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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

After Sam threw away his tissue he said his voice barely heard,"I'm fine."

He coughed a bit as put his face back into his pillow.
Kimi was working alone in the cafe. She finished restocking everything that needed it and started spraying then wiping down the tables. Wow these are dirty, did anyone clean last night? Then a customer came in and she hurriedly rushed to serve them.
Jef blinked. "Um, ok. I'll just keep cleaning." He said. He started sweeping. He picked up the phone and ordered a pizza.

Tanner opened the door to his home. He went to his computer and printed a story entitled Wearing These Chains Willingly. He waited for all of the pages to print out (this took a while) and stacked them in order. He punched a three holes in the paper and put them in the large, blue binder that he used for his stories. He tucked the binder under his arm and started walking back to the cafe.
Sam groaned a bit as he peeked at the timer. He said barely yelling out," 7 minutes!"

He coughed again as Sam curled up in his bed, thinking,"Why did I have to become sick right now?"
(Well I don't want to rush you with that but the whole time skip was to give everyone a chance to pop up. I guess they still have time but I don't want it to die is all.)

Kimi was handling serving just a few customers, which wasn't too difficult, but she wouldn't deny any help. Where is everyone? She left a customer with their meal after a cheerful "MyoMyoKyun" and went back to filling up the coffee pots of the others.
UnwantedTruth said:
Jef continued cleaning. He started working on the kitchen.
Sam yawned as he felt tired, walking out of his room he went over to the kitchen was Jef was and stated bluntly,"You're not doing it the correct way."

His voice was raspy from the yelling and coughing as he didn't look so good. Sam seem a bit irritated for some reason as he looked around, before walking to a chair to sit down. He sigh quite loudly looking grumpy.
"Okay." Takumi replied to his sister before hanging up. He waved goodbye to Ivy, guessing he wouldn't have to worry much of her safety since the kidnappers seemed to be on hiatus. He started to jog to Arnold street, since it wasn't that far. He made it to the destination in about 8 minutes, then started searching for Meika. He quickly found her and walked over to her. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Do you want to take a taxi or walk home?" Takumi was glad to have his sister safe. He wouldn't have to worry as much now that she was back.
"I'm fine." She hugged him and thought about his question. "Hm... Maybe we should walk home." Meika said, but was worrying about the fact he might be mad to know she was visiting Jef, but she promised. She never breaks promises.
(( Is the cafe currently open or closed? Just so I can bring my character in ^^ Also, nice to meet you all! ))
Reina glanced at herself in the mirror, twirling once in her brand new uniform. Her skirt whirled about her before settling back into its crisp perfection. She laughed. Despite the oddity of her new job, she suspected it would be fun. Without a backward glance, she left the comforts of her tiny apartment for work. The cafe was unfamiliar, but already, she felt a strange attachment to it. She stepped in, hoping her co-workers would be more welcoming than those of her last job. "Hello? Anyone here?"
Kimi took an order from one of the customers who had arrived just a few minutes ago. With a smile, "Thank you, sir. Everything will be out soon." Bringing the order back to the kitchen to be prepared, she heard a cute voice out of the employee entrance. She nodded towards the girl who was obviously in uniform and gave her a warm smile. "Hey, you must be Reina! How are you?"
Reina smiled at the girl and approached. She seemed friendly enough. This is a good start. Better than the last already. "That's me," she grinned, nervous and excited. "Newbie employee alert." Deciding to jump right in, she asked, "The cafe seems pretty empty, so this is probably a stupid question, but what can I do to help?"
Kimi couldn't help giggling at Reina's comment, she must have been a bit nervous, which was entirely understandable. Kimi placed the order and grabbed the coffee pot with the towel to protect herself from burning. "Yeah there are only a few customers for now but you'll see it pick up later. There's no such thing as a stupid question! We all mainly just check to see what needs to be done and act on it." Offering the coffee pot to Reina, she cheerfully asked, "Would you like to refill the customers' coffee? If not I don't mind. Whatever you're comfortable with."
Reina took the coffee pot with eager hands. "No, no! I'll get it." She smiled and left for the mentioned customer. He was the only one in the room. Cheerfully, she attended to him and returned to the kitchens. Smiling like a moron, she whispered to the girl, "He's really cute. If such cute customers come in all the time, I don't think I could handle it." Reina gave a light laugh and added, "Speaking of, I don't even know your name!"
(Of course! From what I gathered from Zylvia's introduction post, she was a new employee and that's why I responded that way. Come work with us! ^.^)

Kimi watched as Reina took the coffee pot and served the customer without nerves or fault. Dang, she's a natural! Kimi leaned against the counter as she listened to the whispers. She had gotten excited and giggled, "Well there are quite a few so brace yourself!" She leaned in closer to whisper the warning, "Just be careful, it's against the rules to get into any outside relationship with a customer. If they find out, you could be fired. Just be careful." She stood up straight, pretending to show Reina how they clean the tables. "I'm so sorry, where are my manners? I'm Kimi!" She said with an embarrassed laugh.
Reina was on the verge of introducing herself and caught herself just in time. "Good to meet you, Kimi! I'm Re-- But you already knew that." She smiled awkwardly. "Achievement unlocked: awkward exchange completed." She laughed and stole another peek at the customer. "I'm thankful I don't have any heart conditions," she joked. "I wouldn't last a day here otherwise." Leaning back against the counter, she tried to make casual conversation. "So what do you guys do in your spare time? And why are relationships with customers banned?"

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