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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

She smiled at him, "It's a pleasure, Karu. And don't worry, you didn't interrupt much. As you can see there are not that many customers here at the moment." She looked at the menu then back at him. The variation in tone was most likely due to his focus on memorizing the menu but she wasn't sure. "No need to be nervous, it's really simple. Just please make sure to say 'Myo Myo Kyun' when serving food. It's a rule, and I've gotten in trouble for forgetting multiple times." She pointed over to Tanner, "He can vouch for me on that."
He paused, "Myo myo kyun?" Karu echoed, feeling a bit silly. A light blush colored his cheeks when the image of himself saying that to a customer came to mind. He pulled the menu up over his face, trying to hide it as he continued to read.
Kimi giggled, "Yes, don't ask. You'll get used to it eventually but thankfully we don't have to say it when serving drinks. We're in it together so don't worry." She pulled the menu down, "No sense hiding it. You'll have to get comfortable sooner or later." She wasn't trying to be mean, just supportive.
"Yeah..I hope.." His words wondered off while he tried to calm his blood. After a minute of Karu staring at the menu, not really reading, just staring, He looked up from the menu and smiled,"thanks." The pink had left his cheeks though he still seemed a bit off about it.
Something was quite obviously wrong and she wasn't going to force him into memorizing the menu if something was bothering him. She put down her menu and pushed his out of his hands as she leaned against the counter. "What's on your mind? Talk to me, I'll try to help put your mind at ease."
(I'm not saying that you have to post. I just mean I can't really just ignore Karu. I left Tanner with Reina to go help him though so it's up to you.)
"I Thank you for your kindness, but I'm afraid my problems are best left unspoken..."karu spoke in a soft tone seeing as he didn't want to offend her, simply because she was sacrificing her time to help him. However, he didn't wish to share his burdens seeing as they were too recent. He forced a faux smile and gently took his menu back to study. He knew it wouldn't be long before he had it memorized.
She would have pushed further if she had known the boy, but they had literally just met and she didn't want to step over the boundaries. Letting out a soft sigh, Kimi looked at the boy with a small smile, "I understand, I wont force you. Just know that we are here if you wish to voice them. Let me know when you have everything memorized." Kimi walked back over to Reina and Tanner, propping herself on the edge of the table. "So what have you two been saying about me?"
Karu nodded, thankful she didn't push for an answer to his disturbance. He sat in a nearby seat, eyes set and focused on the menu with determination.
( Sorry! I've been a bit caught up and my notifications went all wonky again -_- I've taken to checking every thread I'm in by hand :/ )

Reina watched Kimi attend to the new worker, debated going over to help and then thought better of it. She couldn't very well leave Tanner by himself. Rising up from her lounging position, she smoothed the creases out of her skirt and flashed him a cheeky grin. "So, have you got any good-lookin' friends looking for some good lovin'?" She laughed heartily, shaking her head at her own shameless ways. Despite her wide, casual smile, she squashed the little part of her that lit up at the thought of not being alone anymore. "Also, you take good care of Kimi, alright? Or I promise you, every cup of coffee you're served around here will have soy milk in it. You don't want to know what that tastes like." She winked, and leaned against the table.

@UnwantedTruth @iShyShy
Tanner smirked. "I'm afraid I don't really have any friends at all. Unless you want me to write you a fictional boyfriend. That I can do." He said. He then looked Kimi's way. "Trust me. I'll take the best care of her I can."

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