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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Meika woke up and stared at him. "Um... Hi. What happened? I can remember anything..." She stood up and coughed a few times, but then looked over to the cabinet and remembered. "Oh..."
Jef grinned. He hugged her. "You're alive! You drank the poison." He said. "Now then, which one did you drink?"
"Oh, yeah... I did didn't I.." Meika looked over to the table where she placed the poison before she passed out and stood up, walking over to it and picking it up. "I drunk this one... You seemed sort of peaceful so I didn't want to interrupt you."

(Sorry I couldn't post it wouldn't go through :( )
(I think the site had an error because the pages weren't loading.)

She stood on her tippy toes and nuzzled her cheek into his hand. Letting out a small happy breath, she smiled into the kiss. When she let go, she bit her lip and looked at up innocently. "It's going to stink having to wait until after work for another one of those."
Tanner smirked when she said that. "It'll be damn near impossible." He said. He smiled, looking into her eyes.

Jef frowned. "Why did you drink the poison?" He asked. "The poison was a slightly lighter shade of pink. My dear, it's like you know nothing about medicine and poisons." He said. He went to get the other bottle with the medicine.

(Sorry guys, for the late response. I had to do some stuff.)
She gave him a teasing wink, "I know. Maybe we can sneak one at work?" She giggled at it, not being fully serious since she would be too scared to try. She looked back into his eyes and smiled back at him with a quick whisper, "One more." She stole a quick kiss before he could react.
He smiled. "I think it'd be safer if we just waited until the day is over." He said. When she kissed him he grinned. "Fine, but that's the last one." He said jokingly.
"I didn't want to interrupt what you were doing, you seemed so determined and everything..." Meika said. She put the blanket over Sam and walked over to Jef again. "Um... Is there anything I can do?"

She playfully whined, "Aw finee. You're killing me." She tugged his arm so they could start walking toward the cafe. "Don't forget, you promised I could read your stories!"
Jef shrugged. "I don't think so." He said. "Now then, go about your business." He said as he walked upstairs.

Tanner smirked. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." He then grinned getting an idea. "I'm gonna go home and get one of my stories after you get to work, ok?"
"Oh, okay... Thanks!" She walked out of the building and wondered where she should go. Walking to a telephone box she called her brothers phone number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello....? They let me and the others leave!"

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//Dddduuuudddeeee what about Sam he's just lying on ground OAQ

Sam moved a bit as he was still panting. He continue to sleep talk as he clutched the blanket. He whimper a bit as if he was begging,"Stop it please....it hurts.."
Jef went downstairs. "Yes! Finished with upstairs!" He said. Before continuing to clean, he turned back sam's timer. He chuckled a little.

(That's what Jef does!)
She smiled at him, "I just wanted to make sure." She didn't see his grin, she was looking forward and saw the cafe come up ahead. "Alright. Just be careful. I can't wait to read it!"
"So you can't be seen with me..." He began with a smirk. "By the people from Maidreamin Cafe, so does that mean I can walk you there until a block away, then you can walk the rest of the way?" He said.
She looked up at him, "Yeah, as long as they don't see us it should be okay. I would like that." She looked down, "I just can't afford to lose my job."
He nodded. "And if anyone sees us, we could just say that we were just bumped into each other on the way to the Cafe." He said. "Or, we could be on the opposite sidewalks and just talk on the phone, if you wanna be safe."
Jef had 31 minutes left. Sam suddenly sat up screaming,"Die!"

He breath heavily as he brought his legs up to his chest as he held his head, as he said again,"Die.....Die.....................................................................die...."

Sam had finally calmed down and he shook a bit.
Jef jumped back a little, startled. "Sam! Are you fine?" He asked, worriedly. He sighed. "God, you scared me."
Sam realized where he was and took a deep sigh. His blank and bored expression mixed with a not so good looking one. He said sounding tired,"Oh it's you."

Sam sound surprisingly depressing as he got up wobbling as he fell on the ground again.
Jef placed a hand on Sam's shoulder. "You should calm down and sit for a while. You must've had a really bad dream or something. Want me to get you some water?"
She thought for a minute, "I think it would be more believable if we said that we bumped into each other. If we were both on the phone it would be suspicious." They were just a couple of blocks away from the cafe at this point. Kimi would probably have to open the shop.
He smiled and nodded. "I agree. So, are you going to be my maid at the cafe?" He asked with a grin, looking down at her.
She looked up at him and raised her eyebrow. "You think I would let anyone else serve you?" She tried to hold the serious face but a small smile formed through her efforts.
Tanner smiled. "Good point. I wouldn't want to be served by anyone else!" He said with a smirk. "You're the best of all of them."

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