrey along with handing her five shopping bags - each one full of clothes. “Thank you!”

Heading out of the mall, now calmed down from her little fit earlier, Aubrey wondered where the others had gone off to although she quickly decided that heading back to the ship would be the best option for her. Her own silliness got to her a bit. ‘You know, maybe I can just ask Master Felix what I can do to earn his trust. Yeah. I’ll do that.’ Smiling to herself, Aubrey continued navigating her way through the streets of Crocus, heading back towards where the Redfox had landed.
Lowell Thrice and Malakai Grave

‘Why would Master Cujo put ME in charge? Why? What… what the fuck?!’ Lowell’s face curled into an expression of disgust as he tried over and over again to make sense of it and he was failing each and every time to make any sense of it at all. It didn’t really matter anymore. Moments after Master Cujo had announced it, Lowell had turned his newfound title over to Malakai. Lowell himself wanted nothing to do with it. ‘How could a mage like me - who hates everything about my own magic - ever lead a magical guild? You know what… maybe Master Cujo’s just an idiot. Yes. Let’s go with that.’ Whatever had spurred the Quatro Cerberus guildmaster’s decision, it certainly had Lowell all in a bundled jumbled mess even as he walked off the Redfox.

Lowell could smell Malakai even as the guild ace walked up behind him and Lowell didn’t really turn to acknowledge him even as Malakai put a hand on his shoulder. “Stop worrying about it Low…” Malakai muttered. “No need to get yourself so worked up over nothin’.”

Even as Malakai tried to calm the lightning dragon slayer down, though, Lowell’s attention had been completely distracted by the crowd of people yelling about mages. The boy blinked in understanding although his hand fell to his katana as he saw them throwing all manner of undesirable things at all the mages who were walking off the Redfox. “Despicable.” Lowell muttered it swiftly and softly under his breath. “I swear, I’m gonna kill each and every last one of ‘em.” He wasn’t talking about the rioting crowd, either. Lowell was referring to the Kingslayer and to all the mages in Crime Sorciere. Each and every last one of them was exactly the reason why Lowell hated magic in general. They used their magic to kill those weaker than them and from what he had heard at the meeting, the Kingslayer intended to continue doing so.

From everything Lowell could understand, the Kingslayer was just like his parents - using magic simply because they could. His own parents had forced Lowell’s own magic on him. He had sworn long ago that he would never use his magic the way they had wanted him to, though. He would never use it to harm those weaker than him.

Malakai simply shrugged and the two of them listened as Jason and Laura gave their little spiel. “Well, it looks like Rex is heading to the coffeeshop,” Malakai mumbled. “We should probably stick with him… guilds ought to stay together it seems. Especially one as small as ours.” Lowell didn’t disagree and so the two of them followed the crowd of mages that was making their way to the coffeeshop, walking inside and unintentionally following Dusty and Jacob from Blue Pegasus.

Lowell’s attention was distracted as he looked around the coffeeshop, his eyes falling on Prince Pergrande and then on the girl who was talking to him. After his eyes wandered in that direction, he couldn’t quite get them to leave. The blonde was quite pretty and he couldn’t help but wonder if the Prince’s fancy robes were what he would need in order to get a pretty girl to look at him.

Malakai, meanwhile, was complete and total business. He listened, overhearing the conversation between Dusty, Jacob and Daemon. For a brief moment, he wondered if it would be rude to intrude on their conversation, but Malakai quickly decided that in an investigation, overhearing things could never be a bad thing. He took a step closer, placing himself into the conversation as he quickly interjected. “If the Kingslayer is after the royals of Perengrande - even if it is only a rumor - shouldn’t they be guarded?” His eyes flickered to the Prince flirting at the table briefly. “Certainly for their own safety and for the sake of keeping an eye out for her…”

@Refaulted @Ivory Witch
Aden hadn't expected to find the mage he was looking for right away, but he wasn't planning on complaining. The young wizard accepts the handshake offered by Ryan. "It's nice to meet you." Dispite being very eager to get to know his guildmate, Aden turns his attention to the other girl who had begun yelling about who they were searching for. He turns back to his guildmate as she stepped forward and volunteered to make a depiction of Sora. As the dopleganger of Sora appeared, Aden just stood staring at it. He had never seen Picto magic before. Being caught up in the. Ryan's magic, the boy jumps back a bit when it bursts into hundreds of origami birds. Realizing that they were heading beginning to head out, Aden runs to catch up to his guildmate and the other wizards and listens in on what they had planned. "Um... I don't think I'd be able to go to the bar. I'm a minor." He then remembers why he had originally gone searching for Ryan. "Hey Ryan. You wouldn't happen to know where the Sherrif would want us to do, would you? I came looking for other Silver Phoenix members since he's out of comission at the moment."

@DaughterofAthena@Sergeant Sass
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Marcella Novine, Asher Novine and Ryannan “Ryan” Costice

Collaboration With:

@Sergeant Sass

Marcella Novine’s eyes were immediately drawn to the mage who seemed to be following the blonde girl and she couldn’t help but narrow her eyes at him. “You think being a minor’s going to stop you from carrying out a Magic Council investigation?!” Marcella scoffed. “Let it stop you if you want, but it ain’t stopping me!” She rolled her eyes at him rather rudely in the process.

Asher put a hand on his sister’s shoulder before his eyes looked to Aden. “I’m sorry about her,” the water dragon slayer apologized. “Although… I am sure you’d be more than able to accompany us. You wouldn’t be the only minor we’d be bringing in and I’m of age. Usually it’s alright if you're accompanied by someone older.” For the first time, Asher actually felt like he was being somewhat guildmaster-y and he wasn’t sure if it was a feeling he liked or not.

“Don’t apologize for me!” Marcella snapped. “When I say something, I mean it!”

“Oh, forget it you two!” Ryannan interrupted. She waved a hand dismissively at the siblings, quickly realizing that she hadn’t been formally introduced to either one of them. That was something for another time, though. “You can deal with your guildmates and I’ll deal with mine.” Her words were more directed to the man than the girl.

Her attention turned to Aden as she shrugged briefly. “I’d assume he’d want us to continue the investigation but I can’t claim to know a thing about him that would allow me to guess any better than the next person,” she commented. “I’d say investigating seems like the obvious thing to do at this point. Why would you think any differently?” Ryannan almost sounded a bit annoyed by his question as she answered it.

In all honesty, Ryannan had two thoughts in mind. Either this guildmate of hers - this Aden - was a little slow in putting things together or he had been completely not paying attention to anything. Ryannan remembered that Jason and Laura’s instructions had been extremely straightforward and she really didn’t want to get stuck babysitting someone who couldn’t understand simple instructions. That being said, though, Ryannan didn’t really remark on that concern at all… not yet, at least.

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"Um... Okay." Aden's puzzled look showed that he was unsure why Marcella was acting so hostile. Maybe something had happened back on the ship or during the guild meeting. The young wizard looks up at Asher as he begins speaking to him. "Alright. I guess you have a point." He turns his attention back to his guildmate, but still couldn't help but huckle a little bit at the other two wizards. "Meh." Aden shrugs at Ryan's comment. "I don't think anybody would be able to know what he would want. The Sherrif is pretty much unreadable." After hearing his guildmate's question, the boy smiles and looks up to the sky, thinking about what he could be doing. "I'd kinda rather be swimming or something is all." Aden leans toward Ryan a bit after his comment. "By the way, what's up with them?" He whispers this while motioning towards the other two wizards.

@DaughterofAthena @Sergeant Sass
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Olive Kitanna and Cipher

Collaboration With:

@Mad Prince of Sanity

Olive’s head turned swiftly as she heard Gurren mention Hikari. Her mind’s eye almost instantly slipped into the fire mage’s conscious thoughts, pulling the image of the bookkeeper from his head before she nodded, confirming that the Hikari he had met was indeed the same Hikari that she had seen associated with the Kingslayer on a previous encounter. The simple fact that Gurren had spoken to her stole the girl’s attention away from Jason and Laura just for a moment as her hand slipped down. She really had no issues with their refusal to shake her hand. She didn’t blame anyone for not wanting to touch her.

However, there had been something else about the two of them that made Olive confused. Pulling her mind out of their conscious thoughts, Olive puzzled over it. She had heard nothing. No. It wasn’t nothing. It was static. There was a difference between the two although Olive couldn’t quite tell why the difference would come into play in the first place. However, she decided better than to speak about the static. She wasn’t quite sure what it meant just yet so instead she decided not to worry about it.

Olive looked to Gurren and stated simply,
“Yes, the Hikari you know is the same. No, I do not know if she is still involved with the Kingslayer and neither would I have any idea where to find her now. I know it doesn’t make sense, but it’s the truth. I can tell you that much for sure.” Olive paused, thinking for a moment before she continued, “I’m going to step outside for a moment, though. There’s too many things that just…. Just don’t make sense and I need to think in quiet.”

Her gaze drifted to Jason and Laura for a moment as she waved a hand towards them.
“You can brief them on whatever it is we’re going to be doing and I’ll be able to figure it out as soon as I come back.” It wouldn’t be too hard of a task for her because even though their minds were flooded with static, Olive still could pull the task from either the mind of one of the two girls or from Gurren’s thoughts whenever she came back. All she would have to do was ask about it.

Without waiting for anyone to say anything to her, Olive made her way outside of the briefing room, taking a deep breath as she retreated into the silence of her mind. She examined everything she knew. She examined everything she didn’t know. And as she leaned up against the wall within a corner of the city that seemed to pass unnoticed by anyone and everyone walking by, Olive wasn’t sure where she wanted to get herself to mentally before she went back in again. It was just too frustrating to not be able to read a mind. It meant she couldn’t trust that person and she hated denying trust.

As Cipher observed all the mages arriving in Crocus he felt an odd sort of satisfaction and disappointment at the gathered crowd of hatred-spewing citizens. His belief ran very much in line with his associate’s, but seeing the real, tangible aftermath of your endeavors seemed a bit… surreal to him. Was it really as he expected? Not at all. Was it still satisfying? Absolutely. In any case, as the mages began to disembark from the Redfox Cipher kept particular notice of the young Olive Kitanna. A small twinge of uneasiness settling over him as he observed her age. When he heard he would be apprehending a dangerous telepathic threat to their cause, he had expected… well… MORE. A shrimpy nerd-esque person with a large cranium, or an old, bald man in a wheelchair perhaps, but not a young girl. Not to mention a bit of anxiety when she seemed to enter the briefing room, accompanying Jason Salscion and the… rather beautiful... Laura Tempest.

Deciding it best to simply observe her actions he stayed out of sight. If what he was informed was true, then there was something he would need to do before even attempting apprehension of the telepath. His eyes fell to a certain bracer he had been given, and he scowled in confusion. Why had this been given to him? His own abilities would render it useless as soon as he used them, and other than pointing his sword at her and hoping she didn’t have some other means of attack, this was his only option.

Field: 0 -> 1 foot

Touching the Eye while it was in his robe pocket, his field barely expanded a foot around his person. Slowly siphoning Ethernano from the empty air around him until he condensed the gathered power into a thinner version of the armor he had donned himself in at the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. Covering the entirety of his body save a visor for his eyes though the thinner crystalline structure allowed for slightly easier movement. Which is what he needed at the moment.

Waiting even more, it was not until Cipher spotted his target leaving the building he had followed the investigators into that he began to move. Not at all in an obvious path that paralleled her own step for step, but one that would take him near where she would arrive. Stopping against the literal same wall as her, yet around a corner, Cipher then began fashioning three chains of Ethernano-draining Corruptia before taking a deep breathe and stepping around the corner, in the same moment his field expanded to ten feet, engulfing the Seeress in it’s confines to slowly sap at her magic while the three chains lashed out. The foremost aiming to encircle her throat and cut off her ability to call for help, while the other two sought to entangle her arms and legs respectively.
“Do not struggle, I would detest having to harm you.”

Field 1 -> 10 feet

Olive had not really been paying attention to anything going on around her. In fact, given that she had brought herself to an isolated area in the first place, simply to have some silence within her own mind, Olive had no reason to expect anything odd. She was certainly not prepared for a person she couldn’t sense. However, there was one thing that did alert her to Cipher’s coming attack. The minute his field went up and fully encompassed her, Olive’s sense of every other living being in the city was also cut off. It was a similar thing to what she would’ve felt if they had suddenly all been teleported or if they had all been instantaneously killed. And that was something that would definitely grab her attention.

Olive’s eyes snapped open fast and her entire body dropped to the ground, rolling to the left and effectively dodging at least the first shot of his chains before she expertly sprung back to her feet and quickly drew her gladius from its sheathe.
“Deteste having to harm me? And why would that be, I wonder?” Olive’s stance was simple - entirely defensive because she had no idea what was going on.

Cipher remained entirely stoic as the Seeress dodged his chains, and did not even deem to answer her as she questioned his motives. Instead he merely swept his chains sideways across the small alley as they hovered like snakes suspended in the air that suddenly decided to lash out with deadly quickness and precision. At the same moment, using the Ethernano garnered from the surrounding area and from Olive herself, two more magic circles appeared around her that summoned even more, if slightly smaller chains to apprehend her.

It took Olive a moment to comprehend more of what was happening. The shock of the disappearance of everyone in her mind had overwhelmed her at first, but after that initial shock, Olive was able to take a moment to fully realize that he was draining her magic. She paused for a moment, wondering if he realized that she didn’t actually use her magic to fight, but there wasn’t too much time to think about it to any extreme amount.

Olive brought her gladius up to block two of the chains that were swinging at her, allowing them to coil around her weapon before she uncoiled them, using them almost like a lasso that she sent flying back at her attacker. However, even able to deal with two of the chains nearly expertly, Olive completely missed the others. She was sorely disadvantaged without the ability to look into an opponent’s mind and without the ability to know their next move.

The two chains Olive deflected didn’t go far, no more than a couple inches in fact. Trying to fling something still under someone else’s conscious control wasn’t going to be met with much success. Thus the other five or so took to entangling the young mage’s wrists, ankles and throat. The one around her throat applying a sizeable pressure to keep her silent and now the drain on her magic would be getting rather severe. Each of the chains also contributing a decent amount of magic-leeching power to the field’s own sub-par constant one.

Now, he hated to do this, but with a subtle magical command one of the chains twisted and broke Olive’s wrist holding the blade, being pre-faced a mere second by a murmur of
“Apologies Miss Kitanna.” After breaking her wrist Cipher stepped forward, the field moving with him, and grabbed the Gladius. Whether she still held it limply in her hand or it had clattered to the ground in the process did not matter.

Field: 10 -> 2 feet

Cipher then shrunk his field down to just two feet around his person and stowed the Gladius in his robe, as the field shrunk the additional chains that had formed in the field behind her vanished into nothingness and were swiftly replaced by larger chains that emerged from the new, smaller field. To note, he had made CERTAIN the only limb free at any given time was her arm with the broken wrist. She was then brought down in front of the enigmatic mage and held aloft a mere foot off the ground, though still within his field to ensure she didn’t mentally contact any help, and begin to take her back to where his associates wanted. Taking care to take back alleys and avoid anyone noticing. Though he did make light conversation oddly enough, though if her voice got to loud he made sure to silence it with a choking coil of his chains
“So then, enjoying your time in Crocus?”

Olive’s entire face curled into a grimace at the tightness of the chains around her while her eyes made sure to take in every detail of where he was taking her. Even without her magic, Olive’s mind was swarming with information and she wasn’t about to stop gathering more. She didn’t initially react to his question. She quite honestly didn’t think he was seriously trying to have a conversation with her.

Finally, though, she realized he was
actually trying to make conversation with her. “Well, not good, if you’d really like to know and I’d hope you already know why…” Olive’s voice was a snarl.

Cipher stopped in the next deserted alleyway they entered, casting a glance back in the direction they came from before giving a solemn nod.
“Indeed. Crowds can be so over-reactive don’t you think?”

Olive didn’t offer a reply to his initial statement. Quite frankly it didn’t even begin to address what she had meant by her own comment. It was so off that she felt like he had entirely ignored her, so she didn’t feel it right for her to offer him a reply whether it be an honest one or not.

Cipher then turned the young woman around so she could see him, his own face expressionless behind his helmet of crystalline armor. His silver eyes peering into her own ruby red eyes and as they entered their next alleyway Cipher spoke up,
“You may be wondering a few things, yes? Well I’ve a few questions of my own if you don’t mind?”

Olive scoffed at his questions, turning her head away from him, not wanting to see the man who seemed to think that everything was all fine and dandy with kidnapping her in the middle of the capital city. Her long black hair whipped over her shoulder, hiding her face and all of her expressions from him although he would no doubt know that her expression was not at all happy with his questions. Yes, she was wondering a few things. No, she had no intentions of asking him anything.

After a few moments, a few moments in which Cipher spent in thought, he finally stopped within another alleyway and turned to face her, an odd glimmer in his eye.
“Have you… ever experienced anything you wish you had not?” Due to his armor, she couldn’t read his expression, so his tone was all she would have to go by as to how he felt while asking this… he was perfectly level.

At his question, Olive’s head turned swiftly, her eyes meeting his for a mere moment before she quickly turned her head away again. His question got her attention. His question got her attention in such a way that she never expected him to get her attention. She had experienced so many things that she wished she hadn’t. She had been inside the mind of a dying man as his life flashed in front of his eyes all while knowing it had been her who killed them. She had stolen thoughts that she never once desired to steal and that knowledge wasn’t something she could ever give back. But Olive didn’t answer… at least not in words.

At her silence, her reaction, he loosened the grip the chains held on Olive ever-so-slightly.
“Let me… alter the question. How many people has your magic torn the doors of their minds off? how many burdens has it heaped upon your conscious that are yours alone to bear and trapped within your own mind with the memories and thoughts of so many others, and left you with so little of yourself you feel there’s nothing left?” A heavy silence followed his words, and he merely watched her, and waited.

If it was at all possible, Olive’s entire body slumped even as it was hanging in midair, coiled and wrapped tightly in chains. How many people’s minds had she looked into? Every single one that she could. How many burdens had it heaped onto her own mind? More than she even dared to remember. How many things were hers alone to bear? Again, more than she dared to bring into the front of her mind.

Even as Olive tried to repress the memories, some of the rippled in the pool of her mindscape sending circles to disturb all the peace that she tried to build for the one place she could use as a retreat from it all - the confines of her own mind. Faces in the water slowly faded in. All the people she had stolen from. All the people whose burdens now sat on her shoulders. All the people she’d felt pain within. Gurren. Russel. Aubrey. Angel. Adrianne. Dusty. Jacob. She saw the dying wyvern and Zeraf’s creation. She saw her mother. Olive saw a flash of her mother and a single tear slid down her cheek.

Again, she had no reply for Cipher’s questions. Well, in a way she did, but it wasn’t an answer to any single one and it certainly wouldn’t tell him anything significant about her.
“Don’t pretend like you know the first thing about it because you don’t.” It wasn’t entirely sharp, the way that she said it, although it could’ve been. There was more sadness in her voice than there was anything else.

Seeing her slump, Cipher continued to walk, not expecting to get a reply from the girl until she snarled at him. Without turning to look at her he stated dryly
“Seems I said something right…. or wrong, depending.” He shook his head “I can’t imagine how it must be. Have you ever thought of attempting to shut it out?”

Olive picked up her head just slightly, wishing for a moment that one of her hands was free so she could slide her hair out of her face but instead she just whipped her head almost violently hoping that that would throw her long black locks out of the way. It didn’t work and she sighed.
“All the time…” Her voice was very nearly a whisper as she said it. “But that would be the same as never trusting anyone…. and that’s a life I couldn’t bear.”

As he continued walking Cipher then stopped and moved the young Seeress in front of him and set her down, save the chain around her throat. His other chains still perfectly poised to apprehend her again if she dared move faster than a walk
“Despite what you may think, I was being truthful before, I am…. regretful at having to hurt you. But I have need of you.” A sudden prod to the center of her back would tell her to keep moving.

At his prodding, Olive kept walking albeit a bit slower than he had been moving simply because she had no idea where they were going. Now that her hands were free, her non-broken one quickly brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her shoulders as she pulled a hair tie out of her pocket. The girl stared at it for a moment before realizing ponytails took two functioning hands and she sighed to herself. After brooding over her own minor problem for a moment, Olive turned her head ever so slightly so it was clear she was speaking to Cipher again.
“And I can’t trust a single word you say so it doesn’t matter how many times you say it.” Olive, on principle, didn’t trust a person’s words. Only their thoughts.

At this he gave a simple shrug and after another minute or so of walking, he stopped and came up beside her though on the side of her broken hand, before gesturing ahead of them.
“Take in the sights, this is where our journey ends.” Then he simply waited, letting her study the surroundings at her leisure.

Olive looked around a small bit, but there honestly wasn’t that much for her to see and she didn’t think - from the look of the building - that the inside would be much of an improvement as far as ‘sights’ were concerned. Olive shrugged briefly, wondering what in the world he had meant by telling her to take in the sights.

At her shrug Cipher nods and lifts her back off the ground with his chains, before summoning a few more. These new chains ripped off a piece of Olive’s shirt and used it to blindfold her. Afterwards he had the chains begin to twist, spin and altogether disorient the girl like some sort of carnival ride with no off-switch, deciding to tear off some nearby cloth from wherever they passed to wipe up any vomit that may come from this, as he walked to the real place he intended to take her before setting her down inside the warehouse, searching her for and taking any weapons he located and explicitly using his chains to search pockets or other odd places, she may be a prisoner but he was not going to be creepy. She was a lady after all…. and then he put her in a sack in case she got the blindfold off.

As her body started spinning, it was an entirely unexpected sensation especially given that she could no longer see either. Her two greatest senses had been stolen away from her and what remained - her hearing - was suffering even more greatly from the spinning treatment and her stomach decided to follow along with that as well. Before they so much as managed to move a few steps, Olive vomited onto the ground. Luckily, she had been able to tilt her head down enough to miss most of her own body, but the disgusting taste still lingered in her throat.

Grimacing as she tried to swallow it down once they started to move, Olive gulped a few times before she sneered, overly disgusted,
“You know, if I can’t see and I can’t read, I’m entirely useless, right? The spinning was a waste of energy…” She did not sound happy about it and she was completely honest in that statement. Without sight or mind sense, Olive had no sense of direction at all. Even she knew he didn’t know that, but she didn’t care.

In response to the Seeress’ complaining Cipher merely pushed the bag over with one of his chains, letting her flop onto her side and he sat beside the sack, waiting for his associates.

@shadowdude505 (top section)
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Ohtori Tsukikono & Usagi Tsukikono

AS the two girls walked hand in hand, they took in this new place. They both had been to cities before, but nothing this spectacular. The stone work of the roads, the buildings and how they were structured. Even the materials used. Ohtori was not one to normally care for such things, but this rustic, historic part of the town was just so elegant. She could see why many people would want to live here. And with that reasoning, she also wondered why so many people were challenging the mages and protesting. Where they all that bad?

Bunny however was more enthralled with the texture and the feel. Running her hand against the wall as she walked, it was bumpy in spots, smooth in others. She could even feel the different of texture for the types of paint used. But again, none of that mattered, just simply what she noticed. Gleefully, she turned to Tori and whined. "
Onii-chan~ Let's go each somewhere~"

Smiling back, she let go of Usagi's hand and patted her hand before pulling her in closer as they continued to stroll. "
We are sissy." Tori replied. It hand't been long since they left that compound, but even now, the sounds of protest were gone, and their was just kind of a small mild hum of life all around them.

Following the path, they finally emerged out into an open space. Roughly Half the size of a football field. Not huge, but it had a small fountain in the center. Well really it was like a pond. The found part was only as tall as the holding walls, and as they came up to it, there was a bunch of koi within. Bunny went to get sucked into it but Tori quickly caught her, "
Food first, remember?"

Awwww~" Usagi gave a fake pout as her stomach rumbled loudly. "Fine."

There was a restaurant on one side of them, but really a full meal would be to much. Right next to where they came out of the alley, was what appeared to be a cozy little cafe. Taking Bunny's hand, the sister's went into the Cafe.

At first appearance, it was very basic. A barista sitting behind a bar. One menu to his right was of Cafe's and the other to his left had alcoholic drinks. Cafe by day, Bar by night. But it was a pretty homely place. Little tables for 2 people, seats at the Bar or there was even a field louge style chairs over in a corner.

Bunny jumped up before skipping over to the bar and placing herself on the tall chair very carefully. Tori followed and sat next to her. The Barista looked over. He was an older man with a well trimmed white beard and some semi formal clothing on. "
What can I get for you two young ladies?" He asked.

Tori looked up at him, "
Do you serve food?"

Only appetizers I'm afraid," Replied the Barista. Throwing in another line before she could speak, "Are you two part of the Mages who arrived?"

Tori tensed up. She was afraid maybe this guy was a protester as well. Thinking maybe their lives would be at risk or even thrown out.

Oh don't worry about it." He chuckled while talking, "I was simply asking to see if you were new here. Ever been here before, to this city?"

Bunny spoke up, which was very surprising for her, "
Nope! But this city is sooooooo big!" She threw her arms up into the air. "It must be so awesome to live here." Tori just kind of turned and listened to her sister.

Indeed it is," He said, "How about this." Pausing for a second, "If you ladies order two trays, i'll give you two specialty drinks of my choosing, on the house, as a welcome to the city and a thank you for visiting."

Both Ohtori's and Usagi's faces lit up. It had been so very long since someone had been this sincere to them. And it was refreshing with all the events that had happened. Enough so that they had truly forgotten about it.

A while later after they had ordered their food, the man brought it all out. It was two orders of chicken tenders and fries, but they combined it into one tray and served it together with some ketchup. Usagi devoured hers. Chicken tenders were her favorite. The little girl savored every crumb, Tori just wanted some french fries. Both of the girls were quite pleased.

The Barista quickly got to work as the girls finished their meals and right about the time the plate was clean he presented them with their gift.

A Tropical fruit smoothy for the little miss," As he placed down a medium fancy glass with a orangish pink smoothy with a mango, pineapple piece of the lip. "And a topical parfait for the slightly older miss." This one had a lot more fruit in it for Tori. Both girls just stared at them in complete shock. They looked delicious.

Now make sure you eat them both up. I'll be sad if any goes to waste!" The Barista just winked at Bunny then laughed.

Both girls held their hands together, bowed slightly and loudly thanked the Barista for his kindness



Wyatt Verlock and Caleb Malachi

Caleb lazed about on a couch on the warehouse floor. Tossing one of his smoke bombs up into the air and catching it over and over. This was truly the epitome of boredom. He knew his powers weren't exactly suited for the whole..... kidnapping thing. In all honesty he was happy they weren't. He didn't believe he would've been capable of going through with it personally. However recently it seemed like wasn't serving any purpose to the group. And as each day passed he found himself doubting whether staying with them was right.

He thought on Libby and Rex, both who had offered him a place in their guild. Would they want him if they knew what he was doing? Or what he had done? He refused to even think they weren't alive after the... the bomb. They had to be, or he wouldn't be able to live with himself. His thoughts began to drift to his sister, but he felt too guilty and shook the thought from his head.

Without looking up he spoke in a loud, but nonaggressive tone. "Hey Wyatt, how long do you think til Ciphers back?"

"Patience, kid. Didn't anybody ever tell you patience is a virtue?" Wyatt sighed softly as he gently nudged his goggles out of place over his eyes before he turned to face the kid on the couch. "Actually, though, I was just watching him. Tracking him." More like he had been tracking Cipher's target since Cipher himself didn't seem to mesh with archive very well, but the basic idea was the same. "He just got back."

Wyatt didn't seem overly excited about it. His attitude was more ambivalent and nonchalant than anything else.

Caleb clenched his jaw in annoyance, having to keep himself from crushing the freshly caught smoke bomb. However his body began sparking with arcs if electricity per usual when he was annoyed. However before he said anything Cipher arrived in warehouses main room. Caleb hopped up to go check on him. He was with a girl and quickly covered her face with a sack. Caleb refused to look directly at her, not able to accept it as actually happening.

"Hey Cipher. Any problem with the..... um... assignment?"

Wyatt followed Caleb into the main room where his eyes fell on Cipher and on the girl who was now their prisoner. Hearing Caleb's question, Wyatt decided to answer the obvious. "Well, apparently not. She's there. She's in one piece. She's clearly a prisoner. And Cipher's in one piece. I would say that was a successful assignment, wouldn't you, kid?"

Caleb rolled his eyes at Wyatt. "Besides the obvious there are sometimes OTHER factors you know. Maybe he was seen but got away, maybe there looking for her. You have to think about more than the obvious in front of you. And stop calling me kid. I may be the youngest, buy that oh so smart brain of yours should realize that MEANS something about why I'm here anyway."

He exhaled an angry breath out his nose, his body discharging large arcs of electricity now. He took a breath or two to calm himself and turned back to Cipher, dismissing Wyatt. "So, anything wrong?"

What Caleb had missed was the fact that Wyatt saw everything. His archive eyes guaranteed that. Even though he hadn't actually been there, the whole time Cipher had been gone, Wyatt had been watching. He knew that they hadn't been seen. He new that no one was out looking for her yet. In fact, even though he wasn't adamantly watching it, Wyatt's link to archive was monitoring for any communications that even mentioned the girl's name.

@Mad Prince of Sanity @Hellkite
Ezekiel Vates, Drake Silver and Millie Thorrin

Collaborative Post With:

@Peaceswore and @GoldenBlight

As Drake walked with Millie his attention was soon turned to another mage who walked up to him asking if he could join the two. Raising a brow at him he didn’t respond for a moment as he took the person appearance in. And the first thing that came to Drake’s mind...was this man without a doubt was an odd one. The mask, the metals that clinked off his body. He was used to mages dressing odd, but this one, well he took the cake. “............... Fine.” Drake said curtly as he looked forward.

He wasn’t too concerned of the masked man at the moment, honestly his concern was the annoying about of items that were being thrown at him and other mages. “Stupid riots.” He grumbled under his breath as he grabbed an orange that had hit his head. “....Well I was hungry. Millie want a snack? Oh...Also mask man, what’s your name, let alone guild?”

Ezekiel did not anticipate the rather terse manner by which he’d been received, and briefly wondered if it was a mistake to approach, but Drake had ultimately allowed the Silver Phoenix mage to join them and Ezekiel could hardly complain. He bowed his head in a swift show of gratitude and fell into step with the two, feeling somewhat curious towards them. Before he might’ve made a comment or followed some train of thought however, his attention was abruptly drawn to the food items being tossed at them to accompany the civilians’ yells of dissent. Such undue disrespect, really… His companion’s question drew him out of his slight bewilderment however, and Ezekiel was quick to respond, evenly.

“Ezekiel Vates, of Silver Phoenix... but you may call me Zeke, if you wish. May I ask your names too...?”

Millie’s eyes traced the sight of the strange man who had asked to join them as she slowly moved herself so that she was hidden behind her guildmate. He looked… strange. Millie had never seen another person like him and it confused her greatly because she liked to think she generally wasn’t scared of people. Yet he scared her. There was something about his eyes. There was something about the fact that she couldn’t see them.

Looking up to her guildmate, Mille nodded at him, answering his question with her nod before she whispered, more to Drake than to the man. “Why… why is he dressed so weird?” Millie felt like it was a very weird thing to ask a person so instead of asking the man directly, she asked Drake.

After a moment or two, though, Millie remembered that she had been asked a question and her head peeked out from around Drake so that it would be visible to their new companion. “That’s a weird name…” she said before her hand slapped over her mouth and Millie became entirely apologetic. “I’m so so sorry. That was really mean wasn’t it…” Millie frown as her eyes trailed to the ground and once again, it seemed that Millie had entirely forgotten about the question he had asked them.

Drake looked at the other in silence as he listened to his words he was about to respond but before he did he heard Millie’s question. Looking down at her he blinked before looking back at Zeke. “Drake Silver from Raven Tail.” He said calmly as he mulled over Millie’s question. “Maybe so he can be a target.” He said with a shrug as he looked back at her. He found those metal chains that decorated the man to be very distracting to say the least. “Either way you should introduce yourself.” He said as he kept walking in the direction of the cafe his eyes now upfront.

Millie’s eyes widened slightly at Drake’s suggestion for a reason why he might have been dressed so weird and she shook her head briefly. That just didn’t make sense to her. However, his words finally managed to remind her once again that Zeke had asked to know their names and her gaze drifted over to him again. Her hands fidgeted with her scarf briefly to make sure that her scar was covered - she hated having it be the first thing about her that anyone noticed - and she smiled shyly. “I’m M-millie…” She didn’t say her last name because frankly, it didn’t matter anymore and she had never been explicitly asked for her guild, so that didn’t come out either.

Ezekiel was quiet in hearing the hushed question Millie had directed to their blue-haired companion, head tipping slightly in the child’s direction as he strode beside them. He was somewhat surprised by it in all honesty, although he likely shouldn’t have been; the manner he dressed in was extremely idiosyncratic, without a doubt. His reason for doing so however was most simply the result of an isolated and somewhat antiquated upbringing. Truthfully, Ezekiel saw no reason to change his attire. His hood and cloak lent him a sense of security, his mask considered a token of Fate, his gloves and gauntlets were tough and protected him from harm, and the ornamental chains and gears… they were a reminder of the more merciful aspects of his past, and Ezekiel appreciated this sort of thing dearly.

These premises, however, would obviously take some time to explain, and the sensory mage understood that as a first impression, the average individual was bound to harbour some qualm concerning his appearance. Millie was no exception, of course. Regardless, her question was not for Zeke to answer, so he remained silent in wake of Drake’s response. When delivered, a slight smile found Ezekiel’s lips, and he ducked his head to conceal it. It was an interesting conclusion, although quite a bit off-course...

“It’s alright,” he hummed then, perhaps in response to Millie’s earlier apology, or perhaps showing a sympathetic complacency towards their questioning approach; either way, Zeke did not mind any of this. He raised his head to return Millie’s smile, ever-polite. “It’s nice to meet you, Millie, Drake. I hope we get along.”

“I make no promises.” Drake said not sparing another look at the stanger. As he walked on he had his free hand go in his pocket and he pulled out a metal toy crow that had a steampunk style to it. For a moment it don’t anything but rather suddenly it’s eyes glowed green and it sprung to life. It’s wings outstretched it fluttered around Drake like any normal bird would much like Ixie and Penance who were currently not with Drake due to him having sent them off to look around some time earlier. He actually hadn’t seen those two birds since he left the hospital, but honestly he wasn’t worried for them in the least. After all they weren’t leaving him, and he knew the hawk and crow would be just fine.

Looking at the toy he silently gave it an order and with that it flew off to the cafe ahead of the group. Not in the mood to rush Drake was using the crow to be his ears for the time being and had it go into the cafe to listen to what was going on. As he walked he looked at the two. “....We are suppose to go to the cafe, but already there are a few there. Maybe we should set our sights elsewhere. Or should we stick with the others?” He asked the two with a rather bored look decorating his face as he brushed some of his blue locks out of his eye.

Millie shrugged for a moment, still hiding behind Drake and still peeking out to look at Zeke still very confused by his simple being. It was actually kind of distressing to her - him being with them when he looked so weird and when she didn’t understand it. Millie looked up at Drake again, still not having received an answer to her question that she could be happy with.

“Why is he with us, Drake? He looks funny and… and he has no eyes!” In truth, Millie just couldn’t see his eyes behind the mask, but it bothered her. Despite her youth, Millie had seen eyes that scared her and so not being able to see a person’s eyes was discomforting to her.

Ezekiel was in the midst of considering Drake’s report and suggested plan of action, that he heard Millie speak to Drake and maintained his silence, uncertain of what to say. He understood the two to be wary, but… was his presence really so discomfiting? It was hard to reassure the young girl that he had no ill intent, since merely saying so would not pose a lot of weight. Her intuition regarding character was not fully fledged either it seemed, since while mysterious, Ezekiel hardly bore a bitter demeanor at all. And while her comments did not personally bother him, they did make him feel a little awkward... After all, although they were the comments of a child, they were also a reaction worth considering. Regardless, Ezekiel did not wish to become some lingering vexation, and so was a bit hesitant on whether he was truly welcome as a part of this small party, or whether it was better to make himself scarce…

But he did remind himself that Drake had allowed him his company in the first place, and that in itself was a reason to remain, if only for a short while longer or until directly asked to leave. That said, Ezekiel was still rather apologetic that the Raven Tail mage was to receive the brunt of these relatively difficult questions, and yet remained passive...

Seeing how neither went on to answer his question Drake simply looked ahead as he silently thought about it. Thanks to his toy crow he could easily learn of any info that is picked up at the cafe or wherever the other go to, and frankly it felt like a waste of time, not to mention the fact he may have to interact with the other mages. Two things he truly didn’t wish to do.

Looking down at Millie he soon sighed. “We will just go with the others.” he said after a small time. Despite how much he didn’t want to be with the others he felt it would be better not to mention safer if Millie went with the main group. After all if they were suddenly attacked again, he didn’t want Millie to end up getting hurt due to his lack of a good defense that could protect her. So keeping his hand in hers he walked off to the cafe, however before he got close his toy returned to him and perched on his shoulder. It then started to whisper a few things in his ear. “..... We are heading to a bar instead, slight change in plan.” He said as he changed his course a bit now following the crow.

Ahead of them other mages from the group got into their line of sight, he didn’t know any of them, at least not from meeting them in person. He may have read about one or two, though at the moment he didn’t really care. “I hope this isn’t a wild goose chase.” He mumbled under his breath as they got closer to the group, now placing both hands in his pockets while his crow flew ahead.

Millie flinched a bit when Drake’s hand pulled away from hers although she didn’t complain or whine about it at all. In fact, it really didn’t bother her any amount; it was more of a surprise than anything else. She continued walking alongside Drake, and she was still hiding just slightly from the stranger who had joined them quite recently although Millie’s eyes had turned away from staring at him now.

Feeling less under scrutiny now, Ezekiel relaxed somewhat and followed Drake’s lead, trusting in his interesting source of intel. The sensory mage curiously examined the artificial crow of earlier from where he walked beside Drake, his head tipped forward although his attention was mainly with the animated being. It was a curious kind of magic, and Zeke could not help but wonder how the figure operated… Was it metal-make magic enthused with some other kind...? Ezekiel had a lingering interest in intricate structures of the sort, but to see it come alive so splendidly so...

Perhaps he could ask Drake about this later- although Ezekiel would not set his hopes too high, especially in the expectation of some curt response. The Silver Phoenix mage smiled mirthfully to himself in consideration of this, maintaining his contented silence as they approached a larger group of mages. It was apparent that there was some deviation, or perhaps progression from the original plan, although this did not bother Zeke too much. They did all share the same mission and advancements were to be made; it was only a matter of catching up and finding one’s relevant place, really, and this came with time.
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Jason & Laura

"Do you have pictures of Wyatt Verlock, Caleb Malachi, and Cipher?" Lynn asked. "There's still a possibility that their part of the plan isn't over yet, unless you've learned otherwise."

"All this Kingslayer stuff is making my head hurt..." she complained. "Do we have a plan of attack?"

"And how does Fairy Tail fit into this?"

"One at a time," Jason snapped, before adding, "Please."

He had to fight the urge to express his annoyance, earning a glance from his partner.

"Anyway, at the moment all we have are the names of the aforementioned individuals. The one named Cipher apparently likes to mask himself behind a suit of armor with a shaded helm, but little else is known about him. Wyatt Verlock is a bit of a mystery as well, but rumor has it that he was the mastermind behind a viral infection that plagued an island off the coast of Fiore. With this in mind, it is reasonable to assume he was also the mastermind of the bombing of the Blue Pegasus guild hall. Finally, we have Caleb Malachi. We have much more information on him, but none of it is really too important for your mission. I should mention, however, that he was included in your group of mages during the bombing, perhaps some of your comrades may have learned a thing or two about him," Laura informed.

Jason cleared his throat. "As for how all of this relates to Fairy Tail, the Kingslayer actually has a bit of history with your guild Mr. Simon. If you recall, three years ago Fairy Tail lost their ace wizard, a man by the name of Ren who was widely regarded to be the top guild mage of Fiore. As the pillar that held the Fairy Tail guild up high above the other mage guilds in Fiore, it was a huge hit to your guild and your master when news broke out of Ren's death. And yet, for all that he was to Fiore and Fairy Tail, never did anyone delve deeper into the mystery. Today, you learn the truth," Jason stated.

Jason took out a metallic ball his coat pocket, letting it roll on the table in front of him. It came to an abrupt stop near the center of the surface and, after rearranging on its own, emitted holographic images. Pictures of Ren of Fairy Tail, covered up in an attempt to stay hidden, entering a building on several different occasions were projected in the air.

"For several months leading up to his death, the pride of Fairy Tail would meet with someone in secret at least once a week. At the time, the Magic Council made nothing of this. Though we keep track of our most powerful wizards, what they do with their free time is ultimately none of our business. However, on the fateful day that would be Ren's last, we decided we must have missed something. As you've likely been told, Ren's life was lost in an all out battle with the dark guild Puppet House, but what you haven't been told is what compelled the man to attack the dark guild out of the blue, let alone why he attacked without any help. We had a tough time believing that a man as capable and experienced as Ren would have done something so reckless and rash had there not been some other factor involved. He was hiding something, of that, we were sure."

Jason paused, taking a good look at Gurren Simon before continuing, "Naturally, we immediately managed to figure out the identity of the person who murdered your former guild mate. The tough part was tracing that individual's background. That person was a capable assassin, one that had been trained since a young age to be a killing machine. She had known no life other than that which had been given to her by the dark guild she fought for, the previously mentioned Puppet House. Even more horrifying was the manner in which she had been molded into a cold-hearted assassin. Years of torture, testing her tolerance of pain and pushing it beyond its limits, the complete cleansing of her mind to rid of detriments such as emotions or memories, and her upbringing in the darkness, being limited to shadows and obscurity created the perfect little weapon for the dark guild.. The Fairy Tail wizard had encountered this assassin before. In fact, he fought her and won, but decided to spare her life and care for her as she recovered. Those secret meetings that Ren had been caught going to had been with this individual. It's quite clear that he cared for her greatly, and one can only imagine the shock and betrayal he felt when this same woman plunged her dagger deep into his heart. In what was probably her most well done job ever, she gained his trust and turned it against him, ridding Fiore of one of their best and brightest. Now, three years later, that same assassin is no doubt finishing what she started. Of course, I'm talking about Sora here. The Kingslayer is the one who took your guild mate's life, and though we don't quite no her aims or goals yet, it's apparent that she plans on taking many more," he finished.
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Gurren Simone & Sarafina the currently silent, action hungry Exceed.

Gurren was surprised after hearing Olive's confirmation that the Hikari he met was the same one associated with the Kingslayer, or used to be at least. Hikari hadn't given him any reason to distrust her. It was hard to believe that someone who seemed good could actually be a bad guy. Reality started to seem grayer than Gurren thought. A thud on the table shook Gurren out of his thoughts. He saw Sarafina on the table with her eyes glazed over with boredom as Laura finished talking.

Gurren became more and more tense as Jason explained Fairy Tail's Kingslayer connection. The backstory didn't really add anything except for giving Sora another Fairy Tail member in her death count. "How much Fairy Tail blood does she have on her hands?" he wondered as he clenched his fist. A fire started to crackle around his fist, showing his determination to bring the Kingslayer to justice.

With a darkened expression on his face, Gurren headed outside without saying a word. "They're in the dark as much as...," Gurren started to say as he expected to see Olive outside. "Dammit!" Gurren yelled as he barged back inside. "Olive's gone!" First Isanna and now Olive. Gurren ran back out to the city streets before he could notice Lynn and Sarafina's concerned looks. A couple seconds later he realized that the Exceed was flying after him, seemingly joining him in on the action caused by Olive's disappearance.

After speeding through the city, Gurren and Sarafina found the cafe that some of the guild wizards had went to, the one currently housing the prince. Gurren barged in with a fierce growl, blowing the door off of it's hinges as he entered. Sarafina followed closely behind him and landed on a nearby table. "Everyone listen up! Another legal wizard went missing. This time it's Olive from Blue Pegasus." A magic circle appeared in front of Gurren's hands as he formed a life sized flame statue of Olive. "I realize some of you are here to get answers. Maybe here you'll be luckier than I was, but if you're like me and can't stand sitting on your asses doing nothing, then join in on the search."

A fired up smile appeared on Gurren's face. "Who knows, we might even run into those bastards first."

@utdfan22 @AllHailDago @BLUR @Ivory Witch @Violet Obsidian @Stormborn Targaryen @Hales @Refaulted @cafe people @mods
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Lynn Aquari and Caitlyn Alissa Malachi

As collabed by shadowdude505 and AllHailDago

Rose had been listening intently to Jason and Laura talking of the group that attacked them. It was interesting to learn of exactly who or what was behind everything. However when the name Caleb Malachi was mentioned her mind seemed to blank out everything else that was being said. The name seemed to linger in her head for a moment, and then it seemed to take on a life of it’s own. A horrendous icepick of pain slammed into her skull, splintering all other thoughts to pieces. She let out a pained gasp and knelt to the ground holding her head. “Ca-caleb? Why is that name…,” she tried to get out between breaths.

“Rose!” Lynn knelt down beside her guildmate and instinctively placed her hand on Rose’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” Lynn was more concerned with Rose’s well being than the fact that she might know who Caleb was.

Rose held her head in her hands, shaking it back and forth as if to shake the pain away. It was so much that she didn’t even register Lynn touching her shoulder, let alone her voice. But as quickly as the pain began, it stopped. The simple relief of pain was almost enough to be pleasurable. Rose slowly opened her eyes and looked up, however where she was she didn’t know.

Sun shined down on a grassy meadow with three trees, two orange trees and an apple tree. A tall brown fence surrounded the area in a almost surgically cut square of green. Rose went to turn her head to look behind her but found she could not. Instead she lifted her hand to her eyes as if to block the harsh sun from them, totally against her will. She looked back and forth across the modestly sized yard before approaching the apple tree lazily. “Where oh where could he be? He sure is great at hide and seek!” The words seemed to slip out of her lips against her will. Was this… a memory? Was she living a memory?

Giggling could be lightly heard from the tree above Rose, and she smirked knowingly. “Well, I guess I’ll check in the orange trees for him.,” she said in an unconvincing tone. However as she began to walk away there was a cracking sound and a branch from the apple tree fell down and partially hit Rose in the head. She fell down as a sudden headache consumed her. “OW. Oww.,” was about all she could manage to say. She blinked to try and clear her blurred vision as a small brunette boy rushed to her side. “Cee! Cee! Are you ok?!” The concern was written on his face.

She gave a weak smile, the best she could through the pain. “Yes Caleb, I’m fine. But… maybe no more hiding in the trees? You could’ve been hurt.” The boy look downcast but nodded once.. The pain redoubled and slowly Rose’s vision went black. When she opened her eyes again she was back in the room with a concerned looking Lynn. “Oww. What the….” She looked around

before standing back up. “Lynn…” she said wearily.

“Yes?” Lynn asked as she stood back up. She heard an angry Gurren before she could hear from Rose. Olive had disappeared and Gurren wasn’t happy about it. Lynn looked equally concerned, but as the temporary Mermaid Heel Guildmaster she decided to focus her attention toward Rose as Gurren and Sarafina rushed out. “What happened? It sounded like you were in pain,” she said to Rose.

Rose nodded to Lynn. “Yes. I was. When they mentioned the name Caleb I.. I think it triggered a memory. I know him, whoever he is. We played together when we were younger if what I saw is correct. Lynn… can.. I… I need to find him.” For the first time since she could literally ever remember there was a clue to finding out who she was and where she was from. She needed to pursue this lead. She needed to find this Caleb person.

“Then we should start looking,” Lynn said. “If he’s here I’ll do my best to find him. I’m sure Tori and Bunny would do the same. Would you like to find them first? More eyes will be helpful in a big city like this.”

Rose perked up immediately upon hearing this. While she hoped Lynn would let her look, and maybe help as she could this was far more than she expected. Her eyes actually began to water a little bit at her thankfulness. However she wiped at them as nonchalantly as she could to prevent that. “Yeah, we should definitely find them first. Not just to help, but because I wanna make sure they’re ok with everything that’s happening.”

Lynn smiled back. She too hoped that Tori and Bunny were OK. “Thanks for the information,” she said to Jason and Laura before heading out to the city streets. Lynn navigated her way through the city with Rose close beside her. Eventually they found themselves standing in a plaza was a fountain in the center. It was surrounded by cafes, restaurants, and other touristy locations.

Lynn decided to check out the cafe first. She informed Rose which way she was leading her before walking inside the cafe. One inside she began to take in the scenery before spotting Tori and Bunny enjoying a meal. Lynn and Rose walked up to their guildmates. “There you two are,” Lynn said.” Rose wants to look for an old friend of hers. His name is Caleb Malachi. Though I’m going to warn you, he was involved with the Blue Pegasus incident. We’d appreciate your help in a big city like this, but I’m not going to force you. What do you say?.”

@shadowdude505 @Kaine

Ohtori Tsukikono & Usagi Tsukikono

Enjoying their icy treats, Bunny had devoured her,s and was begging tori for the last few bites before it was gone. Taking a spoon fun she funneled it over to bunny and her cheeks Rosy and plumped make weird little satisfied humming sounds as she savored it. As she took the last bite she heard a familiar voice.

"There you two are"

It was Lynn. Bunny jumped from her chair and ran over to hug her. "
Lynn~" She said happily. "We just got to have some ice cream and a smoothy!" Merrily she ran back over to Tori and waved at the Barista, "Thank you!!!" Without having realised it, the metallic taste in her mouth disappeared long ago.

Lynn however had more pressing matters to discuss. Mostly about the fact they were looking for a man that Rose wanted to meet, and that he was involved with the mass murder a few days before. Everything in her body wanted and screamed for her to say no. But somehow she couldn't. This was her family now, these were her friends. With a downtrodden expression, she kind of stared blankly at the floor thinking.

Usagi's hand slid into her own and tori turned to look at her sister. Bunny just sat their with her innocent expression as always but a smile. It had been so long since Usagi had been this lively, but it seemed like the more she connected with people, the more she came out. "
Uhm sissy," Bunny said, "I think we should help Rose, cause Lynn is important to us, and Rose is important to Lynn, so Rose should be important to us too!" She just smiled and lifted her hand. "That's what these marks are for right?"

Tori couldn't help but smile. This was the first time she had ever, in her entire life, hear Usagi say something so dedicated, or show so much expression. Quickly wrapping her arms around Bunny, Ohtori squeezed her and whispered
I love you into her ear, before standing up and addressing Lynn.

Of course we will help." Tori spoke firmly, with Bunny's hand in her own.

Mentions: Lynn

@shadowdude505 | Rose(Caitlyn) @AllHailDago



Ryos couldn't help but chuckle as he watched his little partner desperately look for clues as to Sora's intentions and whereabouts. He took a long, hard look at the fork offered up by Libby, knowing full well that it had absolutely nothing to do with their investigation. However, he didn't want to hurt his guild mate's confidence.

"Well, it definitely could be, but I'm just not good enough at this to figure out what it tells us I guess," Ryos smiled. Though the fork may not have been related to the mission, something else had happened that would indeed grab the poison dragon slayer's attention. A new guest had entered the cafe, accompanied by a young woman. By itself, such a sight was not uncommon nor was it interesting. What had interested Ryos was the way the man was addressed by the cafe's staff.

"Hello council member! Long time no see, a table for two I assume?" A waitress asked, putting on a wide smile. The man across her nodded casually, and so the waitress led the couple to an empty table. Ryos tracked them with his eyes, not once losing sight of man. He was a bit surprised to find a member of the magic council, low-ranking or not, to be going anywhere without security during such horrifying events. His natural instincts kicked in, and he was suddenly very alert.

"Why would you be here right now," Ryos mumbled angrily under his breath. How stupid was this guy? Going on a date while there was a sociopathic killer on the loose whose M.O. was hunting council members.

For a second, Ryos let his eyes off the man, reverting his attention to his guild mate. "Libby, here's a lesson for you. You see that man over there?" Ryos asked, pointing with his thumb, "I just overheard the server say that he's a council member. The girl that we're going after has been hunting council members, so we have to pay very close attention to that guy, because he may be in danger."

With that, the dragon slayer turned his attention back to the council member. Luckily, the man was distracted enough by his conversations that he never noticed the analytical violet orbs of Lamia Scale's Toxic Dragon on him. Ryos then began to look around, waiting to see if anything out of the ordinary was happening.

No luck, it seemed to be a normal business day in the cafe. Nothing strange was going on, and no one seemed suspicious at all. His nose could not pick up any distinctive smells, other than the delicious food that was being made in the kitchen, and his ears weren't hearing any interesting noises either.

And yet, Ryos couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. A target this easy to get to, granted they didn't know Ryos was around, but still nothing had happened. He didn't think it possible that someone as crafty as Sora or as dedicated as Tachyon Wing's guild members would simply leave this man be.

Another guest entered the cafe, but she didn't look any bit more suspicious as anyone else in there. However, once the door opened, a few scents from the outside world entered the cafe, and one in particular, although faint, was enough to confirm Ryos' worries. It was the smell of a dragon.

"She's here," Ryos stated frankly but quietly. He stood up, getting out of his seat, as he prepared to leave the cafe in pursuit of the scent. However, the dragon slayer would not even be given the chance to step out of the doors, as through the glass frame he spotted the person he was after. Though he wasn't able to tell if the hooded figure behind the was really Sora or not, his suspicions would be put to rest as, within a blink of an eye and thought the flick of a the wrist, a knife crashed the windows of the cafe, headed straight for the council man.

Had Ryos not expected Sora's arrival, or that something bad was bound to happen, perhaps he would have failed to save the council member on that day. Fortunately, such was not the case. In anticipation of her assassination attempt, Ryos managed to grab the knife as it tore through the air, granting the council man some more time to enjoy his life.

"I'll be right back," Ryos said to Libby.

Immediately afterward, the dragon slayer gave chase to the kingslayer. Though the hooded figure seemed to hesitate for a moment, possibly surprised that all did not go as planned, she quickly shifted gears, fleeing with speed that would make the dragon slayer envious.

"Damn it, I'm nowhere near as quick as her!"

Sure enough, within a few moments, Sora had gained a considerable lead on the man. The green-haired girl was almost out of eyesight, but still well within the distance at which Ryos' dragon senses could track her. He decided he would need people to come from the other side and trap her. To that end, he shot off his Poison Dragon Roar straight into the sky. The wave of red and black poison gas ripped through the clouds, traveling high enough into the air that it could no longer be seen passed layers of clouds.

The Jeweled Footstool


From the outside, the bar known as the Jeweled Footstool wasn't much to look at. Positioned at an intersection, the bar was place beneath an apartment complex. It was small and simple, a wooden structure that would otherwise be hard to spot as a bar, if not for the word bar on the wood panels supporting its frame. As the group headed for this bar neared the entrance, they would be shocked to see a body go flying through the side of the building, crashing past the windows into the streets outside. Following the body, an anthropomorphic wolf stepped out of the hole in the wall. It looked like a classic werewolf, the skin on its muzzle folding as it snarled at the man lying on the streets. However, as soon as it had stepped outside, the werewolf turned to spot the mages. Its nose began to twitch.


"Ahhhh, so I've found my prey at last," he spoke, his voice sounding hoarse and venomous, "Come out boys, our guests have arrived."

Right on cue, several more holes were made in the walls of the bar, as 4 more werewolves, looking quite similar to the first, gathered around, darting into their respective positions as to surround the mages.

"Any last words?" The apparent alpha mocked.

Jason & Laura

Oddly enough, after the secrets of Sora's past had come to light, a few of the mages decided that's all they needed to hear and took their leave. Both of the council workers seemed confused as to why mages were leaving, as they hadn't yet described what they would be doing to trap the Kingslayer. However, there were still some remaining in the planning room, hoping to hear a plan of action.

"The reason we brought you all to Crocus is because we have reason to believe that Sora the Kingslayer is in this city, plotting her next move. Jason and I were planning on setting a trap for her, but that would require us to know where she is going to be. Fortunately, the king of Fiore is throwing a large feast, followed by a ball, later tonight. All of the mages in your group here in Crocus are invited, something which they'll be let known as soon as they've finished their investigations and we've all reconvened," Laura announced. "There is no doubt in my mind that Sora will make herself present at this ball, so it will be a perfect opportunity to catch her once and for all."

Jason nodded. He prepared to pack up his and his partner's things since they were done with answering questions, and were now going to get ready to search for more clues about Sora's plans. "Once again, you may follow us as we further our investigation on Kingslayer, or you may go about your own investigations, we will be back at the Redfox in an hour or two to prepare for the king's feast tonight," Jason declared.

Ryos Delmora & Rex Ourano

Rex was going about his own business outside Crimson Wave. His guild mates were there doing what they were supposed to do, so it seemed. Others were inside as well. Meanwhile, Rex was busy finishing a slice of watermelon that he had from earlier when the crowd in the riot was throwing things at him.

It was here that he would witness a beam of energy shoot into the sky, grabbing his attention. He faced the direction of the magic, and within seconds he was able to make out an object moving towards him at incredible speed. Without even giving it a second thought, he allowed his instincts to kick in as he activated his sand floor spell. A golden magic circle covered the ground on which he stood, converting the concrete into sand. The magic circle remained on the now sandy terrain as he activated a second spell, his Sand Magic: Quicksand. As soon as the object had come within range, it would slow significantly, as it was no longer running of solid ground.

"Caught ya!" Rex cheered. However, he didn't even realize what he caught until it had be slowed down enough for him to make out the image before him. It was none other than the Kingslayer that he was supposed to be investigating, Sora herself.

"Woah! What a big catch!"

The girl looked surprised, not having expected to run into anyone else after she had escaped from Ryos Delmora. Her feet were sinking into the ground, and she was unable to flee. She struggled to get out, but to no avail. Once she was waist deep into the sand, she was no longer sinking.

Meanwhile, from behind her, Ryos managed to finally catch up. He eyes widened at the sight of Sora caught in quicksand, and he looked past her to see that it was the fool from earlier that had been the one to catch her.

"No way," he muttered, not able to believe that the idiot who broke Blue Pegasus' guild hall doors had found success where he was unable to.

"Oh hey, it's you again! I owe you a nice scrap," Rex laughed. Ryos ignored him. The dragon slayer finally had the opportunity to question the woman he'd been after, but he couldn't get too close, as he didn't want to be sinking into the ground with her.

"Sora, now you'll finally answer for your crimes," Ryos informed, a slight growl escaping his throat, "Sand boy, let everyone know that the mission has been accomplished."

Rex nodded reluctantly, not wanting to let the pale-skinned freak get away with calling him "sand boy," but as the mission came first, he went back inside the Crimson Wave to inform the others of their progress.

As soon as Rex was out of sight, another mage entered the fray. From above, a man in red armor jumped down beside Ryos, catching him off guard as he kicked the dragon slayer into the wall of a nearby apartment. With no one able to react if she made a move, Sora lied on her back, using her arms to lift herself out of the quicksand. Her cloak was a mess as a result, and so she threw it off, revealing herself in broad daylight.

"Sorry...but we still have work to do," the armored man said. Ryos immediately recognized him.

"Nice to see you again, Axis," he replied.

The fight was on.

For those inside the Crimson Wave, assume Rex Ourano has already told you that Sora's been caught
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Prince Pergrande

"Isn’t he adorable?”

Prince Pergrande raised an eyebrow as Russel stormed towards the door, but didn't answer.

"Don’t worry about him. I’ll get him back later. He’s an easy one." As Angel spoke, Pergrande drowned a sigh in his glass of wine.

“Now then," Angel continued, "You said your father was under threat, then? Would you mind telling me where to find him then? If Sora’s going to go after him, then finding him would help me find her and the sooner I finish this business, the sooner I can devote more time getting to know you.”

This one is antagonistic. He thought. And careless, too. She's similar to Father; enough to irritate him, I hope. That in itself makes her worth taking with me. As a temporary measure, of course. She might be useful.

"Father will not be taking visitors while the Kingslayer is at large. Nor will I disclose his current location; family obligation, you see."

Pergrande stood, stepping around the table to offer Angel his hand.

"There will, however, be a formal ball held at the Castle tonight, held in honor of the Fioran-Pergrandi trade negotiations. My father will naturally be in attendance. I believe an open invitation has already been extended to Fioran mages, but I would be honored if you chose to accompany me, as part of the Pergrandi delegation and as my partner."

@Ivory Witch

The Waitress

"Can I borrow a towel, ma'am, please?" Jamke asked.

"Of course," The waitress produced a bar cloth, which she placed on the bar between them. Jamke continued.

"Why's someone that famous visiting? I would have thought the protests on the street would have dissuaded such a visit."

The waitress' eyes flicked to the Prince. She smiled with some affection.

"Prince Pergrande has become a regular, over the last week. I think he enjoys being away from the delegation, just acting the normal person, I suppose. He's always courteous to us, tips well, and never brings bodyguards with him. He seems totally at ease even with the rioting. The Prince is a pleasure to have in our cafe."

The waitress leaned slightly closer, dropping her voice.

"I would hazard he's also quite capable of looking after himself. The other day a mob tried to put posters up all over the windows, anti-mage drivel, I suspect. He went out to talk to them. I didn't hear what was said, but the crowd thinned out pretty quickly after that. He was a way with words, that man."


The Cafe At Large

At that moment the door flew off its hinges and Gurren burst in. Several things happened, almost at once. The waitress behind the bar let out a little shriek and ducked out of sight. Her colleagues scattered like startled pigeons, scrambling headlong to get out of Gurren's way. Prince Pergrande shifted his attention from his companion to the interloper, touching Angel's forehead with a fingertip in a 'one moment please, don't interfere' type of gesture. Pergrande considered Gurren, his expression aloof and distasteful.

"The door." He said, his tone arctic. "You'll fix it. Today. I won't abide this cafe being left unlocked and unguarded with rioters in the streets. Am I clear?"

@shadowdude505 @Ivory Witch
Russel Lefton

The boy had marched outside and quite literally plopped down onto the ground flat on his bum in rage with the woman who was supposed to keep an eye on him. ‘Who thinks like that?’ he couldn’t help but wonder. ‘What kind of person dares to threaten a prince?’ It was such a perplexing thing and he didn’t know how to respond to it. Not only that, but now that he had no intentions of remaining with Angel, Russel didn’t know where he was supposed to be or what he was supposed to do.

He wished he knew where Alicia had wandered off to. She was supposed to be the current one in charge - the guildmaster. Wouldn’t it make sense, then, for her to have told her guild members where she was going? Such a thing made sense, but as far as Russel knew, it had not happened. Speaking of guildmasters, he hoped Master Gregory was alright. The doctors were supposedly taking care of them, but Russel had never understood doctors.

As he was sitting there, next to the door of the Crimson Wave, someone wildly ran in and the door flew off the hinges at the force of the man’s impact. Russel flinched as a splinter of wood poked into his shoulder and he turned and yelled at the man. “OWW! THAT HURT, YOU KNOW!” He pulled the piece of wood out of his shoulder, and it was covered in blood - his blood. Russel simply dropped it and completely seemed to ignore it. Something else caught his attention.

He had finally heard what the man was saying. Russel’s jaw dropped. “Olive’s… missing?” He seemed dumbfounded by such a claim.

Wings flittered on the sides of his shoes. Russel was carried into the air as he sprung up, flying around. He hovered over each and every mage inside the Crimson Wave as he bombarded them all. “Come on! Let’s go! We’ve gotta find her! We’ve gotta save her! Stop standing around! Come on! Let’s go!” He bugged Jamke. He bugged Dusty. He bugged Jacob and Lowell and Malakai. He even bugged Angel although he doubted she’d be happy about it. Sarafina too, simply because she hadn’t spoken at all in regards to the fact that his guildmate was missing.

Then when Rex came running in, Russel flew in front of the sand mage and wagged a finger at him. “The Kingslayer can wait! My guildmate is MISSING! We have to find her!”

@Ivory Witch @shadowdude505 @utdfan22 @Refaulted @BLUR @Hales @Stormborn Targaryen

( @Hellkite ? I think you’re controlling some NPCs in the cafe who would no doubt notice Russel… )
Drake Silver

As they walked on Drake started to zone out to his own thoughts once more about all of this his hand resting in his pocket as he fiddled a bit with one of his throwing knives as his toy crow flew around his head several times. "Nice day." He mumbled to himself as he continued to walk with the group. It only took a few minutes for the three to catch up with the group that was heading to the bar. A few times Drake thought about ditching to just go around on his own whether it lead somewhere or not he didn't know.

After a time of walking he abruptly snapped out of his slight daze when he saw a man crash through the bar they were heading to and out onto the road. What really caught him off guard was what came after an actual bloody werewolf. He was a bit stunned by this as he had never a werewolf before. He kept his blank face as he blinked several times just starring at the thing before raising a brow when the creature said he found his prey. "I take it that's us? Or at least someone in this group?" He asked now standing a bit in front of Millie as he kept both hands in his pocket. One hand holding his keys already feeling over them to decide which he should call if he needs to call them in the last moment, while the other stayed on his knife.

When four more werewolves appeared from out of the bar only to surround them he shifted a bit to a defensive stance as he looked at them quietly. "Last words? I got to love it when enemies ask me that, seeing as I never seem to shut up even when my time to speak is up.." He said under his breath before glaring at the supposed alpha. "Sure, which of us pissed you pups off enough to want make him/her your prey? Or are you just attacking random mages claiming them to be your prey?" He asked his grip tightening on his keys as his toy crow sat on his shoulder glowing an ominous green.

@BLUR @Ivory Witch @GoldenBlight @DaughterofAthena @Everyone at the bar

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