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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

"Oh they stay open until midnight. It's amazing! Why do yo-" Then the obviousness hit her and her eyes lit up. She needed to keep her excitement held in again and it would be even harder this time. She couldn't help but happily smile. "Really? Am I thinking what I think you're thinking?"
Tanner smirked and shrugged. "Depends on what you're thinking. I guess you'll just have to wait and see!" He said with a small laugh." He couldn't help but smile when her eyes lit up.
She let out a short breath and playfully whined, "Not fairr! The anticipation is killing me as it is!" She laughed afterward, she couldn't keep up the whiny voice with a straight face for long. She was so happy to be talking to him, he was really an awesome guy and she couldn't wait until she got off work.
He laughed at her whiny voice. "Then I'm sorry, but you'll have to die of the anticipation." He said. He took a bite of his French toast. "Are you sure you don't want me to sneak you a bite?"
Sticking out her tongue, she joked, "Well hopefully something can keep my from dying, unless that's what you really want." When he offered again, she felt bad but she knew she couldn't risk it right now. "As much as I want to, I just can't. Besides, I may need room for later."
He nodded with a smirk. "Let's hope there is a cure for anticipation!" He said eating some more. He then nodded. "Good point. It really might ruin your apatite."
"There better be, I'm the future first woman president! Remember?" It was almost as if he was flaunting the food in front of her, but she knew she only thought that way because she was hungry. Even so, she decided that she would get him back for it later.
He nodded. "The world wouldn't be able to take it if you died! Everything would become chaos without you!" He said smirking. "So, should I start calling you Mrs. President right now?" He asked.
(I'm sorry, I'm going to head to bed. I'll reply again in the morning ^.^ Goodnight.)

She giggled at what he said. "Oh I feel so much more important now! It's my duty to stay alive!" She shook her head in her laughter and happiness that they were able to talk like this. She then smiled and . "Well at this moment, I would technically just be Madam or Miss President."
He smirked and nodded. "As you wish, Madam President." He said nodding his head slightly. "Am I the only one who has wondered if the president is able to change the color of the White House? Why wouldn't they be able to make it the purple house, or the neon green house? Or, even better, glow-in-the-dark pink house!" He said chuckling at himself slightly.

(Night!!!! See you tomorrow!)
Takumi looked up to find that a maid had finally come and given him a menu after Kimi had left. He thanked the short-haired hostess with a small smile before grabbing the menu from Ai's hands. He quickly looked through the list of foods, even though he had it memorized. He did work there, after all, and memorizing things was one of his skills.

"May I have an omuraisu with a side of diced fruit? Oh, and the drawing can be of a puffy cloud." (Don't question the drawing, it was the first thing that came to his mind) He closed the menu and handed it back to Ai. "That'll be all for now. Thank you, Ai-san." (@nynja)
Meika woke up. The liquid that was injected into her wasn't that strong and she had no idea of what was happening. The man flung her to the floor and ran away. "What happened....?" She looked confusingly up at her, looking at the knife she was holding. "What were you trying to do!?" She ran into the store and tripped over a chair, causing her to pass out again and bleed from her mouth onto the floor.
Ivy was silent as she thought,'Pathetic man....well next time he comes I'm prepare to make it the worst time of his life he has.'

She picked up the bag she dropped and quickly put it in the kitchen and some in the storage. Then Ivy made sure she put away the knife before silently dragged Mekia out of the cafe into the changing room, where Ivy made Mekia lay down on the bench. She quickly grabbed a rag quickly cleaning up the blood before anyone could freak out. Ivy wash the rag and grabbed a clean rag for Meika gently cleaning the blood off her face, also to check to make sure if any blood got on her uniform. She then washed her hands. Ivy placed Meika's head to lay on top of her lap as she read, fanning Meika with a fan at the same time.
She couldn't help but giggle with him as she nodded in agreement. "I was actually thinking that myself! It would be awesome to see the White House glow so I think that will be my very first official order when I become president. But I think I will go with green, yellow, or something instead of pink because I don't want to force everyone to be immersed in pink."
Tanner laughed a little more. "True. We don't want to be known as The Pink Nation, do we? But when you do paint The White House glow-in-the-dark green or yellow, be sure you're ready for all the people to come and watch your house at night." He said. "While you're at it, let's make the Oval Office a triangle!"

Jefara sat in his office. He had his feet resting on his desk as he read a book. He was waiting for one of his men to come in. He sent this particular man to kidnap Meika.
Meika woke up and sat up again. "What happened?" She asked. Although she didn't wait for an answer, and stood up again, walking out to greet more people. She came into sight with her brother and walked over to him. "Hi, Takumi~~" Meika greeted him and smiled. She looked up at Mai and waved and smiled too. "Do you guys know what happened to me just there? I woke up in the locker room with Ivy and I think a man was trying to take me somewhere..."

@nynja @Elf @AquaSly
Ivy walked out of the locker room her stuff put away. She picked up the chair that Meika had tripped over, making sure there wasn't any blood on it. Ivy was silent as she heard Meika asked questions.
"The Pink Nation would not get much respect by others. I think that glow in the dark green not only is cool but would show how 'green' we are going." She laughed at her own joke. Wow Kim, wow. You're a dork. "Are there any other cool ideas you could think of? Maybe I should just appoint you as Official Idea Giver or something." Her ears picked up the conversation at Takumi's table. What does she mean a man tried to take her somewhere? Time had passed and luckily there were not as many customers as earlier. She snuck Ivy a look of curiosity and was keeping an ear out for more information.
Ivy yawn a bit looking at Kimi. For a second Ivy thought she was being looked at. She shrugged and walked back to the kitchen to empty the trash.
Tanner laughed. "Genius! Wait. Is Official Idea Giver even a thing? But I wouldn't be able to be it because I'm already the Official Writer of the Nation. Remember?" He asked.
Must not be that bad if Ivy won't explain. She reasoned when Ivy walked away. She was worried but some of the worry subsided because of that. Focusing back on Tanner, she felt silly for forgetting but had the perfect recovery. "Well there's nothing that says you can't be both! Even if there is I will overrule it just for you."
Meikas wristwatch vibrated on her hand. This was her shift over, but she was quite scared to travel home after what happened earlier. 'I'll be fine...' Meika thought to herself, although she wasn't quite sure about it. "I'm gonna go home now..." She said and went to the changing room.

Meika hung up her clothes in her locker and changed into a nice casual outfit for the evening. "Good work today!" She walked out of the shop with a smile on her face, but as she made her way down the alley and hearing footsteps behind her, that smile changed to a frown quickly....

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