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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Sam seem to groan as his faint panting continued the warm breath came out of his mouth as he didn't look so good. You could tell that he was sweating a bit by his hair. He mutter very quietly,"I wanna go back home.....why can't we go back? It cold and scary, I don't like it here. Where did everyone go?"

Sam still had a disturbed look on his face, his hand moved a bit as it gripped on Jef's lab coat, his hand shaking. For the first time he seem scared, vulnerable like a child. He moved a bit coughing harshly, he continued panting.
Jef quickly stood up. He walked to get some cold water. He came back with a glass of water and drizzled it onto SAMs face.

Tanner smiled. "I suppose I can let you pay for a little bit of it. Only a little." He said with a chuckle. He nodded. "Yep. Baggy rags and you'd still look beuatiful." He said grinning.
She snuggled close to him happily, "Well that's a start at least." She said with a giggle and she still had her blush. "I'm really glad you think so. You have no idea."

(Goodnight ^.^)
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(Actually, I was just saying that to Aqua :P )

Tanner laughed. "Oh, ok. I'll allow you to pay for forty percent of the dessert." He said with a smile. "Is that fine with you?" He asked. "He then chuckled and nuzzled the top of her head.
(Oh lol well goodnight to her ^.^ I'll be going to sleep in a minute too anyway so goodnight again for when you go.)

She giggled again and looked at him playfully, "It's a deal if we can kiss on it." She stuck out her tongue, not sure how he would react but hoping he would like the idea. When he nuzzled her head she leaned into him and sincerely said, "I promise I won't always be stubborn."

Tanner smiled. "I'd be perfectly fine with kissing on it. Wanna seal the deal right now?" He asked with a smile.
Meika rushed over to Sam, "Is he ok? I'll clean up for you while you fix him up if you want..." She said and smiled, but still with a worried look on her face.
Jef blinked. "No. I have to do the cleaning myself. All you have to do is go into that cabinet," he pointed at a cabinet across the room, "and there will be two bottles of pink liquid. One of them is poison, the other one is medicine." He said and ran upstairs to start cleaning.
"Oh, ok..." Meika walked over to the cabinet and looked for the two pink bottles. She found them, and then looked for what the label said. "Ok, this one is.. Wait... They don't have labels on them." Meika turned around to see if she could find Jef, but he wasn't there. "Um... I'll try and find another medicine that does have a label on.."
(It's fine.)

Jef came down. "I gotta get a broom." He said, opening the downstairs closet, ignoring Meika. He then took the timer out of Sam's pocket and set the time back. "Sucker." He muttered.
"Which one is the medicine...?" Meika asked. She couldn't find anything else with a label on it so she was pretty cautious of what she was touching and giving to people.
He grabbed the broom and rushed upstairs. On his way up he replied. "One of the pink ones!" He got upstairs and started sweeping.

( :P )

"But...!" Meika shouted to him as he rushed up the stairs. "Well... I can only try it.." She took one of the pink liquids and put a tiny bit in her mouth.
(Hmmm...two things could happen. She drinks the medicine and nothing happens, or she drinks the poison and Jef has to come save her. What do you want to do?)
Meika's heart was beating really slow, and she felt a little nauseous. She fell back onto the floor, but didn't get any injuries because she landed her head on Sam (>:3 gotta go to school bye)

Jef came back down to dump his dust pan. He dropped the dustpan when he saw Meika on the floor. He rushed to her. He checked her pulse. He quickly ran to the cabinet to get a syringe and cure. He put the cure into the syringe. He ran back to Meika and injected the cure into her neck. He looked into her eyes, about an inch away from her face, making sure the pupils were getting smaller.
UnwantedTruth said:
Tanner smiled. "I'd be perfectly fine with kissing on it. Wanna seal the deal right now?" He asked with a smile.
(Quick post before class!)

With a small giggle and a squeeze of his arm, Kimi nodded her head the second he finished asking the question. "Pretty please?"
UnwantedTruth said:
Jef came back down to dump his dust pan. He dropped the dustpan when he saw Meika on the floor. He rushed to her. He checked her pulse. He quickly ran to the cabinet to get a syringe and cure. He put the cure into the syringe. He ran back to Meika and injected the cure into her neck. He looked into her eyes, about an inch away from her face, making sure the pupils were getting smaller.
Sam grunt because of the weight that suddenly fell on him. He continued to faintly panted as he moved a bit. He mumble some other words his temperature was rising. He held the timer tightly and as if was talking to Jef he said weakly yelling,"Dead weight!"

//So does Jef know sam has a fever?
Tanner smiled and placed a hand on her cheek. "That's fine with me." He said, smiling. He gently kissed her lips.

(Yeah, that's what the medicine was suppose to help.)

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